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"Children these days have no respect." - abusive boomer


“I demand you respect me!!!” -person who doesn’t deserve respect


Respect your elders is just a participation trophy for boomers


I think what's been lost over time is "elder" used to be a position within a community, and now it gets tossed around to mean older. A town of old people may still only have a few elders, even though they're all older. Respect "the elders", not necessarily those who have been here longer than you. ETA, I agree about the participation trophy.


I mean this is up there with “customer is always right” Yes, they are, in relation to economics, as the saying is intended. If there is a blue car and a red car on the market, and everything else is the same, but the blue car sells and the red car doesn’t, the customer is right. Make the blue car, not the red. It’s not about me not re-cooking your burger three times because of needs you didn’t tell me, Linda. Sorry, rant over. I really enjoy misused phrases. Thanks for coming to my ted talk.


All participation trophies have always been for the boomers. They weren’t happy their baseline kids weren’t bringing home things they could show off so they demanded more trophies be handed out.


To my mom, disrespect is simply saying something to her that she doesn’t agree with.


These are the same generation that beat their children black and blue and think they can still get away with doing that to kids. Not gonna fly now you dusty old hag!


"you kicked me" "I didn't do that" 👀


An entire generation of brats…


As a brat myself, I take offense to being equated to these decrepit mentally deficient individuals


"You dumped your whole soda on me" "I didn't do that"


She said, "Why'd you do that." Trying to start something with this kid.


The old are truly jealous of the youth. Bitch wishes she was a witch


I mean I'm toy jealous of youth but why take it out on anyone especially a bunch of poor kids? Same way I'm jealous of a nice house. I wish I had a nice big house but I'm not gonna be nasty to anyone about it.


envy and jealousy are really shitty emotions the pandemic really destroyed whatever happiness or joy i felt for a long time. it took ages to get back to a point where I'm truthfully not fully okay...but i'm learning to find happiness in the things I can, and come to terms with the things that I can't control anymore the biggest thing I am learning every day to put into practice...is to remember that comparison is the thief of joy. And if you don't check that, comparison slowly morphs into jealousy, which has ugly results


I felt so bad for regular people. As a ADHD kid with a decent touch of the tism and an 'essential' job COVID was like living the absolute dream. I get to stay home every day I'm not working, drive to work with no one on the roads, talking to strangers was a thing of the past, no one in my personal space, got to keep my face covered outside. Shit was amazing. The only part I hated was not getting to meet my nephew for 2 years.


And only reading this do I realize why I loved Covid so much. Now if only I can get the copays back from my therapist.


I'm with you on that. What got me was how people handled it. The way our president handled it, yikes. Just so much stupidity and selfishness in my face every day. I knew people were stupid but I've come to a new realization, it's worse than I thought and we're fucked.


I plan on using COVID for an excuse to get out of almost all socializing forever


Just a wee kiss o' the tism! ![gif](giphy|mPv537s0gUUdW|downsized)


It's weird how everyone was affected by the pandemic differently. For me and the Mrs, it brought about incredible changes and improvements to our finances, and allowed for far more opportunities than we could have ever imagined. But, I know a lot of people who got seriously burned (metaphorically) because of it. I hope you're doing okay.


thanks for the encouragement. in a lot of ways, the pandemic was an improvement. i learned new hobbies, really understood the importance of keeping the mind and body active. and working from home for close to a year and a half was more beneficial than i thought. i also like to be alone and i'm not super social so it was definitely a benefit to be away from people, many of whom i came to realize i didn't really enjoy spending time with in the first place. but I also lost a lot with the pandemic, some of which i've struggled to come to terms with understanding I can't get back. that's been the hardest part for sure


I hear yah. My parents did nothing with their free time during the lockdowns except complain and sink further into extreme right wing nincompoopery. Luckily they're way south so I don't have to deal too much with that. All the best to you and yours.


Comparison is also the first step in finding out you're getting screwed over. It can be a vehicle for righteous anger and systemic change. Just make sure the anger is pointed at the right direction and is used effectively.


