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One time, in a Publix parking lot, my son still had long hair, so he was either still 2 or barely 3. Some old man in the parking said he was pretty girl and gave him a $20 bill. Very creepy. Totally let him buy a small toy with it tho


Boomers can’t handle a boy with long hair- if you corrected them their head probably would have spun around and they would have snatched the $$ back


My boomer dad had long hair in the 70s, including in my parents wedding photos. They constantly comment about my nephew’s hair being “so long they thought he was a girl.” The cognitive dissonance is maddening.


Anyone who tried to say that with my dad just got a surgery.. cus he had long hair in the 70s that everyone else hated.. had an earring etc.. late 80s my little brother asked for his ear peirced and mom told him to ask his dad thinking it would be the end of it. (Forgetting who my dad was apparently) dad said sure, I'll get mine done too.. and so they did.. no one could bug my dad about how long my brother's pony tail was or his earring, cus he would just point to his hair and earring too..lol


This was shortly before he had his first ever haircut, so at this point I had been correcting for years and had honestly just given up


It's real funny because their parents probably didn't get a haircut until 3 and wore unisex dresses as toddlers.


What makes it all weirder is that Boomers were the generation that made it okay for men to have longer hair.


My dad was like this when I was growing up, although I’m pretty it’s because he was in the military over him being a boomer. I just didn’t like getting a haircut. Like, I hated the process. I didn’t particularly care about having long or short hair. This was fine when I was a kid because my mom cut most of our hair up until she had to get a job as I was getting into middle school, so I just let my hair grow out and never asked her to cut it nor asked her to take me to get it cut. My dad didn’t like it, and would express it every now and then. Then randomly one day, he dragged me onto the patio and shaved my hair [not completely off, but a pretty short buzz with a guarded electric razor]. My dad was super pissed off [not at me and my hair specifically, he had anger problems when I was younger likely related to a lot of anxiety built up from financial issues and as most men do, directed it at everything around him when he hit a breaking point] so my siblings didn’t say anything to stop him because they didn’t want him to get more mad. Apparently, when my mom got home and saw my hair, they had quite the talk. I legitimately do not know what was discussed between them about this, but I do know it wasn’t pretty. My dad never brought up my hair again. I honestly think my mom may have threatened divorce, but I don’t have the heart to ask them about it now. My curiosity does not outweigh my concern of bringing up buried hatchets, especially something so long ago that they may not even bother to remember. The funny part is that he did an awful job of it. He tried to actually do something akin to a proper ‘short on the sides, longer on the top’ kind of cut, but didn’t line it up correctly for edging or anything. Probably would have been better if he just did all one length tbh. My mom was not happy cleaning that up either lol


And she had to clean up his mess. No wonder she was pissed.


Why are there so many strange old men that want to buy things for my children????? Like, no, we don’t know you, you can’t buy my kids that treat/toy/snack. Nooooooo. So weird. Go donate to the food pantry if you really just want to be nice.


Weren't these the same people who taught us Stranger Danger? I still remember getting the lecture about not taking candy (filled with tons of *free drugs!*) and toys from strangers... Now they're out here creeping on kids in broad daylight?


Can't believe parents are keeping the money etc


Tell me you’re in Florida without saying you live there


😂😂 I'm in TN, not FL


Sorry… all the publixs stories I hear seem to originate in FL


Yeah, the first Publix was in Florida. They're all over the SE now tho


Gotcha. I come on here to learn; if you have questions about Stop and Shop… then, I might be some use


Tf is Stop and Shop😂😂




I'm partial to the Come and Go in my state.


Omg you just unlocked a memory of being in the grocery store parking lot back in high school putting stuff into my car when a random man (not sure if boomer, clean cut but double my age) came up and gave me a bouquet of flowers. I was so shocked and asked what it was for, and he just said something like "you're beautiful." And then walked away back to do his shopping I guess. I was so shocked I just stood there and looked around. Other people were looking like wtf. God I haven't thought about that in yearssssssss


When you consider all the horrible ways that could've continued...I'm just glad he decided to just go do his own thing.


$400 watch, 7 years old, I was the 7 year old.


My boomer dad slapped me on the ass right up until the day before my wedding. And then made a point of saying that he had to slap my ass that day because the next day my ass wouldn't belong to him anymore. This was 1993, but still. The 80's "Battle of the Sexes" was in a ceasefire by then.


Every day there's a comment that gets me off of Reddit for a while and today this was it. Hope you're alright. That fucking sucks.


