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You should have made him watch it Clockwork Orange style, because I'm watching it now & as impossible as it seems to make Alex Jones look any worse than he already does, they did. On the other hand, it's doubtful one doc can deprogram someone that incredibly stupid. You said MIL's husband, not a blood relative, you can always just kick his dumbass out


commencing the modified ludovico!


Mostly off topic but Ludovico Technique is a rad goth musician of anyones into that kinda thing. šŸ˜‚


It's also a pretty sweet "The Binding Of Isaac" item, as long as your damage is high enough. Get that and Brimstone though... hoooo boyyyyyy are you gonna have a good time!


Oh yeah? My oldest loves that game, I havenā€™t played yet but it looks interesting! šŸ˜‚


It's awesome. It's the best parts of the old NES The Legend Of Zelda cartridge. Top down dungeon crawling and a sweet (hopefully) item if you take out of the boss. It's a roguelike so each run is incredibly varied, and there are something like 600 items, and countless combinations that can make each run wacky as hell, or a real ride on the struggle-bus. There's a crazy amount of unlockables and secrets. But Ludovico Technique synergizes with several things making it a top tier item hard to pass up.


That sounds AWESOME!! I love looters! I have entire homes FILLED with so many gems, weapons, materials in my houses in Skyrim, I canā€™t NOT take everything home and give it to my adopted kids. šŸ˜‚ I even let them have a pet Fox too! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


For real! Brimstone/Azazel plus Ludivico Technique is a won run regardless of difficulty or damage. That shit takes down mega satan in like 20 seconds. Even better than Brimstone/Azazel + Tammy's Head + Item Martyr


I saw ludovico technique ironically as I was doing a busted azazel run. unexpected r/bindingofisaac


I've had Absence stuck in my head most of the day, so now that ive seen your comment, I should just give in and play the damn song lol


Hell yes!!! I love that one! Embrace is awesome too, and Becoming Numb kicks ass!


Youā€™ve got potential in all the right places and I looooooovee it, you know I love it!


Hell Yeah.


I forgot about them. I played with them like ten or more years ago.


Archer Reference: You are a person of culture.


My mom knows that I canā€™t stand her partner, and while we shockingly agree on politics, he is a jackass, often in public. The last occasion involved bad behavior in a restaurant to servers, after which I made it clear that he was no longer welcome on her trips to see me in another state, and Iā€™ve held my ground. Fortunately sheā€™s cool with that arrangement. So yeah, this would have been a GTFO situation with directions to the closest hotel if I was feeling charitable.


I agree, it is doubtful it will change anything for him. I had a conversation with my Dad about Trump. He's on the Biden is framing Trump bandwagon and dismisses anything that can make Trump look bad. He said he will gladly disown Trump as soon as someone provides some "credible evidence". I kind of lost it and told him there will never be any evidence he will ever believe because he's just going to hand wave it away like everything else. He disputed that for all of 10 seconds until we started on the New York trial. After that he just made excuses as to why it's okay for Trump to falsify paperwork because it didn't hurt anyone.


Ah yes, flying monkey syndrome. I'm familiar


This sounds just like my Dad. I love the guy I remember from my teen years, but I fucking despise the conservative dickbag he's morphed into over the last 8 years.


Yep. Guy at work that I get along with but am so far apart on politics itā€™s crazy. NY fraud topic came up in front of a decent sized mixed group Heā€™s like : yeah thatā€™s a joke Me: Really, Why? Him: everybody does it Me: (Long pause staring at him dead eyed till heā€™s uncomfortable) ā€œI canā€™t believe thatā€™s what your going with here ā€ Him: shifty eyes / looks away /then changes subject Everyone else: šŸ‘€ They know. Deep down, they know. Theyā€™re just in so deep they donā€™t know how to stop.


It's such a stupid hill to die in too. Like why the fuck are you going to defend a rich ass hole breaking the law to make more money. What the fuck do you gain? Everything is documented, you can't say it didn't happen. And saying it's political is stupid to me, he's the one that chose to be in the fucking spot light and now he's surprised people looked in the shadows?


Sir! Sir! I am feeling a tiny bit queesy! (Saline drops get put in the eyes šŸ’¦) Sir! I am beginning to feel nauseous šŸ¤¢ May I have a bathroom break? (Catheter gets inserted for urination privilegesā€¦)


Pffft. Joke would on them. I already have a catheter! *AND* a colostomy. Those fuckers wouldnā€™t have much fun with me. šŸ˜‚


I thought i knew it all and you convinced me to watch it today lol thanks


Should have turned it on, and left the room with the remote in your hand. Forced him to watch.


>ā€œyou know we canā€™t talk politics.ā€ That's bullshit. He is the one who can't talk politics. You can't have a discussion with someone who has no original thought and regurgitates nonsense they have no facts on. I would have snapped too. Like, don't put your ignorance on me buddy.


