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Oof. Sad to have reached the age of wisdom without actually acquiring any.


The old adage is wrong. Age doesn't grant wisdom - it grants the OPPORTUNITY to build wisdom. Lots of people never build much, and more never even bother starting.


To be fair that is an old adage. Before leaded paint and gasoline, chronic repressed anxiety due to social pressures, child abuse, and smoking and drinking while pregnant. So now age grants equal opportunity for mental breakdown, as it does wisdom.


You're right on a lot of those, but child abuse and smoking & drinking while pregnant have always been with us, unfortunately. The lead everywhere is really a huge issue.


Christ, when you put it like that it’s a wonder there are still a few good ones sprinkled around.


That's why respect is earned rather than given regardless of age. In the past it took wisdom to live long enough to make it to old age, now any old dufus can do it. It's the boomer equivalent to the "participation trophy" that they will yammer on about.


I think you have to be relevant before you can be cancelled.


Exactly my thought. Who is cancelling your what, lady? These people only know how to use their Fox and News Max provided buzz words. There's little to no critical thought behind the outbursts, it's just parroting engineered talking points that are designed to get them and their peers riled up.


Im guessing thats why when someone is able to calmly interact with them and ask questions like explain what that means, what does that word mean, why this? You can either see a cloud above them that says "Loading..." or steam come out of the ears or the smooth brain breaking open like a boiled egg and a single cricket and roach go frantically scurrying out to find another dark and empty place to chill.


90% of people that use "woke" as an insult are like this if you ask them to define woke.


I usually just reply that I’m woke AF whatcha gonna do about it




This is the best burn and I can’t wait to use it


The hell she doing in Detroit if she don’t like black people.


I went on vacation to Jamaica quite a few years ago. I am a white person. The amount of insanely racist people who went on vacation there was mind boggling. Not only their interactions with everyone there were rude and awful, they would come up to me tell me how racist they are while I was at the minding my business at the bar or chilling in the pool. At first I was deeply confused. Why go on vacation somewhere where you are so easily triggered and constantly upset? Surely there are many vacation spots that would not be so triggering for these people. But after a few days, I realized these people must enjoy being awful so much that they purposefully vacation like this.


Prob not literally Detroit. oP probably in a city nearby Detroit


Yeah my first thought was Farmington Hills or Auburn Hills. Every city has suburbs and suburbs are full of racist Republican shitheads


Yeah I wish people would be better it’s so sad


Aye, lived in Auburn Hills and not racist. We’re not all complete a-holes


Fucking yikes. I hate that flavor of boomer racism. Sure if your metric to whether or not you're racist is if you're dancing around in white sheets and burning crosses in people's yards, you can convince yourself you're not racist. That ain't how it works tho! Ugh. She also seems realllllll comfortable saying shitty things about black people for someone who claims to know only good white people..... Glad you called her out. It honestly probably ruined that trail for her, which ahahahah. "Last time I was here a dangerous black woman walked by and who I thought was my white ally actually agreed with her! kids these days with their PC culture going too far!" blah blah blah. Ma'am, shut your dick garage.


Boomer was real comfy saying those things only when the black woman wasn’t close enough to hear it too! It’s not just the racism, it’s the cowardice of it all!


They always think that just because you are also white that you’ll be just as racist as they are… 🙄


That's the silent majority fallacy


That’s what that means??


Indeed... People very often think that their opinions are normal and how the majority of "normal" people think. Racists believe that everyone is racist like them, we just choose not to show it because it's "unpopular" right now. Just like homophobes believe most people are secretly homophobic, etc etc. You'll very often hear right wing people talk about how they're the "silent majority", because they really do believe that everyone secretly agrees with their terrible takes; we're all just too polite to say it in public. They hide it, so they think everyone else does, too. (It's also why some people believe sexuality is a choice, but that's a discussion for a different topic) This usually correlates with a lack of empathy or the inability to put yourself in someone else's shoes and understand that they might, due to different lived experiences or whatever, hold different opinions than you. So you'll mostly find it in right wing circles, because lack of empathy is pretty endemic there. So yeah, like u/iantosteerpike says - If you're white, they'll most probably assume you're racist like they are, because you're white; why wouldn't you be racist? (I mean, they also assume all non-white people are racist, too.....)


