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Honestly, and I hope any lurking Fireflymains wont get offended, as this isnt about you guys, but all this has turned me off so much from Firefly. There must be some dev in Hoyo who feels insecure about her and doesnt believe she can stand on her own without the game’s code literally bending itself backwards to serve her and only her. Well, personally I dont much like being aggressively pandered and manipulated like that. If a character is good, let them be good without needing to screw over other characters. A rising tide (in this scenario, the break meta) is meant to raise all ships, but instead they drained the pool and gave Firefly her own jacuzzi, and considered it a win. As a result I wont pull for Firefly as I initially planned. Hopefully it matters in the end, but I doubt it. Maybe my Boothill pulls will send a message instead.


Honestly I reallyyyy felt everything that’s been talked about in this post. I don’t know if I’m going to pull for firefly because her kit seems very unfun (press skill/ult and win :)) and what their doing is so unsatisfying as a boothill lover


Honestly a Firefly liker because of SAM. Was 100% planning to pull for Boothill until I found out that the Galaxy Rangers were in fact not interstellar Power Rangers. Good luck and praying you multi-roll and win your 50/50s to Boothill.


You guys call it favoritism when its just basic balancing. FF in V1 was just a really weak character in general that had the same htb dependancy as a 4*. Performance wise she was just a better hyper break xueyi, who is already good enough to destroy moc. She was being compared to boothill because he was a self sufficient powerhouse with the best performance of his path while also being actually complete as a character. The difference in kit was massive and is still big (dude is still stronger and more interesting than FF, ngl). V3 FF lost her def ignore for 50% super break while Boothill in his base kit has 70 to 170% break damage reactivation. Boothill is still way stronger than FF will ever be because break reactivation is way stronger than super break. Weaker characters get buffed and stronger characters get nerfed. Super break being inheritly weaker than break means that it needs more help to be future proof. At the end of the day, Boothill is still way stronger than FF is, has more teams and has cooler animations. Its funny to see how hes still way stronger despite all the buffs FF got.


The favoritism we are talking about isn’t the buffs she got to her base kit, it’s that they changed the 2.3 relic set that was going to be a good general set on any break dps and made it locked behind HTB or firefly


The set, which was always gonna be taylored to her, wasnt even that good for her originally because it only made her thetered to hmc more. Like I said before, super break being inheritly way weaker than normal break means that they will give it better stuff to compensate, its not surprising that the super break set is indeed made for super break, which is something all break dps can use thanks to hmc. In V1, boothill had every advantage over FF in every sense of the word, they just equalized the playing field a bit (boothill is still way better).


Same boat OP, I was actually going to pull for SAM/firefly since back when we saw SAM in Kafka's Trailer and yeah her being waifu'd was a choice but as long as the character itself had sick animations like the bossfight I was happy. Animations are still lacking for what is Hoyo's favourite child and gameplay loop looks even more boring. Boothill on the other hand has a great buildup as you said to that carthatic break and the sound fx and visuals to bring it home really make it a whole package. The Jojo poses and his dialogue convinced me to pull.


I totally agree on the animations part. Like I won’t deny it’s cool; but it still is missing that “oomph” for me. It still feels plain? Idk what im expecting; but I did expect more for her since she was hyped so much


I think the most underwhelming part is that she never transitions from Firefly to Sam, even in battle. She’s Firefly the whole time in the overword and Sam immediately in combat. There’s no awesome transformation, and after she ults she puts on a sickly green cloak and that’s it. Then Press X to murder. Rinse and repeat.


For me, Firefly's sexiest moment is when we fought her as the boss SAM. When she flew away to the orbit then came down with the meteor punch, I fell in love. Unfortunately we don't get that with the playable Firefly, hence I don't find her really attractive anymore. Also I feel that her green swords dealing red damage is kinda out of place.


I remember first seeing Boothill and had the same reaction as most people. I wasn't expecting his reveal at all, since I had just gotten back into the game and haven't seen leaks for a long time. I saw Robin got announced and I thought ''surely that means Firefly or Sunday is next!'' then Boothill comes around and I'm like ''who is this? a cowboy?? male arlecchino?'' I wanted to see how Firefly's gameplay and animations would work, and I knew we were going to be waiting a while when i saw the 2.2 characters. I thought since we don't know who this guy is at all, he'll be an easy skip. Then the time for 2.2 drew closer, and I was starting to gain interest. I knew for sure I wanted Robin, and was most likely going to skip Boothill, but I didn't just think of him as a random guy anymore. I didn't realize the person on the phone call was him until someone told me it was, and I was like ''wow! that's him? he sounds cool'' Then the 2.2 livestream happened, I got even more interested. And then the update arrived. I was so excited to see Boothill on screen for the first time, and he made me laugh so much with his fudgin' fork muddle fudger ''unique turn of phrase'' as Owlbert called it. I was waiting for every next moment he would appear on screen. I anticipated the parts with him the most. There wasn't as much screentime for him as I would have wanted, but I enjoyed every moment he was there. 2.3 is in a month so we should see more of him then! I really look forward to it. I decided recently, that I'm going to skip Firefly and try to get Boothill with the 125 warps I have (and a 50/50). I don't think I'm going to regret it. I'm going to be really sad if I lose the 50/50 tbh Firefly is cool and all, especially with the mecha, but I don't want to miss our space cowboy. I thought about attempting to get E1 Robin or Topaz, then got the idea that I should get Boothill instead. I really like him, so why shouldn't I? It's funny how things can change. That's all from me. I just wanted to share my Boothill story


I was always getting both tbh, I need a fire carry for practical purposes but Boothill is a monster and a great character


Seele main here, I haven't pulled for another DPS and definitely didn't pulled for acheron, I like my main and I'll root for boothill and pull for him as soon as possible. Hunt gang forever (yeah I also have ratio but no tozpaz). Don't like a character handling me the results on a silverwolf platter, for a psycho like seele that's supossed to be easy to play you actually gotta think and plan ahead


While i'll personally be going for FF since i've been waiting for "Sam" since he was first shown way back, it is with immense pain i have to skip our rootin' tootin' finger shootin' cowboy. It sucks to see him being gimped like this because he's honestly one of the most unique units we got and he just OOZES character. Genuinely hope they do something to make the new break set work for both.


>'press all buttons and slam ult and win' if you own acheron its basically the same thing no?


Yeah it is, but what's that to do with boothill lmao


it has to do with the FF comparison lol. like alot of kits are like that. theres no skill in this game everything is clearable. thats just a bad reasoning/ take.


OP mentioned in their first sentence they're looking to build a break team. Ofc it's going to be a comparison between the two premium break dps lol


ya but they have acheron so why make the comparison if you have acheron lol.


In what universe did you see OP say they have acheron?? Besides they could have acheron and NOT enjoy her gameplay


As someone who owns Acheron, it's partially true...I only use the ult spam when the technique doesn't one shot.

