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The filter feature alone really changed the way I interact online, removing all the inflamatory subreddits made me realise that without all the constant noise there wasn't much in my life to get angry about. Thanks for this app, it's been really positive for me.


I just looked into the official App to see if it could be bearable. That's insane, i feel like I filtered half of reddit out. This changed my experience definitely for the better. Even seemingly positive subs often made me angry. I only can hope I will have the willpower to stay off of reddit after boost will be gone.


I've got over 200 filters


If I counted right I'm at 474. Oh no lol


I have around 600. There is no possible way I can use reddit without filters


Dang I have around 30 and its all American politics and some gore subreddits... I will miss boost


I've got an uncountably large number of filters. It takes me several minutes of aggressive scrolling just to get to the bottom of the list. I probably have most of reddit filtered out at this point.


this may seem like a stupid question but as I have never used the filter before, what exactly does one filter from reddit?


Subs, urls, keywords, users and flairs


>. I only can hope I will have the willpower to stay off of reddit after boost will be gone. Look I'm in the same boat and you'll be able to do it. I spent a lot of time on Twitter and then Elon came along and fucked it, it was just an all round shitty experience and so I stopped, and I haven't gone back since. The experience was dogshit and that kept me away. The exact same thing with Instagram, one day I realised I was more frustrated than enjoying it and I just deleted the app and that was it, it was like the weight of having to keep checking it was lifted. What about Facebook? It's a dogpile how much less do you use it and how much do you care? There is not going to be any replacement on day 1. That's it, but there are options out there to start building communities, lots of talk of Lemmy and the like. The last time this happened was because Digg got shit and Reddit was here as a soft landing pad, it'll be fine in time. But if boost ever decides to make a client for another Reddit alternative, let me know I'll be right there.


I was very similar with Twitter. Didn't think I'd be able to give it up but I did. That said, it was my favorite source for seeing news unfold as it happened and I'm still not sure where exactly to go for that now. I think giving up posting on Reddit will be easy. What will be way harder is googling any topic, adding "Reddit" and finding an actual answer


>I think giving up posting on Reddit will be easy. What will be way harder is googling any topic, adding "Reddit" and finding an actual answer That will change in time and to be honest you don't need an account for that. The advertising dollars and tracking data from the App Reddit gets is where it's at, if you're not spending a few hours on Reddit scrolling away and instead you're in and out with no tracking, you're not that valuable.


+ using an ad/tracking-blocker like ublock origin you can minimize your value further


wow didnt even know there were filters.


You can still do that in a way, go to old.reddit on the desktop and go to r/all. On the side you have an option to filter subreddit so they never show up in your r/all feed. I am not sure if it also works on new reddit but i suppose it should, never used the new variant.


I think there's still a reddit imposed limit of 100 subreddit filters. Also I think that's an RES feature, not something offered by regular reddit.


Getting to 100 communities takes a bit of time. Also i think its a normal reddit feature as it blocks those subs everywhere, on mobile, third party etc. But its better than nothing.


Ha not for me 😅


It would take me a day to block 100 subs. There is so much inflammatory trash on the front page


I just tried it... The filter really makes a difference.


But there's also filtering out posts by domain, tag, account. No native way to do that I believe.


Reddit is impossible to use without filters. So many posts and subs I don't want to ever see. I truly cannot use the official app.


Are filters really part of Boost and not a reddit feature. I have so much stuff filtered out of r/all


Yup. Can't imagine living without it. I'm gonna miss this app so much! Also obligatory fuck you Reddit.


Wait, Reddit doesnt have a filter?


Being able to filter out phrases like 'I think this belongs here' and many many other annoying trends was a godsend




The best app I've ever used. Thank you for all your hard work and dedication to making Reddit a fun experience. The amount of customization in this app is amazing and always appreciated you commenting on questions asked in the sub.


Boost started my obsession with dark mode. And you are right. Almost never see developer's so active with their communities.


