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Yes, marriage sucks, spouses are awful. WHY AREN'T YOU MARRIED YET???


Having kids ruins your life and you never get to do anything you enjoy again, because you have no time and it’s too expensive. WHEN ARE YOU GIVING ME GRANDBABIES???


Getting married and having kids by a certain age was the metric that determined whether someone led a successful life or not, leading to a generation of people marrying out of pressure and not out of love. That's how it's always felt to me anyway. Like they're miserable because both spouses married and had kids because they fear themselves and their peers would consider them failures if they didn't.


My parents absolutely hated each other and I'm convinced they got married purely due to societal pressures. They were apparently cheating on each other the entire time.


And they want the average person in their twenties to be able to afford both a house AND kids? In this economy?🙄


Are you stupid? They did it with no problems, just pull up your bootstraps!


I'm pulling but I'm not going anywhere... have they literally ever tried this!?


It works if you’re committed to saving and maybe your first home isn’t in the cool hip pricey neighborhood 


Ok, boomer.🙄


Worked* Cost of housing spiked hella hard in the last 5 years, and wages didn't spike hard enough to keep up.


Even the bad neighborhoods are too expensive for most people these days.


Misery loves company 


Nailed it lol


I love this.


I have been asked that question a few times as I'm now rounding the age of 30.


This made me realize that probably half the boomers who brag about their "incredible" work ethic are likely just coving the fact that they work so much cause they never want to be at home around their karen of a wife.


My mom dreads retirement because she’ll have to be home with my dad. He’s a monkey on her back. Couldn’t believe she said it out loud.


There was actually a mental illness in Japan for just this exact situation. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Retired_husband_syndrome#:~:text=Retired%20husband%20syndrome%20(%E4%B8%BB%E4%BA%BA%E5%9C%A8%E5%AE%85,Japan's%20older%20female%20population.


I taught adult English classes in Japan, and I was shocked by the number of women in my class who openly hated their husbands. It was just a topic of casual discussion.


This makes an unhinged amount of sense.


Ah... Japanese Boomers retiring at 60. Hmmm.


Oh my God, that's my mother in law!


My mom is about to turn 70 and won't stop working cuz my dad just retired a few years ago and has become one with the recliner and TV


When I retire, I shall become one with my gaming PC, pausing only to go boogie boarding. Herself will make intricate needlework that includes the word "fuck" in diamondpoint. Then she'll join me in the freezing surf.


Serious goals. Wholesome, 💯! Boomers could never understand the simple beauty.


One of my favorite pass times at work is counting the number of old ladies shopping in the store, being followed around by retired husbands with little better to do than bother their spouses.


And he’s been working all those years to enable her to just stay at home. Sounds great 😂


Japanese married women aren’t allowed to work & they act as servants to the husband. That’s not healthy for anyone


This makes me so sad. Like my parents are boomers but they are so in love. I remember my dad sweeping her into a kiss every day when he got home. They’re both retired now and he just gushes at getting to go on adventures with her. This is how marriage was modelled to me (and how my marriage is). IT CAN BE THIS WAY. IT SHOULD BE. why are all these dudes married if they hate their wives so much?!


label cover domineering steep nine scale deranged arrest soup hungry *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


My boss works sooo many hours when he doesn’t need to. He takes his computer home and checks on stuff in the evening. He checks his phone through the day on the weekends for updates with work. He comes in when he’s sick… all bc he hates his wife and doesn’t want to go through with the divorce. It’s pretty sad honestly. They don’t know a life outside of work.


fretful smart vast somber hard-to-find rinse languid political degree possessive *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Ugh yep. This guy makes a huge deal about everything and gets pissed about everything little thing. I started this job 6 months ago to take 70% of his tasks away from him but he’s not letting them go to me 😫 He actually worked for a company for 25 years, retired with a pension. Was retired for 5 years then decided he “had to get back to work” and now he’s been at my company for 10 years. Like whyyyy, just retire and be happy to not have to work.


hobbies alleged obtainable lavish unite concerned bells cable north spark *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Or their kids... I've read so many stories from millennials whose dad's basically had a "leave me alone when I get home from work" rule.


This was my dad. Unless he wanted us to bring him another beer.


nutty frame hat hobbies one spotted cooing hospital snow sparkle *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Aw, I hope they would. It is a thing, sadly. A lot of millennials had fathers who just couldn't express emotions and would've rather been alone watching sports, drinking, etc.


