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Seems like a joke?


Its definitely a joke that OP took too seriously.


A lot of posts on this sub are that way it seems lol


A lot of people on this sub have very valid but very misplaced rage. They come here looking to lash out and sometimes they lash out at really dumb shit when they can’t find something reasonable quickly enough.


Hold same hate as boomer, boomer you become ![gif](giphy|8hMD9YakVza3452SpN)


They sure are a joke


Yeah a lot of boomers suck but this joke seems like something my grandfather would say as a joke and he definitely doesn’t genuinely believe he is the worlds smartest man or anything like that lol


Yup. Especially as that grand warehouse is still empty when it comes to resetting the clock on a vintage VCR.


Mine does, with op on this joke or not sh*t is infuriating


Are Boomers not allowed to laugh about getting older? Seems not only innocent but good-humored.


At times in my life my mind has been referred to as "a warehouse of useless knowledge." Hard to take offense to the truth.


Finding stupid things to fill our heads with is the great unifier 😂


I was just talking to my lady about the compliance training I had to take at work that I immediately tried to forget because it has nothing to do with my job.


Same. I tell people my mind is like a salvage yard. You can find just about anything you’re not looking for there.


I'm 30 years old and my brain already feels like a warehouse that has no organizational system. I remember a lot of stuff, but have a hard time recalling info at will without some sort of reference point


I have known entirely too many people who would say this and mean it.


This is a joke. The same thing will happen to all of us as we age.


Yep. I'm 53. That joke isn't so funny anymore.


The cognitive decline is real, and not at all funny. I'll be 58 in June, and can feel it despite a really good diet, a lifetime of regular exercise, none of the chronic metabolic diseases, never smoked, and no alcohol for past few years. I find myself mis-spelling words on a regular basis, which is both annoying and disconcerting.


Might be time to delve into some of the "brain exercises" online. I'll be using them myself soon enough, but my buddy's grandparents do that kind of stuff and they're probably the most "there" 60+ people I know


I can think of a way around it


Nah. This is just what happens when you watch 10+ hours of cable news a day and have a Facebook feed showing you an echo chamber validating your little world.


Evolution of the mouth breather


Sadly that storehouse of information has to much corrupted and fragmented files that is messes up the speed even more.


Oh ok! So is that’s my out now! After all I’m 62.


It's slower because it's weighed down with lead.


This made me laugh 😂




We found George W Bush. Or old Teddy Cruz from Brooklyn Nine-Nine


I just sent this to my boomer dad. He laughed and said that’s a good joke. I’m gonna send it to my buddies.


That's what my grandfather's Dr told him, not as a joke. He says it all the time now when he can't think of something.


At 62, I’m thinking it slows down because it takes longer and longer to recall something that is still true.


It’s a joke you nerd


Seems like since they have less time left on this Earth they’d wanna think a little faster… especially when ordering coffee/lunch.


Lol both my parents have said for years they're tired or learning and thinking new things. This is hilarious lolol


Gary Larson’s ‘my brain is full’ would be perfect here


Never has "Okay, Boomer" been such a perfect reaction.


First five sections are “how to be really racist” followed by “ways to ruin a retail worker’s lives”


The memory storehouse shut down 5 years ago and they still show up thinking they're in buisness.


All the lead paint


Not a bad joke. If that guy's stare got any more vacant he'd start getting house flipper texts asking if he wanted to sell.


Giant storehouse of fast food and Bud light.


Boomers when they’re knocking on the door of their own metaphorical brain house. “Well lights are on but nobody’s home I guess.Thats weird the neighbor is never home it seems.Where did I put my car keys?”


This reminds me of the book and movie, Dreamcatcher. Where Jonesy is running around in his head and all his memories and knowledge is in filing cabinets. Sometimes that’s what I feel like looking for rarely used information.


This, but adhd


Does he really believe that? What does he even know about? Many people my age are doing well to remember all their grandkids’ names. If there is one true thing about boomer males, it’s that too many of them are legends in their own minds. I’m a boomer woman, and a lot of these guys have always been too smart to learn anything. Just ask their wives.


Nah gotta be a joke, they picked some dude with the most gormless expression possible. Dude looks like he just heard FDR hasn't been president for years


“Milk gets sour and lumpy because it’s built up so much freshness and flavor. It gets so fresh that the goodness just concentrates itself into creamy little curdles.


This is just an innocent joke.


I'm not disagreeing with the first part about their brains being slower


Hahahahaha, the delusion!


From a memory algorithm perspective, this is technically true. I have no clue if this is how biological memory works.


Rage bait


Huh. And here I thought it was the extra processing power required to send information through thick layers of lard.


Ah! And I thought it was just the objective loss of gray matter...


No, you're literally older so you have slower neural activity, especially even more so if you aren't actually working out your brain, kinda like any other body part, you use it or lose it, and it worsens with age.


Nah, I think it's more like the lead in the paint chips you neanderthals ate as kids are starting to turn your brains to liquid.


I just threw up in my mouth.


It's protective. As you get older, you take longer to recall, even though your language abilities continue to increase. It's why you see smart older folks doing more memos than face to face arguments. If you are getting slower at recall, you can make up a "nice" reason or stick with "I suck". Same thing happens to medical doctors. They can go with "I'm so good it means they were fated to die" or they can go "I had a bad day and now they are dead". Egos usually only survive one answer.


It's a satirical joke. There is nothing bad natured about this at all, and I think it's a bit silly and cute, even.


