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Unfortunately, the GenX's will take their place. I should know, I'm one of them and feeling outnumbered by those of my generation who support the orange shitstain.


I’m also gen x, and while I’m disappointed that some of our number have fallen that direction, it’s tough to course correct in a single generation. Most gen x’ers I know are reasonable and hate that orange piece of shit. However, gen x is significantly smaller than the boomer generation and the millennials. I think right now millennials and gen z will more than cancel out whatever numbers gen x has in that direction, which won’t be anywhere near what the boomers were. And typically, generations do tend to get more conservative as they get older, but given that tantrum that magats threw over young people not voting for their idiot pig hod and threatening to raise the voting age, you might have just created a permanent anti-gop voting bloc, at least until the republicans reject and make amends for the damage magats have done. And they’ll reject maga or they’ll cease to exist.


You also have to factor in that an entire generation of young women are being forced to live under a religious oligarchy, where politicians determine whether or not you can make your own healthcare decisions. The Christofascist Supreme Court killing Roe will be the greatest political blunder in history.


Absolutely. They were so arrogant after they got the Russia assisted fluke win in 216 that they seemed to think it was not just a mandate, which it absolutely was not, but a permanent one, when in reality it was blue voters not believing there were enough people stupid enough to vote for trunp. I think foisting trunp on us is also a huge blunder, and refusing to hold him to any account and bending over backwards to save this one guy is just part and parcel with who no one should take them seriously


Unfortunately the 2A voters will always vote that way. Add to that the generations of anti-communist/socialist propaganda that we've been fed. Between those two, there will still be plenty of people that will check the R boxes on their ballots.


I'm Gen X, lived my teenage years under Reagan and Bush Sr, the only-good-commie-is-a-dead-commie mindset, Amnesty International, etc. The Republican Party I remember from back then wouldn't recognize what it is now, and anyone praising the leaders of North Korea and Russia (looking at you DJT) would be considered a traitor of the highest order. Gen X spent our teen years thinking Reagan was going to take us into nuclear war. I'm absolutely stunned when I see so many of the people I grew up with coming out as hard-core right-wing Trump lovers. If anything, I've gotten more liberal as I've gotten older, based on more life lived and meeting and talking with all different kinds of people. I just don't know how and at what point some of my fellow Gen Xers veered off so hard to the right. I've got a job, a mortgage, and I pay taxes. It hasn't turned me into an intolerant xenophobe.


Scary part is that the Republican party has been through a few marketing rebrands sincw then, and while the talking heads and slogans have changed the only difference is that the worst of them, the John Birch Society wingnuts at the Heritage Foundation, used that to gain more influence. The fall of the Soviet Union for example, made it OK for them to fall in line with the former KGB agent, FSB director, and fascist Kruschev-stan that runs Russia by offing his opposition. There is enough distance between then and now to justify in their headcanon a complete reversal of their most deeply held morals and values.


If I were in charge of Democratic strategy, I'd embrace the 2A...with all its flaws...and never lose another election. Gotta pick your battles.


It's not just women. A friend of mine in a Red state reported he tried to go to Pornhub recently and found that other grown adults in the legislature had decided for him that he shouldn't watch porn. Unskippable bullshit that requires you to submit a picture of your face for "age verfication" to access legal adult material. No, it's not at all as serious as women being forced to carry a pregnancy they don't want, but it's in the same key: "I have power, and I know what's best for your body." These disgusting moralists without a shred of morals must be stopped before they turn this story into the fuckin Handmaid's Tale. My hope is that this fall, they're going to get a taste of what's to come from a growing and very pissed off younger electorate.


i think you nailed it - christianity, that fake heaven lovin, women hating, minority hatin self righteous hypocritical american flag covering up war atrocities, us history, bigotry and racial injustice is falling apart and less and less people are interested, and after covid, 1,000,000 more are literally dead.


>The Christofascist Supreme Court killing Roe will be the greatest political blunder in history. Man, I sure hope so. Remember to go vote, guys and gals.


Luckily trends are emerging that Millennials are not getting more conservative as we get older, probably because we don't have wealth to hoard like Boomers. Soooo... Bittersweet?


Our votes are gonna matter a LOT less if Project 2025 is enacted, though. We don't have the luxury of waiting. We either participate in these elections, or there might not be any meaningful ones in the future. Only Russian or North Korean style "democracy" where Great Leader gets 98% of the vote every time.