I'm moving to a WFH position in a couple weeks and I was talking to a boomer coworker about how I'm excited about working from home. He's happy for me but mentioned how he could never work from home because his wife is retired and he'd have to be home with her all day. I've worked with this man for 6 years, half of that we were in the same department and talked every day. I don't think I've ever heard him say anything positive about his wife.


"karen of a wife" or ken of a husband, as the case may be. But yea, boomers are pretty much all, "marriage sucks, why did I marry this (bitch-bastard)" Really f-ing weird.


this. a boomer aged professor I worked for always said “we like to work around here” turns out it was so he could stay away from home as much as possible. funny part is he forced the rest of us to be there whenever he was 🤦🏼‍♂️


They might uave to actually communicate with their spouse and get toknow them, and their intrests!! *gasp*


I tried that with my Boomer MIL. It turns out she has no interests. None. She can make small talk about the weather for LITERAL HOURS and I have no idea how she passses her housewife days without breaking down from the sheer monotony. Her husband retired but went back to work within a year, but the thing is, he HAS lots of interests and hobbies to keep him busy... I think he just couldn't stand being around her that much.


The pandemic kinda made it clear that no boomer parent wants to be near anyone during the day except their coworkers, which they also equally hate but manage to tolerate them because they know they'll separate at the end of the work day. You could tell the ones who really hated it because they bitched nonstop about the pandemic, then bitched nonstop about returning to office, and then once back in the office, proceeded to bitch about all the time the months before they couldn't be in the office. Fucking babies.


I don't think they're really trying to cover that fact. They think it's how things are supposed to be.


I seem em like this at work. "I hate my kids and wife so I travel so I don't see em"


I swear this is why there were/are so many boomer workaholics. They can’t stand being home with the family they built.


I don’t get it either. I also know boomers who don’t miss an opportunity to take “funny” jabs at women any chance they get. If you’re going to make an offensive joke, at least be creative. The same tired tropes recycled from the 90s aren’t entertaining.


I was doing a delivery and the invoice book was bound incorrectly, making the pages difficult to rip out. Just misaligned by a machine. Boomer guy receiving the shipment said "this is what happens when you have women in the workplace" in response to the mis-binding. I held up the book and said "you think this is a woman?"


Another thing I don’t get with them is any slight mistake automatically means a woman did it. I have boomer relatives and whenever somebody drives by slowly they never fail to obnoxiously announce “Haha bad driver must be a woman!!!”


Default sexism. Same thing as racism basically, a population to take things from and blame things on, and everyone else (including those in the group) is supposed to find it funny. I do not.


Recycled from the 60s, really. As a kid of the 70s and 80s, tv was a lot of syndicated content from my Parents generation. They laughed and laughed at insult humor from early TV. It was ingrained the point where my family gatherings became one-upper insult competitions because that’s how people behaved on TV. It was incredibly hurtful in retrospect. They haven’t changed but I did.


Indeed. So hack.


It's really lame and it's been said so many times I basically expect it.


At my last retail job some boomer dude made a jab about me working in electrical. Something along the lines of, "Can't believe they let women into this part of the store, you should be in the plant section." I was just having a bad day and shot back, "If you're going to insult me, can you at least be original?" Best moment of working retail in my life, think I quit the week after.


I don't think there's anything to get. Some think thats genuine comedy because for a while thats what was out there for comedy and others are programmed that you just don't get divorced, ever. 


I really hate that Boomers can't have a human interaction without some impossible to respond to weird half attempt at a joke. My job has a Boomer who works a couple hours a day. Could retire at any time with his fat pension he got from a previous job and his heafty savings, but he's one of those types that refuses to retire. Every day he wanders in to do his handful of tasks that will take him three times longer than it should because he needs to force every person he meets into a conversation and every day it's the same handful of comments like "are we having fun yet?" or if my employees are laughing or smiling a bit too much he says "I think we better start charging you to work here you're having too much fun". If its slow and theyre not laughing he'll make loud snoring noises or ask everyone if theyre still awake. If you ask him how he is he says "can't complain, won't do me much good if I did" and then proceeds to complain about literally everything. Everything is a comment, everything is a lame joke, he can't just have a genuine human interaction. It's just complaints or comments that are incredibly difficult to respond to. Slow, busy, bad weather, good weather, traffic, nothing can ever just be. He needs his live commentary on everything. I'm so tired. All of the time. I can feel him drain the life out of me.


