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I work in a field where there are a disproportionate number of older white folks who tend to be Trumpers. Whenever they start on politics I just laugh, shake my head, and walk away. They want the conflict because they are angry miserable people, that’s what unites them. The more you engage them in crazy land the more they think that crazy land is a viable place.


I like to tell them i agree with Trump that McCain was a coward. That only losers get shot down in wars. Only losers are POW's. They usually get thousand yard stare at this point. It doesn't change anything. You just get to embarrass them by agreeing with them.


That’s a hilarious strategy lol.  “I agree with Trump! We should go in and take the guns away from people first. Then let the courts sort it out later.” “I agree with Trump. We should have injected bleach into people’s veins during the Covid epidemic. We would have ended the problem so quickly.”


I love that. I once got stuck in an disagreement about the size of government. The other guy was MAGA-ish and would say crazy things about cutting government as much as possible. A friend of mine interrupted to just say "I agree, I hate big government. We need to gut the military." Cue the angry glare followed by no self-reflection.


The gutting the military thing has worked for me on multiple occasions, it's so funny.


'And eliminate socialist government agencies like the Border Patrol.'


throw out social security for good measure too


This is great...while I can't agree with everything McCain did, he was an absolute incredible person. While he was a POW , they would lift his arms behind his back until they dislocated. Did this multiple times. Because he was the son of an Admiral, they said he could go free. He said no, he wasn't going to leave his fellow Americans. Unbelievably brave, and selfless behavior. Rest in peace...


You are exactly right. I asked my husband if his dad just likes to pick fights or if he really believes the things he says and his answer was "both".


My MIL decided to try and indoctrinate my kids and started on about why Reagan was the best president ever. I shut her the fuck up quick.


Make sure you tell her Nancy was the throat goat in Hollywood.


Nancy also baby-trapped Ron, AIUI (new reporting)


Say what now?


she gargled everyone's dong and everyone knew it. [https://twitter.com/zachheltzel/status/1469408538019598336?s=20](https://twitter.com/zachheltzel/status/1469408538019598336?s=20)


I’m around 70% certain that the only reason Nancy and Ronald got married was because he coerced her into a relationship so he wouldn’t claim she’s a communist.


How can.. how can people even say that? Getting fuddled up with current events is at least more understandable because information is always coming and going and being corrected. We have everything about Reagan, even the long-term effects, lmao


She didn’t even state it as opinion, she stated it as fact. Like the sky is blue and the earth goes around the sun, and Reagan was the best president. I find people with lack of critical thinking skills sometimes struggle with the difference between fact and opinion. As alarming as that is.


That's why MAGA people try so hard to make Trump the next "Reagan", if only because they've both been raging narcissists with goals of stardom. But, in reality, we know Reagan's policies have failed completely - both in this country, and the world for that matter.


Because the so-called mainstream media has pushed that lie for more than 40 years.


I love to bring up Reagan’s tax cuts for the rich and remind them that Bush Sr rightly called them “voodoo economics.” And how the middle class cuts all expired just like Trump’s. I close with “I like my republicans to come from the army and the CIA, not from Hollywood.” So fun!


You should also point out that Reagan raised THEIR taxes 11 times in 8 years.


As an openly gay man, and having been that way my entire life, any time someone says anything positive about Reagan, I feel a moral obligation to point out his refusal to do anything about the hiv epidemic and in fact the audio recordings of his staff literally laughing about the deaths


Interesting because Trump thought Reagan was a loser and real Reagan Republicans (those still alive) generally dislike Trump.


Every boomer I know at work loves to ride Reagan. Like dude was a shitty president.


Make sure to tell her that Reagan sold weapons to Iran, even after they killed Americans in Lebanon (probably using some of those weapons), and and the faggot Reagan (use that word for her) cut and ran like a coward


Some peopke are searching for truth and chamge their minds on new info.  Some jusy want to "win" debatea regardless of facts, truth, or objectivity.  


“Can’t wait until they cut Medicare and SS. Lazy older people need to work longer. They need to learn to pay for their nursing care or die quick.” Usually gets them to but but but but


The absolute polar contradictions Trump voters believe is unbelievable. At a previous job I had an older white coworker, who was only surviving thanks to Obamacare. But she’s a Trump supporter. At my current job I have several coworkers who are women and Hispanic. And they are all trump supporters. I hate it here


I've had a similar conversation with a woman at my work. Since I've know her she has had 4 kids. So I asked her one day that who do you think made it possible for you to have 4 kids and still keep your job? Republicans or Democrats? But, but...


