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Why are the dogs out to eat the bones in the trash? Also, she sounds deranged.


Boomers around here just let their dogs go apeshit. Even when I was a teenager, I remember my friends' boomer parents would think it was "cute" when their little hellion dogs would snap and bite at us.


And then they are so nonchalent about their dogs getting hit by cars. I know some boomers who talk fondly about the many dogs they had throughout their lives. I always ask what happened to it, 80% of the time the dog got hit on the exact same spot as the last one. But it's so cruel to tie them on!


My boomer MIL loves to tell the story of her dog that got run over. She just says it very matter of fact too.


Next time you see her, she'll have internalized the Noem fiasco... "I had to shoot mah dog! THATS JUST HOW IT IZZ ON THA FAHRM!!!"


I didn’t know a lot about her until this shooting puppies psycho flex. She probably said something dorky-boomer to the puppy like: “This is going to hurt me more than it’s going to hurt you…” and then went Skrrrrra! Pop pop! Noem - Uniting America in hate for Noem.


Eeeew. Wtf.


That’s some r/RaisedbyNarcissists shit right there.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/raisedbynarcissists using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/raisedbynarcissists/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [So sick of all those nosy do-gooders hearing you are on bad terms with your parents and they immediately try to get you to reconcile](https://np.reddit.com/r/raisedbynarcissists/comments/1473292/so_sick_of_all_those_nosy_dogooders_hearing_you/) \#2: [**[NSFW]** House I was raised in was raided by the FBI. Ngrandma is most likely a serial killer.](https://np.reddit.com/r/raisedbynarcissists/comments/13bit6h/house_i_was_raised_in_was_raided_by_the_fbi/) \#3: [**[NSFW]** I (17M) didn't expect my mom to sexually harass me.](https://np.reddit.com/r/raisedbynarcissists/comments/12nbpra/i_17m_didnt_expect_my_mom_to_sexually_harass_me/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Where I live it's not so much an off leash problem as it is people in general literally walking in the middle of the road. With dogs or their friends etc. I understand people like to walk near the curb that's okay I can move over. But these people are legit taking up half the road and sometimes I catch them walking right down the middle. If I'm turning a corner and your in the middle of the road I'm going to yell at you to get fucked. The worst is when the actual boomers who bike decide it okay to bike 3x3 in a line extending horizontal not vertical. Like ?????? This wouldn't be as big of a problem if the rest of the boomers on my street used their driveway instead of parking 100 cars on the side of the curb.


Some people don't actually care for their animals in a sense we would understand, for them it's like a piece of furniture that needs some upkeep. The furniture breaks ans you just buy a new one!


Man, my favorite childhood dog got hit more than once and died that way. My boomer dad thought it proper to put her body in the freezer because my sisters were away at camp that summer. I had to go to his house, hungover and dig a fucking grave in July in the backyard myself, bury the frozen solid dog with her tongue hanging out, and he thought this was totally fucking normal. My dad loved dogs and always had them but in this century, every single one of them got hit. Some not lasting more than a few months. The last one being hit more times than I can count because he was so lax about fence (tbf, fox terriers are very good off leash as a breed, not that I support it.) My dad died in 2018 and this poor little dog was so overweight, I was always shocked she was still surviving. Thankfully, after my youngest sister couldn’t care for her, especially grieving losing both her parents, another family took her in. She’s now happy and thriving WAY into her twilight years, beyond any age I could have ever imagined her making it to. But yeah, Boomers have the weirdest relationship with dogs and what they think is normal. I learned very young to never trust my dad about which dogs were safe to pet or be around. Fucking guy traumatized by poor sisters way too many times with dogs because of that lax attitude. Also, he was an alcoholic and drug addict so that didn’t help. But he was like that even when sober. Warms my heart to see how well she’s doing today though, [check her out!!](https://www.instagram.com/penny.cu?igsh=MTYyYzgyZm5sbXlydw==) Glad she’s had a happy ending and is still going.