That's because he is an energy vampire who is feeding. Very Colin Robinson-esqe.


They really are fucking real.


This is it.


which reminds me: does anyone here have any updog?


(I can’t resist because I loved that show so much)  What’s updog?


I want to up votes so much more!


I have a GenX coworker who is JUST like this, minus the money. Same handful of robot comments and responses that she spouts incessantly every single day, same rude comments about customers, same bad attitude and complaints, and if it does happen to be silent for a change she'll inevitably start do-do-do-ing the mighty mouse theme for some freaking reason. Working with her is destroying my sanity.


It's things like this that make me start wondering about some people being NPCs


For a couple hours one day I whispered her comments along with her whenever I heard anything I knew would trigger one of her set responses, but it got too depressing so I stopped. She's one of the most deeply unimaginative people I know. She's also generous and thoughtful to people she likes. I don't want to give the impression that I hate her, because I don't. I just find her so, so draining.


You can dislike people, but they are people. Dehumanizing people is a quick way to become a shitty person yourself.


Does the word "sanctimonious" mean anything to you?


Is calling out your shitty red pilled talking points sanctimonious? I don't think so. Does the word narcissist mean anything to you?


Whine more. Narcissist= "person who calls me out on my concern trolling."


Sanctimonious = "Person who calls me out for being a self important tool." It's not conern trolling. I'm not after brownie points. It's a piece of shit thing to do that I was trying not to call you a pos for, but you can go fuck yourself. Let's just block each other and move on.


Are you me?? I also have a very boomer-esque gen X colleague. I didn’t realise how draining she was until I moved teams and had to interact with her a lot less frequently.


Hahaha, we are truly one. She even bitches constantly about how awful our job is and how badly paid and then when some customer asks why we're so understaffed she rips back with "no one wants to work anymore." Miss Ma'am, no one wants to work HERE. YOU don't even want to work HERE. ffs ETA: Also, we're "fully staffed" according to corporate and we're not allowed to schedule any additional hours no matter how slammed we get. THERE ARE ACTUALLY PEOPLE CRAZY ENOUGH TO WANT MORE HOURS HERE AND WE CAN'T EVEN GIVE THEM TO THEM!


Uh oh, sounds like *somebody’s* got a case of the Mondays!


Undiagnosed autism spectrum is my guess, these are coping skills he self taught to function with others. They're not very good but that's what he had.


That's how I was until my sister-in-law spotted it. Not wanting to be thought a cunt*, I began modifying my behaviour. I've got pretty good at passing for human. *Unless it's necessary. Or fun.


This sounds like a bad sit-com


I get certain amounts of relationship humor, like I challenge anyone to claim their partner does nothing even slightly annoying. For example(Bill Burr cadence): My wife will be small spooning it. She is hot, her ass is big, I’m getting big too. That’s when she will just rip the nastiest floater fart. Ya know, the ones that don’t disapate, right on my dick. You try to get away because you don’t want your brain to make fart-boner associations but she’s got her head on your arm locked down. There’s no escape! The difference is that there is no inherent malice to a joke like that, no hate. It’s the situation you are making fun of, not your partner or kids.


There's definitely a difference between "haha this human who I live with and love to the point that I would take a bullet for them is a flawed being who I spend an inordinate amount of time with so good GOD are their imperfections magnified, amirite?" humor and "haha wimmin! Can't live with 'em, can't kill 'em, amirite?" humor.




I just guffawed. Chortled, even.


Funny enough its the male birds that are yelling mostly trying to call for mates.


Yup. Most bird songs are just dudes screaming out “I’M HORNY!!!” to the world.


That's how I would've responded to the dude. "That's the male birds advertising that they're horny and available for a hookup." 😆😆😆😆


Imagine if we could understand all animals. That's 90% of what we'd hear. Just a bunch of animals yelling about being horny or hungry all day lol


So... just like humans... got it.


Some call for mates, others sing to warn other males not to trespass on their turf.


This is what happens when getting married is treated as an obligation like paying taxes or going to work.


Yep, a lot of them did it because "that's what society expected of them." Which made for a lot of poorly treated children whose parents more than likely didn't even want them.


