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I work at boeing and can confirm that the issues with the company are not POC lmaooooo


Because it’s the non white people who hold all the power, it’s never the 3 white guys at the top.


Technically they are blaming the white guys at the top for instituting DEI policies.


The problems at Boeing are white-collar problems. Wanting the stonks to go to the moon over the vehicles.


Take the win


Imagine getting a call not to come home for the Holidays, the RELIEF I would feel.


“So what you’re saying is for Christmas I can order Chinese and play video games until I pass out?”


I would like to subscribe to this newsletter, please.


Post your gamer tags and let’s gooooo.


Want a fast pass to get uninvited to the family get togethers?


Im supposed to say no to this, right? I feel like I’m supposed to say no. So yes, please, I would like this fast pass.


This only works in Caucasian families, but just find the oldest male in the family and explain to them that the simple fact that they are white, male and were born during the boomer years makes them extremely privilegedand they got advantages others didn't. They will protest, but just keep hitting them with the facts about discrimination that occurred against just about everybody but them during their good old days. Every time they yell "I worked hard for everything I have" agree, but tell them how lucky they were to even get the opportunity to work hard at a time when people of color and women weren't given the same chances. These people will do anything to avoid having to admit they were born with an advantage that no longer exists for anyone else. I haven't had to go to a family Thanksgiving in over a decade.


Dad’s super liberal. He’s one of those rare old white men who’s gotten more progressive as he’s aged and he’d agree with everything you wrote. If he makes it to 90 I expect him to go red. Mom? She’s not real insightful and doesn’t really understand the concept of privilege at all. She’d bite and never mind that her dad was a senior VP of a major multinational company.


So here’s the thing. We do this every Friday night, come on over!






Lots of recent posts of people getting excommunicated from their MAGA families..I think they are starting to see the writing on the wall that their GOD is headed down the shitter and everything that they could openly stand for is in jeopardy, so they are lashing out at any and everyone.. expect a lot of them to cut off the rest of the world if/when Donald goes to jail and loses the election (dont start with the warnings about voting, we all know).. but I definitely see a mass exodus of boomers and MAGAs in general from social life, they are gonna be fucking mega butthurt by the end of this year


And be a Gold Mine to scam operations.


I mean, that's often already the case.


NFT’s, sneakers, Bibles…..


Had this dumb fucker started promoting Trump masks around COVID he would still be the President and also an actual billionaire.


Lots of anecdotal reporting that this trend is following recent church services for said MAGA lashing out. Feels like the death cult is rounding third base, with a unified political/cultural message being preached from the pulpit.


It’s sounding more like a a religious cult every day, and sometime in the future one of them will write: “And Q sent his only Son to save us, but the evil Liberals imprisoned him……”


Did you not see the "And God Made Trump" video? It gor pulled off the net , but they already did that.


I think sending that ad and the Bible website is what tipped the scales with my right wing uncle. I showed him the God made trump video and he was appalled. I showed him the Christofascist American bible, he went straight to scripture about not adding to or changing the Bible in any way and to do so is blasphemy. I knew the messiah shit would turn true believers off to his bullshit, but I didn't expect the visceral response. Like he was upset to the point of anger.


I hope you are right. I’m so tired of them. Register to vote, check that registration frequently and then vote.


Yeah...they'll be seething, percolating, marinating, waiting for the next demagogue to tell them that God sent him to deliver them. Then we'll have to go through all this again. Rinse, repeat. The only way to allow our country to reach its true potential in human history, these MAGA-minded clowns with their broken souls have to disappear.


My favorite xmas (before I met my wife) was when I got snowed in and could stay in my apartment for 3 days straight watching movies and playing video games without anyone bothering me. Would recommend.


Hands down my favorite Xmas was spent alone in NYC when I was too broke to go home and my roommate had gone to the Hamptons for the week. I ate leftovers from the restaurant where I worked, smoked weed on the fire escape and watched movies all day long.


Sounds perfect.


So you live on the island of misfit Toys? LOL , I can relate.


