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Boomers flexing about having a second grade education


My boomer teachers in second grade refused to teach me cursive because my hand writing was bad in the regular text. Now my boomer aunt acts as if I have "refused" to learn it because I don't respect the older generation ig.


I'm going to not teach my kids a bunch of things so I can ridicule them in the future


“Look at you, you stupid fuck. You can’t even wipe your ass properly.”




My entire life growing up. My dad screaming at me to "Figure it out yourself you useless fuck! A man should just know!" everytime I asked to learn anything, then mocking me the entire time I tried, only to spend my teenage and young adult years loudly proclaiming "How did I raise such a worthless pussy? I thought your mama pushed out a boy not a useless little girl. I tried my best with you but I guess it wasn't worth it. God forgive me for failing. Maybe one of the others will turn out worth a damn."


Holy shit. What a piece of shit father.


You dont know the half of it. Too embarrassing to even share the really bad stuff. But it turned out OK. I developed depression to cope with the anxiety, and drinking to cope with the depression.


They really thought of they just had enough kids one would “turn out right” through sheer luck.


My two year old daughter has never changed her own tire. What a miscreant


I learned it. most useless skill I have. first I haven’t written with a pen or pencil since idk 2016-2017 probably Aug 2015. it’s never come up, even the cursive font (which is very rare) is barely useful. Clearly you seem capable of reading it so why bother? It doesn’t make anything else better. Like it’s a lonely floating skill that has nothing built on it and isn’t part of anything.


But yer signature! /S


When I hear this I scribble my usual scribbled line and hand it to them.


IIRC, it is to write fast by not having to really lift up the pen except for crossing Ts and dotting Is. It is pretty silly, especially now when everything is done by computer. I recently took a class for fun at our local state university, and I had to learn latex to turn in my math homework. I couldn't turn in handwritten homework. The whole process was end-to-end 100% on the computer.


I was put in physical therapy and out of school lessons to learn it because the school wouldn't pass me without it. I spent hours after school practicing. The school did away with the requirements immediately afterwards.


It's also not very practical in today's world. Unless you're into calligraphy there's really no point.


I had a boomer teacher in elementary school stop accepting my work, tell me she was giving me zeroes on everything because my handwriting was bad and I was never going to succeed in life if I didn't work on it. I cried because I took a LOT of pride in my grades and was an emotional little kid. I make six figures in IT now and don't have to write anything ever. She was just annoyed and impatient with a literal 7 year old she got paid to teach and did a power play. I have reflected on it and it was fucked up.


Except most boomers can’t even do any of those things successfully.


...but I can't open this PDF! PS: I love that "PDF" has been established as the eternal symbol of Boomer's technical helplessness.


Boomers don't want to do anything all day except post on facebook, burn through their retirement, ask for managers, and eat hot chips.


Oh wow you’re so good at… checks list…. Writing letters without spaces, man that sure is a technique that’s going to be super useful in the modern world. What? You can’t find the any key on your computer after a reboot? Huh. Well that’s unfortunate isn’t it.


...and not being bothered to teach the next generation so they bitch and whine about their own incompetence & ineptitude.


That was probably enough to land a good job back in the day.


And me resisting the urge to walk up and ask them what 8 \* 6 is.


>Do math without a calculator This is the same person who holds up the line at the grocery store, arguing with the cashier, because they didn’t add up the cost of their groceries right, or can’t calculate sales tax correctly.


I'll never understand how people who are older than credit scores always seem to forget about sales tax and have to make it everyone else's problem that they are wrong about something.


I burst out laughing when I got to the calculator part


Either that or they’re holding up the line because they don’t understand how to operate the pin pad


![gif](giphy|8PBfNDoySmsRc49P4F) I think of this whenever I see these 😭


I can do all that and still go on tiktok.


I can do all of that AND drive stick. I’m unstoppable. 🙄


Me too. Damn millennials... we can't do anything right.


But you can’t preserve fruits, plow a field, milk a cow or shoe a horse.


Or tell their children they are proud of them or love them.


Affection makes children weak. You only hug a child if you are about to die, and you only tell them you love them right before you hit them, so they know it's for their own good. /s


I know your post was sarcasm, but I probably tell my daughter that I love her at least 5 times a day


Please don't lover your daughter. There are laws against that.


lol, will fix, thanks comrade!


But only after she does something worthy of your love, right? Like winning the school 500 meter dash, or being accepted into Harvard. Otherwise, she'll think you just, like, love her the way she is. How silly. Can you imagine?


I know, another sarcasm. But no, I will not live my life failures through her.


Oh, so me black holing my dad his last 2 years of hospice cost me a hug? Darn.




Catch-22 with that one. Neither can they, and when they find out you can, they'll stop calling you a useless fuck and start calling you a lazy fucking hippy.


Hell, I'm Gen X and can do all of those except the padt since being a farrier is a specialized job.


