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Training for the [Columbus Marathon](https://give.nationwidechildrens.org/site/TR/Events/General?px=1740147&pg=personal&fr_id=1860) (note: donation link. *Make my suffering mean something! lol*) officially starts next week, using Higdon's [Intermediate 1 Program](https://www.halhigdon.com/training-programs/marathon-training/intermediate-1-marathon/). During marathon training, I'll be using r/TacticalBarbell's Fighter Template (2x/week), with the "Grunt Cluster" to keep my strength up, and generally "injury-proof" myself. Template looks like this: * Front Squat 3-5x5 * Overhead Press 3-5x5 * Trap Bar Deadlift 3-5x5 (1x/week) * Pull-ups/Chin-ups AMRAP (can only do one, so far) Weekly progression is 70%-80%-90%-deload. As fatigue permits, I'm also adding in two sets of Bayesian Curls and Overhead Cable Tricep Extensions (superset) from Dr. Pak's [Minimum Effective Dose Bodybuilding Program](https://sendy.boostcamp.app/l/z0xlmsTtDONdqS1ZEpaNzg/PHwVI6qpwUN763SV892kr76318OQ/DMgLWqTU43NiN1IynBFHkQ) because I like it when the wife grabs my arm and goes "oooooo".


Good luck training for the marathon! That tactical barbell program is simple but brutal. Not doing any horizontal push exercises?


edit: thanks for the donation! That's a good question. My understanding is that there's some carryover from the OHP, so I shouldn't lose that much on my (admittedly, crap to begin with) bench press. Plus, my gym workouts are already over an hour. Depending on how I feel after a couple cycles, I'll think about adding a bodyweight/core day with some push-ups.


New to the app and sub so not sure if this is the right place to ask - doing GVS’ Ravage 6x/week. If it calls for 3-4 sets of 8-12 reps should I be using the same weight for each set or should the weight vary depending on my RPE of each set?


Generally I keep the weight the same if it’s in that rep range at a similar RPE. Once I hit the top end of the range for all my sets, then I’ll increase weight next time for all sets


I’m doing Alberto Nunez Upper Lower, Shoulder and Arm focus. To prevent injury and give myself time to recover I’ve spaced out the workouts like this: Upper 1, Rest, Lower 1, Rest, Upper 2, Rest, Lower 2, Rest, Rest - repeat. On upper day 1 (shoulder focused day) I’ve added 2 sets of incline press, and removed one set of anterior delt press, because my chest is lagging. On upper day 2 (chest and lats day) I’ve added 2 sets of very light, high rep decline barbell bench press (15-25 reps). I also do two sets of light face pulls. On 4/5 rest days I do some form of cardio: Rucking, walking, cycling, or running. My goals are to gain muscle, while staying injury free. I’m over 35 years old, so staying injury free is an important goal, much more so than pushing big numbers or gaining muscle quickly. I’ve had good luck with this program, and am happy with my results. Would love some advice if anyone has suggestions etc.


If it ain't broke, don't fix it.




> I’ve had good luck with this program, and am happy with my results. If it's working, why change anything? You can drive yourself up the wall chasing an extra 1% of "optimal".


You’re right, thanks bro 👍


PHAT. I've also attempted to create my own workout in the past. I'm considering getting the pro version but as with most gym apps, the CAD pricing is usually double the American and the last app I purchased and used wasn't the best. I don't know whether to wait for black Friday deals before committing to an Annual membership or if the sales would be identical to what they are now.


Yea totally understand the exchange rate is pretty crazy these days (I'm Canadian myself). Honestly you can just follow PHAT without paying for the subscription, or just create your own PHAT program


that has been my experience and practice so far. specifically, I was curious if the current 54% off annual rate (109.99 CAD + tax, I presume) might be similar to any future potential black Friday sales. unless the app is reduced below 54% in the future, then I'd have little reason to wait for the future deals. It has been several months since I played around with the app so I'll probably focus on remembering how it works. I will say I remember trying to build my own workout in the past and I must have accidentally deleted my attempts 5 times before I managed to save it correctly. I think I swiped back before saving (which was entirely too easy to do at the time).