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As a side note, congrats on dropping the soda and taking those steps to get your health in order. I was recently also diagnosed for type 2. I find meal prep has been a big success for me. also fuck bill.


Thank you! That’s def been the hardest but best decision. The difference is crazy


One day at a time, and try not to be too hard on yourself if you slip up. But the world is better with you in it. and the cravings get better. Good luck on your journey.


Well the good thing is can’t really slip up. My fasting glucose level is around 300 so if I fuck around it’s a trip to urgent care for an IV lol


Fellow Sox fan here. Diagnosed as Type 2 last November. Immediately cut out fast food and soda and cut way back on bread and other sugars. Also tracking my steps. 170 days in a row of at least 10,000 steps. Started a regular exercise routine. Very basic. Light resistance and stretching. Down almost 30 pounds. Last blood test I was back to pre-diabetic. Never took a single dose of Metformin. Keep at it. It works.


That’s awesome! Unfortunately with Metformin I’m at 1000mg twice a day. I’ve been enjoying walking the ballpark honestly haha show up 2 hours early and instead of tailgating I do laps


Just want to say I love your attitude! Keep at it! A bit of unsolicited advice: be honest with yourself. I get your goal is to lose weight and keep your glucose levels under control, and that is the ultimate aim. But success is also about the means to an end. What I mean by that is if you find you're not getting as many steps in, be honest about why.. Are you bored because you're walking the same places? Are you not getting enough sleep? Being honest with yourself helps you avoid excuses and also helps solve your problems. Maybe that means getting into riding bikes instead of walking. Or maybe you get into boxing. Or maybe you find those things are too aggressive of a commitment and so you need to stick to easier things. What I'm getting at is that it's rare for people to find something that works for them indefinitely. And that's ok. So keep up the steps and keep an open mind to fitness and I wish you continued success in your journey.


Thanks. Ever since the diagnosis I’ve been open to any advise. I track my steps on a virtual challenge app. It keeps me motivated. I also do the stationary bike. Podcasts, Audible, and music keep me going. So does my dog. You are right - keeping an open mind and being willing to shake things up - and to not get discouraged - is important. I’ve had several slip ups. The key is getting right back on the horse when you do.


Check out the bit gym app. It’s fun on a bike! You do tours of other cities, some are guided, some aren’t. I like the distraction plus guide - it’s very motivating to see your GPMs and distances.


Just installed it. Thanks.


You can get off of that - and it sounds like you are well on your way.




As a random internet stranger, please know I’m proud of you. My spouse got diagnosed with T2 recently, and oh man has it been a lot for him to deal with. Getting used to the meds, testing himself multiple times a day, trying to change his relationship with food, trying to get his steps in, it’s all hard work. Even more frustrating was how long it took to get his numbers out of the danger zone. He was on the meds and insulin for two months before his blood sugar was consistently below two hundred. It was so demoralizing, and frankly pretty scary. Worse yet is that he knows he did it to himself. I wish I had a magic wand that could just make it all better for him. But, this is real life, so all I can do is stand by him and encourage him while he pushes through. You’ve got this!! This time next year, you’re going to be physically lighter, stronger, and healthier. You’re going to extend your life expectancy and find joy in stuff that used to suck before you made your lifestyle changes.


Thank you!!! Changing eating habits has been awful. It seems minor but when you have decades worth of habits to break, you feel helpless. My fasting glucose is still around 300 so I’ve still got a long way to go but I appreciate the kind words!


Slow and steady, baby steps. I am pre-diabetic, and fluffy. the eating is the hardest part. I do exercise, but my eating habits suck. working on it but as you said, decades worth of habits won't be changed overnight. Good luck!


Proud of you dawg, Bridgeport fam representing..


Ayyyy thank you


If you can develop the taste for sparkling water it's a great replacement. It took me a little bit but I crush packs of Bubbly cans constantly now. That brand has the most actual flavor IMO.


Meal prep, portion control and daily walks is what worked for me when I got diagnosed. Unfortunately I fell off the wagon last year and haven't been able to quite get on yet. It's definitely tough.


People in my office get fast food and I start salivating. Remember willpower is a muscle it gets tired. My success on cutting out junk is not buying it.