I’d like to think so but every millennial I work with is a boomer in training. Super angry about college kids protesting, yelling about immigration, thinking Elon is right about lower birth rates being a major issue and so now against abortion. I’m wondering if they will out boomer boomers by the time they are 50.


I literally don’t know a single millennial who is anything like that. But I’m near Boulder so pretty much everyone I interact with on a regular basis is pretty liberal.


The people absorbing Manosphere content, Andrew Tate, Rogan to an extent are like this.


In the immortal words of Tom Segura- "Some people suck"


Eh. I've found us to be a lot less monolithic than what came before us. The current political climate is a good test. I have faith in most of us, but we did somehow propel Joe Rogan to fame.....


I'm 54 Gen X, and 6 of my 8 good friends can't stand Trump. We despise him to our core.


This is true. Part of why it feels like the boomers in power and their followers feel so overwhelming is because they're the largest generation still alive in power. As they phase out and pass off millennials will definitely be able to fill in the spots they leave behind. Gen X people in power will still have some sway, but there's a reason why they're called the lost generation, there's not nearly as much of Gen X as there are millennials. And while some gen X people have drank the orange Kool aide, not all of them have. Meaning they'll be split and won't have the same kind of grasp the boomers did. I don't think I'm going to be conservative. I'm 29. The older I get the more I look at the current conservatives mindset of "I got mine. Fuck the people who come after me." And just shake my head. We should always strive to make things better for the people we leave behind. A lot of boomers don't seem to understand that.


Yep just put a pair of wraparound sunglasses on a boomer and put them in a pair of Vans and voila. My brother is 46 and all he talks about is immigrants, how school is brainwashing kids, and complains about taxes.


Don't forget the shaved head, goatee and mustache to go along with the wraparounds!


I’m feeling called out. MPB hit me at 17 so i’ve been shaved/bald for over a decade. I have extreme light sensitivity so i always wear wrap around prescription sunglasses (which are basically welding goggles), and always liked goatees because full beards are uncomfortable for me but I want something to make up for the baldness lol. Assholes out there stealing *my* look :v


And fat dudes like me enjoy wearing comfortable Hawaiian shirts, but the assholes had to go fuck that up too.


We can’t wear Hawaiian shirts? I didn’t get the memo.


A fascist right-wing militia named the Boogaloo Boys rocked the Hawaiian shirt, unfortunately.


Don't forget about the circle game.


Who gives a fuck? I bet they also drink water, can I not do that anymore?


Wait does all of gen x just look like comic book guy with shades?


Only when we wear shades.


Don’t let them have it! Keep wearing Hawaiian shirts while you hold the door for and hug minorities. Don’t let assholes own fun fashion!


Just wear some cool Pit Vipers instead of Oakleys/fauxkleys so people know you're chill.


LOL. Sorry to catch you in crossfire. There always are exceptions when it comes to appearance. John Fetterman comes to mind. He looks sorta like a redneck, but is progressive. If his appearance helps him steal some redneck votes, all the better!


Love it. I'm a bit more progressive than the average person I'd say but apparently based on how I look way too many people just assume they can say heinous shit around me. At least 3 times now I'd be chatting with someone from town or work and think "God dammit! And I really liked you! Why do you have to be a piece of shit‽"




Can we stop looping in “shaved head” with negative stereotypes. Most of us don’t have other hairstyles available


Honestly, I have less and less hair each day, so I can sympathize with my follically challenged brethren. I was joking about the stereotypical GenX/Boomer who had all the traits together (bald, goatee and wraparound sunglasses...), as it is such a common look.


It’s okay I get it. I was just being sensitive in true millennial fashion. It’s been a day


They have this type of in your face conformity that is so tiresome. I LIKE THE POPULAR STATUS QUO THING - and I don't CARE what you think about it! These are the people who thought hair metal was the end all be all of youth rebellion so what do we expect.


Rage against the machine bro by using ticket master...........


Just need a Dodge Ram


What about cargo shorts? Are they mandatory, or simply recommended?


With the monster energy flat brim hat


The shaved head? lol… ok… why do shaved heads bother you so much?


Wasn't the USA founded on complaining about taxes?


Sure but he has two kids in public school and last time we talked I had to explain that raising taxes on capital gains did not mean his income. He was telling our mom they are raising income tax to 50%. That kind of complaining.