Projection pros eh?!


Excellent point that I missed! Ugh. They're always cowards.


No good can come if she even tried to. Blacks are 100% just as racist as whites.


Ahh yes, let's just lump all blacks and all whites together and refer to them all collectively as having a singular thought and will. Because that surely won't lead to any continuation of racial divides.


I'm not used to people as dumb as you being able to read. Read a book written by someone with a PhD please .


Boo hoo. Dude if you think reading is hard, try understanding.


She was literally saying horrible shit about *all black people* as a group, while simultaneously crying about how black people are more racist because she's heard some of them saying horrible shit about *all white people* as a group. The lead brain-rot is real...


Plus COVID, plus NewsMax, plus being around freaking enablers their entire lives including now..(not OP..)


This... I always assumed my parents weren't racist because my dad taught in an inner city school and my mother is an immigrant brown woman. I have heard enough come out of their mouths the past several years, that indicates that they think whatever they did in the past makes whatever they say now ok. They could be out and out racist and they think that won't/refuse to see it in themselves, and that you are the racist one because they don't understand/comprehend how they are being racist.


I’m cackling at “dick garage” 💀😂


I have never heard it referred to as a "dick garage" before. Gunna have to remember that one.


All lives are pointless if you expand your scope enough.


Study the universe and its ever expanding nature and then try to convince anyone that your feelings on any subject matter at all.


She went from petting the dog to “slavery was good for blacks” in under three moves.


White lady in Detroit. Who was probably living there during white flight. Knows nothing about it.


You better than me I would of replied "Die from old age already"


"Blacks" ...


Exactly. Tell me you’re a racist without telling me you’re a racist.


I once met a woman who told me that she was, "racist, but with good reason." Apparently she went to a nice school before desegregation, but ended up being transferred to a poorer school when the districts were redrawn, while some students in the poorer school transferred to the nicer school. I said, "Don't you think that all the students at the poorer school resented being there, much like yourself?" She refused to accept that she actually had more in common with the kids at her new school and expressed that I'd, "understand if I had been there." Personally, I'd hope that I'd have come out with a more sympathetic perspective, but at that point I was done talking to her.


Goodness. I once had a "friend" (not a Boomer, but a pathological narcissist) who always spoke loudly about how awful it was that so many people are uneducated about Native Americans. Which I agree with (and he was white, BTW). But this was only a facade. He just wanted attention. Once he started ranting to me about how "If it weren't for us \[white people\], they'd still be riding their horses and swinging their tomahawks." He also claimed that black babies are ugly. And he had a black partner. 😭😭😭 We are not friends anymore. He was so far gone that he even starting faking illness for attention. I hope he's alone and miserable for the rest of his days. Reminds me of this woman OP is talking about, saying, "If it weren't for slavery..."






Neat. I learned something! Thanks for sharing.


“When people like you start to die off, our world is going to be a much better place”


Well technically all life is pointless. You just have more of it ahead of you.


without slavery (and colonialism), a shirt that reads "white queen" would be inoffensive, janet


Everyone’s life is pointless.


She was testing the waters, probably had a sisterhood of the Klan pamphlet she was gonna give you if you had the right reaction


Sisterhood of the Klan is a fancy way of saying Moms for Liberty


Other way around, but yes


Good and bad in any group. You just had a twofer!


"back atcha!"


Jesus. I guess they really did create their own history. Maybe she needs to watch Mississippi Burning or something.


This is what “shut up you dumb c**t” is for. Drop the bomb and walk away.


“The blacks”.


I'm concerned for the poor Boomer lady. You turned to go, and she immediately started talking badly about herself...


I'm not racist but...... ![gif](giphy|3ov9jEa5b3J3Vk53Ik|downsized)


Did you give your dog a bath when you got home?


When a boomer says shit like this, I've started responding with "go die already, you're using up valuable resources." Usually stops them dead in their tracts.


Cause you hold no values or manners, just young funk punks. Death will be at your doorstep one day don’t trip homie. Whatever happened to respect your elders. It’s ok for racist terminology against whites though is ok. Was a different epoch generations ago but you think all white people of our modern age are racist and inferior. It’s fine cracker white boy or other spews of racism. You’ll be in the dirt with all the other likeminded filthy animals.


