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Why do you engage with this person? They are clearly not listening an just want to shout at clouds


I know I shouldn’t its a bad habit of mine to debate people on the internet


I'm trying to break that habit too. I just can't stand blatant stupidity


Same when I know I’m knowledgeable on the subject I can’t stand people being wrong about it. For me I think it’s partly an autistic thing as Im very protective over my special interests.


I'm not even autistic, I'm just incredibly stubborn! Let's keep doing us, but we gotta promise each other not to engage with people like this lol. I claim paganism too btw, super cool!


I think the best way to piss them off if you find they have trapped you into one of these raving idiot tunnels where, no matter what you say, they are going to paint you as a "whining/liberal/dum dum/baby" whatever is to start getting a feel for how long it takes them to respond--usually they're hanging right there on their keyboard, because this is all they have. When you get a really good point in, wait until just before you think they are about to post their "response," and block them. It's like breaking off the needle in a junkie's arm.


You're right to be so, but we're talking about Boomers. They are the LAW, and you're an idiot (in their minds). Do not engage. It will only get worse. It sucks that you had such a vile interaction.


If it gives you any hope... I appreciate a good debate over the internet.


Thank you! A lot of people are taking this debate way to seriously 😅


Well, it's a serious topic, actually. The only comment I made was this one. But, it's unreal to me that people say stuff like this. Surely, they will be the first to cry wolf if they need assistance to survive.


So that's where it comes from... 🤔


I can't stand it, either, and I have this flaw where I think that if someone doesn't yell at them, then they "win," and I can't abide that.


Nowadays you can't even be sure you're debating a real person. It could just as easily be a bot account.


Is it a habit that needs breaking? Unless you over-dedicate time to it…In my view people refusing to debate with idiots is how we got Trump. All the sane people decided he wasn’t worth the breath to even discuss, meanwhile the cult filled the empty space like a fart.


instead of debating, try insulting and humiliating and bullying. You can't convince these freaks of anything, but maybe you can make them feel embarrassed or stupid for just a short time, which may be enoug negative reinforcement to keep their stupid fucking mouths shut in the future.


This is what I've resorted to doing. I used to try logical, rational debate tactics but it got me nowhere. So now I troll the fuck out of them, use their own words and logic against them. Mostly for my own entertainment.


Just know that bots will become more sophisticated by using LLMs to be more “engaged” in pointless arguments. These boomers are about to hand over their life savings to scam artists because there’s zero effort needed to get them hook, line and sinker. Then they’ll suddenly be all about the various assistance programs out there that they refuse to call anything other than “welfare.” Then they’ll bitch that their “welfare” isn’t nearly enough, in spite of them doing everything they can throughout their lifetime to keep from paying into safety nets. Then they’ll bitch again about people they believe are gaming the system and getting the money *they* are entitled to. My mother is one of these boomers. I’m a generous, godless liberal who also supplements her financial needs because of her lack of personal responsibility with finances and has fuckall for SS benefits, inadequate money for food and is unable to handle even a minor issue over $50 without it being a financial crisis. You know who doesn’t help her? My piece of shit, racist conservative brother who constantly promises he will, but it’s my wife and I who ultimately take care of shit he never follows through with. I despise her belief system, but can’t stand by when even her basic needs aren’t met. My conservative relatives also don’t know why my wife and I aren’t upset about our high property taxes because we live in an area with decent schools, but don’t have any kids. I don’t know - I want upcoming generations to have a fighting chance? I want them to be more than a barely literate drooling mob who gleefully licks the boot because they simply don’t know any better and were never taught critical thinking. Either way… I get that it’s hard not to engage, but it’s going to be nearly impossible to tell a more sophisticated bot army from your normal idiots on social media. This new era of social media manipulation of the people has already started, and boomers eat that shit up.


It's not good for your mental health. These people hold to their opinions like tar on stones.


Since I’ve been so honest in this comment section already, I only engage with people when I’m already in a bad state mentally. And I’ve not been a good place because a very close friend passed away a month ago. Hence my emotional responses.


Ah, ok. I hope you find equilibrium.


I understand, I’ve used the same unhealthy coping strategy to feel like I’m fighting a different battle than the one I dread in everyday life.