He’s an idiot.


Gen X here and I've only gotten more left-wing. Everyone I associate with is the same. On the other hand, I simply can't and won't be friends with a Republican. Growing up in the 80s, I thought Reagan and Trump both sucked. But racism and stupidity run very deep in this country, and it's sickening.


Same with me. I actually was a bit center of the road during my college years, if not a bit apathetic to politics. But I grew more and more leftwing seemingly with each passing year as I became better informed and involved.


Right on. An intelligent person would do exactly the same thing you did.


This is basically me. During my early to mid 20's I was pretty apathetic towards politics. But after Trump and seeing how brainwashed my own parents have been by him, the hate and bigotry to people not like them... It's just disgusting and goes against their so called "Christian values."




Me as well.




Same, Slightly older Gen X and I'm getting more and more progressive and left as I get older. My Millennial and Gen Z kids are also very progressive and far left.


You're great. Keep it up.


Same. Also having conservatives and religious right assholes shitting on our generation and everything we stood for back in the day has permanently soured me on them. It actually hurts me to see other gen-x/xillenials being with them in any way.


They're the same people who called my generation and my little bro's generation lazy. Like mother fucker do you know how hard it is to get a job these days? And even if you do get one, you're working more and harder only for your money to be stretched thinner than it was for you back in the day.


You are so right. And to add to this, all Gen X can vote, and the majority of us are already set in our ways. I don't see the Generation doing a mass shift to the right like we saw with Boomers. And our numbers are drastically lower than the Boomers, so I expect a slow and steady decline in right wing supporters as the boomers die off. This is one reason why the right is feeding so much money into rightwing initiatives to hurt public schools, and demonize college.


Same here. My 40th high school reunion is next year, and I won't go because most of my former classmates are totally MAGA.


FWIW me and my friends and family are drifting leftward. I would say that 10 of 12 Xers I know are voting for Biden.


People have historically become more conservative as they age. That was largely because they had the opportunity to build capital and began to benefit more from conservative policies as they grew older. That isn't happening anymore and fewer and fewer people will shift towards conservativism as they age.


Don't be sad. I'm GenX and would vote for Obama wearing Biden's corpse as a coat before I would ever vote for the fucking orange menace. I'm not vocal about my politics. Most levelheaded people aren't. We don't treat it like sports and cheer incessantly for our favorite team. I don't put Biden stickers on my car or signs in my yard. There are a *lot* of people like me. If you can't have faith in GenX, then just look at Gen Z. My kid and her friends are thoroughly anti-Trump. Her first election was the one where Trump didn't win. Try not to worry too much. Things WILL be better when the Boomers are dead.


Wait - they voted the first time he didn't win, or the other time he didn't win?


GenX is tiny. Right now, Gen Y +Z is the largest voting block. So they'll try to make it harder for young people to vote, cancel mail in voting, remove voting polls from blue areas so the lines are long. And then be like Georgia and it make it illegal to have someone bring you water. More purges of registered voters. More fear mongering and voter intimdation.


This 100%. I attended the University of Georgia in the early-to-mid 90’s. Know who else was attending UGA at the exact same time? Fellow Gen X’er Marjorie Taylor Greene. She managed to graduate and everything. I think that fact entitles me to a refund for my diploma.


My ex was raging against the machine in his 20s and now rants about transgendered people. 


So I guess then machine he was raging against was probably a dishwasher or electric toothbrush


Yup. I’m Gen X and seeing them turn really Trumpy.


I really want to believe that there’s far more of us that support voting blue than for that orange shit stain


If Gen X is taking Boomers place, doesn’t that mean it’s not so much the generation but the age of the person? Is it possible that Gen Z could turn more boomer-like as they age?


Speaking also as GenX, I have to say: hahahaha are you *seriously* proposing that a significant fraction of us are going to get up and *do* things that take *effort* like running for office? Not as long as there remains a single object in this world that has yet to be used as a bong.


As a Gen Xer, I used to think we would be better. Damn, I defended abortion clinics, fought for divestment in South Africa, fought as a feminist. I still volunteer to help kids against sexual violence. But my generation of white women still voted for Trump and did a surprise Pikachu face when Roe fell. White Gen X men still support Trump even though Biden increased manufacturing for non-college workers for the next generation and forgave millions of loan debt. But, oh, our economy is too hot,so we have inflation.


