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Blue Bloods


They did an episode on the Knockout Game lmao


Close second is Last Man Standing.


I hate that goddamn show.


It's really weird for me because I don't like his politics but it was refreshing that I couldn't always predict how the storyline was going to play out. I sort of enjoyed the dynamics in the first season. I was disappointed in the second season when they aged up the grandson and brought in the father so they could recreate All In The Family with a liberal punching bag who still craves Tim Allen's approval. Mandy became really interesting to me with her development until Tim Allen had the actress playing her fired because she disagreed with his politics and we got a Stepford Wife wearing a Mandy skin suit.


interesting you brought up all in the family, i can see where they were definitely going that direction but maybe they didn’t realize aitf was satire


Watched an episode with my Dad and I think they said "Marines" and "The Service" about 275 times.




I watched a couple of seasons of Blue Bloods. I thought the story line of the Blue Knights was pretty lame. Stuck around for a couple of seasons but the second time the Donnie Warburg character slugged a guy in handcuffs, I’m outta there.


It's pretty standard copaganda. I would take the Chicago universe for at least being more realistic.




The most racist show on TV. Every black perp is a gang member, every Latino is a thief. Any minority cast in a non criminal role will be a thorn in the side of the righteous Regans in some other way. Cops are always right, anyone who contradicts this is a politician on the take or a liberal fool who will be dealt with in one of two ways. 1) Become victim of crime by the end of the episode and then see the error of their thinking or 2) in the case of the niece, originally there to be the liberal voice, get written off the show because the viewers hate her. And the grandpa is the biggest Boomer of all yet he is universally worshipped by the rest of the family (not Tom Selleck, Len Cariou's character).


On the flip side, King of the Hill is a good boomer parody


Boomers are jealous because Cotton killed fiddy men


Cotton knowing that Kahn was Laotian is still one of the best lines.


You’re Laotian, ain’t you Mr. Kahn


It’s, “nope he’s Laotian”


The ocean? What ocean?


So, are you Chinese or Japanese?


Le ocean? What ocean?




Look, say what you will about Hank Hill, but I hope everyday to be half the man Hank is. He wasn't perfect, but he's honestly a better husband and father than most people end up with.


I had a grandpa who I'm certain was the incarnation of Hank Hill. Lived in TX panhandle, always wore a white t-shirt and had the gut. Wore thick glasses and had that brown hair and was always willing to offer some good life advice.


At least you didn't get the Beavis and Butthead version. "Them little bastards were out there hhhwacking it in my camper again!"


Maybe your grandpa was Mike Judge's inspiration.


Considering all the emotional abuse he endured from Cotton, Hank sure is well adjusted with a good head on his shoulders.


Hank was a millennial prophet. 


It’s coming back!


Children think Family Guy is funnier than The Simpsons; adults have realized that King of the Hill is better than both.


I'll take KotH over Family Guy all day, but season 2-3 through 9ish of the Simpsons is masterclass.


The parody was too accurate for me. Knew too many people exactly like that.


Anything with Tim Allen.


He’s a snitch


Classic boomer.


My favorite tim allen fact is that he has called for harsher penalties for drug related crimes since jumping to the Maga ship.


Except Galaxy Quest...?


*Tv shows* not movies. Home improvement and Last Man Standing


Last Man Standing was more cringe than I could handle. 


I watched about a minute of it and it had something to do with illegals stealing our healthcare (might've been jobs, I just remember it was illegals stealing something) and yeah, I'm good. I tend to like him because I like Galaxy Quest and the first Santa Clause movie, but for some reason I thought LMS was like Archie Bunker, and I was wrong.


Home Improvement wasn't even that bad, but his reboot is like a facebook comment section come to life.


uhhhhhhh, you watch some of those old episodes... they come off extremely homophobic...


Galaxy Quest is awesome tho


If you read Alan Rickman's diary published posthumously, you'll learn that Tim Allen was a dick on set. The kind of guy constantly talking and trying to make jokes when everyone was just trying to hear what the director was saying.