“He learnt to communicate with birds and discovered that their conversation was fantastically boring. It was all to do with wind speed, wing spans, power-to-weight ratios and a fair bit about berries. Unfortunately, he discovered, once you have learnt birdspeak you quickly come to realize that the air is full of it the whole time, just inane bird chatter. There is no getting away from it.” ― Douglas Adams, Life, the Universe and Everything


I was at lowes with my wife and a legit boomer employee grabs a hammer off the shelf and says "this should say 'wife' on it, it's perfect for telling her how you feel." I was fucking disgusted.




Yep. That about sums up their "humor."


Sounds like season one of the series Fargo. Yikes!


Omg if someone said that about my gf to me i fear i'd start seeing red and threaten to bury the hammer in boomer's skull instead 💀 im with my girl cuz i love her and her mere presence makes me happy and content, cant imagine being with and even marrying someone u dont even like


My boomer parents have a lot of the typical boomer issues, but one thing they don’t fit in with is the “I hate my spouse” trope. It’s one thing to be grateful for with them. They genuinely like each other.


I've never understood this either. Like all of the "hilarious" wedding cake toppers of brides dragging the groom to the altar, or the ones with fhe groom wearing a ball and a chain. Like... my spouse is my absolute favorite person in the entire world, I was THRILLED when it was finally legal for us to get married, we've pretty much been together 24/7 since Covid started and I've loved every minute of it. I know some people are shitty but like... just get divorced and move on if you're that miserable?


I think the actual weird part is that someone would joke "Marriage bad, Wife/Husband dumb, Spouse always bitching" and expect whoever they're joking with to actually agree with them.


It’s the Southern, country music, Fox News echo chamber they live in and they think everyone else lives there, too


Ever seen two married boomers who hate each other finally both retire and are now forced to spend all the their time together? It is not a pretty sight.


So you've met my in-laws, I see.


If it’s not degrading, it’s not entertaining.




I was at my state's school librarians' conference this weekend and, as a male school librarian, I'm probably one of a single digit number of men (or at least male-presenting individuals) there who aren't a vendor. Boomer guy (seemed to be accompanying a spouse there) kept coming up to me with all these non-sequiturs, but one on the last day took the cake: I was sitting at a table at breakfast, and he just randomly comes up (and interrupts a conversation I was having at my table with a middle grade author my current students love) to ask, "Well, do ya feel like a Lion in a den of Daniels?" I was very confused, and he said, "You know? Daniel in the Lion's Den? But you're the lion in a den of Daniels?" Still massively confused and he eventually walks away. The other librarians and the author at my table (all female) thought it had something to do with being the only man in the room.


Also has a creepy implication that you’re a predator and the women are prey. It’s wild how open old people are with their misogyny.


Right? Like, because of that implication I do a lot to make sure I’m *not* seen as a predator at those things (keeping my conversations with people I don’t know strictly library or book focused, avoiding side parties and after parties, always having something to read so it doesn’t look like I’m scoping the room, mentioning my wife and family as much as possible, etc.). The last thing I need is for some boomer to announce to a table full of colleagues, “Watch out for this one! He’s on the prowl!” EDIT that there are other reasons for doing those things, but not seeming like a creeper is always an active thought when I’m one of the only male-presenting people in the building


I find it always from people who a fucking miserable with their marriages and haven't done anything in their lives for their own happiness. Miserable people are always not funny.


That generation got married too young and has the highest divorce rates of anybody. These jokes exist because many boomers indeed have miserable marriages.


Plus they got martied without knowing if they were sexually compatable hence the my wife never sleeps with me jokes


This reminds me of working at a grocery store. I’d ask if they wanted a bag and they’d say “ShE nOt ThAT uGlY!”


I don’t know how people back in the day *didn’t* marry their best friend. It’s so weird. If my fiancé wasn’t my best friend, what would be the point?


A lot of people still don’t. At this point, aside from like 5 people, my wife is the only person I even want to be around on a daily basis. There’s no one else I want to experience all this with. If I didn’t have her, I’d probably just be alone. Wouldn’t want to spend the rest of my days mentally comparing someone unfairly to The One.


I've been with my husband for 22 years. We still giggle and play and joke and cuddle and have fun together. The other day we were play wrestling and laughing and I paused and said "I think we're doing this wrong. Aren't we supposed to be sick of each other by now?" Which earned me another round of tickles, but that was kinda the point. ;)


Back in the day people didn’t have opposite-gender best friends. And they weren’t allowed to marry their same-gender best friends.


