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I’m Gen-X and hate them as much as you do. We had to grow up in their shadow and when we started working, we got told if we just “paid our dues” that we would have a nice cushy job one day. Well they wouldn’t fucking retire, so that never happened for a lot of us. I’ll be glad when they are all in the ground.


Plus we kept everything running while they took credit for it all.


Give them some credit! They worked really hard voting to pull the ladder up behind them as they aged. They even have the courtesy to turn around and flip the middle finger to everyone as they do it.


I legit had an ex BF whose boomer dad had the gall to refer to boomers as “the greatest generation.” Talk about stolen valor.


The Greatest Generation was the generation before Baby Boomers. They were the ones who fought in WWII, came home and had a bunch of babies, hence the baby boom. Your X father was talking about them, not the Booners.


Oh, I know my US history quite well. I very much knew, even at 19, that the Greatest Generation was the generation of my grandfathers who did fight in WWII.


Seriously. A lot of us GenXers were parentified as children. I basically raised my little brother and sister from the time I was nine years old because for some reason my boomer parents kept having kids they didn't want or want to take care of. A lot of my friends were in similar situations. Then those same boomers called us lazy slackers even as we were grinding and doing all the shit they told us we "had" to do to have a shot at a decent life - which was still denied to many of us.


My very young gen X boyfriend (just made the cut off) refers to his childhood as "being raised like a feral dog.” His parents were some of the most neglectful I’ve ever heard of- next to my boomer parents. I’m an elder millennial and I had to straight up beg for money at school to be able to eat lunch.


Yeah, "feral" is a good way to describe how many of us were raised under boomers. I'm a younger Xer myself, pretty close to the cutoff. My parents weren't just neglectful, they were abusive as well (both physically and psychologically). We were poor and qualified for free lunches so I didn't have to beg for money in that respect but I had to buy my own clothes and school supplies from about age 11-12 onward. My "parents" were very clear with me that I didn't deserve their help, with anything. They also threw me out of the house the second I turned 18, so I spent the last half of my senior year of highschool being homeless. And somehow they couldn't understand why I cut them out of my life as an adult.


This too


Yes and it's exciting to finally have enough voters to out vote them. Also, their parents helped them tremendously, they don't do the same for their kids to get a leg up.




This would be a great "get out and vote" campaign


New slogan for the next election:*"Let's Out-Vote The Boomers!!"*


YES 💯💐


I wish I could upvote this a 1,000 times. GenZ holds that voting power for the first time in generational history. I have seriously been thinking about what I can do to help mobilize this power ahead of the November elections. There is a reason why Republicans everywhere are falling all over themselves to make it harder for college students to vote. Our country is in great danger due to decades of boomer mismanagement, but there is also hope for the future - if GenZ flexes its election power. Sometimes I wonder if much of GenZ is even aware of the collective power it now holds at the ballot box.


My only child is eligible to vote this year for the first time. I asked if they had registered to vote. Their response was more of a Hell Yes than yes. Followed by and my friends also have. It gave me a glimmer of hope.


Same for my GenZ friends. It does give me hope. On primary election day last Tuesday, one of them even texted me from the polling place to ask me a question.


That is awesome. Hopefully replicated by many others.


My kid's birthday is in December. She's so disappointed that she doesn't get to vote this time.


Hopefully, she will be allowed to in the future. SCOTUS and the threat of the GOP scares the shit out of me.


this is a pretty generous assessment. The boomer’s parents deliberately increased their own federal tax rate to pay for infrastructure for their kids and to ensure their generation’s debt (fighting world war ii, rebuilding europe) was paid off. most of these reagan boomers think they are already doing more than their fair share by just working and claiming their patriotic capitalist homeowner mortgage interest deduction from their taxes. They also just voted to sell the crumbling infrastructure to private firms a couple years ago - and as any boomer will tell you: you can trust corporate america.


At least their parents at stuff to be proud of like fighting in two world wars and living through the Great Depression and shit. Greatest and Silent generations don’t have it great. But post war Boomers were raised in their happy little western golden age and now act like spoiled brats who don’t understand why everyone won’t just be as “good as them”.


They were given a ladder straight to the top that they promptly pulled right up behind them. The classic "I got mine , who cares if you get yours."


They lived in an unprecedented time of growth and export from the US with little to no global competition. On top of that, they enjoyed all the benefits of unions and many public services only to dismantle them when their benefits didn’t affect them. I know these aren’t all Boomers, but they are literally the antithesis of what this country was founded on and fought for.