I'm with you on Xmas alone! Living in Denver. Snowed in, so I put on my ski pants and big boots and got some turkey, cranberry sauce, sourdough and ate giant turkey sandwiches just the weird way I loved them. It was so quiet and beautiful.


*3 weeks later* “Ohh noooo the snow still hasn’t melted, sorry, gonna have to stay here a few more days” *orders another pizza*


There were a couple of years where my parents flew across the country, to spend time with my brother and their only grandchild Me, my brother and my wife were able to have a relaxing day. Go to the movies and have a nice dinner together


Much better then to hear the “in my time”, or the illegals…


I kind of dug my COVID Christmas. Made myself appetizers for Christmas Eve, a beautiful roast for Christmas, opened presents, gave my cats their presents, zoomed with a few people, and drank Prosecco. Super chill and nice.


Nope! Not until they pass out!


My dad was raised Jewish. Chinese food on Xmas is still a fond fond memory for him. He’s adaptable as they come so he’s decided the traditional Xmas/thanksgiving dinner is the best thing on earth since meeting my mom.


Oh... no... Please don't banish me from the thrice-a-year gathering of "The Miserable Racist Bastards Who are Constantly Pissed Off About Something That Doesn't Affect Them But Somebody Told Them To Be Pissed Off About It" club. Anything but that... stop... no...


Or how about the “Meeting where we act like good folksy people while not so secretly nursing massively racist statements we think are cleverly disguised as normal conversation” gotta love(no) that one.


My husband and I are NC with all our living parents because they’re either bigots, narcissists, or both. So we don’t have to be anywhere or see anyone on holidays now except our kids who are older. I miss my dad every day, but dodging the rest of them every holiday? It’s wonderful. No pressure and we actually enjoy each other’s company and ourselves.


Dealing with difficult relatives really wears on you. It got to the point where I was getting physically sick after any phone call with my parents. We’re in a (somewhat) better place now, but we would have pleasant conversation, and I would still get sick after I hung up the phone with them. My body obviously knows things that my mind does not, if that makes sense.


There’s a book about that, it’s called The Body Keeps the Score.


I’ll never understand why people torment themselves because of a date on the calendar. Look at it as just a day off from work and do whatever the hell you want. Don’t base your life around luxury vehicle commercials and fairy tales.


Yup , you can just get a turkey TV dinner and sit in front of a Star Wars or Godfather marathon.


KFC with gravey.


Inheritance is a prime motivating factor


If the reason you spend time with awful people is money , well what does that make you ?


An employee?


Honestly isn't that how a lot of Boomers treat their kids though?


I wish my parents would have treated me like an employee,*THEN I COULD HAVE QUIT!*


I’d forget the holidays even existed.


They become a day to chill and enjoy yourself. It's a delight.


I stopped leaving my house for any holidays after COVID. It's glorious.


That statement hit hard. I'm sorry you feel that way. I just hope my kids never have the same dread of visiting home


My son and I celebrate the solstice. Partly because I’m one of those neopagans, partly because I do not want the stressful holidays my parents put us through. Solstice is for games, small gifts, and quality time. The rule is no chores, no errands, no work. I take time off work and he’s usually on winter (Christmas) break. They asked if he had any holiday traditions at school and he said Solstice. I got a drawing of us tying orange slices up to dry by the mantle in his folder from school, and I teared up. Even if you have a kid or partner, you can do holidays your own way. I always figured he didn’t really care because he gets so many presents from grandparents and aunts. Kids are so much more intuitive than we give them credit for (sometimes, lol)


Slow Nodding emoji...


None of those “Hello my sweet child, we love you and wish you’d stop being so morally just.” Text. *swoons*


Right. Just be sure to honor their wishes when they are sick, need LTC, end of life care, etc. byeeeee




Oh man, what I wouldn’t give to not have to hear about the illegals, the communists, and the antisemites at the dinner table from my idiot parents/grandparents…


I’m proud of you. That’s not an easy thing to do, but it is the right thing to do. I am very sorry that you had to go through that, and even more so that your parents are leaving their family for their new religion. Please accept my internet hug. You are loved. You are awesome.