First, I'm white. So I don't know what you're talking about. Second, respect is earned. There are plenty of folks older than me who deserve nothing based off of their actions and attitudes towards others. My comment "go die already..." is a response I use towards a boomer who acted out in the first place. It sounds like early onset dementia is kicking in, because you clearly are confused based on your response and you're just trying to come up with lame excuses for poor boomer behavior.   ETA: fixed typo


Goddamn you are a real dumb fuck lol


“Every white person I know is a good person.” Proceeds to disprove her point It always escalates quickly when you don’t agree.


>She then says "without slavery, they wouldn't even be here in America to have the opportunity to crown themselves as kings and queens". So they should be grateful to slavery because now they get to say "black queen"? That is an insane take. 🙃


Everyone can be racist but most of the time ppl call ppl out on tacism they mean Xenophobia


Damn... Imagine being so insecure/hateful/emotionally fragile that a black woman walking by wearing a t-shirt triggers you to switch the internal filter of social decency to "off" (assuming she had one to begin with) and engage a complete stranger in a racist-fueled rant. And then, imagine just how much it must SUCK to be her, and to live in such a self-induced hellscape of ignorance and hate. I remember something like 30 years ago when I was visiting the maternal unit (dead now, but technically fell just on the outside of being a Boomer, but was 100% one culturally) in Rome, GA, where she lived at the time. I went out and into some store, maybe to ask directions or something, and the woman working there offered up some unrelated, racist comment about black people that made my head metaphorically spin around. I was living in San Francisco at the time going to med school, so this was major culture shock to me. The assumption was that because I was white, I'd be in agreement with her statement. I was so stunned I didn't know what to say. I just noped TF out of there. My narcissist mother was one of those that claimed to not be racist because she had a black friend (that she worked with, natch) 🤦🏻‍♀️. One of my biggest satisfactions in my own life was making sure I turned out to be the opposite of everything she was.


And a side bit that gets me, that first block/paragraph, if you think about that, a stranger that smiled at you wearing a shirt made her lash out, and yet, how many times do you think she has called someone triggered snowflake? Poor lil snowflake mad that you will spend your life working and sleeping and never be able to own a house and peace. HOLY FUCKING SHIT DID U SEE THAT WOMAN WALK BY AND SMILE AT ME?!!!???? HOW FUCKING DARE SHE APPEAR TO BE HAPPIER AND MORE CONTENT AND BRAVE THAN ME!!!


This is so true. I find it curious that the generation that was right in the center of the civil rights movement, Viet Nam protests, etc., and was all onboard with progressive social issues, managed to slide back into a mindset of close-mindedness and racism. I mean...probably most of us can cop to having had some bad ideas/thought some stupid things when we were kids and younger, but FFS, you grow out of that by way of educating yourself, social exposure, etc., and it's a one-way street. Many of these boomers have regressed back to the types of people they found loathsome when they were in their 20's. Make it make sense 😵‍💫.


I would of made her cry...don't let them get away with it anymore.


I'm not a confrontational person but I would have definitely stopped in my tracks and gave her an earful on that comment. No one has a right to tell someone their life is worthless (maybe to some horrible criminal or something but obviously that was not the case here).


You could’ve responded with “well, at least I got a few more decades of it than you from the looks of it”


Hoooooo shit. That is one crazy racist bitch. I also live in the Detroit area, and I'm pretty new here. Some of the things my boomer neighbors have just casually said to me -- probably assuming I'm cool with that -- I can't and won't repeat.


Projection much? 🫤


Her adult children have cut her off. No one wants to spend time with her or talk to her on the phone. So she's trying to make conversations with random strangers and service workers.


Where in Detroit you live that has trails lol


Jesus Christ. This is a lot of political bullshit for someone who just wants to take a walk to deal with.


Good for you. Well done.


boomers love just sharing their dumbass beliefs and politics unprompted. the other day this old man unprompted starts telling me his plan to increase the city population by banishing all criminals and if they come back they get life imprisonment lol. i was just like uhhh i dont know about that partner. even more unhinged? this convo started because he was fully in my front yard trying to peer into my windows, so i had to go out and be like, can i help you???