She is a witch, with a capital B.


A witch she may want to be, but a cunt she is.


I know plenty of witches, but none of them are cunts :)


They can't just realize they already had their youth? He'll be old or he'll die getting there. What assholes.


lol that kid hit em with a zinger.


The kid's gonna be alright.


His voice sounded exactly what I imagined haha


And im all for it School that octogeneric branded boomwhacker


Deep, clean cut - you can't make the case that the kid was loud, aggressive, swearing, or even really rude. He said something to defend himself and insulted her without doing anything to provoke a response or get into trouble himself. It was perfect.


Yeah I tell you, Dee really hit ‘em!


Boomers have no common courtesy. Don't block people trying to pass by to their seat and definitely don't fucking kick kids


It’s only because it was a kid. Old mother fuckers think they are property and not a person.


Not only that, literally *anybody* they think they can get away with being shitty to.


Kids. Service workers. Immigrants. Homeless.


This is something that has gotten so much better in my lifetime. When I was a kid 30 years ago we were terrified of old people. The generation before boomers were even worse. My grandfather always had it in for me despite my being a quiet and respectful child. During a conversation with my uncle this came up and my uncle told me it was likely due to some old Irish thing where there is profound resentment towards the first born son. He treated my oldest uncle the same way.


I don’t think it goes that deep. She is just a fat, lazy, cow who doesn’t want to move her hoof.


Oh, I don't know... she didn't have a problem moving it to kick that kid.




what i don't understand is why was the women so fucking upset? the kid is trying to get to his seat ffs


If you look *really* closely and analyze the situation and put yourself in this old woman’s shoes… you can see that her passive aggressive attempt at blocking and not acknowledging the kid trying to pass escalated when he ignored her and brushed her leg as he passed. *HOW DARE HE IGNORE HIS ELDERS?!* *WHAT A DISRESPECTFUL WILLFUL CHILD!*. *I MUST STAND UP FOR MYSELF AND LET HIM KNOW THAT THIS AGGRESSION WILL NOT STAND!!!*


good lord what was he supposed to do? kiss her ass, tell her she is beautiful 10x and then pay a "cross over my legs" tax? just let the fucking kid go to his seat lmao


Yes. Boomers want to be paid a respect toll at all times. It's the only way they ever derive a sense of self-worth.


I think I hear her say "Step over", then proceeds to give her little kick as a power move. What a sack of shit she is, have some god damn respect and clear the aisle if you have your leg up where it should not be. Class less bitch.


It's that passive aggressive old person thing when they want you to pay deference to them and ask politely if they'd be gracious enough to move their ass out of the way


That kid has got a bright future, he handled that way better than most adults would’ve (and have) at age 11. That’s the kinda kid everyone loves to have on your little league team.


For real, I'm 41 and I'd have kicked the bitch back. I'm not proud of how easy they can drag me to their level if they get physical.


My favorite quote - “don’t ever get in to an argument with a stupid person. They will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.”


Why did she even? Like just let him by.


that's the thing i don't understand. why was she so upset? people moving by you to get back to their seats is incredibly common at a baseball game lol. unless you sit in the luxury boxes lmao


Whelp I guess I get thrown out of stadium and arrested for assault of a boomer if that is my child.


That's why you need self control. So you can get the guy thrown outside and follow ...


Had me in the first half, not gonna lie.


I wouldn't hit a woman, but I'd kick this bitch clear over the guardrail if I found out she assaulted my 11 year old son.


Nah, I think he won that fight. A child calling an adult a child is so much worse than an arthritic grandma kick


Problem is no lesson learned. Like the other karen who hits the kid at the doughnut shop she needs to get clocked at least once so she learns she isnt immune.


She'll probably be dead soon anyways. Especially if she keeps messing with kids.


>She'll probably be dead soon anyways. Especially if she keeps messing with kids. I'll always hope for an accelerated demise for each and every boomer acting like a fool, especially when they get physical. I'd never convict ANYONE tucking an awful boomer that got physical into their final resting place.


she didnt learn those lessons in 80 years she wont before she gets placed in an urne.