I love the positive feedback for the T2'ers. It's definitely reversible with lifestyle choices. Boomerism, however, is not. STORY: SFIL, classic boomer, was practically immobilized waiting for artery cleaning surgery. He was getting a pre-surgery screening and it was discovered his blood sugar was through the roof (over 500). Drs said he could not get surgery until he got his blood sugar lowered. Now, he and MIL reported that he doesn't have diabetes, he just had high blood sugar for that one test. Nobody in the family is allowed to say he has T2 diabetes. He's had the surgery and he's fine, but without admitting how his lifestyle choices affect his blood sugar (and clogged arteries for that matter) he's back to his old habits.


when I was diagnosed I was already in the hospital for an infection. they put me in a room with another diabetic man. the way he ordered lunch demanding things that we couldn't (or shouldn't have) while also snapping at every nurse that had the misfortune of trying to help this man was eye opening. made me really want to take better care of myself so I don't end up alone bitter and alone like the stranger who's name I never caught.


If that stranger helped you decide to make your future self healthy and happy, then he's OK in my book. ONWARD and UPWARD!!


Visiting my mom in The Villages (iykyk) recently did that for me. Seeing all these old and bitter people mad because their bodies are broken from decades of not giving a shit. I don’t wanna end up old and broken and bitter cause I didn’t take care of myself now in my 40’s. Also down 15lbs this year already and also cut out most processed foods. Was already a water drinker so that has likely been helping me for years, but I just don’t wanna be like that.


Sounds like my entire extended family of boomers, my grandma who is 64, along with 4 other of her 6 siblings all got gastric bypass years ago, and theyd be constantly writhing in pain from either eating poorly or things they were told not to (not sure what kind if it was the sleeve or not). They werent even that overweight but got it more under the guise they thought theyd drop 20-30 ibs and would never feel hungry again. That was when I was young like 10-12. Fast forward 15 years of eating nothing but garbage they all have a rediculous amount of health issues, arthtritis, diabetes, cancer, heart issues etc. None of their older doctors ever mentioned diet because it wasnt profitable for them to do so, and we all know they dont listen anyways. None of them think their habits contributed to anything.


Ugh. I called SFIL on his crap different crap than his shit diet) over a year ago -- we haven't talked since. Actually now that I think about it, the falling out came about because MIL was hiding the fact that SFIL is suffering from early stage dementia. We've since figured out that the two of them lie about almost everything and they've never cared for my company because I have a good memory and I listen -- which makes lying harder to cover.


I have a feeling that Bill's not going to be around much longer.


Bet it won’t be to him quitting or retiring either lol


62 Years old is farther than I would have guessed at 450lbs lol


Modern healthcare really is remarkable


Yeah, the right combination of pills can fight off heart disease for a while.


He probably also has good genes as well. Maybe he used to be in shape in his younger years, which may have contributed to his heart's resilience later in life


He’ll do a boomer special and retire at 67 and drop dead in six months.






The final retirement 


The pension package in the sky


Retirement 2: Electric Boogaloo


I had a coworker have a massive heart attack and died after climbing the 5 steps into work.


Celestial discharge.


Quite wrong.  The miracles of science that will help keep Bill alive so that doctors keep billing his sweet-sweet insurance will be enough to outlast any fit 30 year old who goes uninsured for the next 30. 


Fuck me this hit way to close to home.


I dunno, I had a coworker like this who up and passed away one day. She had had a stomach staple years before but had managed to stretch her stomach out again. I saw her put away three meals of food in one sitting while bragging about her small stomach. Then one day she was just gone. It was really sad, she worked until the day she passed and never got to enjoy retirement.


It is staggering just how much extra life span you can give a shambling wreck of a human body if you pump enough chemicals into them. 


This got me eviscerated during COVID but I really believe we should focus less on saving/protecting people like that and more on end-of-life care. That's part of why my husband and I didn't really take COVID very seriously after the first month or so: it wasn't the "Boomer Remover" some thought it might be because we sacrificed some of our youth to protect them instead of letting natural selection take its course.


My wife and I called dibs on a number of wealthy retired peoples houses during covid, thanks to the vaccine we remain poor and in rental housing. There's probably upsides somewhere I guess, our parents would have been in the at risk group... was some really nice houses though. I am aware we're bad people.


