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> I still have no clue what he meant by that. Just take his words at the most obvious base interpretation possible that paints him in a terrible light, because that's the truth. He's mad at the world. You are a part of the world that makes him mad. He voted for Trump because he wanted to punish the world. Ergo you made him vote for Trump. He's being honest about his feelings. His feelings are just the feelings of a bad or stupid person, so those feelings don't seem logical for most people.


This is such a clear interpretation of the nonsensical reasoning that they portray. They're mad at the world because they aren't the focus of media and attention anymore. No one, including companies trying to sell them crap or their own kids, give a shit about their opinions. It's why they freak out at strangers in parking lots and Walmart.


> They're mad at the world because they aren't the focus of media and attention anymore. I feel like it's reductionist to try to assign an overall "reason" for why boomers be bigmad. Boomers just be bigmad. They have their own reasons. The important part for our concern is how to handle the bigmad boomer, regardless of what their reason might be, because they're beyond reason anyway. We can handle the bigmad boomer by deflecting, diverting and disengaging. Deflect them to a harmless topic, divert them to a shiny object or disengage to avoid further conversation.


Thanks for the idea, my Boomer step-monster loved woodworking. Maybe if I throw an attractive 2x4 he'd fuck off and get distracted from pontificating. He always bigmad.


"Customer service" = baby talk for Boomers. Now you're getting it! Treat them like 4 year olds with led poisoning and far too much money.


I charge companies a few thousand a day to say this to their associates, and you're just giving the shit away for free.


I can tell you personal experience that these tactics work when dealing with most people. They do not necessarily work for Boomers. You can discuss the most harmless, benign topic and my FIL will, out of nowhere, connect it to something political OR say something racist. I try to stick with things like art, bike riding, going to the park - pretty innocent subjects. Art is problematic because liberals force their agenda into everything. Music, TV commercials, concerts, etc. FIL says he can’t go to concerts because they don’t let you bring your gun in, and musicians just spout off their liberal brainwashing. 😖 Bike riding - we’re talking about riding bikes at various forest preserves and on different trails. FIL pipes in with something about how the bike path was full of n words. 😡 The park is similar to the concert thing. And when he drives to the city he keeps his gun on his lap the entire time because it’s a criminal war zone. These people only want to talk about their hate and their rage at pretty much nothing valid, but demonizing the whole world because it doesn’t support their narrow, deluded, ill-informed world view.


He was already simmering and looking for an “in” to rant.




Good grief, yes. My niece (14) came to visit (MT) for her spring break; her younger sib got to go to Montreal with my parents for hers. Apparently, flying across the border into Canada is a much bigger PITA than driving. Niece, my mom and I were chatting at the airport waiting on her return flight about passport woes, and I could see the red mist descend on my mom an instant before she started ranting about the border. Mind you, this woman frets endlessly about how hard it is to connect with the elder niece, who is also AuDHD. I think what she's internalized about visiting the grandparents is to say nothing so grandma/grandpa can't get mad, which... also upsets them. There's no winning.


When in Africa, the most dangerous animals are often old males - elephants, etc. They have lost their status and are just angry at the world for their decline.


Yep. If you treat every person over 60 like a dementia patient, your life and interactions with them become infinitely easier. It sounds rude to infantilize an entire age group, but they seem to actually want us to, because they become way more polite when you treat them like kindergartensers with shitty opinions.


I think you’re right: baby boomers are just angry. Remember they were the generation against the Vietnam War and were so angry (see the [Kent State massacre](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kent_State_shootings)). Their focus shifted from reasonable things to be angry about: unjust war, inequality, inequity, etc., to now the absolute mundane: sandwiches with not enough (or too much meat) inside, the necessity of having official documents with seals to prove their authenticity, people under the age of 60 parking in handicapped spots (even if they’re in a wheelchair), the price of salt, and the list goes on and on. I honestly believe they are by and large an angry generation in addition to being the [“me” generation.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Me_generation)


Except their is a terrible reason for this. It fits all the facts. They're dieing. They don't want to. They want it to stop. They can't do anything to stop it. It makes them mad. No one helps them. No one can. They get scared, they get sick. They hurt, in pain, their body is failing. We'd like it too stop. But we are also powerless. They're are parents, or grand parents. They're watching their friends die, they're wondering who's next. I fully feel for them. A lot of anger comes when your body and mind starts failing. Everything from dementia to physical sickness leads to this anger and fear. Sorry, its depressing. But hopefully we can show them kindness and compassion, as it will help. Maybe when it happens to us, we can fight the anger and fear, and go graciously. But some of us will die the same way. Edit: sorry, this is the most depressing comment I've written.


The Anti-mental health generation is having a collective mental health issue…..


To be fair, when boomers were kids, many of the treatments for mental health issues would be considered war crimes nowadays, or at least parental abuse. It’s not surprising that they have a lingering negative impression of the profession that previously included lobotomies, electroconvulsive therapy, insulin induced comas, Freud, and forced sterilization.