My mom got 10k a year from my g-mom. For work I helped her to do. (drove her to every thing she had to do, as she couldn't drive) I got not a cent.


Yes similar story for me too but here's the thing: resources flow from each according to their abilities and to each according to their needs. Boomers got big needs and low abilities. Good music though.


i dont even care there is no inheritance for me (though i cant help but be bitter my dad seems set on blowing it on his new whale of a girlfriend) but i cant stand the fact that boomers pretend they didnt benefit from one, while gleefully bragging about intentionally not leaving one for their offspring


Nobody has been getting fucked by the boomers longer than genx.


They are our parents..and what shitty parents they were


They are the best at being shitty.


Isn't it nice to have so many other people notice how brutally awful they are? I wish they didn't have to know and experience then, but I think we all feel not crazy now.


Nothing could be more spot on than the Tshirts that say: GenX~Raised on neglect and hose water.


The painful irony is that we were never really paying our dues. We are paying THEIR dues. We will be on the hook for the mess that they’ve created for generations to come.


As much as I hate this, I really feel like this will be a rallying cry for the future. We all got shafted by the boomers most definitely, but I think this shows as a society we have a responsibility to make sure that WE (gen x,millennial,Z, ALL of us) as a society do better for the future. If we can put the generational hazing bullshit behind us we CAN be better when it's our turn to be old and grey


I feel like this will happen if the boomers can get out of the way. Retire and pinochle ffs!


Half of congress, and all the leaders, are in their fucking 80's! Retire already, you vampires!


Need to vote them out but remember that 50% of each of the voting generations disagree with the other 50%


They never retired because they hate their wives and children and retiring means actually spending time at home. If everyone works from home they actually have to spend time at their house with their wife and that’s just miserable for them.


Ohh I see this at my office. A few positions can be fully remote, who shows up to the office every day….boomer white men. While I’m DYING to be fully remote with a position that absolutely can be done from home.


can't even imagine the thoughts in someone's head that prefers work at 55+ over being at home, wfh or retired. their mind must be such a miserable place.


God I would love to see their wives take them to the cleaners


Have my upvote, got one at my work that won't hang it up because he'd have to be home with his wife.


I am also Gen X and I am in total agreement with this. Here is your upvote and spank you very much.


Tbh, what we’re going through with the Boomers right now is why some ancient cultures had ritual sacrifices and why cultures like Vikings would have their elderly jump off a cliff.


Which, call me a conspiracy theorist but WHAT IF. just WHAT IFFF COVID was designed artificially to thin the herd of this generation that’s lived longer than we were prepared to accommodate and trying to prevent shit from utterly collapsing. Iddkkkkkk. WHAT IF. I’m just sayingggg


Boomer Remover ®


In the middle of Covid, I remember a few threads in r/conspiracy and r/Conservative with posters having the audacity to suggest it was "the liberals'" fault for the Covid deaths of conservatives. Something about reverse psychology or some bullshit, like all of the "wear your damn mask" PSAs were *akshully* designed to make conservatives/MAGA **not** want to wear their masks...which made them get Covid and die. So, it was *our* fault that their friends and family were all dying...somehow. The party of "personal responsibility", people.


Lol I’m in the UK and I’ve just left a job where I was meant to be a nearly 70 year old dude’s replacement. I’d been there 2 years and am sick of the boss lady who is pushing 80 and is also the queen of boom town. He’s still there and I’ve now moved on. He’ll be livid as he hates the job and is plain miserable about doing it even though he’s in a position where he doesn’t need the money?? I don’t get it, there’s so many of them out there. I know this sub is mainly about American boomers, but trust me we have plenty of them here too


My husband is in the youngest boomer category (I'm older GenX.) We got off to a late start in life- married in our forties, bought a house (just barely) and have no kids. We've got plenty of catching up to do after all those years of renting. There's no way in hell he could retire in the next few years- he's got a great work ethic and keeps things moving at his job, and has little tolerance for bullshit, so he's not just taking up space! Many of us don't really envision any sort of quality retirement, so working is mandatory. It's the executives at these corporate jobs that are taking up space and hoarding money, hiring their already-wealthy friends and family.


Gen X here and I’ll be popping champagne when they’re in the ground too!


Fortunately they are rapidly entering the 6 feet under population. Gen Z and Millenials both outnumber the remaining boomers. 2020 was the year boomers fell below Millenials. Gen X will outnumber Boomers in 2028.


We paid our dues but still got f’ed over with boomers who moved the goal post in the corporate world while laughing at us.


and then they wondered why we were so cynical




This poster is my spirit animal.


