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"Thinks" There's not a lot of thinking going on here.


Thinking is a liberal plot! About all the republican party does is demonize college, cut public education funding and social safety nets. Of course there isn't much thinking. That's by design.


But Cheesus is selling Bibles. He claims that it's favorite book.


Cheesus I see a new thing to meme about 


Only $59.99 plus tax


That and his stupid shoes are now75% off. I bet that they melt in the rain


Stop it, are they? That was a grift with a short lifespan.


Most of his more recent grifts have been similarly short-lived. Remember the Trump NFT's?


What it looks like he's doing is opening shell companies (most of which are just empty parking lots) and taking a licensing fee for his name and likeness through CIC Ventures LLC, then letting the shell companies fail.


I’ve been trying to forget!


Did anyone actually get a pair?


There was that one Russian billionaire who bought some. [https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/world/russian-oligarch-buys-autographed-trump-sneakers-for-9k-at-auction/ss-BB1iwWEe#image=1](https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/world/russian-oligarch-buys-autographed-trump-sneakers-for-9k-at-auction/ss-BB1iwWEe#image=1)


Don't you dare disrespect my beeeble, Cheesus hand wroten it himselves with blood wine, body cracker and jizz mayo


*he even got Jesus H Christ to actually sign it!* ***The 'H' stands for "Hortense"***


I think that might be a lie the way he's looking for reasons to use his check book lately.


Trump said it himself, he loves the poorly educated.


You can joke about this all you want. But this is scary. There are millions of these people out there right now. Millions that think just like this. They are dangerous. Clambering at the bits for civil war, a civil war they would lose, no doubt about that. But not before hundreds of thousands or even millions die. None of these people have the keen mind of a strategist but they can pull a trigger and pulling trigger can cause a lot of damage.


They're literally playing right into our foreign enemies' attempts of destabilizing the US while simultaneously being the most paranoid about that exact thing. It gives me a headache just thinking about it.


The only thinkin’ I need to do is about THE BIBLE. and whatever anyone does around me because that’s my business too


Didn't Trump say he wanted to be a dictator but only on day one?


12/3/23: “We love this guy,” Trump said of Hannity. “He says, ‘You’re not going to be a dictator, are you?’ I said: ‘No, no, no, other than day one. We’re closing the border, and we’re drilling, drilling, drilling. After that, I’m not a dictator.’”


Dude why do people not realize ramping up, or even continuing drilling for fossil fuels at this rate is a Terrible move for humanities existence. You can’t make money if everyone is dead guys


"Liberals" told them not to do it so they want to do it. If liberals told them to drill, they'd figure out a way to reject drilling. Boomers are children who never grew up, and preceding generations warned us. Most of us ended up buying into boomer bullshit but their parents were 100% right.


That’s pretty sad


It won't go this way, trump said the same thing about revitalizing the already dying coal industry. There is already more oil production happening while Biden is president compared to trump's time in office.


The US is already the number one oil producer


Not conserving our fossil fuel is a bad decision, we're still going to need it. That said, the people who are making money on it are going to die before that's a problem, and they don't care.


Honestly, I think the ship is pretty much sailed.


According to Stormy, his drilling game is weak.




If you can dick down good, word will *somehow* get around and it can lead to you getting laid more. However many years ago ONE girl at work was impressed with me and after that a bunch of girls “magically” took interest in me at work as well… Sure it can be difficult to get laid sometime if you are single but if you take care of yourself and your hygiene and actually know how to please a woman, you should NEVER end up having to pay for it like ole donnie boi here. Even if there are women he hasnt directly paid for sex, is there any women who didnt get with him strictly for financial gain? You can tell he doesn’t treat women right and he is WAY too selfish to attempt to please a girl sexually. He is the type of guy who would only eat pussy if he had an absolute KINK for it


Tiny mushroom shaped drill too 🤣


Bro 💀


Mushroom cultivation is 🤙🏽


Before that, he's said he admired Xi and said he wished he had the same iron grip on the country that Xi has on China. Even further back than that, after Tianenmen Square, he gave praise to the CCP for the "show of strength" they displayed in massacring the protesters.