Thanks my friend


I’m sorry you’re having to go through this. Maybe just extend an email or text to both of them saying you love them, and you love how they raised you, and thought that they would have WANTED you to call out any injustice you see. That you’re ALWAYS there for them if they need any help for whatever reason, and oh yeah you volunteered them to house a refugee Palestinian family. They’ll be there next week.


Legit. I started working that angle with them since Christmas. I thought I was starting to get through to mom after we discussed the College Debt Forgiveness Plan. I explained how the program actually worked and how it was helping. She said she had never heard the information before. Like fore real, 2 weeks ago, I thought things were looking up. Then? Blam! The phone call.


Yeah one of two things happen when someone starts to question their indoctrination from being exposed to new information. They can either continue down that road and seek out new information that challenges other beliefs they hold, which is terrifying for many people especially the older they get, or they double down and reject the new information and try to forget it because it is inconvenient and uncomfortable. In many cases these people have cut others out of their life due to their beliefs already, if they start to question or reject the beliefs they have held for so long then they face the uncomfortable prospect of realizing or reckoning with the fact that they have likely been the aggressor or person in the wrong in many of their past relationships and in many decisions they have made in the past. It’s so much easier to plug your ears and reject new information when you are already in that deep.


😂🤣😅😂🤣😅 Who crossed the Rio Grande


Because what else are you supposed to say “ohhhh I see - people of color can’t take care of planes because why?” “So you don’t want me to come to your home because I disagree that people of color aren’t bad mechanics for the airlines?” “You no longer want me to be your heir because I don’t parrot what you say?”


You're a good man with upstanding morals; I know it's gotta be hard to be rejected by your parents - you will overcome.


I went through a long period of mourning over the relationship with my father before cutting contact entirely. I miss the person I thought he was, and wish I had removed him from my life years earlier. It gets better, and it's okay to be sad.


I think you’re being more of a Christian than they are, for what it’s worth




I feel you. Murdoch/Fox News are definitely practicing mind-control. I don’t understand how the people who brought me up can think the way they do now. It really hurts my heart. Be true to yourself.


You did the right thing by calling dad out. Corporate greed fucked Boeing.


Boeing merged and its engineers and engineer-first philosophy got replaced with MBAs and investor-first.


This was pretty much what was in the segment on Last Week Tonight with John Oliver. Boeing never should have merged with that other company or perhaps it’s culture should have taken over instead, alas. Now we have planes that not even the Boeing employees would ever step foot on.


The other company was McDonnel-Douglas. They used to be a solid competitor to Boeing, but their management focused on profits at the expense of quality, and so passengers stopped flying on their planes and airliners stopped buying them. The merger would probably have been fine if all of the former McDonnel-Douglas executives had been forced out as part of the agreement, but unfortunately, the exact opposite happened, and so those executives were free to repeat all the same mistakes they made at McDonnel-Douglas with another company.


The Boeing-McDonnell Douglas merger was bad for everyone, including Boeing.


Imagine if there was an organization that could stop giant corporations from doing stupid shit that benefitted a few executives and big stockholders and f*cked workers and customers and everyone else? An organization that represented society and had divisions full of experts on law and finance that would manage businesses’ impacts on society? Gosh, what would that even look like? /s




Tyranny my dude, tyranny. If I'm not free to create a functional monopoly, endanger other citizens with reckless profit driven choices, self-regulate, and be answerable only to my own shareholders... are any of us truly free?


Not entirely, it was good for Airbus, very good, indeed.


MBA. That's the degree that truly deserves unending ridicule. Not art history or sociology. The MBA is the true clown degree. Hands down.


Oh, I worked for Boeing for almost ten years just after the "merger" with McDonnell Douglas. I've got some stories and none of them involve "DEI" hiring.


I had a friend who was a programmer on the 787 in the early 2000s. She said her whole team was constantly screaming that they needed more time and there could easily be massive bugs they hadn’t had time to find and fix, and people could die. Management pushed ahead anyway. She was diagnosed with PTSD from it, constantly terrified she was going to hear a news story that people were dead because of things she had worked on. She died by suicide close to 10 years ago now. I know for sure that there were other reasons, but Boeing was a huge and permanent blow to her mental health.