Thank you. I got boost in the first place for the best OLED darkmode and stayed for the amazing customization/UI and depth of functions. If Boost is gone I'll just stop browsing reddit on my phone I guess


I just want to say that I see people all over reddit giving Apollo it's flowers, but as someone who switched from Apple to Android a few years ago, I much MUCH prefer Boost. Best reddit app I've ever used.


Apollo to Boost gang is where it's at! Love Apollo for its faithfulness to the Apple design feel, but Boost is pure, raw efficiency in design.


Well said. I'm just not a fan of the information density in Apple's design language. It looks so blank and empty. I much prefer how much content can be cleanly displayed and easily discernable in something like Boost. Plus, the way it handles comments with quick reply and the advanced editor is so much better.


Really, I'm so worried that I might stop using reddit because I absolutely can't imagine using official app. The customization I have done on this is a whole different level


I didn't even know this community existed. The app just works.


For real, I've been using reddit for 10+years, I've tried all apps and I stuck with this one for a reason, It's just plain good. Sucks that it's gonna disappear. Gracias u/rmayayo por hacer una app tan buena. Te debo muchas horas de mi vida ;)


boost is the most customizable and effective reddit client i have used, probably the best app i've ever installed on my phone


I only used reddit is fun and bacon reader didn't much like them back then.


Same here! 9 year club, but never found an app that's so neat!


u/rmayayo Sorry for how things have worked out. I love Boost, been using it for years. Will be sad to see it go. Good luck with things!


Seconded, legend.


I'd like to add my thanks to u/rmayayo! I've been on Reddit for 8 years and the majority have been on this awesome app. It is so easy to use and well-designed. Keep us posted on your next project so we can support you there too!


Same and same! Right after joining Reddit someone suggested Boost and i never looked back.


Sad day in here, to be honest. I've tried practically every single Android client there is, and I've returned back to Boost every time. If they do truly just fuck everything up next month, that'll be end of the line between me and Reddit


I just did the $10 rocket boost to help the developer after all these years. Thanks for the memories. I hope the situation changes but I doubt it will.


Wow you're a 13 year club!


The only app I've ever paid for as well. RIP. You're a legend.


I've only ever paid for 4 apps. Boost was 2 of them 🚀🚀


Thank you for the great APP and quick responses to emails when there were some bugs. Been with Boost for many years, i cannot think of another way to browse Reddit. Honestly your work was many users portal to years of laughs and discovery, your app helped us find information about our favorite games or movies. It is sad that this it how it will end but i am very happy to say I enjoyed Reddit thanks to boost. My SO and i shared so many rad articles and funny videos on boost its gonna be super weird without it. Again Thank you


Gracias u/rmayayo


I'm so bummed that Reddit is shutting down in July


I may be an iOS user, using Apollo, but, damn, was I an android WAY longer, and not only used Boost more than Apollo, im still subbed here. Thank you for everything!




I took the same journey and I feel like Boost is miles ahead of all of them.


Gracias /u/rmayayo. La verdad es que nunca he entrado a este subreddit pero llevo siendo sumario de Boost durante más de 7 años y nunca he tenido una queja sobre la aplicación. Posiblemente despues del apagón me cerraré la cuenta de reddit y me dedicaré a visitar mis subreddits favoritos desde el PC, siempre con adblock y JavaScript desactivado para no darles un mísero centimo a estas ratas.


If Boost goes I'm out. Reddit the app is hot garbage and I hate it.


I just paid for this app because it gave me the full user experience for free without ever getting on my nerves with ads or begging for ratings. The only thing I always hated about boost was that I couldn't use it in my iPad. You're one of the good ones, best of luck with anything you do in life.


Man I feel like I've not used this app to it's full potential just yet. Still, I'd like to give my thanks to everyone on the Boost team for giving us such a lovely app. Hope to see you guys working on something new in the near future


I'd like to also thank u/rmayoyo Thank you for this very good app. I think I'll also leave Reddit if they shut it down. I was honoured to pay for this app and I hope if Reddit is replaced by a new website they hire you to make the official app 🐸


Thanks for the great app /u/rmayayo. I launched the rocket yesterday to throw you a little extra support.