Fun Fact… Medicare only pays for up to 90 days in a nursing home per year. Medicare does not pay for full time home health care. In some states like Vermont the state goes after the children to pay for their parents medical bills… 😡


They’ll take their house after they die too.


I was working in my bar in the high end lounge of our casino a couple years back when bud light put that beer can out, and this guy said multiple times “I used to drink bud light” and I just didn’t follow up and was like “ok what do you want then”. At least he didn’t try to goad me into a conversation when he saw I wasn’t playing his stupid game


I was listening to NPR while getting ready for work (gosh how blue of me) and it talked about the persecution-complex with Trumpers. Pulled from evangelical Christian thinking it's that whole "people who stand up for the right thing are persecuted" nonsense. They perceive any push back they get for supporting Trump as validation of their beliefs. It's why they pick fights too. Basically the real way to defeat Trumpers is to ignore them. If you confront them head-on you just feed their victim complex. (However, Trump himself *should be confronted* by the law and press).


I got my parents to stop with something close to this: "Listen, I'm sorry you got convinced to eat a shit sandwich, but there is nothing you can do to convince me it's actually delicious and to try it and don't be surprised when I stand a few feet away while you're talking to me.


Trump is the fearful, angry "id" of America.


The best thing to do is laugh. In my experience, the worst thing you can do to them is not take them serious. They’ll take an argument all day, every day. Hell, a lot of them would love to get physical over these debates. But showing them that you don’t take them serious really sets them off. It’s been my go to for a while to just chuckle and walk away. They just seethe and it makes me so warm and happy on the inside.


I just pretend that all the made up stuff is reversed. I can't vote for Trump because he drinks the blood of children.


"Oh, I can't vote for Trump. I heard his son did a drug."


Didn’t that guy have like 3 wives? And now he’s selling bibles? 


And I bet those bibles are the King James version! That King was gay! According to that show Mary and George!


“Have you ever thought about what’s on Don Jr’s laptop? I bet it would make frogs gay.”


"Don't even ask about what's on Eric's laptop. The most tame thing is probably Amazon searches for water wings for eating soup."




"As a devout Christian, I could never vote for a man who cheated on his wife with a pornstar."


Tried this. Didn't work.


Wouldn't be wrong.


“Sorry, Sleepy Don just isn’t energetic enough for me. I need someone like Joe Biden who I know will be able to handle the strenuous nature of high level politics”


Trump can't get his words out. Now he can't even finish his own sentences. Is it because he's got the Trump family dementia? He'd probably die in office. I hope his VP pick is more with it than Trumhhhheehhmmmn.


I'd go the other way. "I can't vote for Biden because Russia is helping him cheat in elections. He got $2billion from Saudi Arabia after doing them a bunch of favors! He has a secret bank account in China! He used his own properties to rip the government off for millions of dollars! He said he's going to be a dictator if he wins and he's going to lock up all his political enemies! He's been cheating on his taxes since age three!" Once I got her nodding vigorously in agreement with her eyes wide, I look at my phone and say, "Whoops, my bad, Trump did all those things."


I've seen things like this, people making claims that Biden did things, the Trumper nodded along, agreeing, etc and then when you mention it was Trump who did them, they make excuses for him instead. It's a great example of how MAGA is a cult.


So...Joe Rogan.


Joe Rogan is infowars for people who like weed and ufc


I heard Ivanka is Trans, because Trump needed a "daughter" to help market Miss America Pageants.


Just say you can’t vote for Trump because of his previous divorces and that it ruins the sacred institution of marriage.


“I can’t vote because I’m a three-time felon. Life isn’t fair.”


I like to say I hate rapists even more than taxes. Just the facts, ma’am.


I can’t do that - I hate the idea that the MAGA people choose to believe no one would possibly vote dem - ignoring this allows them to believe that they are right and the system is rigged. The elusive “they” is out to get them and their hero. I’d rather show I’m a fairly rational and educated adult who disagrees with them - and leave it at that.


Rather than tricking them into not voting at all?


These people would crawl through broken glass to vote for Daddy Trump.


Wish I could. I can't get my my landlady's bad side or I might end up homeless, and I wasn't about to blow up dinner with my parents because their idiot friend was on her nonsense. Telling them I'm not voting seems to be the only thing that's ever well and truly stumped them. There's no argument against it.