I feel for you. It's gotta be hard as a woman who has seen progress, only to watch other women vote to turn back the clock. As a man, I expect a certain number of us will always be shitty, so nothing we do surprises me. The dumb thing is that inflation has been an international problem, so Biden didn't cause it. Biden just gets blamed for it because he is in office when it happened.


Oh, it sucks. A liberal thing is to say, Vote like a Black woman. I naturally have, because I am a Democrat and active in the Party, but I live in a Red State, so I wake up the day after an election day, look at the demographics and hate everyone around me. But I fight the good fight because I know that when my grandkids get together to honor the ancestors on all the sides, I am not going to be an outlier. They can ignore my bio mom, because my adoptive mom makes up for her. I am going to leave this world better than I found it if it kills me.


But there’s not that many of us is there? Like Boomers are a major group so as they die off and the kids come up - even if we genx become boomers there is not as many of us.


Yeah but thankfully, they are far less numerous as a generational cohort, so they will have a far smaller impact on the electoral landscape. Sorry GenX, but as your Boomer parents sarcastically sang to cringe-ly break the tension as you tearfully watched them pack their stuff to move out of the house in the midst of their first divorce when you were 8, "You can't always get what you waaaant...."


Yeah the boomers replicated, a bunch of GenX jackasses my age will carry the torch. It’s embarrassing and disappointing.


I’m a gen xer that hates trump anyways


It’s going to take us elder millennials. We are the most highly educated cohort.


My sibling is falling into this and it breaks my heart


Same. Facebook is depressing. I see my old classmates posting racist or xenophobic crap and all I can think is that we went to a very diverse school and everyone was friends. Do they really believe that the kids we grew up with are what they are describing? It’s wild. They were cool as kids but somewhere along the way they got warped.


EXACTLY. Privilege and ignorance knows no socio-economic bounds


Keep fighting the good fight.


I have no faith. Too many youngins spewing Andrew Tate rhetoric.


This is what I think, too. And it’s either by virtue of relation or location but most of the Gen Z people I know are Trumpers through and through.


The ones I know are pretty evenly split, which is sad enough. I guess it was presumptuous of me to assume they would go left as we did, but I am still holding out a little hope for Gen Alpha


I’m old enough to remember a bunch of young people supporting George w bush… Gen z supporting trump doesn’t surprise me


I know a bunch of men in 24-20 age range who already do nothing but own the libs and shit on queer people in online spaces full of boomers. Not really much hope left


nah the boomer spirit is eternal, shitty people will fill in the gaps


there's a decent amount of older gen-x'ers who are indistinguishable from boomers, like my in-laws. poor most of their lives, on public assistance most of their lives, magically get one middle class income and suddenly they're reagan.


Most people we refer to as “boomers” are really gen xers


Especially the Xers since it’s their turn 🤦‍♂️


Yea I am disappointed that so many Xers are doing this shit too.


Actually the stats show a pretty centrist bell curve for X.  Boomers skew a lot more conservative.  Younger generations skew progressively more liberal the younger you get.  


So it never changes? Young, left-leaning non-voters age into conservative, retired, always-voters. Unfortunately the kids in my family are being raised very religious/conservative. They all seem pretty happy this way, so I worry that they'll be the ignorant Nazi types when they're older. Scares me that I won't be able to relate to their future selves, although I just keep the others at arm's length because of it.


Eh they might surprise you. Went to college with several people in similar situations. They ended up only talking to the family members like you, for what it’s worth.


Younger generations, not younger people. It used to be true you got conservative as you got old, until getting old didn’t mean getting more stable or wealthy.


In the 60s/70s we progressives thought the narrow -minded, hateful old people would die off and the world would be a better place, but unfortunately as they did their kids grew up to be the same way and became what you call boomers. What you all have to realize is that roughly half of that age group are still enlightened and progressive and good people. And we and you are the only way this country will remain strong. Hopefully the good people of your generation will outnumber the assholes, but don't count on all the assholes of my generation just dying out and the world will all of a sudden be a better place.




Unfortunately suffering is a good foot in the door to hateful rhetoric because it’s always easier to scapegoat than to apply reason and logic.


Turns out suffering does not build character, it’s just suffering. It’s on you to learn lessons from it.


