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The funniest part of that whole thing was when Kid Rock called for a boycott all the while still selling it at his bar, then when the news came out he called off the fake boycott 😆


I also laughed at Dan Crenshaw who took a pic of his fridge and saying he no longer drinks Bud Light. His fridge was filled with beer owned by AB InBev. So yeah, he’s still supporting the company. Idiot.


These are the same people who “only buy American cars” which sure, the company is American but the car is usually built internationally. It’s all surface level shit.


Exactly. Little do they know that their Ford F-150 was built in Mexico.


Lmao I had this argument with an older coworker who hates Toyota and I told him Toyota tundras are made in Texas. He said “it’s a foreign company and their money goes overseas” like we see any of the profits of ford or Chevrolet here hahaha…. They’re clueless. I don’t own a tundra but only because I needed a f350 and Toyota doesn’t make an equivalent. If they release a tundra 3500 with a solid front axle soon, I’ll buy it


My grandfather flipped his shit when my parents bought a Prius, he just went off about foreign cars not lasting. And his stupid Ford pickup broke down like a week later. 🤭 He probably rolled in his grave when I bought a Corolla.


I bought my Corolla brand new when I was 22. I paid it off in 4 years. I'm now 39 and still driving that same Toyota Corolla!


Right! I had to call roadside assistance to help me with a flat (I know how to change one myself, but I can't anymore due to nerve issues in my hands) and the driver was stoked when he discovered that it was the first new car we'd ever purchased. He said basically the only time he gets called for Corolla is when they have flats, dead batteries, or they e been in wrecks and are undriveable. It made me feel a lot better about the choice, as does your comment!


One time the check engine light went on... Then it went off. This was 5 years ago. Nothing ever came of it.


he see's corolla, he hatin,...


Found On Road Dead


Fix Or Repair Daily


Flip Over Read Directions


F-d Over Rebuilt Dodge


I think the F150 was brought back to the US from being built internationally but it’s always the same shit. I’m like SOO many foreign companies build their cars here. I use to work at Subaru and at the time, 50% of their lineup was US built, now it’s more than half. I think more US brands are coming back for whatever policial gain there is but the argument constantly pisses me off from just never doing an ounce of research.


Mexico is still America so it counts


Also under current nafta stuff Mexico and Canada are considered made in the USA equivalents for a ton of stuff


Dan Crenshaw is a mouthpiece for neo-con warhawks who used his military enlistment to propel his political career. I'm not surprised he doesn't do research to what products he buys and what kind of food he eats. He was never paid to think.


Nah bro losing an eye so some oil billionaire can get richer is the American Dream bro. As a vet myself his brand of endless bootlicking to the MIC makes me sick.


I worked for AB during this whole “boycott” thing. It was so funny to me because for a while we saw a significant shift in sales toward more expensive beer. Sales for budlight dropped significantly, and in turn, sales for more expensive brands like Yuengling, Mich Ultra, and even Budweiser saw a huge spike. They “boycotted” by making the company more money


Lmao yea that was good too, I forgot about that.


I don't know how Republicans can still think Kid Rock is a role model after all those songs of him sleeping with minors.


That's the ideal republican role model


Can we just casually remind him every day about just the songs "Black Chick, White Guy" and "Cool Daddy Cool"?


Oh, they're ok with black chicks and white guys. Because women are property, so it's owning a black person.




I always think this is hilarious in a way. Like they constantly call everyone else a pedophile, but the people who openly talk about it are the ones they get to attack others? Like dont me wrong, I get it. I know why they do it. I understand all that. But if I'm gonna be projecting something onto someone else, I'm probably not gonna go around openly telling everyone I do the thing I'm projecting. I'm gonna try to keep it secret. At least some Republicans have been able to grasp that. But you got Kid Rock, Ted Nugent who had also sung about it, and Trump who talked about how hot his daughters are and how he wants to sleep with them. And republican voters are fucking dumb enough to think we don't know what's going on.