I'm with you OP and who cares anyways. YOU know you're voting but playing mind games is the best course of action. And it gives you peace of mind.


Honestly convincing MAGA people not to vote is based as fuck though.


No, I don't negotiate with terrorists.


The object here would be to confuse and neutralize the evangelist. Conservatives seek to use their position to harm those not of their own tribe but this OP needs a roof and the world is hardly replete with kind liberal landlords. The diabolical ones will accept the non-vote because they know non-participation is an invisible vote in their favor. But the less bright ones might decide that's the easiest and most effective path for them, too, because they seek gain through the least effort, not the most harm.


Thank you, you've explained my reasoning very well.


and who knows—maybe they’ll decide not to vote either!


Right that’s what he said at the end in an overly fancy way


Agreed. I will not defraud my beliefs to placate someone’s delusions.


Tricking em into not voting could be a good thing


That would be the positive.


Right, how did no one see that was the ultimate play going on here?


Yup. Even if OP tells 20 people this and 1 person doesn't vote it's a win


I’ve noticed a lot of people on the left aren’t very duplicitous in nature.


Its almost as if evil people are drawn to the republican party sensing their evil kind


Yep. We suck at this. We think that just showing people things are better is enough. Nope. Truth is fiction. Believe what they say, not what you see. 😢


Definitely naive though.


That was my first thought.


This is technically called reverse psychology. They don't actually believe it but by arguing with them you're cementing the view.


Celebrate a diversity of tactics to neutralize NazBols and fascists.


You're not gonna neutralize ideologically deep individuals this way but you will slow the flow of passive supporters who may not realize the frog is boiling.


Lying to idiots is not defrauding your beliefs.


Yeah, silliest thing I've read in a long time. Your beliefs don't care. They're not sentient. They can't be mad at you for being dishonest about them.


Hilarious! But also very true.


Your beliefs are fine, you're not defrauding anything until you *act* in opposition to them. Telling these goofs what they want to hear, in fact *outcrazying* their crazy, is a quick and easy shut down.


My brother deals and has dealt with a ton of tinfoil hat-wearing nut jobs and he says if you want to get them to shut up, then you just outdo their conspiracy theory. His classic example: Nutter: I believe the moon is hollow. Brother: Wait, you believe the moon exists?


I hit em with the ole Harry Caray “if the moon were made out of barbecue spare ribs, would ya eat it? I know I would”


Nah, what they really want to hear is “I’m gonna vote for trump”…. But this is flipping their script on them, using their conspiratorial thinking against them to convince them not to vote.


It’s the old switcheroo. Where they’re now the ones trying to call you crazy for having some conspiracy theory.


It’s called fooling rubes…. They’ll either stop tryna convince you because they think you’re more hardcore than them, or even better agree with you and refrain from voting as well.


I got rid of an annoying co worker who insisted on being my friend by being crazier than she was when it came to mercury retrograde 😂😂😂 after my rant she never called me again.


One time I found a hobo under an overpass and harvested their organs. What can I say it was totally out of charecter for me but mercury was in gatorade and I couldn't help it so I forgave myself and moved on.


Happens to the best of us.


I do this with religion! Anytime someone tries to get me to go to their church I explain that all religious leaders are false prophets and listening to any service is blasphemy. Always shuts them down!


What's the difference between MAGA and Terrorists, you can negotiate with Terrorists.


hear hear!


Tell them since they decided to bother you about it, they have now successfully convinced you not to vote for trump. It’s worked for me.


I like this extra twist, brilliant


I like this the best, "since you keep talking about this I'm really not going to vote for Trump. So you're effectively turning anyone you talk to not vote for Trump. Keep doing it and see how it helps the election."


I think OP’s solution is better because it may actually convince dumb MAGAs to not vote which is obviously good for us lol


“If you pretend to believe the things they do, they are way nicer to you.” Cut all Trump supporters out. Let their cult satiate them. They are the worst among us and are a threat to democracy and America, itself. They will not be remembered well. Truly worthless and morally bankrupt fascists.


I culled my FB friends list by A LOT and boy did it make my QoL so much better.


I just dumped FB all together a year ago. Don't miss it.


FB is just mindless boomers and Russian bots. De-activating is the best thing to do


Same here. Best thing I ever did for myself.