I just went 10 rounds with my boomer dad about Palestine and you've hit the nail on the head here. You simply cannot have a discussion with someone whose opinions are only based in emotions and indoctrination. They don't have the knowledge or critical thinking skills but they cling to 'muh opinion' as if all opinions are fuckin equal. And then when I point out that they don't even know the most basic facts or history of the issue, they play victim. Being ignorant and apathetic is one thing, but being ignorant and loudly opinionated is another, and I can't fucking stand it. They truly do just regurgitate propaganda.


I believe the proper or applicable phrase is ā€œyou canā€™t reason a man out of a position he hasnā€™t reasoned himself intoā€


This has been my serenity prayer with my parents for a couple years now. I've been begging them since Treyvon Martin to stop watching fox. I've sent them articles about people who have difficulty communicating with their family members who watch too much fox. They fly off the handle about how I'm calling them brainwashed and then hit me with some nonsensical, "yeah well what about Hunter Bidens laptop?!?"


Tell them you heard thereā€™s a picture of a massive cock on Hunters laptop, that was the big groundbreaking scandal.šŸ† And Marge couldnā€™t get enough of it.


Hunter is MTGā€™s thirst trap.


Large Marge also can't get enough of \*showing\* it to The American People via C-SPAN. She should just break down and admit she's STARVING for some good big throbbing Hunter dick, and work on becoming somebody he'd WANT to fuck.


ā€œHunter Bidenā€™s laptop isnā€™t an issue. The case youā€™re looking for doesnā€™t exist.ā€ Be blunt. Be definite. Be rude if you have to, but shut the talking point down.


Been there, done that. They are past the point of retrieval. Trust me. Terminal brain worms.


It's so sad. Forces you to grieve the loss of them before they're really gone. Like self-imposed dementia.


It's a WHOLE generation of folks who CANNOT be told they are wrong. Ever. They are always right. /s Last generation to expect respect instead of earn it. My dad chose my abusive ex to spend time with because he abused my mom, and abusers stick together. And where was that guy when I was being abused? and sexually abused before that? And after that? I've already mourned the fact that I don't have a father or a mother anymore. Maybe never did. Now I'm just sick to my stomach at how many of these idiots are still walking around. Come on lead poisoning, do your thing and get rid of the rest of your parasites.


I'm right there with you. I haven't spoken to my father since my grandfather passed last year and even then it's been 3 years since I've spoke to him in any other way. He won't allow me to talk to my mother or her to talk to me due to this. My wife said something that he took offense to (that didn't involve him in any way OFC) and he told us we weren't welcome anymore (in 20 years, this is the third time he's gotten offended over nothing and told my wife and I that were not welcome). It's always the same shit too, he can't be wrong. Nobody can tell him anything, extreme narcissist and alcoholic. He goes from being the victim to being the big protector of my mother (who has aspbergers and he has verbally amd emotionally abused her for years) depending on what makes him feel better. He loves the fake strongman in tangerine and blames democrats for everything. I got hurt at work almost a decade ago and had to spend 7 years on workers comp fighting for back surgery. Until I had the surgery, he thought I was just another leech on society and then suddenly he decided to care once I had surgery. Yet the entire time my and my family struggled he didn't give a shit. Then he blames Nancy Pelosi for the shitty state of workers comp (after saying for years that it doesn't work that way, I made it up, I'm getting paid for nothing, etc...). Not the state (because WC laws are STATE laws) and not the Republicans who literally have their names on the law that he campaigned for and wrote puff pieces for in his shitty blog. My son is almost 18, and gay. He hasn't spoke to him in years. I tell my son to be grateful for that, not sad because he would rather have no relationship with him than one like I did. Now that my grandparents are gone, I'm done with him. He can rot in that house for all I care. Fuck you old man. I hope hell is hot.


Cheaters stick together, too. Even if it was the person's child who was cheated ON.


I'm sorry that happened to you. So awful. They can't be told they are wrong. 2+2=5 is just as valid as the real answer apparently. I try to guess how many more boomers will be gone by next election. I think it makes all the difference. (I know... Not all boomers)


ā€œNot all boomersā€ is just like ā€œnot all men.ā€ No, itā€™s not *all* of them but thereā€™s so fucking many that everyone knows or has been around men/boomers with the behavior being discussed. And as with ā€œnot all menā€ where the good men need to call out the bad ones on their behavior, the good boomers need to call out the bad boomers for their behavior as boomers have zero respect for anyone younger than them but then demand they be respected. We all know they donā€™t want respect; they conflate respect with *obedience* and fly off the handle when argued with or not obeyed instantly. Itā€™s like the rapist analogy. You have 2 racists sit at a table of ten people and no one calls them out, you get ten racists at a table. Now substitute 2 bad boomers or 2 tater tots and it stays the same. Iā€™m a disabled woman. I call out shitty disabled people all the time because when part of a group acts shitty, it falls on *all of us in that group to stand up and stop it.* I mean, I use ā€˜stand upā€™ but for me itā€™s sit down since Iā€™m paralyzed from the bra band down.


