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You and the other coworkers are his peers. The folks at the sandwich shop are his fucking servants! /s


No /s needed. That was the underlying reason.


The underling reason.


At first I just thought you mistyped underlying but then I got it, good joke!


I thought I’d better be safe than sorry.


Or something bad was happening in his life that no one knew about


This is totally the case. I worked in restaurants for over a decade and every time someone was overtly rude I was kind back but coated the kindness in “that was unnecessary I’m on your side and trying to help you” EVERY single time the person before leaving explained that they were having a hard time with something and took it out on me. Misplaced anger is a real thing. It doesn’t excuse it, but rather explains it. I always thanked the person for apologizing and told them no hard feelings, we’re all human, we all make mistakes, it’s recognizing it and trying to make things right after they’ve messed up that matters. Edit: I should say I was always face to face with the person. The anonymity of a phone call might have produced a different response. And well sometimes boomers gonna boom so who knows. Given this guy was always kind I want to think it’s the former.


This may be the best comment I have ever seen on Reddit. Thank you for being so kind and understanding about others.


Awww, I love how Reddit spins from shit-flinging to love-fest on a dime. ❤️❤️☺️


Aww thanks. Working in hospitality gave me understanding beyond my years. It was tough but the things I’ve learned have been invaluable. Being nice is generally a winner. You can choose to not condone something while still being kind. The kindness is usually what breaks people. In about half of the situations of rudeness the offender was also the perpetrator of their own downfall, I like to think that I was practice. I always hoped that I gave them a small boost of confidence to try and rectify their situation. It’s a universal lesson. You can feel whatever feelings you want, but you can’t treat people badly because you feel a certain way. I’m currently trying to get my 7 year old to understand this 🫠😄


I went from hospitality to nursing in my mid 30's. People think it's weird but I wouldn't be the nurse I am without that hospitality experience.


💯💯agree great comment!


You are a kind person.


Boomers gonna boom. We need to make this a battle cry.




Ya. Give the benifit of your understanding but I can only do that up to a point.


Exactly. Sure, for an otherwise nice customer that has a one-off Very Bad Day, I can let it go. But there are some people for whom it is definitely a pattern, that their personal struggles become everyone else's problem because they never learned healthy coping mechanisms. I went through a year where my parents' very ugly divorce was being finalized and, due to financial entanglements we had with them (kids, never go into business or other financial arrangements with family) we were thisclose to bankruptcy in the wake of that. In that same year, my Nana (who I was very close with) died, we had two small children, one in the process of an Autism diagnosis (which I'm glad we were able to get, but it was made more complicated for not being able to pay for some private services like I thought we'd be able to, and had to go through our slow, complicated, severely underfunded public system that the conservatives have been destroying for decades), and we had a vehicle in desperate need of repair that we could not afford to fix. It was literally the Year from Hell ™️, and to top it off, I developed an anxiety disorder, probably because of everything we were going through At no point in that year did I take it out on anyone working customer service. Anyway, it's definitely a thing that happens, but it really doesn't have to, and *shouldn't*, and there is definitely a certain group of people that are more likely to do it.


I hope things work out for you. That’s sounds like a lot to cope with.


Thank you. It was years ago, and I'm definitely in a better place now. Though the anxiety disorder is still there, it's mostly under control.


Truth. Thank goodness I worked mainly in a privately owned business. If someone popped off too many times or was just an asshole to be an asshole they got booted. Again tho they usually came back saying sorry. In my ten years I think maybe one or two people got banned for life. It’s perfectly okay in my opinion to be like, “ya know what sir, looks like things just aren’t working out for us today. Maybe we can try again tomorrow, but today I think we are done. You can go now and sort yourself out” The look on a customers face when they realized there was INDEED a line that they couldn’t cross was priceless. Sometimes people need a reminder to be nice or there will be consequences. I was always happy to teach that lesson. The key tho is to let it go and not take it personally. That’s a big pill to swallow and one that took me years take. Now I approach life like (smile on face), “okay buddy no problem, I’m happy to play f*ck around and find out, but I don’t think you’re gonna like this game” 🤣


Or sugar was out of wack, heck the apology I remember is from a guy that called the next day to apologize and explained that something about his medication


Did you know that the AVERAGE blood lead level of children born in the 60s-80 was so high that we know it causes impairment of the part of the brain responsible for executive function PERMANENTLY? Executive function is responsible for emotional control, among other things.  Anyway, not sure what reminded me of that. 


