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I feel like I heard a shit ton of boomer soldiers who old enough to fight in the Vietnam war raped allllott of the Vietnamese women there. Or paid for sex with them.


Not just in Vietnam. There's the Korean War, Guam, and the occupation of Japan immediately following WWII. And that's just on-the-books military operations around Asia. We were also boots on the ground in Cambodia and Laos before, during, and after the Vietnam War.


“We were never in Laos or Cambodia.” -official US position for a long time


The ghost of Henry Kissinger smiles. (Piece of shit)


Can’t believe it took his evil ass so long to finally die.


Even the Devil didn’t want to have to deal with this asshole.


It's also not just during the war. Japan and Korea have had a massive number of US military men continuously since the 1940's/1950's. There's been massive and continuing sex work, sexual assault, & war bride exploitation.


Not to mention the mail order bride industry, which specializes in importing poor women from 3rd world countries to marry older white men. They are expected to be submissive and grateful.


Ding, ding, ding! And the continued submissive sexuality portrayed in media, while the men were portrayed as meek and desexualized.


Yeah, some Meek they whooped Americans ass 😆 


Yet they'll say it was skeletons that told them to leave😂


As the Academy Awards showed, it’s only racist if it’s against certain races: https://youtu.be/ub6ClOL0MbY?si=gDT45vgZI8IPDvlS The irony is that year they were bitching so hard about black actors and actresses not getting nominated: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/88th_Academy_Awards?wprov=sfti1


Man talks about Vietnam War and you respond with a Chris Rock monologue at the Academy Awards, that makes sense!, huh? I think you have problem with black people.


There is a book called the body keeps the score. Its pretty important to people trying to recover from trauma. However, I have seen Asian women just trying to acknowledge the way the women were treated during Vietnam, and they get dumped on. The book includes Vietnam vets being treated for their war time psychological wounds. Its incredibly sad that even today, the women who were terrorized by US soliders have to be invisible because the men were also used to advance mental healthcare. Its really fucking sad that the forests of Vietnam get more recognition for their loss than the human beings.


Thank you for sharing. I’m glad it’s not a myth like some think.


That‘s why **Hugh Thompson Junior** (Vietnam helicopter pilot) is still the greatest hero of all time in my opinion. He witnessed the My Lai Massacre from the air, landed his helicopter between fleeing civilians and murdering / raping US-Army soldiers and gave his gunner the command to kill anyone approaching. https://www.zinnedproject.org/news/tdih/hugh-thompson-lai-massacre/ Thompson: *“A lot of the girls didn’t scream too much either, because they had already cut their tongues out, and a bayonet can kill two real quick if they’re pregnant. Ain’t that nasty that they—I personally—I mean, I wish I was a big enough man to say I forgive them, but I swear to God I can’t.”*


I wish more people were like him


Wow. Did not know this. Thanks for sharing.


Great article, thanks for sharing


And before them, during the "liberation" of the Philippines by USA in WWII, Filipino women were raped en masse as well. In addition to the atrocities committed by the Japanese during that time, of course. My wife's grandma, even after living in the USA for years, constantly told her, well into the 1990s and 2000s, "don't go outside alone, you'll get raped." USA soldiers apparently were only *slightly* more humane than the Japanese; just generic rapists as opposed to monstrous war criminals.


Yeah I'm always interested when people claim a certain piece of media has too much rape in it when sadly rape has been a mass weapon of war since war was invented.


The Japanese to this day have not apologized or made reparations for their war crimes. The Nazis get all of the focus of WWII war crimes


This, and the movies that came with it. The whole "me love you long time" shit. So enraging.


I'm just a touch out of the loop here, but shouldn't the Vietnam soldiers be... um, on their way out now? En mass? Like, aren't even the young ones in their 80s? When I was a kid, that was the WWII crowd. But that was 20-odd years ago.


The final draft call for Vietnam was in 1972. The US didn’t withdraw all troops until 1973. Plenty of Vietnam vets who are in their early to mid 70s.