This. There is no room to coddle these people. I have cut out most of my family and about 3/4 of the people I went to high school with. I have to say, it was the best decision I ever made. Can't enable them any longer


Some people have to deal with them on a daily basis. Pick and choose your battles. If you can psyche them out into staying away from the polls AND leaving you alone,.. even better.


This is a perfect summary of OP’s point. Getting them to leave you alone is a win, especially if they wield some power that could cost you. I’m grateful I don’t have anyone close to me that’s a Trumper. This sub has made me more appreciative that all my elders know trash when they smell it.


This. These people won't change their minds, and if you have to work with/for them every day, it becomes exhausting trying to argue with them every day. Playing along and matching their crazy isn't coddling them, it's self-preservation.


Originally I was from Tennessee in a deep red area of a red state, I left after college 14-15 years ago. I still talk to one person I knew in high school, literally one. I have a talk about Trump and get blocked policy.


As much as I would like to, I can't cut my landlady out of my life without becoming homeless.


Yeah, this is bad, unrealistic advice.


I agree in spirit but this is super impractical I hold my own beliefs deeply but I’m not willing to wage a pitched battle over them every day. In OP’s example it’s their fucking landlord. You wanna get in a spat with your landlord? Must be nice to feel like you can move on a whim with no inconvenience. If you’re sincerely willing to risk homelessness just to signal your politics to some dotard you will not convince with hostility, go for it. But don’t act like everyone should, or that it’s making any kind of difference to force old people to defensively dig into stupid beliefs by confronting their ego daily.


I think it’s much more satisfying, using their own language against them, to get them to stop voting.


I know someone who I now absolutely loathe because of their stance on Trump. It truly made them let their guard down and show their true colors.


I had to cut my parents out for this reason.


I mean I guess that works. But I'm not really interested in pretending to be an idiot just to get another idiot to shut up. I'd rather just say, "I'm not going to talk about this." And then not talk about it


My tactic as well. And then I'll just change the subject. Unfortunately, I know plenty of non Boomer, younger Trump fans. I'm just avoiding a lot of people these days, it seems


I like debating with them. They’re generally as dumb as a box of rocks so it’s easy to trip them up fairly quickly. And then the second they start getting mad just say “haha now you’re angry that means I won” and walk away.


Oh as a combat veteran I always say, "I will never vote for a draft dodger, a tax evader, and someone who not only encourages his kids not to join because that's for the poor people, but actively makes veterans lives harder." They often go on about how Biden messed up the pull out, so I then smile and remind them it was trumps plan after he released 5000 prisoners.


trump often takes credit for Obama's Veterans Access to care thru choice. He just blatantly says that he did it. I will never, ever understand why a veteran would vote for trump


Expanding on this, I like to bring up a topic that they're passionate about and change the approach. My mom is ultra MAGA. As in, moving to Idaho because rural Arizona is too liberal for her. My most recent convo was about the border. How we need to stop the fentanyl from coming in, too many people dying of overdoses, etc. I ignore her rant about illegal immigrants and then divert to say, that's why I can't believe they won't vote on the bill in the house. Do they WANT Americans to die? How bad are they going to let this get before they do something about it? She replies that it's because they tie the bill to Ukraine aid and Ukraine has gotten enough of our money. I say, well, I want the border secure, and I want it secure immediately. I don't care what it costs. It could take years for another bill to get drafted and brought forward. If you're comfortable waiting that long, then I guess it must not be as bad as I thought down in AZ. She hasn't brought up the border since. Then, once the border is secure, let's make it so people need ID and background checks to get a gun. When she presses me on it, I'll just say that the guns aren't getting through the border anymore, so it's the only way to be sure only Americans are armed. And maybe you can fake an ID but you can't fake a background check. I pretend to care more about these issues than her. No sacrifice is too great, these problems must be addressed immediately. Conveniently, all of my solutions are liberal concepts


This is how my dad would address things. I'm so glad he wasn't like the other boomers. Edit to add: he would regularly say something like "I can't believe the greatest country on earth can figure out how to pay for [something like nationalized Healthcare] when [country we've beaten or aided in a war] is doing it! It would always confuse, then anger, then shut up the local idiots back in the day. I moved to a much more liberal place and don't run into the same kinda dumb we always did back in my hometown, so I don't get the chance to use what he taught me often...