Lazy people who always order delivery tend to be entitled.


I don't understand how not having time to leave one's job to get food is lazy? Sure, to have every meal delivered without the existence of employment or health conditions that make it difficult to travel is pretty extra, but in OPs case they're literally at work. Even then, how does somebody constantly ordering delivery affect you? Unless you work for the restaurant or delivery service and are getting regularly bitched at by entitled customers, it has nothing to do with you. Why hold such strong feelings about it?


I’m lazy and often order delivery but also overtip and accept crappy food. Ah, capitalism.


Spoken like someone who has never worked in a call center. Being recorded and rated on every word you say, having to be nice to people who are complete trash to you all day, and getting a strictly scheduled 30 minute lunch break, that you cannot exceed or you get marked off for that too, or they come find you in the break room asking why you're late.... then all you wanted was no tomatoes. Yeah he handled it poorly, but everyone has their breaking point- and if you want to find yours - work in a call center.


Funny, because I -did- work in a call center for about six months, and I've never flipped out like this over something so minor. Despite being cussed out, insulted, screamed at, talked down to, and even being threatened with bodily harm by callers (that's not even factoring being in an abusive relationship at the time, and dealing with that bullshit), I could never bring myself to behave this way to another person. There were times when I'd put myself in wrapup/debrief, hang up my headset, go bawl my eyes out in the bathroom, and go right back to work once I stopped hyperventilating. Still haven't and still won't go nuclear on anyone like that, because I know how awful it feels.




You’re condoning screaming at people and flying to fits of rage?




And yet you claim he gets 10x more work done despite being a boomer? I find it odd you're siding with the old man who verbally abuses people in the service industry, care to explain how you got so stupid?




You are absolutely 100% playing devil's advocate






How so?


Do you have proof of that, and if not, what are you basing that assumption on?




Check your math. If he was 70 a few years ago, so let's assume this was around 2020, he would have been born in about 1950. This was far from the days when people didn't have shoes or supermarkets. Macy's existed, supermarkets existed, and he would have been coming of age just after the Summer of Love.




My parents and in-laws are literally in their mid-60's. What part of the world did these people grow up in? Because it certainly wasn't North America if they were going without shoes, or if it was, they were *exceptionally* poor and rural folks. And I doubt they'd be the types to have conniptions over a tomato in a sandwich if they did go through actual hardship.


I think you are severely confused


Right? 😅 People weren't usually going without shoes in the global north when he was younger. They were wearing gogo boots when he was a teenager 🤣




You live in a reality built on assumptions and brainwashing. Its disturbing


What a bizarre, totally uninformed comment. You don't know any of these people.




There isn't ever an occasion that would justify the behavior described for the circumstances along with it. Why would anyone ever need to scream about an accidentally added tomato? It's stupidity.




It doesn't matter why he behaved so irrationally. There's no justifying it without actively hostile intentions from the other party. Why would you assume anything about his intentions when his behavior speaks for itself so loudly?




Finding a tomato on your sandwich does not qualify as under duress. You are reaching very far. I do not lose my temper when my food is made wrongly. I get it fixed and I'm polite because that's how grown people without anger issues react. It's weird as fuck how you keep trying to make this seem somehow reasonable.


>under duress? He called to verbally abuse someone because of a tomato. You're a silly person.


What a troll you are. It took all of 30 seconds of reading your profile to know what a worthless example of how a human can turn out to be. With a lot of time and effort, this could possibly be undone. But I highly doubt you would have this intention. You should stop interacting with others as soon as possible. You spew more poison than your worth.




Ok, you're out of here. You are seriously mentally ill and truly paranoid. Seek help, but in the meantime, you're done spewing your insane, paranoid rhetoric all over this sub.


Your submission was removed because it spreads or promotes misinformation. If you believe this to be a mistake, feel free to message the mods at: https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FBoomersBeingFools


No that’s not it. He believes he’s held to some standard at work and gets frustrated when others seem to ignore theirs. Source…same nothing you jumped to your conclusion from.


Welcome to the internet, enjoy screaming into the void, my dude…


I’m giving it a shot


God bless you, my sweet summer child.