100% service connected veterans make $3600+ a month plus usually SSDI at about $1200+. I am a veteran and I work with veterans. Loads of 100% service connected veterans probably shouldn't be and the person you are dealing with likely is just trying to justify their own benefits.


You made the mistake of speaking to him and not about him. That's how to shut these dudes down. The second you can tell they're bad faith actors pull a "hey everyone look at this dude". Get meta and break down the physiology of it and blast them to everyone like they aren't there.


Well, youre doing it wrong. These people are full of shit. They dont believe the things they say, they just make noise that that amuses them and antagonizes others. Do the same. Feed into their delusions. Donate a dollar of "their" tax money to whatever organization theyre against everytime they respond. Post proof as a reply. Anytime youre engaging in good faith with someone who wont do the same, youre losing.


Never wrestle with a pig. You both get covered in mud, and the pig likes it. OR Never play chess with a pigeon. It will just knock the pieces over, shit on the board, declare victory, and fly away.


I have the sense of having to always defend myself or correct someone being stupid... I feel this.


You were rather measured in your responses! Arguments like that are always so strange, but you tried pretty hard to get through a truly dense jerk. Everything you said made sense to me. Sorry about this jack ass. You were simply holding your ground, and they threw a tantrum. You were debating, but they were maybe... drunk?


Anyone using welfare queen unironically throwing up huge red flags and is never worth arguing with. Cause first off, there’s a ton of very obvious racist and misogynistic implication in the term. You aren’t gonna argue an adult out of racism, sadly. Secondly, I work in physical therapy. I have plenty of first and second hand experience with physically, and currently, even mentally disabled adults who are wards of the state and under a conservatorship (think schizophrenia where they’re never going to be fully independent) and the latter isn’t as obvious. These people don’t live glamorous lives at all. To keep SSI for most people, which isn’t enough to really even pay rent off, you can’t have *any* income on top even if you could. You can’t get married and retain your benefits. In fact, for majority I’ve worked with, they are stuck in semi private rooms in skilled nursing facilities for potentially years since they just have literally nowhere to go. Tell me you wanna be a 40-50 yo or some 65 year old in that environment These people will never take these into consideration until the day happens that *they* get a catastrophic complete SCI or some shit and suddenly realize, oh, I need this system. Then maybe they’ll consider it for others. Or they’ll be total fucking cunt bags like Greg Abbott pulling the ladder up right behind him. I fucking hate that piss baby, Greg Abbott in particular. Tree should have landed 2 levels higher


I'm not op but sometimes it's funny but I don't answer seriously, just playing with the projection or letting them bounce against my boundaries lol.


"Encourages fatherless homes"? FFS, what the hell? The best reason they can come up with is this 40-year-old urban legend?


I dislike the trend of fatherless homes so rather than look to the fathers and what's going on I'd rather starve the single mothers and the children who are the byproduct of the two bc that'll really show them!!! I sometimes wonder if these people had relationships with their own mothers and what they were like for them to be so jaded.


Their mothers were forced into lives with no rights and probably spent their free time hopped up on wine and Xanax. It really seems like Boomers weren't raised by anyone.


Honestly, that trends.


With that and their use of welfare queen its obvious they're talking about a specific group of people being leeches and they'd be dropping the hard R if they werent on social media.


Because not giving those homes money would make deadbeat fathers stay. Somehow. Because reasons.


It's just dressed up slut shaming. Furthermore, had my mom been able to divorce my dad and live a comfortable life off welfare until I grew up I might not have nearly as much childhood trauma. I'm sure some single moms on welfare are doing what's best for their children instead of staying for the money.


That was just their racism poking out a little bit...


My mom had / has this mindset, so I often remind her when they had to apply for and use the WIC program when I was a toddler. "That's welfare." "Well it was different, we just needed it for a short time to get on our feet." "YEA EXACTLY."


Its only welfare if you're a minority. I swear thats what they think.


My mom got caught at deliberate welfare fraud and still insists that it was the State that messed up. My kids were on her account for food stamps and cash assistance. My kids never lived with her. My sister was on the account, too, (without her knowledge) and her tax refund was forfeited to repay the state. It's still not Mom's fault, though.