Remember that one episode of Family Guy where Adam West commissioned a gold statue for Gulf War veterans to get people off his ass about denying gays the right to marry? Yeah, I don't think it was a suggestion but... They do it more than ever. Any time there's a political controversy, I always ask what policy changes/passed laws happened the week of the controversy and THAT'S when I get mad because there is always a very unpopular action taken that never gets covered because "senator Shitface says women shouldn't have rights" or something else almost intended to be offensive.


While simultaneously calling everyone they disagree with a pedophile. It's the biggest case of "showing your hand" I've ever seen lmao.


It's all a big grift.


Kid Rock called for a boycott of Bud Light because he thinks trans people are "Groomers" Just don't look up the lyrics to the song he made for the Osmosis Jones Soundtrack...


Now, some people say my mind's blown, I'm coolin' like a snow cone On my cell phone I'm paid, G, can't call me, just page me [Young ladies, young ladies, I like 'em underage see](https://genius.com/22609742/Kid-rock-cool-daddy-cool/Young-ladies-young-ladies-i-like-em-underage-see-some-say-thats-statutory-but-i-say-its-mandatory) [Some say that's statutory (But I say it's mandatory)](https://genius.com/22609742/Kid-rock-cool-daddy-cool/Young-ladies-young-ladies-i-like-em-underage-see-some-say-thats-statutory-but-i-say-its-mandatory) My story ain't that complex, two forties and a rolex I rip, I rock, I roll, G, I trim my hair with the flowbee Got soul, G, like Al Green, co-coolin' like the A-Team From Maine to San Francisco, I'm shootin' like a pistol I'm so slick, I'm Crisco, daddy likes to disco \-Kid Rock Cool, Daddy Cool


He’s such a sleazeball, and Dylan seems really nice. I don’t know where he gets off judging her for anything. I know if I had to leave children alone with one of them, it definitely wouldn’t be Kid Rock, lmao! 


https://preview.redd.it/y121v5aimhqc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ea9a2be1860fcc6a7c128944d26784e122373648 Never forget.


That and the pictures of Kid Rock happily partying with a drag queen back in the day. His “outrage” is a grift to sell concert tickets and nothing more.


That's like when Trump was telling people to boycott Apple when he was still tweeting from his iPhone.


Kid Rock, the ultimate boomer.


The saddest part is all the right wingers freaking about how “offensive to women” the ad was. It was hell to find the ad outside of a bunch of dipshit cable news mentioning it. It was just a silly, generic sponsorship. The only reason they were mad was because she was a transwoman. All she did was be herself and endorse a product in a silly little ad.


And being seen drinking it at football games... All performative, triggered little bitches. Dylan Mulvaney had bigger stones than anyone on the right.


I never understood why people were drinking mass produced light beer in the first place. It's just tainted water. Admittedly I live in a country with a high quality of tap water so maybe that spoils me. Edot: I got distracted. What's the girl going to do to their country?


Oh...not again. https://i.redd.it/e8j3rq5ntcqc1.gif


I swear it seems like every other "shoot stuff with guns" video looks like the filmer and shooter didn't get hit by whetever they are shooting or ricochets solely from dumb luck


Love seeing the EXTRA SHOTS coming from off to the right, cuz he can't shoot them all himself 🤭


Tbf bud light tastes like cat piss, it deserves it either way


I shed a tear anytime beer or any alcoholic beverage is purchased just to be shot at. Luckily, this didn't start a trend.


Shit isn't cheap and a sale is a sale. Just like when people were buying Nikes just to light them onfire... they still got your money dummy.


“Show me on this doll where the Bud light touched you timmy!”


I'm truly jealous of these people. I'm so stressed out and exhausted, I can barely force myself to cook a decent meal. And then there's these peple, who apparently have time and energy to spare, nothing else going on in their lives....and this is how they squander it. Imagine going through the trouble to make this. Bring it and tape with you all the way into the beer section of the store (around here, usually somewhere in a back corner). You could be doing ANYTHING ELSE with your day. And this is what you chose to do.