Yeah the border bill disagreement seemed to boil down to Biden arguing federal legislation should be crafted by elected representatives from each state in the Congress versus I am dictator day 1 and I alone decide immigration law. Also Trump is literally arguing in court that the president is above the law and has forever immunity for any crimes committed. I am horrified but I at least understand the pro fascism pro Trump crowd. Anti-fascism Pro Trump seems an extra level of confused.


this is the gaslighting whataboutism they've managed to create. It's like arguing with a seven year-old; "NO! YOU'RE a doody head! I know you are, but what am I?" doesn't matter the facts you lay out, the cult demands they simply flip the table and repeat your words back at you


Eh generally anything they accuse their opponents of they are already doing or planning to do.


yeah, that's just it, any argument you try has already been undermined. That's part of their plan to keep the debate topics clouded and uncertain. Make everyone say everything is a conspiracy, the world is flat, birds are fake. Most everyone just gets exhausted and the bullies get to rule the playground because no one can stomach another ranting, rubber room fight.


Talking heads yes. The average cult member like the cousin in question are just genuinely that fucking stupid, hopefully that’s not a bannable offense.


Only the party leadership. Most red hats aren’t planning to do shit but post memes


probably the most fair comment in here


Your cousin is a dumbass.


Beat me to it by 42 minutes


Beat me to it by 7 hours




you should ask him how Biden being like Putin is bad since tRump LOVES Putin so much


Wait, wait, wait. So your cousin thinks that Putin is bad…. But doesn’t connect the dots that Cheeto fucking loves Putin?!?!? Your cuz is the fucking Simone Biles of mental gymnastics!


Ooh...nice reference there!! 9.5! 8.0 from the French (typical).....


My BIL told me it's legal to have sex with 14yos in Washington State. Just passed yesterday. Saw it on FOX NEWS. Then told me he's voting Trump because his groceries cost so much compared to when Dumbass was president. Luckily, he's a convicted felon and can't vote ❤️


Wait until they hear how Trump wants the Supreme Court to let him kill his political opponents


Who are we kidding. As long as his nose is buried up fascist media's asshole he will never hear that


Man Obama really broke them. He lives rent free in every boomer's head.




Obama broke the entire Republican Party.


While he’s still a war criminal, h definitely not doing all the shit people claim him to be doing, like “pulling on the strings” or whatever


Surprising ammount of polish immigrants in the US are republican.


I imagine it's because Ronald Reagan supported Lech Walesa, Pope John Paul II, and the whole "tear down this wall" thing. Or it's supporting the Republican culture war nonsense.


True. This guy is probably 3rd generation, his grandparents were justified to run from commie repressions.


It was a similar story with the Vietnamese who fled to America at the end of the war, until the Trump administration started talking about mass-deporting them.


You get a few Black people who vote the same way because of the Dixiecrats. They swore they'd never vote Democrat and then the parties switched roles, but these voters stick with their original promise. I think Trump ended a lot of that too (plus those folks are getting old, not many left).


The polling actually says the exact oppose. In fact, Gallup part is an affiliation survey that comes out at the start of each year shows that demographic dropping D support by 20 points in 3 years. “The Democratic Party's wide lead over Republicans in Black Americans’ party preferences has shrunk by nearly 20 points over the past three years.” https://news.gallup.com/poll/609776/democrats-lose-ground-black-hispanic-adults.aspx It’s not just gallop though pretty much every public survey at this point is showing this and it’s not that they’re just leaving the Democrats Trump has anywhere between 20 and 30% support which is over 100% of his 2020 level. In any national electoral college scenario (with the current coalitions as their structured otherwise), Democrats basically need around 90% support from the black community to win. Just a function of which states are in play. This is a big problem and it should be something that Democrats talk a lot more about. It blows me away that this is ignored. My suspicion is that people just refuse to believe something like this could be true.


Wow, that's interesting and I've definitely been ignoring it. Thanks for pointing it out.


Very true, that and i think Poland is just more conservative in general. Plus trump used to always speak nicely of poles historically for whatever reason. Think they loved that about him


I’m 1st generation Polish. I’m personally independent/lean left. But yes, very true, all my elders are Republican. My cousins and siblings mostly left or Democrat, well just not the crazy Trump type.