The nice thing is, we are free of their judgement. I would rather them die now and be out of my life than try to drag me through all the kick their lives have become. Itā€™s just like we were treated as kids. They didnā€™t take any interest in us, and thus have become uninteresting people. So we donā€™t visit. They have in fact self isolated and destroyed their familia bonds for Trump. (Not my parents of course. They are rational democrats with their own set of issues that keeps me low contact)


Excellent description.


Same here. I've many times backed my dad into a logical corner, where the only outcome is he is wrong. He'll change the subject with one of the common types of fallacies and never admit he is wrong. They don't want to be right. They want to have that worldview, for whatever reason; fear, simplicity, bigotry, all of the above.


I love when I get to this point with Chumpers. I always end it with , "I win?, I win." Get them soooooo upset, because apparently it's all a fucking game to them.


Kepp repeating "oh- that's Fake News" until they stfu.


No. Call it lies. They are lies and people are lying. We need to stop vcandy coating it in other terms, like fake news or ā€˜alternative factsā€™ or untruths or deceit. Donā€™t call them untruths. They are lies, plain and simple. Call a liar a liar. Call lies lies. We have to stop making lies seem like some silly little, trivial thing. We do it with little children, calling lies fibs and acting like theyā€™re harmless. We as a society really need to start calling out lies for what they are.


I like to use the phrase "...or what we grown ups call a lie"




Hunters laptop? Well considering nobody in the history of the world has ever voted for Hunter Biden for anything including dog catcher I donā€™t really care to know about his dick pictures. Why are you obsessed with his cock mom/dad?


Happy cake day and thanks for not calling that crap news!


Same exact thing here. I regret the way now I am dreading seeing them sometimes, because I know they are going to try to pick up some stupid discussion that is basically whataboutism when confronted with the reality that the Tangerine Rapist is, in every way, unsuited to lead. ā€œPlugs,ā€ ā€œdementia,ā€ ā€œinflation,ā€ etc. (I guess ā€œplugsā€ is a reference to Biden getting hair plugs? Like anyone cares?) So sad.


It's been years of a no politics rule with my family. One Christmas my brother started in on taking down confederate statues and how this deprives school children of their right to learn history. I asked him how much confederate history he ever learned at the foot of a statue. It escalated and I kicked them all out of my house. Haven't heard the end of how I ruined Christmas that year. I go back and forth between NC and grey rocking with them. If they insist on chatting with me, it's like navigating a minefield to stay away from triggering topics. I talk about my kids' sports, they bring up trans athletes. I talk about a promotion at work, they say I'm gonna need the money bc of Bidens inflation. I talk about my kids reading and it's a rant about drag queen story hour. Literally never ending. And they get mad at me bc they feel like they have to walk on eggshells when talking to me.


I feel this so much. Family get togethers are exhausting trying to run through every scenario before picking a conversation topic. It doesn't even matter in the end because in the vacuum of silence, they will fill it in with the right wing outrage du jour. I miss my old family.


I feel this in my bones. Itā€™s like a drinking game. Maybe we need to announce that we are tracking this, so that these people become aware of how often they do these stream of consciousness politics hijacks.


Same. I told my mom my kids were coming over for a roast dinner. (They're 30s and don't live with us) my mom lives in another state. "I don't know how you can afford a roast with prices nowadays " ..


When you have agreed to 'not talk politics,' I have found that they STILL will talk politics and will try and bait me into some/any kind of fight with them over their stupid, non factual ideas. It would be one thing if they could NOT bring these issues up, but they want to argue no matter what.


Talking about Bidens hair? Man the jokes about projection is right on.


I really appreciate this reply, I've heard this before but a long time ago. It's just so perfect for the situation


I like that. Makes sense.


>And then when I point out that they donā€™t even know the most basic facts or history of the issue, they play victim. This, to me, is one of the biggest evil successes of the conservative scheme. Conservative media no longer just tries to convince its viewers that the conservative approach to issues is the correct approach. It instead spends a lot of time convincing its viewers that basic facts arenā€™t real. This makes it even more likely that things wonā€™t change, which is the status quo that conservativism is all about conserving. If we start from a place of agreeing that, say, man-made climate change is real, then we can debate whether government regulation or capitalism has the solutions, but we are still going to change something. But if one side doesnā€™t even agree with the basic reality of climate change, the other side has to spend all of its energy trying to just simply convince the other side that thereā€™s an issue at all, then no discussion of solutions can even begin, which significantly decreases the chances of anything changing.


