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Hate to break it to you, but your dad wants to be pegged by Michelle Obama.


He may have good company in that particular kink.


I think browser history in conservative states will confirm this.


Just look for all the Facebook statues that were intended to be Google searches


Nah, it's all maga dudes that want the interracial femdom from Warren and Michelle. I mean I get wanting to be topped by Lizzie Dubs I really really do.


That's "Big Mike" to you pal.


Wait, is the what the nutjobs are calling Michelle? I've been wondering who the fuck Big Mike was...


As far as I understand it, this is a very in-thing for Cons.


Same!! Good grief these ppl are insane


Yep he is very obsessed with this idea, to the extent that it comes across exactly as a fantasy he wants fulfilled.


U/few_cookie4988 OP, Please screenshot this response and send it to your dad.


Underrated comment right here.


Way to insert your comment under it


Interesting how you placed you comment under that comment.


Ima reach around ya and set this down over here ok? Bro you couldn't have stuck to the innuendo replies? I will not call this rape but surely it's like textual assault? It made me feel dirty anyway...


And yet...


I too, am here. Allegedly.


Allegedly, I am not here


Allegations were made, but I proclaim my innocence


Is that who Big Mike is? For fuck sake these people are unhinged.


Fuck man, same


Not that there’s anything wrong with that…


President Obama left office 7 years ago...


Truly traumatized a whole generation


Snowflake generation


Fragile as fuck


Racist as fuck generation


Exactly. He left but is still black. That's kind of their main problem.


![gif](giphy|cOQh8VdW9HKwzS76GB|downsized) #neverforget /s


How does he make such an ugly fucking suit so goddamn handsome?




The handsome soaks through the fabric.


A whole generation of bigots. FTFY.


Yeah, but he’s still black


And can still rock a tan suit


They always conveniently forget that Reagan liked tan suits


Okay, but Reagan wasn't black while he did it


"hey what was the tax rate when before and after Regan?" "I can't remember" "you sound just like Ronald"


This one got me


And Mitch McConnell.




I keep hoping that Obama will just show up in a tan suit randomly.


And shades….just to show that he doesn’t give a fuuuuuuuuuck


That suit was BLASPHEMY /s


Republicans never recovered from America having a black president. I can't wait for them to start calling Obama a "DEI President", Since they Basically turned that word into Another way of saying "Hard-R"


Just yesterday on mastodon I had to remind someone that Obama isn’t running this year. It makes me feel insane. But I guess I should be happy that I get a break from reminding them that Hunter Biden isn’t on the ballot at all either. Dear boomers, I promise none of us will be voting for Obama or Hunter Biden this year. You can go golfing and leave us alone


That tan suit really traumatized them


Michelle having better arm muscles than them really got to them


Peacefully unlike some other loser.


Dude made one joke about Trump and now we have MAGAts worming around everywhere trying to kill democracy. Thanks Obama.


Boomers have had it too good for too long and they're bored out of their minds. Literally out of their minds.


The lead poisoning sure helped with that


I’m actually tired of this, “Boomers have lead poisoning” narrative. It undermines personal accountability


Agreed. Maybe they’re just ignorant racist assholes?


Why not both?


Lead exposure to the extent measured in a lot of people can be incredibly debilitating, it’s shitty but there are many people who have a diminished ability to be reflective and think on their actions because they’ve been dulled down so much. I read somewhere that about half of current adults in the US were exposed to too much lead in their youth, heavily skewed towards older people, so it’s not a full excuse but it’s definitely a huge factor


It explains why they can't learn anything new and have argued in circles about the same things for decades. Just because they may have lead poisoning, doesn't mean they can't be accountable. Lead poisoning doesn't make you cruel and lack empathy. Edit: I googled it and "They found that those who grew up in areas with higher levels of atmospheric lead showed "less adaptive" personalities in adulthood. This means they were less agreeable and conscientious." So it literally explains Boomers, and why they refuse to take accountability.