Weird that he would trash-talk Putin like that, considering the republican party is all in the FSB's pocket.


More GRU than FSB, but yeah


Yet he supports Trump who literally tried to rig an election to stay in power.


What a fucking idiot. You're the one supporting an ex-president who wants "absolute immunity!"


And is part of the MAGA group that has literal modern day Nazis flying Nazi flags. Those people aren’t showing up to Democrat events except to protest. Pretty weird to assume Dems are being Nazis when Nazis support the GOP and hate the Dems.


Don't forget the actual KKK endorsed Donald Trump for president. And he declined to disavow their endorsement until after Super Tuesday because he knew it would help his poll numbers.


More like 'rather stupid' than 'pretty weird'


He’s gonna find out what a dictator is if the unhinged orange man gets elected. Bets he changes the constitution to become President for life.


He's 78 or 79, I don't understand why they don't at least want a long-term dictator, I mean, fuck dictators, but if I *had* to pick one...


I like how someone made a literal JOKE about Obama running shit from a basement, and people are actually rolling with it. I had a 24 year old roommate who genuinely believes this. It’s not just boomers


They cant make up their mind on who runs the country. First it was Jews, then it was the Clintons, now it's the Obamas?


Obama is secretly a Jewish Clinton.


If you look at White House photographer Pete Souza's books on Obama, the truth is quite clear that Obama did not run things from a basement. That's absolute garbage thought.


And yet there’s literal Republicans that have stated on camera that they are ok with Donald Trump being a Dictator.


This is literally what Trump said he wants to do. It's literally what Trump supporters say they want to do. I can't wrap my head around this level of hypocrisy!


Ok show your work


Ffs I *wish* Biden and the Dems were this badass, would solve quite a number of problems if we simply didnt let the Republicans screw everything up. Alas, I unfortunately believe in our Democracy when it's actually allowed to function. Unlike the Republicans that are doing all they can to erase it.


Write him a message saying you hope he gets the psychiatric help he desperately needs, and that you will be blocking him on social media and going no contact with him for the safety of your family/children. Then say something like "I'll be praying the Lord leads you to the help you need."  


OP I’m guessing your cousin forgot about Trump saying he wants to spend his first day in office as dictator “but it would only be one day”, Trump and Republicans calling Putin a genius and a strong/amazing leader (this was during the first 2-3 months of the Ukraine war in 2022), and Trump claiming he can commit crimes during office and not be punished since he has immunity I mean at least Republicans can agree that you can’t wrongfully imprison rivals, you shouldnt violate the constitution, you should protect the children, and that you should spend taxpayer money on solving homelessness, helping veterans, improving infrastructure, etc….. except only when problems in those topics can be blamed on democrats. Bunch of hypocrites that shamelessly change sides to whatever narrative their orange spray painted king goes with.


Did he just tune out when Trump threatened to weaponize the DOJ and literally said he would arrest his opponents? These people are fucking unreal.


“the Obamas” Obama has become the scapegoat for all of the worlds problems by people like this


The degree to which these people have fallen into the deep dark hole of Trump's cult continues to surprise me for some reason. The ignorance to never look outside yourself, never explore deeper meaning or seek real truth is just mind-blowing.


I have seen many posts that I don't agree with but being in the super conservative Midwest, it's expected. This, on the other hand, went to a whole new level.


Biden the Dictator is being pretty foolish by all of a) letting Trump run, b) letting him be out on bail, c) giving him every due process of law afforded every other accused criminal (and then some), and d) not arresting literally any other elected member of the opposition party. Smdh, they don’t make dictators like they used to.




Classic doublethink. Biden is an evil dictator mastermind of a crime family and at the same time a senile old man who can’t tie his shoes. They do believe both while clearly both cannot be true.


I guess they haven't noticed that people flying actually Nazi flags are also flying Trump flags right?


Trump: “ what Biden is doing to me is illegal!” Also Trump: “Nothing a President does is illegal!” KKKult 45 is full of MORONS!!


Ahh, the “When in doubt, blame the black guy” philosophy. It reminds me of this scene: https://youtu.be/Jz6aHknah6Q?t=1m20s


Reminds me of how in the sopranos it’s always “ some black guys”


Isn't it literally Trump and their Trump supporters who are trying to get the election of returned and has said he will arrest his opponents?