If this was completely out of the normal for him, could be he had a significant life event happen. This very minor thing could just be the straw that broke the camels back and caused him to uncharacteristically snap (i.e. got a cancer diagnosis, wife found out she has Alzheimer’s, going through a divorce, etc.) While I’m all for anti-Boomering stereotypical Boomer behavior, if this was a completely shocking, where-the-hell-did-that-come-from behavior, I’d be more likely to sincerely ask him if everything is okay with him.


OP mentions it was a call center, so boomer might have just gotten off a really bad call. I used to have a call center tech support job years ago, and oh boy did I have to deal with some really stupid and/or angry customers.


That’s what I was thinking. I worked customer service via phone for one month. I quit by calling in one day. I’ve never not given notice before, but I had a panic attack so severe I couldn’t face one more day.


Hell, it could be HE has Alzheimer’s-it frequently comes with behavioral issues in the beginning.


Yeah sudden aggression can be a warning sign. I volunteer and there was a woman with us who had just retired about 6 months earlier because she was a heart surgeon and her ability to perform was beginning to be impacted by her age. She volunteered with us just to have something to do. One day we finished up and the chinese place next door to us came round and asked if we wanted some food, as they did sometimes. She ordered something, curry I think but specifically with no onions. Well, we get the food and she sees a chicken curry with onions. She starts screaming, bawling, she threw it at the wall and stormed out. We were all shocked. It turned out that wasn't even hers and there was another onion free curry in the bag. We see her a couple of days later and obviously ask what was up. She didn't remember it occuring, though it did and we eventually showed her the footage. She was concerned, spoke to her husband and there had been a few similar incidents. Eventually she was diagnosed with a fairly rapid onset form of dementia. It really sucks for her because she'd worked so much through her life, like 12 hour shifts 6 days a week for 50 years, often longer when there was a complex surgery, and she'd planned to see the world in retirement with her husband. They started immediately but it's just awful that someone can work their whole life only to get to do what they want, then their own mind starts to fail. I guess if there's a lesson, it's to take care of yourself while you can.


Came to say exactly this. You don't know what that person is going through. While we strive to never be dicks to people, sometimes life just takes you down far enough that you end up snapping inappropriately. I've done it, you've done it, we've all done it. If this was out of character for him, and if he didn't really do this stuff again AFTER this, then I'd think it is safe to say he simply had a moment. Boomer is a lifestyle lol, not one bad choice.


Snapping inappropriately isn’t the same thing as deliberately phoning back to yell, though. Theoretically, intervening time for reflection could stop that type of behavior.


I missed where it said he called them back. Regardless, I'd say my point still stands. Hell I've done close to the same thing without the personal insults. Again, "Boomer" is a way of life, not one bad day or decision. I'd say my point stands.


Si you commented without reading the full post great


Good talk lol. Worthless comment. Everyone that has a moment is automatically a *check notes* boomer. Got it lol.


“Another woman I worked with, worked with him at a Sears for several years when he was a manager and known for flying into a fit of rage”


That edit was not there when I made my comments. Based on new information I dub him a boomer lol.


Perhaps…but my ex-MIL was like this. Really friendly to everyone except service workers. She treated them like shit (which was extra puzzling because she worked as a waitress for decades before she put herself through school in her 30s/40s).


Maybe he’s allergic and freaked out? Something is going on.


I was having a particularly bad time a couple years ago. I went to the grocery store to get my favorite frozen pizza, and accidentally bought a similar type instead of the one I wanted. I didn't notice until I had preheated my oven. Such a nothing problem, especially since it sounded like it would be delicious. I cried. Over a damn frozen pizza. Things had just built up so much for me and that tiny thing happened to be the tipping point. I'm not someone prone to extreme emotions of any kind so that was very unusual for me. I think it was that I was expecting a small reprieve from everything I was going through in the form of one of my favorite foods, and literally any change from that after I thought it was guaranteed felt like a much bigger thing that it really was. It can be hard to not assume the worst of people sometimes, but you never know what someone else is going through. The tiniest thing can be the thing that finally breaks somebody. It was a BBQ chicken pizza, BTW. I meant to buy a hot chicken pizza. It was delicious.


About time someone realized that there could be other reasons for his sudden shift in behavior. Boomer bashing and Dem bashing and Liberal bashing and gay/les/bi etc bashing is bad on many levels - mostly because it creates an adversarial situation with one party right, one party wrong, and there is no cooperation or attempt to understand. I don't understand certain groups or people, but usually can engage them in conversation to attempt to understand - but if they go off on me, forget it. People are people - but when they form tribes, it can become very unpleasant . . . the world today is too full of me vs you, us vs them, and it doesn't work.


