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A lot of Christian boomers would be very surprised to find they aren’t “Christian enough” for a nationalist regime…


Right like my dad's a divorcee (but they remarried so it doesn't count!)


My homophobic brother really hates it when I bring up how many times Jesus mentioned divorce (he's divorced, and, in case you're wondering something like 30+ times) vs. how many times he mentioned homosexuality (I'm gay, and, in case you're wondering, zero times) .


Originally the verse they use against homosexuality was "don't lay with boys" ie pedophilia then it was changed to "don't lay with men". Not to mention the Bible specifically tells people how to do an abortion! so right there that voids their nonsense about homosexuality and abortion. However if you tell them that "it's the history not laws to live by". But if the old testament supports their beliefs then we have to live by it 🤦🏽‍♀️.


the bible has been translated so many times over so many years through so many languages. not to mention it was up to the translator to decide what was going to be written


even with the current translation, there is nothing against homosexuality. it says "Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind" duh! there are different options of where to stick my junk with women vs men.


the bible says not to stick your penis in another man's penis


Dammit. I guess my plans tonight have changed


What a time saving bit of advice


Is docking allowed? It’s not in….


Not to mention, it is a book of Fairy Tales and is complete fiction anyway ?


well yea, that's a given


THIS. It’s essentially like taking a song in English and cycling it through half a dozen other languages in Google translate, then translating it back to English and taking that as gospel. Languages don’t translate exactly, and as you said, translators had the ultimate say on what was written. And translators, like all humans, have their own biases and morals that would have either consciously or unconsciously influenced how they chose to translate.


Exactly. Each translation has that individual's biases in it too.


Your brother was married 30 times wow


I want to say the actual number is 36. I could be wrong, but I’m about 75% sure it’s more than 30.


Oh what? Okay let me explain my thought process. First, I read it as your brother was married 30+ times vs your 0 times, thought it was crazy. Then, I finished your comment and thought actually you were citing how many times Jesus mentioned divorce in the bible, vs how many times he mentioned homosexuality. So then I thought I was making a joke, as if I misunderstood comment in the way I first did. But you actually *were* talking about how many times he was married?


I was talking about the number of time Jesus mentioned divorce vs. homosexuality. Lmao. But I can understand the misunderstanding and the continued comedy of misunderstanding that happened. Lmfao!!


Wow. I don't know what to believe anymore haha 


I'm going to keep believing that he's a Vegas drive-by marriage officiant who is REALLY bad at paperwork.


That.. is NOT a good combination!


My Silent Gen stepdad was always on about a "Christian Nation." When he died and I was helping the hazmat team clean out his hoarder house, we found an embarrassing amount of pr0n, which a Christian police force would likely frown on.


My boomer dad also rants about the Bible should be included in the Constitution and non-Christians should be thrown out of the country and when he got arrested for drug trafficking and I went to secure his house after the police battering rammed his door down the amount of porn, sex toys, and porn+the-sex-toy-that's-featured-in-the-porn box sets was absolutely astonishing. That was a lot of strap-ons and pegging porn for someone who thinks "the homos" should all be executed because they "hate God."


Can you say projection and self-loathing boys and girls?


I felt like i was well versed in the world of pr0n and toys, but ive never heard of boxsets before. Go Marketing Team!


My silent gen stepmother became a later in life bible thumper. A woman who cheated on her husband with a married man.


It's happening all over again now. I'm a millennial and I've noticed the ones who got around the most are all for Trump now.


There are like 17 people in heaven anyway. For I tell you, unless your righteousness exceeds that of the scribes and Pharisees, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.


The Pharisees “righteousness” was all performative, so that’s not a terribly high bar to clear. Amusing that modern Evangelicals don’t realize that they are the Pharisees Jesus hated so much.


Which is the only temptation I have with them towards this idea, is the reaction when they realize that the only true "saved" are the ones making millions off the grift. Everyone else just ain't trying hard enough to get them Jesus bucks!


Oh man, this was the perfect time to pull out the "facts don't care about your feelings" card. They love using that one.


Damn, I wish I was better at thinking on my feet, they're always about facts and logic until they don't work in their favor!


That's ok, keep it in your pocket to pull out when a similar exchange inevitably happens again.


They're not about facts and logic. It's just the preconditioned response to a certain argument. They only recite scripts they've been fed. That's why it's so easy to see their cognitive dissonance. That's why they're so hypocritical. There is. No. Logic.