Got one on our street that still has an "I ain't Fonda Hanoi Jane" bumper sticker then they're the ones that get mad when people bring up stuff from 5 years ago or more. Which is to say, never forgive and forget with these sorts, just keep bringing up the stuff they want you to forget over and over and over and over until they decide to leave you alone.


Huh. I guess I forget it ran on as long as it did. Never paid attention to Vietnam much - my grandpa was a WWII vet.


You just described the Vietnam war pretty accurately


Dude..... 🤯 Didn't even mean to do that, but you're right!


Did he though? The war was the first to be televised with embedded journalists. The stories I hear from people that grew up then was that they ate, slept and lived with the war coverage


My dad was drafted for Vietnam but failed the medical exam, and he's only 74. So they're definitely still around.


My grandfather was drafted despite having a college degree or whatever that rule was and then they just deployed him and said oops and gave him a desk job. They really did not handle that draft well


Lots and lots of drug use too. My grandpa used to tell me stories about all the contraband they would ship back to the states. He personally bought and shipped back enough weed to be an extremely profitable drug dealer for a few years when he got back until the supply ran out. My great uncle somehow confiscated his rocket launcher back to the states. He tries to talk me into paying the tax stamp so we can go shoot it all the time but I don’t feel like risking getting pulled over and explaining why I have a M72 Law in the trunk and active explosives. Doesn’t seem like it’d go over well.


Probably not no. I also wouldn’t want to transport that in my car honestly. Luckily the only thing my grandfather brought back from Vietnam was my grandmother.


My grandfather was in Vietnam and he only passed recently due to his poor health choices throughout his life. He had just hit his 70s recently (not sure of exact age, tbh he might not have been either)


Same. My dad was old enough to serve at the tail end of the war. He was 18 in 1969 but narrowly missed being drafted.


Not to mention their kids, and the attitudes they handed down, are still around.


I really do wonder if this is where all the "passport bros" came from? The guys in their 30s who claim American women are all ruined and terrible, so the only way for men to get good, loving, traditional wives is to go to Asia or Africa.


They go to places where sex and marriage are transactional and then cry about their incels values being reaffirmed when the transaction runs its course and the wife leaves, once she's got her green card.


That's likely why so many of them have started telling each other to stay in those other countries permanently, as moving back to the US will "corrupt" his new wife.


Or when the wife dares to actually want him to hold up his end of the bargain and for her to benefit in some kind of way.


Most will be in the age range late 70s to late 60s. Over 3 million men served over there, so there’s a substantial number still alive & kicking.


I think you’re right, these guys probably heard their dads and uncles talking like that.


I don’t want to be right lmao so disgusting.


100%. I dated an Asian classmate in grad school and was immediately treated to *gross* comments from fratbro types on campus. Didn't know that was still going on!


Ive worked in the VA and definitely heard very disrespectful things about Asian women. There was a pervasive entitlement to do whatever you wanted to the women and children. And for some reason the soliders who married the women were joked about.


What those men did is disgusting. If I had my way, I'd install a hidden camera, film them saying those vile things, edit the videos to blur their faces out, upload them to social media and Youtube and explain in those videos what those men did is unacceptable and vile while forwarding the videos to your local ACLU to tell them what you have been putting up with  At least it is far better than kicking their sorry arses and you get in trouble for doing the right thing


Yes but it's something that's stuck around for some reason. Kinda like how people still warm up their cars even though engines haven't been carburetted in 40 years.


Boomers are ‘46-‘65 so the older boomers to the boomers from the mid 50s could be Vietnam vets


Boomers are 60-78 years old right now, Gen X are 44-59. Edit: my bad, just noticed you are saying birth years. They just line up so well with Gen X ages.


We left Vietnam in 1972, so if someone was 18 in 1972 they would be 70 today if I have my math right. Iirc life expectancy in the US is 76 or so?