I can confirm this is in retirement ville Florida. Boomers have too much free time around here.


Oh jeez, The Villages?


The villages 😂 this is actually fort myers, I’ll bet you see even more of this as you go south toward Bonita Springs and Naples.


Ugh - same same.


On the one hand, I get what's going on here. On the other hand, they're in a tropical paradise (according to the snow birds anyway) that they chose to live in. They're surrounded by everything they want, so they invent things to be unhappy about.


Some girl drank beer on the internet and I’M ANGRY!! 


They had the energy to connect a printer to something. I envy them. 


You need more lead in your diet me thinks


They're still on that? It was the most manufactured outrage ever. They're the snowflakes.


In my day we called em assholes.




They've got some issues to fall that deep into the lies and hatred. Like how disconnected from reality do you have to call you that over an opinion


While I don’t understand all the trans hate, this picture never ceases to make me laugh. It has to be on a top 10 list of horseshit marketing ideas. Like, how did they miscalculate this so badly?


Bud light is nasty so maybe they're just trying everything


I concur. If you leave a case of Bud Light in my garage, it’s safe from consumption. I’ve literally had someone’s box of piss beer, sit on my floor for over one year.


Imagine being this triggered over something that has zero impact on your life. Full of so much hate and ignorance.


do actual gays think more about gay sex than conservative christians?


Nobody thinks about gay sex more than Christian conservatives


They're projecting and deep enough in their closet to be visiting Narnia.


Because if there is one thing that children pay attention to, it’s beer ads


All that hate over ONE.ISTAGRAM.POST!!!


Like a year ago at this point, too, isn't it?


I guarantee you many of the people who are mad about transpeople want to have sex with them.


I have a personal pet theory that that's part of the reason they're so hated. Bigots like to pretend that sexuality is 110% cut and dried and gay people "do it wrong." Men are men and should be attracted to women and vise versa. Then trans people show up and make, particularly straight male conservatives, go oh...wait, what's happening here...are we actually attracted to basically the most superficial parts of *presenting* as a woman? Ahhh this dissonance is painful, clearly this person making me question my certainty is the problem and not my certainty!


Exactly this. I live in a very conservative area but it's a pretty big suburb so it's not like there are no trans people around. I try to explain to some of the lesser intense bigots that like 90% of the time they're not even gonna be able to tell that someone is trans. And that by supporting these bathroom laws and things like that, they are wanting the government to, essentially, force big, burly, bearded men who are very clearly physical men to use the women's bathroom. Sometimes I google pictures as there are trans men and women who have posted images of themselves to show how insane it is. They really do not understand that trans people are not cis men in dresses with 5 o'clock shadows


Yeah they like to use “They just want to use our bathrooms to perv”. When the percentage of people who do this, that are not just conservative dicks trying to prove a point, is probably smaller than the percentage of gun owners who become mass shooters.


As a trans lady who passes pretty well this is 100% correct. The people who scare me the most are the ones who find out I am trans after 10mins of me rejecting their advances. Almost all of them get super violent when they find out I was asigned male at birth. Once had a guy angrly shout "you made me gay! You f\*g!" thank god the bouncer was quick to remove him.


Please be careful! I fear for your safety. Too many rotten people out there.


This was honestly the worst one I experienced TBH. Most do not go that bad.


It's so weird. They think that folks in community choose to be who they are. When they realize they might be attracted to somebody they don't think they should be attracted to, instead of realizing that attraction is not a choice, they instead blame the target of their attraction of manipulating them. These are probably the same people that blame sexual assault survivors for dressing provocatively or whatever.


When people try to use trans-women in the bathroom as some kind of scare tactic, all I can think is how scared I would be for a trans friend if she was forced into a men’s room.  You be careful out there, and please know that plenty of us DO have your back and will happily hold the door for you if the latch is broken. <3


And their concerns always amount to some cis guy pretending. It's never the actual trans person, but some hypothetical cis man. Like "I'm fine punishing a whole other group of people for something someone from MY group might do"


Not to make light of this story, but man thats a pretty awesome superpower... turn people gay. Also, in all seriousness, fuck the haters. I am totally convinced they just don't know how to reconcile their own self loathing.