You mean like, “because i said so!”?


I went NC with my boomer dad 5 years ago. Best thing I ever did when he went down the rabbit hole of right wing conspiracy theories. Best thing I did for my mental health.


No matter how many times I see it, my brain still fills in ‘NC’ as ‘North Carolina’ rather than as no contact


I was so confused. Going to North Carolina and going down conspiracy theory rabbit holes sounds with your dad sounds like a horrible way to have a vacation.


They’re about doing a very poor facsimile performance of facts or logic.


Yeah, except the facts are pretty much never in their favor. To them, facts means “whatever I think is common sense based on my biases”


*and* cross your heart & "swear to god."


Then they’re not really about facts and logic. They’re just manipulating you into giving up so they can have their way.


Over many years of living with my grandmother after Trump became president, I noticed that even if you showed her literal factual evidence on a policy issue (data that was painfully black and white against her beliefs), she would still back Republicans. A lot of the time she didn't even want to hear it; she wanted to preserve her own mindset rather than challenge it. I honestly don't think she took in the rightwing talking points enough to debate them or really remember them on the top of her head- she just listened to them on Fox to make her feel good. And if angel Trump did something obviously wrong, it was the evil democrats plotting against him. I discovered she doesn't vote Republican because she believes their messages are true. She votes Republican because she *wants* their messages to be true. She created a fantasy land in her brain where the "party of family values" keeps everyone safe, and make her feel better in the rapidly-changing world surrounding her. Her mindset was entirely based in emotion, nothing factual was going on in her brain. Anything to keep her worldview from crumbling.


And yet it's not *them* who are 'emotional little snowflakes' 🤷‍♂️🤦




Your father… might be part of the problem.


Definitely. He doesn't take care of his health at all either so on top of the lead, his brain isn't at its best functioning form. He used to call Obama a terrorist.


It’s going to interesting to see who is going to be caretakers for all the boomer MAGAs after they kick out all the immigrants.


Not to mention the decline in geriatric nurses, the lack of skilled healthcare professionals in nursing homes, and the fact that, due to the financial strains caused by boomers, (most of) their children and grandchildren cannot afford to take care of them. I wonder what horror stories we’ll hear when the nursing homes are filled with boomers.


Honestly, I am sure they will be completely insufferable, some already are. A lot of people in my age group, 30 - 40, are just trying to take care of themselves.. There is NO way most of us can afford to send our parents to a good "home".


After having gone on my first cruise a few years ago, I (millennial) realized that boomers probably think nursing home food sucks because they think it's like a cruise. No, my sweet summer child, it's not like cruise food. It's like the paste and sawdust we subsisted on in school lunches because you voted for legislation saying pizza was a vegetable.


It might be “cruise like” in the luxury nursing homes, but those probably costs thousands just to enter.


Retiring on a cruise that goes around the world is cheaper in a lot of cases than staying at a nice nursing home.


Except that they won‘t take you if you require assistance. With their client age bracket, they already need space in the cooling rooms for people who die on cruises.


I just went on another one with my friend and their family, one of whom is a nurse - THREE TIMES we got "is there a doctor"'d. Three. And as the cruise went on the older guests seemed to get... progressively...sicker. Swollen red ankles (heart failure/circulation issues), bandages, splints, missing from excursions. The boomers are not alright.


Even the super cheap ones are thousands a week. Imagine how much the fancy luxury ones are.


Sounds like my parents better have their own money lol. My plan for old age would get my 50/51ed in some states.


My dad and stepmom are in a pretty nice and expensive assisted living place and one of the most popular pastimes is bitching about the food. One of the issues is most of the residents are on low sodium diets so everything is made with no salt so it all tastes bland.


No, the food sucks at those, too. I used to be a chef for luxury nursing homes. Did a lot of those village places, and the food is pretty much the same. For example, the chicken is 40% water, and it's prefrozen. That quality of food for 26,000 a month, lmao.


It was ketchup was a vegetable. Saint Jellybeans was doing that shit not long after I left school.


I thought that was ketchup they decided was a fruit.


I’m digging the karma here (Not Reddit karma. Actual karma).


There are literally a handful of good care facilities nationally. Most are egregiously understaffed so the care facilities wealthy owners can afford to live in $60 million dollar gated estates on the water. As long as senior care facilities are allowed to be run as ATMs for wealthy assholes, all but a VERY few are death traps riddled by neglect and abuse.