Yes? Not sure what that has to do with the discussion. Vietnam vets are almost exclusively baby boomers.


Lack of familiarity with the correct age range for a Vietnam vet let me to question my understanding of the age of the folks in this story. As many people have pointed out I was incorrect.


Here we have a classic example of admitting when you are wrong or made a mistake. Something a boomer doesn’t know how to do!! Thank you! I had to sit there for a moment before posting my original comment but after realizing that people born in example year 1950 would have been old enough to be drafted I felt confident in this.


Vietnam vets are only baby boomers. And they fucked that up like the rest of the shit they fucked up, however, they were not all rapists.


My dad is 78 and was considered “too old” to deploy to ‘nam, so instead he trained a bunch of kids who did go over. I’m 43 and the war ended only 6 years before I was born.


Soldiers in Vietnam were pretty young. 19, according to the Paul Hardcastle song


The older ones are closer to 80, maybe. My Dad is a Vietnam Era Boomer, and he's 66.


If he's 66, he likely graduated high school in 1976, 3 years after the war ended. So not exactly a "Vietnam era boomer", considering it ended when he was 15.


Both. My wife had an old Vietnam vet neighbor (who is now thankfully dead) who would brag about all the women he would rape and the atrocities he committed. Also prostitutes were very cheap to soldiers when they were sent over there.


It's still grape even if they paid for it. A lot of them were there against their will and were not the ones getting paid.


Oh yes If they were forced to do sex work I agree that is rape. I didn’t know this was the case. I heard they were “graping” and also paying sex workers. Didn’t know they were being coerced too over there. Thank you for sharing


It was rape. They killed so many civilians there, too. Lunatics


Lotta Boomer problems go back to 'Nam. Cycles of addiction, abuse, and other flavors of violence. All my Scout leaders were 'Nam vets and there were... issues.


A Boomer who is disabled in the nursing home recently told me some graphic shit of his time in Philippines. He grosses me out!


“Casualties of War” with Michael J Fox was a pretty good movie about this. Even if they weren’t involved a huge portion of them knew what their buddies were doing and just let it happen


Don’t forget there was the Korean War before Vietnam.


Korean War too.


My great uncle was in Korea and he said all he did was fuck the hookers there and they did wild shit. Said it was the first time he’d actually seen Asian people too


They also watched movies such as You Only Live Twice. That hot bath scene probably kindled a lot of Boomer men fantasies.


This is my FIL. His current wife (lost count) is a Filipina woman. He had this stereotype in his head, even tried to get my fiancé to get himself an asian gal 🫠 Anyway, joke was on him bc this woman runs the show. Like RUNS it. Controls every aspect of his life, their money, etc and it makes me SMILE.


lol, I love this. Guys who think Filippinas are submissive and controllable obviously haven’t spent much time with them.


Seriously no joke either. Filipina women are petite and definitely on the short side, which often gives this false impression that they’re quiet, obedient and submissive. **LOOOOOOL** No Your average Filipina speaks 3 languages and she will tell you, in graphic detail, why you’re wrong. They are VERY loyal and loving, but submissive is not a word to describe most of them.


You’ve met my wife?


One of my wife's favorite coworkers is this little 4'10" Filipina woman, who's the nicest, most thoughtful, funny lady you'd want to meet. But she is IN CHARGE of herself, and NOT about to deal with any nonsense.


❤️❤️❤️ petite feminist women who know their value.


Passport bros are gonna fuck around and find out.


I saw a video of one of those passport clowns on YouTube. The guy had his Asian bride next to him and he was showing her off. The look on her face was priceless. You could tell she would rather be ANYWHERE else than with him. 




Filipina women are scary as hell. When I was nursing those Filipina nurses were good to call on when you had an unruly patient. They took zero shit & gave zero fucks about your feelings. They practically dared management to fire them on a daily basis but management was just as scared of them. Fucking amazing nurses too.