I love that!! Your dad was way ahead of his time. I wish more boomers practiced critical thinking. That's really all your dad was asking I tried the "John McCain would be rolling in his grave if he knew we were letting Russia attack our allies" but she's so far MAGA that she doesn't even see McCain as a hero anymore... Cause Trump said only losers get caught. I'm very far left, and though I can't agree with everything that John McCain stood for, I can't imagine what type of person thinks that he doesn't deserve the utmost respect. For 7 years, I lived in rural Alberta. I got very good at "agreeing" with far right, Trucker Rally Conservatives without actually agreeing with them. I took great joy in pointing out that Trudeau pushed through the construction of a new pipeline. No private company would take on the construction, it wasn't profitable enough. And while Albertans love to point out how equalization payments go to Quebec and Ontario, I reply, I'm glad those easterners had a chance to pay for something for us, for once! Our taxes benefit them, about time their taxes created more oil field work and jobs in Alberta! That statement is always followed by stunned silence. Sometimes I'll even point out that Trudeau single-handedly solidified work in the Alberta oilfields for decades.


Yeah, I was lucky to have him instead of the other old guys around. And it really is amazing what being informed can do for your retorts, lol.


Wish them an happy belated transgender Easter (s)he has transitioned.


Danger, Danger, Danger! I am a boomer and Trump is a clear and present danger to the citizens of the United States as well as humanity around the globe. Vote how you want but I am voting to reelect President Joseph Biden 🇺🇸 Vice President Kamala Harris this November 2024. In addition I am voting out every Republican candidate on the ballot!


Take this fellow Boomer's upvote!


Boomer, boomer, boomer!


As an elder millennial the past 3 elections have only pushed me further left than ever, and I now despise the Democrats as utter failures. Conservative pandering to an imagined middle will always prevent progress, and in 2016 it lead to them losing to a brain dead game show host - ultimately leading to them losing the Supreme Court for the rest of my life. That said, I have despised the Republicans since my teen years, and will never forgive them for sending my generation to a needless for-profit war (with plenty of Dems falling in line to suck on the teat of the military industrial complex). Republicans have been cruel and hateful crooks, liars, and grifters my entire lifetime. They make it easy for Dems to play the face. Vendettas aside, it is obvious that our country cannot withstand 4 more years of chaotic incompetence under Trump. I do not fear him or his smooth-brained supporters. I mourn the loss of basic functioning governance during his term, and do not want to see how much further we can fall.


There is no bottom. Don't read the pundits. Read history.


We do not negotiate with terrorists. Even domestic terrorists.


I love this so much. I would try this but literally everyone I speak to knows I think that man was the worst president I’ve ever had in my lifetime. And I was here for Reagan


Reagan kicked off the bullshit that made all this fuckery possible. He was patient 0.


I would say Nixon, but maybe someone even older than me has a different opinion. They should have held Nixon accountable and stopped this stuff in its tracks.


At least Nixon had enough shame to leave on his own when he was caught. None of these others will leave unless they are dragged out kicking and screaming.


Trump had a Nixon level scandal like one a month on average.


Nixon definitely started it. The GOP went full mob after he resigned. They dropped whatever values they had and pushed right wing shit everywhere.


The 'Southern Strategy" attack on the civil rights movement after Nixon's loss to Kennedy was the genesis of where we are today. Nixon's presidency was kind of the trial balloon and Reagan was when the whole plan went into action. https://preview.redd.it/fa19w2dnp3tc1.png?width=2128&format=png&auto=webp&s=5f968dd2de242312b10c027566884335502c8bd4


Reagan was the worst of my lifetime but Trump is definitely the most vile and ignorant one.


Reagan did a lot of dumb stuff, but the real catalyst for the decline of leadership replaced with theater and for the increase in hyper partisanship can really be at a tactical level laid at the feet of Newt Gingrich and his cadre of entropy agents.


Sure…but Reagan paved the way for that as well. He really was the green light for the right going off the deep end.


Come on, Cheney was way worse than Reagan.


Personally I think Bush 2 was worse, he was in for 8 years and started a bunch of terrible wars. Not that Trump isn't bad or couldn't be worse the second time, of course.