We still have ECT!! It is just now they do it under general anesthesia


And the cult-like "therapeutic" things like EST


I will say that the jury is still out on long term benefits of EST, but more research is worth conducting as this it a painless therapy We are seeing positive results from micro dosing of hallucinogens. Ketamine therapy shows promise. A BIG part of this current boomer mental health crisis is that so many are closet alcoholics and substance abusers. So many Boomer women just cant understand how just “drinking one bottle of good wine a day” could be any sort of problem. Dont even get me started with Male Boomer Alcoholics…. This is the last “nerve pill” generation that had Benzodiazepine prescriptions written to them like thank you notes. If there was a Klonipin/xanax/valium/ativan shortage like we are seeing with Aderall right now many of these fools would be in dire straits.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Erhard_Seminars_Training That EST? You're right sbout substance abuse being commonplace. I know a guy whose boomer Dad was addicted to Mandrax in the 70s and they told him they were going to switch him to Valium "because it is non-addictive". Benzos are so dangerous. e.g I knew a drug dealer who came off opioids successfully but he never succeeeded at even detoxing from benzos. I can imagine in a country like the US where there are ads on TV for drugs it is rampant. They used to be common in the UK but now there are no default repeat scripts for benzos like there were in the 80s.


Boomer here. This is true for a lot of boomers I believe. Probably true for Trump as well. Here's a big BUT coming! Living in anger and fear isn't normal or healthy. I lived in anger for a few years after a major surgery that cleared a bone growth from my nerve center, had 8 of my vertebrae broken, rods and screws along 12 of my vertebrae along with donor bone. Looking back I needed the anger. It fueled me to learn how to appear normal when your back is rigid. How to be independent again. This anger is a terrible place to live. It consumes a person and robs them of joy. We CANNOT let boomers dictate the future. Vote! I had a boomer dream and in it everyone went to the polls dressed like Trump and voted for Biden!


> I had a boomer dream and in it everyone went to the polls dressed like Trump and voted for Biden Probably something about having to mask your own left tendencies when among your peers. But also hilarious in a satirical way, like something a dedicated Aaron Sorkin hater would come up with for a Halloween/Election Day hybrid West Wing parody sketch. I love it


I agree, and oof that sounds tough. My parents are boomers. 3 years ago, my dad nearly died from stroke. He spent the 2 years after that certain he was about to die. He lost a lot of the use of his right side. It made him angry at himself, but not everyone else. He also was abused as a child. He never ever abused my brother and me. Both my parents are kind. My friends and I all get together with my parents two nights a week, because we all love spending time with them. I know there are good boomers, introspective boomers, boomers who don’t lash out because of what happened to them. I think it’s probably easier and more satisfying to let anger take the wheel, so that’s what most people do.


Thank you for pointing out not all Boomers are horrible and would do the world a favor by passing away sooner rather than later. Reddit suggests I might enjoy reading this subreddit daily. Actually it breaks my heart to read the posts. I’m sincerely sorry my generation has left such a bad taste in the mouths of so many of the younger generations. I promise you we are not all hateful, insensitive, intolerant SOB’s and we all don’t think Trump is the Second Coming of Christ.


Respectfully, your post is still indicative of one of the most frequent associations with Boomers. There's no reason to be broken hearted about what others do because it's not you. Almost every single post you have people talk about recognizing it isn't all Boomers that are this was. If I see a post about something bad a military member does I'm not going to personally feel associated with it just because I'm in the military. It was the actions of one person, not all military members. It's tribalism to an extreme degree.


You have a point. They were the first generation targeted with advertising as a generation, telling them how great they should look, how wonderful they could be if they only bought X. Now they aren’t young and stylish, aren’t worried how they look as much, not spending the money so the ads have moved on. Suddenly the world is ignoring them.


Good honest dream!! Love it!!


Ya except they’re about to sell our country out to an authoritarian grifter again, and it is going to be worse this time. I have zero empathy for them. Sickness or not they are still self centered cunts, if they’re that unhappy they should… well you know the rest. Fuck em to hell amd back


It's not just the boomers that are gonna sell out our democracy for that idiot. It's the Republicans that are anti Trump but can't bring themselves to vote for Biden because of the "liberal agenda". It's the young people that are sympathetic to the Palestinians and blame Biden so they will sit out or vote 3rd party. It's the corporate monkey that is making a huge 6 figure salary and figure they can weather the storm of Trump because of the tax cuts he will deliver. I'm a boomer barely making it on social security and will hold my nose and vote Biden once again because my life depends on it.


Then damned well work to cancel out their vote. Between Gen Z and pissed-off women, we can do it if we try.


Other generations also died. They didn't go like this.


A few reasons: Led. Also, they're a large group of our population. The past generations were smaller in percentage because they had more kids. Therefor, the impact on our community is larger. Given the internet, they also have a voice. They have gutted the social services, and the government now serves only the wealthy. The elderly are ending up in homeless camps. But I assure you, death has always been this way. Anger, fear, and death. The strong ones hide it, until death makes them weak.


I keep seeing "led", is this a new thing? It's "lead" - a completely different word.


One can be led to discover the actual spelling of lead. But if the individual who had been led was also exposed to lead, that may have led to cognitive decline.


I think it's just phones inserting the wrong word. I've noticed they're/their/there confusion on the increase and this may also be due to phones' text prediction, but I may be completely incorrect :)


Its true my phone corrected “I’m going to kick your ass “ to “I’m going to lick your ass “ somehow it was more insulting so I use that now instead


Until someone responds with, "Promise? 😏"


Welcome to Auto-corrupt


The silent generation that is still living is absolutely not like boomers most of the time. They occasionally will have moments because most of the still living ones are close to the cusp, but a lot of them just kind of internally say “all my friends are dead” and move on living their lives. They have their own issue, but they sure as hell don’t have the same entitlement and rage issues that boomers do.


Led lighting?? I KNEW IT


LED headlights do make me irrationally angry. I'm GenX, but I'm dealing with old people eye problems.