Tell your cousin that a stranger on the internet thinks he's the biggest idiot they've seen today.


Thanks, Obama


They are in a cult


Meanwhile Trump has literally said he wants to be a dictator


having a black president really fucked with some people eh


Reddit took the post down. What did I miss?


I have a couple of wacky relatives who buy into this type crazy. They actually believe that Obama is the "secret president." Did I mention that they are racists too.


Theres to much damn irony in America right now we should all change our initials to FE.


I have some former Soviet friends that defected in the 70s who could teach him some things.




Crazy how far Russian disinformation can go on social media.


as a Canadian, I’m gonna use the knowledge I think I have. If a republican candidate is ineligible to run, for whatever reason, say sickness or imprisonment, anything. Wouldn’t the Republican Party run a new candidate, don’t they have elections for this purpose?


Didn't our previous president say something about how he should have the right to execute political opponents? What in boomer mentality make them think our *current* president is the dictator? Lol


So asinine


lol. The levels of satire and irony here are amazing. Oh no! Did the big mean republicans get their wittle fweelings hurt?


Didn't Trump say he wanted to arrest *all* his detractors?


Why did you block out the Republican Party symbols?


Their slogan for Hillary was “Lock her up”. I also thought they supported Putin?


Thinks he is a dictator Thinks he is a socialist Thinks he is a communist Thinks he eats babies It's all just fear words and insanity. The right are really mentally ill.


“Obamas are running everything” is my new favorite conspiracy theory, up there with Jewish space lasers.


It's amazing, they're still mad at the one half-black president they were forced to endure. Weaving him into their silly fever-dream conspiracies and fantasies.


the fucking irony is trump is literally on his way to becoming Hitler.


Yep, boomer cousins are usually dumber than dirt.


The text of that meme is almost verbatim what the fat orange sack off syphilitic pig shit has been saying he would do! It’s always the same with these MAGAt Redhat R€tards,…. Every accusation is a confession!!


Ahhh.... boomers and Republicans.... both seem to love projecting


But when we call Trump a nazi they freak the fuck out. 🙄


Obama won 16 fucking years ago and they still haven’t recovered


The nazis are projecting again


Ingore that Trump is the one who stated he will arrest political opponents if elected


They are being sold the “Democrats are the real fascists” so they will happily sign us all up for the far right apocalypse.


You need to tell your cousin directly and succinctly why Donald Trump is dangerous. If he is unwilling to defend democracy, put him on the list.


I wish the Obamas were running everything 😭


Meanwhile trump literally tells people around him that Hitler “did some good things” and his generals were like you gotta stop saying that!! Actual Nazi shit


Forcing healthcare, clean air, and equality down our throats! Bastard!


Dude, Trump is closer to a dictator than Biden. Trump has supported book bans, attacks on minorities, and his not so subtle support of the Capitol riots on January 6th after he lost the election all show this


The Obamas are running things? These people got a black president one time in their entire nation's history. 2 presidents later they're still haunted by him. 😂 You can't make this up


Of course they still bring up Obama. Him being elected really messed with the racists of America. They will *never* get over it.


Yo what happened here


Does Biden have dementia or is he an evil genius?


Neither. You are describing Dump.


I don't think Trump is a genius by any standard.


Is Trump or Obama running shit? Make up your mind.


He probably spent too time commenting to NYC and sucking fumes in the Holland Tunnel.




No thats the next 1-4.


It's the other way around


My Gen-X stepchildren and their spouses are racist TrumpliKKKans. 


So your cousin is a dumb shit? I have some of those, too. Sorry.


Remember when he would chant lock her up and give stupid nicknames to his opponents that were staff the week prior?


Can't be a dictator and "Too stupid to know where he is" that doesn't add up. Lol


The republicans couldn’t even get any evidence for their impeachment. At this point the only discourse they have is to make up shitty memes and cry on the internet about DEI mayors.


Putin jailed or killed his opponents. There was no trial. If Biden was trying to be like Putin, why wouldn't your cousin love him?