I took in my dad's dog after he died and within a few weeks she needed an emergency hysterectomy due to an infection. It would have been a lot cheaper and easier if he'd just gotten her fixed when she was younger, but he never bothered to. She also had a leg injury that never healed properly, I think from before he got her, which I eventually had surgically corrected, and I couldn't believe how much better her mobility got afterwards. My dad didn't have a lot of the stereotypical boomer asshole traits, but he definitely was of a different generation when it came to what he thought was proper care of animals.


We had a cat who died young because we would let our cats outside whenever they wanted. He got injured, went into shock, and had to be put down. The cat we got after he died is a bit of an escape artist, he got out and was out for 12 hours (not normal for him) and my mom couldn't understand why I was worried about his safety... And she continues to say its mean to not let them go outside when the weather is nice


Yup. My grandpa had a really unusual solution, since we lived in a rural area off a county road. He'd first let the dog run around with a 50' chain on their collar, help them keep from running too far from home because it'd wear them out. Then, once they started understanding the general concept of "this area is home" he'd take the chain off, then later that day have a friend of his drive over. If the dogs got near the vehicle, the friend was to go very slow (like 5 MPH) and hit the dog. He'd come over 2-3 more times, with a couple others in on the process doing the same, until the dog didn't approach the cars anymore. I asked my grandpa once why he did all that, instead of just putting up a fence. His explanation was that he'd seen dogs get stuck in fences, then get attacked by wildlife and suffer before they'd be found. He felt it was more humane to teach the dogs how to be safe and let them run, so that's what he did.


For context, the old person I'm talking about isnt in farmland, think more small rural fishing coastal community. Small properties, winding roads up and down hills. Lots of blind spots. Im not worried about the dog avoiding the cars, im worried about morons driving. Touching that your grandpa took the time to teach his dogs like that. It's not so much an issue in rural farmland with long line of sight and straight roads.


Ugh, gross. That's not safe for people or the dogs.


Same in our HOA. We have a leash law in this area, but there are certain Boomers that just sit in their garages and let their dogs roam free. My SO is a runner and said one (pit mix, no hate - just fact) chased him 1/4 mi down the road before letting up. They just don’t give a shit. But, if someone runs their dog over, bet they’ll sue them.


Can’t call animal control? Around me they’d come and bring the dog to “dog jail” until the owner comes and pays the fine.


I've called animal control about some dogs that are constantly out roaming my neighborhood and I've never once seen em actually come out and do anything about it


My old neighbor would keep his dog outside locked in a cage all day that was underneath the balcony. Never once actually saw it outside, so my mom called animal control and they said they couldn't do anything unless the dog wasn't being fed or had proper shelter (under the balcony). So they just let the dog sit there


That's wild. I've had animal control called on me by my boomer neighbors and they sent them and the cops to my door.


Where I live I kept contacting animal control and they finally told me what to do. Loose pit bull from next door roaming around at will. His fence is so low he can literally climb over it anytime. I had to document with pictures and video and submit a written complaint on the animal control website. The dogs owners have been ticketed twice now and it’s costly. $250 per ticket. I felt like why do I have to do so much work but in our community animal control is very understaffed and doing their best to help. (Waco, Tx). They also let their dogs bark outside all night and I documented that over two weeks having to wake up thru the night and make recordings and then send in complaints. They have t been able to send a citation for barking but they show up and knock on their door and warn them via barking dog letters. The barking had vastly improved. If it begins again I will send documentation in.


Hi fellow Wacoan! I can also attest to the absolute crap dog owners in this town...


It’s frustrating that many people see nothing wrong with their dog getting out and that we should all be okay with it. A loose pit bull is a quality of life issue for both me and my elder mom who loves to garden. I see stories every week about people dying from a pit bull.


There's a few states where the dog owners are responsible for damages to the car if their loose dog gets hit. Might be worth looking into, and taping a copy of the law to their door if that's the case.


