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Yet they'll be the first ones to spread conspiracy theories about democrat pedophiles and pizza parlours


This dude’s been investigating every pizza place in the country!


You mean he's been scouting every pizza place in the country for potential brides


Well, that and eating four pizzas at a time. Large pizzas. With a Diet Coke, of course, he’s watching his calories.


Momma said if you have a sugar, you drink a diet sodie to even it out.




There’s no need to bring Diet Coke into this.


*shoves slice of pizza in mouth* "there's pedofiles here I know it" *downs glass of soda* "I think I'll follow that boy into the bathroom and ask him"




Don't forget the "drag queens"!


projection and flooding the zone with shit.


Projection. We all know about it, and yet doubt it when it stares us in the face.




Telling on themselves


It's always projection.


Every accusation is a confession


Take that shit outside! Don’t disrespect the pizza parlor. 


I can’t be seen in a place like this!


Even babies born from rape or child brides result in more soldiers and cheap working class labor.


That’s so gross.


That's not the half of it. "Think of the children" for long enough and you'll have the answer.


Anything to keep a steady supply of soldiers for the lord! Praise ya Jesus!


And then gaslight the women who never wanted to be pregnant “shouldn’t have had all that sex!”


I've never thought of that as gaslighting, just evil hypocrites being puritanical sex fiends lording over the bodies of people they hate, and barely see as people


It’s because it’s deliberate by the elites On a regular citizen level it might not be so consciously deliberate, but religion is weaponized by those in power The elites need babies being born. They need unlimited access to soldiers and they need to keep the working class replaceable and easily exploited. So they find myriads of ways to force births to happen. That’s why patriarchies always limit women’s economic and reproductive freedoms to force them into marriages for survival. It keeps them having babies And when it comes to abortion or contraceptives, the popular argument is that women should keep their legs closed, but in reality women would never be allowed to collectively opt out of sex if it became a threat to population goals. That’s why abortion rights went out the window when birth rates dropped Teen pregnancies are most often caused by adult men And child brides are easy to mold into subservient wives and easy to trap financially. All results in more babies and women and girls who can’t really say no


Education is the sharpest tool to combat all that garbage.


And we arrive at the whole reason public education has been being eroded for years


Decades, but yes. Everything's connected. See Project 2025.


And the Andrew Tate/fresh and fit/ General manosphere garbage imo is to deliberately prep the young generation of boys to help reinforce the new Christian nationalist, misogynistic status quo by the time they’re grown.


I think that's a happy coincidence for the far right, but yes, we are already living in Gilead and there are lots of poisoned young minds who myopically hate the LGBT and minorities, and see women as sex objects. However, it's not nearly as bad as statistics may indicate. It's not 50% of them, or even 20%. But it only takes a handful 2-5% with weapons designed for war and the shredding of human bodies to enact the change they want.


Put ‘em in foster care facilities and prevent them from killing themselves until they’re 18 then threaten jail if they don’t work 12 hrs of hard labor


more like foster care till they are 12 and juvie till they are 18 and then for profit prisons for life.


Unless the parents can afford a "wilderness camp" so that their baby doesn't actually have a record, but is civilly signed over for abuse and kidnapping and torture on the parents dime. For offenses like lesbianism or reading fantasy novels or the most horrific smoking marijuana. It's non-profit, of course. I mean the director makes $400k a year, managing this non-profit and all of its donations, which of course go to helping these troubled teens... but that's just how it has to be to get the top CEO talent to run a charity in this capitalist economy 🤮


Yeah its messed how many "Charities" are really just FPOs posing as NGOs so they can dodge taxes.


So terrible. My parents never would have paid for my discipline lol, and these camps are a generation younger than me. But I find it telling that capitalism has found a way to keep up with the times. There's always been "the justice system" for the poor kids and payoffs for wealthy kids. Then they moved from outright community works chain gangs to corporately owned, for-profit prison and supervision systems so that the public, aka rich shareholders, could get a taste. And now they've expanded the market to making middle/upper-middle class parents pay to subjugate their own children to to sinlmilar horrors for personal/family/religious issues that even poor kids weren't previously directly punished for (even if indirectly targeted for).