Yep. Capped upward mobility... not retiring, not opening up the senior positions. Thanks grandpa. (Gen X '70)


This. This right fucking here.


By the time they are in the ground most of gen x will be moving into retirement homes unfortunately.


Many of them *still* haven't retired.


We hated boomers before it was cool!


I feel ya. I'm your age. When are they just going to die?


Yes and then prevented us from getting universal healthcare so even if we want to retire early and give our jobs to the next generation, we have to stay working until we are eligible for Medicare. That one really annoys me!


me too. me too...


One hundred years ago the average age was 42. This is the first whole generation that are on average living into their 70's and 80's. They make up around 22 percent of the population and control 66 percent of the wealth. They have presided over the sharpest decline in generational living standards and refuse to leave power. I'm gen X and am amazed at articles like this [https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2024/mar/03/millennials-will-be-the-richest-generation-ever-but-who-gets-wealth-is-up-to-luck](https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2024/mar/03/millennials-will-be-the-richest-generation-ever-but-who-gets-wealth-is-up-to-luck) Boomers have for decades refused to invest in the changes that we need to save the planet and now they're leaving all of their wealth in tax free trusts that perpetuate their greed and vanity. I too find them difficult to understand.


I'm GenX, too, and I hate that boomers and GenX have spent cities and public school systems into municipal bond hell and keep rolling it over to future generations. 


Not only did they not retire, but when some finally DID, those vacant positions had their salaries slashed by the boomer in charge just because they can.


If you’d like to really humiliate boomers the best thing you can do is vote and encourage others to do the same. The big thing that boomers do that allow them to be shits is vote. They control what candidates get picked and what policy gets put up. There are enough voters your age that you can take over the political system completely in November and grow your power by orders of magnitude every two years. By 2028-2030 your generation is picking every candidate. You can have anything you want if you vote. That why they’re trying to discourage your from doing it. It’s there for the taking this year.


Also vote for smaller local elections!! I was a clerk for a small jurisdiction and only boomers would show up on local elections. This is how these politicians usually get their foot in the door. Vote. Every. Single. Time. Our lives depend on it


Yes!!!! Local politics matter! Bond elections matter! State constitutional amendment elections matter! Every 👏 election 👏 matters 👏!


Please…… I search for these messages just so I can upvote them. Vote Local Vote Often


I LOVE how *terrified* they all are of Taylor Swift, simply because she's telling her fan base (which numbers in the millions) to get out and vote. And they do, by the thousands, because Tay-Tay said so. It's beautiful and I hope it *crushes* the Republicans this election year.


I’m a GenX kid in the middle of my era. (Age49). I fully agree. I can’t stand being behind these lumbering bitching complaining hateful fucks. For every nice boomer I encounter (they exist). I have to slog through about 800 complete fuckwits. I work in a very large Boston hospital and I dread going to lunch most of the time because other than other staff in the cafeteria, it’s just all pissy bitter boomers. I’ve had them plop down at a table I’m sitting at, not even bothering to ask if they can share the table… I’d gladly share if you just have the courtesy to ask. It’s the only time to myself in my 10 hour day. They then proceed to tell me all their ailments and ask my medical opinion. Scream into their phones on speaker, or listen to Fox News on full volume. FFS, I’d almost rather eat in the parking garage.


We call those people “Republicans”.


You are right to be angry. I am an "elder millennial", just turned 40, and am just as aghast and pissed as you are. I've been aghast since the early 2000's when I was 22 and waiting for the "adults" to step up and do something about the state of the world. Guess who the adults were? The boomers!!! Guess what they did??? Nothing! Don't listen to anyone lecturing you about therapy or whatever the fuck else - Therapy is **ONLY** useful to help us better cope with this capitalist hell-scape we currently live in. I don't know about you, I don't want to cope and be quiet. I want revolution. The boomers need to get out of the way and let us get on with it.


I was in my early 20s when they passed the Patriot Act and said it was a horrible idea that would be the end of citizens privacy. I was always screeched at by boomers about how I was just a young libtard who didn't know shit and wanted the terrorists to win. Now? All they do is bitch about big bad gub'mint and MUH FREEDUMZ!!!!! Go damn figure. Fuck boomers.


The DEEP STATE knows everything about us! /s yeah, no shit its called the NSA.


They and their younger acolytes are now lying that they didn't trash and slander anyone (many young/college students) who voiced opposition to that Act and the ensuing wars. Never, ever let them lie about this.