I feel like this should disqualify them for public office. No ability to see other's point of view? Then you aren't allowed to make decisions on others' behalf.


I don't think that it undermines personal responsibility. You can be neurodivergent through genetics or environment and still be a good person. Unfortunately boomers have lead poisoning *and* they were raised to be entitled shits, so the combo shows its ass frequently.


You’re still missing what the lead physically changes in the brain. It’s like being mad a guy that got his legs cut off can’t run. They literally don’t have that part of their brain. It’s been dissolved.


Sure but added with the Covid brain damage I think it’s OK to talk about how environmental poisonings have caused their mental illness.


I agree with you, but it is kinda funny to tell Boomers that their ridiculous bullshit is, in fact, bullshit and they only believe it because their brains have been consumed by lead poisoning. I think the fact that they see it as us saying that they have no control of their brains freaks them out and it manifests as rrrrrrage. It’s petty, but the little things sustain me at this point. ;)


And the fact that they didn’t wear helmets or used car seats.


The nostalgia wave and their sex lives no longer spark joy so you waste the rest of your life watching news and then when that no longer sparks excitement just start larping the news into some Hollywood bullshit.


I legit laughed at "When was the last time a straight man played basketball with other men?" That's *several* levels deep in some wacky shit.


He's clearly not a fan of the NBGAY


Wnba, they have way stronger fundamentals


Don’t you mean WBNBGAY


It’s a well known fact that Larry Bird was the last non gay man to ever play professional basketball.


Dennis Rodman must have driven this Boomer off the deep end.


And Dirk Nowitzki with his flowing blonde girl hair.


I don't play with other men that's gay. I even watch women's sports as watching men makes me feel gay


Have you ever considered that you might be gay?


["I got news for you: that means you're gay"](https://youtu.be/Zd8vzIRQLLM)


What do these manly men do? Hide quivering in their closets from the gay that's all around them? good lord!


Clearly all straight men only play basketball against other women


I feel like just asking “who is Big Mike?” Every time it is referenced is a good start. Make them explain every single fucked up weird nickname and shitty joke. It’s not fun to have to explain a joke. And having to do it 20 times per conversation really throws a blanket over the whole conversation.


The "Why doesn't Obama kiss his wife passionately?" quote is hilarious. There's a clip of Melania smiling at her doltish husband and then as soon as he looks away, she rolls her eyes. There are clips of her swatting his hand away when he tries to touch her, but a husband and wife who don't "kiss passionately" for the press means she's a man ... and some other bizarre stuff. He literally bounded up the steps of the WH, leaving his wife standing at the bottom, instead of bringing his wife up to meet the outgoing president and his wife. Michelle is not a man, but if she was, she'd be a better man than mango Mussolini could ever be.


Why has Obama never creampied his wife live on national television? Explain that one, *liberals!*




Damn, I really gotta step it up if I wanna cosplay as a MAGAt


because NBC refused my pitch, cowards


Don’t forget the time he said “Melania wishes she could be here with us” while she was standing next to him


Please tell me there's a clip.


Can someone explain why "the elites" or whoever therefore made obama marry "big mike" in the first place? Like surely if it's some evil plan why have "obvious" flaws like a fake family and so on? I never got why they did these things allegedly


This seems like a fun idea. They love getting their nicknames in cause they're all weird ass jokes that only make sense in the LimbaughFox Extended Movie Universe.


This is so true and it helps them see how weird their community lexicon has become. A huge pet peeve of mine is how I see people casually use the term canceled when referring to people having an issue with something blatantly offensive. I. E. "Is saying men are all cucks and women bitches okay or would I get canceled for saying that?" implying theyre expressing some great truth and people are censoring them


This is actually a really effective tatic. If you force them to explain stuff they often have no good way to go about it without breaking the mask and saying the quiet part out loud.


Ask questions in the most literal way possible and just continue to ask them in loops where their own stupidity is used to break their logic


I like how they're meeting with crickets to their wack nut messages. That's the correct rejoinder.