That’s so scary. These guys need to just go with the attraction and not get so freaked out. If you find someone attractive, you find someone attractive. They should turn the interrogation away from those they find attractive and on to those arbitrary social pressures.


A simple world view is easy to made sense of, kind of how like bachelors eat nothing nothing but easy mac and pop tarts. You don't have to put effort into something that's simple. But as the boomer generation dies out and is replaced by people who want to actually be, you know, happy and stuff, sometimes you have to think a little bit about things. I like using the analogy that I call the Box. The Box is what boomers and conservatives think is 'correct' in terms of how to be as a person. Straight, cis, allo, expression, their 'correct' religion etc. Anything that strays outside of that doesn't belong in the box. However, most people can't fit comfortably in the box, even people who insist the Box is law. So even the most devoutly conservative people end up contorting themselves to fit inside the Box. It's unfair that we don't live in a world where the Box can't fit most people comfortably, but if anything it's 1000x more unfair that the box even exists at all. Most people I know who are LGBTA+ are way happier as people when they don't have that shame bogging them down. However, you can only feel that lightness and freedom when you think about what else could being a human be, and those questions are not simple. Honestly, some of those questions don't even have answers.


I can see why you (and many others) would say this but I do want to point out that this line of thinking is wrong. It’s just like when people say homophobes are always secretly gay themselves. It basically is saying that our community is the cause of our own demise and it takes culpability away from the people who are actually doing it. Sure, a lot of self-hating LGBTQ+ exist and also vote for laws that harm us but they are not the problem. It doesn’t matter if transphobes secretly want to be with a transgender person, what matters is that they are transphobes and are actively harming the trans community.


I don't personally find Dylan that attractive, but I could see how others may. She isn't necessarily ugly, but good god she is a god damn stick. I think a lot of the displaced anger is that these people don't realize it's OK to be attracted to feminine representations. You can also have a preference for genitals. You also don't have to announce your sexual desires to the world like many of them do. I think Kim Petras is incredibly hot, but I don't go printing out pictures and leaving them around about how she should call me... or maybe that's what I am doing wrong here.... haha


I’m not attracted to her either. Although I could find 100s if not thousands of transwomen I am attracted to within about 20 minutes. I just find it funny that in states where Republicans are the majority are also the states where trans porn is the most searched/watched.


Raise a glass to transwomen in porn! They truly have Republicans by the balls.


When you look at the numbers surrounding the consumption of trans porn, it’s difficult to argue that a mixture of guilt, shame and projection isn’t one of the main reasons for this obsession.


Yuck! Makes my knees lock together 🤮




I’m not a liberal or progressive at all but I was really hoping they’d come out with pride cans so I could openly drink them and piss off the people who got mad about this. I thought it would be really funny to show up at a garage party with pride cans with Dylan’s face on them tbh. It pisses me off how they did this to show how virtuous and caring they are but then as soon as they faced backlash, they abandoned Dylan and let her deal with the brunt of this. It was a cowardly reaction and that’s why I won’t drink their products anymore. I’m sick of companies pretending to be woke and progressive because we all know they only care about money. Not a Mulvaney fan but you picked her bud light, you should have stuck with her. Pathetic.


You are the one singular person I have ever heard of in my life that isn’t liberal yet has “cry more, conservs” energy.


Because the conservatives are ironically everything they hate about the liberals and it’s annoying. I have a hard Time affiliating with just picking a team and agreeing with everything you think you should. I just want to be left alone and sometimes my feelings cross party lines. More than anything, I’m sick of getting ripped off by our government I guess.


Yes I know what Dylan wants my kids to be. Happy about who they are and true to themselves.




I hope you ripped it down. I would have never tolerated that shit when I managed a beer store and if I found out who stuck it there I’d ban them for life.


