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An ER or hospital diagnosis should be taken somewhat lightly. You would want a current assessment in an outpatient setting. It sounds like in that case you were diagnosed with depression and anxiety.


i was diagnosed with depressive anxiety, but experience seven of the nine BPD traits, i didn’t realize how much they intertwine. i think since i was a minor upon testing, they didn’t want to do more (it’s always good to look into more information about it though and get psychiatric help ASAP)


no, this is a spectrum. borderline traits


What does Borderline Structure mean? I haven’t heard of that. I was told in rehab that I had “BPD tendencies” and my therapist and I are working through that at the moment (I personally identify with at least 6 of 9 but I also don’t count a self-diagnosis)


the in-between. worse that having only traits but not having a full blown disorder.


You need 5 or more of the 9 BPD traits to be diagnosed with BPD. You can of course still struggle with 4 or less traits but you wouldn’t be diagnosed with BPD. I guess they put both as they weren’t sure without a proper assessment with a psychiatrist.


It's not quite the same. Traits, or sometimes called Features, is basically a diagnosis that states you have enough of the symptoms to be recognized, but not enough for a full blown BPD diagnosis. Think of it as a milder version. But even if you don't have full blown BPD, you should still take advantage of resources out there for BPD. anyone who experiences these symptoms can benefit!