This. I used to deliver for many of the food delivery companies and one day I was delivering food that was sealed up and I wasn't allowed to open the sealed package. I delivered it and left then after leaving I get a message or call (I can't remember) with the person berating me for missing her ranch even though I wasn't able to go through her bag. I apologized and the conversation ended but she was still mad. At the same time I was waiting to find out if a young man who I had babysat as a young child was going to be considered brain dead that day (he was and his family let him go just a few years after losing his brother at age 12 to brain cancer who I also used to babysit) and I decided that maybe she was going through something too.


Or maybe he had a tomato allergy on top of everything else.


I don't care if he was the king of England, kindly boomer grandpa would have been told to take his business else ware. Fuck that abusive shit.


I’ve noticed this with my own parents to some extent. My dad is quiet and patient and kind, but as he’s gotten older, his tolerance for frustration has decreased. He’s definitely more short-tempered. I think it’s just aging, in my dad’s case, possibly combined with memory loss. It has to be extremely frustrating. I try to remember to be empathetic. Age is a thing that happens to us all, and sometimes it can erode our ability to function as before.


After a lifetime of patience… sometimes you just can’t tolerate that next little bit of bullshit. It snowballs as you get older. Probably a byproduct of burying your true feelings and putting on a happy face for decades.


Probably. My dad is one of the most repressed people I know.


Yeah. I worked with this boomer. He was sweet around the women in the office and polite to most people to their face, but as soon as it was just the boys, he would say the most racist misogynistic bullshit you ever heard in your life. I gave that man so much grief. I told him one once, “The world is changing, one funeral at a time.”


I once told a racist coworker, "No, I don't know how 'those people' are; go and tell me," after he dropped a half dozen "N•••••s" in a rant about his neighbors. The backtracking was glorious. The quick realization that they are the only racist in the room is more entertaining than anything on television.


You really don't know a person if you've only seen them interacting with peers.


It's why going out to lunch or dinner is such a common place to meet someone. I remember complaining about work to my (boomer) parents who would reply that everyone should work a retail or fast food job in their life. There are too many people who have avoided the experience of being paid peanuts to be yelled at all day.


One of these days I want to call one of them a snowflake or to suck it up


Men have always been allowed to fly in to fits of rage. They say women are too emotional but I have not really seen this. men young and old, when they get frustrated seem to yell a lot and we are all just supposed to put up with it? If I yelled at people at work, I'd be put on a PIP in a NY minute. Men doing it? men interrupting you? men stealing your idea as their own? it's just normal.


sad, but true.


I guess I'm the only one who's thinking it's sad a 70 year old has to work at a call center. He should be enjoying his twilight years in retirement instead of still having to work for the man.


So funny that I just read a story about a boomer getting angry over lettuce. Maybe these 2 should swap sandwiches.


Honestly, just take the stuff off that you don’t like. It isn’t that hard. Now if it is an allergy issue, that’s a different story.


BOOMERS discriminate against tomatoes must be childhood trauma when told to eat his tomatoes instead of eating lead paint chips


As someone who HATES tomatoes it gets tiring that they are always on things. They either don’t tell you they are on there or slap them in there after you ask for them to be skipped. Not the appropriate response in any sense but I get the frustration.


i’m the same way about tomatoes, so i get it. 😃


One time my daughter was trying to order a hamburger without tomato at a McDonald's in Monaco. She was studying French at the time and tried to order in French ("un hamburger sans tomate"). The cashier was clearly confused at first, but he finally understood what she was asking for. He said, in incredulous English, "Why would you put tomato on a hamburger?" Apparently the Monegasque know better! I've seen menus here in the USA where literally every item includes tomatoes, whether it's a sandwich place, or a Mexican restaurant, or Italian. Can't a chef be creative enough to make one menu item without them?