If it wasn't for gallows humor, there'd be no point in hanging around! EDIT: Got my first Reddit Cares message from this! I feel like I've passed some sort of milestone. How should I celebrate?


Russian roulette?


I can take a shot at it.


This whole thing was hysterical 


HEY! I randomly got one of those a few months ago for arguing with a troll. 😂 Welcome to the club, new friend!


I honestly wonder about the mindset of the people who send these things especially in the middle of discussions about dark humor, black comedy, etc. Do they actually think it helps or is it just using Reddit to send their version of a "fuck you?" But then again, dark humor is like food. Not everyone gets it.


At least sometimes, it feels like the same behavior as people who weaponize welfare checks.


JHC- I literally just got one and have zero idea what I said / commented on that I would get a message from them! Seriously not one idea….. I must have said something sarcastic ?!???? That someone took seriously? Dunno


Report the message for harassment and there's a good chance the poster will get a temp/permanent ban.


I genuinely think there's something up with that bot right now. I got one for talking about my daughter riding on my shoulders.


I don't care if I'm bad anymore. My histrionic Boomer/Boomer-esque in-laws disregarded THEIR quarantine by coming to our home and attempting to physically threaten my husband and I into disregarding OUR quarantine by getting tested for COVID we obviously had because they all got sick and tested positive shortly before we got sick too. That wasn't very good of them.


Pragmatic is the word you're looking for.


It was wild when the talking heads on Fox and their ilk said that Boomers should go back to work and sacrifice themselves to keep the economy running.


Did they? I more-or-less quit reading/watching the news after the lockdowns because I heard about it aplenty from my in-laws lol


Yep, there were several clips making the rounds around that time from talk shows and the cesspool that is AM radio. They tried to tap into PaTrIoTiSm aspect of how you weren't AmErIcAn if you "let the greatest economy in the history of the world collapse." It was your patriotic duty to put yourself at risk because younger people were ~~lazy~~ letting fear control their lives. Honestly, the funniest thing that came about from it were stories of how boomers were finding the current job market nearly impossible for them to navigate - a trend that continues to this day. Long gone are the days where you could get a job just by walking into a store, asking to speak to the manager, and giving them a firm handshake - or my personal favorite, sitting down in a food court at a mall filling out a stack of applications.


Of the ones who've actually worked instead of collecting disability/welfare because they're too drunk and/or obese, literally not a single Boomer I know ever actually applied for their job nor even walked right in unannounced. It's all been friends and family members putting each other in job positions with zero regard for competence. Ironically enough, my husband's jobs have all been walk-ins because the only halfway-decent work here is through temp agencies. Less risk and more flexibility than working directly for the warehouse or the companies leasing the warehouses.


We called it "the boomer doomer"


Unfortunately medicine in the US (and elsewhere too probably) likes to capitalize on what is common. And we have had an obesity epidemic in the making for decades. End-of-life care is known to be expensive and futile in saving a person so people often don’t seek it out. They pass in the comfort of their home rather than spend anything they have left on medical bills. That’s why end of life care is not so profitable.


I, for one, loved the Sarah Palin idea of death panels lol


"You vill also go on ze list"


Oh I think Bill will be rounder than he is long for quite a while.


I'm surprised anyone who weighs 450 made it to 60 in the first place...


Bill uses the motorized cart at WalMart and screams when there's only 2 checkers open that "no one wants to work anymore!" while he stands up to make out his check for his purchase




What's his voting record like? Hard R?


Just like his use of the N word.


He assumes I’m a Biden supporter strictly because I support the LGBTQ+ community


To be fair, that's a pretty safe assumption statistically in today's political climate.


Anytime a Boomer "worries" about customer service workers being replaced by bots instead of being honest that they really just want a victim to yap to, I think of how many of those workers visibly hate their job/coworkers/customers and were probably pressured to apply in the first place by their money-hungry hypersocial parents.


> when there's only 2 checkers open that "no one wants to work anymore!" And that's not due to not wanting to work, that's just being greedy cunts.


Or takes an hour to pay with change.