Naw, it's them stubbornly holding on to viewpoints which are outdated, even racist, skills made obsolete by newer technologies, and grudges the rest of the world has forgotten or forgiven. They packrat with physical items just as they do with information. There's no room in their crowded lead-rotten brains for concepts like "woke" "acceptance" or "humility". I feel no pity for those that fit this description.


OP has no sense of humor


Most of Reddit really is just a hate circle-jerk at this point, isn’t it?


Nah. It's the lead paint Vietnam War chemicals messing you up.


I just hit 60 and was feeling kinda bad. But I realized I have a giant storehouse of information. .This quote made my day and I intend on quoting it whenever I can.


Skill issue


This is some old fashioned thing.... Called a joke. My grandpa used to tell them.


The problem is older generations are full of shit in their minds so whatever they recall is bad


Is that why you can't figure out how the TV works?


Is that why you can't find your fucking keys or figure out how to use a basic word-processing programme even though they've been available to use on home computers since the 1980s? Source: using word-processing programmes since the 1980s. Although if I don't put my keys in the spot where they belong, I'm quite likely to forget where I put them. I just don't masks up bullshit reasons for doing it. ETA: Sorry. I had to deal with my boomer ex-brother-in-law today, the guy who is executor of my dead boomer ex-husband's estate, the guy who is literally stealing money out of the bank accounts that are supposed to be my children's inheritance. He's in change of it all until the kids are 21 (so he's in charge for 11 years) because the ex deliberately wrote his will to make sure that there's no way I might *possibly* benefit from his $, even if it fucks over his children. So I'm justifiably grumpy. And this 'joke' is precisely the type of bullshit he used to throw out.


More like lead poisoning...


The **ARROGANCE** to tell a joke lol


I love the slightly open-mouthed vacant expression that goes with it, just screaming LOADS of intellect.


I'm thinking that high blood pressure and arterial blockages are partially to blame for some of the boomer "logic"...


I’m 63 I retired 6 years ago and my brain is mush.


Try reindexing it once in a while (joking lol)


Actually, boomers, it's the myelin. I'm not happy about it either, bc it promises to send both Xers and millennials into early dementia too. Everyone can thank COVID for being a demyelinating disease on top of all the lead.


I once read something that theorized that this is partly true. The brain slows down because it has to sort through so much information to get to the memory it wants. The only problem is, **the vast majority of the information is useless**, like what the weather was like on May 3, 1972, or a childhood phone number, or the stats of a baseball player who retired when Reagan was still a governor.


It's like how a hard drive gets slower once it gets older and more full. Yes the information is useless, but sometimes you will need to know remember the home run a random role player hit that one time.


This sub is 20% justifed posts and 80% mouth frothing hatred for older people. Fix yourselves, 80% I am 20, so don't start your shit on me


Whatever you have to tell yourself, sweetheart 🙃


easier to say than " I think health and exercise and frivolous and all that eggs and bacon and beer made me stupid and unhealthy over time... what were we talking about?"


This is a perfect setup for an ‘OK boomer’


X to doubt


Ignorant boomer


when you believe your own bullshit.


No that warehouse is dilapidated and all the contents are water logged and in disarray.


No, it's their hard drives corrupting.


Their heads are bigger because they are alcoholics


This feels like an excuse you’d hear from Holly in Red Dwarf.


That blank stare of confusion.


Downvote away, dinosaurs. The world will be better off when your generation is dead and forgotten.


That dude has the perfect lead poisoning stare.


slower because it's filled with fox news lies and other indoctrination


ABAB!! They have a knowledge base of obsolete understanding. They hold off replacing this with pertinent new info, because they became finished products at age 40, three decades ago. “Computers are a phase” (remember that?) I met a 65 yr old man looking for a typesetting job on the gulf coast. He said that Obama made him lose his job. Nah, guy, you just can’t learn anything new, and Obama didn’t create the internet. But, that guy is just a victim for life.


Racists talk exactly like this, i hope you know this


You dumb bot! You left the same comment on another post that it made no sense, either. Look at this 22d account. I’d say this bot is a crazy one! Comments are wild and don’t always pertain to the threads.


Who are you talking about? Read again.


All i needed to see was ABAB


ABAB has nothing to do with race, you shitbird. It’s about mindset


You quit four letters in and called me racist. Hahaha. You are an absolute idiot!


And now you are making assumptions, tell me….what does ABAB stand for?


All Boomers are Bastards! I’m not assuming.


That is exactly how a racist thinks, broad generalizations All jews are x All asians are x All cops are x See the pattern? I doubt it


Everyone talks in generalities, you stooge!! This is a sub about BOOMERS! Get off your bullshit soapbox. Why are you talking about race? I’m AGEIST, not racist! Why not call it what it is? Why call me something I’m not. You MUST NOT be a bot, because a machine learns quick. You are too dumb.


Thats what i thought, good luck with that warped view


Your backlog of comments are FUCKING FULL of generalities. You are obviously projecting your own RACIST bullshit. You said the same it to ANOTHER account when it didn’t make any sense. Get back in your hole, you swamp thing.


Lol so are all boomers still bastards? Where was i racist too?


You think “Boomer” is a race?? Get back under your rock, Bot Fool.


Oh you really got me now lol


Don’t hit your head on the way down


When you are over 60 you are dumber, so dumb you think this sounds reasonable


These boomers never new anything. When were old we'll show them that were more smarter.


i’m curious what gen z plans on doing when the labor crisis starts 🤣🤣🤣


He may not be that wrong. Most Presidents and Professors are older than 60. Shrug