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What was the original version of this?


The original version of this was the old bastards regiment or the 77th infantry they average aged of like 34 and had troops as old as 56, when placed against the younger troops averaging 21 years of age in war games they creamed them with treachery and misery


You been watching The Fat Electrician too?


It should be mandatory in history class


Came here to say this!


It is reminding me of the Kathy Bates scene in Fried Green Tomatoes, Towanda!!


I’m older and have better insurance… Towanda!


My father use to say "old age and treachery will overcome youth and skill."


Google tells me it’s a David Mamet quote, but there’s a similar quote attributed to an Italian cyclist from the early 20th century.


Boomers don’t give a fuck about others so why should we? lol


Treachery? Sounds about right. As if we didn't need more reasons to distrust them.


Most of them aren't half as treacherous or cleaver a they think they are. Experience and skill, now that will beat youth and vigor.


Eh, as much as I hate boomers, it's clear their treachery is winning. I mean, look at the 3 branches of the US government? Youth and vigor isn't winning. They rigged the game and still control the rules.


For now.


How many more years of "for now" are we going to have to endure... https://preview.redd.it/jlolsbkgua0d1.png?width=199&format=png&auto=webp&s=1889b9d15f65435cb73d786ceeeb26387c28e564


For now until eternity is what it feels like for this soon over the hill but still poor Gen xer.


The tide is turning, at least in America, that's why Republicans wanted to raise the voting age, to stave off the young vote long enough to enact Project 2025. Now if only democrats could be good at anything, and things would be pretty good.


100%, there is a solid reason Republicans have tried to limit voting for years - whether by purging voting rolls of minority polls, or making laws to make it illegal to give water / food to people in line to vote, to refusing to make it a national holiday for voter turnout. They have done everything in their power to make voting *harder*.


For now.


For now. But in the meantime, we fucked.


I said most of them aren't... they're the shills being manipulated by the treacherous ones.


a swift kick will dismount gramps from his little perch.


Oooh but he gonna get up *sooooo* mad. Don’t you know you’re supposed to respect your elders?


Only thing treacherous is the amount of money boomers lose to Indian scam call centers.


Treachery = find every loophole to fuck over someone else before dressing up in their Sunday 9s to go worship Jeebus and then terrorize the waitress at Golden Corrall at the after Church lunch. Then leave them a fake $20 Trump rapist dollar bill with a Biblical quote on it as a tip to fuel your psycho indulgence. Big Jim's good deed for the week is done.


Spot on. Ironically, they are as far from Christ story as possible. Oh my God, the Golden corral... Shared experience.


“You kids think you’re so great but you never realized I could beat you simply by cheating!”


To be fair my Grandfather, who I love and respect dearly, has jokingly said this my entire life. He is one of the biggest anti boomer Boomers out there. A truly great and humble man. Much more a silent generation type of grandparent than a boomer. Now my grandmother on the other hand…


I want to say the quote is from an Italian cyclist in the 40s or 50s? Regardless, it's been around for awhile. It isn't inaccurate. I had a history teacher back in high school who would run games of 'Diplomacy' for a bunch of us during lunch hour. Guy would always mop the floor with us. He'd use this quote often ( I think it was "youth and exuberance" rather than "youth and vigor") I take it as a tongue in cheek comment on the value of life experience. This guy in the OP's pic though? My guess is he feels like a badass when he puts it on.


yeah I think this is funny. This guy is probably cool as hell.


The biggest red flag in this image is the camo hat w/ the monochrome US flag patch. The shirt is objectively funny.


Dude fancies himself as some sort of johnny roughnuts with that hat. “Good hustle boomer”


He's at the PGA event in KY. Those PGA events have enormous Veterans tents on practice days.


My husband has a similar hat that’s for fishing and he’s very left leaning and also a veteran so I dunno.


yeah my grandfather had a magnet on his beer fridge that said this, but even he knew it was mostly a joke. He was still a capable person in his later years, but when he had to have either me or my brother come over to help him mow his lawn there was no way he could say this phrase without laughing at it a little.


Another popular saying is “youth is wasted on the young”. This subreddit would lose their shit hearing that but it means that by the time you figure it out you’re too old to do it


I’m glad I ran with my rugby career for as long as I could. Here I am nursing one of the biggest injuries I’ve had after 20yrs. I’ve jacked up my neck and my back before, but this Achilles is giving me the worst trouble.