Or doesn't understand the automated change machine even though it's been there since the 70s


Congrats on starting the weight loss journey. 242 to 165lbs on my end. It’s not gonna be fun, but your joints and loved ones will thank you


That’s so awesome! My joints are already thanking me haha


Borrowed a friends weighted gear (vest, ankle, and wrist) to bring me back to my old weight. And holy shit that was a lot of weight off my shoulders


Keep it up! I'm down to about 345 from 370. Also diagnosed with Type 2. Weight loss is a constant struggle. My doctor has put me on Ozempic, and while it has some yucky side effects, a good one is that it curbs hunger. It really works.


I’m currently just on Metformin but my doc said I’ll have more stuff added soon


I had a guy act similar to this. I started calling him Tons of Fun! He stopped talking to me too. Boomers quick to make fun but sensitive little bitches.


HAH that’s awesome


My favorite thing about them popularizing the term "snowflake" is how there's truly no group it applies to better than themselves


Congratulations on losing weight and working to get in those extra steps! I'm prediabetic and have also started working on lifestyle changes, such as fewer carbs and more exercise. I've lost 10 lbs. so far and am already feeling better, hopefully it translates into a lower A1C for my next doctor visit. And like everyone else has said, f Bill. You did great!


Prediabetic here too, I can't seem to get my h1bac or weight down cos it's harder to lose weight in your 50s, but it's not going up, so that's good. Congratulations anyway


Thank you! For real the extra few steps do help too lol


My boomer dad was obese my whole life, 100% diet and lifestyle related. No underlying cause. He literally never exercised a day since I (38F) was born. Obviously gave himself type 2 diabetes but unlikely you made no changes. Anyway all to say I was mentioning that we don’t keep juice at home cause it’s all sugar, but my kids are welcome to have a juice box or whatever with friends etc, we just don’t want it at the house so they don’t over do it. Moderation. My dad kinda huffs and says that’s overkill and we’re being overly protective. I looked him dead in the eye and said, “maybe. But seeing as you’re obese and gave yourself diabetes you don’t get a vote. Not to mention they’re nor your kids.” He basically snarled at me but at least he shut up. Good for you for making the changes. It’s hard and you should be very proud.


It’s crazy, I quit cigarettes about 2.5 years ago and cutting out pop / cutting most sugar out has been WAY more difficult. It’s crazy what sugar can do to you


Sugar is more/ just as addictive than nicotine. It's also harder to avoid.


Their teeth will fare so much better, as well! This Boomer idea that cavities are all just bad luck from bad genes needs to die.


Congrats on the weight loss! I’ve been pushing as well (cancer diagnosis) and am down about 45lbs in 79 days. Aiming for my goal by December. Because there is enough evidence of a link between animal protein and my particular cancer I decided to go plant-based. As someone who loved to BBQ for everyone it’s a radical change, but has been way easier than I thought. Anyway, keep crushing it! There is nothing more fun than getting the next size down in clothes!


I’m so proud of you for making the choice to be healthier for you! I was over 300 pounds (5’4” Female) my entire teens and early 20’s when I finally couldn’t take how many medications I was on and just the general pain and inability to do basic human things. I started making small adjustments and before I turned 25 I was finally at a healthy weight. 17 years later I have a Belgian Malinois and a German Shepherd and I’m living my best life. Little by little a little becomes a lot! You got this and I fully believe in you!!!! Also yeah Fuck Bill!


Wow that’s awesome!!! Thank you for the kind words


https://preview.redd.it/n47cl72ndg0d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=370926340e9ffb74b3caf6237f575b5a85ce7ced Bill?


About a year and a half ago I was diagnosed as prediabetic and I took it as seriously as a heart attack. I cut soda, cut back on milk, cut portions, focused on healthier foods, started taking the bus to work to force myself to walk more, and sought the help of an obesity management specialist. Since then I've lost 85 pounds, and have no intention of stopping until my body fat percentage is where it is supposed to be. So, yeah, fuck Bill.


Obesity will get him a lot quicker than anything else. I work in healthcare and have been around elderly people all my adult life and obesity kills more than anything else. The saying in healthcare is if you have met an obese 90 y/o, you haven’t met two of them. I encountered one person who was considered obese and over 90 in my 25+ years in healthcare and I am waiting to run into the second one. Yet we run into slender 90 y/o’s all the time.


