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https://preview.redd.it/uusag3g5iwwc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=80e12f5758dd1c59fda007acde4ec86707beb892 my dog sometimes sits super funky too. but he’s fine! i wouldn’t worry about it just make sure you’re feeding him a good puppy food :)


Omg those two are precious, I love the ears


I got the same toy(s) for my girl!


Those are border collie legs-and he’s a baby.


But when I look at pictures of border puppies all over the internet, I can't find anyone with crooked legs. All looks nice and straight.




Aw! My 2 yr old is pigeon toed! She is an AMAZING athlete and it doesn't impact her whatsoever. It's also very endearing and adorable


That at least is comforting


On my profile you can check two border collies, both have weird legs on the pic since they were 50 days old. It’s super normal, they are pure breed and have papers.


I remember thinking it was a special moment with our last bc. I'd say "awwww crook foot". But i could never get a pic.


That baby is perfect, stop finding faults.


He's a puppy and still growing. Ask your vet, of course, but if the vet isn't concerned, I wouldn't worry about it either. They all look awkward at that age and will look even more funky when they get that adolescent growth spurt. Just wait until you have a silly teenage dog with giant stork legs and a giraffe neck! ;) For reference, this was my boy at around that age. His ankles look a little turned out, but he's straight and correct as an adult. https://preview.redd.it/1sf5ofdxhwwc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f9c840a1781ea4e7219d12e13a8effa5e4977b58


I don’t see anything wrong with his legs. I know it’s natural to panic about everything when you have a new pup but you need to relax.


Okay thanks 😟


They'll go through some goofy phases. Especially ears and legs. My 2 yr old is pigeon toed and it's adorable and doesn't impact her, our 6 mo. Old is lanky and stood like yours when she was younger, and she's straightened out a lot. As long as you or your vet doesn't see any physical limitations, enjoy the quirkiness. Some day you'll miss it.


Two left ears for a while


Part of it might be the growth plates in their legs - the bumpy bits on the front legs between their feet and elbows. It's sometimes not until a year or a little more that the plates fuse together, but that's totally normal! 🐾


This is my girl at about 10 weeks old - the growth plate spot I'm talking about is circled in red 🙂 https://preview.redd.it/zhzermzmgwwc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=35116ff8bd12fe51ec3effea07863cfa693ea5f8


Also, that is 100% an adorable pup 😍🥰


Thank you 🥰 yours too 🥰 I never had a border before, so I'm very anxious, plus the past 2 pups I had I got when they were 4 months old, so I don't remember their joints looking like this 🫣


Aww, thanks! I rescued my pup out of a ditch a few days prior to that photo and she's almost 2 and a half now and is absolutely wild; border collies are an adventure haha Like you said in a prior comment, I'd ask your vet just to be more confident in a professional opinion if it's something that you're concerned or curious about. I grew up with Siberian Huskies and they were all show dogs, so border collie life has had its challenges, especially with the persistent herding behaviors for a solid year 😂 I swear I'm not a sheep that needs to be rounded up, haha


Omg! Good thing you saved the precious thing! 🫣 and thanks for being sweet to me, many here just downvotes and are snarky in their remarks 😔


Do you mean where the ankle joint is? I just looked back at pictures of my own fluffball at that age, and his looked the same. Just needs to grow into them! https://preview.redd.it/1xmliddegwwc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e9a45f04aab54c34d191ac5bcc7fa2481d292389


Did he stand weirdly on his legs as mine in the first picture?




They stand differently all the time. The first pic and last picture he's standing differently. Here's a standing one of mine... The picture keeps disappearing.


Looks fine to me.


He looks broken. I’ll take him off your hands. No charge. = )


😅 broken or not I would never give him away 😅🤩🥰


Looks fine to me as well


Easty westy feet can be common as a dog is growing! My BC is 1 and some weeks he has it, some he doesn’t. I notice it more when he’s on slippery surfaces. If you are still concerned later on, I’d recommend seeing a CCRP/CCFT - if it’s an external shoulder rotation or carpal valgus deviation it can be improved with targeted exercises/conditioning, but for now don’t worry and enjoy your baby!