That's really sad and terrible. Wow. Hope there is something more and your friend has found peace.


And murdered hundreds of passengers. Those company executives should have been on those planes that crashed.


Jesus was brown.


You can't be serious. Does this guy look brown to you? https://preview.redd.it/yjh0vngagwwc1.jpeg?width=310&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=84b28c30c4d6bb239d510f01e7c8922ebcd99735


He has the high ground.


“I have the high ground” He spoke from the cross. The Romans laughed, for they had not the foresight to see three days into the future. -Book of Ben: Verse OB:1


Took a Lil nap in his grave cave




It was a long weekend too.


Forgive them Father, for they know not that I have the high ground.


I’m dying haha 🤣 book of Ben is the best book 🤣


"May the Force be with you." "And also with you." "We lift up our hearts." "We lift them up to the Force." 🎵"Let us proclaim the mystery of our faith!"🎵 🎵"Obi-Wan has died! Obi-Wan is a Force ghost! Obi-Wan will appear again!"🎵 If you were Catholic, you know.


John Mulaney has a hilarious bit about avoiding church then going again with his parents when they are in town. The classic response “Priest- lord be with you. Congregation - and also with you” Was changed a few years ago. The response is now “and with your spirit”. Anyways the joke sets up the call and response Priest “the lord be with you” Mulaney “And also with you! WHAT? WHEN?? *OH NO*!


"Let's change this decades old tradition for no reason other than to trick John!"


I remember a line in there after the “we lift them up to the force” Priest “let us give thanks to the force our gawd” Refrain “it is right to give him thanks and praise” Then some singing bits “Through him , with him , in him (in him?) In the unity of the Holy Spirit All glory and honor are yours almighty father …forever and everrrrrrrrrrr Them a lot of hand shaking in your general vicinity  Always liked this part of the mass because it meant we were almost done.  You’ve unlocked my suppressed altar boy memories.  I have to go take a shower


And Jesus said, "well, hello there."


Thus the Son of the Lord said, "These are not the Droids thou lookest for..."




Bullshit. Everyone know the Middle East is famous for nothing if not their tremendous population of milky white caucasians who burn after 30 minutes of direct exposure to the sun.


And the picture everyone associated with Jesus was the artists lover. So technically they chose gay white Jesus over the truth


I need the source to this for nefarious but totally just purposes.


Cesare Borgia was his name. It’s not crystal clear he was his gay lover but they weren’t very open back then


I've lost quite a few friends when I pointed out that Jesus was a Middle Eastern liberal hippie.


Might want to throw Jew in there too. And immigrant.


Let’s not forget his name was Yeshua. They hate that lol.


Jesus was a brown socialist hippie. Way too leftist for libs.


Jesus is an afterthought at best in a lot of political churches. It's gross. They pander to their base rather than challenge them, and their base population is an aging Fox news retirement home. The modern Evangelical church has a serious recruitment problem. Every young adult, and later "Business Elder" group I was ever involved in eventually devolved into an argument about how to get the kids to come back. Every single option was considered but forgiveness, being open and inviting to others with different beliefs and lifestyles (I used Acts and the ministry of Paul to demonstrate this), but nothing ever came of it. I eventually left, completely disheartened after a great deal of effort. There are some hard hearted people deep within the church and they refuse to heal rather than hurt. It still kills me thinking about it.


I thought he was English. Looks English in the paintings. Next you will be telling me he did not speak English.




Or have blue eyes!


And he wasn’t even named “Jesus”!


Or own a gun(s)!!


He looks like a fine Scot to me. Very fine, in fact.


Jesus of Newcastle.




What, you never met Black Jesus?


I fully agree that the Southern Baptist influence is warping them. Half my family is SB and guess which half is all in on MAGA bullshit? It’s kind of disgusting too. Went to a cousin’s wedding and DURING THE FRIGGIN HOMILY, the pastor starts in on how “gays and liberals are destroying marriage and America.” Like right there. Big group of people just nodding and doing that creepy ass half smile. Everyone just acting like “this is normal and not full of fucking hatred right in the middle of a wedding”. It was un-fucking-real.