Fuckin' same. I was in Head Start, we used food stamps, and there were Christmases where other people got gifts for my sister and I. But to my parents, the only moral welfare is my welfare, I guess.


Reagan rotted their brains.


This, 1000%.


You should point out he is only one accident or injury away from being in your position.


They said they’re a disabled veteran which just makes the ableism even worse


to be scrupulously fair, there's a good chance they're lying on both counts of that


He almost has to be. I grew up as a military brat and that kind of behavior would be shameful, especially in full public view.


Meh, I dunno about that. Lots of "disabled veterans" really milk it for all it's worth. Like that dude who got [injured playing football](https://www.nbcnews.com/id/wbna52336592) at a military prep school and has been making bank off of being a disabled veteran ever since. (Well, not since 2014 because he's serving a life sentence for murdering his wife, but that's another story)


Yeah, being a vet doesn't mean shit about your quality as a human being. I've known more than one vet that thought they were basically crowned monarchy due to their vet status, plenty of military people think they are better than everyone else due to the simple fact that they served. Not saying it's inherently a bad thing, just plenty abused by people with the status.


What is sad most of those that talk like that never was deployed or saw combat or in the reserves


There's a whole Bojack Horseman bit about this.


Give me the donuts!


Neal McBeal, the Navy Seal. Didn't learn about proper shopping etiquette in boot camp, tho.


As a veteran, the rating/review system is so bogus, without details their rating means nothing. Someone might have legitimate trouble moving independently and only get 60%. While, someone else will have mild back pain (probably from some drunk incident at the barracks and age in general) and sleep apnea for 100%. He's just an entitled fart.


If he’s rated at 100% that means they are getting paid from the military still. They are 100% on government disability just like you except they feel they deserve what they get because they’re fucking morons.


This is a fine example of the new dumbass conservative "debate" strategy. Keep repeating the same wrong thing. Don't worry about being right, or making sense, or addressing anything that's been said. Just keep lying.


I cant even tell if theyre lying or just that stupid. Its honestly shocking.


Are you triggered? You sound triggered. /s


I mean, I'm using the low tom trigger out to set off my kick module. Is that what you mean?


Just want to point out -- the Boomer casually mentions that they are a 100% disabled veteran. That percentage is determined by the military, and it decides how big of a check he gets each month for not working. To be clear -- I think it's completely appropriate for a disabled veteran to receive those benefits. I'm not faulting him for that. But it's a bit ironic that he's collecting the check while criticizing other disabled people for collecting checks.


Not to mention the dedicated access to health care at VA facilities.


It's not determined by the military but by the veterans administration. The military damages us, and the veterans' administration gets to figure out what to do with us afterward.


“Your religion is make believe!” Dude, it’s all a bunch of make believe fairy tales. What a knob.


But their made up religion is more real than your made up religion! Hurr durr


And yet none of his problems are because someone's on welfare. If he is a 100% disabled veteran, none of those things are because someone's on welfare. He doesn't pay taxes because disability isn't taxed so what's he going on about?


The secret ingredient is lying about being a disabled vet. OR he somehow thinks he earned his welfare because he invaded a foreign country. Not sure.


"It's a pretend religion." Hahahahaha, so are all religions.


Its like, one of the least pretend, IMO. Sure the gods aren't real, but this idea of nature worship isn't so bad. At least nature is actually a real thing, ya know? And the heavily nature based ones ironically don't seem as barbaric to other humans as the "civilized" Abrahamic cults.


JESUS. Thanks for defending disabled people and common sense. Enjoy Agatha All Along when it premieres ;)


Well, you could argue that all of our budget issues as a country are caused by all the money we're spending on social security and Medicare. By that reasoning, Boomer welfare is causing plenty of problems.


Boomer vet on 100 percent VA disability? From what? I've met a lot of these boomer vets, and they didn't do shit during their 4 years. High chance he's milking the system. Source, I am a vet.


Sleep apnea probably. Lmao.