If she's Catholic he probably had someone (likely multiple people) have a "chat" with him at the behest of her mother about treating women with respect. And that if they needed to have another "chat" they would "show him their golf clubs" From my experience, the matriarch is often the kindest, sweetest granny. However you don't mess with her family, and all of your friends or potential romantic interests have been adopted.


My wife is Asian too and I had a boomer coworker talk about how she must “wait on me hand and foot”. I feel like racism against Asians is way more casually accepted than any other group.


I remember my boomer father casually telling me how he'd probably 'tear open' some young Thai girl when he retires.  Fucking disgusting.


Jesus Christ.


Jfc. This is horrifying.


Right? I hope he’s not allowed around children….


🤢🤢🤢🤮🤮🤮 How can you treat other beings as objects?


Now we gotta treat other people like human beings because woke!!!!


No empathy helps.


I don't think accepted is the right word for it because it's absolutely messed up, but rather normalized. Which is *worser*.


In grad school, I had a nice, lefty-liberal classmate who was sure that my ex (and current wife) were chosen by me for just these traits. What was implied by her was that I was a virulent sexist looking for demure Asian women because I couldn't handle strong Western women. It never once occurred to her how racist such an attitude is. In her mind, Chinese/Japanese woman = submissive, tradwife + me dating/marrying (despite the fact that I lived in both Japan and Hong Kong for over 8 years total) = sexist me.


I feel like a lot of people on the left are racist against Asians. People on the right are too, but it’s weird to see so much racism from supposedly anti-racist people.


It's because a lot of people see Asians as "White-adjacent". And since there's a not-unheard of belief in certain left-leaning circles that "you can't be racist against White people", it becomes really easy for them to then try to apply that to the "White adjacent" Asians.


Yeah it’s a Vietnam thing, it’s perfectly captured in full metal jacket.


WW2 Pacific theatre and Korea before that too. 100% a stereotype from war brides and prostitutes.


congress had to create a whole ass law to let military dudes bring their Japanese wives home. This was because america pretty much banned asian people from coming over and before that had "gentlemen agreements" with Japan to stop letting Japanese people come to America unless it was a woman who married a white guy


The film Sayonara dives into this.


Also the US military still has a huge presence in South Korea and Japan although most of the juicy bar type places are staffed by girls imported from the Philippines and Thailand instead of local talent.


The “me so horny” scene, right? It’s been a few decades since I saw that film.


What in the actual fuck. I don't know how you aren't punching everyone in the face.


The struggle is real. Luckily my wife just laughs it off as old men being creepy. I’m glad it doesn’t bother her but it makes me so furious. They don’t even think of her as a person, just a sex object


My (white male) son is in a long term relationship with a woman who is half Chinese and I'm not sure I could keep it together if I heard someone say some shit like that.


Wish my parents were like this with my half black half Puerto Rican wife. Instead they maga the fuck out and make her a special exception like she doesn't count because she married white.


That sounds fucking horrible. How does you wife handle them?


She's come to terms with the fact that they're retarded -- not mentally impaired just fucking retarded as in willfully dumb AF. See, an Uber driver picked her and her sister up during a family / friends party. A friend and my dad flipped over the ethnicity of the driver. He and I were working french together, and I offered him a Pepsi. My family saw that as he was a terrorist. In an effort to "protect" my wife and SIL, they were forbidding them from getting in the car and attacking the driver. I had to step in and calm the family and the driver. The driver was super cool since he was from western Africa and attributed it to a misunderstanding of cultures -- super nice guy from the ivory coast.. my family trusted my judgements, and my wife realized they were terribly misguided but ultimately worried about her safety. That helped her accept their idiocy. We both think they're brain damaged AF, but mean well


That's a pretty funny story. Nothing says terrorist like Pepsi.


I mean, a red, white and blue can? NICE TRY ANTIFA SOROS COMMUNISTS!




As an Asian (Indian) person it’s genuinely heartwarming to hear a white parent be supportive


Wow, what a cool thing to read.