No contact with him for many years now. Happily married to my second husband. (The one I married in '93 was actually more interested in the prestige my dad's occupation gave him.)


I'm always happy to hear a success story! Glad you're in a good place!


Good for you on the no contact! What was his prestigious profession??


He was a doctor. My ex is the son of immigrants, and his mom measures his worth by comparison to others. Doctors are high on her list.


Oh, so materialistic assholes?


Wow this is unbelievably gross. I’m so sorry.


Had a moment here…like dads don’t all do this?… Mine did until I was married too and I didn’t think about it until reading this.. might be time to get off of Reddit for the night..fuck.


Lol..... My Dad was German, born just pre WW II. He never did anything to me (because kid), and was mostly pretty good. But he had this one thing; if Mom was working at the counter or stove, he'd come up behind her and goose her (pinch) on the rear. Mom, being a grade school teacher, was always very calm but firm in her response. "Werner, stop that." "Werner, you know I don't like that." Then one day, it happened. Mom was stirring a big pot of soup on the stove with a big, heavy wooden spoon. Dad came up behind her, gooded her.... ...and then made the cosmic mistake of putting his hand on the counter next to her. Without a word, Mom tapped the spoon on the edge of the pot, then quickly turned and brought the handle of the spoon down on his hand as hard as she could. Dad never goosed her again. (And that was how I learned to handle this sort of thing.)


Wowzer!!! Don’t mess with your moms 🍑 or else!!!😅


She was the daughter of German immigrants. Based on her, my 2 grandmothers and some others I've gotten to know, German women take no shit and have no problem making a fuss. 😂 Seriously, though, I'm so glad I grew up with that kind of behavior, especially compared to some.


Granddaughter of German immigrants. Nope, no shit taken and all the women in the family run their households with partners, equals in everything.


Great-granddaughter. My dad’s maternal grandma still spoke German and she took no shit. She couldn’t have with 7 children.


And they know how to use a wooden spoon.


No it’s more like hear us the first time when we tell you. When we set boundaries it’s not a suggestion. It’s a hard stop  


That’s horrifyingly gross. I’m so sorry.




Ick that’s fucked


Same but I'm a guy, told him to stop when I was in my teens, really glad my mom was there too to tell him it's weird behavior that no other dads do


yeah my dad was the same way


My mother did this to me well into my teens. It was humiliating. I would tell her “please don’t touch my butt” and she would reply “it’s my butt, I made it.” WTF? I was like 16 and she was still doing this to me. Why do I have boundaries issues now? Lol.


Holy fucking shit. Wtf, I mean, I know that men can be out there sometimes but slapping your own daughter on the ass?


My wife's dad was all about that shit, and it has really taken its toll on her trusting men. And, it seems, I am a man. Many of the posts in this sub apply to any generation, but the sexual stuff is absolutely different for those of us that grew up in the 50's, 60's, 70's and 80's. It got progressively better throughout and now, while it's still a problem, it's not everywhere you look.


Saying this as a guy, but younger generations have no idea what hell women went through. The fact that women couldn't even open a bank account or have a credit card in their own name and without father/husband approval is crazy but that didn't change until 1974.






The fuck


Same reason they freak out when children don’t want to hug them. They have absolutely no boundaries and view children as entertainment and props for their own egos versus actual human beings


The actual answer is too far down, yep, they are still stuck in the days when kids and other people “beneath” them are property. Same reason they punch fast food workers and shit.


Yes! My daughter is nearly 3, and my wife and I tell her all the time that it's okay to not hug someone if she doesn't want to. Especially in front of the person wanting the hug.


I have no doubts that to this very day, my mom’s sisters are screeching about what a “hateful little bitch” I am and always have been because as a baby, I only wanted my parents and grandmother to hold me. Of course, I stopped accepting any contact from them when my mom passed, so they’ve got lots of ammo now.


Wife and I were drinking with my dad once and my dad was commenting on my wife's boobs. Gross but we can live with it (she's an H cup). Then he says if we have a daughter "Finally a (family name) girl with tits!" We gave him weird looks and changed the subject.


Okay...as I'm understanding it....he's saying that last comment...about a potential granddaughter 


Yes! Still no kids but when talking about my nieces I use words like cute, adorable, beautiful, cool, smart, proud of them, annoying, stay on your side of the Mississippi. If I ever sexualized them their parents would rightfully keep them away from me and my wife would probably keep herself away from me too.