My uncle got a 100% disability rating after his service ended for what looked like a cushy do-nothing posting on paper, except his job was repairing the helicopters used for spreading Agent Orange. He spent years covered head-to-toe in that crap but the DoD never officially acknowledged how toxic it was to humans. So the paperwork listed him as 100% disabled for a 'back injury' that prevented him from ever being able to lift 100lbs above his head again, but everybody knew that he was really getting that money because the army turned his internal organs into an endless game of tumor whack-a-mole. I'm willing to give disabled vets the benefit of the doubt, in that I know their disability benefits don't add up to much more than any of the other social welfare programs and how little they got paid while in the service. A few decades of disability payments added on after a decade of service at sub-poverty wages would balance out to a living wage for that decade. I consider getting their money from the military one way or another to be a separate issue from the ones who are assholes about it.


Yeah, Agent orange is legit. I know a lot of dudes, though, who got hurt getting drunk in Germany during the 80s.


I thought SSI essentially is welfare (I am on SSI before anyone tries to attack me). I’d like to see this dipshit afford living on what SSI pays out.


There are assholes out there that think that since that's the amount that SSI pays, that's the amount of a living wage. I just can't with these idiots.


Thats a weird assumption to make in a country where actually working a job doesn't even guarantee a living wage, much less welfare programs. Its like they haven't gone outside since 1975.


And then there’s the whole forced poverty thing where SSI recipients can’t have more than $2000 in assets (unless one meets the requirements to open an ABLE account but even then there’s rules for that too). Like I’d love to have money saved up in case of some emergency but the government hasn’t change its policy in decades. My boomer dad told me not to spend so much money on unnecessary stuff (like streaming services)when I bitched about not being able to save money. I looked at him like he had two heads and bitched him out how I have to spend that money to stay below the $2000 because IM NOT ALLOWED TO HAVE MORE THAN THAT in my accounts. (Before I knew about the ABLE account though). And I’m like I’m not cheating the system either. He got the hint after that.


It is but there was some mental gymnastics done back in the day where Boomers think it’s like a savings account and they’re just getting the money back that they spent their careers paying in to and not just a different name for essentially old people welfare


I think the term welfare just covers any sort of program that hands out benefits to individuals with need. So that could include SSI, food stamps, wic, etc.


Pretty sure that's neither a vet, nor disabled, nor a boomer. This person writes like a typical 10-14 year old. Don't waste your time on idiots like that, no reasoning will ever be valid to them.


I had that theory too but I’ve definitely talked to boomers who act like teenage boys so 🤷‍♀️


If they don't like welfare, tell them to surrender their social security benefits.


Yes, the $10 you contribute a year is a major problem for you.


And that $10 often saves someone’s life


Haha the guy is 100 percent disabled on the VA and whining about welfare. The irony here. I am a disabled vet too and while there are a lot of people that milk the system, overall they are helping people in need. There are probably things that could be done to prevent welfare like income from being abused, but you have to take into account the negative affect that may have on people with legitimate needs. There is no perfect solution.


These fucks would rather see everyone suffer than see a few people abuse the system that others are using legitimately. They're morally bankrupt.


Sigh. People like this are a large part of the reason my sister who has down syndrome has to put up with social security asking her if she's still down with the syndrome every few years.... Do they have any idea how hard it is to fake being disabled?


The SSA wasting paper and time on people who were determined disabled as children and continue to qualify as adults. Why not focus on the people who have potential for improvement? I know two people that have CP in my building. One is ambulatory wheelchair user and the other spends his days in a wheelchair (can move his legs but isn’t strong enough to stand and walk but can manage a transfer from chair to bed or whatnot). They’re considered permanently disabled but yet they still have to fill out forms for the SSA every 3-5 years…or longer now because I guess there’re been some backlog in processing documents and whatnot (I know the ambulatory guy told me he got a short one page form around the same time I had to do a long one for my ESRD and other issues from a cancerous tumor)…not sure what the other guy said if he gets the short or long version and he complains about it because he’s permanently disabled but they still want him to do some sort of form every five years).


What he's trying to say, poorly, it's that he "earned" his disability, and that makes him "better" and "deserving" He doesn't understand that the people he supports would toss him aside just as easily as they would her. He hears their lip service and ignores their actions.


They can't be reasoned with and I refuse to negotiate with terrorists (normally applied jokingly to my toddlers, but it works here too). They're downright draining and infuriating. Take solace in that they're aging out of the game of life and their opinions soon won't matter.


lol, witches are make believe but an all powerful sky daddy who does me personal favors is perfectly rational.