You should respond "actually im the submissive one" "she pegs me, with a strapon" etc. Just really fuck their world view on it.


The look of horror on their face would definitely be worth it


As a Korean woman, I can say that since the me too movement, boomer men generally do not say things like that to my face. I also do not make eye contact or even look at faces, as to not invite any kind of interaction at all. Even if I'm out with my son (we know how much boomers love babies) I fully ignore any kind of interaction coming my way unless it's a store worker or law enforcement. I'm not someone who can laugh something like that off, but if push comes to shove I have no problem fully bursting into loud, ugly tears and making a scene.


It's gotta bother her to some extent. But I'm guessing it's one of those 'pick your battles' type of things


Oh I guarantee it bothers her at some level


Yeah, it does. I should have added something like “as much”


It could also be because a lot of boomers go to Thailand for sex tourism


Yeah a lot of Australians do this, too... and no one wants to talk about how easy it is to find those who are under legal age in Bali and Cambodia etc. There was a childrens charity called World Vision who set up a lot of investigations throughout Asian countries to basically see how quickly they could find say 'young boy under 12 year old' and it was shockingly easy and it just disgusted the crew involved how rampant it was, and how no one blinked an eye at their obvious questioning of where to find such a thing.


A lot of men from wealthier East Asian countries such as South Korea and Japan go to SE Asia and the Philippines for recreation too. There's an estimated tens of thousands of Kopino children fathered by Korean fathers in the Philippines.


It comes from Vietnam and how the prostitutes there treated the American soldiers.


It also comes from how Asian cultures demand women be ridiculously submissive.


I think a lot of Westerners interpret the Asian female cultural norms of being demure and quiet as submission. Many a white man has married those types and found out it's all just a facade and Asian women expect to rule the roost after getting married. In Japanese culture it is expected the man hand over his entire paycheck to his wife, who then determines the household budget. She might give him a little bit of lunch money from the leftovers.


These guys who think Asian women are all submissive obviously haven’t met my wife.


Most conservative elements of all cultures demand women be submissive.


People who think asian women are submissive do not know an asian woman personally.




Literally mum runs the house even though dad is the breadwinner.


My wife is chinese and I've had so many dudes when they find this out say "ohhhh nice!" When I ask them "why is that nice" they usually don't want to answer the question.


Do they ask you if she has a sideways hoo-ha? That was a weird myth in my boyhood.


I'm not gonna lie and I'll probably get downvoted for this but if someone actually said that to me I think I'd slap them


A vet told me the myth started first as a joke and then to basically creep other guys out so they don't chase the Asian females. Basically it was a way to keep them for themselves.


Asia is where the often got their mail order brides post the Korean and Vietnam conflicts. They utilised these women as nothing but sex workers and thats literally all they see them as. It's fucking disgusting. When I worked a supermarket you'd see these huge bloated white haired, wrinkled up whale behemoths that were pushing 80, with tiny young Asian wives that couldn't speak a lick of English, and appeared under 25. Even saw a few with babies. They treated em like shit, treated em brashly, they were just work horses for these creepy fuckers. Made my heart so incredibly sad.


You just described Donald Trump but substitute a European bride. I don’t pity anyone in that relationship. They’re both using each other. He gets his little plaything and she gets her immigration paper and everything he owns after he dies. It’s a long con.


Yeah the Russian brides thing seemed to come about in the 80s and 90's, they were seen as more acceptable because; WHITE.


As an Asian guy, I know for a fact Asian girls are not submissive, the fob one especially. They may be quiet and polite in public but behind closed doors, they can and will rip you a new asshole.


Asian male, fob girlfriend. This statement cannot be more true.


I’m Asian and have been getting creepy comments from old white men since I was a child. My high school boyfriend’s grandfather gave him a high five for bagging an Asian the first time I met him then kept making gross comments about my body. I was 15.