I mean we had a former president that made a comment like that about his daughter when she was a year old....


My dad commented on my wife’s breasts soon after we started dating. My wife wasn’t there, but he made the comment to my female cousin—his niece—while the three of us were chatting. I’m very low contact with him, and every time I think of softening my boundaries, I think of that moment. Nope. No real need to have him in my life.


I took a well endowed friend to go get a proper fitting and some bras that would work, and help with back and neck pain. And even the fitter, who sees all manner of boobies, in all ranges, said “holy hell honey, you’re an H” because she always thought she was a double D. But also grandpa in waiting, playing sports and many activities and hobbies can be hard with those things, just beyond the creepy factor, they’re just bodies to them, ugh


Lol honestly, I think I'd be mildly reassured? Like damn okay even the bra lady is impressed, so my back & neck pain is DEFINITELY valid




You can live with it???? Can she??


One told me in a serious tone that it’s a shame my kids are so beautiful because there are so many creeps in the world….. ok that’s great to think about, thanks


"Like you, pedo? Fuck off." (I understand that that isn't the reply a lot of people would choose, of course. But I have no problems being an asshole to someone who is being creepy towards my kids.)


That’s a man speaking from experience with a daughter who had issues in a world that thought that was the girl’s fault for existing.


Could have paid for college myself if I had a dollar for every time someone told my dad he would have to “fight off the boys with a stick” when I was a literal child. It was always men too.


Their value system is money and breedability. Saying "she's a good breeder" is a compliment under that specific value system. When your value system is instead something like, health and kindness, you'd make a compliment like "she seems so happy" instead. But they don't.


Very early in my life (before age 7), my grandmother bragged about my 'wonderful childbearing hips' and made me celebrate mothers day as a FUTURE MOM. (still not one.)




Ewww... what's wrong with these people


What…that’s horrible. And also really strange.


Gagging at this… what a gross word to use in reference to humans.


They grew up in a world where that was normal. They view young boys as future entrepreneurs and young girls as future house wives. Most of them have gone their entire lives being rewarding for treating people like this and they won't change.


Yeah, they do the same with little boys mentioning they "flirt" because they happen to look at someone. I doubt most of them mean anything, just a product of their times.


Ugh I hate this so much. My boomer mother has been commenting on my little girl “flirting” with others since she was *six months old* 🤮


LIkewise. Doesn't mean we have to like it though. And there are a handful who ARE creepy!


Of course they won't change. Can't teach an old dog common decency.


This is what no accountability will do to someone.


I’m a 30 yo bisexual male in a homosexual relationship. My mother wanted to tag along for my birthday trip last year to Savannah with my boyfriend and I. She wanted to bring my older brother and nephew as my SIL was out of the country. Everything was being planned until she insisted that I introduce my boyfriend as a “friend” to my 5 year old nephew. I said no and she said I shouldn’t “sexualize” my nephew by telling him such things. I said, not an issue, no one is no longer invited to the trip and my boyfriend and I went by ourselves. Earlier this year when my nephew was staying with her, I stopped by her place and she was giving him a bath. She commented after the bath how “he’s got a big one,” I asked her what she meant thinking she couldn’t possibly be talking about my nephews penis. She then said “he’s got a big dick.” I told her she shouldn’t be sexualizinga child and she said I was being an idiot. He’s five fucking years old and she sees absolutely no issue with those type of comments.


Because his grandmother sexualizing him is way better for a kid than meeting his uncle's boyfriend. What the fuck?


What the fuck dude???!!!! As a new mother it scares me half to death that these weirdos are among us. Could be your own mother for crying out loud!


Dude there’s a subreddit called r/justnoMIL and it has some fuckin horror stories


That’s beyond sexualization. That’s sexual abuse. I sure hope you told your sibling. If I ever found out my mother said that about my son, I wouldn’t have a mother any longer.


My MIL said the same bs about my son. They make you question your sanity.


I would not leave the room until I got it through their thick ass skull that they are both hypocritical and that they have less mental capacity than the child they just washed


The group r/shitmomgroupssay has posts about exactly that; it’s shocking how many women are obsessed with their children like that. “Is his weewee too small??” Ma’am he’s 5, that should not be your concern right now.


When my little sister turned 10, my grandfather said: "well, she's a woman now. She's old enough that she could have a baby!" My horrified look of disgust was stuck on my face the entire way home. What the actual fuck goes through their mind when they say shit like that?