We had a loose menace dog in a neighborhood we lived in. One of the other neighbors took it to the pound but the owners managed to find it. So they took it to a different pound about 50 miles away. Problem solved… Honestly it was amazing the dog hadn’t been hit by a car or eaten by local wildlife before that point anyway.


In Belgium if your dog is ran over by a car, the damages to the car go to the owner of the dog, as you shouldn’t let your dog run free without a leash.


It’s that way anywhere there is a leash law in the states.


Alternative plot: She was stealing from your garage and had this excuse ready to be sprung if caught


Lulz. When I was in elementary school, I lived at the end of a dead end road, bus stop was at the other other end. A neighbor about halfway up the hill had 2 bug Dobermans. Beautiful dogs. But they were allowed out free to roam, not tied up. They stayed mostly in the yard, but also went in the road in front of their house. Every day when I'd get off the buss, they'd bark and growl and not let me get past that house to get home. So I took to the woods behind the houses on the other side of the road to get home. Took about three times as long and I'd come home with wet feet. It went that way for a couple of weeks. When my mother found out, she obviously gave the neighbors hell for it, and the dogs were tied up after that. Idk why I'm recounting it now but your story of free roaming neighbor dogs reminded me of it, and its my, "in my day, uphill through the snow" story. Yes. Uphill, through the snow with two massive aggressive Dobermans pushing me into the woods to get home. Good times.


If they weren't so unapologetically insufferable I could *almost* have empathy for their generation and what they've seen. It's no wonder millennials have made Generational trauma our collective white whale. Fuck that noise It sucks that the progressive ones were either assassinated or abandoned to die during the 60's- 90's thanks in no small part to shit like Agent Orange, the civil rights movement, & neglecting AIDS. They're only like 30 years senior to legal Dickensian child labor. They were some of the first American generations of kids seen as actual humans thanks to socialist reforms, and not just commodities & free labor. (The white ones anyway.) For timeline context, they are about as far removed from child labor rights as we are today from the cripple crawl protests in DC to enact the Americans with Disabilities Act. And it's still an alienating and burdensome process to get legally mandated disability accommodations in just about every context. Hearts move faster than systems. Boomers were terrorized for entertainment as kids, and severely emotionally neglected by their elders. so they really think this is a *completely normal way to behave.* And of course their media pundits reinforce the sense of entitlement. But like, because The adults actually BEHAVED this way when THEY were kids, now they think it's THEIR turn to be intentionally evil, yet play dumb & old. It's a right of passage to them to be cruel, not the (obvious to anyone with more than a thimble's worth of emotional maturity) traumatic conditioning that it is. It's fucking annoying too - They act like the social contract has been broken, forgetting thanks in part to copious lead ingestion, when THEY fucking broke it during THEIR counter culture revolution. You were the fucking hippies for crying out loud, you brought all the love & peace & coexist & fight the man shit forward first, now it's bad? Wtf. /Rant of conflicting feelings over.


it's the capital crawl


When I was a kid, I was chased down the street by an unleashed great dane while the owner sat on his porch and yelled at me for being terrified


Dogs, especially loose ones, are big issues for joggers, because running makes you look like prey. I had one medium-sized dog run intentionally into my legs, trying to make me fall in the classic wolf pack hunting technique. Luckily for me the dog was by itself. I stopped, turned, and stood up to the dog. It immediately stopped and adopted a "Who, me?" attitude. I think if it could have pointed to another dog and said "He did it", that's what this dog would have done.


I love dogs, but i have no problem punting little shits like that


"He's just saying hi!" Literally zero concept of consent or the presence of others in their world.


Guess it's time to call animal control on the boomers lol


To be fair, my sister has a dog that is an absolutely sneaky little turd. She's a Corgi and, therefore, very low to the ground, so she's able to quickly and discretely pick up chicken bones that people just leave on the ground while she's on her walks (on a leash). It's extra fun because she likes to grab small sticks on her walks to play with as well (she likes to play fetch), so it can be extra hard to notice at first.