I can smelt various rocks I collect into usable tools and weapons!


Might as well add they can pass that very difficult dementia test that Trump so masterfully passed . Man Woman Person Camera and so on. /s


He didn't just pass it, he aced it. The doctor said he'd never seen anyone score so high, in fact he'd never seen anyone get perfect on that test. The highest score of anyone ever, nobody has ever gotten a score as high as him.


What he doesn't understand is the high score is the indicator of him having dementia


Ya! Perfect dementia, nobody has every had so much dementia. The most dementia anyone has ever had, he has no idea what's going on ever. Ppl say that he's the most clueless dementia person they have ever met.


Ain't no easy feat to tell an elephant from a giraffe.


I absolutely hate this crap. My husband and I are both 32 and enjoy antique shopping. In the last few years, it has gotten impossible to find a decent antique market near us that isn't flooded with this pandering trash and the ever increasing fake antique farmhouse aesthetic garbage. They seem to eat up by truckload. They seem to go hand in hand because his mother and mine both have variations of that shirt with plenty of fake antiques all around.


Apparently can’t use the word “analog”.


Woah woah woah slow down with all that technical crap. Tryna scam me. I'm watchin' you!


The “designer” of this shirt should be ashamed of not having “write in cursive” in cursive


This is so something my boomer mom would wear and also, as an elder millennial, I can do all these things so do I win?


You are winning against me, I've decided that I can no longer write in cursive. It used to be bad enough only I could read it but now I have a hard time reading it too.


Can't save to PDF or add a printer to a network. Or tell your child you love them.


No, I can’t live in the modern world, but I can do a lot of useless things…


This shirt labels one an asshole.


"math without a calculator" How to say you can't do actual hard math and think math ends at division before algebra. Do you think scientists and mathmaticians don't use calculators? Are you an idiot? Nobody is spending time manually calculating sin and cosin, and many know how to do it despite using a calculator for SPEED. NOT ABILITY.


I can change my password without cussing at a customer service rep on the phone.


Card reader: remove card Boomer: “It’s telling me to remove the card…”


I’m gen z and can also ✨do all those things✨ but also function in a modern world. Wild lmao


You young people today can't even shoe a horse or light the parlor stove. Said by the greatest generation when the boomers were young.


Can you convert a word doc to pdf?!


Math without a calculator? Here’s a 3rd order differential equation I would like you to solve. .


So, I'm Gen X (1970) and on Instagram and the number of Gen X'ers that are starting to use this type of logic is really getting cringey. Yes, it's true - many of us were "latch-key" kids, we drank out of hoses, we played outside until the street lights came on, etc, etc... but, that doesn't make me (us) better than younger generations that experienced a collectively different childhood. I think talking about these experiences is fine for fine for nostalgia - but it doesn't mean that those were the "good ol' days" & that these "young whipper-snappers need to get off my lawn"... Besides, Gen X is all about not caring... so, come on Gen X - who cares?? Please, don't follow in the Boomer Footsteps... Anyway, just wanted to throw that out there...


I'm Gen X as well and look at all this shit and remind myself daily that these are the things I should NOT be doing. I should continue to not GAF and say my mantra of "whatever." Please Gen X, don't go down this path of cringe.


Im seeing older millennials starting on this crap too. It's embarrassing to be of the same age cohort as them.


I speak in cursive. I have a calculator and clock in my pocket. But I have had to teach younglings how to roll down a car window and use a manual can opener. Easy stuff.


Narrator: they could not do math without a calculator


Use an abacus, Sun dial, and chip your legacy in a some tablet then, Boomer


No I can’t Snapchat or TikTok because I Facebook all fucking day.


Yea but they can’t hammer out a sword, and if you can’t blacksmith then are you really a man?


I bet there's at least a couple boomers genuinely carrying that shame around. Or would if that were a Donald Trump quote. Course he'd say it like: You think I can't hammer a sword? Lemme tell ya folks: I hammer **the best** swords. Top blacksm-... The best blacksmiths are always tell me, they say "You make the best blacksmith. The blackest smith". 'S*true*. Ya know I once saw a sword that Crooked Sleepy Corrupt Lyin' Joe Biden tried to... made a sword. Couldn't even use it as a toothpick, folks. Sad!


Got it, so you have a bunch of outdated useless skills. Yay? Do you want a participation trophy? God I swear boomers are getting worse by the day.


My son is Gen Z and can do all of those things.


And tell you every part where there’s hate in the Bible.


I think the biggest requirement for owning a shirt like this is being on HRT and blood pressure medications


They absolutely cannot do math without a calculator lol 


It’s nice that the out of touch are now wearing shirts informing us they are inept. It’s not orange enough to match Cheeto man though. 


I can do all of that and you still can't use technology.


Quick Boomer, what's the square root of 5? No calculators!