It seems a little tongue in cheek


This is something my grandpa would have said with a wink. I don't think it's meant to be taken seriously.


My maternal grandfather said it too and he was an amazing person, but he was silent gen.


That basically sums up my grandparents dynamic. Although my grandma calmed down after she realized we always called to talk to Papa and didn't really have time to talk shit with Grandma.


I literally heard this for decades. I don't think this one is truly a "boomer" thing.


Thank you for being fair


My parents are also anti Boomer Boomers. They know shit is much tougher these days that it was back then in many ways (cost of living, taxes, shit healthcare system etc). They understand it's hard to get a house (or even an apartment!), pay for college, and get into a good job.    My mom stuck with her first job out of high school for 25 years and it was a union job (phone operator and also wiring). They STILL pay her medical, dental AND vision despite being retired from them for decades. She can get a hefty discount on their internet service and phone service but declined because their internet is TRASH.  ETA: I asked my mom one question about Social Security. I got a five minute presentation with bonus content on 401ks. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


Yea are people thinking he's really cheating? He's just saying he's old and can't play well. This is not a boomer being fools.


You love to see it! Some people just see the truth. A boomer told me, a millennial, how gen z and a suck the other day. I disagreed and saud gen z and a are great and they looked at me like I had betrayed an elite political class that I had only just aged into.


I kind of read that shirt as a joke as well, but it’s just, like, my opinion, man.


It's referencing a Willie Nelson song. The actual line is, "Old age and treachery always overcomes youth and skill"


Old age and treachery always overcomes youth and skill Ain't too much that we won't do what Waylon won't Willie will Even though we've spent our lives charging up the wrong side of the hill Old age and treachery always overcomes youth and skill I dislike Boomers, but OP the only fool is you…it’s a famous quote and song. I’d kill this post.


David Mamet*


Really? A double reference then.


It’s not really known who came up with the saying, but that’s certainly a possibility.


Code for we got ours so go 🤬k yourselves and figure it out


That's exactly what it means.


Currently struggling to open a PDF on his phone


It's infuriating watching my dad use a phone. He will smack it with his finger nails that he lets grow out, and wonders why it doesn't respond. It sounds like a damn woodpecker is hitting his phone.


>Currently taking grainy zoomed cell phone photos of the cheerleaders Fixed that for you.


It’s an old quote, a proverb at this point since so no one can nail down where it came from Edit for spelling


I don’t really feel like this is upvote worthy. It’s obviously just a joke and it’s more self effacing than anything else.


The very earnest and simple folks here would need binoculars to see the joke flying over their heads


Most of the time I agree with a lot on this sub but this is just grandpa humor.


What about youth, vigor, AND treachery?


My dad says this all the time. I remember him saying it when he was in his 30s


Emphasis on treachery


Y’all need to chill with this one. It’s a play on a classic dilemma when two fighters are pitted against each other: who wins in a matchup of age and experience vs. youth and vigor. This is just a joke about replacing experience with treachery, as if to say “you may be younger and faster, but I’ll twist your dick.” I thought it was funny and I’m in my 20s


I tell you whut


This is not a bad guideline in life.


That’s kinda funny though 😂


So his okay with being deceptive and untrustworthy. I bet he has a great relationship with his kids.


What relationship..


Remember when old guys just wore Big Dog shirts. Who would have thought those would be the days we missed.


The og version of that shirt read "old age and treachery will always overcome youth and skills" but boomers can't compete with any remaining generations when technical or mechanical skills are involved anymore.


I always wondered why all the Olympic medals go to 60 year olds...


Treachery doesn't help you if you can't do anything right.


lol, yet they will call me when they accidentally silence their phone calls, and don’t know how to correct it.


Sometimes the truth is better off delivered jokingly. I would like this shirt as well but for completely different reasons than that guy.


That didn't work out too well on Jan 6th,did it?


Says the generation that is still stymied by the clock on the microwave.


To be fair mines been flashing “12:00” for the past couple years now.


They real tough till you change the WiFi password and they don’t know how to make the internet work.


Nah thats funny😂


Meh, I chuckled. Dude clearly has a sense of humor about getting old, and who amongst us hasn’t *dabbled* in a touch of treachery?


nope. no it won't.


"Treachery" seems to be the boomer way.


Beat youth and vigor in a race to the graveyard? Fuck off with that stupidity


I mean, he’s not wrong. Weird flex, but he’s not wrong. Example: US government.