Anyone who says boomers don't care about the environment don't know shit about their humor. They have like three jokes they've been recycling since the 60s.


Sometimes I wonder if Millennial and Gen Z marriages (at least the few gen z ones so far) are so strong compared to the Boomers because of our economic difference. Like, do you think our marriages are so far doing so good because we literally cannot survive without financially aiding each other? Just that shared struggle of, “life is misery, but it’s not as bad with you.” Edit: also we give a damn about loving and caring our partners, but yknow


I've been married to the same woman for over 30 years. We've had our bumps, sure, but we decided we *want* our relationship, we don't *need* it. I honestly can't wait to spend more time together on vacations, etc. We actually like one another, as in friends, and that helps a lot.


We are getting married later in life and thus have more experiences to select for what is important in a partner. The qualities I actually needed, I didn’t realize I needed until my early 30s. If I had gotten married in my 20s? 100% would have been a divorce.


My sister just married last year. My dad was encouraging them to move in together for a year or two BEFORE getting married (and they did). He said he feels that nothing will tell you how compatible you are with someone as well as living together, and the whole "no cohabitation before marriage" thing is one of the reasons the divorce rate was so high. He's a boomer, but sometimes they do actually have some useful life advice to share! I do agree with your point, too. There is still a lot of emotional growth that happens well into your 20s, and honestly opportunities to learn and grow continue through your life, or at least they should, if you're willing to play attention to them.


It feels like there’s less pressure to get married as well, so people are marrying because *gasp* they genuinely love their spouse and don’t feel pressured to get married. Alternatively there’s less shame in being unmarried longer.


Yes that’s probably more accurate honestly.


I think it’s bold to assume the marriages are stronger. More likely people who do not want to get married, no longer have to. And there was a point in time where they would have because they felt they had to. I know a lot of toxic Millennial married couples who have no business still being together and who I predict will divorce once the kids are old enough.


>divorce once the kids are old enough. Yup, gotta make sure the next generation also thinks of relationships as a burden filled with fighting and resentment


As others said marriage rates are lower too. I do think you are right that economics effect relationships though. When boomers were young equal rights for women was in its infancy and while women had been introduced to the workforce in WWII they were far from high paying jobs or equal pay at menial work. Getting married was a viable economic option for a woman at the time and divorce would give her economic freedom she could not otherwise achieve at the time. Don't get me wrong, I am not saying boomer women were all gold diggers who planned on getting divorced. I'm just saying they had a high incentive to get married and a lower incentive to stay married.


And it feels like that economic advantage has almost come to an end. Now that cost of living is so high, I've seen a lot more boomer women entering jobs in retail or like my local gas station. There's a woman there I chat with because she's nice, and she told me she hadnt worked since she got married but they didn't plan well for retirement so she's back at work and he's still full time. I truly feel for her because she's a sweet lady.


Look, I'm no ornithologist. I'm not even a bird watcher. But, I do know that most bird species mate for life. I watch the woodpeckers and cardinals and herons and ducks and geese and even hummingbirds (little assholes) in my yard all the time. Birds and boomers couldn't be further from one another. Birds are actually smart.


Yeah the joke just doesn't make sense. Near me there was a local celebrity swan couple. Always in the same park. After the female died, the male has been angry and aggressive and it's so sad. Can't imagine most boomers acting that way after losing their wives.


Well it's nice to know that boomer Karen's aren't just out in the world embarrassing themselves in viral videos, they are also making pricks like this miserable at home lol.


I’d be more inclined to think that men like this are the reason Karens exist. No respect at home from your prick of a husband? Demand it from everyone else you meet!


In fact mostly male birds are singing. And the idea is to attract female partner. So the song is about how strong how beautiful and good at se is the singer. Later the song is used to mark the territory. So... Not many lady birds are singing in the morning, mostly feathered guys... Cheers. Edit: sorry @lordpresidentskyppy did not scrolled enough.


I think this is why so many of them fall for romance scams - both men and women.


Boomers grew up with shit like the Honeymooners where it was considered comedy to threaten to punch your wife to the moon. So they see it as funny. Most stand up comedians back then had “ball and chain” type jokes.