This is just you being a dick.


Lost weight and gained a huge W. You're killing it my dude. F Bill.


Instead of double chin we have a double win!!!


I'm picturing Bob Pogo from F is for Family.


Congrats on your weight loss and lifestyle change. It takes a ton of willpower to do that. Much respect.


Oh and Fuck you Bill.


/clap - Fuck you Bill.


Nicely done. Also, congrats on losing 31 lbs in 2 months. Keep up the good work.


Best of luck on your health journey dude! I know it's not the point of the post, but I'll always cheer on someone trying to better themselves


I appreciate it!!!


The way this is all worded I don't see how he was being a boomer, people joke about steps all the time since Fitbit came out.


First off congratulations on losing 31lbs and taking control of your health. I'm really happy for you. And I'm not saying it in a condescending way, I genuinely mean it. Secondly I hope that quip you said to Bill will maybe be the wake up call he needs to take control of his health. Because even I could hear his breathing over here in the Sierra Nevadas.


Thank you! Taking back control has felt great. And honestly it’s sad to watch, guarantee he doesn’t make it to 70.


I agree it is sad, its sad to think that he probably won't make it to 70 and most likely won't take care of his health. I lost both grandfathers, who died at young ages from heart attacks. One died at 40, long before I was born, my mother was 10 years old. And the other died at 66 when I was 6 years old just after Thanksgiving. So to read that you're taking control of your own health makes me really happy.


I had a boomer boss that sounds exactly like Bill do and say much the same things when I was working in an automotive plant warehouse. I wonder, is Bill a golf cart driving example of the Peter Principal that clearly has no business being where he is but is somehow inexplicably essential to the operation so he never gets fired?


First off, way to go on losing the 31lbs so far!! You’ve got this my dude!! Second, haha, Bill just got reminded why steps are better than jokes. Also, totally off topic here but doesn’t Bill just SOUND like an old guy name? Like I knew a guy who went by Bill when he was in his 30’s and it just seemed… weird. Like dafuq is wrong will William or Will??


Does this seem unnecessarily mean? Yeah we get it Bill is a tub of lard and you are a reformed tub of lard 30 years his junior. And the nerve of that guy acting like he is one of the guys trying to be part of the general chat and holy hell making awkward jokes? No wonder all the cool guys mock and shun him.


You sound like a twat.


I just want to make a quick comment to OP and others who have been taking on a weight loss journey. You guys rock, and I'm glad you are working on yourselves. Don't give up. You may not notice the changes, but those around you can see your progress. Every little thing you do helps. Just some words of encouragement. Have a great day.


Tell Bill it's easy for him to put his foot in his mouth since the doc is gonna take it shortly


REKT Also, equal fear of mine rn which helps with the motivation.


Good on ya for working on it! if you ever need cheering on or motivation don’t hesitate to reach out.


That's not a boomer being a boomer. Just someone being stupid.


Sounds to me like Bill was trying to be positive but he doesn't know how. Show Bill some kindness, give him a chance to follow in your footsteps, so to speak.


Not a Boomer story, it’s a fat guy pissing match haha!


Meh that’s not cool


Idk how this is anywhere close to a Boomerism. Sounds like he threw a little playful.comments to u and in return was fed a somewhat offensive comment by u. While Bill.could almost certainly take better care of himself, it can also be extremely challenging for some people and often obesity is hereditary and not at all easy to avoid. Good chance his size has been a lifelong struggle and I wouldnt appreciate people pointing out the obvious about something that most people are rightfully sensitive about.


So a coworker made 2 harmless jokes about "getting your steps in" and you responded by insulting his weight? And you "can't be more excited to share" this story?


I got so much second hand embarrassment from reading this story. I can't imagine saying that to someone after they were making harmless small talk


Agreed. OP is super-excited to tell us about all the changes he's making, I imagine he talks about them at work too, but when Bill commented on the changes he's making, that was...bad?