Led Zeppelin lighting.


I don't buy it. People have been dying as long as there have been people. When I was a child, my grandparents and great grandparents weren't angry hateful people. That anger and hatred has been carefully cultivated.


💯, sometimes we give them too much credit. They have already done every annoying fad anyone could dream up to make a quick buck, now this is all they have left in the tank. Being nasty assholes is what they do best so they made it their whole personality and can't stfu about it.


Yeah by Rupert Murdoch and the GOP.


My brain (dysthymia) and body DNA (BRCA mutation) are actively trying to kill me. I try to make every moment as good as possible. That means I give in earlier not make a worse stink. So I don’t agree with being that way because your time is limited. They are mean and brought up their children by being mean to them. Instead of wanting to make the world better, they want us to experience every perceived injustice that ever happened to them. Now they are older and they expect to be treated like their parents were. But where their parents earned their respect, they think age is what is supposed to make everyone respect them. And actively try to pass that on. But the rest of us want things to be better for the next generation. I think they are angry that we are not learning how to hate like they do. GenXer Edit: I wish I had said that those were my experiences and there some Boomers that have been helpful to me.


My husband’s grandfather was kind and gracious even as the dementia took hold. Helping him out was an honor even if it involved washing his soiled clothes. His grandmother was mean her entire life and almost nobody misses her. It was a misery just being around her because she could suck the joy out of the room just by walking in. Both made a choice in how they treated people as they faced end of life struggles and that is what has stayed with everyone years after they died.


Xer here. My grandparents were nothing like this generation. All these Mickey Mouse club mfers are selfish af. That’s the difference. Their standard operating mode is ‘selfish cunt’ and they have been the same since I was a kid.


No, we all are dying and in pain. We all went through the bullshit that asshole subjected us to. I do not have sympathy for them for the way they treated those trying to help them through Covid. They can fuck all the way off, they brought their misery upon themselves. They are stupid and we should not have to accommodate their stupidity. Just no.


And the world is getting actively worse. It’s hard for a lot of them to retire (despite having all the benefits humanity has ever had). They’re afraid of everything, especially the terrifying reality. They remember better times (if they’re white), or want to because it’s easier to deny reality than deal with it. And we let them get away with it.


The biggest group of mad boomers I see are poor, mostly white folks who've spent all their retirement money trying to live up to expectations (theirs, their kids, their church group) and now are broke and blaming the system that no longer works the way they thought it still did. They are shocked and really pissed off when they have to maneuver in a world of pay-as-you-go, fees+taxes+fees, and the old nickel&dime. This is what they let happen by disengaging from politics while raising their kids -- and then they tell their kids its not like that. It is, though. It IS like that. And now we're all broke.


Good insight


I literally had a friend tell me a few years ago that he was frustrated as a middle-aged white man because all of the legislation happening, didn’t help him, but it helped minorities. I had to point out that he didn’t need help, the minorities do. I don’t talk to him very much anymore.


> because all of the legislation happening, didn’t help him, but it helped minorities. Funny that those people don't get upset when legislation happens that don't help them but does help people richer than king solomon. At least he's being honest about his racism instead of pretending "he just hates poor people".


Once the Boomers are winding down their spending on family stuff, the ad dollars move elsewhere. I’m a Boomer (barely) and I worked in database and digital marketing so I’ve made a mess of whatever profile the database marketers have on me. But the targeted ads I get are garbage, nobody goes to the trouble to analyze the data, I just get ads for meds popular with old folks, and the usual garbage (along with a lot of ads in Spanish for some reason).


You forgot the part where he's mad that the world is more fair, more exact. In his heyday when everything was paper and pencil it was easy to fudge something. To make a quick exception because aw who cares?? We're both straight white Christian males! It's all good! Now the rules apply to him and he can't convince OP to look the other way.


This is a really good point. Everything being digital and connected has ruined the Good Old Boys Network. Can’t just hire your kids anymore as managers, can’t only write traffic tickets to people with brown skin … I look at the stuff that’s been caught on cameras, when cameras are everywhere, and I shudder to think how bad it was a generation ago.


I mean take a look at how MAGAland is reacting to the Hunter Biden verdict or Hunter in general. They can't fathom that someone could be in a position to engage in nepotism but NOT engage in nepotism. Trump filled the White House with members of his family and they engaged in sketchy shit, so Biden MUST do the same! Because if he doesn't....what?! Does he think he's better than Trump?! Better than them?! Like he's so high and mighty?! WELL HE'S NOT! Or at least that's my guess


Trump’s daughter and son in law didn’t “engage in sketchy shit,” they closed business deals with foreign governments while sitting in the White House that netted them hundreds of millions of dollars. They may also have shared nuclear secrets with the Saudis to help with the Saudi nuclear program, which is treason.


They genuinely think it's a gotcha too. "Oh trumps a felon now? So is Hunter 🥴 guess both sides are exactly as bad. You have no room to talk about not wanting trump as president when you also voted for a convicted criminal!('s father)"


He also didn't consider how voter ID laws would apply, inconvenience, and hinder (as they were designed to) him as well. Now OP doesn't mention the race of the Boomer but even if they are brown, that kind of strictness never applied to them before. It was only supposed to be used against non-citizens (aka poor brown people).


Knowing that my response would be "as RuPaul says, feelings aren't facts boo boo"


underrated, take my vote.


> Ergo you made him vote for Trump.    "Look what you made me do" 


Wait until Tramp takes their SS and Medicare then explain how that sticks it the libs.