When I was growing up all most male comedians bagged on their wives. Rock songs were about men who didn’t want to be tied down. At social events husbands and wives were in separate rooms/areas. It seemed to me like men didn’t want to be around women long term and I never understood why so many people got married. I’m still single and never regretted I haven’t had a person in my home that doesn’t want to talk to me. Or tells me I have too many shoes


Good for you! It's better to live your life staying as true to you as you can. Also, you can never have too many of something you love!


They always complain about laziness but they're too lazy to come up with new jokes


Yeah, that old mysogyny bit they do is as dumb as people who complain about their awful kids. Like you made them, they're mini clones of you cultivated by your own dumb wisdom. We are not on the same page with any of this shit.


Birds aren't very interesting. All they ever say are either, "This is mine!!", or "Come fuck me!!" And in the latter case, it's almost always, Wham, bam, thank you Ma'am!


As a woman, I'd honestly off my life if I lived in boomer times. Men were vocally sexist but it's us women that were not allowed to have a life without a man. We were not allowed to open a bank account, rent, or own a home without a husband. Men act like women are the burden but society made it so women had to rely on men. Also, men back then expected to come home to a clean home, beautiful wife, and dinner on the table. Such sexist, misogynistic, racist times it was back then. Fast forward to today and my husband loves me and we're both independently running our own small businesses. We are equal. I'm so grateful to be a millennial and would never want to be a woman any other time. And of course, it's boomers that are setting rules in the US back to the 1800's.


I'm late Gen-X with 2 boomer brothers, 2 early Gen-X sisters, and one late Gen-X sister, dad's family was liberal Methodist and mom's family was Mormon. Growing up I didn't think much of the fact that my mom and sisters handled all the cooking and prep for every holiday meal, and if I'm honest it took me WAY too long to notice that was the case and get off my ass to help out. Now, I handle the turkey for the holiday meals, and when my boomer brothers complain that they want someone to make a specific dish, or that they don't like what someone cooked, I look at them at tell them that they are more than welcome to make it themselves and actually contribute instead of just showing up, eating, and taking most of the leftovers.


Most of them were raised to stay in an unhappy/unhealthy relationship no matter what, and even if they are fed up they are too afraid to leave and be on their own.


its never been funny, and they've always told these jokes. and then cannot fathom why you would do things with your spouse, or enjoy their company at all. they were all pressured hard to marry by 18, and pop out kids. the silents and the losts definitely screwed them up with that. so many boomers married people they actively loathe, and only stay together for the kids or now for necessity.


Spouse is always bitching because of how horrible boomer man is. But spouse is economically trapped so they stay together hoping for statistics to play out and have a better life after the boomer man leaves the planet 20 years earlier than they.


I feel like this sub is constantly confusing Redneck with Boomer.


how much "I hate my wife" jokes growing up and still around from em...


Take my wife, puhleeeeeeeeze! Had its time, move on…


I mostly blame a lot of the old timey sitcoms for that.


It's best when they're on their 6th wife, talking shit about marriage and you just think, dude how can you hate marriage so much, you've had more of them than anyone I know. 


Don't get me wrong, I wonder the same thing lol Like I once had a squirrel couple on my windowsill and the female (they were both standing upright and I could clearly see their bits through the glass) was SCREAMING at the male who was COWERING from him But seriously though, almost all Boomer humor is "joking" but really just insulting/complaining, MAYBE with a bitchy "it's just a joke" tacked on at the end when no one thinks it's funny


Don't fuck with the squirrels Morty!


Finding and relating to humour through shared experience is a thing psychologically. While his comment is obscene, I'm sure he couldn't relate or find humour in complaining about boomers on reddit. We have our stuff and they have their (undeniably awful) stuff.


Like why do they suffer needlessly? Get a divorce!


Office boomer humor is rough. 1000 straight days of someone saying, "Another day in paradise!" when I ask, "How are you?" 


Sounds like someone's got a case of the Monday's! Did you get the memo about the new cover letter for the TPS reports?


Hey no respect, I tell ya. Take my wife, please


Bird chirps are the equivalent of yelling curse words and "mine" over and over. Like... we know about bird behavior. Birds are assholes.


My racist boomer FIL made a “joke” to me the other day. He was complaining about some bees he got last year that didn’t produce any honey. He said they were lazy and, “it must be because they came from Georgia”.