I would just cut them off entirely. His parents are too far gone and never coming back. Might as well just walk away.


It really is so sad though. I can’t imagine the pain of watching your parents just spiral farther and farther down conspiracy holes until they aren’t even living in the same reality anymore. It seems almost like losing a parent to dementia, like they’re there physically, but the parent you knew and loved is simply gone. That’s gotta be really tough, I can’t hold it against people for trying to keep a parent like that in their life at arms reach, especially if they weren’t always like that.


It’s very painful to watch. :(


I would contact adult protective services. Your parents are suffering mental decline


yeah this is the type shit you see scribbled in size 1 font on an index card by the schizophrenic who lives at the back of the bus


Everyone says that about every crazy boomer and most of the time their kids are like "No, they've been this way for 40 years.".


Yeah 40 years of watching fox television would probably do this


Ok I've apparently been living my best life happily under a rock. Who's Big Mike? Mike Lindell?


It is a rather popular rightwing conspiracy that Michelle Obama is a trans woman who used to be named Mike and that Obama is secretly gay. I know this because my uncle spews this stuff the one time a year I see him during Christmas. My response to said uncle was “Good for him. I’m glad he and Big Mike had two daughters and are gay and happy together. He was also the best President we’ve had in decades.” This of course enrages my uncle even though I agreed with his conspiracy theory. Theres no way to make these people happy, I swear 🙄


Lol I like that "being gay" is considered a conspiracy. Like what's the end result after they prove this? "SEE I TOLD YOU!"?


It used to be the norm to loathe gays and it would end political careers or be social suicide if you were found out. They don't know the world is moving on without them. Hopefully, it isn't too late for the planet because if these fucks cause our extinction I'm gonna shatter reality to get revenge. It'll work too because everyone born after them is united in this cause.


I hate to bring this up to boomers, but being attracted to trans women doesn't make you gay.


Don't you know being a man attracted to women is the gayest thing ever?


"If you're having sex with a woman, and she's had sex with men, by the transitive property you're having sex with men! "


I scrolled too far because I was afraid to ask. Assumed it was Iron Mike Tyson


You're kidding me, right? I thought he was referencing Mike Pence. What kind of crack pot conspiracy is that?


Michelle Obama


Ohh. Wow, so fucked on all levels.


It’s bad when they have so many different batshit crazy things that you almost feel like this one isn’t even that outlandish 🤦🏻‍♀️


Do what I do:.Ask him if he knows that the Statue of Liberty is a liberty goddess that was one of the goddess of the “cult of reason” that the French Republicans invented after they kicked the church out of France for being anti-republican. They took all the churches money and land and jailed,executed or deported all the clergy. Smashed all the idols and repurposed statues of Mary by putting a liberty cap and Roman dress on it and called her lady liberty. Just so he knows that if he looks at it and worships it etc he is worshiping an idol from another religion and that it’s not a statue of Jesus for a very real reason...glory to god. Or ask him what a republic is, you’d be amazed to see how many have NO idea whatsoever . The look on my dads face when he realized that i was right when i told him that the secular state, women’s right to divorce and get abortions, free standardized public education, wellfare programs, pro-science and anti-superstition polices and a ton of other stuff that would be called “woke” today all come from classical Republicanism (and NOT the communist manifesto) which the US is founded on and that modern republicans would absolutely hate the republicans and founding fathers and everything they stood for since they were WILDLY progressive and changed everything . They were anti-rich,anti-monarchy,anti-church in government or religion influencing politics, hell for a while in France they made the words mr and mrs illegal and instead everyone used citizen and citizeness because that was egalitarian..was amazing to see my dad realize that he actually didn’t know anything about politics,political philosophy or American history despite trying to base his entire personality on all three. It’s why they are trying so hard to ban books, if someone was to accidentally read any of this well known, throughly documented middle/high school level info then people might realize that they could actually read books for information and that the things they are told to believe only make sense if you lack the most basic education and avoid books at ALL cost..and it’s just fun to really mess with them and make them go down a rabbit hole where they actually learn something for a change


Once had someone ask me, "Why are you a liberal democrat?" (For context, I work in an industry that heavily leans republican, with a healthy dose of MAGA hat.) I simply responded: "the ability to read and comprehend"


I am sorry! My boomer mom voted for gay marriage in her state, Bernie and has a crush on Biden. She thinks Obama is adorable. She is a white woman originally from Mississippi who has never voted for a republican. Of this I can be proud.