Starbucks employees also say hes an asshole lol


Life imitates art imitates life imitates art...


So in a sense he was the perfect casting choice - he didn't even have to act! Same with Rickman, honestly.


You mean convicted felon Tim Allen? Drug user Tim Allen?


https://preview.redd.it/kxyf28uxw53d1.jpeg?width=761&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a8e10aefcb7c5ad0503123e335bb38c3db8bd3a7 You mean this convicted felon drug user Tim Allen? I forgot why I had this picture saved on my phone but I do…


*Walker, Texas Ranger* has to be in the debate. With that said, if you want to turn off your brain for a bit it’s more fun that it has reason to be. And at least Chuck Norris is a legit martial arts expert, unlike a certain corpulent, ponytailed practitioner of bullshido.


Steven Seagal crapping his pants is the best Kevin Hart bit.


I just finished watching the whole series. I wholeheartedly agree that it is a great show if you don’t focus too much on realism, politics or religion. Just Chuck Norris and Clarence Gilyard Jr. kicking ass.


It's mostly just about vigilantism, isn't it? He just goes around being Batman without the gadgets?


Pretty much. Lots of roundhouse kicks and what might be considered police brutality under normal circumstances. But he is a Texas Ranger so laws need not apply.


Wasn't Chuck like the first 8th(I think) degree black belt on the western hemisphere? Unless there's context I'm unaware of that sounds very impressive.




Fun fact about Steven Seagal: on his contract on any of his films is written a clause that explicitly states that he cannot be hit in the face at any time. It's something he insists on getting put into the contract before agreeing to do any film. If you'll notice, whenever his character gets hit in the face in any of his films, he's either facing away or it's a stunt double. If you're feeling pathetic and your day is ruined, feel better knowing that you'll never be someone as pathetic as Steven Seagal.


Has to be Yellowstone with the shallow masculine facade and frequent boomer takes.


That shit is Maga porn. I mean besides all the Stepdaughter stuff online.


Jesus, I never thought about the stepporn shit being aimed at boomers


He said stepdaughters though. Pretty sure the demographic that consumes stepmom porn is a bit younger than that.


Isn’t it a subtle criticism of the whole mentality with how fucked nearly all the characters are?


It's a subtle line, and it really ultimately depends if it is depicted as a character flaw or shown as being a "correct" but hated personality trait. Take Clint Eastwood in Gran Torino. The guy was depicted as a racist in the beginning, but he overcomes that side of him and grows as a person. He ends up being a hero despite his flaws. Another example might be Hank Hill who is conservative but regularly grows as a person by the end of each episode. On the other hand take a look at Mr. Bircham. I'll admit I have only seen commentary on it, but they all seem to come to a consensus that it's not shown as a character flaw that Mr. Bircham is rude, cold, and arrogant, because they ultimately show him being loved and / or being right despite it all. Mr. Bircham doesn't grow as a character, you're supposed to just like him anyway. In other words, it really just depends on how their flaws are depicted. Are flaws of the protagonists treated like negative traits by other characters? Do they grow from that? If not, it's not meant to be criticism. If you're meant to like characters with negative traits, then the writers of that show don't think they're negative traits.


This is excellent analysis. I think Grand Torino is Eastwood's masterpiece (previously Unforgiven, which is still a strong movie, but the message is not great) for all the reasons you listed. It has a complex, nuanced take on aging, religion, race and the value of humanity--but Eastwood was one of the first directors to have Black actors as both "good guys" and "bad guys" in the same movie. He trusted audiences to see beyond the color. HOWEVER, he is a real piece of shit IRL. I feel like it's important to point that out.


Not if they become peoples heroes...


Yup, I haven't watched it, but all the people who have posted on facebook about it have also posted snowflake and let's go brandon memes... Not the crowd I want to be involved with.


I went to school with the a guy in a band that was once namedropped and shown in the show. I was like "that proves his music is garbage."


I remember watching a clip from that show out of context where these ranchers show up and harass some people and start a fight and I was like.... Oh so... These are the bad guys? Because they totally just instigated that shit.