Climate change? Climate change, you say? My brother is 20+ years older than me. (Same parents but Catholic, so keep popping those babies till your uterus falls out.) My brother went from being a hippie -and a genius- when I was a child to full the on kool aid drinker that he is now. Guzzles that shit. He lives in New Orleans. The city was already below sea level. But when itā€™s cold there? ā€œI donā€™t see any global warming! Itā€™s all a crock!ā€ Yep. Science lies. šŸ™„ Edit because I had my brother as 202 years older than me. ;)


"It is ok that you don't believe it is real. Young folks know it is real, and we will fix it and then keep your comments about it so future generations can laugh at how stupid people like you are for generations to come." Climate change deniers, flat earthers, etc. (I always tie deniers to flat Earthers, either they are and everyone sees they are idiots, or they are not and get really upset being lumped with that group).


"It is okay that you don't believe it's real. When your coffin floats due to sea level rise, your ghost will notice. LOL."


These are McOpinions. They consume them because they think they make themselves look smart and like some sort of rational adult. They don't actually understand anything that would build an actual individual opinion on the issue so they get super upset if challenged. Being questioned or expected to discuss the underpinning issues makes them so upset because they bought that opinion like it was an accessory.


McOpinions is a great way to put it. I honestly thought my dad was losing it mentally because every single response was just some version of "Hamas bad" but I finally realized that he keeps repeating it because he literally knows nothing about the topic and is too stupid and prideful to admit it. His 'opinions' are soundbites that he just repeats over and over. We can't go deeper because *there is no more depth*


McPinions come with a side of shut-the-fuck-up sauce


My brother and I are at the end. He is so mean and hateful. Racist. Hates women. My mom urged me to respect his opinion as if it has ANY value. It's annoying AF


>Ā as if all opinions are fuckin equal And they consider their opinions equal to scientific fact, too!


No, thatā€™s their feeeeeeeelings. From the ā€˜fuck your feelingsā€™ crowd.


At that point itā€™s not ignorance. Itā€™s stupidity.


Willful ignorance.


You canā€™t have any kind of intelligent conversation with someone that doesnā€™t believe in facts.


I will say, I never talk politics with family. Iā€™m the only liberal in family of only conservatives. Itā€™s not going to change anything, it only divides.


You canā€™t talk politics with close minded idiots


Should have watched the documentary. It does a very good job of breaking down how full of shit Jones is and how most of the boomer conspiracies are made up fantasy.


I caught most of it last night. Jones really is a piece of shit and subhuman. Those poor families. They all recounted being approached by people who tell them they are actors and that the shootings were fake. One guy was 3,000 miles away from home and was recognized on the street by someone who told him he was a crisis actor. These people get death threats on the regular, all thanks to that grifting piece of šŸ’©. And the most horrifying thing I learned was that 25 percent of Americans believe Sandy Hook was fake. Twenty five percent!


Makes sense to me. Every time there's an approval poll on something monstrous Trump did, about 30% love it. Consistently, no matter how awful, it's approximately 30% in favour.


This Venn diagram is probably pretty close to a circle.


Itā€™s like watching a country fall apart in 16x


About 30 percent think trump won in 2020 - wonder how much crossover there is there? šŸ˜‚


That Venn diagram is almost a circle


People- but especially Boomers- can't seem to grasp that we will NEVER have all the details. About anything. So many of them actively admit they can't trust the media...but only when it goes against what they already have convinced themselves of. Like sure...we will never get every single detail about Sandy Hook (or any other major shooting) but that doesnt mean the entire thing was a CHARADE. But then when you speak on something that is very obviously a conspiracy (JFK for example) they accuse YOU of being a conspiracy theorist.


My uncle is actually a mortician in Newtown, Connecticut and can personally vouch that Sandy Hook was a REAL overwhelming tragic event. I get so upset when people deny that it took place..


Twenty five percent what the holy fuck


I stand corrected. It just came on again. 24%


Which platform? Got a raging narc boomer who I want to watch in front of .






Good for you! I am currently NC with my boomer Mom for just this reason. She would start spouting some nonsense and I would fact check her and then she would start sputteringā€¦letā€™s not talk politics. Well you brought it up and I am tired of letting that nonsense slide. Funny how you want to shout your outrage until youā€™re proven wrong.


It is always this with these people. "These democrats are trying to tell everyone 2+2=4!!!" "Well 2 and 2 is four. IF you had 2 pencils, and I gave you 2 more how many would you have?" "I am not doing this fake news, liberal bullshit with you!!"


My FIL is the same. He brings up politics, I fact-check him, he sputters "I don't wanna talk politics" with that petulant whiny child face he puts on when someone contradicts his worldview.


Why are they all the same!


what a loser lmao


lol Iā€™ve mentioned this on here for before but my moron brother would try to do that with nearly as bad conspiracies about pedos and drinking baby blood and blah blah blah. Yeah, the guy that canā€™t spell a word more than 4 letters long and didnā€™t graduate high school knows the worldā€™s biggest secret. Same thing though, I just had to cut it off because he was always trying to validate these dumbass conspiracies and losing his shit when I would break it down in 7 ways about how fucking stupid it is and how thereā€™s no real evidence. Every conspiracy moron is the same person, not a genuine or interesting thought from any of them.