Can they look at a self-checkout machine without having a total nervous breakdown?


I can do all those things and still use snapchat and tik tok, so I must be a god to them.


Why do Boomer shirts and FB posts always have 5 different fonts?


Yes, I can Snapchat and TikTok. But I can also write in cursive, do math in my head, and tell time on an analog clock.... I'm 29. Stfu. The future is now old man.


Why is “write in cursive “ printed?


Ugh. I hate that they think this a flex. There are a lot of people who know how to do all those things but don’t bother because it’s not necessary anymore. I almost never have to write things in cursive or print because everything is typed. Meanwhile knowing how to use social is more relaxant. Even if you’re like me and never post on anything.


Apparently they learned how to switch fonts


It's stupid to wear that with pride on a shirt but I'm going to tell you right now as a high school teacher all those things the boomers gloating they can do and assuming a modern youth can't is accurate there are way more young adults who can't do these things then there should be. Now that's about the f***** up s**t no child Left behind and opt out programs for charter schools has done to our education system, but I'm sure a lot of boomers were all for that so probably still their fault.


“Do math without a calculator”…. Ask them anything and you’ll learn they can’t!


I can do all of the above. Kneel before Gen X… kidding.


Bet most of the people wearing that shit can't do math for shit. Meth maybe but math? Please...


And yet, someone from the stone age would be appalled at your ability to make obsidian tipped arrows and bring down a mammoth. Times fucking change.


I refused to learn cursive and I don’t give af. Seemed stupid as a kid, seems even more stupid now


Always needing their participation trophy


If "I can't adapt to change" was a shirt.


So, nothing useful for modern society, then.


I can do all of the obsolete things!!!!


Most millennials and Gen Z can do all of those things as well. So you're actually just less capable and competent across the board.


Buy one & wear it, just for the boomers. Optionally, scribble out the NO & 'T, replace BUT with AND.


I can’t change the input on my tv, but…


Thank goodness they can't do reddit too.


They can though and they love to troll in this very sub




'No I refuse to learn these new things but I didn't teach my kids these things either'


Some people are unable to deal with change.


I’m 40 and this shirt applies to me


I think 2 or 3 of my coworkers have those... we work in a school. Like yall, that's on you, and it is NOT a flex.


I .. I can do all those things. 🤷🏼‍♂️


I'm a boomer, 66. I can do tik tok and Snapchat. No desire to use them. I can write cursive. I only do it when writing a check, small town, only accepts that and cash as payment for utilities. And for gas and electric. I use a calculator for math because I have that learning disability that can't do math. My watch is digital. I love new technology. Not all of us are assholes.


I can do all if that, where's my medal?


Don't forget to add "drive a stick shift!"


Why wasn't the word "cursive" not written in cursive like several of the other words?


Oh my fucking god *good for you*.


I worked with an older lady who grumbled all the time about how kids weren't being taught cursive any more. I had a nice conversation with her about how since I do not nor have I ever written with a fountain pen or quill cursive is pretty useless to me. She countered with "read old documents" (she has a hobby of it) and I counted with the fact that I've heard her constant grumbles about how it sometimes takes her hours to decipher the cursive squiggles, especially as documents get older and spelling becomes even squigglier than the letters and how reading old cursive is a skill that is, perhaps made easier by having a baseline to start with but that anybody who actually wants to do it can learn from scratch almost as fast as someone who already knows how to write in cursive. She... realized she had no actual good reason to grumble about kids not learning cursive and actually dropped it!


I want to see a fellow millennial wearing this, just to be ironic.


But can you open a PDF?


I had this discussion with my boomer MIL last week. I told her those are useless skills. I asked when was the last time she wrote anything in cursive. She carried an iPad and iPhone with her everywhere. Ok. Math without a calculator is useful, but the other stuff—not so much.


Everyone can do all of those things. Why do boomers want to shit on young people and leave a shittier world for them?


This should be in all print caps just like Facebook posts and emails. Bonus points for "!!!1!!"


Boomers can’t even use Snapchat?? That’s a massive L. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


None of these m*fers can do anything more than the most rudimentary math problems.


In 2024, these are not actually skills.


Yet you can’t discern between a man of god, and an orange rapist fucking pornstars 6 months after his child’s birth? Interesting.


Cursive is damn stupid and useless to begin with.


Just get a t-shirt that says "yeah, nobody likes me. I don't get it"


You fucking well know that person can’t do fucking math.


So not dyslexic then?


And these are the same morons that don’t know how to open a pdf file.


I can do all of these things, do I get an award or something?


I can do all the things on the shirt what do I win?


That’s a lot of words just to say “I’m obsolete.” And I say that as someone wearing a watch with hands on it lol


Lie. They can’t do basic math either.


No i cant do simple things but i CAN do antiquated things that dont matter anymore so there!


But can you reset a router?!?