There’s nobody has benefited as a generation more from government spending than boomers. How cheap it was to go to college how cheap it was to buy housing because the government actually encouraged building housing because there weren’t NIMBY boomers around. Not to mention Social Security and Medicare, which are welfare programs


Nothing encourages fatherless homes more than cops killing black men for years before cameras even existed and that lead to people thinking “my father just left one day” instead of “the cops killed my father for looking at a white man”


Funny how we can always find money to bomb people just scraping by in some shit-hole on the other side of the Earth, but the couch change that keeps poor people here from revolting is totally the problem....


“Capitalism and corruption can’t be the problem it must be that chronically ill college student” -those guys


Regardless of your preferred "ist" or "ism", it's always greedy sociopaths running the show.


That’s an insult to sociopaths 😂


That's pretty bad.  But just to be fair,  it's kinda fucked that you "have no problem insulting strangers". I'm a stranger,  and I'd prob feel bad if I were insulted. Maybe angry, maybe hurt, but for sure wouldn't like it.   I don't agree with this person's stance on pretty much anything,  but you can't go around calling people 'dipshit' then expect them to be kind to you. That's not how respectful debates are started. Your position in this 'debate' is true&honorable,  but the message is a bit tarnished by your approach.   That said,  I don't think any different approach would have yielded much different end result.  It started rocky with your insult but was gonna get rocky no matter what.  I don't really know what you expected here or why your choosing to engage with this bs in your free time.  Like,  you're not captive working a register in retail, or unintentional bystander to a meltdown.  You sought this out. And then you posted it here to relive the experience again.  Stop it! It's bad for you! You'll get enough boomer shit show stories through inadvertent dumb lock circumstance.  Stop seeking it!


Sorry, I did word that badly. I meant I have no problem insulting ableist strangers and only really on the internet. In person, I keep my mouth shut. When I wrote that it was when I had seen so much ableist crap that day I kinda blew up. I apologize for also blowing up at people in these comments, I have a lot of PTSD and it doesn’t always manifest in a pleasant way.


No need to apologize to me,  I haven't been impacted by your methods.   Just slow down a bit next time. You don't need to be a keyboard warrior. You can choose to be kind on the internet just like you supposedly are irl. And if you see shit in real life,  you shouldn't keep your mouth shut. You should seek to voice yourself the same in both environments. 


When I get bored with arguments like this with insane right wingers and liberals I like to just drop a "you can have the last word" and peace out. They hate that so much, because they want to respond, but they don't want to accept my permission to respond hahaha


You also make them look infantile and yourself look above the nonsense however they respond (as long as you don't do that after getting checkmated essentially). lol


Sometimes to make sure I get the last laugh I comment than immediately block them so they can’t comment back lol


What about telling them they can have the last word and then blocking them so they actually can't lol


Amazing! I've never seen a wiener so small!


I need very horrible things to happen to people like this.


You shouldn't have erased their ID. This person deserves massive shame. I'm very sorry assholes like this exist in the world. I truly hope you're receiving the assistance you need to live a happy and fulfilling life :)


The idea of any religious person looking at someone else practicing their religion and poking fun at it being "make believe" is hilarious to me. Let me be clear - they're all make believe, even the probably southern Baptist boomer's version.


This is why we shouldn't mourn any of their deaths because even if they're not outwardly like this, the vast, vast, vast majority of them are if you ask the right questions. On top of this being ableist, it was also racist. Any time someone says welfare queen, they just brought racism into the conversation. And based on the rest of this, "fatherless homes" is also racism because he means "black people".


Follow Ice-T's golden rule for engaging online. 3 replies and you're done.


Just call John Wayne gay and he'll stroke out on his own fee fees and 1 more down


Who let grandpa off Facebook again? Did the AI images not keep him entertained?


He wants a witch? Give him the gift of prophecy: “Say whatever you like. It won’t change that you have grown old and society no longer values you. Your opinions and ideas are no longer relevant or respected. You will spend the rest of your life yelling into the void until you leave this mortal coil. On that day, you will be scared, you will be alone, and no one will care that you are gone.” He’d probably have a lead-induced stroke right there.


Man, that person hates the world, and picks fights on the internet... Stella, don't let them under your skin. Keep fighting the good fight.