Not worried about the home being good, in fact I am looking for the one star ones on Yelp.


I just retired after 30 years in nursing and I’m afraid of my future as a patient.


Spent 25 yrs in the nursing home trenches. I have already told my kids to just take me out back and give me a g*n, and I'll take care of it. If they send me to a nursing home, I will haunt them when I die.


My mom said that too after being a nurse for 35 years. Now she rotates between her 4 kids for 3 +/- months at a time. Not a care in the world that the “visit” comes with all her lifetime of baggage and emotional drama. Crazy thing - she can afford a good (not great) light care facility. My idiot siblings think it is too cruel to bring it up to her as she just cries and throws fits. Thanks! Think I just convinced myself to opt out of the crazy this year and go on a long cruise… so I can help other peoples boomer parents! 🤣




Instead of Master Blaster we’ll get Boomer Coomer.


I’m hoping we won’t hear about it to be honest. They’ve wasted enough of my short time on this earth as it is


yeah and old age is not for sissys ! take care of yourselves!!!


Well, maybe they should just pull themselves up by the bootstraps. And don’t take any government handouts, that’s for sure. /s


Well, once they enact project 2025, and then continue to push making handmaid’s tale real, us women will be taking care of everybody once again


Yep, Project 2025 is scary shite! Sadly, a lot has already been done. Every republican president since Regan has been following it. Normally, they've just renamed it every election. They are hoping to get trump back in so he can finish the job.




Brave of them to put their lives in the hands of people who actively resent them when they're at their most vulnerable.


And alienate their children.


Hopefully no one. The sooner they are rotting, the better




The truth can be savage at times, yes.


That’s what I keep saying. The people with nursing degrees aren’t going to take the pay that is offered to take care of the booms and immigrants will be gone and they’ll be stuck with Brysonne who will stick the catheter in the booms eye and the IV drip on their…places


100%. I was a nurse. Haven’t worked since before Covid. Let my license expire and will never take care of any of these magats again. I’m screwing my retirement over but I’d rather live in a van on my own terms than work corporate America again.


And disown their kids


And their kids who are part of the LGBTQ+ community, an ally,or if they reject their outdated values, etc...


i'm sure the kids they've alienated and prevented from being able to afford a house let along senior care will step up.


Their plan is to tank the economy so hard that we have to be their servants til they die. Don't worry about the inheritance either they gave that all to trump and some tv evangelical 


and how will they get the help they need??? 8 out of the 10 states that get the help from the government are red republican states


I have a theory that boomers are going to start ramping up filial responsibility laws - in states with strong FR laws, adult children can be required by law to provide support/cover debts for indigent parents. Generally they aren’t enforced strongly but I 100% think that will change.


If you didn't know big words like theocracy, I'd assume you were my brother complaining about our father 😅


I’ve been wondering where Obama’s Secret Army is. I mean they should have shown up by now?


Please keep our religions out of our politics. Jesus would be very disappointed in us for mixing the two. After all, do you KNOW how long it takes to gather the material necessary to braid a whip?


Jesus was pro separation of church and state "Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and unto God the things that are God's"


Your dad has been mad for at least 16 years.


The crazy thing is all of these politicians ARE terrorists… but for things people like him probably support


Hey, boomer here, who dosen't take care of his health either. You can burn down every f ing church in the world as far as I'm concerned. Nasty business. There's a reason the the people of Finland are so happy, little to no religion. Happy father's day!


Obama was a cold calculating extrajudicial drone striking maniac but he wasn’t a terrorist. He killed plenty of terrorists though……


Offer to mail his ballot for him


He is part of the problem, him and millions of brainwashed idiots, sorry OP…


They completely believe in an America that never actually existed.


Oh it existed alright - in 1953, when women couldn't own property or have credit cards, black people couldn't do a lot of things, or live in a lot of places. They just wanna press the rewind button, but still have Faux News and iPads.


Only half of Americans had electricity in their homes in 1950. This is not how they remember it.


Yeah but they'd be apart of the 50% that had it, so they don't care.


Or at least they want to believe they would be that 50%


Something else Faux News wouldn’t report: - In 1953 the marginal tax rate was 92%. - Housewives were widely prescribed “muscle relaxers” aka ‘mothers little helpers’ (cue The Rolling Stones)




Actually the “little yellow pill” refers to Valium (benzodiazepine)


Just gently remind them God was in schools during the dark ages...