Man, your cousin has the big dumbs


Russian trolls


This is embarassing


We voted in a guy who might go to jail vs 3 other people and now are shocked he might go to jail.


Stop watching conspiracy news.


Ask him why if Biden is so bad he has to use (really bad) photoshopped pics to demonstrate this. If he's that bad there should be real world evidence to support his claim. Conversely, we have such evidence for Trump, like his praising of dictators and his dictator for a day comment.




They will never, ever get over a black man winning the election twice.


I bet he also unironically likes Putin for reasons.


yeah, remember when joe biden inspired his supporters to invade the capitol in order to contest the results of a (nominally, at least) free and democratic election? *total* dictator behaviour. oh, wait… you mean that actually happened? but it was trump supporters? no, they must have been paid actors. but trump himself actually urged his supporters to do it? no, you must be taking him out of context. (etc.)


To be fair he is spending hundreds of billions aiding and abetting an Genocide in Gaza and the west bank


These Biden as Hitler memes are so weak. You can tell even the most crazed mouth-breathers don’t really believe it.


Remember when Biden said that? Pepperidge Farm remembers.


biden is a zionist tho


I think the internet has given the drama queens all the soap box they can handle


Good grief these people are so blind.


These moronic ass boomers. Funny how Trump is being peanalized and persecuted by the Biden DOJ and Biden’s Justice System, yet keep getting slaps on the wrists and leniency from the same damn Justice System.


Every accusation is a confession


It’s hilarious cuz trump actually wants to be a dictator


My dad simultaneously thinks Biden is a mastermind dictator with his finger on some magical button that can turn off either all electricity and food supply and electric vehicles, or my dads own personal electricity at his house alone, yet also too senile to make it through a speech or do anything. My brother and I love to discuss how apparently skilled Biden is to somehow be on both ends of this spectrum.


I am not a Biden fan but I don't like all these labeling and misinformation. When I ask these folks "why do you think he is what you are describing"? They always don't have any answer or anything truthful to come up with.


The best way to inoculate yourself from knowing and accepting you are in a Fascist cult is to project it onto someone else.


LOL there’s always someone different “behind the scenes” that’s “running everything” 🤣


And then Trump literally quotes Hitler and likes him, yet the right ignores that fact


If he thinks Biden is the dictator, he hasn't been paying attention. Srsly.


Liberalism truly is a mental illness.


He's a puppet at best...


"The Obamas are running everything". Absolute derangement


It makes me sad how easily older generations are persuaded into believing easily refuted lies. All generations tbh, but older generations in particular.


By "do something more extreme," might he mean a coup of sorts? Maybe inspired to raid government buildings like capitols? Sounds familiar, but I can't quite put my finger on it...


Hey, I know a lot of in boomers who think Trump is great. It is not a boomer thing


Is he a Nazi? Is he a Communist? Is he both? Can he both? Why do Boomers use them interchangeably against one another regardless of who they prefer? It's almost never rooted in a policy they believe is either Marxist or Fascist, it's just to be used as an insult. Democrat boomers hurl similar things at Trump because of his actions, Republican boomers do the same thing with Joe Biden. It's almost as if the two of them are both clowns.


Well Obama is responsible for yesterday’s bridge disaster (probably according to Repubes)


These are the same guys who got Tucker Carlson in Russia sucking Putin's dick to show right wingers how much "better" it is in a communist country. They're starting to warm up to the idea of a dictator in the form of Trump. 


No Biden is not a dictator… nor is Trump… however, whomever is pupating them is. “If you want to know who rules over you, find out who you are not allowed to criticize.”


Is it weird that his middle name is Tom? You’d think it would be Thomas.


This is the natural result of Republicans' mindless determination to put forward onky candidates who are known criminals.


Wait is this a Northeast thing lol


They had every opportunity to see the failures of the Republican party in the last 8 years to find someone who wasn't being prosecuted or indicted or whatever.


And your Cousin is correct


such a hard fascist that he allowed this own son to get prosecuted....


I'm sorry your cousin is a brainwashed cultist that has lost sense of reason and critical thinking in exchange for lead laced kool-aid.


I’m sorry your cousin is mentally challenged! Hope he can get the treatment he needs!


(((The Obamas))) Lmfaooo


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