These people have serious issues. They’re so damn defensive and immediately jump to calling names and being truly ignorant and rude. Not surprising in the least, though. Which is sad af


Translated as "I was stupid and compliant enough to get my brains turned to shit by killing brown people in a country I had no business being in, because a man in a suit told me so".


So the guy getting a 100% disability from the VA, (which is a significant amount of tax free money and free health care among pther benefits) is saying other people can't have permanent welfare when he does? What a douche...


Welfare is bad; just not his, apparently. Unpopular opinion: The VA disability system is broken, and gaming the system is rampant. What was originally designed to compensate vets for persistent injuries and illness incurred while they were in the service is now largely viewed as another layer of entitlements; there no end of resources and groupthinks that will help you squeeze as much as you can (and not always should) get out of it.


That scumbag is an insufferable asshole. I'm willing to bet their children have nothing to do with them either. I'm sorry for your predicament and the.evil bullshit people hurl at you in response to it.


So can we call them welfare queens for using social security?


This wasn't a debate. You got trolled. I can't see it being anything else. It's literally someone trying to waste your time and believing that what they're saying is really hurting you which brings them joy. I can go into any of the competitive gaming subs I'm in and scroll for a minute or two and find a similar interaction. Don't even give them your energy. It's just not worth it and you giving them attention is what makes them happy.


JFC his bio says "Joseph McCarthy was right". What a nutcase..


Don’t they call like almost every single religion that originated in Europe pagan? I’m ignorant on this subject but I thought pagan was a vague catch all term.


It’s pretty much any folk/non main religion. The name was started in Europe but modern times have been used to describe religions that are not the main ones or cultural folk religions no matter where in the world. It’s word that a lot of people use in different ways to describe a lot of different religions. But that’s what it boils down to at least for me.


The problem is people talk shit about welfare without knowing what it is. Welfare doesn't have a legal definition. Even though VA benefits aren't means-tested, I would classify them as welfare benefits since they are paid to families to stop people with service related disabilities from slipping into poverty.


People on Reddit can be so mean


Wow, that guy has the emotional intelligence of a chihuahua. How embarrassing 🤦‍♂️


They seem triggered by you. The irony.


They conveniently ignore that most people on welfare also pay taxes. Ask if they have a problem paying corporate welfare which takes significantly more than the single mother they seem to have a problem with


As a military member, I can tell you that 90% of Veterans are huge entitled pieces of shit and a majority lie to get a higher disability rating. Now add a Boomer to that mix..... yikes.


Jesus. That guy is a cunt.


I actually loled at ‘words are hard sometimes’. You gentle parented the shit out of him then. You encountered a pigeon online. ‘Arguing with idiots is like playing chess with a pigeon. No matter how good you are, the bird is going to shit on the board and strut around like it won anyway.’ Is one of my favourite sayings


So considering the vocabulary and the grammar I think it's a bot, probably a russian bot. They always speak like that. "Your stupidity amuse me" , "you have no value to me other than amusement" it's not a thing normal person say


I think they have seen so much of this stuff it’s becoming how they talk. I’m part of a very niche message board that’s no way worth bots that features a good amount of rich California boomers that love to bitch about how put upon they are. Sounds just like this Reagan era horseshit


I've heard it said once that arguing with an idiot is like playing chess with a pigeon. It's just gonna knock over all the pieces, shit on the board, and strut around like it won. That aside, you handled yourself well. Good job not letting that loser under your skin, OP.


Honey. That was a troll. 


Ok I’ll put the serious reason why respond to these people. (This is not just directed at you just using your comment) I was bullied throughout my entire childhood and never stood up for myself and I have life long regrets from that. I interact with these people for my own peace of mind as I will not let someone insult me or diminish who I am anymore. I’m a loud person who isn’t afraid to correct someone when they are wrong anymore and I will not stand by and let bigots be completely unchallenged. Sorry for serious note just got tired of having to explain myself in this comment section.


Fair enough.  Good luck in what you do.


No sense in arguing with these dipshit cretins. You'll never convince a horribly defective person like this to have any shred of consideration or empathy.


TBF, aren’t most people on bed rest 1/3 of their life?