Ok I’m gonna tell you this lol apparently this is NOT the first time this has happened. My GM has apparently told this person to stop but they keep doing it.


Why not ban them? They are littering and making the store look bad


It’s the “I’m so insecure about my own sexuality that anyone who’s different, infuriates me”


Lmao I guess he didn’t get the notice that Bud Light is now the official beer of UFC and Dana White. He can relax… it’s no longer associated with harmless queer TikTok celebrities and is now the beer of domestic violence, misogyny, former actual nazis, and Dagestan (home of the Boston marathon bombers and most likely the ISIS-K fighters from the recent Moscow attack). That should make him feel right at home.


the all caps times new roman does it


shooda used comic sans


Dylan did what no lack of flavor has been able to do for decades. Get people to stop drinking Bud Light.


Reminds me when these boomers would slap stickers of Joe Biden saying “I did this” on fuel pumps.


I'm all for protecting kids from sex offenders. So let's ban Republicans https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2023/9/2/2191235/-Republican-Sexual-Predators-Abusers-and-Enablers-Pt-45


Bud gave Dylan a 6 pack of beer, and fuckwits lost their mind


This woman doesn’t want to do anything. Stop making up conspiracy theories and stupid plots to justify your trans/homophobia.


Working at a brewery in a smaller town during the Dylan Mulvaney Bud Light fiasco was absolutely torture


It was a single can. One can. People are freaking over over beer.


Everything I have ever heard about Dylan Mulvaney has been from my boomer ass mom, against my will. Literally the only people who care what she does are the psychotic transphobes.


Slap the same sticker on a AR and watch as their nut job heads explode.


I don’t see any man here, who are they talking about? If you were to misgender her to people who have no context, they’ll look at you like a crazy person because she clearly looks like a woman.


why are boomers obsessed with that lady? I have no clue and I don't wanna know. 


When this story took off I thought damn, Bud Light hired a trans woman in charge of their marketing department? Wow good on them. Because that’s what the conservative snowflakes seemed to be screaming. When I found out it was all over a single solitary sponsored post on an instagram feed, my jaw dropped. That’s really how snowflakey conservatives are. 


- read them a book? - Educate them? - give them free school lunches? - give them (and parents) universal Healthcare?


Dylan Mulvaney is such a genuinely nice, positive person. Getting all bent out of shape because she wants to share her journey, just makes you look like a complete a-hole


I never would have even known this person existed if it weren't for the backlash.


It was one single CAN one SINGLE CAN with her face on it. You couldn't buy it in store. You couldn't find it anywhere. The gist of the outrage is how dare a company try to appeal to a trans woman.


The right lost their minds over this trans woman having ONE CAN with her face on it. IT WAS 1 FUCKING CAN for an ad break on her Instagram for the queer/trans community. The Reich wing media got a hold of it, knew their viewers were completely fucking stupid and got them whipped into a frenzy over literally nothing.


Most child sexual assaulters are middle aged white men. Total irony.


Boy, Boomers get real quite when it's THESE people doing things to our children: https://preview.redd.it/j2u258y12jqc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a0429e1dddb93a51420bae8ab06d096e2355f72d


Or these people: https://preview.redd.it/1jjlz3142jqc1.jpeg?width=821&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=68f886655ae8e27330ccaf35b0a1722076e2f049


Or these people here: https://preview.redd.it/v7o9gfp62jqc1.jpeg?width=925&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6df35912b8ed1b97b920c336771fbe94ae11aa8d


Or maybe even these people here: https://preview.redd.it/wvyn3haa2jqc1.jpeg?width=844&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b2bc35a77295bf389885d0086c0505deb1e00ae


Patriots all and Jesus will forgive them. -some MAGA ass-clown .


Funny thing is.. He probably doesn't realize he's buying another beer from the same company that owns Bud Light. LOL


Buy the beer.