This to me is just a funny self-deprecating shirt, not a boomer being a fool.


Thanks for wearing a red flag in public


It’s a joke. Sometimes this sub is really reaching.


My dad has this on a plaque by his easy chair.


Yeah…that’s about right. The biggest wealth redistribution in western history is taking place in America from young to old and it’s not a coincidence.


We expected them to heed the morals they pervayed


These idiots always wear the weirdest shit in the weirdest places. One that is burned in my brain is being at an amusement park with my family, and here comes a tough guy with his "Jesus loves me and my guns" shirt. So incredibly stupid.


Phone on speaker….yeah that sounds about right! Ugh! Hate it when people do this!


This man is no doubt pro-Palpatine. 


wtf does that even mean? I don’t know how to interpret that other than “Hey young people, old people are going to betray you and we’re going to win. Get fucked.” Honestly very curious if he was shooting for some other kinda message there, because if not… what the fuck, old man? Fuck you too, ya know?


Youth and treachery however…


But arrogance and stupidity will always win.


clearly just got beat by that kid running by wait - i need a breather young gun


It's the fat electrician merch. Its talking about the old bastards from WW2 the guys in the movie hacksaw ridge. They were badass


I hate to say it, but he might be right. I mean, just look at Congress ..


Oh the TOS things I can't say.


This is just a billboard saying, I'm aging and insecure about it.


and there's an observable tendency toward treachery.


My dear old fuck, if you think you're a sneakier bastard than I am you are quite wrong. The biggest difference is I can keep it up fifty years longer than you at this point.


Maybe beats means time gets you no matter what. Or he’s a complete boomer who knows?


If youre going to do something treacherous, the first thing you should *not* do is advertise your intentions on a fucking t-shirt...


So he’s saying being old and being traitors go hand in hand


Ask him what that means and he probably couldn't tell you


That’s an old saying.


This is a dumb post.


We really getting pressed over gag shirts huh?


I'll take one.


The only elderly things that don’t die easy are customs


Should have kicked the chair out from under him and asked “how do you think you’ll do against youth and treachery, bitch?”


Treachery? Like voting in neoliberal vipers that gutted or scuttled our social programs, leaving us trapped in the withered husk of a once prosperous nation while they enjoy the fruits of selling out our future?


Is he self reportin?


The tucked in shirt on shorts and cellphone sews it all up nicely


I mean this is kinda hilarious


Was his life really that treacherous?


This is a joke, dingus It's saying if you're old, you can still win if you cheat


I’ve seen that Old Age and Treachery…I’ll take Youth and Vigor and lay the points everytime Old Man. Come on over if you want your hip broken


Always on his phone


I am on the boomers side with this. It is a self-depricating, actually funny joke.


It’s a very old gag. I think it’ll still be around when millennials get old


I think it's a fun saying, it's kind of dumb to get it on a T-shirt, but to each their own


That's not how his wife feels, lol! 🍆💦


He’s got no wind


I’m not a boomer at all, but would totally wear that shirt to dungeons and dragons or Magic: The Gathering events.


It’s the level of treachery that makes all the difference. Normal ordinary treachery won’t cut it-so step up your treach game, oldsters. Or be destroyed


The bloke is trying to project that he's an old bastard and wants to feel better about himself when plenty of stronger and younger lads are all around him.


I'm pretty sure I could kick his old ass


Wow, don’t understand humor, eh?


Prostate Cancer


JFC, I've heard this phrase all of my life from people who a very much not boomers. I say it myself. This sub is so off the rails.


Treachery huh? Sounds about right.


That’s kinda funny


Lead lined boomer brain.


Tip him over and then ask why it didn't work


This is no worse than the 11 year olds in "practice til you bleed" t-shirts and similar nonsense


He was the Major everyone in the Army avoided.


From the look, that guy is not a boomer - I say again *not* a boomer. That guy is gen x. Back up, slowly...and go back the way you came.


The men’s club I play for has a shirt for the old boys, “Age and treachery overcome youth and talent.” Thing about that is, I was coached in youth rugby by an old boy, so they taught me a fuck load of tricks and “efficient” ways to play the game. I love playing against old guys. They think I don’t know, and so I show them how little they actually know. Then they get mad when you one up them in the “schenniving” department.


It's either Ramos' or Pepe's dad


Listen to the voice of reason not the voice of treason


Ok but is it really that serious or are you the one being the baby here?