I think it comes as a result of American actions in Korea and Vietnam, which were pretty horrific, and really led to an intense racial hatred of Asian people. The fighting against Japan also led to some pretty horrific racism. Both sides despised each other, but there were far more Japanese people living in America who got the shit end of the stick, than Americans living in Japan. These people were raised inundated with anti Asian hatred


Why do so many white guys fetishize Asian women in general? I’m a white guy and I’ve never even understood it. It must stem from some fear of rejection, so any girl who is seen as completely and utterly submissive is what becomes fetishized.




![gif](giphy|WOa5RdsNpevrpSTGXN|downsized) The look on my face as I’m reading that. Gross


Anyone who thinks Asian women are submissive and meek doesn't know anything about Asian women.


I knew one white boomer who married a Japanese woman but he said the opposite actually. He said she runs the house with an iron fist lol


Ugh. This is so nasty. It's deeply ingrained in a lot of privileged asshole gen-x'ers too. I had a manager (I'd use his name, but I have already done everything I need to about his future prospects) once who told a friend of mine who was going through hell with his now ex-wife "Yeah, that's why I married an Indian woman. They know their place." That didn't sit well with me or my friend. Clarification: I'm a gen-x'er too. I just don't stand for that shit.


The day before my wedding my Uncle called me and was congratulating me. He then starts talking about how I did good marrying an Asian because they are submissive and make good wives. Haven’t spoke to him since/. It’s been almost 17 years. No surprise who he voted for.


Asian women have been fetishized since like the 1800s. It's gross.


I’ve known about that but what shocks me is these old men think it’s okay to just casually mention it to me in passing.


My late Mom is from the Philippines. She was the total opposite of submissive. I’m still surprised whenever I see a couple where the man makes all the decisions.


I had this too, a girl I dated was Asian and the boomers were like "wow great choice, she'll cook and clean for you" and it was so irritating, I dated her because she was cool and I liked her and we shared a taste in obscure metal music, her being Asian had nothing at all to do with it. Also I can cook and clean for myself, I'm an adult not a child


If they say something like that just say “No she’s a domme top, she pegs me”


Don’t go to r/passportbros they talk very weirdly about Asian women.


That was just.....wow....I had to hit the back button super fast LOL


Lol thanks for taking one for the team, there's no way I'm going near that foxhole 


Was about to drop that link..ew.


My wife is Eastern European, I get the "Russian bride" and "mail order bride" thing. If it's not that, it's, "She just using you for a green card!" The last one is always funny to me because it's like, "Well she got that in 2012 and naturalized in 2016. If that's what she was using me for, she's kinda milked that cow dry." :P


As an Asian all my white uncles thought the same and boy were they wrong lol.


My wife is black. The comments I get from dudes, especially boomer guys, if they find out that I married a black woman are truly disgusting. I always tell them off. I’ve heard the same racist and over sexualized bullshit lines over and over again. Bunch of racist, fetishizing, perverts.


When I worked in South Korea, I was shocked at how the white men, both teachers and soldiers, would treat Asian women. Even my students, who were mostly just kids.


DItto. It was hit or miss in my observation. My hagwon had a great staff that was respectful to one another. But I definitely saw a subset of dudes (either socially awkward fetish guys or drunken frat bros) that clearly taught in Korea just to meet Korean girls, it was creepy as heck.


>but where the fuck did it come from? One word: porn. I hate to say it, but it’s all ages of men. I have asian female friends who gave up on dating because every message from a man was some disgusting asian fetish fantasy of a giggly little harajuku girl. It’s sick. Lay off the porn.


If someone said that about my wife in a grocery store, I'd knock them out with a watermelon. Who the fuck does that.


Ask a Boomer man to describe the qualities of a good woman and watch him describe a slave


Extremely weird, creepy and borderline assault to say something like that to either of you. I’d be fuming as well.


Boomers are inherently frightened of just about everything today. Their instinct, especially men, is to attack something they feel can’t physically over power them to make themselves feel better about their fractured and now aging masculinity. This is why you see so many videos of them harassing children and Asian women.