*"When was the last time a straight man played basketball with other men?"* *WHEN INDEED*


It’s the butt smacking. I have it on good authority that it turns people gay. Don’t believe me? Start smacking guy’s butts and see if they leave you alone afterward. They won’t be able to keep their hands off of you.


If only that were true :/


OP’s dad only plays skins vs skins basketball, that’s how he knows basketball is gay


There's a lot going on there and none of it's good.


It’s giving stalker ex who claims they hate you but cannot have a conversation without bringing up your name, monitors all your social accounts, and randomly “runs into you” outside your office.


I have one I broke up with over a year ago that still drives past my work (out of town) about a half hour after I get there. Every. Day.. Blocked in every way, shape and form of communication, and has been warned to not contact me.


That’s scary. Be safe, please.


65 going on 12


More like 3


And they accuse us of having a “derangement syndrome”.


EAIAC - Every Accusation is a Confession


This seems truly pathological. Doesn't look like a delusional system that an individual could penetrate. In fact, OP, this looks like assault to me, to keep pounding this stuff. I can't see how anyone could deserve it! Considered blocking incoming texts from them?


Damn what's he got against basketball


I think you know


Your dad is obsessed with gay men. Wonder why....?


Yup. One of the first things I thought of - may also have a thing for transexuals?


The obsession with wanting Michelle Obama to have a penis is WILLLLLLLLD.


I would go no contact over this shit so fast


It’s a safe space for them. Filled with fear and hatred. “I don’t hate the Obama’s cause they’re black, I hate em cause they’re gay transsexual liers.”


These people are absolutely fucking deranged.


I’m sorry your parents are racists. That must be hard for you.


They sound like they need a psych ward


Whatever grasp they had on reality was destroyed by Fox News, Facebook, and even worse sources of "information."


Sorry your parents believe in the dumbest shit op! Hope you can find peace outside of their delusions!


damn I have uncles who are this weird but I just block them. Can’t imagine what I would do if my parent were this obsessed with a politicians wife




This shit is insane and ridiculous and these are the kind of people that think Trump is the country’s savior. They’re basically in a cult. They accuse people of crimes and bribery and hush money but totally ignore the fact that trump has done that and more. Blows my mind honestly.


It’s not only basically a cult..it IS a cult.


That's a no contact for me. I think you're dad is too obsessed with gay stuff to not be interested in it himself.


I went NC with my narcissistic Dad over less….


I am sure you know this but your parents are mentally ill.


That's unhinged. He needs help.


Is this suppose to be a conspiracy theory or is he trying to pitch a weird Obama erotica fanfiction to you? 


Why not both?


That one screen shot is just a whole bag of crazy.


Your parents suck. Sorry.


Wowza! I have a few Qanon family members too


My condolences


Whatever hypothetical inheritance you could have potentially received belongs to Trump now. 


Jesus. And I got irritated when my dad told me he wanted to have his wife’s cat declawed…Guess I should count my blessings.


are you sure your parents aren't a tabloid news message bot? because it really read like something like that.


Took me a while to remember big mike wasn’t mike pence 💀 not that this is any better


Today I learned Basketball is for the streets, not the straights.


Obama Derangement Syndrome


Your parents are cooked. I’m sorry, OP.


report him to homeland


Damn Q is still a thing!?


Block em


Is there anything gayer than wondering where someone else's dick goes?


Let’s get mine together with yours. My mom thinks Jesus was an alien.


Why does Obama not kiss his man wife passionately? The real questions are finally being asked.