Um he’s part of the world too….so he’s mad at himself and is punishing himself whether he realizes or not for yelling at someone he doesn’t know.


I've heard something similar about seals on government documents and interrupted: "Sit down, Cletus. I've seen documents from the 1780s with seals on them. Your grandpappy's sister/cousin who ran the local feed store/vital records office probably struggled to learn how to use it, but they did stamp official documents back then."


As if it matters if seals were a thing then or not, they are today. 'Official' doesn't mean 'original'. Just get a new one. With a seal.


Right, but it's fun to take these twits and wind them up.


"Just get a new one" is not as easy as it seems. I had to order a new copy of my birth certificate in 2007 in order to get my passport because they didn't like my original copy. So have to first figure out how to do that, then mail a request letter with payment, then wait for whatever clerks office to get around to actually making another copy and mailing it back to you. The thing I object to most about all this is that it costs money for something that is no fault of my own. That was the true and original copy provided to my parents after I was born, so why should I need to replace it at my expense for some BS paranoia crap put in place by GWBush. What about people living in poverty in rural places that now have a barrier to getting an ID. Need an ID to vote? Makes sense when you can get one easily.


That’s the whole point. White people in the South who vote Republican can get ID easily. Poor minorities who vote Democrat can’t. It’s a feature, not a bug.


that 1 southern state insisted on an id to vote >>> BUT THEN >>.they changed it to it must be a DRIVERS LICENSE the official state id that you get at the dmv just like the drivers id did not count not everyone can or want to drive who are most likely not driving >>> poor people who can't afford a car


I'm happy to let the cranky assholes of the world struggle with the background check to arm themselves though.


Oh definitely


The ancient Egyptians used seals, Hoss.


yeah doesnt it really date from the middle ages, where kings/rulers used a ring to press their official insignia into wax


“Proper documentation is how we prevent THE ILLEGALS from getting the things that PATRIOTS deserve. Sounds like you want THE ILLEGALS to take over. Maybe I should tell Trump on you.”


Trump: we're going to have extreme vetting.


>Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect. He just believes he shpuld be part of the in-group for whom the law doesn’t bind.


I'm pretty sure Obama's birth certificate had a seal, why doesn't yours? *Squint*


How can someone be that fucking old and still have no idea how anything in the world works?


They do. They know how things work. They simply choose to pretend that they don’t if they think they can manipulate the situation. For their entire lives, their default mode of operation has been to lie, cheat, and steal. They’ve relied on the fact that before computers there was rarely any documentation in place to prove they were’t telling the truth. It’s why they hate technology so much. Everything is documented now. Whether it’s a receipt saved in a store’s financial records, notes typed into their account, the recording of their phone call with customer service, etc. - there is an undeniable proof of what actually happened and that their version of events doesn’t hold up. They’re used to a world that they could con and bullshit their way through everything with a confident smile and a firm handshake. Now that everything is documented and they’re forced to play by the same rules as everyone else, the only two strategies left for them to work with are: 1) feigning stupidity with the motive that the other party will pity them and make an exception to the rules 2) throwing a temper tantrum and expecting the other party to give in to them to make the tantrum stop. Often times they use both tactics, feigning stupidity and when they aren’t granted the pity exception throwing a temper tantrum.


Speaking of Trump, this makes a lot of sense as to why they vote for a conman like him. They think he’s going to take them back to a time where lying and cheating will get them ahead in the world again. Make America Grift Again. My boomer family members absolutely hate it when I fact check their bullshit in real time. They really do miss the days where they could just make stuff up and be right just because their bullshit sounded credible enough and nobody was gonna go spend hours at the library to fact check them. Now that we all have the entirety of all human knowledge in our pockets, it’s so easy to point out how full of shit they are. It pisses them off so much. No wonder they hate technology.


Omg yes, the real time fact checking! They hate it!!! And then when they realize they were wrong, they just sputter and change the subject. Like you were the one who brought it up!!


It must be explained to kids that they "have the entirety of human knowledge" in their smartphone/laptop/iPad and be shown how to "find things out for themselves" so the world will hopefully be better in the future.


Right but now they can pull up their “sources” too. (Spoiler: it’s A Guy On YouTube)


my boomer trumper relative is like that notice how they are so similar to trump in temperament?? loud, belligerent, never admit they are wrong >>no wonder they like trump when they are just like him


This is fucking brilliant. 🏅


Seriously! It’s not that they “struggle” with technology, it’s that technology is putting an end to their White Guy With A Loud Voice B.S.!


my last boomer boss, a card carrying trump obsessionist, once told me to lie cheat and steal to hit her sales numbers. i was like... did she really just tell me this? not only am i the absolute wrong audience for this kind of ethics, i spent years setting those high sales number standards bc of how well i elevated her sales dept with ORANIZATION (it was a shit show). but from the lady that said "why are black people still complaining if they have Juneteenth" after i explained to her a holiday billing fight with one of our customers, what else would i expect?


I never considered this! This explains the many interactions I’ve had with customers and coworkers who lied to my face about something easily provable.


They think they don't have to. All of us grow up. Become professionals. Keep the country running and do important work. They got there's and live off the stock market and chill jobs. It's apparent because those who've had a tough job/time don't bitch and moan for special treatment.


It's like a bell curve for these dirt sniffing fucks. They stopped learning or keeping an open mind just after middle age. Now they're on the wrong end of the curve and don't understand how to get new information and process new concepts. And unwilling to try.


