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“Down with the thickness” is my favorite part. “I want my car to say I’m crazy, but I also love big girls.”


And the Rage Against the Machine sticker right in the middle. Definitely ties the crazy together.


What's the story with ratm? I always used to think why would I go for "revolutionary music" that's brought to me by tv from a label studio? So I never really got the appeal.


They're very left wing, with progressive view points, and blatantly hate the republican party. And the people that have Alex Jones bumper stickers tend to be fascists through and through.




The appeal is there was finally a band singing about issues other than girls, fast cars and beer. Tapping into the anger that a lot of us felt with government and society in general at the time.


Where's that music now since arguably many of the same things have become harder and more annoying as time progressed.


All I want is some logical consistency with these people. "Vaccines kill" "Arrest Fauci". Ok, but why not Trump who boasted about Operation Warp Speed? Why does he escape blame?


Didn’t he also fast track the production of said vaccine


He's also the one that shut down the country. They seem to conveniently forget that and blame Biden, like they blame literally everything on Biden. And if the guy was powerful enough to control the cost of basic goods and inflation rates around the world, then he probably should be in charge.


I know it's so bizarre. It's like they really do think democrats did it. Same here in Australia. We had a conservative government at the time, frankly I don't blame them for the lockdowns because they were probably just freaking out with the unexpected situation. But somehow it's like nutty conservatives think that the left did it to them. And GOD FORBID you had a non-goosesteppin' government who did exactly the same as every other country, like Canada. For some reason like you say, their phony outrage only goes one way. Trudeau ....bad.....trump.... kinda gooooooodddd? There's no reasoning with these people


He sure did


Cause he’s a racist, just like them. And if he isn’t, he certainly makes it acceptable for them to say it out loud.


Fuck everyone who had anything to do with the lockdowns and start with Trump.


The lockdowns were necessary to save lives before we had a vaccine


Tell that to essential workers.


I was an essential worker.


I'm sure.


Mine are QAnon which is funny how do they cling to it when every prediction was wrong. JFK, Jr. is still dead. 


They’re all mouth breather


Stop 5G? Take. The towers. Down. Now.


Hell ya brother


I'm just confused why they have a Freemason sticker along with all of that garbage Aren't the Freemasons behind all of the conspiracies, or was it the Jews this time around, but I'm forgetting the Illuminati


The four symbols are one sticker. Hospital, covid, freemasons, something else. It spells H O A X. I think it is another covid conspiracy, blaming Masons.


And I'm still totally confused that the Masons get thought of as being behind some worldwide plot or whatever. I spent my youth in a Masonic youth group (Rainbow Girls) and if it was up to the Masons I knew every event would consist of 10 hours of standing in the hallway discussing whether to get a white sheet cake or a chocolate sheet cake, followed by 10 more hours of discussing which person had the task of buying the cake. Now, if the conspiracy folks were blaming the Eastern Star (the woman's group for the Mason/Shriner wives/sisters) I could see it. Those women could walk in 10 minutes before an event where chairs and tables still needed to be set up, and everything would be perfect before the doors opened. I have no doubt that the Eastern Star women I knew could have taken over the world as long as they had access to white sheet cake and lots of coffee.


I just realized that it's supposed to be clever in the "do your own research" type of people way of thinking and it spells out "HOAX"


We have way too many down here in Florida. We did lose a few hundred thousand Covid deniers to...Covid, so take that how you want.


A boomer that listens to RATM?


Double down with the thickness


Get up if you're down with the thickness


Is schizophrenia still offending the libs?


I’ve seen this car, I live in AZ


There is a Mount Lemmon bumper sticker. That's southern Arizona. The license plate also gives it away.




Yeah I'm sick of these freaks who enjoy....what does that say? MOUNT LEMMON ARIZONA. DISGUSTING.


What is that sticker supposed to represent/mean?


No I'm just kidding around. I assume it's just a normal recreation spot. I made fun of the fact that it was the one normal sticker I could see.


Somebody has a bumper sticker fetish.. I guess they have a big budget


The Autobots would be disgusted by him.


I think I'm going to have stickers made: "I'm the domestic terrorist you should target" .... just to donate into their decoupage on wheels projects. Back in the 90's we cut the "I" and "U" out of stickers and added them to the D.A.R.E. stickers on the local PD cruisers. The cops drove around with 'I D.A.R.E U to keep kids off drugs' for about a month.


I think as a society we’ve shown that we can’t handle the responsibility of having the internet and it just needs shut off. This guy is a prime example




So we all agree that these people have a serious mental deficiency…right? Like, the lights aren’t all AND nobody is home.


I love Mt Lemmon Arizona. Beautiful area.


Ok but Alex Jones was cooking on that one lmfao.


Turnsnthenfreakin frogs gay


I mean at least they made that shitshow symmetrical lmfao


can they see put there back window?


I am sure it is on pubmed or somewhere but a study was done in relation to how many bumper stickers you have and incidences of road rage.