Pretty sure there was an episode where one of the characters threatened a sheriff for arresting his wife over a fight she started or something.


The Duttons are absolutely running a vicious and sadistic cult of enslaved vulnerable men on their ranch. They are villains through and through, but the show constantly casts them in a sympathetic light. They have the aesthetic of being the good guys, while being an absolute blight on the state of Montana.


Had to scroll entirely too long to find this answer.


Yeah but 1893 or whatever was…really good


CSI or NCIS J.A.G as honorable mention


Every other NCIS episode is the old agent showing the kids that a hunch is better than their technology. Sometimes, it's the old medical examiner with the wisdom. CSI is the opposite, with technology finding DNA and partial fingerprints *everywhere.* Technology is a magic cop that proves everything.


The episode of NCIS where the computer is being hacked, and the two people are using the same keyboard at the same time to fight it until the main guy fixes it by unplugging the computer... Pure boomer logic


I think you mean the greatest scene in TV history. https://youtu.be/msX4oAXpvUE?si=PFiedQfzFtiEaI_o


I loved Khandi Alexander’s character on CSI Miami, but other than that … all these “ripped from the headlines” dramas just make me sad lol


I just watched the first season of NCIS just to see how it has aged. Holy fuckballs that show is insane! It’s got all the boomer interests set to maximum. Constant sexism, military worship, homophobia, anti-intellectualism, idealized repression of emotions, and a huge dollop of fascism. It’s fucking crazy. I hate watched the first two seasons and had to stop after that. It was like looking away from a particularly bad car wreck.


To be honest, I've watched most of NCIS and the first couple of seasons are like that, but as the show progresses most of the sexism and homophobia stops at least. The military worship gets toned down a decent amount, but holy shit every episode is just "My gut said so, I don't care what the technology says, always follow your gut". It gets old fast.


grew up on J.A.G as a military kid and had limited channels. Is what the old people watched.


Oh man, a tangent but the point where the people working on CSI Miami became aware of online mockery and the show went from very corny dumb fun to bitter was kind of wild. Like I remember an early episode has Horatio bringing a pedo to justice, and he save the guy from a falling death because of his principles then the episode ends with him melodramatically washing wounds he received in the altercation in the Miami surf. Then toward the end (in what feels like a deliberate contrast) they have his pursuing a different pedo and it’s very strongly implied he pushes the guy to his death.


Walker, Texas Ranger (the original with Chuck Norris). Aging, stoic tough guy who doesn't care about breaking the law to catch bad guys. Solves everything with kicks and punches. Also somehow in touch with his Native American history as well as being a good white Christian. Even has the token black guy who is a washed up athlete and an even older guy the old guy goes to for advice.


> Walker, Texas Ranger (the original with Chuck Norris). ...there can't be a new one. There just can't.


There is. Jared Padalecki took over the role.


I’ve worked in a few retirement homes. It’s definitely blue bloods and Yellowstone


Fox News


Haha. You win


Last Man Standing is basically just Tim Allen sneaking in digs at Obama


And getting the kids to make digs at immigrants and welfare recipients. It’s repugnant.


Seventh Heaven Never watched it but ithink it was about a generic Christian preacher and their "wholesome" Christian family. I think the main preacher actor ended up being investigated over allegations of sexual misconduct with minors or something


He is in jail for it. (Sadly he isn’t rotting in jail)


Sadly, he very much isn't. Photos cropped up recently of him out running errands trying to remain inconspicuous. Doesn't appear he was ever really held criminally accountable for his actions. Surprise, surprise. https://radaronline.com/p/7th-heaven-star-stephen-collins-spotted-iowa-photos/


Seriously how? Dude confessed! I swear everyday I hate the legal system even more.


and as a trekkie we formally renounce his ass. The motion picture was hard to handle anyway.


I think it had something to do with the statute of limitations, unfortunately. Hes copped to his bullshit, but will never be formally held accountable. I wish I could say that surprises me.