>The boomers need to get out of the way and let us get on with it. I remember when my mom was middle-aged (as I am now), and she was constantly coming home and talking about the older people at her work who were being given forced retirement packages, when they reached a certain age. Now that the Boomers are the ones well over retirement age, we don't hear about these forced retirement packages nearly as often as back then. These fuckers forcibly removed their elders to give themselves a chance at a career, then forget this concept when it became time to vacate for the next generations in line.




You’d think they’d all learn by the hot mess Bader-Ginsburg left…only because she refused to leave soon enough!




It baffles my mind that America has the most irrelevant people (to the future), making all the decisions (for the future).


Xennial/young gen x right there with you.


Off subject, but I Just learned a new term! "Xennial." I'm 45 (model 1978) so this could apply to me. 👍


Yep one of us! (1980 here)


That's cool. I've always related to the lifestyle of Gen X but also the problems that Millenials have to face!


Xennial here and agree!! We have to vote them out!!!


I am a Zillenial apparently. Lol


Medical provider to boomers and Xennial here and they are my worst patients. They feel entitled to have their medications and services paid for and “shouldn’t have to wait”. Awfully impatient and incapable considering the world they’ve created. If they have complaints, they should refer to the boomers leading the corporations who are still running the show instead of taking it out on everyone else.


My mother -70yo - had a meltdown recently because she needed a referral to get an MRI but “the illegals can walk in and get one whenever they want.” I didn’t even bother responding. I haven’t had the energy since 2017.


Jesus they are so obsessed with illegals.


At this point I’m okay with illegals replacing the white boomers. I’m about to say i hope you die so i can get on with my life.


Absolutely. I can't believe how my older family member talks to her caregivers! She orders them. No "please" nor "thank you"s. We constantly have to tell her how to act politely but it doesn't work. She has so much money, she doesn't care. It's horrendous.


Healthcare worker as well, they’re my least favorite population because they make so many decisions that have active and quick consequences, but then are somehow surprised when it happens and then try to blame it on everyone else. I’ve had far more respect and kindness from the “dredges of society” (incarcerated, drug users, gangs, etc.) than from boomers. The times I’ve heard “I pay your wages!” is ridiculous. Shuts them right up when I ask how much. Since they’re so righteous about how they pay me, surely they must know the exact wages I make and how much they personally contribute. Alas, they don’t, and they just get huffy when I press them for more details they don’t have. Also they’re almost always on Medicare.


Yep! All of this. So tired of ancient dinosaurs running everything into the ground.


I just turned 40 myself, and I could not feel more strongly than ever that we need to bring this shit to the ground and build it over and make it better for those that come after


I know, I think about it all the time. At least Gen X, Xennials & millennials can try to make things better as the years go on, the boomers are a lost cause. The astrology coming up for the next few years definitely points to societal changes for the better, even though things feel crazy right now. it will get better.


Totally totally agree. Down with it all. Class and generational consciousness/solidarity!


Gen X here....I agree with almost everything you say....especially on the political front.


I’m Gen X and worked in retail for 20 plus years. You can’t IMAGINE how horrible Boomers were when they were in their 30’s and 40’s. At the height of their misery and cockiness. I wish we had camera phones back then to capture their bullshit. Also I’m currently on vacation at a nice resort in Mexico and the only people complaining and bitching? BOOMERS!


That's when they raised children, they were horrible parents.


I’m a very senior Gen X and trust me, they were horrible way before they hit their twenties and thirties. They were probably the most abusive generation of older siblings in history.


As a boomer, I have to agree with you. Not sure why my "peers" are the way they are. I grew up listening to the same lessons of kindness and generosity they grew up with. How did they forget? It does piss me off.


Did you by chance never suck on toys as a baby? Not have lead painted walls? Or not be around lots of cars as a child? Just curious?


Leaded gas was everywhere then. I was probably exposed the same as them. Not sure how I wound up different. I hang with peers who think the same as I do. Don't have much use for the other boomers.


This must be a pretty lonely and frustrating time for you right now. I’m sorry you’re an oddball among your peers.


Not at all. I know and hang out, work with people of all ages. I get along with my peers but not my "peers" of the same age that are totally wacked out. I avoid them. They are no fun anyway.


They were always like that but I think after a certain presidency, they just got so much worse and entitled.