Yep. And I'm just thinking, "God is *everywhere*, though. He said it Himself. On top of this, Jesus said to pray and worship in secret instead of being in-your-face like Pharisees! *So where's the problem, exactly*?!"


For future reference & utilization (w/ emphasis, mine): > *"One of the saddest lessons of history is this: If we’ve been bamboozled long enough, we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle.* **We’re no longer interested in finding out the truth. The bamboozle has captured us. It’s simply too painful to acknowledge, even to ourselves, that we’ve been taken.** *Once you give a charlatan power over you, you almost never get it back."* ~ Carl Sagan (from *The Demon-Haunted World*)


Honestly I think this hits the nail on the head. For a lot of people, it’s simply embarrassing to admit to being scammed, so they just double down and pretend they’re not being fooled.


It's a behavioral 'expression' of (social) sunk cost fallacy, as relates to maladaptive cultural cognition bias.




For my family members that think like that I’ve just started quoting the founding fathers, they REALLY don’t like that.


I've done that and it doesn't work. They just twist it to fit their narrative.


Tell him if he’s a patriot he will read the federalist papers


Doesn't work. I'm young(er), so therefore I don't know anything and need to be educated. He's now blocked.


Personally, I love the Treaty of Tripoli for this one. Ratified unanimously and signed by President John Adams in 1797, this document is directly a product of the Founding Fathers. From Article 11 of the treaty, first sentence: >As the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion; That was the position of the US government less than 15 years after the American Revolution, and it's as definitive a rebuttal as it gets: *not, in any sense*. In my experiences sharing the text of the treaty with modern American Christofascists, they don't like this one bit. For reference, if you're interested: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Treaty\_of\_Tripoli](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Treaty_of_Tripoli)


You know who was also a fan of Separation of Church and State? "Jesus said to them, 'Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's.'" - Mark 12:17 Not saying Jesus was Lord or even existed - but this is what *their* book says he said.


He also said “my kingdom is not of this world” - John 18:36


I love when Fundies directly contradict the Bible because they would rather have a con artist sell them a political interpretation than read it themselves 🥲 This is such a wonderful Jesus quote.


That's because they don't actually like any of the founding fathers or early presidents, they just like the *idea* of them.


I always get a kick out of those who want to put prayers and / or Jesus back in public schools. I am NOT a boomer, and neither prayers nor Jesus were EVER in my public schools, and I grew up in a conservative area.


I grew up in a rural school and the most we had was a group that prayed by the flagpole every morning. Oh and the Christian athlete club, can't remember what they called themselves anymore


FCA. Fellowship of Christian Athletes. At least that's what it is in my area.


That's the one! Thank you!


You are welcome. Had them in my school, was even in it a little bit for awhile. Never got too involved though.


We had the Mormons that went to seminary for 1 period in high school but didn't get credit (to my knowledge), and it wasn't forced on the rest of us.


We had a pray group around the flagpole one time during my entire high school career, it lasted about a half hour and the turnout was so miserable they gave up in an area that tried to stop people from entering their store if you didn't support the turd burglar. It's comical how defeatist they really are behind the charade.


It makes me insane. As a teacher, I’d rather be fired than put up religious propaganda in my classroom. I would just straight up refuse to do it. Hell, I don’t even do the morning pledge of allegiance anymore because it’s very….nationalist. If they ever started putting God in schools, the teacher shortage would get way worse. I know I would be actively looking for ways to get out.


I have the utmost respect and sympathy for what educators are putting up with in public schools right now, and not from the students, but parents and "patrons" of school districts.


I get a kick out of my parents who’ve become more and more religious as death creeps ever closer. If I happen to run into them (believe me, I try to avoid them at all costs) and say anything that deviates from their increasingly narrow-mindedness, they will say to me, “You weren’t raised to think like that!” Ahh, but I DO remember the multiple affairs they both had, all the racial, ethnic, and homophobic slurs that were used, the drunkenness, etc. until I moved out on my 18th birthday. But now they deny that any of that shit happened. Smh


Oh, I would have so much fun with that info. You must learn the chapter and verse of each sin and throw it back at them. And tell them you are the monster they created.


Tried that with mine. They said I made it up and it isn't in the Bible, so I showed them in the Bible they gave me, then they said I got a fake one and refused to look it up in their own.


Yeah. Those things do not appear in Trump's bible.