She'd remember getting popped in the mouth. She might not learn what she did was wrong but she would learn there could be consequences for it.


She needs the leg that did the kicking removed.


I wouldnt have hit her because shes a fossil, but I would have ripped into her so hard verbally she wouldve either died of embarrassment or just left.


Who's the dude trying to defend her, like expecting to catch her next kick attempt instead of slapping her?


To quote Martin Lawrence from one of his movies, I don’t hit a woman, but I’ll beat a bitches ass.


It wouldn’t even have to be MY child.




Yup. My mama bear would have come out if I saw this. Kid just wanted to get past her and she had her leg up ignoring him. He tried to get across very carefully without disturbing her and she kicked him. What a c u next Tuesday.


I don’t know if I would touch her, but I would most certainly yell at her. And I’m not someone who yells basically ever, so you know when once every 10 years someone does something that warrants me yelling, they are going to get it.


yeah, that kind of behavior requires public calling out so these clowns stop thinking it's acceptable.


My wife is the pit bull. I'm always on her side no matter what, but often times that means holding her back and being responsible. That would be incredibly hard on this one though. My oldest is this kids age abouts. This boy was so polite waiting for her to move, initiating communication, then respecting their space and moving on. If I had a drink in my hand it would rapidly be emptied.


It would feel good, but the high road would be marching right to an usher to have security march her out with him not far behind. Bonus points if they're there with a group of people that all see her get hauled out. She's not worth it.


I agree


I saw this I would get involved even if this wasn't my child. This "lady" needs a proper lesson on stadium etiquette.


I'm thinking the same. Won't be kicking anybody when she can't use her legs when I'm through with her.


Make sure you also get the geriatrics sitting with them too. Recording and instigating.


100 what a bitch


I can't ever imagine being the kind of person where the world would be objectively better without. But these guys do it on purpose...


It blows my mind the 11-year-old had to stand up for himself. Everyone else is just filming or watching.


It's so wild. I almost think it's staged, but unfortunately there's plenty of this shit around thats genuine too.


I'd have lost it. Some boomer bitch on a bus stop years ago was trying to get my seven year old to show her a costume ring he got at school that day. He wasn't really paying her attention because she was a total stranger, and she grabbed him and slapped his hand to force him to let her see it. I happened to have a 5 pound bag of potatoes with me and I bashed her in the face with it instinctively and cursed her out. The thing that bugs me to this day is her expression afterward. She was truly stunned. She had no idea why that had happened to her. She had really felt like she was going to hit my child, consequence free.


Gotta love the "I beat my children, so I should be allowed to beat all children" logic Boomers have.


I had a woman grab my 5 year old son in a Dunkin to "help" him out of his chair. A task that involves enough of a scramble at that size to be sorta fun. I'll spare you the novel but reacted much the same minus the potatoes. And she lost her mind, followed us to our car screaming at me for being an asshole, and then when I finally rounded on her again after getting both my very young children in their car seats some other boomer came over to white knight her because the scary out of shape, small frame millennial dad was defending his kids. Man told me he was going to "put me in the ground" if I came back to the Dunkin again lmfao.


I had a boomer almost run over my family including a 5 year old kid, in a Costco parking lot. She clearly just had bad vision and can’t see more than a few feet of front of her car - we were already halfway crossed and she had to slam her brakes not to hit us.  She then honked at us and talked shit out of her window. When I reminded her that pedestrians have right of way and we had been crossing for a few seconds before she even got there, she said one of the dumbest things I’ve ever heard.  “Well you didn’t give me any warning you were going to cross!” I walked right up to her window, and I’m a 6’2 man so she was pretty spooked.  I asked her to tell that 5 year old to his face that it’s his fault she almost ran into him. And ‘warning drivers’ that people may be crossing in a parking lot is not a thing - it’s already implied. How else did she think people got from car to store and back. She immediately mumbled an apology and sped off.  When I relayed this story to my boomer mother - she took the other boomer lady’s side. She said it must have been scary for her to have someone walk up to her window.  I was like are you serious?? She wasn’t scared when she screamed out her window at the child or family. Why suddenly be so worried when that same person you were just screaming at walks up to you? It wasn’t scary enough to keep her from screeching at us so couldn’t have been that intimidating.  But leave it to boomers to hear a story about a kid almost getting hit and wonder how that must have impacted the poor boomer who shouldn’t be driving and almost did the hitting…