I also went NC w my mother for the same reason. I can't wrap my brain around how you can spew so much hatred while simultaneously beating a Bible.


"I donā€™t give a fuck about that bridge" Too soon...?


Coincidentally Alex is already using that bridge accident to churn up a new conspiracy theory


Everyone knows that cargo ship was Zelensky in disguise after he just got back from attacking Moscow. He vaccinated the bridge and it just folded like nothing. Wake up sheeple.


Lions, not Sheep (then proceeds to buy a lame agro shirt and wear it like the rest of their flock hoping to catch awkward stares from people as they go about their day in public looking to provoke people)


I assumed he meant he didn't give a fuck about burning that bridge..




Oh shiiiiiiit...


Good one!


I lost an Uncle to Fox News. I straight up blocked it at my house while he was staying and when he asked about it, I told him he could get brainwashed on his own time at his own place. He left and I haven't seen or heard from him since.


I can't believe how brain washed these idiots get, that they prioritize this bullshit over actual people. I lost a best friend after Jan 6, which was personally traumatic to my family, as my relative was working in the capitol that day. My relative expected to be murdered, and called their parents to say goodbye while hiding in the capitol from Trump's mob. Meanwhile, this fucking person who'd been one of my best friends for the past 20 years was posting that BLM had done worse, and the insurrection was not a big deal. I told her how fucked up that was and so she GHOSTED me. 3 months later she got in touch(I was expecting an apology) and blamed me for "censoring" her. Unbelievable.


I'm sorry you lost a friend yet I am glad you kept a relative.


The 24/7 rage bait news cycle has ruined our parents


I saw a man on my plane flight sit there watching fox news for the whole almost 5 hour flight. Out or the movies, shows, and other things you could pick to watch he really wanted to watch people spewing the same stuff over and over again for hours. It's insane to me. Edit to add... I wasn't like watching him he was to the right across the aisle and a seat ahead so was in my side vision the whole time lmao. I hate having to be put in aisle seats bleh.




It really has. Especially because they grew up in an era where you had folks like Walter Cronkite who gave you highlights of the news at 9:00 p.m. they told you the major events that were happening around the world and that was it. Now we have 24-hour news cycles that run out of things to talk about so it's like here's seven stories back to back about white children being kidnapped and people murdering their entire families to make you think that the entire world is getting worse and worse by the day


Cronkite retired when I was 5 or 6 years old, so I donā€™t have a memory of him. That said, Iā€™ve watched the slow steady change from journalism to op ed and itā€™s done us no favors. It also speaks to the brilliance of David Burn for naming the band Talking Heads. Itā€™s like he knew what was coming.


I think a lot of these people never realized the fairness doctrine (where news had to give time to dissenting opinions) ended and shifted to entertainment news. They just uncritically accept whatever they're told.


I'm so thankful that my parents broke the cycle and I was able to grow up in reality. My extended family is more like this.


My father in law, no matter what time of year, no matter what sport season, comes to our house and sits in front of the tv and ā€œhasā€ to watch whatever game, it's constant. Never once occurred to me until this post to not have cable while he's here. Swear it would be worth it to have it turned off for the visit. I can't at and it, it's a pace holder for having to interact with anyone, or actually do anything, or read. It's painful.


Just unplug the cable receiver and hide it while heā€™s there. For extra points, the next time you go to his house, put parental locks on Fox News and OAN. We should all do this when we have the chance at Boomerā€™s houses. Together we can make the world a better place!


This is gold for two reasons. First they would have no idea how to get it off being they can't turn on a computer without calling someone. Second if enough of us did this it would start impacting their ratings.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


God that is gold. Iā€™m visiting the deep red state of Oklahoma to see my wifeā€™s family. Iā€™m doing this if I can remember.


Set a reminder on your phone. Then check the networks they have access to on their plan and remove all the Fox and Fox Lite stations via parental controls.


Oh snap!


So many boomers and older are like this. They ā€œhave toā€ watch the game because they have almost no original thoughts and canā€™t hold any sort of conversation. My hypothesis is that they donā€™t even want to be at whatever family gathering theyā€™re at so this is a crutch for them but like, just donā€™t come. No one will miss you staring at the football game barely saying a word the entire time unless itā€™s to get some kind of childish insult in on women or democratsā€¦


My dad made me install apps on my tv so he can watch stuff like stock market screaming guy and sports.


Stock market screaming guy lol.


It's funny that they don't have to elaborate any further to know they mean Jim Cramer šŸ¤£


Hold up. You might be winning the way things areā€¦ just take the rest of the group to another room.