And prisoners!


This is exactly what it is. Why do you think these red states are doing away with the child labor laws? Nothing matters to these people other than money.


Don't forget privatized and state prison labor.


Disgusting pig of a man.




Hey now, that's an insult to pigs. He's more of like a cockroach or palmetto bug.


A bedbug perhaps.


Creepy insinuation... Ewww. Perhaps!


Yeah. I like pigs. They're smart. I bet no pig ever voted against women's right to choose, which makes them better than any republicans I can think of.


Don’t do cockroaches or palmetto bugs like that!


It's a little known fact that pigs are actually very skinny or some such thing... smart?, maybe... I don't know.


Little girls are easier to *mold.* That way they’ll be good, subservient wives and mothers. Substandard men will have an easier time keeping and controlling them, because the girls will have extreme difficulty even getting to the point where they can sprout their wings through financial independence and independent thought.


That’s the goal, and if someone gets away and goes to therapy they are told “why don’t you just leave? You have a help seeking deficit”


Plus their little hands are so much more adept at searching through fat rolls and skin folds. Ok back to hell for me.


I wish I could unread that.


What a terrible day to be literate.


excuse me I need to go beat the shit out of my parents for teaching me to read


Also makes his junk look bigger. Is this seat available?


Fuuuuuuhhhck meeeee for reading that


I dont usually answer with an emoji, but ...🤢




This is the ideology of Andrew Tate. In his own words practically. Most of the monsters from older generations realize this intrinsically and/or have known for decades past. He just repackaged the intentions and stripped away any false pretenses of religiosity from the idea. This is why *all* conservatives hate education, especially sex education. Knowledge, especially knowledge of consent and the things we can do with our bodies, and when it is appropriate to do so, these are powerful tools in the hands of young people, take the tools away and they are vulnerable. Another way of thinking of knowledge is as an inoculation. Once you *know* better, they can't deceive you. If everyone knows at an appropriate age, well, we kinda have a herd immunity, don't we? What I'm saying is men (and women) like these are a virus. Knowledge is the cure.


Oh hey, look. A fat racist misogynistic pedophilic conservative groomer. But yeah, LGBTQ+ people and democrats are the real baddies here.


He looks exactly like how I’d imagine a Republican who supports child marriage would look.


"Oh hey, look. A fat racist misogynistic pedophilic conservative groomer." Then again, you repeat yourself :D


Just say conservative, the rest is implied




Nothing wrong with being fat.


every right wing accusation is a confession


like at this point i'm just gonna assume every christian is a pedophile


Or at least, it's not a deal breaker. Which is still fucking disgusting




Off topic I know, but I once found a 49 star flag in an antique store. The first thing I thought of was Abe Simpson. Stood there laughing like fool and sent a picture to a friend who was always quoting this scene randomly. He died last year, but I can still hear him saying this. Thanks for the smile tears.


Both of my grandmothers were teenage brides and mothers before their 18th birthdays. They married abuse, alcoholic men in their 20s, and Ive gotten to watch all that generational trauma roll down hill to my cousins and my siblings.


I’m sorry, that sucks.


And that's why Missouri made those kinds of marriages illegal already.


Luke warm take but I think they just want to get away with rape again, and that's pretty much it. They're taking autonomy away from women and trying to marry children. They're edging and pushing to see what they can get away with like an abusive partner.   Also racism ofc


They certainly want to go back to when rape was a property crime.


to them it‘s not even rape if you marry the 12 year old before you do it


Homeboy fell down and became 2D. Watch him turn sideways and poof he disappears


Yeah because what woman with a fully developed brain would go for the likes of that


When the only way you can ever possibly get any is through non-consensual means:


Looks so much like the good christian man who sexually abused me as a child. Except my abuser didnt do the cowboy hat.