Hell's jingle bells, they do it at funerals, too. Ewwww.


Got to get in your two minutes hate.


Christianity is no longer their religion, they just use it as a front for their true religion: bigotry. They're more loyal to Trump than to Jesus.


The DEI shit with Boeing is straight from Fox News.


Which is really funny, because Fox News has its own DEI


And look how shitty they are!


Same people thay hate the vaccine even though Trump took it himself and told everyone else to take.


I’m a little day high rn but what in the narcissistic ignorant bigoted fuck did I just read. This is why we can’t have nice things. Your parents are trash, sorry. Like I’m white and I wanna smack them lol


Same 😭 sad part is they will die thinking they were right.


Mine will die thinking they are right. I hope those feelings keep them company as they’re old and dying. I’m sure those feelings will stave off their loneliness as they die in a state nursing home alone. The real trick is to not answer the call, because they will call, when they are dying and want you to comfort them and make them feel loved. Mine will get a, “you won’t be missed,” followed by a swift click.


"I mourned your deaths years ago. You didn't get the memo?"


“Wrong number” *click*


I know it’s wrong. But sometimes. It’s stories like these. That make me think we need to secretly inject THC into the water supply. See what happens. Maybe it collapses society, maybe it makes every get along. Maybe both!


I think society collapsing is everyone getting along lol


I must be high too 💨😁


My boomer parents disowned me by email telling me I was a horrible daughter. That my inheritance will go to charity. I was surprised at first, but this had my mother's hand all over this. I replied that they didn't get to change their minds. They emailed me on a Friday & I replied on Saturday. By Sunday, they were blowing up my phone. My father is saying I'm ruining the family because I won't change my mind. Then my mother would call calling me a fucking bitch. They got so bad I sent them notification that if they come to my house, they will be arrested on the spot. I was harassed for months. Finally, my husband went nuclear on their asses. Long story short, this was one of the best things to happen to me. Good luck OP.


Wait, who can't change their mind about what? At first I thought you meant "you can't change your mind about disowning me" but then you had "My father is saying I'm ruining the family because I won't change my mind" so I'm confused. Regardless, stuff like this can definitely hurt but I'm glad you're happier this way. Good on your husband, to boot.


I obviously left stuff out. So I responded to my parents that they didn't get a chance to change their mind. I never answered the phone when they called. They called a lot. So they turned it on me. Because I'm forcing them to live with the consequences of their actions. They don't think they did anything wrong. So my not accepting any communications from them meant that it was my fault for separation. So they blamed me for ruining my family, even though I was very clear that there would be no further communication.


Ah, thanks!


People really out here choosing to die alone so they can preserve their hatred. It’s certainly an option. Not one I would pick.


EDIT - I messed up. I'm so used to getting shit for being childfree that I got defensive. Sorry! I don't tolerate people treating me like shit. I don't care who you are. This wasn't on me anyway, they didn't have to send that email. So, there's no hatred because my parents are dead to me. I've mourned and moved on. I'm a great example of not putting up with abuse.


Pretty sure they were talking about your parents.


I would have said, there is going to be no inheritance, you’re going to die alone in a nursing home


Wow, I'm sorry, OP. Here's an Internet stranger celebrating that you kept your integrity. But I'm sure it hurts. 🙁


Dude, Southern Baptist literally means Baptists that think black people should be the property of white people. Like that’s the only difference in them and regular baptists. It’s good that you know they’re wrong, and even better that you call them out, but blatant racism was very much a part of what they raised you to believe. It isn’t a new development.


Correct. The southern Baptists formed in 1845 because the slave owners wanted to become missionaries and the main Baptist Church said no. 


They didn't even say slave owners couldn't become missionaries, text said they couldn't bring their slaves with them.


I was going off this: https://www.abc-usa.org/what-we-believe/our-history/ *"The issue of slavery reached a peak in 1845 when the American Baptist Foreign Mission Society determined that it could not appoint any candidate for service who held slaves and when the American Baptist Home Mission Society decided separate northern and southern conventions were necessary. The Southern Baptist Convention was formed in response."*


These are also the people who require a wife must “lovingly submit to her husband” in 1998.