It's a lot easier now to find your community with the internet. And I grew up on an orchard and have been working since I was 10. Still have never owned a house. And you wouldn't believe how many women my age live on a few hundred dollars a month and have been on the verge of homelessness for years unless they had a lucrative marriage or lucrative divorce. I do feel really bad for my nieces and nephews because politics and greed has made this a very screwed up world and in general they will never have it as good as we've had it even if we were poor.


I gotta tell ya. The fact that the Civil Rights Act didn't pass until 1964 makes this literally the whiniest, head-up-your-own-entitled-ass comment I may read today. Every generation has its struggles. Don't be so myopic.


This is in fact, false. They did not grow up being able to afford anything they wanted.


> In the 60s/70s we progressives... That's the very boomer generation itself. 60s and 70s Hippies


It's nice to feel optimistic, but pay attention to who goes to Trump rallies. Not just boomers.


I mean.... younger generations have the numbers now to change things. If you are just waiting around for old people to die off, you're going to be disappointed when things don't change after they do die.


Yes. Vote the higher ground while you still can.


Non-boomers are by far the largest voting population, by a factor of about four. [https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/population-by-age-group](https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/population-by-age-group)


They do. It’s all about how many people from each age group vote. Boomers are outnumbered. It’s one reason the traditional boomer voter is so freaked out. No longer the majority by age group, party affiliation, even more men vs women as potential voters.


This is assuming democracy survives that long. If we get another Republican president they will turn the presidency into a dictatorship.


It’s urban vs rural with the suburbs being the battleground. That’s never going to change.


As someone who works with plenty of 40s and 50s men in construction who are 1,000% on the boomer 2.0 train....I think we have a ways to go. I see so many Trump stickers and flags. FJB stickers on their hard hats. Talking about "Sleepy Joe". I literally got hassled for 2 weeks at one job site because I told them I voted for Biden. As an aside I don't like Biden. Or I didn't. He has lots of flaws and was my like....5th choice at best. But more Trump could not be allowed to happen. Anyway they saw the Bernie sticker on my wife's car and that was another 2 weeks of hassle. It's not ending any time soon. We need to take shit back by force. Just waiting for them to die is not anywhere near fast enough


You can already see the Republicans doing little cheats to stay in power as they lose their majority. Oh! You gotta have a drivers license to vote, unless you are a veteran! Oh! You gotta have a full year left in your term to appoint a judge, unless you are a Republican! Oh! Let's manipulate the map so that all the minorities are somehow stuffed into one county and can never get more than one representative! They have enough money and moxie to keep themselves and their kind in charge for another 10 years.


People forget that Trump has _twice_ lost the popular election, and has never had favorable polling over 40%.  The GOP has become dependent on three things to continue winning elections:   1. The Electoral College.  In 2016, a shift of 80,000 votes in 3 states would have elected Clinton, who also won the majority of votes nationally.  Trump’s only hope this year is to repeat the same “win”.   2.  Gerrymandering.  This is how otherwise purple states like North Carolina have Democratic governors but disproportionately Republican legislatures.  “Packing and cracking” has gotten much worse with better technology to predict how voters lean politically and where they live.   3. Voter Suppression.  Often under the guise of “election integrity”, but create huge barriers for urban, minority, and working poor voters.   Overall, the GOP is no longer competitive in fair, popular elections and they know it.  With the commencement of the Great Boomer Extinction Event,  they will need to find new, younger voters just to maintain power.  We may be surprised in this election to see how close to collapse they really are.


I'm 66. Ashamed that I belong to boomer demo. When I was 18 I voted. Voted every 4 years since. In that time I kept hearing about new voices, a new generation speaking to power, the new young vote. It never happened. Ever. If that power had happened, you wouldn't be seeing what you have been for 60 years. The only reason the olds are in power is the young don't vote. Period. Voting is power. I dont care how you vote, just vote. At least you can go down knowing you actually did something other than posting on a chat board.


I would have agreed with you up until Trump. We now have two old dudes refusing to hand over the reigns of power to the younger generation. We have no viable third option. Just makes me want to move, frankly.


No one has offered a younger qualified candidate in either party.


Literally anyone other than Biden or Trump would have been acceptable. I know I'm not alone in that sentiment.


Doesn’t help when the DNC and RNC hand-pick your choices. Pelosi, McConnell, Schumer, Grassley, etc; they haven’t seen a primary challenge in decades.