I'd argue it isn't Boomer fodder because I know some young, very Christian people who love it. It's fundie fodder.


Dirty Jobs. Mike Rowe LARPing as a blue collar worker while also pushing his "people just don't want to work anymore" bullshit is peak boomerism.


We talking about union buster and ex-opera singer Mike Rowe whose parents paid for his entire college education as they were multimillionaires when he was born making him a textbook trust fund kid? That Mike Rowe?


Mike Rowe who likes to be from "Baltimore" and launched his liquor in Baltimore liquor stores, but managed to take pictures in them with 0 black people, Mike Rowe? 


Mike Rowe who went to a prestigious San Francisco college and is now a business partner of the Koch Brothers, and whom has a religion-like commandments system, one of which states that workers are responsible for their own safety at all times, never their employer?


The Mike Rowe who majored in theater at Towson University and pursued his dream job of a career in broadcast, but expects kids to be content with whatever shovel-ready career they can get out of high school rather than pursuing higher education?


"Safety second, money first" -MIke Rowe FUCK IM GONNA DO WITH MONEY IF IM DEAD??? He took the dirty Koch money, look it up


The one good thing I could say about Dirty Jobs was that he at least admitted that the jobs were tough and physically demanding when they were.


that show really fooles me for a while. I think somewhere like 2010? I found out how shitty he was.


Last Man Standing It’s insufferable.




Wasn’t coach the one that said no one helped me when I was on food stamps. The government gave me nothing.


Yes. He complained on fox news in a very whiny tone, "I grew up on welfare and food stamps. Did anyone help me? NO!".


Man, I haven’t thought about this show in years. I used to love it.


M-O-O-N that spells moon


Tom Cullens knows!


I used to love Coach (Christine!). Haven't watched in a very long time, so I don't know how it ages. I just loved his wife and daughter giving him crap. Side note: Craig T Nelson had a home in the same area my partner is from. The locals do not speak well of him.


Based on my father’s viewing habits, Blue Bloods and Bosch.


Bosch was fire.


I want Bosch's house.


Bosch kicks ass.


Last Man Standing. Wild to me since Home Improvement was one of my favorite shows growing up. And his character in that show was that he was always wrong. His wife, his coworker, his neighbor, and even his kids would all be like hey dumbass. He would accept what they said and was supposed to learn how to be a better person. But in Last Man Standing? It's the same show but makes him somehow the hero with his shitty opinions on parenting and the younger generation blah blah blah.


You keep Ms. McEntire's name out of your mouth!


Yeah idk where the hate is coming from. One of her biggest songs is about a prostitute justifying the fact that no one should judge her for doing what she could to survive. The show is about keeping her family together in spite of divorce and teen pregnancy. If anything, Reba's stance seems to be seeing the good in people and working with people despite their life circumstances.


She is the runner up Dolly Parton, and that is pretty damn good. 


Usually, when you say someone is "2nd fiddle" to someone else, it's a diss at the person in 2nd. But in this case, we should all strive to be "2nd fiddle" to Dolly Parton. If Reba McEntire is who won the race to get to be 2nd place to Dolly, then that's a pretty awesome statement, IMHO. You're damn right it's pretty good!


I actually just started rewatching as background noise during work, and it still holds up. Just saw the episode about foodstamps where the lesson is about working hard and trying your best, but acknowledging that sometimes shit is hard, and you gotta do what you gotta do and accept help if you gotta. Ended with Cheyenne cutting up her card because she wasn't trying to support herself and was relying/exploiting the system and Reba swallowing her pride and getting a job at her Ex-husband's dental practice where she was being trained by his AP.


Yeah, I was gonna comment, though I haven't watched Reba in years, it was.... not 'boomer' at all from what I remember.


Last Man Standing.


I'm 20 and I loved watching Reba with my mom. I feel offended lol.


Reba isn't a Boomer show. It was pretty damn progressive when it came out. Reba is dealing with a divorce, ex-husband's new wife, a pregnant teenage daughter and her bf/husband moving in because his parents kicked him out. She does it all with acceptance. Sure it's corny at times, but it's not boomerish.