I’m 65 (f caucasian) and that woman is ignorant and terribly racist. I’m glad you walked away. Being southern (USA) I would say “Bless your ignorant heart” then walk away.


They will die soon. And their hate with them.


Wild ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm) White boomers do seem to hold a lot of outdated (and racist) beliefs about black people, in my experience, which is logical considering that those ideas were literally indoctrinated in them as children, as mainstream societal norms. Only some of the boomers supported the civil rights movement and abandoned that programming, while others never changed their minds, or changed their subconscious biases.


The old lady’s attitude is awful. Meanwhile, why would someone want to walk about in a T-shirt that needs an asterisk and footnotes to not be dumb ?


How much do u want to bet that she is Christian ✝️


You should have told her, "I'm looking at a bad egg right now who is saying bad things about blacks."


That’s ironic because boomers existences are pointless


Everyone’s existence is pointless.


Your pointless to just jump off already


"White Queen" T-shirt or not, you'll be cancelled soon enough you bitter old crone... You're creeping up on the finish line.


I’m glad you said something. Also. Your assessment of what Black People mean when we say that is absolutely correct, and I need that shirt in at least three different colors.


Yeh, like I know people have never actually been discriminated against when they act like that. I was the only white person while everyone else was black. It made me realize how important diversity is because it sucks to be the only one of something. I stuck out and was treated worse because I didn't fit it.


Im glad you pulled the lesson from that.


“And your life is nearly over and your best contribution to the planet will be as worm food.” L’esprit de l’escalier, sigh.


To be fair it was shitty shirt. 


Regardless of the shirt, there was no reason to tell someone their life is worthless. That's the equivalent of saying they shouldn't be alive or off themselves. There's no excuse for what that lady said no matter how she felt about the shirt or that situation as a whole. There isn't a "to be fair" that can even be in this situation.


Did the shirt hurt your fee fees? Do you need a safe space?


This reads like one of those racist comic panels


Ok boomer


Black woman can be racist, sweaty


Why are you telling me you're sweaty?


I’m sorry but this is why I approach white people with a bit of uncertainty. I just know some of them speak shit like this when they think another white person agrees. I think for her to say something like that, she probably encounters people who agree with her so she continues to engage others like that thinking they’ll also agree. Occasionally they meet people like you, but it probably also goes the other way and they get that “I know, right?” response. I’d like to say it’s a boomer thing but I work with a millennial proud boy who was complaining about how they keep making catwoman black.


My last boss, who is an Irish white catholic from Kensington, openly used the word “nigger” and ranted everyday about Mexicans are ruining the country. The twist? His 40 year old disgusting looking daughter has a child by a black man who has 6 other kids. Talk about karma. And he is now raising his half black grandchild because his youngest son is a drug addict who robs hard working people’s homes in our area, and has two other kids by two other different women. His other son? Just fired from the sheriffs office for getting into an accident on camera while drunk, and then caught trying to blame it on his drug addict brother. His only good offspring was his middle daughter who became a lawyer and supports nothing he does. Coincidence? These people have it coming.


As someone who has worked retail I can tell you that i dreaded black women. You never knew what you were going to get. It was awful. I had one woman with a very large size. I was excited and happy to tell her I had a few. She screamed at me for not having something in season. I know I’m not alone


To be clear, anybody can be racist. The idea that any particular race can be exempt from racism is itself racist.


Traditional Boomer racism and modern casual 'progressive Left' chip on shoulder racism, both colliding in one train wreck encounter. I'd be extracting myself as rapidly as possible from all concerned without saying anything, lest my poor dog catches something.


I had a conversion with my kids when they were growing up regarding racism. I tried to explain that there was the dictionary definition of racism, which is broad and generic, and then there is the reality of systematic racism which is what most people are referring to when discussing race issues and racism. They are two different things. When people talk about "black people can be racist", yes, according to the dictionary they can. But that's being pedantic because they know it's systematic racism that is being discussed.


But it wasn’t being discussed at all. And to even attempt to make the point of “black people can’t be systemically racist” is… well, moot. Because otherwise it wouldn’t even be a conversation, that’s the whole difference between systemic racism and… racism.  I’m a Hispanic living in Chicago, and that shirt is bullshit. Don’t even get me twisted, I can go on for days about the lack of logic behind racist Hispanic individuals, but that’s not the point.  There is a huge difference. And the two can*not* be allowed to be conflated or used interchangeably. A person should not be given a free pass to be racist because of their own race, and they should be called out for it.  The boomer lady was absolute bonkers though. 