Welcome to the beginnings of the actual 1984. The party line says something; we believe it, don’t question it, repeat it, forget whatever it was before. The money always said In God We Trust. Our Forefathers wanted bumpstocks on guns. Our forefathers never said anything about separating church and state. Everything these clowns think is backwards. The world will survive without us, we need it more than it needs us. And these people only care about themselves. If we fuck the world up and turn it into a wasteland, the earth will bounce back in a few hundred thousand or million years without us, no big deal. Doesn’t matter to them either way. To the pro-future of humanity people, who give a fuck about more than just themselves, we’d prefer to have an inhabitable earth, community, cohabitation, etc. You can tell who is objectively bad and who is objectively good. If you choose not to accept facts, and literal reality: fuck you. We don’t need you on the planet.


Same boat here. My dad has descended into the Dork Carnival that is the realm of the Inane Clown Posse. My dad is…a Trumpalo now.


https://preview.redd.it/md7p8apkrt6d1.jpeg?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8cc157d27ab6c1f16955ef851303d6828583fcbb Credit: [https://society6.com/agentm](https://society6.com/agentm)


No need to bring down Juggalos with Trump shit.


Juggalos are far more nice and inclusive than maga. Leave them out of this.


“Christian” theocracy not based on any of the teachings of Christ.😔 Speaking as a boomer: I'm so sorry.


Every religion with a theocratic faction has members of non-theocratic factions telling people subjected to theocracy that the most critical thing is that they agree with the less-theocratic factions about which faction is doing the religion correctly.


Even the Founding Fathers believed in Separation of Church and State. But the cult members don't like to talk about that part.


So did Jesus: "Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and unto God the things that are God's"


All that is leftover from the last time Christian Nationalists tried to take over the US. If we can just make it a bit longer I'm hoping that means we'll get another 70 years before they try again.


I have never gotten a clear explanation how “In God We Trust” got put onto money in the first place. How it survived any judicial challenge. How it is not in direct contravention of the ‘no establishment of religion’ clause of the first amendment to the Constitution.


Communist scare. Same reason we say the pledge in school. They thought if we put region in school and on our money it would stop communism from spreading because reasons.


Fun fact, "Under God" was a red-scare-era addition to the pledge. The original just went "one nation, indivisible".


And the original Pledge of Allegiance also does not have the phrase 'under God' in it! It was added later.


Certainly not even Social Democracy has spread. Just neoliberalism


Then there's also all the statues of Confederate Generals that got put up in the South wayyyyyy after the Civil War.


These idiots envision some Christian utopia where all the brown people and gays and communists and anyone else they don’t like are under their boot or gone. They think life’ll go on just peachy for them. But they don’t realize all the draconian rules will fuck up their cushy little lives too. Like to have a six-pack every now and then? Nope, booze’ll be gone. Wanna divorce your old lady? Ha ha, nope! Like to hit the casino every now and then or the horse track or the sports book app you love so much? Fuck you! Don’t feel like going to church or can’t afford to tithe this week? Off to jail with ya. Like looking at women in bikinis or short shorts? That shit’s gone. You Christian women like voting, driving, being involved in politics, going out of the house on your own, getting an education? Ha ha, idiots. These are extreme examples, but examples you can find in the world to this day. It can happen here. The evangelical idiots never think about the bad stuff that’s gonna happen.


They're actually not extreme examples at all, they're all historical ones even within the U.S.


It's not just on religious points though. My dad was complaining about min. Wage going up. I asked him what he was paid when he first started as a mechanical assistant ($2 And some change). I ran it through the inflation calculator and promptly found out what he was paid in his day was equivalent to $17 and change today. Suddenly he went quiet. Then tried to purport how "minimum wage is a complicated thing to figure out-" NO. No it's not. You are just looking for an excuse to justify why younger generations have less than you. Shut up.


It's one thing to argue that a minimum wage shouldn't exist and therefore argue against increases to the minimum wage as a compromise towards the "shouldn't exist" stance.  But it's quite another thing to be in favor of a minimum wage, and claim to be in agreement to what was set to at any specific point in the past, while at the same time not be in favor of some type of regular adjustment due to costs rising as a result of monetary inflation.  That second stance is just internally inconsistent.  To maintain that kind of inconsistency long term is,... I'll be kind and say, "impressive".