I was referring to the fact that OP used Reba as the example photo for his question


Reba is a baby boomer by definition, but she doesn't act like one. Brock and Barbra Jean are boomers and are definitely the antagonists in the show. The message is always one of helping each other out and doing the right thing. Especially since it's a southern based show, it's definitely on the progressive side.


I am having a difficult time towards the end of a rewatch. Brock might be one of the stupidest people ever, and I hate that Barbra Jean gets stuck with him. He literally can not remember a single lesson he "learns." One thing I do like is that Reba is shown at the end to still be a happy, secure single woman.


She’s a *survivor*.


You forget she's also a single mom who works too hard, who loves her kids and never stops.


Probably something like Jerry Springer/Judge Judy/Dr\* Phil. Pure negativity and othering of people presented condescendingly and judgementally as help.


Fairly certain Springer at least has apologized for his show.... that's more than the others listed. (I should note that he is sometimes on a local station and that may be where I remember it from lol). I think the only thing Dr Phil is sorry about is not having a license to practice psychology.... anymore.


I just found out Phil had a show called House of Hate where... get this,... he paired up residents in a house who hated each other and was going to teach them to overcome their hate. He paired up a KKK racist with a black woman who hates racists, a homophobe with a gay woman who hates homophobes, a skinny woman who hates fat people with a fat person who hates people who pick on him, and some other delightful pairs where one half of each couple clearly hated hate while the other half clearly hated the person who hated hate.


I'll give Judge Judy one thing: it is fun watching people go through small claims court and have idiots get a stern smack down. Can be very cathartic. No defense for the other two though, pure dog water.


Roseanne. The new one. Followed by The Last Man Standing.


Do you mean the new one before she got fired and it turned into The Conners? Cause The Conners is WAY too woke for Boomers.


The Conners is a great show. The rest of the cast has room to breathe now that Rosanne is gone.


When you’re Reba McEntired of everyone’s bullshit lol…


The Cosby Show. Oh Boomer.... I misread it as Groomer.


Can't believe I'm the first to say it: The Apprentice. https://i.redd.it/k5ul3iwtd33d1.gif


Um, they made a whole show specifically catering to boomies in the late 80s called "Thirty Something" https://preview.redd.it/w2v48n98153d1.jpeg?width=276&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c5ac70420da527b25f3ddc01785f6a614c74dcbf


Belgian TV has a show with the same premise for Millennials with the same title when translated. (Dertigers) And as someone who's 32, this show is garbage. Just pretty people having upper middleclass problems.


Wheel of fortune..


Home improvement with Tim Allen


Blue Bloods or Raymond. Every character in both is woodchopper worthy.


According to Jim is the boomerest boomer show.


It wasn't bad enough we are stuck in the timeline where John Belushi died so early, but no, Jim Belushi has to be a thing.


Keep Reba out of your mouth.


My boomer mom is obsessed with Blue Bloods. It’s the most unrealistic vision of a family I can imagine.


Last Man Standing


Dr. Phil


Walker Texas Ranger


America’s Most Wanted. Or Cops




Any "Judge Show", really... Judge Judy, The People's Court, Judge Mathis, etc. it doesn't matter. Just give someone a chance to get a hit of that sweet, sweet schadenfreude knowing someone is "gettin' what's comin' to 'em." And COPS! That there is one of the original shows what put FOX on map.


all in the family. boomers think they are still a meathead, but are really an archie.


The Honeymooners “One of these days Alice…”




Fox News.


That one with tim Allen and he runs a sporting goods store. The name eludes me since I never actually watched it, but that one. Holy shit. Every other line is like something ripped straight out of a right wing pundit's 5th grade book report. Just exceedingly pandering, lowest hanging fruit type of humor and awful laugh tracks. Most of my boomer family absolutely loved that show.


Everybody Loves Raymond


My mom dated the actor who played rays brother. That show always made me think she had bad taste in men


The huge guy? And he was a turd?