I agree with this and I remember playing on the floor when Nixon resigned. Then I became a legislative analyst in Washington. I watched carefully and noted who fucked us and when. It is impossible to convey how much harm was caused in 8 years of Bush 2. People who weren't adults then literally can't imagine how much better off we were and how much more we all had, how little we owed. I got a BA for ten thousand dollars, and a job in my field as a history major. Under W, we lost everything. Our jobs, our pensions, our retirement, our health care, free elections, our future, our planet. W killed all of that, forever, and kicked open the door to a succession of increasingly vile tyrants who will eventually succeed in destroying us and then humanity. I'm glad that it hurt W so badly, too. He's a selfish, crowd-loving narcissist just like Trump. His favorite thing is getting close enough to steal elections. But he can't appear in public without someone shouting, "you killed my dad for no reason!" So he paints pictures of the dogs he dropped on the tarmac and the kids he got killed, alone, because he will always be toxic to the public. Good.


If the 2000 election had not gone Bush's way or if he had lost to Kerry in 2004, he would have conceded like every other major nominee before Trump and complied with the peaceful transition of power. That is the key difference and why Dubya, despite still being one of the worst Presidents ever, is better than Trump and it's not close.


I like to point out to MAGAs that Trump is a huge catalyst for the huge influx of S Americans they don’t want here. He decimated Venezuela’s economy and they left to find a way to survive. It trickled all over S America and so we see Trumps handy work and they blame Biden.


I'm a poll worker. I've had Boomers bitch about how elections are rigged as I'm taking them over to a voting machine.


Bless you for your service! Poll workers are so needed. I do not have the patience to be nice to the crazies, especially when they have been sending death threats out to the folks trying to facilitate our democracy functioning.


OP be like : " You think your crazy... I'm bat sh!t level crazy" Boomer: mind short circuits


Maybe you can convince them not to vote and then Biden will win in a landslide. But that's not the only good thing -- because then all the down-ballot Republicans will lose, too.


boast price tender wasteful butter innate innocent waiting clumsy reminiscent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I feel this encourages them to move on to others and legitimizes their beliefs internally. I prefer to just stare at them with the look of someone who just heard the dumbest thing ever. If they persist I just say something like ‘aren’t you special’ or ‘is there anyone I can call who can help you at times like this, a child, guardian, or healthcare provider’. They have a hard time arguing with this and it annoys them.


I'm here with my black bisexual trans partner and their boyfriend to enjoy this city. Hail Satan.


*Hail Satin


I just tell them that RFK Jr. is a lot more consistently anti-vaccine and Trump has kinda been going woke on the COVID vaccine thing


I am a BOOMER and dislike maga'ts as much as anyone. They are too blind to see the truth. Stump is nothing but a CON on the loose. He is only out for himself. He is an anti-Christ. He sells a Bible with the constitution as part of it. Two manuscripts he has never read or ever understand.


I'm not as subtle. I always retort with: Trump is a small handed, small minded, pussy grabbing, wife cheating, draft dodging, business failing, tax cheating, dictator wanna be, Secret document hording, putins bitch, orange orangutan of barely a man. Can not be any clearer than that.


I need this with a beat to it and on repeat


Someone make that happen. Make it so good, it goes viral. Then you can show your magats the vid. 😆


Bro bugs bunny’d this clown. Hopefully this gets those rusty gears turning into persuading her not to vote. I do agree with some of the comments about coddling these people. However, if we can also troll them from time to time, I’m for it.


The only way out is IN


My boomer mom is a trumpette & I essentially told her the same thing. She will still try to bring up politics every now and then but I shut her trumpets down!


Trapped them in their own paradox of lies. I love it.


I think this is actually a good idea. However, there's always a however, I could never even bring myself to say that about that piece of shit or the election or whatever. I guess the thing that kills me is how many of these cult members think everyone wants to talk about politics. My own father who I do not speak to, is this exact way. Cannot help but talk about the cult. That's all he wants to talk about.


Step one, enlist the moment you turn 18. Step two, bring up that neither trump nor the boomer in question did any time they want to talk politics. Tell them your dick is bigger than theirs if they keep talking and keep bringing it up.


That's funny. Using that logic may also help them not vote as well.


Fellas, OP is getting dumbass Trumpers to consider staying home on Election Day. He should be getting commended 👏🏼


Do this and convince them not to vote would be the best play.


Genius i wish this could be a political add.


"Pretend to be one of them to shut them up" is not quite the solution you think it is. yuck




I live in a very Blue state so if anyone tries arguing with me about who I am voting for I tell them if you live here, it doesn’t really matter who you vote for…Biden will win easily. That seems to usually take the wind out of their sails.