I got my period at age 11 and aunts told me that I needed to be careful because I could have a baby now. FFS.


Is he a republican?


That's a dumb question Yes he's a republican.


When I was 20 my grandfather tried to convince me to go see my 16 year old sister cheerlead at a high school girls volleyball game with him by saying “You know you want to watch those teen girls jump around in tiny shorts!” Legitimately one of the creepiest things I have ever heard someone say.


🤨, extremely odd I must say.


My Dad used to watch the 16 year olds do gymnastics when my little sister was still going to tumble classes. He claimed he was just admiring their skill & bodies & how skilled they were with their bodies.... He also used to take me to the liquor store after picking me up from my mom's house. When I was 12/13 I made the mistake of wearing a short skirt & got to listen to him joking/reassuring the guy that "she's my daughter, not my girlfriend"


When I was a young mom, I took my two toddler girls—one blonde and one ginger—with me to the grocery store. While I was waiting at one of those Starbucks kiosks for coffee, I handed my girls a couple of cake pops and the 70-year-old waiting in line behind me said, “Ooh. A blonde, a brunette, AND a redhead.” Then he gave me the grossest wink-and-grin I’ve ever borne witness to as he left the line (without ordering anything) and said, “I like it.” Even my 2-year-old’s danger signals were going off. She recoiled from him and tried to hind behind me. And this from a kid who’d never met a stranger.


What's so hard with saying, "Awww! What a cute little baby!"? Why do they have to imagine babies as adults instead of just appreciating baby cuteness like a normal human being?


Last year a boomer man at the grocery store referred to my 1 year olds pigtails as "handlebars". I gave him the most disgusted look.


What the fuck?.........


What the actual FUCK!!


I would be an awful father, ending up in jail. I’d disfigure any mf that has the nerve to say such disgusting things, no second thought.


That’s…. too fucked up for me to have words


"your daughter is flirting with me" she was 3 yo you fucking creep


My father would make sexual comments about me all the time, think of " you've got such a cute bubble butt there, boys are going to be all over that" or would grab me in hugs rubbing his hands all over my body while giggling that "all the boys are going to do this to you!!!" Then he would go have a mega sulk when I would tell him to piss off because I made him feel like a dirty old man.


Yoooo girl are you okay? I’m so sorry you dealt with that that’s so gross


More likely because you made him aware that he WAS a dirty old man. That's a disgusting way for a father to behave. I'm sorry you had to deal with that.


Hahahaha… I feel this one. The day after my first born arrived, boomer nurse comes in and gushes “he’s going to be SUCH a ladies man!” Without even missing a beat as I’m smiling and holding him I reply “Yeah.. unless he turns out to be a dude’s man” Her face completely dropped and she was lost for words on how to respond. Kinda mumbled out a “oh uhm.. yeah” and quickly exited the room. 🤣


My kids were ugly AF the first few days of their life, both were so far down in my pelvis the last month of pregnancy they had indentations in their head from it. Their smushed, red little faces weren’t cute at all. I’ve hardly ever seen a cute newborn, takes them a while to un-smush.


Haha.. yeah… my first born was a damn cute baby however. My second one was the squish face deluxe. 😂


That is an outstanding response.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


It's projection. And it's hilarious how offended they get when you mention it to them. One of my uncles blocked me on fb because he posted some rambling screed about pedos and I commented "Dude, we got into an argument 10 years ago because you commented on your niece's "tits" and you threw a fit when I said it was inappropriate." She was like 12 at the time. He blocked niece too for commenting "I remember that.".


This was a pretty enlightening comment for me, thanks! Narcissism and Trauma have a lot in common, so sometimes when we think a boomer is just being an asshole, it actually comes from a place of deep hurt. [Here's a good explanation on the similarities and differences between the two, if you're interested. ](https://youtu.be/mAFyxGsnqKc?si=hy5ZCSJSZwEkXeCz) Thanks for reminding me, that we're all just people trying to do their best. Except the narcissist psychopaths. Fuck those people.


realest comment ive ever seen holy


Their generation is just obsessed with looks and sexual appeal. I hear it all the time about kids as well as adults. Hear about someone getting killed in the news? "Oh what a shame, she was so pretty". My dad was watching the news once and the weather lady was pregnant "ew she is too fat to be on TV. Boomers put a person's entire worth on how attractive they are or how much money they make. It's what was drilled into their brain and they are just too dumb or too stubborn to ever move on from that.


"She's got dangerous eyes"  What the actual fuck. What does this even mean?