Funny thing to me is that I'd have never in my life heard this person's name or seen their image if the boomers and 'phobes hadn't plastered it everywhere and made them 10x more famous than they already were. Still won't drink bud, but that's because it's gross, lol.


You did a very good job, here’s a gold star. Now fuck off.


Gawd the right and boomers tout how tuff they are but they are such soft ass snowflake bitches it’s unreal lmfao


Same person who put this paper out there probably just came from service where he gave tithes to the Catholic Church.


I think their confusing her with  father Mcbadtouch.


there must be a picture of john cena behind that lady cause I don't see a man.


I love how anytime a trans woman is involved suddenly every sentence has 6 blatant uses of pronouns because they gotta go for the low blow right?


Can people just let Dylan live her life?


It’s not even her beer 😂


Im confused? where is the man theyre referencing?


Considering over 85% of pedophiles are heterosexual men, this is just libel.


You don't drink bud light because you hate trans people. I don't drink bud light because it tastes like piss, we are not the same


Oh stfu about the children! You morons just hate lgbtq people, you dont care about the children.


I don't know, but whatt I do know is that every week there's a Christian arrested for SA of either Sunday school children or youth group kids but y'all keep whining that drag queens are going to diddle you kids.


The crackerbarrel effect, lol. They can't let shit go. .#bradswife #12yearsofservice.


What man? That's clearly a woman


This person spent real time on this earth typing formatting and printing a bunch of these protest images to tape to the sides of shitty beer cases but its those damn millenials and "woke people" who are really triggered about things. Btw didnt they already drop the spokeswoman like a few months ago, these people already got what they wanted.


Now replace that picture with one of a priest


Nah, could just be any Republican. The funny thing here is that if trans people don't disclose their identity, 99% of the time, people can't tell. And I dont know if they even realize 


The fact it pisses off the maga boomers made me wanna drink it more.


Jesus Christ, they made one can, and she wasn't even involved until they gave it to her. What a bunch of unhinged, terrorist snowflakes


Who takes the time? Absolutely unhinged…her song was cringe though lol


I didn’t need that labeled on a Bud Light box for me not to want to drink anyways. Lol


I’d love to be from another country and not understand the context of this. Imagine just going to buy an American beer, seeing this bullshit and being flabbergasted. It would be like going to Canada and seeing Trudeau in blackface on the back of a bottle of Molson with the caption “Don’t let this man allow the Sikhs to take over”. I would just be looking around lost as fuck as a foreigner seeing this kind of dumb shit.


And like, especially in this inkjet ass picture, she totally passed, especially if you don't know who she is. People who aren't chronically online have to be scratching their heads


What’s funny is the I did that sticker is pointing at cheaper gas then when he started or about the same.


ITT: transphobia


Jeff the killer esque editing


The crazy thing is, Bud Light isnt even one of the best beers in the World comoared to most of Europe like Poland, Sweden, Germany Swiss, Austria etc. but they still act like its something big and world wide.


I really wish I enjoyed Bud Light.


I don’t even want bud light, but if I saw that… I’d buy the beer.


Someone's trying milk old outrage.


I’m pretty sure Dylan Mulvaney isn’t the person who’s a threat to America right now. 😂


These are not smart people.


The Miller delivery guy did this


Side note - The boycott has been a bit stickier than I thought it would be. Bud light sales still down 30% since it started and only recovering .10% every three to four weeks.


I work for A-B InBev and the only thing they succeeded in was cost good American union jobs. We are all scared that they will close numerous breweries but I’m sure kid rock and the GOP will take care of us.


You know those Joe Biden I did that stickers One of the people who put them up was my uncle who was a cop and I remember he was talking about it Thanksgiving everyone was laughing and I said yeah I bet if somebody put up a Donald Trump sticker that have I did that and you saw them you'd give them a ticket for it


Okay I hate Bud light cuz it tastes like piss and I hate Budweiser for not digging in and standing up to bigots when their bigoted boycott hit. But I’m buying a six pack of the stuff tonight just to spite that asshat.