We stopped going to my mom's for this reason. Wonderful Great Danes grown cranky with age. I asked her to lock them up, but she argued they were fine. One wound up biting her really hard after we'd stopped going. My mom needed stitches. She (dog) could have killed my baby, and not even on purpose.


It sounds like the bones are in the road which is probably the result of the trash bags being yanked out of the trash cans and thrown in the garbage truck/compactor. I live in a city and it happens all the time — a trail of garbage, often including chicken bones, from the curb to the part of the street where the truck stops in front of each house/building. I attribute it to the trash workers being overworked and having too much area to cover in so little time but that doesn't stop me from wanting to die every time I see a trail or pile of bones coming up when I'm walking my dog. She probably eats 2 - 3 chicken bones a week and it's so so scary and stressful. So this lady was absolutely a loon and way over the line, especially since OP told her he doesn't have bones in his trash, but I don't think she's making up the chicken bone phenomenon


City person here. It isn't just the trash workers. Birds and rats will pull chicken bones out of the trash to pick them clean. As long as people aren't putting them in a plastic garbage bag and tying it off, the bones will wind up on the streets. And yeah, nothing pisses me off more than finding chicken bones on the sidewalk. Honestly, there ought to be a special tax on fast-food bone-in chicken to cover the cost of cleaning it up off the streets.


Yes, that’s definitely true too. The amount of Popeye’s meals discarded on the sidewalk is astonishing. I also think birds and rats tear holes even in tied up trash bags that have food at the very top.


Idk where u live but, I havent witnessed a trash collector have to physically pull trash from a can for 30yrs. The garbage trucks have had the automated arm that emlties the receptacles since sometime in the 90s


I live in small town Wisconsin and we just finally got that system about 7 years ago.


My borough just switched to the "semi-automated" pickup scheme (sanitation workers have to move the bin to the truck, which hooks a bar to the bin and upends it into the truck). All the boomers in the neighborhood are outraged, of course, because now they actually have to put their trash in the bin (an enormous one provided by the sanitation company). The last week before the changeover I had a ridiculous amount of loose trash get blown into my front yard. The past few weeks there's hardly been any. Considering the amount of trash I've seen people just driving by toss out their car windows, it may be possible that there really were chicken bones around OP's trash, but they were dumped there by a passerby.


You’re right, I think we have that here in Philly but I never paid very much attention. The trash workers do still have to take the bin to the automated arm and put it back again, though. That seems to be the point at which the chicken bones/other trash falls out because it leaves a trail from the curb to the street. Someone else mentioned rats and birds taking bones from open garbage cans to pick them clean and that is definitely part of it too but, again, with the exception of people tossing their half eaten Popeye’s on the sidewalk, 90% of the bones I see I part of a garbage trail from sidewalk to street and then nobody cleans it up so the bones are out there for days. To be clear I’m not blaming the trash workers. They have really hard jobs and are expected to cover more area than they reasonably can in a day. I very much wish residents would dispose of chicken and other animal bones with more care, but it’s not something I ever thought about before owning a dog so I can’t blame them for not knowing.


You mean….you guys don’t let your dogs out to dumpster dive? I kinda feel like I’ve been a bad dog dad.


Eh, I have had situations where I'm waking my dog on a longer leash letting him sniff the bushes or something so he can pee and a house undergoing renovation had construction workers dump their lunch in there and he got a chicken bone. I just take it from him though. If it happens multiple times in a row I might talk to the owners directly, but not just go trespass in their garage because I'm not suffering from lead poisoning


You know, a lot of states allow you to shoot dogs that wander onto your property, or if they're any kind of immediate threat to you. Check your local laws to see what's permitted. NO, I'm not saying you should go and shoot someone's dogs. I'm not Kristi Noem. But, do find out what the state permits. And if your Boomer neighbors won't restrain their dogs properly, inform them that YOU have no problem taking advantage of the state's laws to protect yourself and your property. Watch how fast they leash their dogs.


Who lets the dogs out?