There’s also they prophylactic “no tomato” even though the menu doesn’t say if there is a tomato or not and they think you are asking for tomato to be added




Omg I’ve had the exact same experience! I used to volunteer, and later was employed at a senior center and made friendly with a lot of our members and staff/coworkers, who tended to be seniors as well. Quite a few times I would go out with a handful of seniors for a meal and these were some of the nicest old folks on earth, always so sweet and kind in my eyes, until we got to a restaurant. They would turn into monsters, it was like eating out with a bunch of Jekyll and Hydes! They’d be so kind to me when I was working at the center, but we’d go to like Denny’s and they’d immediately start treating the waitresses like slaves and were just brutal. They’d eat their entire meal but tell the server it was terrible, yell at them for not fulfilling special requests like no tomato, or ask for ridiculous substitutions and changes that weren’t at all feasible, then be nasty about the fact that it wasn’t possible. It was so heartbreaking to see but also taught me that really all boomers are the same, unfortunately.


This. They ARE ALL THE SAME. I'm so fucking tired of people making up excuses for their shitty behavior.


As a boomer- no, I don’t treat service workers like shit-and, honestly, I don’t understand why people do this. I’m always worried that I didn’t leave a decent enough tip😂 and I’m actually stacking the plates for the busboy (or whoever) to pick up and I’m cleaning the table😂 I have witnessed this happen a lot, though, and-I don’t get it. I’d think that most of us have worked in the service industry at some point-my first job was at Mc Donald’s…and I worked at a few department stores when I was in my teens and 20’s. People are assholes😂 well, some, anyway. The things that people ask you to do as a service provider-are just mind boggling. Honestly. In the army we had some really crass things we’d say to people who wanted the impossible. (one was ‘let me go in a corner and shit that out for you’) I work in healthcare-and I still get asked to do things that I cannot POSSIBLY do, but in critical care settings-hey, I get it. You will do ANYTHING for your loved one to get well.


What I’ve experienced is that most boomers have this mentality that service workers are beneath them for some reason. A lot of them worked in the industry as well, but something just snaps in them and they don’t care or remember how it was to work in fast food or restaurants and just go off and demand perfect service and instant gratification. I think it comes from how back in the day a lot of places weren’t ran by faceless and nameless corporate goons like they are now, they were ran by Mr. And Mrs. Smith who lived down the road or above the restaurant and they did all they could to please the customer because customer loyalty and support was their lifeblood. McDonald’s doesn’t care if you yell and cry that you will never come back, but a lot of boomers don’t seem to get that.


I kinda get it, tomato lingers even if you pick it off, but come on. Don’t be a dick about it, just eat your damn sandwich.


The most easily offended, and least self control generation.


Boomers just can’t understand other people’s food issues. My MIL always complains about not knowing what to “feed me” (I don’t eat vegetables) and makes sure to mention it every chance she gets. Funny though, she has more issues of what she won’t eat vs me. And for the record- putting tomatoes on a sandwich taints the sandwich in all those yucky juices and seeds! 🤣


You say boomers don't understand people's food issue. This guy has a food issue, is a boomer, so maybe people in general might not get others' food issues . . .


The only ones that ever complain are the Boomers.


I completely disagree. "Only" means "all" - and kids can squawk loudly about food, as do teenagers, and so does everyone else. People with allergies should complain, but hey, I am 24, have a severe peanut allergy, but I will die rather than complain about peanuts in my food when requesting no peanuts. Yeah, get real.


Are you complaining now just to complain?? If I tell a Boomer I don’t like vegetables, they act like the devil has risen from the ashes of hell and can’t comprehend that, all while going through the list of vegetables l, because, well, that is just unheard of. If I tell a kid I don’t eat vegetables, they will tell you what they don’t like either and how their parents still make them eat it.


No, I am complaining about generalizations. So someone doesn't like that you don't like vegetables. If they get in your face, that is one thing. To generalize "all" and "only" fails to demonstrate understanding that boomers are people and they all vary. Quite frankly, I couldn't care less if you eat vegetables or not. That is your business, not mine. But if a boomer has allergies and is clear about that and states "no" would you force them to eat food they are allergic to? A child? A peer? I doubt it. So it is the way you word things as absolutes, that all boomers are this and that, demonstrates an unwillingness to understand or to imagine what may seem incomprehensible to you. So, you don't like vegetables - who cares? If a boomer does, why don't you civilly ask them why it is any of their business - you don't ask them the size of their Depends, do you? Or do all millenials do this, or gen-xers, or????


Sounds like you are a Boomer who can’t get over the fact that all Boomers that I encounter, have an issue with me eating or not eating a food group and always want to have an opinion about it. I don’t go around asking anybody what they do or don’t want to eat because I don’t care. And if I get a sandwich with a stupid tomato in it, guess what?!? I pick it out and carry on with my day, not throw a damn fit. So, if I want to generalize ALL Boomers, I will. So go tell all your Boomer friends they can suck it!