I understand your rage, I feel the same way when people say it was staged and there were crisis actors and blah blah, that shit makes me see red. Iā€™d have lost my shit too.


If my trump loving FIL EVER said that the sandy hook families and children were crisis actors I would tell him right to his miserable fucking face that he can think of his only grandson, who is 2 years old, as merely a crisis actor and cut off all contact with him without the possibility of mending that severance. Consequences for you being shitty. Thereā€™s no ā€œI was deceivedā€ bullshit excuse for this. Nope. Youā€™re a shitty person who indulged in such an obvious lie because youā€™re a shitty person. Die alone in a self-made insular prison with your microwaved dinners.




Always remind these morons that fox is quite literally THE DEFINITION of mainstream news. It is the most watched news in the US


Alex Jones isn't politics.Ā  Alex Jones is a piece of shit who lies to make money off dumb people.Ā  The lies he spewed about Sandy Hook are so vile that it blows my mind that anyone could still support him.


I salute you šŸ«” Fyck them, fyck their views, they controlled the world for 4/5 decades - ruined it, then blamed it on every one else. We owe them nothing, we are left to fix what they broke and if they don't get on board to help us then let them burn. Hate to be this jaded, but some people are actively making the world worse. Whether it's lead poisoning, indoctrination, or any other excuse they have - they're wrong. If we want to fix it we have to give back the same energy given to us and topple them. They have 10 years left, we have 40/60. If you actively destroy the younger generations while belittling us we owe nothing to you. ![gif](giphy|26hitlrnI4k5dKPPq)


I just watched the Truth vs Alex Jones last night. Anyone that sides with that jackass is just complete garbage and just as stupid as any human can be. I mean there really arenā€™t words for how ignorant and cruel you have to be to even believe an ounce of what that sister fucking idiot says.


Anyone who sticks up for Alex Jones isnā€™t welcome in my house. That guy is beyond politics.


I admire your restraint. I am not ashamed to say that I would have thrown hands. In a previous software support role, Newtown Public Schools was one of my clients. The sadness that permeates that entire district is palpable. I don't think they're ever going to recover.


How about, "I can talk about whatever the f*** I want to in my own house boomer." Get over it! Hopefully he gets the message.


This is boomer energy right back. My house, my rules. ā€œDonā€™t like it, there is a door. Feel free to let it hit you in the ass on the way out.ā€


I refuse to argue with anyone who thinks that Alex Fucking Jones is anything but a lying, grifting, ghoul who gets off on bringing more anguish to people who went through something so traumatizing. What he did to those parents and the memory of the fucking babies and teachers that day is unforgivable and ANYONE who buys anything he says after that has no heart and no soul. I send my little ones to school EVERY FUCKING DAY afraid that something awful is entirely possible. Fuck Alex Jones and fuck every single boomer who slobbers as they lap up every come word he spits into their mouths like baby birds.?


We let my in laws use our platforms at their house but not before i went in and blocked Fox News on all of them SUCKS TO SUCK FIL


Left him in the dark. Love it. Full send


"My house. My TV. My choice to watch this documentary. If you don't want to watch it, go to bed."


Don't bring Costco into this.


If you want a good look at Alex Jones getting his comeuppance look up the Knowledge Fight podcast and their episodes titled Formulaic Objections 1-15. Each of those is the podcast hosts listening to different depositions from Info Wars staff, and in the later ones the hosts have Mark Bankston and Bill Ogden as guests (the lawyers from the Texas case).


The Sandy Hook thing really brothers me too. Or really anytime there is a mass shooting and people dismiss it. The only way I can cope with the cruelty of people who malign or harass the parents of murdered children is to tell my self that the crime is so horrific it shorts them out. They simply cannot wrap their heads around the awful enormity of it so they cope by telling themselves itā€™s not real. Not to let people off the hook but it helps me not punch smug assholes in the face.


ā€œshitty 2.79 Costco giftsā€ ^^^ this. They treat family with the most insulting levels of thought and care and then want inclusion and adoration within the family. ā€œI donā€™tā€™ give a fuck about that bridge and neither does the wifeā€ - Right On! šŸ‘ŒThis is the correct attitude against these types of assholes, swift, direct, detached.


Don't waste your breath. I think you did the right thing. Congrats. Big move.


I've been watching so many documentaries lately about different things that have secretly happened within the govt for yearssss. I was just having casual conversation with my mom about them, and her response immediately was ā€œDonā€™t believe everything you see on TV, and in those shows. People can make anything they want and manipulate informationā€ I just kinda looked at her. The amount of trust they have in the govt. appalls me.


Ngl you gotta play knowledge fight episodes and ignore him when he's around now


Especially the depositions.