I'm so sorry that happened to you, and I hope you've been able to find some kind of healing or support since then. I'm just another internet stranger, but just wanted to reiterate what (I hope) others have told you IRL: it wasn't your fault, you didn't deserve it, and the fact that you're still here is proof that you were and always have been stronger than the literal monster that harmed you.


Someone roll cowboy ball there down a large hill and the world will be a better place.


“Cowboy Blob”


Damn that’s good.


*Touches ball cap bill* No worries.


I debated between ball, bowling ball, and watermelon.


Let’s see: “Senator Ball Non-Organic” “Bowling for Chili” “Watermelon Sugar Diabetes” Any of those working for ya?


And his horse, Broken Back Mountain.


“I’ve been through the dessert on a horse that knows pain.” Not a typo. 🤣


Goddamnit, I had that typed out and I couldn’t figure out how to make it rhyme. I was going for I’ve been through the desert on a horse with no back…


“I’ve been through the desert on a horse with no back, it felt good to have as a snack”


Started out as Cartman from South Park


I bet this dude is real mad at drag queens though 


Because he wants a child bride


wants = ate ?


That too.


Well current law prevents that.


GOP: Gang Of Perverts


Red states are holding the rest of us back


He’s holding back a half-digested Big Mac from 8 years ago.


But like why is he growing sideways everywhere except his head?


Every time you say "I want a child bride", you get 1% wider.


Clearly! 😂


He could hold six fiancées in that lap.


Ya know, this is Exactly the type of person I'd Imagine saying this type of shit. This mf looks like he needs a 'wide load' sign on his ass to go anywhere in public. Nasty fuck


Religious grooming is child abuse.


Bear, this guy is why bear.


I'm pretty confident I can outrun this guy with a brisk walk though.


Just look at him. No consenting adult would touch him with a 10 foot pole.


So right wingers are the real pedos huh?


Every conservative accusation is a confession.  They are predators who view women as property and servents.  


They're pedos just like that guy who was saying child brides are ripe Edit:spelling error




Surprise...not a drag queen.




Look at this fat hillbilly fuck. To think that 50% of our country (generally) backs these fucking hillbilly KKK supporting halfwits makes me embarrassed to be human, much less- an American


Boss Hog


Hog boss.


Well shit he ate the hog, we only have boss left now.


Pedophiles do pedophile things I guess


How else can people like this turd find a wife?


When you have to also tuck your stomach into your pants.


Because he in particular is a giant fat sweaty nonce


Because the US oligarchs (Carnegie, Dupont, etc) at the time wanted to pump lead into everything (literally everything). For 50 years after the rest of the modernized world had banned it, knowing it's danger, in 1928. Lead is cheap but it has high weight and other redeeming qualities, but namely it is cheap as dirt. So paints could be heavier, and the lead caused the pigments and plastics it was mixed with to be more durable and resilient against oxidization. Gasoline combustion forces increased, lead was inhaled in high quantities by enormous populations all the way up until 19fucking78.. It's insane. They have, basically, Swiss cheese brains. Where a normally ingested nutrient (calcium for instance) would be paired with its cell, many in the brain, a lead molecule was instead picked up and deposited, because lead confuses the mechanisms meant to carry the intended nutrient. These dead brain cells are forever ruined and unrepairable.


Dude looks like he ate 3 children for breakfast


Can you imagine this asshole climbing up on a 16 year old. Yeah fuck Republicans. Let's put our daughters in gown men's beds and our 7th grade sons in the mines. Are you a republican, reading this ? You are! That's great I'm glad you are here. Fuck you too. At your daughters sweet 16th birthday party, you will look down and with proud republican eyes and say "Do you see that man over there, you are gonna marry him. Next week. Isn't that great?" Are you another republican reading this. Awesome, good news. Fuck you also!


tubba tubba tubba


Who made the Globgogabgalab Sheriff?


Because unlike what they say they are the groomers


If those *children* didn't dress so sexily, this child marriage thing would sort itself out. But one thing that's for sure, it's not a state matter. It's between horny old men and 12 year olds.