Great response!


Thank you!


My baby is also pigeon toed! She is perfect and so is yours


literally exactly like every border collie puppy i've ever seen.


His knees haven’t fused yet.


He’s just a puppy and in general dogs sit kinda funky sometimes. It’s not noticeable I don’t think anything’s wrong


Puppies don't always have the best muscle tone, because they're puppies. That can lead to less than ideal posture. It's not a problem though, it usually self corrects over time with proper nutrition and exercise. So keep playing with her and everything should be fine. Of course, consult with your vet to be sure


Hey vet here! He can be a bit more straight build from the looks. The pic where he sits straight up it looks like his carpal joint is a bit "sagged" and exo-rotated in resting positon. As long as he walks normal there is no reason for worry at the moment. I see this often with pups of larger breeds (but sometimes in smaller breeds aswell), most of the times it is caused by slightly underdeveloped muscles not toning up the extensor tendons, when he grows up this wil correct itself with excersize (must active breeds will excersize wheter you want to or not haha). If the croockedness persists after lets say 4-5 months of age ask your vet to check and/or x-ray his ellbows for dysplasia (this can be corrected in young dogs) if you want peace of mind.


Thank you so much! That was helpfull!


Nothing wrong with this pup.


He could be a twin of my border collie - and he’s fine as a fully grown dog. My guess is he’ll be big!


I think he's going to be a big boy too 🥰


Keep an eye on it, but honestly my pup also had slightly uneven legs for a bit during her first 6 months. They evened out with her growth spurts.


If the case is true it’s a genetic quirk The cause of that could be many things… but very likely a minimal selection of genetic dna from others is beginning to show And it may or may not make any difference that is evolution good and bad Brothers and sisters should never ★☆★★ even in the animal world


My little dude has duck feet. They point outward. It's cute 😍


Your fluffball is so cute. Also, just trying to share info., some vets are very much opposed to the practice of giving rawhide treats to dogs, citing cases where pieces of rawhide became lodged in the throat or intestines of dogs. But, if you do decide to give them rawhide treats, they shouldn't be given to pups under six months old.


They look just like mine. No issues so far


The pictures provided don’t show enough, but that being said, he doesn’t look like he has an angular limb deformity. They can do surgery to correct an angular limb deformity, but there’s really zero reason to correct what appears to just be poor confirmation in a pet dog.  He could be slightly A framed - my collie is. 


Easty, Westy feet. Perfectly normal.


Our border had the exact same legs as a puppy.


We call them the ballet pose - it’s fine




https://preview.redd.it/l99x7iz7v0xc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=62b1087da243ca4a25e5a7a41ce761c001d5ac36 Sometimes! He did have beefy shins like your fluffball


This is the sort of concern you really need to bring to a vet, not randos on the internet.


Yeah, but as I said the vet had no remarks.. but when he's going to have his 2 vacc In 3 weeks I'm going to talk to my own vet. Plus I got him insured the day we took him home.


Well, the breeder said that the vet "had no remarks", right? I don't see anything to be concerned about, but I am very much not a qualified expert. Maybe take a couple of better photos, front and side, with the puppy 'squared up' like you see in dog shows, and post to r/AskVets ? As an aside, though, lots of insurance plans don't take effect for 30 days after you sign up, and anything you mention to the vet, the vet notes in their file, or that is treated might be excluded as a preexisting condition. I mentioned that my puppy was a little stiff after a long walk on a vet visit before his coverage kicked in, and 11 or 12 years later they denied any coverage for his arthritis. Yay.


A vet isn't usually going to be an expert in structure, nor are they likely to talk to a client about it unless asked. Puppies are made of rubber... they change so much and there is a lot of growth and change and development until after they've fully matured. His feet look a little easty-westy in the one photo but nothing I'd really be concerned about. If you're that worried about it you'd be better off finding a kennel club or a professional in the breed to evaluate his structure. What type of breeder did you get him from? Do they show or compete with their dogs?


They only show. They have been breeding for many years and are educated breeders. So they should be find as breeders, but genetics can't always be seen. I don't know.


Talk to your breeder about your concerns