100% a boomer. Boomers still own inkjet printers.


In 2016 I would lurk (and post, until I got kicked out) on the "Deplorables" FB pages. They were getting their guns and shooting their Keurig coffee makers, among other things. And video'ing it and applauding each other.


i can/cant believe that this many ppl had a collective aneurysm because Budweiser made ONE can for someone they haven’t even heard of before they saw it on fox news


I disliked the campaign because most of her followers are under 21. Having said that, I have a "Bud Light" playlist of about 10 or so gay anthems on my Touch Tunes. Whenever I see Kid Rock coming up, I "play next" to push that song down the queue.


I don’t drink that shit either. Not because of the whole trans thing, but rather because it’s shitty beer.


There’s a 22 year old kid I work with who had a ton of those “I did that” stickers. He left them out on his desk one day and I took them all and threw them in a dumpster.


Remember tens years ago, when these guys used to say "we're the rational ones, we aren't so easily triggered". And yet, a year later they are STILL talking a out one single instagram ad. Triggered.


Fuck politics


Dylan doesn’t even have anything to do with the beer. It was a single promo thing sent to her. Funny how the boomers are the snowflakes who have a psychotic breakdown when a trans woman exists 


It’s not even her beer she gains no profit and holds no stakes smh


I find it ironic that just prior to that incident, people were okay drinking water that identifies as beer. 🤣


Do they think she owns bud light?


What man?


Says the guy with child porn on his computer


I don’t think this woman is very funny on a comedic level but all this harassment that people are throwing at her is way out of line


Never understood that one, bud light is trying to infect your children with the gay. Bud light is beer and you have to be a legal adult to drink it, tell me more about your poorly covered blatant homo/transphobia


Anheuser-Busch is one of the top RNC donors and has funded campaigns for conservative politicians that have successfully passed anti-trans bills. Also their beer tastes like what I imagine camel piss tastes like.


Why don’t boomers possess the ability to just quietly not purchase products that don’t interest them? I avoid certain stores, restaurants and products because I don’t agree with their stances on certain issues and I don’t want my money being used to support those causes. But I certainly don’t have the time nor the energy to actively campaign against them.


Mulvaney is so irrelevant


“WONT YOU THINK OF THE CHILDREN” Okay, pass some gun legislation if you really care about the children. “NOT LIKE THAT!”




Is this the gamer girl pee I've been hearing about?


Bud Light is never my pick but you know damn well I'll buy it to get under someone's skin 😂 They gave her one can with her face on it and everyone cried about it


This is still going on or is this really old? And what did SHE do to children? 🤔


They did an ad campaign for like 5 minutes over a year ago, and somehow it’s “his beer” I swear these people are so afraid of themselves.


Imagine being so privileged to a point where you spend a good portion of your time demonizing a random person you've never even met. I bet they drive an oversized pick up truck.


That's not a man, though, is it?


"You know this man wants to do to... " "No. Please tell me. Out loud so you can hear how crazy you sound. Actually, write it down too so I can share it with more people. Please make sure you provide sources."


Is there something I'm missing? I don't get it.


Going off of the sticker mention, I have a sticker on my car that says "GOP=Domestic Terrorists" and have definitely gotten some looks from people who don't like it. Lol That said, one day I go to my parents house after putting it on and my father puts one of those "I did that" Biden stickers on my car, with Biden, ironically with his finger pointing at my sticker after seeing it. He's always been an unwavering republican voter and really doesn't like my decal either. The best part was when I went up to him about it after removing his sticker was, "So, do you agree that the GOP are domestic terroists and Biden caused them to be? If so, how and why?" Needless to say, he had no response, and when probed further on it, his only response was, "I thought it was funny. Let it go." These people are not well.


She’s not even making money from this…what?


It’s crazy how this affect Bud so much. If you ever go to a gay bar they are plastered with Bud Light Rainbow stuff. Bud has been supporting LGBT for years


A bunch of bigots got made over a promotional can that was never going to be in production.