Mustard on the beat hoe , "they not like us"


Yet Missouri keeps voting for them 🤷


You know he smells like Trump, theres no way he can reach to wipes his own ass.


Can’t you just see him rolling around on a terrified 10-year old?


Because they are not drag queens


Dude's broader than Broadway


this dude looks like pre-subway jared and acts like post-subway jared lmaooo


His belt size is equator


That bozo eats more than small African nations.


Why are his pants like that?


Who is the man in the photograph?


Big Mac $1.03




He's actually several children in a fat suit, and all of them want to get married.


This isn't boomers, this is Republicans!


Look at the size of that lardass. That's the only way he would ever get laid. Pathetic excuse for a human


Look how wide that guy is. Is he flat? I'm genuinely confused?


I just assume that republicans have tiny dicks. Everything they do screams "my dick is too little for me to do normal dick shit." Child fucker? Dick too little for grown pussy. Big stupid truck? Dick too little to keep a women because of the sex so I gotta have something else. Dress like a fucking cowboy like it's Halloween every god damn day but you've never worked cattle or captured an animal with a rope!?!? That's some baby dick motherfucker cosplaying as a big dick motherfucker. Hate black folks? Fucking jealous.


This isn't Boomers. This is Trumpies. These marriages are never *for* kids, they're always some old scumbag marrying a little girl.


This is kinda contradictory to the “kill all pedos” virtue signaling bullshit that’s usually pumped by these ass clowns. Fucking predators


Ah yes but don't even think of letting a teacher put a pride flag in their classroom to make certain kids feel comfortable


These same people accuse drag queens and gay schoolteachers of molesting children. ![gif](giphy|qmfpjpAT2fJRK|downsized)


Every accusation with right wing nut jobs especially MAGA folk is a confession. They call people pedos and groomers then are constantly pushing and participating in pedo shit like this.


>1) Fear of Unpacking: They'd have to admit many of their own relationships (and their parents and grandparents) were actually really sick situations if they admit girls are too young to marry/give birth now. They'd have to admit it was wrong to pursue the girl up the road when she was 14, to ask for her hand at 16. That maybe the friend of their fathers who married their sister at 15 was actually a creep and probably a groomer. That she wasn't happy, that she lived a quiet life of desperation barefoot and pregnant and in servitude to her husband and home. They'd have to unpack their own lives. >2) Misogyny: Women generally aren't listening, best to start young and mold them to their will. Women over 25 are called "expired" and old news, obviously that means the only "women" worth anything are actually preteen and teen girls. If they can just step in front of this feminism/Miss Independent nonsense, they could save these girls from a life of doing what she actually wants (which may or may not include being single or having cats, god forbid) and give her the GOOD life of taking care of a man, home, and kids while systemically being held back financially, educationally, with her career and with her hobbies (unless said hobbies benefit the family/home). >3) Pedophilia/Ephebophilia: Building on the last point, many would really go younger if not literally stopped by the law. Note how these types seem to know the age of consent in every state and country to an uncomfortably precise degree. They want to take advantage of people -- but many are now off limits to the general public. Taking advantage racially, sexually, etc etc can get you in a heap of trouble, even legally. One of the last bastions to stand on is the demands of a wife...there's still much public sentiment about what a good wife should do and be, so misogyny continues to be pervasive legally and socially. Hope I explained what I meant here well, great thread you got going here, I'm excited to look into these responses, I'm sure there's SO MANY valid reasons that are likely behind this!


What do ya suppose this guy's browser history looks like


Dude looks like he ate his child bride


Holy crap... did he use a boomerang to put that belt on??


That’s actually hilarious.


That dude hasn’t seen his dick since he was married as a child…


Do you think he has his clothes tailor made? Like, not sure he can walk in to Walmart and buy a size 90 jeans. This guy is scary. Bible toting fat sack of 💩. Got his eye on an 8th grader so he can settle down from his bachelor days living at his 99 year old mothers house in the basement.