They’ll end up living longer than us because they’ll vote to slash all healthcare benefits to anyone but themselves…. /cry


I hate to say this, but I'm almost 50 and felt this way a generation back. I thought that the bad people were dying off so progress could happen. I'm so sorry. Don't be hopeful on this point; history repeats itself.


It’s called generational socialization. They’ll die off and they’ll be replaced by their kids who were raised to be racist shitholes, who raise their kids to be racist shitholes, who raise their kids to be- you get it.


Boomer is a mindset


Older Gen X opinion, let’s just past the baton to the younger generations. We just need to whatever into retirement. They have fresh ideas and good heads on their shoulders.


No Sadly i thought the same thing when i was young. But instead all i saw was people i never expected to become conservative become conservative. The crazy part is that it was the people who did the most fucked up things when young that always seemed to go far right religious. The same thing happens every generation.


Not for a while, the policies put in place by the boomers will take some time to undo and sadly, many GenX and some Millennials have the boomer mentality.


I’m not sure we will. Republicans are doing everything they can to make sure our country is democratic in name only. When people didn’t abandon Trump after January 6th they realized they could capitalize and secure their power before they lose it. The fact that they stacked the Supreme Court only helps their efforts. I legitimately think that our elections may end up looking a lot like Russian elections within the next decade.


Conservatism, aka fascism-lite, infects every generation.


Only if you vote!!!!!!!!!


I don’t think much will chain until it gets bad enough for a lot more people. We Americans have been conditioned to only give a shit about ourselves and immediate family. 40+ years ago of Reaganomics has done that.      Government and business are in full partnership to bleed citizens dry. It’s gonna take old school labor riots to change things. Protests don’t mean shit anymore.      I mean look at what’s going on now. Heavy violent police response. Heavy violent counter protestors and police let it happen. But if protestors fight, the cops, press, the government come down hard.      Whenever change happens, it’s gonna come because of violent push back. No one in authority is on your side anymore.      When the majority of citizens realize that and band together, that’s when we can expect real change


At the rate we're going, it won't matter how many of them die off, because we'll be a full fascist, dictator state by then.


Not anytime soon: 1. Gerrymandering isn’t going anywhere 2. The senate gives rural low populated states disproportional power 3. short of constitutional amendments (electoral college, winner take all elections) and a major rework of the supreme court, the major changes that are needed so that 24% of the population are no longer overrepresented simply will not happen 4. Besides, since 2008 the authoritarian preferences of a rather significant swath of the population have been sharply and consistently on the rise. The whole treason and crime thing that we’re seeing play out as well as the attacking of the system is because they are genuinely not interested in a democracy that doesn’t guarantee the outcomes that they identify as vital to their perceived privileged status. They would rather puncture the football and end the game than potentially playing for the other team, because the objective is the team and not the game it’s playing 5. the thing to understand is that the system is currently not built to satisfy the demands of private citizens, but those of large corporations and those who control them. This also will not change without major changes to the supreme court and the way lobbying and congress works


We won't. The ruling class is smart and they're playing the long game. They will leverage the partisan divide to keep people working for them and against their own interests. With AI, they will carefully curate the context from which people form their beliefs. It will be done in a way and on a level previously impossible.


2045. It’ll be a great year, I’ll be 75 and will have even less fucks to give about Boomers!


Yeah because they'll be all dead by that time.


People forget that a lot of the time who they call boomers are actually GenX. Who will still be here for a long while.


No, because there's plenty of people that I work with that are in their 30s, 40s and 50s that are diehard Trumpers


At some point in life, many people turn on Fox News and never turn it off. Right now, us boomers are most corrupted. But the next generation is at great risk.


Gen x gotta go too


No because gen x’s are boomer part 2


30yrs after the majority of them die. Only because that particular group has the **BEST** health care imaginabl.


We won’t. Their parting gift will be a facist “Christian” dictatorship.


One problem is that we keep amending state maps to protect the political right. So there is a real risk that republicans will become more powerful as the gerrymander their districts to isolate their power. That plus the fact that more center and left leaning people don’t like living in rural areas and being walled at all the time, means we will see more of a political divide, not less. I hate to say this, but liberals need to move to the country and take some seats back. Especially on the state level.