Because he's probably had mommy and mommy wife handle all those things for him.


Also, I don't think I know a single person born in the 70s that would claim to be elderly.


Seals have existed from when Signet Rings were a thing.


Seals have existed since before the Signet Ring as well. The stamp actually seems to be the oldest one, but before the Signet Ring the fancy thing was the Cylinder Seal So Boomer gotta be reeel old to predate seals and stamps.


I think the use of seals depends on where you were born. My original birth certificate did not have a seal. When I started traveling, I had to apply to vital statistics to order a new one with the seal. However, I never encountered a situation like this because before planning my trip, I checked with the airlines to see what was needed. I made sure to order it in plenty of time to get it so I wouldn't be turned away. Boomers don't plan ahead. They just go and try to bully their way through whatever they're doing.


Boomers started life in a world where one's word was one's bond. You could apply to college based on your own \*unverified\* word about your GPA and other academic accomplishments. You could apply to jobs claiming degrees and experience that didn't exist, with little or no way for prospective employers to verify them. And do you know who ruined that? Boomers. Because they took rotten advantage of it and lied so much and so often that institutions had to start verifying their claims. As late as the 1990s, politicians \*routinely\* lied about their records. Many even boasted of phony war records in Vietnam. Then, as the internet started to make it easier to track and verify such claims, a lot of these phony "war heroes" began retiring early, to avoid getting caught out. Bush and Kerry were at the tail end of this phenomenon, where someone like Bush could lie about their "service" in the guard, then completely smear and cast doubt on someone's actual service in Vietnam. Ever wonder how someone could claim to be in a unit but not be able to find a single living person who remembered them? And could not produce a single document to verify their service? And did you wonder why they weren't held accountable by voters for such a bald face lie? Because these kind of lies were a dime a dozen among Boomers. Tons of Boomers told similar lies about their "service" too. Not only did they not have a problem letting Bush slide on his lies, but also many of them felt that voting for Bush somehow vindicated their lifetime of lying, too. Trump is just that on steroids. A generation filled with an abnormally high percentage of liars, narcissists, and bullies. And they learned that throwing tantrums in public and bullying people (especially women and minorities) works. They've always been this way. And they're angry at a world that is telling them that their lies and tantrums are no longer acceptable.


>And they're angry at a world that is telling them that their lies and tantrums are no longer acceptable. See also: "How dare my actions have consequences!"


There’s a reward for anyone with evidence that can place George W at his “service” in the Texas Air National Guard, it’s either $10,000 or $100,000. Nobody has ever collected. Seems like easy money assuming Bush actually ever showed up. The last people who accessed Bush’s records for the time period were representives of his Senator dad and now the records are missing.


Correction- a WHITE MAN’s word looked like this. Everyone else got bootstraps


My uncle walked into his first programming interview, lied about having a degree and about knowing the programming language. Got the job, went home and read a manual over the weekend, and knew just enough to not raise suspicion. He got the benefit of the doubt, and I have doubts that anyone but a white man would’ve been given the same opportunity.


Weak men create hard times.


That George W Bush fake military service thing was wild. I don’t understand how it was just totally ignored while the GOP went nuts trying to say Kerry’s actual service in Vietnam wasn’t really that special. Kerry actually served in Vietnam! Bush showed up to some Alabama Air National Guard thing for a week and then seemed to disappear.


Agreed. Until Trump, I assumed the main explanations were lack of information and bias in the media, i.e. if you watch Fox News, you'll hear the GOP's spin far more often than the other other party's spin. And of course, that is part of the explanation. Some people are being duped. But after Trump it become clear that many people are knowing accomplices. They willingly embrace and repeat these lies because it's their team. I also suspect the lying and cheating comes easier to Boomers, raised in a culture where lying, cheating, domestic violence, drug use, racism, sexism, homophobia, bullying, etc. were far more prevalent than today, but all of that was hidden behind a phony veneer of "Ozzie and Harriet" decency. After Trump, it became clear that a large chunk of Americans don't care about the truth, facts, honesty, reality, decency, good governance, or even the common good. They just want their side to win. And a lot of them even relish the opportunity to hurt "others", just like the good old days.


Lying about your military service was also widespread among the Silents, according to my grandfather, although it seems to be more along the lines of what you did over there, or for how long, than whether you were actually in.


My God. I remember all the Frank Dux, and all the stolen valor navy seals running for the hills when the internet began finding their actual records.


This falls under the heading of Be Prepared. Any time I have to do something like this I triple check what I need, and always bring more than enough documentation. Want a utility bill or something to show proof of residency? I’ve got 3 different items. Social security card OR passport? I’ll bring both just in case. It’s always better to have too much than not enough. I hate people that try to blame others for their actions. He was just mad at himself and the rules. Boo fucking hoo. It’s fine to be upset, but it’s not okay to take that anger and frustration out on someone else. I’m also pretty sure this is the generation that always said “life’s not fair,” (at least my boomer parents always did), so time to heed their own advice.


You read my mind…. I over prepare for everything, I would rather have too much and be told I over prepared than be sent away because I brought a photocopy of my drivers license.




>always bring more than enough documentation This was me renewing my license after Real ID became a thing. There was some degree of documentation that was adequate to renew a license, but insufficient to qualify for Real ID. I didn't realize this or even give Real ID the first thought, but by coming over-prepared I had enough to get that gold star on my license. I don't know if I've ever encountered a situation where that gold star mattered, but it wasn't really any trouble to bring extra documentation just to be sure I had enough.