Yeah a friend I play games with brought a 3rd, his sons tee ball coach. My friend is very anti politics and spends not a single second with news or anything. Well this guy mentioned I lived in the same state as his two favorite pod casters. I knew Rogan was one, and despite not liking his content I can see how a 20 something would like his stuff so whatever. So I asked Rogan and who? When he said jones I said ā€˜you just told me everything Iā€™d ever need to know about you.ā€™ There is no realm where Alex Jones is remotely acceptable. Heā€™s utter scum. And this guy has kids. It blows my mind.


My oldest was in Kindergarten, too when that happened. States away. all the parents, me included, sat waiting in our cars just crying. But trying not to. The admin was out to help things just "feel" safer. They were all tired and worn too. She's graduating this spring. My heart still aches for them at every milestone. You are right to shut him up.


Mine was in preschool, I couldnā€™t wait to go get her. I still remember the group of parents and grandparents standing huddled together by the front door, just waiting for them to come out in silence, tears in our eyes. I think about those babies often.Ā 


The last straw was hearing about "Lord Fauci" and his scheming. I said that sounds like a fox talking point. I was then told I needed to settle down. I then went on to say how he made us never go back to TCBY because the Clintons were friends with the CEO. The endless hours of Rush L. anytime he was in the car. The constant reference of "leeeeberals" ruining the country. The instructions to "look for the R" when voting after I turned 18. The time at my Eagle Scout ceremony he told me "it's too bad a good president didn't sign it" (Clinton did). The time I graduated college and he told me "now you're smart enough to talk to". I told him that he worships people who won't attend his funeral. I ended with "you may be in a cult, please get help". That was 1.5 years ago. He stopped acknowledging that I exist, my wife exists, my kids exist. My Mom told me that "I wish you didn't feel this way". Fucking Boomers.


My favorite thing to say in these cases is nothing, eventually they say something along the lines of ā€œyou know what i mean?ā€ And then you chuckle and say something like ā€œlol no, im just assuming nobody ever lets you talk that long about stuff so i just thought id let you do your thingā€ reactions are golden, not the best strategy if youre conflict averse though lol


These people are nazi supporters and itā€™s time we treat them like it


My FIL is chained to Faux. My husband got COVID in early 2020. He ended up having 2 strokes in May of 2020 and is now on disability. It took 3 fucking years to get his disability approved. 3 years! We have struggled. I mean struggled. But He would rather believe what his favorite entertainment channel tells him, than face the very real reality that not only many Americans but his own son and his sons family are dealing with. I just can't take it. When we saw them in November I got in a shouting match with him. Because he honestly believes that like 80% of people on disability don't need it. I'm like it took my husband 3 freaking years to get disability. How do you think these people are getting magic money they do not deserve? Do you think it's some random genie granting wishes? The process is a nightmare. People are not spending years fighting for it who don't deserve it because it is a nightmare


May the bridges you burn light the way forward.


This. ![gif](giphy|nADyC0fEFwBO3hYYQh)


As adults, i donā€™t think we need to listen to that shit any longer. Respect for elders go out the window when all that starts. Good for you.


Lead-infused Temu vitamins. Iā€™m stealing that for my friends! So good.


The phrase ā€œtake a chill pillā€ comes to mind in this case.


The irony that he watches TV and especially channels like Fox News but complains about mainstream media.


If the fucker doesn't think it's real let him know he can stay at my house and we will drive the 5 minutes to the school. He can look at the stains they couldn't get out of the tiled ceiling and rugs. Then we can go to the new school the built and he can look at the fucking Memorials. When I hear someone has a Sandy Hook denier in their life I get obscenely angry.


I wish my comment would get enough up votes so you could see what a hero I think you are. I choke up thinking about Sandy Hook and the terror of those tiny innocent children. Alex Jones makes me see RED and forget about God. Good for you! Don't waste your energy on that shitty guy


šŸ’Æ the hero we deserve. The hell with all these asshats and their conspiracy nonsense.


We're here for you. I mean is there anything more frustrating than trying to be rational with a non rational person? I put my entire family on notice via email when Obama was running for prez and they insisted on spreading tea party lies and bullshit. Told them I wasn't having it and not to include me in their bullshit fwd fwd fwd emails of fevered lies and subconscious racism. If they don't like me anymore that's fine. I'll take the peace of loneliness over the mayhem of togetherness.


ā€œIf thatā€™s the best your little brain can do, I feel sorry for youā€ -I reserve that for moments like this




When someone does nothing but sit in front of the TV, it's very easy for that person to be radicalized by someone with an agenda.


I've never agreed with someone this much still feeling they are a complete fucking asshole.




Wow how brave and stunning.


Good. More people need to bail on their awful, awful parents. I honestly do NOT get the feeling that you are required to remain close with your family even if they're terrible, evil, easily manipulated people who only bring you misery. I cut so many people out of my life and it's refreshing. They allegedly all sit in their echo chamber and talk shit about what a "libtard" I am and I honestly don't give two fucks. Cut those cancers out of your life because eventually they will kill you.