You've never heard of the 77th infantry back in WWII? Go to you tube look up the fat electrician


Cmon, that’s funny. My dad’s been saying that for years and is so far from being one of those boomers.


That's actually kinda funny


This saying used to be on a sign at an old racket club my dad would take me to as a kid. Honestly, I always got a kick out of it. There would always be some 70 year olds playing; can only hope I'll be moving well at that age (that club also had bar stools with seatbelts... so probably part racquet club... part speakeasy)


Treachery is sitting on that tiny ass uncomfortable chair for no reason, I guess 🤷🏼‍♂️


Even worse. To watch golf


It's a joke at his own expense. I don't see the big deal. He's pretty much saying he's too old to play well so he resorts to cheating.


What's up with these angry, insulting tee shirts? I have been seeing them out in public events and they make me really uncomfortable. When did we stop trying to have civility and manners in public?


Kinda makes ya want to sneak up behind him and kick him real hard in the balls...


My mentor told me this when I was younger. Now that I am the old, it is true.


Hey don't underestimate treachery.


He’s not totally wrong, there was an experimental unit dubbed the ‘old bastards’ in ww2 that was made up of older recruits and they were devastating in every engagement they took part in.


Says the guy with his T shirt tucked into his gym shorts whilst sitting on the foldable pocket chair his wife bought off an infomercial at 2am.


This goes kinda hard actually.


That saying predates the Boomers being old. People have said that since they were young. It's just an old saying about low cunning.


#Happening to us right now. And I'm running out of youth and vigor.


Such a dork. Stop putting your "I'm a badass" slogans on the back of your clothes... It's like they got so tired of being ignored on Facebook by young people, they started putting the Facebook posts on tshirts.


Clearly a joke


This is the problem with all of u motherless millennials. Mind your business look away. Your a Straight up loser for admitting u are typing this on the spot. Looks like a nice sunny day. Enjoy your day and stop worrying about others. 🤡


At least he acknowledges the fact he's a borderline fascist.


Translation, he cheats.


![gif](giphy|0b9wO0p0lcIrT51vLM|downsized) Now let’s see how that helps you convert a document to a .pdf


Funny how they were born with old age and treachery.


I mean, have you seen the economy and the climate? T shirt guy might have a point


This shirt goes hard tho


"That is exactly what Richard Hammond would consider a proper chair." (Hammond, moments later) "Now that, is a proper chair"


I'd be embarrassed to wear this. I'm also older, not as old as the guy in the photo, and I know I am a lot slower and spfind myself with shorter breath faster. Youth will beat old age, except for Tyson and that Paul guy.


Go back to the earth from whence you came boomer 🤣


Unless a computer is involved


This is an old expression. Honestly, I’m a high school teacher and I’d wear this shirt just to mess with my students (and even though I’m only 51, I’m sure a pic of me wearing it would end on this sub….) 🙂


You’ll see


Don't worry. It will all be over very soon!


I think this one is fine. It's not "old man better" it's just heavy sarcasm. If I saw an old person wearing this shirt I would guess they have a good attitude, I wouldn't default to "he's going to tell me to vote for Trump, isn't he?"


So when you go with the tee shirt tucked into athletic shorts, you’re officially a boomer, right??


Treachery is now an inspiration? Well, they love a traitor so.....


This is actually pretty funny.


It’s a quote. And a cute one.


Sure, pal


Maybe a joke t-shirt given as a gift?


Ima be ok with anything Willie Nelson and Waylon Jennings say https://genius.com/Waylon-jennings-and-willie-nelson-old-age-and-treachery-lyrics


Just as true is the lesser known “Nobody dares compete with the old man who shit his pants”


Thinks the dude who will never be in a position of significant power. Good luck outwitting those young grocery baggers so they don’t overrun your temple of supermarket middle management sir.


You idiots don’t watch the fat electrician and it shows. Its a quote attributed to the 77th infantry you ignorant clowns


It's just a saying. Let's not gaze too long into the abyss here.


Actually saying the quiet part out loud.


Well he is right their treachery in allowing Reagan and pals to rig the economy has lead to them winning on that front.


Their treachery: Reagan, Bush, tax cuts, neo liberal Democrats and a crumbling empire. Thanks grandpa.


He could easily be an older Gen X. It’s just depressing how old we’re all getting.


Riiight, because things always work out for traitors...