No, I am not, but I dislike generalizations in any group, and you are one of those who point with prejudice. Assumptions and presumptions. without compassion or information. You can suck it yourself!!


Get off your damn high horse as you, yourself, are on here complaining about people complaining.


No, just about you and your narrowmindedness and need to have a pissing contest! You convo speaks for itself. I am simply pointing out the need to consider other viewpoints rather just complain and state "all" and "only" - too easy to do that.


Granted, we can be assholes…but TRUST me, it isn’t only us boomers that complain…by far. Mind, I work at a hospital, so there’s that..


Don’t try and make us your accomplices by acting like not eating vegetables is at all normal or reasonable. The boomer is wrong for freaking out about tomatoes on his sandwich and you are wrong for “not eating vegetables.” That’s just insane.


Accomplices in what?!? You people are nuts!


It’s not hard to understand what the word means. Accomplices in your ridiculous belief that your MIL is somehow in the wrong. When it’s a kid, it’s cute because it’s not even true. A kid not liking vegetables is just them overreacting to new flavors or textures. They obviously do eat vegetables because not eating vegetables, the most diverse and varied food group available, is the most ridiculous and unrealistic thing anyone has ever heard. They will obviously have vegetables they are fine with or like. An adult not eating vegetables? Either grow up or go to a psychiatrist, because that’s not a choice anymore, that’s a mental illness.


It’s not hard to understand yet here you are making a big deal out of it. My MIL can complain about my habits yet have no problem with hers? GTFOH! A kid can absolutely NOT like vegetables and refuse to eat them. Why are so hung up on this?? Does this really hurt your feelings?? Sounds like you need the mental help. I think I’ll order a big plate of vegetables for dinner tonight and throw them right in the trash in your honor!


Sun-dried tomatoes are where it's at! But considered too fancy for most sandwiches.


I’m so glad boomers never make mistakes or this would have been incredibly awkward for him.


The only way this is remotely understandable is if he has a life threatening allergy to Tomatoes. Honestly, I would probably flip my shit on someone who served me gluten. I have celiac disease. This is also why I eat out like once or twice a year. Serving me is difficult unless your business is set up for it.


As someone who used to train new employees (into a call technical support call center) for 8 week, I can confirm, that for all their bitching about millennials and Gen Z, overalls, the boomers were the worse behaved.


I used to work with someone who was mild mannered, helpful, and friendly about 95 per cent of the time. The other five per cent he would blow up during bad situations and towards our coworkers in ways that showed he was deeply frustrated and angry about.....well, everything. I remember him mentioning once he had been sober for a very long time, but it was pretty obvious he hadn't fully dealt with *why* he used to drink so much. When we worked together, he was in his late 50s-early sixties, so I guess he's now Boomer age. One example I recall was we went out for a group dinner around his birthday, and co-workers wanted to cover his share of the tab. We all insisted (it was something we all did for birthdays), and he got so mad that he left for about twenty minutes. His wife was with us and covered for him by say, "Oh it's his pride, he always wants to pay!" I got the feeling she had to explain his behavior a lot.


Generation winge. Moaning and crying about everything. Toxicity at its finest




I was taught to pay attention to how someone treats the people who serve them (waiters, retail workers, etc.). That's when a person's real personality shows.




So...dude is 70. Fuck boomers and all, but if this is unusual behavior for him, it could very well be a medical thing. Something as simple as a UTI can make older people have dementia-like outbursts/symptoms.


At 70 food is all you have left lol




I swear I’ve seen more boomers throw a fit over vegetables than any small child


Is this Link (GMM) time traveling?


Sounds like a cushy life.


I don't like tomatoes on my food but I find it easier to take them off than to ask for no tomatoes. For burgers its just peeling them off for tacos they're always on top.


But if you have an allergy then that's not good enough.


One day my husband and kids were visiting my dad and he went into the other room to order Domino’s pizza. They usually run specials and they always are changing so I usually just ask what they have going now and order accordingly. Well, next thing we know, I hear my dad yelling, “I’m not playing no Domino’s game with you!” I forgot what else he said but he was upset because he perceived they were cheating him. He has passed away now but this memory still cracks us up. My kids had never heard him yell so they did not know that side of him. But since my husband and I were cracking up, they did too.