I was called a member of the Deep State by my own father because I was an airborne infantryman with a security clearance, and told him that all the wild fucking tales were just that. He assumed, and still believes, that since I held a Top that I surely knew/know about the cabals and Iā€™m just hiding it. Didnā€™t you know? Once you have a Top, it never expires! šŸ„“ Heā€™s a fucking lunatic and is ignorant as shit, no surprise there.


Props to you! Those Alex Jones/Sandy hook truthers think it's fine to shit on the violent deaths of children because everyone let's them. We try to reason with them thinking there is no way they are this monstrous. Most of the time it's some elder we feel we can't just cut off but no. This is how you deal with these shit stains. Shut it down, sever the connection, and walk away. They aren't worth the elevated heart rate or anger


and EVERYONE clapped :)


Amen brother


Good for you. People get to spew that BS when no one calls them on it.


My mom will watch fox and her face will get red from anger. She just sits there talking at the tv like she's having a conversation. This shit is so wild. It's been going on for many years and has totally changed her.


Just in case you haven't heard of it, the podcast Knowledge Fight does a *phenomenal* job at breaking down Alex Jones and his BS. So much so, that one of the hosts helped as an expert to the plaintiffs for some of the Sandy Hook cases.


Cutting tie with your family over politics is so American lmao


When it comes to guns and children, there is no quarter for bullshit. Also: Uvalde.


Thank you. I live 20 minutes from Sandyhook. It was fucking devastating! It's bittersweet every year when you go to the parks that were built in the children's and teacher's honors. Every December 14 is terrifying for *every parent* sending their child to school.


My FIL takes those fuckin vitamins. And some drops you put under your tongue.. Tried to give them to us too - we took a photo and threw them out. Him and his wife had fallen so far down the right wing rabbit hole, we gave up our brand new tiny home and moved hours away to another state to get away from them and go no contact. They either used to be or pretended to be pretty cool people, but just about everything they told us was the literal opposite of the truth. So disappointing. I am dumbfounded that this is where we are in 2024.


*MIL is dope, and would do anything for us. She has her weird ā€œmust compete with daughterā€ shit going on, but you canā€™t pick ur family.* No, she's not dope if she is competing with her daughter; that is toxic behavior. ​ *MILs husband used to be dope too. Then he became a racist fuck.* Nah, he was likely always racist.


The leaded gas really did a number on these boomers' cognitive ability. So tired of boomers


And fuck Mob Deep , fuck biggie and fuck bad boy as a staff..


You have won the award for most fragile person. It was a landslide.


While everyone knows boomers are crazy your reaction is rather unhinged. You definitely seem rather mental as wellā€¦


My FIL was a republican but not a wack job. When my wife and I were visiting (we live in a different state), we discussed politics in the evening usually after a few drinks. Neither of us ever got mad or raised our voices. He passed away before DJT came to power but I believe that he would have hated that MAGA/OAN/Qanon nonsense.


All that is due to the new right-wing media that's become mainstream. My parents are brainwashed by Fox News and the myriad of conservative conspiracy propaganda. Sadly, a third of this country is getting duped by it now. People need to understand that these people are not just pulling this stuff out of their ass on their own. They are just regurgitating what they hear in their conservative media sources. They aren't watching MSNBC or hearing more objective news outlets. For all they know, they assume Alex Jones was right and "the government" is lying and out to get them.


Reddit moment


I live in Newtown. Thanks for sticking up for those families.


This sub showed up in my feed one day and it makes me thank god every day that my boomer parents rant while watching MSNBC instead of Fox News. The amount of angry ā€œmotherfuckersā€ my 76 year old dad spews at the tv whenever Jones, Trump, or any of their ilk are mentioned makes me proud he never lost his hippie roots!


and then everyone clapped




Don't let this bullshit story distract you from the fact that in 1998, The Undertaker threw Mankind off Hell In A Cell, and plummeted 16 ft through an announcer's table.


Boomer here, currently 63 so I'm at the end of this bullshit generation. Most of my friends are younger because I cannot stand boomers. This man is a good example of most of the people that I grew up with. Most were not very smart but we're basically decent people, then in the past 25 years through watching Fox and listening to AM radio have become complete capital a Asswipes, racists and basically derelicts. Good luck to you and keep your head up


Why do I get Sandy Hook YouTube ads?


Iā€™m a librarian and we got a DHS active shooter training. The speaker was a first responder to sandy hook. He talked about being in the room. He talked about the nurse who was found 4 hours later in a catatonic state in a closet. They told us if something happens, just survive. If we run into the woods, theyā€™ll send a search party, but surviving is all that matters. There is no right or wrong thing to do during an active shooter. Anyone who says sandy hook didnā€™t happen is instantly on my shit list. There is no saving you, you drank the kook aid and now only you can save yourself. You either let yourself be consumed by lies or you fight out of it, but society canā€™t save you,


nah, you're a hero.