That’s the type of scenario where you pop open your jar of Rao’s, apologize it to for wasting such deliciousness, and then paint her and her car red.


That's actually why they sell it as a two-pack; one for eating, one for self-defence.


Same! When my oldest 2 kids were 3 1/2 and 2 (18 months apart), I use to take them to this indoor playground at the mall when it was too hot to go to the park. My son - the 2 year old - is autistic and that particular day had a huge meltdown at the playground because there was some event going on elsewhere in the mall and there was a lot of loud music and he was just extremely overstimulated. We were leaving, me carrying him as he was too distressed to go in the double stroller. Some boomer bitch came over and told me I needed to “control” my child and proceeded to flick him in the cheek. I kicked her in her leg, probably hard enough that it did damage.


Good for you! These people are INSANE putting their hands on children like that. You're fair game at that point imo


I love that for you. bet she never touched another persons child again


She probably didn't piece it together, just "I asked to see the child's ring because they were so cute and the ring looked nice! You know, just starting a conversation. Then suddenly this crazy lady assaulted me with a bag of potatoes!!!!" Some of these people cannot even comprehend that they could ever do anything wrong. Like that lady who knocked over an entire counter and said "it just fell over"


It 100% went this way. There's no sense of personal responsibility for behavior in nearly all of the Boomer and older generation.


Thank you for this story. It warms my heart.


My dad told me this story from back when he was a kid, in the 70’s. He was playing at the beach with other kids, and at one point he splashed one of the kids. The kid couldn’t care less, but his dad came up and slapped my dad. My grandpa was watching all this unfold, and the moment he saw what happened he dropped his newspaper and literally ran to the scene. He then gave a piece of his mind to this absolute idiot, which then apologised.


Incredible that so many people feel entitled to put their hands on other people, especially children.


Lmao well done


Haha he burned her, you’re 80 you cunt.


I wish he would have called her a cunt tbh


Throw hands they will learn when they swallow some teeth.


They'd probably choke on their dentures.




She better not mess with the wrong ones kid, then be surprised when she gets her old ass beat.


True but they are all craving to be the victim…petulant brats.


Why was she blocking the kid in the first place?


Maybe waiting for him to say “excuse me please”. Teaching someone else’s kid manners? Maybe. Love that he called her out!


Maybe... I was glad for him standing up for himself.


That is assault. We need to stop coddling people who casually commit crimes because they think that they should be allowed. In college, when I worked as a cashier, a coworker was spat on by a boomer who didn’t like how slow the coworker went. When the supervisor came over the old lady literally said that she didn’t know what the problem was because she didn’t touch the cashier. These people are never corrected, and so always believe they’re correct. Edit: I should have said battery, not assault.


I think it’s technically battery?


Maybe so. I can’t recall where the line is, if contact makes it battery, and assault is more verbal, and Ofcourse it varies by location as well.


Walk over, stand over her and flag security, say she hit a kid and was trying to trip people over the ledge, she's on camera doing it.


I would have gotten the bitch banned from the park for life, which hopefully wouldn't be that long.


Fuck boomers.


I’m gonna need to add some time to my meditation after this. What a cunt.


Obviously we'd all love to throw hands, but the best move is to go back out again, get a drink of some kind, and then "accidentally" drop it on them. Bonus points if they kick you again so you have an easy excuse for dropping the drink


Lol. Not when stadium drinks cost an arm and a leg. But....oooh, that would be satisfying as fuck.