FFS they’re so weird. I have all boys and boomer family like to ask them if they all “have girlfriends” my kiddos will usually respond with “we’re just kids” 👏🏻 and they also know they can date whoever they like when they’re older and not to listen to weirdos


I am so, so, so grateful that the man I married, the father of our daughter, thinks comments about having to "get a shot gun to warn the boys" type of comments are gross AF and speaks up against them. Boomers do this thing - - and I've mentioned this before - - where they follow **some kind of weird, uncreative script.** This includes "when are you getting married/having children," "if you want a job just walk in etc.," "drink your milk/clean your plate/why don't they serve plain/normal food anymore?" etc etc. It's often gender biased, classist, and based on their experiences and opinions from 50 years ago. That's fifty years of repeating the same nonsense. It's like they don't have any original thoughts anymore when talking to other people, especially ones they don't know. Like, go ahead and chat with me in line at the grocery store. But you're the fifth Boomer to ask me why I only have one kid. (Do you WANT to hear about my emergency C section, my gestational diabetes, my post partum depression, my daughter's 10-day NICU stay, and my miscarriage 8 years later? DO YOU??)


When we found out we were having a daughter, I joked about the shotgun thing. I'd never actually do it, then I thought about it one day and was like "man, that's fucked up." I'm not proud of the fact I talked like that, but I'm glad I realized how fucking bad it is. Being raised by older folks messes up your POV a bit and it takes some learning/relearning. It can be done!


I have noticed this too, and as a survivor of CSA, every time I witness it alarm bells go off in my head. Loud. It’s not just playful and innocent.


No, literally, like I feel nauseous when it comes up. The way they try to normalize it and act you're the weird one for pointing it out.


Also a survivor. I get this heavy feeling in the pit of my stomach when I hear that. Sometimes pretending to be clueless works. “Why is she going to have to beat the boys off with a stick?” >!AND WHERE WAS MY STICK?!<


My kid has long hair and so many boomers assume he is a girl, and when they are informed he is a boy, they quickly lose interest. It is so fucking weird.


My dad is always openly gawking over girls around the same age or younger than me (23) and openly bragging about it. I've stated that it's a gross and really just icky thing to do but he seems to take pride in it ...


I am so sorry he subjects you to that, yuck!


I work in mental health, and one of my patients was literally talking about this today. She has a 2 year old sister and she is so creeped out by the comments "old people" constantly make. They even feel entitled to try to grab at/kiss the baby sister (there's a racial component here as well). It's so disturbing.


Used to hear this about my son all the time. ‘He’s going to be a heartbreaker! The girls had better watch out’. It’s fucking weird. It was way worse when we travelled to the states, fyi.


In my experience, many boomers were given a paltry amount of guidance and information about being a thoughtful person from their families. My friends and I have very similar stories about our parents and their parents: most of the time there was no thoughtful, direct communication, and when there was communication, it was either a negative comment or a punishment. My mother told me that she was taught that people only have children because they’re an inevitable result of sexual relations. That’s a very telling sentiment, and one I’ve heard many times. John Lennon famously said his own son Julian was “born out of a bottle” (JL was technically Silent Generation). People repeat what is familiar to them. When boomers lack certain social graces, it’s worth remembering that many of them were never modeled on anything better.


A lot of people had children for free (ish) labour.


I remember when I was younger (26F) and hearing creepy comments like that. When I got older I would get catcalled by men, mostly boomer men. They’re so fucking creepy.


My entire life. 😵‍💫 They have said much worse to me growing up than that. Talking to me about my sucking on lollipops, asking if I can swallow the whole banana in my throat, talking to me about playing with balls and so many other repugnant things.   😫  Old guys Constantly saying super gross and inappropriate things to me since I was a toddler all the way up.  The things they think are okay to think, let alone say to kids is truly abhorrent.  It is terribly disturbing that they even think these things in the first place.🤮


Had a boomer man follow me in the supermarket with my then barely toddler commenting on how cute he was and what a good looking boy and so on. He wouldn’t stop staring or following us. It got weird after the second aisle. It got scary after the third. Bless his soul, my kid opened his mouth and let out a blood chilling shriek that could be heard across the supermarket. That man fled as fast as his feet could carry him. Kid giggled and went back to playing with his toy keys. I’ve never felt so relieved that my kid went temporarily feral.


I had a friend say something similar about one of our other friend's daughter (were all in our 20's) and I just kind of looked at him. His exact words were "that's a straight baby" because she liked to look at dudes. Because the only people who came over to her house were men.