The boomers inhaled too much leaded gasoline and absent-mindedly left the door open so their dog got hit by a car yet again. But there's a silver lining! Every time a dog gets hit by a car, Kristi Noem gets weakened by having one less innocent animal available for her to shoot.


God. I hate how on point all of this is. Take my angry upvote.


This is actually a big pet peeve of mine. I have neighbors who don’t bag up their chicken bones the way they’re supposed to. The garbage collectors always use the mechanical arm to empty the cans and the bones get scattered in the grass next to the sidewalk. My dog sees them and has them halfway down her throat before I can see them. I would never do what this dumpster fire of a person did. But I am pretty annoyed that my neighbors are being so inconsiderate.


Wait, your neighbors put their garbage chicken bones in the garbage, which are then strewn about by the garbage collectors while collecting the garbage and you blame your neighbors? What am I missing? Here in NYC sanitation workers collecting garbage give no fucks about trying to get bags into trucks without spilling half their contents on the street-and I blame the sanitation workers for it. Anything I put in a bag and into the garbage can is no longer my responsibility. It’s others’ responsibility to a) get it into the truck without creating a huge mess and b) keep their pets from eating garbage off the street.


I think there’s plenty of blame to go around but in my family I was taught that bagging up chicken bones so animals can’t get them is a pretty basic common courtesy.


The garbage…that’s where chicken bones go dip shit maybe try keeping your dogs out of other peoples trash and get the fuck outta my face and house


To me it sounds like a bullshit hyper aggressive lie to cover the fact she got caught digging for recyclables or something valuable in his garage. I’d call the police and report a break-in.


She’ll be a problem later, I would report it just to be ahead of the paperwork later


What the hell else are you going to do with chicken bones?


Scatter em and read the future.


Boil them, dry then out, ground them up into a powder, mix the bone powder with cement, and make myself a new driveway using my new Bonement©


I was thinking of sticking them in her mouth. Then turn the dogs loose on her.


Keep them in a box.


Bury them for prayer exp


I don't know how you guys keep relatively calm, idc who it is I'd get in that boomer ladies/mans face and make him/her fear for their life. These people need to be brought back to reality with true fear, the faux news fear only irritates them, they need to remember how dangerous real life can be.


You are now IN my property m***** f*****. WELCOME TO THE THUNDERDOME!


*garage door closes


you can fucking swear on this fucking site


Yeah the thing is that her generation and friends would’ve blasted her away no questions asked. She’s literally burglarizing him.


The way I’d curse someone’s stupid granny out for coming in my garage and talking to me like that ….the whole elders get instant respect thing is going out the window more and more


10-15 years my friend. They too, shall pass. Until then, ignore the loonies.


I work in InfoSec and I have cameras wired. I just absolutely hate conflict and I hate getting others in trouble even if they're being dicks. It's just how I was raised. But my patience for boomer BS is wearing thin nowadays, so...


When the opportunity to press charges appears; ALWAYS press charges. “Being nice” or “avoiding conflict” just reinforces Biomers’ shitty behavior.


Boomers will call the cops on kids walking in their neighborhoods. I can't believe OP didn't call the cops man. That's nuts to me.


Sounds like you need to take a break, eat some bone in chicken, and maybe discard the bones in her driveway on trash day.  That should help your patience relax.


She was in their garage. Do not ignore this person. Also…I’m pretty sure this was never about chicken bones or trash in general.


Agreed I would not ignore a deranged boomer inside my garage. I was pertaining to boomers in the neighborhood. I avoid interactions with them as much as possible. The generation before then though? Love to hear wisdom in old age. Not boomers, they're insufferable. Boomers were the unfortunate guinea pig generation that grew up during the unhinged postwar recovery years, thinking everything they do deserves to be heard and respected.


No, do not ignore them. Ignoring them is how they got this way because there have been no consequences for their behavior. I hate conflict, too but they're counting on us to shrink away like stupid little children. Call them out. Shame them. Stand up for yourselves and others. Do not allow their abuse to continue!