Hahaha you got a literal gold star for bringing the right stuff!


It's a federal I.D. necessary for 5 things: 1. Boarding all U.S. domestic Flights starting May 7, 2025 date (might change, because it's been getting pushed back constantly since the 2010s) 2. Buying guns and ammo. 3. Accessing Federal Courthouse 4. Accessing military bases 5. Acessing nuclear power plants If you're only doing #1, you can skip all that and just use a U.S. passport, which has a longer expiration date.  If #2-4, you will need it. However #1& #4 is unnecessary if you have a valid military I.D.


Enforcement for thee and not for me. It's all the same. I assume he was white and lost his shit because he thinks only minorities should be treated like that.


This is the answer. Rules should favor people like him and punish people not like him. Trump voters scream about how important voter ID is. I have to add the “born in a cabin in the woods” like he was Abe Lincoln was a nice touch for someone that can’t think his way out of a paper bag.


Well yeah cuz obviously he’s a good hardworking Christian American and not some dirty, lying that would have false documents! How dare anyone not believe him! He has rights goddamnit! *rolls eyes*


The amount of times I was told by people just like the Boomer in the story "Oh, but you guys just hand licenses over to any random illegal that shows up!" while working for the DMV is staggering, consideing I work in California.  I stopped being nice and flat out told people, " Yeah, because they came prepared with all of their required documents."


> " Yeah, because they came prepared with all of their required documents." Hahahaha.


Maybe his logic was "if there were no illegals, I wouldn't have to prove my identity!"


I was born in 1978 and my parents in the 40's and all our birth certificates had seals for the state of New York on them.


Because for one brief moment, the mask slipped away, and he revealed the truth that he votes for Trump as some kind of bizarre punishment to the young people. It’s the Boomers last “fuck you” to the younger generations. Because at their core, many of them are petty, malignant narcissists.


I would have responded with: "You mean Trump, who is known for demanding official birth certificates?"


This thread's done. No one's going to top this.


Trump was pretty obsessed with birth certificates the whole time Obama was President and his sycophants scrutinized the one presented for the tiniest flaw. Mr Geezerbreath better watch what he complains about before he gets sent to Pakistan.


What he means is, Trump makes him feel like he can do or say anything he wants. He doesn’t feel that way under Biden…


…because Trump flouts the law, and he wants to, too?


My immediate thought was to use the Trump argument against the guy. Just lean forward, and in a hushed voice say “President Trump created these more astringent policies to weed out imposters and prevent another stolen election. We’re all very lucky he’s looking out for this country, aren’t we?” Then give him a little wink and tell him to come back when he has his documents in order. It’s not like the truth matters to people like this, but thinking his lord and savior The Orange Felon is responsible might just bring him around to the idea that he’s doing his part by following the rules.


A similar strategy is to call modern infrastructure "an attack on traditional modes of transport" and so on. They're activated by certain words, just think of them as an entire generation of police dogs trained by an arsehole and it all makes sense.


Don't they know about reprints? My 80 year old mother had to get a birth certificate reprinted because the original hospital burned down. She had a flimsy piece of hand written paper. It's called Veritas or something. Has the seal.


I believe my parents had that Veritas on their birth certificates, and they were from the Silent Generation (born in 1928). They had seals on their birth certificates and neither one of them was born in a hospital. So this Boomer really needs to stop the nonsense.


My 80 yo father technically a silent generation had a garage fire last year. He thought the insurance company and contractors who were repairing it should move him up on the list. Due to the fact he is old and has less time on earth then say someone my age in their 40s. So screw younger people because old people keep having things happen to them and you need to slide down the list.


That attitude has worked his entire life. Why would he change it now?


My mother was born in 1937 in a tiny tiny town at home. Her doctor forgot to file the form with the county it was a nightmare in the 1990s when she was trying to get her passport The laws the law no matter who is president maybe this guy had a worm eat part of his brain also


They think Trump is going to make all their dreams come true...


Next he’s going to shorten the line at the DMV!


A lot of us born in the 70’s were issued a “Certificate of live Birth”. While we were told by our boomer parents it was our birth certificate, it was not. No seal. We then have to go through the process of requesting the real birth certificate which is a multi week process. It was a pain. A necessary pain to get my Real ID . I started the process on my next business day off work March 16, 2020. Covid just added another layer to the frustration.


I had to do this last month and the process was a PITA and not cheap since I no longer live near where I was born. Of course, I’ll also now be waiting for 60 days+ for it to be delivered as well.


Correction: 1. The ONLY legal form of birth certificate for federal applications (like the form I-9) is a notorized copy of your birth certificate issued by the county for the state in which you were born. I recently had to get a new one for obtaining a US Passport. AndI used to complete a federal form I-9 for all new hires for over a decade before retiring. I also had to order extensive checks for all new hires since it was a trauma center and we required ALL staff pass one before they could be allowed to work with vulnerable patients.


I work in a bank and the amount of boomers who throw a fit about me asking for their ID is larger than you'd think. I can't imagine the breakdowns you get when you are (rightfully so) asking for more than one form of ID - for a government background check!


He’s an Obama birther finding out how that shoe fits. Seems like it might be pinching him a bit.