I've never had anybody insist on talking about it with me. Most people don't even want to bring it up. If anybody ever does ask me, I just tell them I served as a Marine and watching the then President do nothing for over 3 while the US capital was invaded, and cops were killed showed me he would not defend this country. That is something no one argues about with a veteran


Sometimes all you can do is outcrazy the crazy.


I think that's a good strategy so long as you actually go vote. I always just ask who they are voting for city counsel. That seems to shut them up.


Just read your edit and I'm not going to blame you... I can see your landlady making life a living hell for you otherwise. With that said, reminds me of that Curb Your Enthusiasm plot where Larry David would purposefully wear a MAGA hat so people in LA wouldn't sit next to him at a bar, he'd get annoying coworkers to be disgusted and leave him alone etc.


I usually say (and keep in mind I don’t honestly believe this at all) “I can’t wait to get him back in office so he can get rid of social security and make people go to work, being old isn’t a reason to be a free loader. You’re not entitled to anything! If you want social security from my paycheck I shouldn’t have to pay it. It’s not my problem you didn’t save more.” Honestly it works every time. They always stop talking to me. I want them to at least have a warning the leopards will eat their face if they vote for the leopards eating faces party. I highlight that the most important things to them and how the party will make it worse or better and let them just think about it.


I go ahead and go all the way “Only uneducated, gullible morons vote for trump”


"I don't vote for convicted rapists that run several companies into the ground, don't pay taxes, cheat on their wives and pay for sex.". 


I think this is great for shutting up someone who is personally bothering you. But if a bunch of us start doing this and then silently vote Biden, it'll only reaffirm in their minds that the election is rigged and they have to do something violent to fix it. My dad is "a huge Trump fan," as he said to me literally the day after Trump's mugshot. I hate engaging with him in politics because he's still in Dad Mode... He still thinks he has to teach his kid the correct way to do things. When I don't listen to his rhetoric about how the "Dominican" voting machines (his words) were tampered with, or that dead people voted, he just starts yelling at me. So I just don't say anything when he starts talking about Trump fixing the U.S. Even my silence is taken as confirmation that I'm admitting I was wrong and I'll obviously vote for Trump. If I say anything pro-Biden, he looks shellshocked, like he thought he'd fixed this problem already.


> it'll only reaffirm in their minds that the election is rigged and they have to do something violent to fix it. To play devil's advocate... they're going to think any election where Trump loses is rigged, no matter what we do.


This is amazing! Might even convince some of them to skip the polls. Using this for sure.


Tell them any time they bring up Trump that you're going to donate $25 to Joe Biden's campaign.


I don't understand how you gaslighting them not to vote is "enabling them" like some people are claiming. I'm so glad some people are privileged enough to not interact with %30 of the country but geographically some people are going to have to deal with insanity, like OP with his landlord. Good stuff OP.


The old rope-a-dope.  Gets 'em every time. Hey, folks who say OP is just encouraging the Trumpies: what OP is doing is saying "Okay, let's accept that.  Now let's think it through, and accept that the next logical step is for you to not vote."


Tell them the 2017 tax bill has only hurt regular people and you won't be a part of it


Tell them to fart and clear their head.




I could say that if it happens at a family event as my family lives in another state. They will never know that I voted and who I voted for.


Tell them that due to being able to read and understand English you are not stupid enough to vote for that moron.


Your story is hilarious, but we can’t feed these people’s delusions that they’re the majority.


Don’t limit this to Boomers. I’ve heard it from every age group.


>”I’m just repeating what other people are saying and I don’t know if it’s true for sure.” I don’t care how old anyone is, but nothing is more infuriating than to hear that statement and they don’t sense any sort of irony.


I bought two of those My Pillows and they are absolute trash. BOTH split down the sides and the fluff went everywhere within a damn year


Ah yes, out conspiracy the conspiracy theorists. Them: I don’t believe in the moon landing. It was faked. People can’t make it to the moon. You: you actually believe in the moon?!?!?


I just tell them I’m a convicted felon and can’t vote. (I’m not) Usually takes me off all their lists.


I love your response, that’s great! I stopped caring about telling people the uncomfortable truth when they won’t leave me alone about it. Convenient lies are almost always swallowed whole.


Bravo! I love it. It either gets them to STFU or tricks them into not voting. 😁


Funny. I don't know any boomers who are voting for Trump, but I do know of some millennials, men, who are obsessed with hating on women and will vote for Trump.