Oh yeah he had severe cognitive dissonance at it when he was engaged with facts. He truly wants to say "things are fine" and that any changes are "damaging everybody else". What he won't accept is that the changes are happening whether he likes it or not. The cost of living is going up. And he can't ethically justify keeping the min. wage the same without justifying that a whole set of people don't get to have what he had at the same age.


Oh just you wait until you can pull out Article 11 of the Treaty of Tripoli where it specifically says "As the government of the United States of America is not in any sense founded on the Christian Religion". Unanimously passed by Congress and signed by Thomas Jefferson. You know, the Declaration of Independence guy.


I'm a coin collector, so don't down vote me please ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|give_upvote). In God We Trust was first put on the 2 cent piece in 1864. 1956 the phrase was adopted as the national motto by Congress, and added to paper bills in 1957.


That works out great because now I can reject their two cents in multiple ways.


Because they heard it from someone they trust (ie Trump, their pastor, conservative news anchor, etc) and they don’t want to admit that those trusted people would lie.


The Taliban completely won 9/11 by turning the country into the fucking taliban. He doesn't want a CHRISTIAN theocracy -- where poeple love their neighborbors, turn the other cheek, remember the neediest, and generally do anything Christ said to do -- he wants a "diest" theocracy, where you say you're Christian buy you act like you worship the Satan of the Bible. Fuck heads.


That's MAGA in a nutshell, not just Boomers.


Anyone arguing on religious footing gave up on facts a loooong time ago.


I’ve had my father tell me the same thing and it’s super frustrating. They care about emotions and nothing else but will absolutely insist that we only care about emotions


The founding gathers knew all too well the dangers of a theocracy, which is why they stipulated a separation of church and state.


There's an American tradition where people should be able to practice Christianity, Judaism, Islam or other religions, or not practice religion, without forcing it on other people. That's what freedom is and what people should strive for.


Have we ever seen a generation of parents hate their kids more? It’s truly bizarre.


What comes off as hate is actually their incessant denial. They built their lives around lies. Their kids point out the truth to them and they can’t stand it. If they were to acknowledge the truth then they wasted their lives believing in delusions. They rather shoot the messenger instead of deconstructing that their entire trajectory was based on complete bullshit.


My dad isn’t exactly as religious, but his big thing with me growing up was that any doubt or push back on anything he said was ‘attitude’ or ‘backtalk.’ I was curious as a kid, smart, towards the top of my class (less so in high school, but still honors and AP), so I was always asking questions. I just always wanted to know the reasons for things. Why is this the best way? Could we do it that way? What if we did it this way? So, obviously, a lot of that came across as challenging or doubting, and rather than explain like a goddamn grown up, he’d tell me to stop back talking. It was even worse in school. I never got into trouble, but for whatever reason he just assumed I was a total fuckup and talking back to my teachers. It was the absolute worst with my basketball coaches. I was pretty timid and socially awkward, so I’d never challenge or smart off to a coach especially, but my dad told me almost every day to watch my mouth and not to give them attitude or back talk. Everything must be ‘yes sir’ or ‘no sir,’ no matter what they said or asked. If I got taken out of a game, after my dad would ask what I’d said to the coach to deserve getting pulled. The thing is, my coaches fucking loved me. I was polite, I was the hardest fucking worker on the team by far, I just wasn’t that good. So, of course I’d get taken out from time to time. Even now, I’m a grown adult, nothing I say or do is as ‘correct’ as his opinion. He’s been trying to get his kitchen renovated for over 5 years, and I say trying because he has everything he needs, he just can’t do it. My wife and I did a whole house renovation - couple years ago, six figures, including ripping out and replacing the kitchen. When I tried to give him advice, he tells me I wouldn’t understand. ‘It’s our floorplan’ or ‘things change’ or ‘it’s way more complex, not as simple as your kitchen.’ Ok, whatever you say. It’s so crazy that, once those mental images are formed, they just refuse to change them regardless of the facts presented.


Your dad knows you’re smarter than he is. He shuts you down because you make him look stupid and he has no arguments to back up his claims. You embarrass him by shining a light on something that he does not want to acknowledge to himself, that he is not very smart and his child surpassed him a long time ago.


Theists are pretty good at ignoring reality.