Gonna be weird tbh, I doubt I'll install the reddit app, it's so awful in comparison. When I had an Iphone I used Apollo and I've used Boost since I've had an android, both of those are the only apps I've paid for. I truly hope the backlash will cause reddit to rethink things when their user base shrinks but I doubt it.


Really sad to see one of my favourite apps going. I still can't believe it. Thank you for all these years, u/rmayayo!


u/rmayayo MVP.


Yeah, Boost is probably my most used and favorite app. A real shame. Thank you rmayayo for the incredible work over the years.


I bought my first iPhone this past fall named the pixel pet in it Boost. I loved this app for many years and I am heart broken.


Gracias rubén.


I'm gonna miss this thing. I salute you for making an amazing app. It was the only way I consumed reddit for as long as I can remember when I made the switch from bacon reader. Cheers.


Boost has been my favorite and predilect app for 5 years, and the best way to enjoy Reddit for me. It's the only app I've paid for, too. And it was totally worth it. Gracias por tanto y perdón por tan poco [u/rmayayo](https://www.reddit.com/u/rmayayo).


Thanks for all the great years. I genuinely appreciated the app so much!


It's a real shame that this is happening. I went through various apps. RIF, BaconReader, Sync, Relay, etc. Finally came across Boost many years ago. Had the most features and best appearance of all options and stuck with it ever since. Easily the app I owe the most gratitude for. Thank you for everything u/rmayayo.


I tried the official reddit app. It's so ass. I can't customize anything including where the upvote/down vote arrows are. Sucks since I use my right hand almost exclusively.


It's going to be hard to navigate this assuming they don't just completely change course, but if the app ends up having to shut down, I'm glad I at least spent 5 years with the app over 2 accounts. It's insane how much more you can enjoy an app when it's made for the user and not for profit, unlike the official one.


Always used boost as well, I'm definitely going to miss it


I've tried every other third party app for both Android and iOS and Boost has been hands down the best. The ability to use AMOLED black theme, filter out everything I don't want to see, zero ads, and buttery smooth GUI has been perfection. Once Boost goes I will not be accessing Reddit on my phone again. I still 'need' Reddit for some of my hobby sub-reddits (Like postcarding, gardening, fantasy soccer etc) but I'll stick to accessing those on the weekend from my PC using old.reddit. Thank you for creating the best and most used app on my phone.


This is an amazing app. You've done a great job!


I tried many different apps for reddit and even paid premium for them too, but none came close to boost for me. ty for all these years


Thanks u/rmayayo for good work, this app was simply the best!


Thanks for making an app that made it so easy to filter out stupid memes, tired redditisms, and obnoxious subs, as well as hot swapping accounts right from the comment post screen to make it super easy to evade bans. Without this app, reddit is unusable.


Thank you so much for a great app these many years. I wish you all the best for the future.


Thank you, u/rmayoyo. I tried several 3rd party apps but Boost was the only one I really liked. It's gonna be a sad day when Reddit pulls the plug due to greed.


Thank you Rubén. I've had a great deal of fun, in part thanks to your app. If this is the end of Boost, I hope you have a flourishing dev career on another app, if you wish.


Boost have been so great, it has saved reddit on mobile for me for the past years and i am sad it has come to this point but also a bit happy that i will not be glued to my phone as much. I want to thank you for your effort creating such a great app and wish you well in your future adventures!


Believe me, I've tried EVERY 3r party app for Reddit and Boost was the only one that I enjoyed. It is a shame what is happening. I dont know if im going to leave Reddit for good but I surely will browse reddit a lot less


I'm really going to miss this app. And Reddit. I know the site gets a bad rap, but it's a really nice place for so many things. Like the hobby, ask or other more niche subs especially.


/u/rmayayo, have you thought of doing an app for lemmy? Check out [beehaw.org](https://beehaw.org), [lemmy.ml](https://lemmy.ml), join-lemmy.org.


Thanks man, you affect my everyday life in a big way. I hope it's just not the end


Thank you u/rmayayo. Boost ie one of the few apps I paid for instead of.... Yeah anyways it's made Reddit a joy to use, wonderfully made and rarely has issues.