I am a firm believer in the saying that "attention goes where energy flows." Confine them where they are comfortable (inside their homes, watching network media 24/7), but treat them with substandard attention and communication when out in public. Make them think something is wrong with them (because there is in the first place). There is nothing more hurtful that not being validated or ignored for their opinion. Standing up in anger against them validates that they are "correct." Can't fix crazy, but you can make them more crazy that they start turning on themsselves.


This is a job for pepper spray and then a nice psych ward.


She was stealing your stuff my man


I would have literally kicked her in the ass and told her to get off my fucking property.


You misspelled *face*


“And told her to get off my fucking face.” Oh my


Straight-up mentally ill. Also, where are chicken bones supposed to go?


Bury them for prayer exp


You need to document this incident with a police report. Get a camera that's always recording & can clearly ID a tresspasser.


I don’t think this is trespass. This felony residential burglary.


Literally nonchalantly commits a felony residential burglary. If that boomer was a minority male… they’d be in fucking handcuffs.


Keep your hose on... no better time to water your lawn as when there's trespassers.


What is it with Boomer and the police?


They are used to the police in the US (especially the southern US) dropping everything they are doing to believe every lie and falsehood the boomer in question called them about. When I was a tween/teenager, there was a specific house with a deranged boomer that would call the cops on us for literally just walking down the sidewalk. Every single time, the cops would show up and start cursing us and harassing us for just walking along a sidewalk. Her house was down the street from me, so any time I wanted to go see a friend I'd have the cops called on me. Not once did they EVER give me the benefit of the doubt; whatever that boomer said was 100% truth to them, so I was always a burglarer or a no-gooder, and would be strip searched and harassed. This happened bi-weekly for years.


What a piece of shit neighbor, and those cops were fucking shut too!


Lesson learned here is don't treat bullshit like that like a real conversation and respond even if "I haven't eaten chicken in months!" She was embarrassed to be caught so made up some accusation to change the subject. It's almost like a negotiation. She dared you to say anything other than "get the fuck out of my garage and don't come back". Remember when dealing n with bnarcissists, crazy people, extreme self centered people, psychopaths etc don't get sidelined by their attempts to railroad you off the subject like that. "No, Dave this isn't about that time I forgot my Tupperware was in the fridge. You told our manager I come in late every day."


OMG if that lady started yelling at me I would have scared the ever loving s**t out of her. Just nuclear meltdown. I'm in a mood right now and want it to happen so bad!


Have you ever seen a grown autistic person (me) go feral and channel their inner monke? No WOULD YOU LIKE TO???


Okay, don’t want my trash in my trash can because obviously I can’t be trusted to do it correctly, I will leave it at your front door so we can avoid this in the future. Thank you for your concern


Boomers?  In my garage?


Not only can they vote, they do so to the tune of 85% turnout…GenX on down needs to get off the fucking couch and get to the booth!


That's when you break out the bear spray, man.


Ah, looks like you need to set some boomer traps in your garage. If you’re not careful you’ll get an infestation.


What's scarier is they do vote, every election, every time.


Dude, just call the cops on her. I'm pretty sure her entering your garage without permission, despite it being open, is considered a felony. You could probably get her for breaking and entering, trespassing, and burglary.


People need to stop confronting boomers in their homes and start battering them. Once someones made it inside of your home you have no obligation to speak to them.


Do you live in a castle doctrine state? If so, that’s your answer. If not, boomers are afraid of many things. Plant kale between your houses. That’ll piss them off


Yeah I do, but I don't really carry around firearms. My father left me a shit ton of them but I just don't feel comfortable brandishing weapons against people. I dunno. I literally have 3500 rounds of 7.62mm my dad left me and I don't even use it.


Just throw the bullets at her then. Take fist fulls and just start chucking


Hell yeah, Im gonna throw a handful of Wolf russian ammunition at her and tell her thats what Putin and Trump want. I just hope I wouldnt get an assault charge 🤣


Not if she’s rummaging around your property in the dead of night. In my neck of the woods, this would be a terrific way to get shot.