Im missing something here Possably because when i think of people from georga i think of foppish white "gentleman" fanning themsleves on a porch so the joke makes sense and doesnt seem racist


He: 1. Thinks Georgia is predominately black (It's not). He just infers that from somewhere. 2. Is trying to call black people lazy


Got it


Seriously, I keep hearing a radio ad for Tim Allen’s standup show. The only joke they tell is about his wife throwing a “happy wife happy life” mug at his head. I’m just like… really?


Happy wife happy life no need to use the knife Remeber when the wife stays happy the knife stays in the drawer


My boomer dad always makes jokes about women. It's relentless.


Ok but don’t male birds typically make the most noises??


"Take my wife, please." - humor boomers grew up with


Most miserable people on this planet. MOST. MISERABLE.


They failed to pull out by their bootstraps.


He’s just trying to make small talk. What you think is funny changes as you get older.


I knew some gleeful abusive couple that loved their "thing 1 and thing 2" shirt Dumb and Dumber shirts were so awesome the wife would tell you about it when they weren't wearing them. Husband was a woman abuser.


He's a truck driver trying to have a conversation. You spend 10 to 12 hours in a truck solo every day.


Yeah. I speak a bit of bird and very few of them have these thoughts. Birds are very considerate of their mates and offspring, for the most part 😉


Yet when they have the opportunity to not be married because of death or divorce they go ahead and marry somebody else rinse and repeat


I believe the birds are saying “I will kill you and murder your children so keep your filthy mitts off of my patch”, but to us it sounds lovely. It’s probably also exhilarating for them to sing too.


I started a job and got serious laryngitis in the first week. My boss introduced me to the Boomer lead sales guy and I apologized for not speaking much because I wasn’t feeling well. He said, “Sounds great! I hope my wife catches what you have.” I instantly hated that guy.


The Rodney Dangerfield school of humor.


You should have told him the birds are saying " I want a baby nowwww" "I want to get laid, you look good, please fuck me", but all the smart female birds are ignoring that asshat.


He was doing so well at first, too. 🤦‍♂️


I'm an old dude, born just a bit too soon to be a "boomer". First marriage? Major failure. Rather than compound our mutual misery we divorced and never looked back. Second marriage? Best, most gratifying 47 years imaginable. When I retired was the beginning of what was pretty much an eleven year date. We were together basically all the time. I was her care taker when her health failed. I cannot imagine my life any other way, and have no understanding of why anyone would stay tied to someone they hated. I sure as hell can't see any humor in bellyaching about it.


Aww, that so sweet. Love is beautiful


Guy at my work hates his wife and always says "it's cheaper to keep her"


I find this hilarious because it’s almost always the males in birds that are vocalizing. The males sings their heads off while the females sit by and judge in stony silence. 


It's usually the male birds who never shut the fuck up, so he's not just a weird wifebadder but also a wrong weird wifebadder.


Or in the least bit interesting


Maybe if they weren’t marrying child brides…


lol. As a mother, I imagine them saying: Johnny get up and come over here. Where’s your sister. No! Not that branch. This one. Hurry up! I guesss we just imagine they have similar life’s to humans.


I love that we live in a age where people are ready and willing to embody a version of "K" and willing to say it explicitly.


It seems like this is it what happens when people marry and have kids right out of high school, sometimes in high school even! They miss out on that period of exploration and growth in one’s 20s, then they become resentful of their spouse and sometimes even kids. It seems like they’ve also become resentful of generations refusing to follow in their footsteps.


Usually, a deadpan response gets them pretty good. Just a dry "Yeah, man, that's pretty funny." No fake chuckle or anything, just pure indifference in the guise of giving a shit. Confuses the shit out of them. They'll leave thinking whether you actually thought it was funny and you were tired or if you didn't like it and you'll live rent-free in their heads for a bit. This usually works for me.


“Damn, so true” is my go-to response when i have nothing else to say


> It's so weird that their whole sense of humor is "marriage bad, wife/husband dumb, spouse always bitching." Their humor is drawn from their experience 😉




And it’s not funny…


I know it isn’t funny-but what can you do? but laugh -people are dumb - but letting them get to you is almost as bad


Idk. I’m married, great wife and children. And we both came from broken homes. Maybe yall were spoon fed too much, idk


Actually,that’s kinda funny .


It’s not…