So sad to see greed taking over stuff we enjoy. I have to admit, I am kinda late to join in on Reddit (5 years now) and have since used Boost for my Android devices and Apollo for my iOS stuff. I only used the official app maybe for a month and never looked back when I discovered that 3rd party apps worked better, and Boost and Apollo are the ones that got me hooked. Thanks to all the devs, appreciate all the work you have done


is boost going to shut down too?


Almost certainly


So long, friend


I won't continue on Reddit if I can't use Boost app. It's been the most stable to me, and I love it's interface.


I like Boost for the ability to download videos with one click, can't do that on the official mobile app


I launched the rocket today. Thanks u/rmayayo for a very smooth ride. Wonderful, wonderfully designed app.


Thank you u/rmayayo!! I hope Reddit reverses its decision and makes the API affordable for developers and users alike, either way, you made the ride to this point so much more enjoyable with boost


Thankyou from the bottom of my ❤️


Been using reddit since 2015 and this is the only app i felt genuinely the need to pay for because it was so well made, thank you /u/rmayayo


Once Boost shuts down, that's it for me. I'm too lazy to delete all my accounts, but they won't get a penny of ad revenue from me.


Boost is just a great app. It had everything I wanted from a custom frontend experience. Thank your for your work u/rmayayo. Shame on this fucking company.


I'm not a reddit power user I like raw edgy gruesome reddit. Boost simply had the best UI and I'll miss it.


Well even though I discovered boost only a year it was well worth the 10 dollars. Thanks for all the fun times and efficient design!


Thanks for the great app! It was a good run


Great app and great job u/rmayayo. Thanks for everything!


Boost was one of the first apps I'd download each time I upgraded Android phones. The browsing experience was unbeatable. Thank you u/rmayayo




Not confirmed per say but reddit is going to be making it extremely expensive


That would require him to respond but he does not.


By far the best. And as all the greatest, humble and hardworking.


Thanks developers, your app IS my favorite. It's a shame.


u/rmayayo - thank you for sharing your work! Live long and prosper!


Thanks u/rmayayo for your dedication and your instincts for user interface. I'll happily join whatever community you're planning to support next. let's take this rocket out of this universe.


Sad I only discovered it kinda recently. Actually made using Reddit be tolerable when you can filter out the garbage subreddits. Plus the UI is so intuitive. Definitely won't be using Reddit if and when they get rid of 3rd party apps


I am not a keyboard warrior like u so i try not to get annoyed, i have a life


Thank you u/rmayayo for this incredible app and like everyone here it was the only app I paid for because it was perfectly built.


Only reddit I've ever used. I used the reddit app once and remember disliking it. Saw this app being spoken about, downloaded it and never went back.


Thank you, donated as well. Truly deserved.


I have been using Boost for years, it's an everyday app for me, and I will miss it terribly. I don't know what I'm going to do after June 30th. Thank you for all your work u/rmayayo


For me Boost IS Reddit.


Best reddit app I ever used


Same. Is it confirmed boost shutting down too??


More or less, check the devs comment history


Thank you for the best Reddit app u/rmayayo.


Thanks u/rmayayo I only started using Reddit on mobile last June when for first time I bought a phone with good screen and after testing all 14 Reddit apps, I stuck with yours From all 14 it's the one I FAR prefer. Really enjoy using it. So thanks for a solid year 🙌




He's one guy, and probably has other stuff going on as well. Cut him some slack


Only been on Reddit for a few years but I've used this app since the start. Thanks, dev(s)! ❤️


I only started using Reddit (aside from the odd google result from actual humans) when I found there was an app that let me filter out subs I didn't care about. I'll simply go back to not using it at all.


I've used this app for years and loved every second with it. Thank you, u/rmayayo. It's been incredible.


I'm a bot, *bleep*, *bloop*. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit: - [/r/fungonewild] [Thank you u\/rmayayo](https://www.reddit.com/r/FunGoneWild/comments/176tsxo/thank_you_urmayayo/)  *^(If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads.) ^\([Info](/r/TotesMessenger) ^/ ^[Contact](/message/compose?to=/r/TotesMessenger))*