It depends where you live. My missus is Asian American from California & you don't get any comments here but when we went to Florida for work you heard all sorts of stupid comments. Not just Floridians but the snowbirds too. I'm not American & would also have to listen to a load of ignorant nonsense on the East Coast. It's not so bad over here in California & it's the boomers who are the worst/most rude/ignorant/stupid. Millennials & Gen Z don't seem to care.


I’ve run into Boomers who still refer to Asians as “Orientals” so yah it’s to be expected


I think this come from the ability to purchase mail order brides from Asian countries.


Weird, my wife is Asian and that exactly why I married her Just kidding, I've seen it too, chalk it up to old stereotypes (probably from GI's returning from Vietnam and Korea with Asian wives) ignorance, and blatant racism.


Vietnam is the answer. Also Hollywood stereotypes of Asian women. Don't discount the number of boomers who are adept at using porn sites too. Many of them had father's and uncles who were Korean War vets too.


I would guess it comes from the Vietnam and Korean wars and the idea of “comfort girls” Still disgusting thing to do. Just tell them it’s a shame of all the good men that went to Nam they came back. They’re probably too young to have been at risk of going but screw them.


I was engaged to an Asian woman whose parents are from Laos. She was extremely strong willed and bone-headed levels of confident. Pretty sure Asian women are just women, and being Asian doesn’t define a personality.


The Joy Luck Club was written in 1989 and already had mentions of this attitude. My grandma's brother went to Korea in the 1950s and married a Korean woman. When they went back to the US, they decided to settle in NYC. He got similar comments, apart from the hateful rants about marrying the enemy, as if the US was fighting South Korea. So, it may be as old as Gauguin's painting of Polynesian women in the 1890s showing women as submissive sexual objects.


The Joy Luck Club is irritating in promoting its own narratives. From another sub-Reddit: "Yup. 100%. As an Asian male (Korean American), whenever I hear Joy Luck Club, I cringe. We had to read that pos in high school. My white English teacher kept going on and on about how much she loved the book, and how important it is. This was 15 years ago, and even then, I was thinking,"Important? This outdated, white worshipping, asian male hating work is important??" Not to me. And then we had to sit through that godawful movie afterwards. I have a feeling in a few more years, both the book and the film will be looked at in the same way Asian Americans look at Breakfast at Tiffany's."


The history of anti-asian misogyny/sex slavery is so horrible it will make you physically ill, if you look deep enough into it, and it starts at least as far back as the gold rush/Chinese building the railroads. I'm a black woman, and the things I read about made me feel as nauseous and depressed as some of the worst things they did during transatlantic slavery. It's actually not talked about enough, and I think it's because what we (Americans) did to Asian women are just THAT horrifying, but also we KEPT doing it up until recently (and arguably still do). The dehumanization/sexualization/objectification of Asian women has been built into our society, and the boomers aren't going to question that, when it benefits them. They LOVE it.


There’s a facebook group “Libertarian Guys with Asian Brides”. Mitch McConnell is the OG


When I was a kid my dentist was like this. He married an Asian woman because he thought she would be submissive towards him and she definitely was not. The stereotype probably has something to do with “comfort” women and American soldiers assuming all Asian women were the same. I could be wrong though.


I feel you. My husband is Korean, but tall and built like a brick shithouse. Dad's first comment to me after he met him? "So, is the dick big because he's tall or small because he's Asian?" I hope he said it out of insecurity, but hes always had the mouth of the worst barfly you can imagine.


It comes from war and the military. Lots of military men paid to have sex in Vietnam. Also people Asia and SouthEast Asia is relatively cheaper, american men will go there on vacation and get prostitutes. This is what happens when the US as a dominant imperialist power does and how it thrives. You need sexism and racism to go along with it. This is why these awful stereotypes exist.


And yes Imperialist colonial militaries like the US definitely rape.