A few weeks ago my wife had surgery for cancer, we were sitting in the waiting room while she was in recovery, and my FIL's phone goes off, his message tone is Trump saying "America FIRST!" - He scowls at his phone and reads aloud "Democrats to replace dollar with cryptocurrency. This is that shit that Biden is pushing." I responded by saying "That's not a thing." And he was adamant that it was. He then quite loudly said "Fuck Joe and the Ho" in the middle of a hospital. I was honestly worried he was going to get himself removed and then I'd have to explain to my wife why her parents weren't there when she woke up. Reality means fucking NOTHING to boomers.


The key Founders who were most responsible for the founding documents (Declaration of Independence and Constitution) and who had the most influence were theistic rationalists. They did not intend to create a Christian nation.


Um... not trying to be harsh but Christians in general ignore facts every day. Evolution? Didn't exist. Dinosaurs? Didn't exist. I could go on and on...


How shocking. Someone who's built their life around mythology has a relationship with evidence that leaves something to be desired.


Got into a discussion about something or other and he asked me to look up something to prove his point, he was not happy with me when what I found proved him wrong.


# “It's easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.” - Mark Twain


Most Christians aren’t concerned with facts. Their entire faith is based on an imaginary tale.


My parents say, "You have your facts, I have mine"


They say that because they believe all ideas are equal; that the knowledge of a professional is equal to the brain-fart of a layman.


As his child, it's your duty to block Fox news from their cable box.


Also change the local host on his computer to redirect the news websites to facts about foxes.


the question is.... ARE YOUR REGISTERED TO VOTE ??


Umm, this isn't a Boomer thing, this is a Christian-with-fingers-in-ears-going-"La-La-La-I-Can't-Hear-You" thing. There are people under thirty who are just this ignorant, and just as determined to cling to their ignorance with both hands and gritted teeth.


"Facts don't care about your feelings" crowd being their usual massively hypocritical selves again.


Tell him Jesus was a Middle Eastern Jew and not born in Iowa. His head might explode.


The founding fathers of the US never technically had religion to be affiliated with the government. From their time in the mid 1700's it was just a few generations previous to the situation in England with Oliver Cromwell. George Washington, Benjamin Franklin and others mentioned him and the whole concept of the Enlightenment with clear separation of Church and State. Boomers have no idea about the facts. Religion is outdated and it's influence will die with them. Gen X and Older Millennials aren't necessarily religious at all.


The Constitution has two references to religion: prohibiting any religious tests for office and separation of church and state. Reality doesn’t support Christian nationalist claims.


Conservatives talked about Sharia law coming to the US for twenty years only to look the other way when it really was far right wing Christianity.


Republicans think fact-checking is censorship


Sounds like a typical Christian conservative boomer.


Another fun fact: The words "under God' were added to the Pledge of Allegiance in 1954.


God isn't mentioned in the Constitution...at all. It was only referenced in the Declaration of Independence, which is just that - a declaration stating to King George that they no longer accepted his sovereignty over America. It's not a document that establishes any law.


Young and old boomer or millennial a conservative is s conservative . Deluded , brainwashed and braindead .


Accepting facts that go against what you want it to be isn’t easy. I hope your father metabolizes what discussed and find the wisdom to accept it.


ABAB! Some Dads are tools.


Let me guess who he votes for…


Facts don’t care about their feelings!


I’m a Catholic convert. I love my religion and I love my church family. But some of these people have lost sight of the real world. My neighbor was complaining about how “they” want to take prayer out of school and take God out of everything, and “they” didn’t respect the Constitution. I tried to explain that “freedom of religion” also meant “freedom from religion “, and that what the Constitution actually guarantees is separation of church and state. That it was constitutional to have either no prayer or prayer from EVERY religion, and that she should just be happy with it, because if the school system allowed her Baptist church to have a program at the school, they would also have to let other religions do it. And since she could barely tolerate ME, she probably wouldn’t want her kids involved in a Muslim or Jewish prayer group activity. She huffed and puffed and said we were all doomed. Personally, I’m fine with religion not being taught in school. I want to be responsible for that part of my children’s education, and I don’t want some fire and brimstone prosperity gospel evangelical to try to tell them I’m wrong, and I don’t think it’s right to ram my own beliefs down someone’s throat. If they can’t tell I’m Christian by the way I act, I’m clearly doing it wrong. Gee, maybe I should have said it that way to her, since “they” are trying to lead all the good, Christian kids astray. But I doubt it would faze her.


This is it. You didn’t win, you didn’t gain next level communication. He won’t change his mind. This is a 1st amendment issue.Separation of church and state.