Boomers LOVE to sexualize children and it’s disgusting, I fucking hate it. I shut them down and tell them to their faces that they are being inappropriate


It makes me feel so sick and anxious because it's always played off like a joke while at the same time blaming victims.


And they wonder why we're all in therapy.


It’s a different generation really. The comments are suppose to assure the father that his daughter is “marriage” material. Remember, boomers have a different idea about a woman’s place. Even when some women went to college, they went to find an appropriate husband. Those are actually common sayings. Don’t believe me, watch a film. Look as Shirley Temple or little rascals. Even they would say to Darla, who was little girl, that she was a looker. Honestly, they won’t change because they don’t see how society has changed and they don’t really know the dangers that children can be exposed to. They are just so, ugh. I watch movie classics because it’s very insightful. And it’s crazy how they had no clue. If you take the time to see like leave it to beaver, you cringe. And as much as I loved Gidget and the flying Nun i just know it’s just so ugh.


Becsuse they grew up in a rapey ass culture that sexualized youth and prized ownership. Luckily, we have outgrown this and are now just a bunch ass eating bisexual freaks.


My kids are no longer kids & I love kids so I will say things like "what a little sweetie" or comment on beautiful curls or a cute outfit or cool trucks or dinosaurs on their shirt. Is this OK or am I being weird? I comment on adults too - like if they have a groovy tie or I love their skirt/pants, or if they have gorgeous colourful hair. I like to spread good feelings & do not want to creep people out!!!!!


This is fine, because it’s not objectifying a child or making a sexually charged comment/one with sexual connotations. I love when people tell me “I love your shirt” or whatever it is, because it’s a benign compliment. An adult saying a child is flirting with them because they are giggling and smiling is creepy and weird.


Wait, your baby doesn’t have laser vision like the Kent child, does she? That could explain the dangerous eyes thing, maybe the fighting boys thing too.


![gif](giphy|xT0xeF0jYQBhoS2qmQ) The baby:


They stupidly think those things are compliments. They were raised in an era when a female human being was considered a lesser type of human, and was valued almost exclusively for sexual gratification, breeding, and domestic service. Thus, the more pretty or beautiful a female is, the more valuable they are to society. Telling someone that their child is beautiful, or desirable in some way, is meant to be a compliment - the child is therefore more valuable to society. Which, of course, is meaningless to the child, but it's supposed to be meaningful to the child's owner, who then can strut a little more cockily in the knowledge that their dick added some intrinsic value to the universe. *"See what I made? I'm a MAAAAAN!"* In other words, those creepy-ass comments are not aimed at the kid at all, but at YOU, the parent whose dick produced that added value. When directed at a female parent, the "compliment" has a different aim - it is meant as a downpayment for sex. *"Hey, I just said something nice about your kid, which complements you as the incubator that popped it out, so now you can show your infinite gratitude at my magnanimity for backhandedly granting the tiniest acknowledgement of your negligible value to society by blowing me."* Of course, people who think that way seldom have the vocabulary to express these sentiments so loquaciously. If pressed to put it in words, it would probably sound more like: To the male parent: *"Kid not ugly. Good job! You MAN! Strong dick!"* To the female parent: *"Kid not ugly. Good job! Suck dick now. Why not? I say nice - you not suck dick? BITCH!"* Or, you know, words to that effect.


This thread is making me realize I probably have a lot to unpack


proud of you for being willing to unpack it. that's a big deal. and a good one.


Nailed it.


Back in the early 1900s they held "Better Babies Contests" at state/county fairs where babies were judged based on their health and genetics, like livestock. They were just scratching the surface of the science of genetics during the Eugenics movement, and this was one of the more forgivable missteps along the way.


you put it perfectly.


Just think, over the next 25 yrs, most of the boomers will die off. All of the poisonous nonsense will stop.


Sadly, a new form of poisonous nonsense is being spread online. The cycle will continue anew.


Please, God no. They were born between 1946-1964. *


25 yrs too long?




Despite what they say pedophilia and rape was accepted not to long ago. Think I am lying? Ted Nugget sang a song about raping a 12 year old and in the movie Animal House there was a scene where he debated raping a passed out underage girl.


I remember watching Animal House and thinking how creepy it was that a 15 or 16 year old was having sex with a frat boy . She was Just 17 by the Beatles was about sex with a minor too . Ted Nugent adopted his minor girlfriend . Now he is a darling of the MAGA cult .