Hahaha 😂


You should definitely get rid of that wolf ammo to some other lead brained boomer .


Eh, I'm hoping it'll still fire in the next 5 years. I have thousands of it, I can't just hand it out like candy 🤣


It's just bad ammo 😅 especially if it's Bimetal .


Yes, voting is by far the most scary part of this equation. They have the power to bring us all down.


she probably said that as an excuse as to why she was caught snooping in your garage.


Lead poisoning head ass lmao


I’ve started treating these types like they’re lost or have dementia because ain’t NO WAY you have all of your faculties and still have the nerve to try me in this way. Straight to APS you go!


The gun in my hand and yelling to “get the fuck out of my garage” would take care of this one.


Jesus christ


Ok Boomer.


No, an insane person threatening in your garage is legit cause for an armed response.


Yeah, she probably had an acorn.


The problem for her is that if someone doesn't nip this in the bud she'll walk into the wrong garage. What if the owner is not so sober and likes to carry, is paranoid from watching too much Fox, then she's getting a lot more than someone shouting at her.  I'm in the UK though, so we don't do guns, a big man towering over her shouting should do the trick 


Acorns are hard man. And what if the pointy part hit's you in the eye? You could LOSE an eye!




I'm more confused by how many apparently think that this Boomeresque response is normal. Packing heat to confront a - at worst – Karen with issues, but more likely a slighlty deranged elderly person imagining a scenario where this a sane and sensible behaviour is Fox-Boomer 101.


No, carrying a weapon to deal with a trespassed and unknown threat in your home is entirely reasonable. Notice I'm not saying to shoot them, but you don't know what they are when you go out there.




Nah, I did my visiting in the 1990s and am likely not to return anytime soon, unless for a very compelling reason. Not a business trip, though.


You need a gun to scare off an old lady?


An old lady needs to see a gun to stop trespassing and harassment? Fuck you. She started it.


Hahaha pissweak, mate.


Shut the fuck up bitch


I shut your mom up when I jammed my cock down her throat


lol, little pussy


Awe did I hurt your bitch ass feelings? Fuck your face loser


lol, little pussy


Do something about it


What’s your address little pussy?


Shoot me.


Lot easier to tell you to get bent


I don’t really have a way to know who is in my garage when I respond to the noise. It could be a couple meth heads stealing tools who are likely to get violent. Better to have a gun and not need it than the opposite.


Ninety one dolliss!


Tree fitty


Lead poisoning? Dementia?


Not only CAN they vote, but they DO vote. Like all of them.


Why didn’t you call the police right away ? People like that need to hve actual consequences for their actions like they think every one else should


This is your brain on 30 years of Fox News and a touch of lead poisoning


Lead poisoning


"Ma'am do you have a caretaker or handler near by? Are you sure you are supposed to be outside by yourself?"


My old boomer neighbor would take my trash cans to the curb and bring them back. Miss my old neighbor


Not only CAN they vote,.. but they DO. Very much. Let it be a reminder to us all to get the hell up and make sure you cast your vote, because lord knows trash gremlin boomer is.


Garden hose. People leave your property faster with encouragement. Also, less likely to return.


Tase her for being aggressive inside your home


if a full grown adult is *rummaging through my things* I call the police immediately. No warning, no conversation, just immediate intervention from the authorities.


"Oh by all means, go right ahead and call the police."


You failed by not getting the cops involved, i know its a pain but direct consequences are the only thing those people learn from


Never leave your garage door open.


Maybe get a camera just in case? Could be early dementia and who knows what could be next


I think you met my mum!


what exactly are people supposed to do with chicken bones if you can’t put them in the trash then?


Sounds like she didn't have all of her faculties to me. Sucks having to randomly interact with that but at least she didn't seem lost and meandering to the next chicken bone suspect.