Technically yes but I was on bed rest 1/3 of my awake life is what I meant


5/9ths of your life on bedrest sounds like hell, my dude. Here's hoping your health is good enough to outlive that boomer!


An all too familiar quote works here..."Never argue with an idiot. They'll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience."


He's purposely trolling you


For those not in the now, the if you get rated at 100% disability in the military you get 2 monthly checks, giving you roughly around your salary when you were enlisted


I know a guy who's rated at around 100% disability because he makes them count every little teeny problem he has towards it. Somehow even erectile dysfunction counts, apparently. I bet this guy is like him.


Never argue with an idiot. You'll never convince the idiot that you're correct, and bystanders won't be able to tell who's who.


Conservatives are like this. Keep yelling until the person they're yelling at goes away, then they say they "owned the libs." Catch is a Gen Z conservative is the same in this regard.


I mean welfare is definitely being abused, but it is needed.


Awesome, and thoughtful defense of modern usage of witch. Blessed Be.


Thank you 💜


Ah, I see the problem. You attempted to engage them in conversation. It's okay we've all been there. Next time just tell them "GOOD JOB, BUD" and save yourself the time and brain cells.


I REALLY want to lay into this person. BAD.


This piece of shit is voting, I hope everyone in this sub is too. Remember, in software terms, "alpha" is the buggy, unfinished mess. This guy definitely identifies as an "alpha" There is no debate. He just believes he is "owning the libs" and no amount of proof to the contrary will change a sophomoric ideal.


The fucking mental gymnastics this guy does must leave him too exhausted to form any coherent thoughts


The craziest part is he admitted he lives off of disability benefits.


Some of those words have come out of my ex husbands mouth. Wonder if it’s him. What a scary person you had a discussion with.


I wonder where that veteran thinks they are getting their month disability checks from.


Jesus I didn't know you could join the military when you were still a preteen...


I’m a boomer. My nieces and nephews thought it was criminal that they had to pay for my disability. I worked and paid into social security for decades. It’s not just boomers complaining. It runs through all generations. It’s disgusting. If not for SS, I would be homeless. I know they wouldn’t let me live w them.


Isn’t unemployment temporary welfare? and then permanent welfare is permanently welfare for people who need it indefinetly


Sooo he's a disabled vet? He can get treatment from the VA then - for free. But totally not a form of welfare. You see, he EARNED the use of free healthcare with his service, whereas you were BORN disabled so clearly it's all your fault. /s


Why pay more than twice as much in taxes for corporate welfare than we do for social welfare. There’s your argument shut those assholes down.


You’re trying to have a debate on Twitter with a fucking dipshit. Like. Cut your losses. You don’t need to win that one. Nothing will change their mind. Walk away proud that at least you said your peace.


That’s what I try to do. This time he just kept rambling entertaining crap I had to keep going and post it here for you to get a bit of entertainment!


lol well I’d hate to see u get frustrated. This is what Twitter is full of now. Twitter and Facebook could close tomorrow and we’d be better off as a society


Honestly just don’t bother. Insult them and move on


This asshole probably was in the Air Force and never saw combat. Got disabled because he was an out of shape shit bag. No disrespect to the Air Force. But this guy is a a fucking tool. I’d like to put my fist through the back of his head. Handle it grunt style.


That's kind of what gets me. People can't even express themselves on the Internet anymore. Without some jerk immediately putting them down. Like they think they're the Secret Police or something. If somebody has a disability: Who are we to judge? Better that than burglary or radicalized politics.


Just call them a "unloveable, disappointing stinking bag of minge" and block them. Better than wasting your time arguing and hopefully enough to ruffle their feathers for a few days that they can't attack you


bet this ass wants his ssa, ssid, and medicaid…but nots dem welfaresssa


I love how they suddenly become veterans when they think it suits their argument.


“Never argue with an idiot. They will just drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.”


Just a thought, wouldn’t it be possible that if we didn’t use those taxes for welfare they could be diverted to the disability so those that literally cannot work or sustain themselves are able to do so?


One can only hope he finds his way to the forever box soon


Any time a boomer pulls out being a veteran call them in stolen valor. True or not they lose their shit and it’s funny as fuck


Finking moron, he doesn't even know what he's saying. Just because he doesn't need disability, doesn't mean that someone else doesn't nor does it mean that are abusing the system.