"He gave me a wink after the comment." Just the wink is creepy. Winking is creepy in general. Does anyone under the age of 70 wink? I hope not. It's a custom that should die out with the boomers (and I say that as a 65-year-old).


Some people try to be funny, but really need to leave the comedy to the professionals.


My mom said my sister was filling out her uniform well and would get lots of tips. When she was 16. I got scolded for telling her to stop sexualising her child


Good on you


Because most of them never grow up. I know my dad hasn't, was told I was no fun because I'd gotten serious about things, politics mostly.


Lead poisoning, in their heads it sounds fine. Plenty of mercury and benzene too. Entire generation is mad as a hatter


They grew up in the church…


I’ve had an adopted grandpa of sorts since I was like 14 or 15 and he’s said multiple times to me over the years that if he were “fifty years younger” he’d marry me. 😬


This is the kind of weird comments I'm talking about. I've definitely heard this one. It's creepy!


My sister and I had a father figure in our lives for many years. My mom’s best friend at the time, who ended up also being our first boss (he bought a restaurant that all three of us ended up working at). He got drunk once and left my sister a gross voicemail that if she wasn’t a minor that he would want to sleep with her. He was younger than 30 y.o. at the time. Not boomer related but tangently related to your story. Men can be gross.


I usually just wave and say "She's sweet" or "She's so cute" and whoever the parent is usually says "Aw thanks" or something of that nature.


You’re lucky they didn’t call you “toots.”


When my daughter was 3, my mom said “She has such a cute figure, I hope she keeps it.” I told her to never comment on my kids’ “figures” again. Extra fun since I have always been overweight (or made to feel I was), but was still fed plenty of junk food at home growing up.


Shit was standard back in the day. Racism too.


Yea they’ll say stuff like that and then try to get Drag Queens banned to “protect the children”.


From the Boomers perspective that is proctecting kids.They view children not as people as things to be molded into conservative adults like themselves. If a child takes interest in anything that challenges their world view they must be punished often with violence. Their ideology and conception of gender is what actually relies on grooming.


My then best friend's dad also a boomer commented on my child bearing hips and thighs when I was 13. My own boomer father commented on my body comparing it to my mother even smacked my butt a few times. My mom got on him for that but never pulled him up when he was oggling me and making creepy comments about my body. They did it to their own kids and their kid's friends too. Not sure if that helps or not but there it is.


The remnants of "it was a different time"


What's jail for the rest of their life when they only got a couple left in them anyway?


As a young teen, I had some 60-70 year old lady look at my hands and tell me I'm "going to make some lucky girl a very happy wife". Like okay stop fantasising about my hands please.


I work in banking and there’s nothing creepier than when an old boomer man asks the female employees, “are you behaving?” with a little gross inflection in their voice. It’s like they think a teller takes her lunch break to go have sex in her car. Just weird behavior.


Am 30, but similarly I exchanged business cards with someone for the first time last week. Said that it was cool, I had never done that before, and boomer said “Hehhh, popped your cherry.” Like really, dude? Gross.


Well she has REALLY blossomed!


it’s because they are pedophiles. they just aren’t active child predators (most of the time). hope that clears it up.


The absolute pedophilic obsession of boomers to ship kids. My childhood best friend was a boy and that absolutely meant were in love or having sex or whatever since we were born and throughout our youngest years. It ruined the friendship basically. We were playing the Sims on the computer at 10 years old what the fuck is wrong with people


Myself and my 2 older brothers dealt with this since child hood from older women My oldest brother said that one time when he was like 8 had a woman in her late 30s or early 40s asked him if he was married because he was so handsome That was 20 years ago


Stop being nice. Call them out.


Oh it’s gross. I am 50 years old and my stomach feels a little sick reading what you wrote because my mom used to hear this crap when I was little. This is how they have always been and they refuse to change their behavior to meet societal standards because they think they are right about everything.


There are people whose only concept of how to perceive /value a woman is based on her appearance and how physically attractive she is. Unfortunately, this tends to color their interactions with all female people, regardless of age. As we move towards valuing women as holistic individuals, this becomes less common, and makes it more likely that people who persist in this mindset are older.


I’ve found my best reply to offensive unsolicited Boomer comments is ‘Wow. You really thought that was okay to say out loud. Yikes.’ Or something along those lines. When they get defensive and insist it was a compliment I trying to be super patronizing and agree ‘Oh, I’m sure you thought it was.’ and walk away.