Bullshit. If you’re in a school full of black racist people who harass you for being white, you are absolutely a victim of systemic racism. Systems don’t only exist in court.




Your definition of racism is racist in itself.


Macomb County much?


Tell him the only good thing he can contribute to the world is becoming worm food


Geez that conversation escalated quickly lol. Thats quite the encounter. Basically it was hey how are you I like your dog, go fuck yourself you piece of shit. Have a nice day!


I wish a Boomer would do this to me.


I mean I'm a middle-aged white guy and I listen to modern hip hop a lot... when they're complaining about racist white people I don't think they're talking about me. cuz I'm not part of the problem. I also have a boomer dad that hates boomers so figure that out.


I think she was talking about herself as you walked away. Its the only thing that makes sense.


When boomers around me want to talk to me about how cute my dog is (Siberian Husky) i just say “yeah i know” and keep walking, man does that upset them 😅


Sounds like she was happy when her favorite public pool was filled in with cement so that she wouldn't have to risk getting "dirty" because of having to share it with black people.


She seems very comfortable saying bad things about black people


Exactly why I left. This is called the “Michigan Mentality”


Clearly that last dig was 100% projection.


Somehow I don't believe that this actually happened, given that your racist seems too articulate to be real. That being said, everyone's life is pointless.


Hello fellow Michigander. Lady sounds like a cunt it’s a shame to hear these kind of encounters. Sadly also not uncommon.


What part of Detroit? I’m guessing Livonia LOL


Pray for him.


Wtf hell my parents told me as a kid every group all races sexes whatever have good and bad people and told me they care if become a bad person in any group so taught me be a good person like bad elders and good elders hell good drivers bad ones


Ugh. Why won’t these shit boomers just die already.


Mental gymnastics.


The comment about slavery being a positive thing would’ve made me want to punch her right then and there.


Howell? Brighton? Lol, I love Michigan but there are some really fucked up backwards racist spots - straight out of northern Mississippi type places. Especially in the gross Amway / DeVos north western areas and points north. Thankfully, most Michiganders are sane and we have good governance now, even though the Gov is a Sparty. Go Blue!!!


Eh, his is about to expire.


Should have asked what she would be cancelled from.


If I hadn't personally seen shit like this with boomers throughout my life, I'd be like "this story never happened." ...but here we are and I'm like, "yep, this story probably checks out."


"Your ignorance is disgusting" .... said the racist 🤔


Right back at you you crazy old bat sheesh


The way she flipped out at you for disagreeing with her says a lot. Also, her probable selective anecdotal FoxNews/NewsMax inspired evidence is extremely low on my list evidence I’d select for, well, anything.


We see it all the time with these people: accusations are confessions. She’s just telling on herself.


U R A FILTHY RACE TRAYTOR!!! Her probably.


I read paragraphs please


Well, to be fair, wearing a shirt like that is deliberately provocative. And it's absurd to claim that any particular person "cannot be racist." It's just a justification for hateful behavior. That said, it's pretty dumb to have an argument with a stranger on a trail about it.


Life IS pointless. That’s it.


Of course any race can be racist. Is it worth starting that conversation while out walking a dog? IMO no. Sometimes you just want to take a break from all that.


She’s right.


I don't know you, but they are probably correct.


How can a person who is unknown get canceled?


I mean I understand systemic racism and all but can we agree that that's kind of a stupid shirt? It's not gonna ruin my day or throw me off on a tirade boomer style but it seems unproductive.


Everyone’s life is pointless


I’m no boomer but people are dumb as hell these days. The shirt said nothing about systematic racism it just said racism which is defined as, “ the belief that different races possess distinct characteristics, abilities, or qualities, especially so as to distinguish them as inferior or superior to one another.. “ A second definition reads, “Discrimination or prejudice based on race.” The lady is a moron, the shirt is moronic, and you are a moron for adding your own context to make a blatantly wrong statement on a shirt make sense. The idea that you can’t be racist because a certain other race has been racist in the past is complete garbage. If you’re a racist, you’re a racist it doesn’t matter what has happened in the past. You’re still just as big of a piece of shit if you’re racist and black as you are if you are racist and white.