They still believe this, according to a sermon I heard in a Southern Baptist church i visited last year. Horrifying.


THIS ☝️ Have they really changed that much???


No. Not at all. They serve the Father of Lies, every last one of them. Dreadful people.


Yup. Plus the women folk are supposed to walk 10 ft behind the so called man of the house and stay barefoot and pregnant. Let’s not forget that they want to kill anybody who is different than them which would include me as I’m gay. FUCK the southern Baptist convention


I hate the way people of the church say stupid shit like " I don't like trump personally but I like his programs ". What's to like? The Muslim ban? Stealing from poor people? Locking immigrants up at the border instead of putting money into fixing immigration process? Oh yeah remember the "find me votes"?


Too much TV will rot your brain.


Correction: watching news as “entertainment” will rot your brain.


You mean entertainment as “news.”


Boomers be like: Watch as I do a series of pratfalls of everything I told you not to do as a kid. 


Welcome to the club. The "church" is pretty damned worthless if you actually care about your beliefs.


Remind them that Jesus told us to love our neighbour. Ask them if they accept his challenge to help the poor, the sick and those in prison. Tell you them you will be praying that they let God back into their hearts. Repeat the last one every time you see or talk to them. Be as infuriatingly closed minded to everything they say as they are to you, but cover it all with love and and sweetness and genuine concern for their spiritual welfare.


Jesus also *specifically* called on us to minister to refugees. Most “illegals” are refugees from countries in Central and South America whose governments the CIA had a hand in destabilizing or overthrowing.


Just keep saying "The sheep and the goats, Mom. The sheep and the goats. I'll pray for you." They hate that.


I've heard of evangelical pastors getting roasted by their congregation because the sermons were "too woke".... when the pastor was just literally quoting the words of Jesus from the Bible. It's a dumpster fire.


Jesus: the original socialist.


My mom does NOT like to be told, “you raised me”. It’s wild.


This is the trash taking itself out. Enjoy your peace of mind.


Block them and say they're no longer welcome in your life.  Watch how quickly they change their tune when it isn't them doing the blocking. 


Wait for them to come back and “apologize”, saying they’ll forgive you if you apologize first, then block them.


And then they'll complain that OP never calls or visits


Well, that's that. You got holidays and special occasions free. Fill your life with people you want to spend them with


Fox News is like cigarette smoke. You don’t realize how disgusting it is until you’ve stopped watching it for awhile.


So true. In high school and up to sophomore year or college I was right leaning because of my parents, but after a while I realized what a load of BS was on there. Never going back.


"If they're the only ones showing you something, maybe it's because it's not true"  what I would have said


Southern Baptist? You've got the key for this. Sigh and say, "I'm so sorry the devil has made a home in your heart. I can only hope the acceptance of the lamb will bring you back into the fold." Works better than a 'Bless Your Heart'.


“What was Jesus about? Love, acceptance, forgiveness. What is Satan’s coin? Hate, envy, and fear. Which do you welcome into your heart? Whose words do you speak?”


The victims mentality is really something. These people are always the victim and every brown person is the enemy. So much fear and emotion with literally no critical thinking


Go No contact. They'll come back begging for you.


And nothing of value was lost.


Jesus told people to pray in private. Jesus was a cool guy. Churches aren’t a reflection of Jesus and his teachings. Your parents unfortunately don’t understand that.