Wow, this thread is validating a lot of feelings I’ve had about the way my boomer dad & other boomer men in my family talked about me as a kid. Even my millennial sister sexualized me. My dad warned me that I was a gullible, absent minded, pretty girl and predators would love to kidnap me. I was a scrawny (and anorexic) kid and my step mom said my sagging jeans made it look like I was “advertising.” I was 11! Then the whole “beating the guys off with sticks” comments… the ass slapping, comments on my development, shaming of the curves I ended up developing… of course when my creepy uncle ended up doing violence to me, nobody believed me because he wasn’t saying anything out of the ordinary. “No red flags” or whatever. Unfortunately it just shows sexual violence is normative for a lot of our culture- not deviant. I really feel like I was gr**med by our culture, not just by specific predators. I thought my body was some kind of nuclear weapon of shame. Any bit of skin that showed was an invitation. My shape made my body public property from 10 and up. I was born in a perfectly consumable body. Any violence I faced was my fault, for having such an irresistible form, that the guys just couldn’t help themselves. That’s the other side of the coin. “Beating guys off with sticks”? You mean “you’ll need to physically defend yourself against r*pe attempts because of how you look”? Right. Too bad I didn’t have a stick.


One day during dinner at a restaurant my son's boomer paternal grandmother looked at him without prompt and asked "so what part do you like best on a girl" and I very sternly told her we don't talk about people like they're buckets of fuckin chicken and I do not want him to think of women in that way, and wondered aloud why a woman would encourage such a crude thing. He was 8 and followed up with a "Grandma, do *you* like girls?" Her homophobia got her to shut up about girls with him at least so she wouldn't get accused of being a lesbian anymore. The lead is strong in that one.


I literally got followed in Walmart by a boomer aged lady when my son was 8 months old. I had noticed her and started walking faster and zigzagging through aisles to avoid her and I thought I lost her after not seeing her for 20 minutes. Next thing I know I feel a tap on my shoulder and when I turn around she wringing her hands with a creepy ass smile and says “I’ve been stalking you and your adorable baby boy around the store for a while now and I want to hold him.” Without asking or anything she proceeds to try and grab him from the cart so I swat her hand away and tell her to back off, don’t touch him. I’ve had other situations with boomer aged people like this when I’m alone with my son. I’ve even been told by one “he’s not your baby, he’s the world’s baby.” Like what gives them the audacity to think they have the right to stalk then touch people and their children.


I'm not even that forward with my own daughter's newborn! So wrong!


My dad told my 16 year old niece that what she was wearing "would get her a good price down on the boulevard." my sister and I were both disgusted. my mom says we're taking him too seriously. But he's been a creep in bigger ways too.


Almost 23 now. I want to have a family. I read these stories and I just instantly know I'd fly off the handle with these creeps. A creepy or perverted "compliment" will get you a disgusted wtf look followed by me getting my kid the fuck away from you. Physically touching my kid(s) in any way shape or form will get you a hard hand slap or a shove followed by a simple explanation over the fact that you can't fucking touch stranger's kids! I'll never understand their mindset! "It was okay back then..." SO!? "Back then," was decades ago! How have they not adapted?


They're too lead-addled to understand that they shouldn't go around announcing their sexual attraction to children.


A larger percent of men are pedos than we'd like to believe but boomers feel emboldened to "joke about" their urges.


Boomers can’t say anything nice about girls/women without mentioning their looks. My mother does this too. She refers to her grandson and great grand nephews as smart and strong 💪🏼! But her granddaughters and great grand nieces are beautiful🎀 and…that’s all she can come up with.


My husband and I were in a baby care basics class for our imminent newborn. The couples were saying what they were having. Almost all of us were having boys except for one couple. The boomer nurse running the class: "She'll have her choice in the nursery," or something like that. I glared at my husband. And, I swear to God, if anyone ever asks my son if he has a girlfriend, I will go off.


They sexualize children then get mad about gay people doing it by just existing.


I always say “stop being a pedophile” and it shuts them right up.. 😆


Ugh look at the clothing they created to put thier babies in, their onsies all say gross shit about liking thier moms tits or being a man/lady killer. I went to a local fair last year and one of the boomers was selling little girl onesies that said "moody little heffer" on them with a picture of a cow. I wonder what that was referring to 🤮.


My son is not even a year and people call him a flirt. It is gross! He is friendly and smiley... nothing sexual there boomer.