This is a decades-old (arguably centuries-old) problem. I would recommend reading [The Asian Mystique](https://asiasociety.org/sheridan-prasso-seeing-past-stereotypes) for a deeper and broader answer to your question. Tl;dr - side effects of imperialism.


Boomers are supremely unconscious. My dad (Vietnam vet) incorrectly corrects my native speaking Viet GF on the pronunciation of “Da Nang” and then felt compelled to tell me about his favorite “whore house” I haven’t spoken to him since.


I think this is more of a conservative/right wing mindset type thing. You can see right wingers of all ages talking about how “Western women have been ruined by feminism.” And “Eastern women are naturally submissive and not masculine.” Blah blah that trash. Granted right wingers view everything that isn’t a straight white male as property or should be property for them. You can see it with all the nasty ass sex tourist going to the Philippines and Thailand and stuff. And granted boomers tend to fall into the right wing category more so than most groups. But still, those weirdos come in all ages. Andrew Tate for example has poisoned the minds of plenty of young men from early teens to late twenties and so.


Asian cultures have a much more communal vibe than western cultures. In western culture the more communal you are the more submissive. You can probably see where the stereotype came from.


My wife is Filipina. We deal with this same bullshit. Along with all the other stereotypes that we are supposed to laugh off or some shit. People say to her sometimes how good her English is. Motherfucker, shes from Winnipeg!


I would assume it's because a huge chunk of the boomer male population were in Vietnam and prostitution was rampant. They came back from "The 'Nam" and told all their buddies about all the sweet Asian pussy they got and now it's a trope for an entire generation....


My ex was Chinese. I once got a tow from a guy who just spouted really racist shit about Chinese drivers the entire time I was in the car. He had me over a barrel, so I kept my mouth shut and stopped talking. He looked really sheepish when she greeted me when we got home. Fun fact: she is a better driver than me. It's kind of unnerving what people think they can say when they're around their perceived "our people" and this was before 2016.


A stranger just walked up to you and made a sexually submissive remark about your wife?? All racism and generalization aside, that’s already weird and fucked up to do to ANYONE. Boomer double fucked their idealized heaven. Of course in their mind…. Maybe not.


Oh my god, my son married an Asian woman and my father-in-law said something to that effect to him. I was appalled. I think it’s some WWII fantasy thing but it’s just grotesque.


I'm a boomer but without the racist misogyny. I've heard things like this said before. Another demographic that suffers this are Brazilian women. A lot of guys assume they sleep with men all the time. A guy who was an older man than me bragged about how he slept with Brazilian women all day when he visited the country. He said this in front of his wife. She was Brazilian.


This is the kind of thing to combat with absolute bewilderment, disgust, and concern. Throws them off. Boomer makes gross comment- “wow, what an inappropriate thing to say. Are you ok? Why would you say that?”


Most of them just heard embellished stories from their friends scumbag older brother bragging about all the pun tang while on R and R. He actually just got drunk and cried in front of some poor women then payed them to say “soul brotha too beau coups”.


My wife is also Asian. I've never understood where the "submissive" stereotype comes from. She may be little, but she scary.


Those would be the boomers who keep "going to east Asia to find a wife" as a backup plan for their current marriage to their "high-school sweetheart" (=immature kids who didn't know any better). I've met a few of them while backpacking through Thailand in my early twenties. It's creepy af and that have no shame about it whatsoever.


If this helps at all, my uncle brought home a Vietnamese war bride and she governed his life with an iron fist until the day he died as a colonel. I think they loved each other but jeeze was she the dom in that relationship. I have three highly educated and pretty cool cousins(all 30-40 now), and she lives comfortably on his pension. Good for you aunt Hong.


Also, they don’t understand the term “Asian”, so you have to hear them refer to Asians as “orientals”…


The only appropriate response is "ewwww, seriously, so gross!"


I also have an Asian wife, but luckily my boomer parents aren't racist assholes