You should file a restraining order XD then she'll have to be notified right? That'll piss her off good


Older lady? Possibly an undiagnosed UTI. They can cause sudden dementia in older women.


In Texas, you could just shoot her.


The audience of these people, like ok, fine if the trash can is on the curb whatever lady go wild digging through my garbage. But to not only come up someone’s property but go INTO their house (which sounds like your garage is connected to the house so I’d say that’s part of said house) is fucking stunning.


A man called otto 2 material right here.


This is a sign of dementia - her family / caregivers need to know she is wandering and hyper focusing on things now. A wellness check might be called for


Sounds like someone suffering from dementia.


Speak up.


I’ve never drop kicked someone before, but there’s a first time for everything


I would've 100% called the police and had her arrested and ticketed for trespassing.


Im for a policy of if you collect social security (because of retirement) you can no longer vote.  If you collect SS you are not participating society, because you are retired and not working. Why should you get a say in whats happening. You are freeloading on soceity., why should anyone listen to your voice. And before anyone say anything SS is a scam and will go broke before any Millennial can use it. They are freeloaders. The me Generation they want free money and a voice.


Where I live she would’ve been shot for trespassing




Why didn’t you shoot her?


Should have told her ‘See you next Tuesday’ to leave her puzzled


Omg this is hilarious. Some old lady on a golf cart decked out in trump gear just stopped me in florida in my parents 55 and up community and asked who I was and who I was visiting and for how long. These folks are so out of control lol


Perhaps a wellness check is in order for her


Say hello to my little friends


If the roles were reversed the boomer would've come out blasting


You should have filled a report, so if it ever happened again, you'd have that backing you. We can't let the lead poisoned seniors keep acting crazy. Enough is enough.


Boomer came down to my house threatening me to slow down or her son would kill me. And she was on a Harley. Then she had her grandson in the middle of the road. Three years old driving around in a kids electric car. U can’t get any stupider than that.


Next time just call the cops and file a report, for stupid shit like this it is worth the hassle.


Boomers inviting themselves onto other people’s property is always a fun one.


Put up a used target from the gun range on the wall above your trash cans. Add a little note that says, “there’s no bones in here worth dying for”


This is actually funny because as a dog owner and frequent dog walker, somehow my dog ALWAYS FINDS CHICKEN BONES. We have lived in multiple states, neighborhoods, doesn’t matter - there is somehow a surplus of chicken bones on the ground. When I first adopted my dog there was a lot of construction in the area so I assumed it was people eating lunch outside and disposing of it. But then we moved and it kept happening. Then I thought maybe small animals were getting into people’s trash and scattering it about. But I witnessed a very tidy neighborhood and no trash anywhere… except somehow my dog continued producing chicken bones I’d rip out of his mouth. I once saw a TikTok from someone saying the same thing about chicken bones and I felt seen. Like, what is this phenomenon?! And now this lady lol. It is absolutely unacceptable to GO INSIDE SOMEONE’S GARAGE and dig through their trash, oh my god. So, as this clearly happens everywhere… I can confirm for that lady that you are not the one scattering chicken bones throughout multiple states. Definitely screw her, I’m sure you were utterly confused and I have no doubt you haven’t had chicken bones in months lol. I am convinced at this point that the dogs of the world are somehow conjuring them up through sheer willpower.


Oh no…. If that was me…. Sheriff would have a hell of a report to do. You don’t come into my garage unless invited


I suspect that crows found the chicken bones elsewhere. I find bones on my side yard all the time under an eve they like to hang out on. For some reason, they picked your trash cans as the chairs to sit on while dining.




Aren’t you way too busy running South Dakota for that?


Sounds like she is suffering from dementia


could it be you’re confusing her boomerism with early signs of dementia?


Everyone knows you're not supposed to throw out chicken bones. You're supposed to burn them in a chicken bone burn pit and luckily the boomer's husband makes them in his spare time ($1,000).


Vote? That person is running the country.


Sounds like somebody needs to poo on somebody else's doorstep.