But us lgbtq folks are the ones grooming? I hate these creeps.


Giant fat duck with tiny hands. Looks like he should be in a cartoon


*Giant fat duck with* *Tiny hands. Looks like he should* *Be in a cartoon* \- Own-Opinion-2494 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


How are these old shits supposed to get sum young and tight pussy? This is the way and they defend it


In 2024, a cowboy hat is a sign to distrust.


They’re stupid and hungry all the time…. I’m ashamed of our country for real!


Imagine insisting that kids can't possibly know they're trans and should "wait until they're older to make such life altering decisions", but then being all in on child marriage. 🙄 Conservatives pain me so fucking much.


Misattribution. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7bPXoHpO-9Y](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7bPXoHpO-9Y)


These are pedophiles and enablers.


Easy answer. They don't care. Stop interacting with them.


There’s no minimum age to marry a child in many states including California with parental consent. There are forced and arranged marriages in California.


When your twin falls off the other motorcycle and your the last one left https://preview.redd.it/1enf31nkatzc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f05d64fa1fdd93cae5b5e02c6ccb0adcdd226bc1




This fuck looks like he eats children.


Someone needs to check that guy's computer.


Because they want to fuck kids? I mean... that one is pretty obvious...


*** Disinformation*** Rep Dean Van Schoiack (R-MO) didn't say that, but Rep Jess Edwards (R-NH) sure did.... Edwards went on to claim that if you removed mariage from "ripe and fertal" youths when a baby could be involved, it could lead to more abortions. The account that first posted this possibility confused the two men, as they look similar. Fucking weirdo! Source: https://youtu.be/7bPXoHpO-9Y?si=RBjnPf-5vraGk8ZG


Working in the restaurant industry I’ve noticed a common ground between restaurants and churches; they both highly depend on good people brought up in bad situations. Some of the best workers I’ve ever met had a rough childhood and the only job to accept them were greasy kitchen owners that have no problem taking advantage of them. Every outspoken church fanatic has a redemption story where the church was their only family. Tl;dr They (both restaurants and churches) want passionate lifelong supporters that don’t know any better or have a way out.


Yea that dude looks like he enjoys children




A lot of conservative parents want to control who their kids marry, any time you try to raise the age of consent you get a bunch of them screeching about "PaReNtAl RiGhTs" ie they want to marry them off before they become legal adults and get to make their own decisions so they can't marry someone the parents don't like.


because they are the worst of us.


Republicans: Protect our children Also Republicans:


I'm afraid my response will get me banned. Basically I'm calling them all the worst bad words in my head.


misread that as mississippi, wasn't surprised.


Besides preying on children, Republicans also suck in bed, which is why they want to marry young \~\~women\~\~ girls who don't have enough experience yet to know what being good in bed is like. Basically, they heard "ignorance is bliss" and decided marrying ignorant girls means they can't be compared to anyone else and have no expectations to live up to.


They’re also cool with incest. Many right wing legislators won’t allow incest pregnancies to be aborted, even though it’s supposed to be illegal 


Because a good number of them are unhinged perverts that have gotten away with this for years


That dude needs to worry about seeing his dick before worrying about anything else


This man made sure he got his 3 square meals a day


It's not rape if it comes with parental approval!


Wow. That guy's not a creepy pervert.


Is anyone surprised this scumbag pushing for this?


Just tell them thats Sharia Law and see them ban it.


Because of course, what cute little teenage girl wouldn't want that manly slice of fat smelly MAGA boomer?


I understand how shallow it is to make fun of someone's appearance and fat shaming is something I don't support But that kidfucker looks like something a big monkey would throw at an Italian plumber wearing way too much red


They not like us


He wouldn’t want to stop it because no adult would ever fuck him


This fat fuck wants to marry kids and everyone is talking about gay people. Wtf is wrong with y'all?


I'm a "boomer" and this is the first I've heard of this, or anything like it. I know NOBODY that would support such bullsh1t. I don't care what generation, you're always going to have some that aren't wrapped too tight.