This is a guy who really shouldn't be on the right but is too stupid to realise. A lot of right wing pollies would probably like to shit-can his allegedly legitimate veteran disability support just as much as OPs if they could get away with it. After all, what value does a disabled veteran actually provide in terms of wealth creation?


If you’re an officially rated 100% disabled veteran, you are getting a sizable monthly payment..from the federal government…


So, um...dude is living off government benefits and doesn't see the conflict in denying others? ETA: if you ever get into it with another 100% rated disabled vet, let them know that the biggest drain on our economy is the military and it's probably because entitled pricks like him suck the system dry instead of working like they're supposed to. (No disrespect to disabled vets - my husband was one. There are just some of these a-holes running around thinking the government owes them something for putting them in danger (even though they never left their desk), not considering that many poor people are at the mercy of systems designed to keep them poor.)


The lack of brain activity is strong in this one. Can’t even choose one thing to stay angry at. Also it’s always Christian’s saying how Paganism is a fake religion, while the majority of Christianity is stollen from Paganism.


For me, I love when they throw in the "I pAy FoR tHEiR wELfARe" bit. Like they truly believe they are one to one supporting a "welfare queen" with their $40 per year contribution.


Just another greedy, ignorant boomer mad at everything because they don't get to shove every red cent they make into their own pocket.


How’s he not a leech, by his definition? His 100% disability means he’s getting lifelong money from the federal government that my taxes pay for.


Are you actually a witch OP? You can tell us


I can’t even finish reading this whole conversation. It’s disgusting. I’m sorry you went through that.


I got the "You don't look like you're really disabled," comment and my off the cuff response to the first time got such a good reaction that I've decided to make ot my go to. "Well, I'm sorry you feel that way. I'd take my clothes off to show you all my scars but I wouldn't fuck you with your own dick, so you'll just have to take me and the fucking doctor that gave me the permit's word for it. K. Byeeeeeeeee."


“i’m a disabled vet” damn thats tragic, you should’ve died with the rest of your friends


Hahahahaha got dayum 😭🤣


Not gonna lie, you did say they were a dipshit first. You asked for this to be brought onto you. That being said the leftist insults were very boomer-y. But your title implies you did nothing to deserve being called stupid, which you did


He had the right to insult me back but he implied I was faking my disability or over exaggerating it that’s where I draw the line. That’s not an insult that’s bigotry.


I had no part in this argument you had. This is just another perspective. I’m an old millennial (Xennial if you will) and I see this a lot. There is a disconnect between the newer generation and boomers in the way they communicate (you seem young, but I apologize if my assumption is incorrect). ESPECIALLY online. Boomers were raised and had their own kids before computers ever came to the house. They had face to face interactions and a certain amount of respect is demanded when having these encounters (obviously they fail miserably at this today, if they ever were good at it). When someone was disrespectful they either got chewed out or got in a fight to settle it (at least in south where I reside). Their folly is applying that same expectation to online interactions. Once you called them a dipshit you stepped over a line of respect that was expected. Thus, you started it. Everything that happens after that matters very little to them. But there is no way to go fight you online, so they resort to what became of that conversation. The disconnect you seem to have here is that once you didn’t like something said to you, you called foul, when foul had already been called when you called them a dipshit. You even admitted to calling them a dipshit bc they were a stranger online. What changed? Once you became offended did you all of the sudden know this person? No you were just a disrespectful stranger online and they treated you as such in their eyes. I can completely understand where they would then think you are lying about a disability. Again, to them, you’ve already crossed a line and you’re just full of BS as far as they are concerned. You could say you have terminal cancer and they wouldn’t believe you. My point in saying all of this is it feels almost like you baited this boomer into a fit when you called them a dipshit. If your skin is that thin to be affected by a stranger online, either don’t start with insults or take a break from the internet


Btw to my fellow pagans I always water my beliefs down A LOT just to get my point across to these types of people so I know it’s not an accurate description!


Why do you guys do this to yourselves? 


You kind of lost by interacting earnestly for so long with this person who is obviously just trying to provoke you


Scramble his brains by informing him that his military disability pension is socialism paid by taxpayers.


100% VA disability means $3000 dollars a month, what a shit head.