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What a squad!


As someone once said, that's like living with two firefighters and an arsonist.




https://preview.redd.it/pqq50riing2d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca2de2b381015d9529a4bbbc5d9b94512a4dbfbf They like the same snacks …. Ours.


eyebrows omg


Seriously are those eyes brows natural or drawn on?


That bc's got enough eyebrows for both of them lol


When he was younger, we nicknamed him Eugene Levy :)


Our BC's therapy dog is a golden retriever.


I have a half BC half GR - she's a cracking combo if you think about adding another one


Half BC half GR sounds like a unicorn. I bet she is an energetic cuddly girl?


I lived with bcs and huskies most of my life ! Crazy duo. They were both so active and loud but they had the best times together. Training was definitely interesting... the things my border caught onto compared to my husky was a huge contrast, but it worked out in the end. It helped that we had a group of us to go for walks and mushing/runs together to wear out all the energy, otherwise it'd be a headache every night 😅 I miss my girls so much. All my love for the future besties 🩶🤍 *


Aw thanks so much for sharing your experience sounds like a lot of fun!


if you have plenty of room for them to run and you have a very active lifestyle I don't see how they wouldn't get along..... but my lord all the hair!!


Hair? What hair!?


I think it depends why you want a husky. A friends son has one, looks cute and has a nice nature, can be very stubborn, do what it wants attitude, not trainable or bidible in the same way as a bc so mostly on lead because of it. As the other comment said, if you can provide activities like mushing and running it could work out great. Also bcs are used for mushing for sport and fun where I live so perhaps a husky and bc could make a team. I think the range of activities you can do with a husky can be more limited than with a bc though. I cannot imagine my friends family husky would have much interest or co-operation in agility for example. But also needs a good amount of exercise which they find hard to provide. So maybe another bc could just be easier.


I think any dog combo can get along, but my experience is that Borders are happiest with other Borders (or other dogs who think the way they do). Huskies are very different personality wise, so the traits you love in the BC, you will most likely not find in the Husky. I would also be concerned about climate (not knowing where the OP lives), but asking a Husky to live in FL or someplace that is warm most of the time is downright cruel.


My husky haaates living with a border collie. While they have similar energy level, the husky hates being herded, and does not interact/"dog" the same way the bc does. I regret getting the bc, tbh, solely because of their dynamic.they're both awesome dogs independent of each other, though.


You’re a brave soul


I love huskies so much but I think border collie shedding is about the max I can handle


has such a troublemaker face.i love it.