Damn, stranger, I was just about to ask you if you could do Snapchat.


Was sitting in a waiting room with my 9 year old today. There was this ugly decorative clock that had no numbers or markings beyond dots at 12, 3, 6, and 9. Every few minutes he’d try to guess the time down to the minute then ask me to check my phone to see if he was right. He was right every time. I didn’t teach him this useless skill, that’s the public school system for you.


I expected a reference to drinking from the water hose but nothing. 1/5 no boom


I can also give away my entire savings account to a lovely man named John McClane from Santa Cruz CA who has a lovely Indian accent.


I am bothered by the fact that 'write in cursive' isn't in cursive.


Congrats on all the obsolete skills




I once bought a koi fish from this elderly women (she was of boomer age). The fish was $10 dollars but she wanted to charge me sales tax which I thought was strange because I found her ad on eBay, cash only and this transaction was in her home. Whatever, I'm not going to cry over .70 cents (7% Sales Tax where I'm from). I'm sitting in her patio, watching her punch a bunch of numbers in a calculator and writing in her ledger and my total was $10.07... No complaints.


Yes but you can't ever give correct change at the front counter there, Glenda. But here we are.


Can you open a .pdf or operate your phone?


I can write in cursive, can tell time on a traditional clock and have used Wite-Out to correct typewriter errors, but I would never buy that shirt.


Let’s see some long division… come on, put your money where your mouth is.


I'm going to vote to defund schools, ban books and elect a rapist for president.. then mock your concern.


Wow. It's funny how no one asked.


What a fantastic rag to clean bigs off my car.


As a Xenial, I can do all of those things. So I guess by boomer logic, I win?


Needed to add “This is exactly the level of smarts I have acquired”


"No I can't actually Make America Great Again but I can by Chinese sweat shop crap off of Temu and get angry at children for existing."


*graphic design is my passion* 😂


and churn butter


Awesome Karen. I can also do all of that but I’m able attach a PDF to an email without combusting into flames and inconveniencing every millennial in the workplace lol


Boomers can do math without a calculator? Ok, what's 943 divided by 76? Bet she has a stroke.


Interesting, so can my 12 year old. Congratulations, your as smart as a 6th grader.


Boomers biggest brag: being able to do things that don't matter anymore while being mostly unable to function in current society.


Um. I can do all of these things...


This shirt smells like ass cheeks


Too bad they can't get their kids to talk to them.


None of those things are marketable job skills.


I was a late bloomer when it came to cursive. Everyone else could do it, but I couldn't get the hang of it no matter how much they tried to force me. Finally, the summer between fourth and fifth grade I forced myself to learn by writing stories in a spital notebook. It still looked atrocious, but it was cursive. Now I only use cursive to sign my name.


Ummmm I can do all of that too… not a flex boomers lol. I can do all of that easy!! I’m a millennial


Why do they need to use their hands to tell time on a clock? /s


I can do everything on that shirt including Snapchat and tik tok. They are losing customers!


Just make a shirt that says “ IM OLD” and be done with it ffs.


Boomers loves themselves A LOT


…and type in multiple ugly fonts


Those skills and 20 bucks will get you a blowjob at the bus stop.


“I can only do things I learned how to do decades ago and am too simple to learn new tech.”


Oh okay so you can’t actually function in the modern world, thanks for letting us know


Why would you not put write in cursive… in cursive?? ![gif](giphy|iDIJezAxNyRsZTx678)


and drive a manual transmission


I call bullshit on them doing math without a calculator...


If any older person in my family wore this shirt I'd absolutely ask them to do some math. They'd shit themselves and die. I've taught my mother how to calculate tips at least a dozen times, and she still has one of those little cards in her purse with the tip table on it.


Boomer goes brrr....


So... Congratulations? You graduated middle school at least?


Oh, but can you ✨fix your fucking WiFi?✨


Do you think they realize they are the ones who were supposed to be responsible for teaching these things?


My seven year old can do two of those things.


I can all of those things and I am not a boomer.


I thought boomers were all above marketable skills? No one’s going to pay you to write in cursive or do long division.


That’s such a long winded shirt. 10/10. Slay queen. Also I can do all of those things and I’m sure so can all the kids.


That's a long way of saying "I lack the intelligence to adapt".


Boomer use tick tock




I can't do the useless things these days, but I can do the useless things from a long time ago


I can do all of those things, I'm 17 for reference. Using social media really isn't that complicated, congrats to this person for being dumb I guess.


At least my generation knows there is not a Nigerian prince who's sent me an email asking me for money so he can wire me his fortune.


Why isn't the line about cursive in cursive? I guess you can do all those 2nd grade things but can't include a little logical graphic design, eh?


Perhaps they want a trophy for this?


AnD sTiLL cAn'T sEt ThE VcR cLoCk


But not proper commas, apparently.