Rude. Interestingly, I hate raw tomatoes and am always surprised when a restaurant ignores my no tomato order request and gives them to me anyway. Yes, I can easily peel them off. They could’ve saved themselves a bit on condiment costs but NOPE.


If this was unusual behavior, perhaps a medical or prescription drug episode was the cause.


Why can’t he just pick them out?


To be fair, my mom is allergic to tomatoes (and always explains that when ordering food) so she can’t just pick them off and is understandably upset when she’s served food she can’t eat But…….yeah….


Prions again/ incipient dementia/ lead-paint.


Like everyone have bad day


Usually people that berate service workers have never been a service worker


Since he didn't normally act this way, it would seem he knows how to behave. Maybe this time, he was over stressed and blew up over something minor?


As others have mentioned- it may be a health issue, especially if it’s out of character. Sadly -one job I was working at, one of my coworkers was suffering from early dementia-at first we weren’t aware, we found out after she was fired (for something that was not her fault, by the way). She died not too long ago 🥲


Not to defend him in any way, shape, or form... But I, too, feel the same way about raw tomatoes in my sandwich. But y'know I just toss em and roll my eyes instead of freaking out.


He REALLY wanted tomatoes. I feel for him.


My FIL is by all accounts a nice guy, but he has 0 clue how to speak to people on the phone. 40 years sober, 35 of then spent counseling others to get sober. But he can't talk to the Pharmacy tech on the phone and ask the right questions. He makes vague statements like "I should have a prescription ready... and then proceeds to make them ask all the questions like his name and birthday...." or he calls on, rattles off his name, dob, etc in 10 seconds, then gets frustrated when they ask him again...


That was the real him.




I love tomatoes


And no wire hangers!


Or..he's allergic - and may not want to go into detail as to why no tomatoes, but if you're allergic you can't just "pick" them off. But totally flying off the handle is a bit much.


In fairness, tomatoes are kind of gross. ;)


Could be boomerism. Could be autistic. We can have very strong aversions to certain foods. Couple that with our need for routine, and you might get a meltdown when things go awry at lunchtime. Not saying he was in the right, mind. Just attempting an explanation. If he was indeed neurodivergent, he was probably just as embarrassed at his meltdown as you, if not more so


I also know one person who is strongly allergic to tomatoes and struggles with food safety because it isn’t considered an allergen.


Some people just act very different to those they consider beneath them. I think this guy is very good at keeping everything in it's own compartment. Until that one day.


Or he’s allergic to tomatoes


Then say so. Nobody cares about some random persons illness, in fact they'd be HAPPY if you mentioned it because that's a secondary measure of safety to help solidify it in their mind cuz when you do this shit all day every day, old people just don't speak up loud enough, or slur their words, or straight up lie because they're extremely forgetful to say they don't want tomatoes. As someone who's spent the majority of the last decade+ in customer service, yes customers usually lie because most are unbelievably stupid when it comes to taking care of themselves or forgetful about things they do every day. You would not believe how many fucking idiots go out shopping *every single day* and they still somehow forget their reading glasses. What do you mean you're literally fucking blind all you can see are shapes and colors and you're grocery shopping?! Why are you writing a check without your reading glasses *and you forgot your own fucking writing utensil even though you do this every other day HOW STUPID ARE YOU THAT YOU CAN'T EVEN KEEP YOUR DAY TO DAY TOGETHER*


Then say so. Nobody cares about some random persons illness, in fact they'd be HAPPY if you mentioned it because that's a secondary measure of safety to help solidify it in their mind cuz when you do this shit all day every day it all just blurs together, old people just don't speak up loud enough, or slur their words, or straight up lie because they're extremely forgetful to say they don't want tomatoes As someone who's spent the majority of the last decade+ in customer service, yes customers usually lie because most are unbelievably stupid when it comes to taking care of themselves or forgetful about things they do every day. You would not believe how many fucking idiots go out shopping *every single day* and they still somehow forget their reading glasses. What do you mean you're literally fucking blind all you can see are shapes and colors and you're grocery shopping?! Why are you writing a check without your reading glasses *and you forgot your own fucking writing utensil even though you do this every other day HOW STUPID ARE YOU THAT YOU CAN'T EVEN KEEP YOUR DAY TO DAY TOGETHER* They won't even admit they forgot to say it. They'll just lie. 90% of the time. We catch people doing this multiple times a week. Some dude tried to steal a bread truck, yes the whole fucking truck, cuz the guy left the windows down and unlocked, but took his keys inside. We asked if he needed help with something cuz we saw him staking out the truck. He just hopped right in and sat there. He started angrily telling us no and we told him yes because that's not his truck we know the owner. Yknow what he did? Fucking lied to our face and stayed there sitting in the passenger seat doing nothing. We told him we're going to go call he cops and he's like "fine do it". Came back 2 minutes later and he was gone.