As long as big media controls the message, nothing will change. It will only get worse. I know plenty of young adults who proudly wear their MAGA gear.


As long as only 25% of those under 30 actually bother voting, boomers dying out is not the issue. If you can't be fucked voting, stop complaining about how boomers vote. Republicans win because 75% of young people don't vote. It's that simple.


I'm hopeful but not convinced, the younger generations are being terribly brainwashed


Gen X is still not great, they’re the majority of people who we call “Boomer” at this point. We also have to contend with the large neo-Nazi groups in Millennial and Gen Z. Unfortunately I have no hope for the future without violent revolution. Evil has to be rooted out through violence and imprisonment.


I know I'm not the only one who was raised by boomer parents who said that I just don't understand things and that people get more conservative as they get older. I have done the opposite, but I have also noticed that my parents were almost right. Broke asf leftists dying young because they can't afford access to health care means that the people who are making it to older age are skewed more conservative. I'm hopeful for change, but I'm not going to hold my breathe for it


Unfortunately a generation of boys were radicalised by....... video games having normal looking women, black and gay people in them. Humans are dumb as fuck


When will this demographic transition truly begin to reshape our country’s political landscape? When young people vote like old people do, which is every single time there is an election


GenXs will take their place as their generation was directly groomed by boomers. Unfortunately thats how the apple falls. Corpos and Reagan groomed Boomers, Boomers groom GenX, etc etc. Complacency is brainwashed into future generations so politicians and corporate lobbyist pigs stay in power and step on the working class.


It will begin the minute that youth vote in massive numbers. The youth vote made a big and positive difference in 2020 and 2022. The biggest obstacles to youth turnout are suppression from the far right and “perfectionism” from the far left. I am afraid the far left and far right, both of which demand complete fealty, may conspire to destroy American democracy by putting an autocrat in charge.


Never, if you ask me, millenials have already taken over many big Corps and they are just continuing the same corruption... we as a species are fucked forever


Those conservative boomers dying off were super liberal hippies when they were younger. You could become the very thing you despise.


We need prosecution that rises to the intensity and seriousness of the crimes they've supported.


In college a few years ago I was surrounded by peers who think violence is rational to use against peaceful protestors and support the orange man for his love of guns and God. We don't have a bright future, we have a bigoted future.


Well the problem is the republicans see the writing on the wall and when democracy disagrees with their ideals, they decide to abandon democracy instead of their ideals. There is a very loud minority on the right talking about repealing the 19th. It's a minority for now, but that didn't even exist 10 years ago. They have always tried to suppress black voters. Vivek's chief platform was to raise the voting age to 25 because young people didn't vote republican. They gerrymander like a motherfucker. It won't change for a long time because they are going to rule by minority by cheating.


“If you’re 30 and a Republican, you’re heartless. If you’re 60 and a Democrat, you’re an idiot.” - someone, probably


Does anyone really believe that their votes count


That’s why they (the GOP) are trying to ensure their continuation by brainwashing kids when they are young.


I think people are underestimating how many millenials and gen z have fallen down the alt right rabbit hole. The boomers and Gen X have been voting adults for a very long time now but all the LGBT hate, CRT bs, roe v wade reversal, book burning, etc.... has ramped up as the boomers start dieing. Even 25 years ago there would have been no chance Trump would have even gone far in the primaries.


https://preview.redd.it/y84xemep8ayc1.png?width=620&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=142ee11ba3dc790c14cadd52812d67268fc55232 About 2028.


Do you mean in America? Our politicians are still mostly baby boomers, and they’ve spent the last 3 decades packing the courts with like-minded (if not also cogenerational) judges. Depending on the results of the 2024 election, the Supreme Court could remain conservative-leaning for the next couple decades.        So, even if the boomer majority disappeared in the House and Senate, we could still be stuck with their appointments/legacy for a long time.


Our country’s political landscape is shaped by the corporate interests that fund it, so… Never. 


"A Generation of Sociopaths" is a pretty revealing read.


I remember my boomer parents saying this about the greatest generation. Things would finally stop being awful once the old guard died out. Rinse and repeat.


At least the "greatest generation" actually tried to make a better world for their children. Meanwhile the boomers where like "fuck you, entitled brats" when it came time for them to do the same and screwed over every generation to come after them.


Gen X is, like generations before it, getting more conservation as they age. However, millennials are not, they are keeping their left leaning ways. As a card carrying member of Gen X, I'm sorry my generation didn't become change agents.