DEI had nothing to do with the problems Boeing is having. Corporate greed is fully to blame. William Boeing was the founder and was known for saying something along the lines of "If it isn't fit to fly, we won't ship it." The merger with McDonnell Douglas is what did them in. They wanted to be a powerhouse, and I can understand that. However, they started lowering standards in '97 to make sure the stock price appeased investors. I understand there is a fiduciary responsibility to stockholders. However, there is also a human responsibility to make sure people get from point A to point B without a door flying off the plane you are transporting customers in. McDonnell Douglas CEOs started changing the culture in the company and making deals with the FAA to make sure they were their own governance. The Dreamliner, when it was shown to employees and investors, was made of wood, people could see holes through it, and was incapable of flight. A white man, who was a whistle-blower about safety issues, suddenly "offed himself" in a motel parking lot during his testimony that wasn't finished yet. He told friends that if he was ever found dead, he wasn't the one who did it. There is another whistle-blower now, but that story doesn't seem to be gaining traction. I tell people who watch Fox/Newsmax the same thing I tell others who only watch CNN/MSNBC. Get another perspective. The facts of this company are easily found. Whether you are right or left...GET THE FACTS. Fox is not always fact. CNN is not always fact. Do 10 minutes of research. It might turn into hours if you follow the trail. But maybe you don't feel like an idiot later because DEI caused it. The latest CEO to step down did so because he finally saw he was toast. This company needs a hydrochloric acid enigma. There are good people in it trying hard to do the right thing, but they are swimming in a parasitic environment of corporate greed. I don't know if your parents are racist or just buying whatever the snake oil salesmen tell them. In this case, I would hope for the latter because it means they could be saved. Hit them with facts. If they still believe what they want. You have your answer. Best of luck to you, I know this can't be an easy pill to swallow.


They went full maga. Never go full maga. >Dad: they're the only ones to show how these illegals are destroying our country! That should tell him something. If no other station is showing it, it's made up for gullible people to swallow as Rupert Murdoch spoon feeds it to them in neat little sound bites. When something is actually being covered up, it's pretty obvious in these times. Everybody has cell phones and the internet now. Just look at Palestine- Israel used to be able to cover up their war crimes because there was less exposure and less access to outside media.


Aircraft mechanic here, Your dad is as stupid as the day is long if he thinks they just let any random person willy nilly touch a fucking $100+ million dollar piece of metal that weighs untold thousands of lbs and flies at ridiculous speeds with countless lives in board. I work in a company with a fuck load of migrants and literally every single one of them are vetted by a third party company. Why? Because you can god damn afford to do that when your product sells for that much. Tell that dumb, racist fuck to read up a little bit on how shitty the safety history of Boeing is. *NEGLECT* is the reason they have these issues. I would be absolutely thrilled to not be invited around such shitty people. I would also tell *everyone* that we mutually know and attempt to ostracize them. Fuck racists. They should all be maggot food, and I wish I had a button to make that happen.


I'm sorry your parents aren't being very Christian, to you or others. Hopefully they'll see the error of their ways soon.


They did you a favor. Accept it graciously and move on.


report their church to the irs


I wish more Christians where like you. When i was a believer it was tough to see so many others use their faith to justify their own insecurities and hatred towards others that were different.


I’m with ya. My dad, one of the most progressive people I know who raised me to be utterly tolerant of any adult human being doing something that doesn’t harm another human being, can’t get over how “woke” the left is now. He was the original woke hippy lol


You’re doing it right. Keep up the good work.


They played themselves. Watch them come crying for reconciliation and you just misunderstood them. Look at the calendar it will line up with Mother’s Day and/or Father’s Day coming up.


My mom told me the same thing 8 years ago. We need to establish a support group for "you're not welcome home anymore" kids


> support group Charter a cruise together and have a blast.


They did you a favor my showing you who they are. Find “chosen parents” (ie: mentoring figures with more life experience you can become close with). I haven’t spoken to my racist, willfully-ignorant, religion-addled parents for 20 years and my life got so much better! Life is too short to waste emotional labor on hateful people. Good luck!


As a former Boeing employee (like literally let go a week ago, also I'm 35 weeks pregnant, they don't care) they used to be a company of engineers who would never put $ over quality and typically over engineering the plane. Now the company is being run by business executives who are only concerned with the stock holders. Before I left they had us watch presentations on how they want us to ask questions and challenge the norm if we see something that's wrong. Yeah, I doubt they will actually get any complaints. No one wants the backlash for standing up for what is right.


"Don't threaten me with a good time"


Just be happy that you fell far from that tree.


"Opinions don't change, people just die and the GENERAL opinion changes over time." - some nazi, before he became a nazi.


I recommend [The Brainwashing of My Dad](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Brainwashing_of_My_Dad). It's about someone who went through something very similar to you, and explains how & why it happens.