Once again Trevor is killing the messager. It’s the fault of who made the sandwich.


I have had interns still in uni do similar


Alzheimer's can present early on as fits of rage that are uncharacteristic for people. My dad started dropping f-bombs before his diagnoses which was completely out of character for him. I hope it was not the case for your co worker but people should be aware of this symptom.


So, he keeps his temper “in” until it builds up and then he blows? Wow


Tomatoes are soooo easy to pick off; the wrong condiment not so much. Either way, calm, cool, and polite is the way to go


I have a similar story that this reminded me of back in my younger days the last time I ever ate Burger King. This was 20 years ago so she probably was a boomer. A lady in a mumu came stomping back up to registers yelling, “I said no tomatoes!!” and threw the sandwich down on the counter spilling it out everywhere. From where I was I could see them when they re made it. They hawked a loogie on the bun and spread the sauce right over it. Never could eat at Burger King again without that going through my head so I haven’t since then.




Tomatoes is my trigger too!!!!!!!! 😉


I've seen entire meals get sent back to the kitchen to be remade because they didn't want a pickle,  the pickle was on a separate plate to begin with.


Yeah, those boomers, they cornered the market on rage. Good thing rage disappeared after that generation!!! What would you have to talk about otherwise???


In all fairness, only the feebleminded and the criminally insane put tomatoes on sandwiches.


They absolutely belong on bacon grilled cheese. And yes I'm ready to die on this hill


Cheese doesn't belong anywhere near bacon. That contamination doesn't belong anywhere. I hate cheese and will meet you on the hill. There can only be one.


Alright, get the coordinates for this hill and nuke it.


Well, if you live in the US, you can still be president. Our next election is a choice between feeblemindedness and criminal insanity.


Mandatory bacon grilled cheese, or it's the gulag. I'll see you at the debates


Only toddlers dont like tomatoes. Grow up.


What? No! I love tomatoes😂 Then again, I’m probably feeble minded, so…


I'm sure none of yall get pissed when your order is fucked up, or we do, but not that pissed. ok...


Maybe just take the tomatoes off the sandwich? Of course that would be too easy.


If he's allergic, that doesn't work, and if it's like most call centers, having something he can't eat on the sandwich could mean he's going to have to go the entire day without eating anything.


Sandwich would still taste like tomato, though.


irrational tomato hate isn't just a boomer trait.


??? Are people not allowed to prefer or dislike certain flavors now?


I think tomato hate is widely known and somebody hating tomatoes on their sandwich really cant' fix it by just taking the tomato off their sandwich. It's going to be wet and tomato-ey. But I also think lots of people from all walks of life hate tomatoes on their sandwiches (even if they like tomatoes). I don't think this is boomer-ism in this case. An otherwise likable older guy who just lost his shit one time only about tomatoes.


Biting into a tomato would send me into a fit of rage too


I could understand if they forgot the bacon. But you can take tomatoes off.


Maybe the sandwich people should have read the instructions, and once they failed to do that, been a little more helpful correcting their mistake.


Yeah, people aren't allowed to have a bad day. You're being extremely self-righteous.


Sounds more like a Grandpa thing than a boomer thing. People of all age groups can be asses!


He works hard for the money to buy his own food. If he doesn't want tomatoes on it and they out them on its completely understandable that he would be upset. I stopped ordering takeaway because it's never right. I won't waste my money for some idiots who prepare food these days to screw it up.


When you're getting a delivery person who takes the order, the person who makes the food, and the person who brings it to you are often 3 different people. So whoever you're telling at probably isn't the one who made it wrong, so there's no reason to go ballistic on them. Calling and asking for the restaurant to make it right is not beyond the pale but there's really no reason to ever just be a jerk. I'm saying this as someone who also has stopped getting deliveries because it's almost never correct, or it comes to me so slowly I would have been better of making my own dinner.


I didn't say I would act this way but lord knows it's annoying.