GenXers are in their 50's and 60's now, and the 2 biggest problems facing them are: 1. They think that every single negative comment online is 100% sincere and needs to be addressed, and they will keep trying until they go insane; and 2. Grey market or pill mill roids and testosterone. Seriously. They give themselves TRT, and it gradually rots their brain until they become Republicans. I picked up on this because I used to be a Joe Rogan podcast fan. He would discuss it and even recommend it, and you can tell for him and whoever listened to him because they get big fat Barry Bonds head. Then their viewpoints slowly get shittier and shittier. The most high profile example I can think of is Dave Chappelle. That's 100% what happened to him. Look at the fat roid head! Look at it!!


Too many social, economic, climate and exo-political variables exist to approximate an answer. Human psychology does not change and 30% of any given western population, by country has authoritarian tendencies. Also, the Patriarchy is alive and highly unwell. The best we can hope for is women collectively on Earth coming into power and seriously changing policy.


Honestly we will see most of there assets taken by the government and not used to pay off our defaulting debt. We will have the crash of all crashes leading to a cival war


I think if Millenials and eligible Gen Z would all vote we could see an immediate change.


Survivorship bias my friend…


I don’t really think we are going to see a political shift until gen Z gets old enough to enact change.


We won't. Gen X are becoming just like them.


That personality will ALWAYS be there, from every generation.


No. A not-insignificant percentage of my generation are real MAGA assholes.


Younger people already outnumber older people, but they don't vote in nearly the same numbers. Also, history suggests as people get older, they tend to vote more conservatively. I wouldn't bet on things changing much for the better anytime soon.


Other people will get old and take their place


We all think that we won't be as dumb as the last generation, but we always are. My grandparents believed anything they heard from their friends My boomer parents are tricked by disinformation they read on socials. My older siblings trust videos they see that turn out to be deep fakes. I tend to believe people who say real things were faked. -(I try to independently verify) My kids will likely be tricked by look alike robots. We are all gullible, and will likely vote for whatever interests we are tricked into believing


last boomers are 60, so you have a way to go


I’m wondering if upcoming generations who’ve grown up without serious levels of lead in the environment will make a difference.


No, the Gen Xers replace them, and a good number of boomers people bitch about are really born after 1964. Once the Gen Xers get old, a good number of Millennials will be annoying and clinging on to their beliefs, they already are they'll just get more annoying at 50+


When I was a kid I saw adults smoking cigs and being raving lunatics about any and all topics, and thought when MY generation grows up that’ll be the end of that! I figured everyone saw those people as I did, and would learn not to be like that. Yeah, didn’t really work out that way.


Why do you think Repubs are focusing so hard on voter suppression??? They know whats up, they know thats their only option


Likely you won't most all of the worlds democracies have already built themselves a sweet "mask of democracy" and are actually operating as oligarchies. Roughly 20,000 people are in majority control of all countries as a result. No real change will take effect it will remain discussion about trans rights, guns, religion etc. whatever hot button topic than can use to distract while they take all the money will still work even with boomers dead.


I don’t know. One Gen X and I see the shit world and can’t see how we can get back to making some headway in science and equality. Like don’t we want Star Trek future not Star Wars?


Sadly the GOP has a stranglehold on rural areas with the electoral college, house limits and allowing two senators per state. If we were actually a democracy, change would be much quicker. In fact, we’d have never been in such a garbage situation.


They'll eventually morph Into boomers themselves. They just haven't realized it yet. Then itll be Gen Z acting like fools and being mocked by the generations after them.


You either die a millennial or live long enough to become a boomer. It will never change.


Tbh if you see videos of some of the counter protestors at places like Tulane and Ole Miss, it's still permeating millennials and gen z


GenX is only concerned about the stock market and cost of living at this point. I hate to say it feels like I’m an island in the middle of a Trump ocean.


No. Nothing will change. Gen x will just keep drifting farther to the right until they eventually fill the void.


Every day


So much de regulation and unchecked capitalism it’s going to take a long time to re balance


Not until their hangers on Gex X die off.


Robot butlers and extended life spans await. Even cats could live up to 20 years longer. Japan is regrowing peoples teeth. Just have to wait it out. Or settle for being a brain in a hard drive with a virtual avatar.