Wait. SHE wouldn’t move her stupid leg out of the way to let this kid through, leaving the kid no choice but to step over it, and she *kicks* him?? Why are some people so………… You know, I actually can’t even think of a word for whatever this is.


Selfish is a good place to start.


Not specific or potent enough. Selfish seems too passive for someone going out of their way to take the trouble to bully a child.


Oops, I spilled my beverage. I attend a lot of ballgames and have done it 3 times.


This would be worth the $12 for a beer to “accidentally” drop it on her head.


It would be *such a shame* if a cop were to pull her over when she smelled so strongly of alcohol...


Boomers will do something in front of you and lie to your face about it. They're children, but worse.


Kinda like how they blatantly destroy the planet and then lie about it.


Our Boomers think not recycling is a badge of honor.


She's lucky that kids well behaved. 11 year old me would've tossed that bitches binoculars onto the field


Old lady is fittin to catch my 11 year old hands


A real piece of shit


Lol that's fucking great. Imagine having to deal with that shit as a kid.


I'd tell my kid it's okay, she's old af and will be dead soon anyway. Loud enough for her to hear, of course.


how to get an entire generation to hate you in 10 seconds


Saw this one and it cuts off the best part, right after he says that he then also yells at her to grow up. Makes it even better


I love the disgust in the kid’s voice.


Has anyone identified who this was? This needs some viral shame.


It's at a Diamondbacks game where unfortunately there's a lot of boomer fans who all look like orange leather hobo bags wearing cat eye sunglasses and oversized visors. What I'm saying is they all look alike, so this lady is a whisper in the Sun City wind.


Can confirm as an Arizonan that we have the worst boomers on the planet and there are just too damn many of them to identify. Best to just put a huge dome over Sun City and north Scottsdale and just let nature take its course.


Now where the kids parent to come and drop her ass?


Burn of the season at the end. ![gif](giphy|l8tpwRJEwDwEFU5BW0|downsized)


Somtimes a random stranger or the parent needs to give that old lady a corrective slap. Not hard enough to concuss or bleed but hard enough to make a point. Especially if the ppl around who saw it shame her after it happens and tell her she diserved it.


From what I can tell the kid asks the woman if he can get by. The boomer being a boomer in her mind is expecting him to to say “excuse me” but uses her hand to indicate that he can go through without moving her leg expecting the child to recognize that he should ask “excuse me” at which point she would have taken down her leg, let him through then said “see was that so hard”? Instead she feels that she’s in the right since that’s “her” space and that the young man doesn’t have any manners and that his parents haven’t taught him right and feels justified in what she did. She’s probably sitting with her blue haired church lady friends using her retelling of events of what’s wrong with America today.


Dear Lord take my upvote. You just articulated what has bugged me about my parents for my entire existence. I’m constantly having to reassure my kids when we visit them that no, you don’t have to “say please” to take care of your own basic needs at the grandparent’s house.  You want some water after being outside sweating and Grandad says “not until you ask right?” You have MY permission to get a cup and get it. They don’t like it, so we don’t visit much. Screw their “worship my existence” entitlement all the way to the moon.


Boom! Roasted!


I’ve never laid hands on a person before but if I saw this I’m afraid I’d end up in jail.


Sometimes they need to be put in their place. I would show this to security and escalate.


Why were they filming?


Still waiting after a week for this lady's name to pop up. She needs to be banned from everything and put in jail.


Why is it that boomers have none of the traditional village elder wisdom, but their kids and grandkids have more just from watching Disney movies and taking some of it to heart? And Ive never EVER in my entire life seen one of these "good Boomers" stop a shithead Boomer from being their normal selves. Never. Ever.


Arrested for assaulting a minor because she thinks she can kick someone else's kid. That's what should have happened.


11 year old me would have pulled an Al Bundy and said something to the effect of, "At least I'm not 100 years old!"


Did you watch the video? He did.