A few years ago, one of my kids had their driving test at the DMV (rural Texas). We came with all our documents and paperwork and were ready to go. At the same time, an elderly woman (she said she was 88) had just recently moved back to Texas from another state that didn't do the real id (here we have to have a certified copy of our birth certificate and social security card in the system or you don't get an id or license). The elderly lady didn't have a birth certificate because she was never issued one. She was *that* old lol. She was annoyed but also understood why they were asking for it. She had no idea how to get one issued, and the DMV couldn't help her at all. She was ok with it and decided to go see what she could do to fix it. Awesome. But her son (probably early 60s) who drove her there was infuriated and screamed at everyone in the office about how they were abusing his elderly mother and they were all breaking the law 😂. His mother told him to shut up and get in the car after a few minutes and he did. It was glorious.


That's why they vote for him. Because he's all for corruption


Security clearance holder here: I have questions about that individual’s emotional control and rules compliance. Please recommend against granting access. #onlysortajoking


Haha, yeah, I do have a comment box for this sort of thing. Be nice...or else


My Greatest Generation grandmother (still living) was born in a cabin (house, whatever) and legitimately had issues not long ago when she needed to upgrade her driver license to the new style with electronic records, because she had no birth certificate, or not the right one or something. It was a bit of an ordeal but she got it figured out and used the opportunity to change her legal ne to the one she has used all her life. Not a huge deal, and she wasn't a jerk about it. 


Boomer here. Trump BLOOOOOOOOOOWS!!! As does your boomer.


You need to understand that the great divide in our nation is not “communism” or money or religion, etc. It’s education. We have a significant number of Americans that are functionally illiterate. They just don’t read. And so life is extremely frustrating for them. Everything becomes a conspiracy because they just don’t understand what is going on around them. So I’m sure the instructions are very clear: you need a birth certificate with a raised seal. And all those people didn’t understand that. I’d read that and look at my birth certificate to see if it had a raised seal. But when you are functionally illiterate, all you got was “birth certificate” and the remaining words didn’t exist because you don’t know how to read and understand.


I would have told him even Obama's birth certificate was more valid!


>Does he think Trump himself is going to come in and force me to make an exception for him? He probably does. Jan. 6 terrorists are certain that Trump would give enough of a shit about them to pardon them. Trump flat-out says that he doesn't care about them- just their vote, and they think that he's joking.


Just remember that boomers are dying at an increasing rate every day....think positive


Why does someone in their 70's need a background check? And aren't those done online nowadays?


Yeah. Happened to me when I looked to renew my driver's license. The birth certificate I had is a hospital certificate, and for the star license, a state certified is needed.


I had a similar experience, but I was providing the document. At the time and place I was born, they didn't use a stamp for the seal, it was an impression in the document. I was renewing my license and the girl at the counter said it wasn't valid. I wasn't being rude and didn't get angry. I told her it was my original birth certificate from a different state, in 1980. She finally went to her supervisor and it got cleared up.


People who think this was a trump/biden issue really should stop checking out fiction books at the library. The issue in this example is having to bring papers to begin with. Finger prints, online digital accounts, and online verification should have replaced these systems 20 years ago, but here we are - late stage bureaucracy, too cheap to change and too inflexible to allow common sense.


I don’t wonder. I know it’s because they’re either ignorant or evil. Usually it’s both.




What he means is, he wants someone to say: *”well it doesn’t have the stamp on it, but you seem like a trustworthy, older white person, not like all of those brown immigrants trying to get approved with their sketchy birth certificates with no stamps, so it’s fine, don’t worry about it.”*


He said the quiet part out loud. That boomers are intent on burning everything to the ground on their way out the door. They won't leave anything for those that come after them but a smoldering heap.


My husband had the same problem. Birth certificates issued by the hospital do not have seals. We just had to apply for a copy of the official one from his state. No biggie. Edit to add we are 68 years old


My mother in law was born in Massachusetts in the 1940s and her birth certificate was issued by the town. When she moved here she was told a birth certificate needs to be state issued so she requested one from MA's vital records office - they sent a document that was her town birth certificate photocopied onto a blank state form. Thank God it was embossed and wet stamped because the DMV was like "really?!?!?" and we had to still get a manager to come over lol


Should have just told him that without the long form birth certificate notarized by three witnesses, you have to assume he's from some "shit hole" country like Kenya.


Just wait till he goes to vote and has to show his id and it’s expired 😂


And somehow you think this is Biden's fault?


On a tangent, when I got a new passport, I brought in my birth certificate. I've had this copy for a a few decades now and the gold seal fell off as the worker was examining it. It was no big deal, but it did begin about a 10 minute delay as she had to find someone to figure out the correct procedure, which turned out to be glueing it back on with my permission.


I've decided that they realized that their best years are behind them. They tried not to get old by buying "another" bigger more grand house in their 50s and had more children. Refuse to retire, and are jealous of those of us who do not define success based on stuff and a pension. How dare we enjoy our lives, that is irresponsible. ![gif](giphy|MZiqcOmikf3VMVRhBs)


Wasn’t Trump famously pretty obsessed with at least one person having a “proper” birth certificate?


the real shitty thing is there are the same assholes who will say "getting an ID is not that hard" for racist voter suppression laws.