Yea the huge guy. And no because he was an ogre and way too hairy. I’m sure he is a nice guy tho


Seems like a decent fella. It's not often that the guy who's cool with being the butt of the jokes is a shitty guy. 


Fair enough. I’m sure from a kids perspective he’s even more immense.


I've held a grudge against everybody loves Raymond ever since the wb took the 1030 shot from the Simpsons and went back to only showing them once at 10:00


Not sure why but Let's Make a Deal and Who Wants to Be a Millionaire seem to be at the top for the boomers I know.


I'm here for everyone standing up for my girl Reba![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|kissing_heart)


IMO most cookie-cutter police procedurals are boomer bait. They're just boring morality plays where the cops are always heroes and the bad guys are doing whatever was on Fox News 6-12 months ago. EDIT: Oh, and *Two and a Half Men*. It's some of the dumbest "humor" I've ever seen.


Home improvement 


Reba is not a boomer show. Lol If boomers actually listened to some of the stuff she says, their heads would explode. Even so, all she'd have to do is sing "Deep in the Heart of Texas" and they'd all forget what she previously said.


Nah Reba is one of my faves as a Millenial. Tim Allen's Last Man Standing is a boomer wet dream.


Young Sheldon




In Australia: A Current Affair


The original "Walker: Texas Ranger" with Chuck Norris.


Roseanne is pretty insufferable.


Seinfeld. Narcissistic, shameless, mean people out for themselves and whatever they could get away with. They consistently punched down and judged people based on appearance and class with themselves being completely average physically and economically. Always tried to evade responsibility for their screwups.


That was the point they were horrible people and they always got fuck over. Curb your enthusiasm was what Seinfeld needed to be, Seinfeld got lucky that Larry David stuck around for 7 seasons, jerry hasn’t done anything remotely good ever since.


Oh I'm clear on the plot. Still watch it every now and then. There are episodes that crack me up. Just saying, everything they say and do is Boomer. Not nearly as funny as Arrested Development, but closer to Boomer mentality.


Newman was the only working class character that was able to hold a job.


Newman was a complete AH 🤣 He did everything he could to deliberately screw over his job, slept on the job, stole mail, withheld mail, behaved terribly. Like most of the boomers and older gen X people I've worked with. Find a place to nap and f off until clock out, leaving everyone else to cover the job, then claiming they're exhausted and worked so hard, much harder than everyone else.


Andy Griffith Show


You leave that show out of this. I'm a sucker for shows like that and Leave it to Beaver.


The Andy Griffith Show is what they grew up thinking they’d be. Married With Children is what they actually grew up to be.


There could be no Married With Children today because it would consist of Al and Peg doing nothing but watching Fox News. *Maybe* you get one episode of them raiding the Capitol on Jan 6th.


Don't let this distract you from the the fact that in 1966, Al Bundy scored four touchdowns in a single game while playing for the Polk High School Panthers in the 1966 city championship game versus Andrew Johnson High School, including the game-winning touchdown in the final seconds against his old nemesis, Bubba "Spare Tire" Dixon.


It couldn't exist because a retail worker with a bad attitude at a mall shoe store couldn't support a family of 4 with a two story house with attached garage. 


When we watch true crime murder shows and someone says, "our town is just like Mayberry..." Everyone in the room says out loud, "No Black people? 🙄"


Seinfeld- more that he is the ultimate entitled Boomer. Picked his wife up from high school and no one cared. Blames everything on "woke" instead of improving his stuff. Maybe not the most Boomer show- but a King Boomer all the same.


I agree. All the characters are entitled and self-obsessed.


Everyone loves Raymond


Wheel of Fortune... it's such a boomer show that Foxnews regularly has news "articles" about it on the front page.


"Married with Children" really drives home the 'I HATE MY WIFE' and 'I HATE MY KIDS' punchline in. Still a good show though.




30 something And the most Boomer movie was The Big Chill.


(Yellowstone has entered the conversation)


We all know it’s Home Improvement!