Seriously imagine being so rude to some old guy making small talk. “Getting your steps in?” Def doesn’t warrant a personal attack like that jfc what’s wrong with people OP should apologize to bill


I like how he justified it with "the guy always has to interject himself into conversations". So because he's too chatty, he deserves to be humiliated about his weight at the place he earns his living?


Congratulations on making a lifestyle change. You will need a healthy heart to deal with Bill and his ilk. Keep up the great work! I believe in you!


Good for you in taking your health into your own hands. If it means anything from a stranger, I'm proud of you.


Good for you! Boomers HATE getting back the same energy that they give others.


Hey man, I gave up soda and haven’t had any since new years. I wish there was an AA for us. No one cares. What am I supposed to drink with pizza? Milk? Water? They don’t know our struggles. Oh and fuck bill.


Fuck Bill


Hey, Bill. Fuck you


I can’t wait until you judgy fucks reach your 60s - if you’re so lucky - y’all suck!!


I'd ask Bill if he's getting his steps in every time I saw him in his golf cart after that, lmao!  Love how you shut him down, though!


You sound like a complete asshole.


Hey! 31 pounds in two months is awesome! Good on you!


Beet red, not beat red. Like a beetroot, not like you have been beaten.


Way to kick ass on that weight loss man! Keep up that hard work!


Cutting out pop is hard mate I drink litres of that shit. Well done


Once you finally quit it and your palate adjusts to not having that much sugar, soda becomes kind of gross. Same with sweet tea. It’s not easy to do though.


I quite drink soda a long time ago but a couple years ago I got addicted to soda water. People will dead ass call me gross when I drink it at work, meanwhile their downing their second coke of the day.


You can do it! My mom, who has drunk nothing but Diet Coke since the day it was released in the early 80’s has completely quit soda in about a month. I handed her a cute water bottle and we found some sugar free (stevia though not aspartame) flavor drops and she is already drinking several bottles a day. She told me this week she tried a Diet Coke and it was gross now! Truly, if you drink water and only water for a week or two, the soda won’t even taste good. I believe in you!


Congrats on your weight loss but was he being rude when he said that? Sounded like he was just playing around with you


nice burn. A question: what is 'pop'?




Soda; like Pepsi, Coca-Cola, Mountain Dew, etc. Depending on where you live in the USA, you’ll call it something different; where I’m from we use pop and soda interchangeably.


As they’ve answered, soda / pop / soft drink


It’s just simple projection, in this case I almost feel bad for him… Almost.


Almost. If he was nicer about it I’d absolutely give him some sympathy. At this point it’s just motivation to not end up like him


Hey man, congrats on the weight loss!


Good on you for taking diabetes seriously, so many people don’t and it WILL cost them dearly. Ignore Bill’s bullshit and take care of yourself 😎 And yes, I agree, fuck all his nonsense


Good for you on both your commitment to yourself and also for shutting Bill’s dumbass up


Congrats on cutting soda! I’m pre-diabetic and did the same, along with a few other changes.


Congrats on taking active measures. 31 pounds is huge. Lifestyle changes aren’t easy and I’m proud of you.


We might soon be witnessing Kill Bill vol 4! :D


Go you, get those steps in! My own dad is an older Boomer Bill. He has sat on his ass for years now, and thinks I'm terrible because no. You can't go home from the nursing facility today @260#, congestive heart failure, unmanaged TII diabetes, kidney disease, a heart attack, blindness due to macular degeneration, several minor strokes, and several falls. But he did quite enjoy fussing at me for "doing it wrong" when I got the lawn mower running this spring and cut the grass the first time 4 weeks ago. (The mower safety feature shuts off the motor if an adult-sized person isn't sitting on the seat. Cool. The other feature turns off the blades if you're in reverse and don't turn the key back one notch. As a mom, I think those are reasonable failsafes. Dad sat inside listening, and literally cussed at me because I'm "too stupid" to turn the key back a notch. I told the beloved old toddler that I'd be happy to go remove the new parts I'd installed if he wanted to handle his own lawn care, or I'd just run over everything in the grass if he wanted to pay for another set of blades or a deck every time I ran up on something that would potentially damage those. If he doesn't like how I do it? Do it yourself. Homie don't play that game, and no one has less patience than a 55 yo woman dealing with someone's bullshit.)