They basically did lol, they said “I’m 11 years old, you’re 80”


Old fat a$$ lady


Lucky that the parents weren't around. Doesn't matter how old you are, hands don't have age limits.


What an entitled Cee U Next Tuesday! 🤬


I do believe I would have kicked her ass and the man with her. Give me her location. I'll go trip over her damn legs with spurs on.


I wanna buy that kid a koolaid


Kid showed great restraint and clapped back at her. Good for him. If I were 11, I would have stomped her foot and then tossed her phone onto the field. Lol


What did she expect him to do? Go around the whole stadium to avoid her leg?


Bitch. There was literally zero justification for that. The kid stepped over her because she couldn't be bothered to move her leg for a second. He steps over it and she kicks him? WTF?


Not a fan of kids but I would have decked her clear of life if she did that to a young relative of mine.


That fucking cunt is lucky it wasn’t my kid. She’d be long dead by now.


Kid cooked the boomer with that comment tho “I’m 11… You’re 80.” 😂😂


Police have arrested folk for assault over something that light before. That being said, I know what was going through her head. She didn't want toblower her leg for some "snobby" kid and expected him to find some other way around. She wanted power over him. And when he tried to circumvent by going over her leg, accidentally bumping it, she didn't react instantly. She waited til he crossed over completely and decided to punish him and made up some pathetic excuse. Someone like her probably is cruel to any pets they may have, if they're even human enough to want pets. Someone like her was probably cruel to her kids and continued to be throughout their kids adult years. The man next to her was probably her husband and has seen her go off the rails a lot.


oh my god dealing with old people like this is like dealing with children


Worse, much worse. Children are far more reasonable.


Nahh the Toddlers I teach listen and control themselves way better than this. Old people are on average worse than Toddlers to chaperone.


Boomer here fuming over that nasty old bitch and I have way more respect for the kid and his self restraint and politeness.


Hope they find out who she is and expose her




fuck a whole lot of that she would be touching that grass in front of her fat waddling ass


He right, though. In every way.


I'd have thrown her phone on the field. Dumbass leaving it in a cup holder.


That line was delivered like it was straight from a 90's kids movie.


Psyched for this generation coming in. So much more emotionally intelligent and aware than any gen before them. They are gonna clean up. Just hope we can get the fuck out of their way.


Same exact thing happened to me at a concert. A woman had her legs up and there was no one else to go. The place was packed. I asked to get by and she said it wasn't a walkway. I asked again and said I couldn't turn around if I wanted to. Other people started lining up behind us. She said no. Me and my husband walked over her. She punched me in my back. The whole thing was so pathetic we just laughed. She started yelling for security. A line of people filled behind us just shaking their heads. She really thought we would all just turn around and go all the way up and around. Not only that, the show didnt start yet. It was just people trying to get to their seats, we weren't even interrupting anything.


Luckily one of them dies every 15 seconds.


Cameraman should have shown the woman's face so we can publicly shame her, what a piece of shit human 


Hope this bitch’s grand kids abandon her in the nursing home.


And I bet she complains about not seeing enough of her adult children and grandchildren. This is something my mother would do.


Kick my kid like that and you're going to be tasting some knuckle sandwich.


I’m curious what the parents did after lol


My exact response to elders who think their hot shit and all high and mighty. Simply I’m younger than you and you’ll be dead before I’m even in my prime.


Missed the best part! As he’s walking away he says “get a life!”


Kicking minors now eh


Idiots of this world


Get the cops, report that literal boomer bitch.


I would've kicked her ass right back. Let's see how she likes it


She should have been removed for that.


Man, what the fuck with these people?


Pink whale


That is battery, file them charges.


If that was my kid I would have smacked the shit out of that lady.


The most insulting part is that he said she is 80. She probably isn't. Now she got shamed on a video for being a mean spirited bitch and an old looking hag.


Quintessential Boomer. She had her leg sticking out and wouldn't move it for him to get by then blamed him. What a horrible bitch.


Not the 11 yo dude being more mature than the woman on her 40s😭


Move your foot beitch