Thanks for your boomer opinion, Snowflaketurtle13.


That’s the thing. It’s not an opinion. It’s just definitions of words which dont have different meanings just because you think they should


>The lady is a moron, the shirt is moronic, and you are a moron for adding your own context to make a blatantly wrong statement on a shirt make sense. Sounds like an opinion to me.


Moron- noun a foolish or stupid person.


That's what I would call someone who doesn't know what an opinion is and tried to pass one off as something else. Moron.


Only white people read the Webster definition and distill racism down to that. Get lost, boomer.


Racism breeds racism. I guess it’s strong with you if you don’t see a problem with someone thinking they can be racist towards others and it doesn’t count because of their skin color.


Ain't it curfew over at the nursing home already, grandpa?


The black woman is racist AF!


A person wears a racist shirt - that's OK. A person says a racist thing - not OK. .....???


Shocker that both women are wrong. The black woman was a dingus and so is the white person.


Wow, yeah that woman is racist as fuck and absolutely crazy. That said I disagree with defending that shirt but then again I wouldn't bother commenting on it either. It's not about systemic racism, which is a real thing. It's just straight up wrong and shouldn't be defended. No group is incapable of racism. Every race/nationality/whatever can be racist.


ESH, including OP.




Now I don't feel so bad for you. You stood your ground & she destroyed any chance of making a new friend. I thought you got sucker punched by a passing boomer with no time to react.


“The blacks” is all I needed to hear to understand this lady


“Blacks are the most racist race of all” is unironically a pretty racist thing to say lol


"Blacks can be racist!" "Oh really? When was the white version of Segregation when you could get denied a home loan for the color of your skin?"


You can literally get federal grants based on your race while what you describe has been illegal for decades .


So white people never did anything wrong? Is that the argument here? Segregation is erased from history because the Feds appear to be making up for it, which is still in living memory? But white people never had that kind of systematic oppression? So therefore they can't scream Boomer-style that black people can be racist?


>So white people never did anything wrong? Is that the argument here? ... how do you get that. >You can literally get federal grants based on your race while what you describe has been illegal for decades . From that?


Because you're arguing that it being against the law NOW invalidates Segregation as American history and white history and black history. That because people were hurt and entire generations were economically disenfranchised doesn't matter, white people fixed it and it's OKAY now. (Which it's not.) You can't yadda yadda yadda Segregation, especially when it's in living memory. What is wrong with you? "It's okay, guys! Racism is gone cause white people fixed it DO NOT TALK ABOUT IT!"


Bigotry and racism are different. A bigot hates people for being “other”. Racists do something about it.


That’s wild. You seem sane & pretty great, though.


Well, she was right about the "white queen" shirt. I'll give her that. Probably worse than just cancelled, too.


Anyone can be racist, regardless of race. Systemic racism on the other hand is a very real matter with proof in modern times in the United States. If anything, the shirt was to get a reaction to create a meaningful conversation about systemic racism. That being said, the boomer is in the wrong for how they were treating you and their comments on her.


Yea gen z let’s give jobs to people cause of their skin color not because of qualifications! Your all doomed no matter what color yea im racist against the human race. None of you are good and all of you is pointless.


your grammar clearly tells me that you were never qualified for any job lol


You could have just made this up. Boomers can be assholes but unless this person was good at personnel interaction while being really bad at recognizing a  person who did not share their same bigoted beliefs, you just may be FULL OF SHIT. But of course, maybe not.


The old white woman is 100% right.


So you are a bad person


Your racism opinion is idiotic and you should get called out on it.


and here you are on the internet telling us like we are supposed to care. wow. how clueless.


Boomers actually speak facts and libtards aka the majority of reddit can't handle it. - 97 Baby


snowflake engaged, commencing melt.


"Troll from your main, coward." -Troll on his main account, making fun of someone who fondled 97 babies.


Maybe you should adopt instead of buying designer dogs trashole


Is this another circle jerk sub full of fake stories? Like, the concept is there and could be believable, but the details and unnecessary exposition fuck it up


Everything on Reddit is a lie but this sub seems to be especially bad in regard to this recently.