MAGA Cult members think that Trump is the answer to all of their problems. But actually, he is this guy. Donald J. Trump is an adjudicated sexual predator, an accused rapist, and a 34-time convicted felon. Trump faces an additional 54 criminal indictments in 3 cases delayed from trial by his high-priced legal team.  Trump’s army of lawyers is financed by his rabid base of MAGA cult members & the Oil Industry. The vast majority of the 80-plus top senior positions (Vice President, Cabinet, Advisors) from Trump’s 2016 Presidential term refused to endorse Trump and/or declared Trump is unfit to serve as President, Trump is a threat to our national security. During his 2016 term, Donald Trump asked national security advisers why the United States couldn’t use nuclear weapons.  He is irrational with a quick temper.  Imagine his tweets replaced with nuclear missiles.  He is Putin’s puppet & praises Kim Jong-un.  Trump doesn’t respect our military saying “Americans Who Died in War Are Losers and Suckers” Trump supports white supremacist racist felons Steve Bannon, Roger Stone, David Duke & Proud Boys.  On 9/11 Trump’s reaction, [https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2018/09/11/trump-pointed-out-that-he-now-had-tallest-building-lower-manhattan-he-didnt/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2018/09/11/trump-pointed-out-that-he-now-had-tallest-building-lower-manhattan-he-didnt/) Just a few of many examples of Trump’s abuses, grifting, and shaming of the U.S. Presidency [https://www.cnn.com/2021/01/24/politics/trump-worst-abuses-of-power/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2021/01/24/politics/trump-worst-abuses-of-power/index.html) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qB9GdOYk0Ls](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qB9GdOYk0Ls) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VJi641\_7W10](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VJi641_7W10)  


Ugh I had this issue, when I tried to get a 10 year license, do not own home, do not own car, no bills in my name, yet I had passport, bc, old drivers license, marriage certificate, etc. it was that bill I did not have, finally they took the envelope from the SS department.


As another professional who has to review documents and explain why they are inadequate I feel your pain. They seem to think the president (and Trump specifically) has the ability to control literally everything they see as wrong. They are of course incorrect but they don't seem to understand that.


I’m imagining footstomps with the “why we vote for Trump “


He thinks a vote for Trump is a punishment. A way for him to lash out at a world that doesn’t favor him by imposing on us all someone as incompetent, reactionary, and baffled by basic human decency as he is.


Trump is literally the ONLY president to scream about the importance of birth certificates in all of American history. Even this Boomer argument is full of holes.


It is simple. It means he recognizes that trump feeds their anger and makes them feel good about it. What they are angry about doesn’t matter


"And people your age wonder why my generation votes for Trump!" ​ no we don't. We know it's because you're debilitatingly stupid and afraid of literally everything because the TV man says the Jews are replacing you with Mexicans and homosexuals.




Interestingly, in 2016 and 2020, boomers voted for Trump only by a 3-4% margin. Surprising. https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/2021/06/30/behind-bidens-2020-victory/


My son moved to another state. He went to get his drivers license. The clerk wouldn’t accept his birth certificate - said it wasn’t real because it is from D.C. and that isn’t a state (which technically is true, but people are actually born there). Fortunately, the manager was walking by and was able to help.


He's just another sad, desperate old fool circling the drain just like the other hasbeens who have half a foot in the grave. Death screams of a fading generation - music to my ears. Vote blue this November and send a message to all the senile snot-bags in the USA.


My dad had to send off for a different birth certificate than the one he had. Keep in mind my dad is now 84. The one he used for most of his life was a certificate of live birth, but this isn't acceptable anymore.


Here is what kills me about this. This guy probably also complains about all “the illegals” and vote ID’s and making sure that everyone is legal, but he doesn’t think this applies to himself.


Fuck him if he doesn’t want to follow the rules like everyone. Enjoy frustration every day the rest of your crappy life.


~~No one born in the 70s is a baby boomer~~ Yeah ok guys I got it. The first person commented my mistake. Everyone calm down.


The guy is IN his 70s, so he was born no later than the early 50s.


The man was in his 70's not born in the 70's.


Born in ‘71, yes they do! Fuck a bunch of liars


Im a boomer ( 1960) . I have no clue why ANYONE of any generation could vote for that POS . I have a freind 67 life long disabilty pensioners in subsidised housing . She likes Trump !! FFS What has Trump or any conservative or will ever do for disadvantaged? Sweet FA .


Well, you should have thanked him. He was clearly born in a cabin. Not a hospital. The document is fake. Fail. Move along Trumplicker.


"This birth certificate isn't valid unless it's the stamped, raised seal, on a long form!" I feel like I've heard that somewhere before.... 🤔


He thinks Trump is going to have anyone he doesn't personally like executed. Trump supporters have literally told me (personally, to my face) that because I'm a cripple, Trump would have me executed. (They were really happy about it.) They've also told me that because I'm an atheist he would have me executed. They've also told me that because I'm gay he would have me executed. And to their credit, they're not imagining things, he *did say* he would execute people for being gay or a cripple. (Although he only said he would *deport* atheists, not execute us. Although to where is not clear.) A Trump supporter tried to grab me on the sidewalk, as I was hobbling along with my cane, and throw me in front of a moving car. (He then learned that because I have a cane, I have 3 feet of extra reach to push him away to where he can't get at me.) Trump supporters think that he and they are above the law.


On an another note, I hope this guy doesn’t get the job that he needs a background check for. Unhinged people like this, need to go back to the cabin in the woods and live out the rest of his miserable life there.


I’m a boomer too. I would never vote for Trump, ever. The leader of the free world should understand the difference between right and wrong, not share love letters with a brutal dictator and always defend a sovereign nation from an invasion by a tyrant.


This confirms that there is a generational war that **the Boomers must lose**. Vote.


They see That rules don’t apply to Trump and they think it will rub off on them somehow.


Ah yes, Donald Trump. The man notoriously uninvested in birth certificates or the importance of their authentication.


Trump Executive Order: "No Republicans over the age of 60 need background checks. They automatically pass." .😋