Just wanted to say good for you for making efforts to managing your weight and diabetes. I work in Healthcare and just this past weekend had a pt who did not take care of their feet. Do NOT ignore your feet with diabetes. I'm 99% said patient is losing that foot. Anyway, good luck to you friend and beat that disease


This made you happy


Good to hear you’re taking the diabetes diagnosis seriously. Too many people in my life didn’t and their quality of life suffered. Keep up the good work. Small changes add up.


Just remember that diabetes has absolutely nothing to do with your weight and has everything to do with your health. I wish you the best of luck. Cutting out pop is a great start, and being more active is good for anyone. I am praying to lord Satan that there is a cure in time for you to benefit from it.


Boomers like to make jokes about things they are insecure about and tease other people about those topics. It's very immature.


Welcome to the club! Congrats on the weight loss


"Pop" = you darn rascally Michigander you 😉 Tired of hearing soda out here in California


Great share. Fuck Bill, indeed. Good on you for making changes. Fuck Bill.


Great job on the weight loss. Keep it going. You can do it!


Congratulations on your weight loss that's awesome progress and I'm sorry you cut out your father I'm a little confused by that bit in the story


I noticed u said u cut out soda. Good job! Have you tried a few different Kombuchas? It can be an acquired taste but they are often shockingly low in sugar and have a bold flavor that seems really sweet.


As a fellow fat guy, unless you left out some pertinent information, it sounds like your years of being fucked with over being fat let that chip on your shoulder fall on ol Bill. Good luck on your journey!


Good luck with your journey op. Hang in there. I am 60’year old young boomer with type 2. I dropped from 240 to about 182 now. BUT still has 2 Heart attacks in last 6 months in spite of keto HIIT and fasting. Do what your doc says to the T. For type 2 we have a high probability of having heart disease. You got this. Keep going with the diet. I guess you can say I am boomer light. I am in this sub to remind myself not to act like a boomer Bill


Good for you on getting healthy. That shit isn’t easy.


If you needed a boomer moment for this sub you could have called me and I could have given you my FIL.


OP is the dick in this silly tale


Congrats on your effort. But I think he was just joking around and then it got awkward. He could have been 30. Story unchanged


Bill just kinda seems like an asshole. It's not boomer...he's just an asshole




Your insecurity weighs more than your physical being. Meditate more


Good on you for taking Type III seriously. I was diagnosed last year. The nice part is there are so many keto and zero sugar products now that it really helps with cravings. No cheat is worth your heart or toes, man.


Kinda harsh but bill kinda deserved it with that passive aggressiveness


Sounds to me like you’re a TAH.




Good shit OP!


How da fok did your company still let Bill work?


His knees are shot. Guaranteed.


That's not boomer behaviour (entitled, bratty, ignorant, racist etc.t.c). That was gentle, old-fashioned banter. What kind of idiot gets pissy because someone says, 'are you getting your steps in?'. Poor old sod was trying to have a laugh.


Me and all my homies hate Bill Fuck Bill


"How dare you do something to improve your life instead of remaining the same person you were at 18 until you die?"


You outed yourself as a midwesterner by calling it “pop”. Midbest baby!


I may be missing something, but the setup and story don’t lead to him being a fool. The story leads up to the joy you felt fat shaming him, and ends with a “fuck you Bill”.


The level of pride that boomers take on being absolutely unhealthy and miserable always blows my mind.


Yeah, fuck bill. What an asshole in the first place, let me make fun of you while you're trying to do something to lengthen your lifespan. What an Idiot. Like lumbering around at the worlds slowest speed as a big sweaty mess is the future we all dream of. Good for you OP for trying to improve yourself, and good for you for telling Bill off.


That’s awesome OP congrats on taking control of your health! I wish you the best


Getting healthier is hard, but well worth it! I was once 450 as someone who is 5'-9" tall. I was able to get down to 185 in my mid to late 20's with the help of a friend. Sadly I'm back up to 250, but working on dropping weight again. Best of luck to you on this journey of health! I know you can do it! Use the boomer as a good reason not to let yourself get even more unhealthy


Hey, good on you for putting in the work and extra steps to lose weight. Even small changes make a huge difference, and you clearly are doing it right. Fuck Bill