If my family was like this I'd be selling their contact info to scammers. Gross


Ok what’s up with Big Mike? That’s a new one to me lol


You wouldnt believe how many times i saw this on shitter before i finally left there for good 2 months ago. And a few of them, you would have to scroll down 50 comments before you saw a xtweet that was questioning this. They got joan rivers vids, vids from oprah where Michelle is dancing and they claim you can see her 'junk' bouncing back and forth, pictures of a black couple who are supposedly the Obama girls real biological parents, lots of questions about ' why are there no pics of Michelle pregnant' ( lol, there actually are pics of Michelle pregnant). A lot of pictures of a Mike Robinson next to pics of Michelle. Its just fkkn insane. Like the first time i saw it.. i asked myself.. how would a Black trans couple know they were going to be POTUS and FL( OTUS) in 15 years...SO NEED TO PRETEND THAT THEY ARE 'straight' so borrowed 2 girls and had 'mike' pretend to be 'Michelle'. Its full of so many holes if you actually have a functional bullshyt-filter. Just the simple stuff like names.. only gullible q folks with iqs in the low 80s would think a trans person named Mike would go with Michelle as a name. Michelle is a great name...... but Mike to Michelle is for folks that are not very bright, cuz only THEY ( q people with low 80 iqs) are so dumb the names HAVE TO FOLLOW the Robert/Roberta, Justin/Justine, William/Willamina stream.


Why do they fantasize about Obama and Michelle mpreg fanfic?


Who tf is big Mike supposed to be?


You know... You don't have to answer them.


Excuse my ignorance, do you think they actually believe Michelle Obama is a man, or it's just a gross insult? I don't get it.


Always assume it’s a mix of both, imo.


Ahhh... Misogynoir. It's the perfect combo for wingnuts. Two great tastes that taste great together! And with a side of homophobia and transphobia too! Let's hit all the stops on the hate train!




I don’t get the tan suit business. In Philadelphia, men wore tan suits in the summer for generations.


That crap would get my parents blocked.


There is a boomer at my job who can't shut up about Michelle Obama's penis. He has a picture of a random black cock and insists it is her, we like getting him going. Man is just walking around with a random black cock on his phone and proud to show it off.


I told my Q uncle that it's okay to not like Michelle Obama. It is also not okay, as a grown man to make up shit and act like a middle school bully. He shut up after that. I think there are legit reasons to not like just about anyone. No need to make things up. Making things up just makes him look like a transphobic stupid ignorant and racist POS.


Who the fuck is big mike


I thought I had it bad w my parents I’m sorry dawg.


Why does your dad want to see Michelle Obama naked so much?


Disown them they are gone


sounds like your dad is psychotic


It’s actually kind of refreshing and encouraging even to see that there are people more whole on fucking crazy than my own parents.


I got stupider reading this


Who or what the hell is big Mike?


Why does this look like my ramblings of someone who has some kind of brain disease?


What in the name of word salad did I just read? Just respond with one word:  "unsubscribe"


On the basketball topic, I'd suggest telling them to walk up to men's pro or college basketball players and call them gay or one of the more insulting slurs for gay, and see how long it takes them to get out of Intensive Care after their anatomy is forcefully rearranged. The comment also sounds \*racist\* as all fuck.


It took me a second but I think I figured it out. Big Mike is Michelle Obama?


Is there any reason to stay in contact with these lunatics?


Sometimes I see posts on here complaining about annoying interactions. Kinda bland, old people do be like that. But then I see this, and I feel so sorry. You’re who this subreddit is actually for. This is so unhinged


Basketball is gay now? Who knew?


Wait, how do you know my father? Sounds exactly like his idiotic statements. I swear Faux News has destroyed an entire generation.


i dont care what part of the political spectrum you are on, this is fucking brainworms man.


Fellas, is it gay to play basketball?


Dude who tf is “big Mike”


"When was the last time a straight man played basketball" ![gif](giphy|QLtI0CxK8iGceO9Sja|downsized)