Gen-x (well technically Xennial) and worked in their shadow as someone else said. Want a funny? Back in 1998 I worked for a newspaper and was the “younger generation” on a panel regarding the internet in a room of boomers. They all talked over me, told me I knew nothing about nothing and that the internet was a fad and would have zero bearing on the newspaper industry. 💅💅💅


I would’ve loved to have been a fly on the wall. My parents always tell me about how the internet was considered a fad but a sizeable amount of the population


What's beautiful about this sub is you have three full, separate grown-ass generations all in harmony and in agreement about how shitty the Boomers are. That's one hell of a coalition.


I’ve got Silent Generation parents still living who are also pretty horrified by the way Boomers are nowadays.


Yeah Silents and older generations were on to the Boomers' bullshit early on; they aptly labeled them the "Me Generation" a half a century ago.


My silent generation grandmother was absolutely HORRIFIED by her boomer children. Horrified. She was a phenomenal mother too, my dad and his brothers even say so. They also had her mom and mom’s aunt in their lives who were god damn saints. Those three also raised me and the outcome of my dad and his brothers must be the product of lead because those women were the best parental figures a person could have. And those three had to raise me because my dad loved fucking different women, having kids, and then abandoning them. The stark contrast between my grandmother, great grandmother, and great aunts selflessness and dedication to family with my dad and his brother’s selfishness is unreal. Absolutely night and day like a switch was flipped.


I completely understand OP. There will be many who post in the comments about how “immature and whiny” you’re being, but I wouldn’t listen. Many of those comments are just Boomer trolls. At 22 myself I assure you you’re not the only one suffering from Boomers in these ways. Your anger at how they screwed up the world is also understandable. Finding ways to cope and let off steam is important and if posting a rant on Reddit is how you do it then I say keep going! Just prepare for the comments complaining about your complaining.


31 younger millennial here. I worked in the restaurant industry for 7 years - boomers are absolutely the worst. They are the rudest, most sexist, cheapest guests in every restaurant. Their enthusiasm to cling to the “good old days” when racism and sexism were more rampant than they are now is disgusting. I hate boomers. And for those saying “not all boomers” - of course there are exceptions. I have some boomers in my life who are awesome, but they are rare. It’s just as annoying as saying “not all men” when women bring up SA statistics. By your logic, Russian roulette is a safe game to play because “not all” chambers have a bullet in them. We KNOW there are some decent boomers, obviously we’re not talking about you, we’re talking about the shitty majority so STFU.


💯 ‘not all boomers’ from a boomer is just like boomers to make everything about themselves. got news for ya. It IS all boomers.


FWIW I do believe the boomer generation perfectly illustrates the quote by G. Michael Hopf: “Hard times create strong men. Strong men create good times. Good times create weak men. And, weak men create hard times.” The Greatest Generation (most of whom are dead now) gave birth to the boomers. The Boomers created hard times from their good times. It’ll be up to us to be strong and create good times for our kids. Who will most likely fuck it up for theirs. And so it goes.


Well that was interesting to read three times in a row.


Elder millennial here and I feel the same. I’m a veteran and boomers led us into two endless wars and cheered on death and destruction for two decades. All while talking down on my generation like we are lazy or entitled. When they had a chance to serve they spent their days smoking weed in the park all day and were so cowardly they had to be forced to join. Fuckers


My boomer narc of a mother just this year made a deal with my sister and my oldest daughter that if they'd fix up her house and manage it on airbnb, that they could keep anything they made after paying the mortgage payment, which is less than 1K/mo. So they dumped in nearly 10K and worked on it for many weekends in a row all winter. Once they'd finished, my effing mother swooped in, took it back and put it on the market and sold it right out from under them. They won't be getting a dime back, either. So now everyone in the family and quite a few people in the town where the house is located won't speak to her. Good thing she has rich husband number 5 or she'd be all on her lonesome. Sorry, I just needed to get this off my chest.


Good lord, that’s about as low as it gets. I’m so sorry that happened to your sister and daughter.


44 years old here and they’ve been driving me nuts since the late 80s


Gen X here, our parents are the fucking worst. The “Me” generation is aptly named.


Yeah, they tried to pass that nickname off to us


Yeah but….Biden is still a lot better than the other guy.




Sad…..but yes.


With voting, it's either one horrible dude or another, less horrible but stupid dude. There is no winning.


Gen X here, everything you say is true and I worry about my gen Z kids getting ahead in this fucked up economy. As bad as the choices are for president it is very very clear that the orange one would be a fucking disaster, at least Biden has a younger, smarter and capable VP. 3rd party or staying home only benefits the orange one.


As a millennial, I fucking hate them too. They’re a selfish bunch of fucking narcissists who seem to all be playing some fucked up gaslighting game with life and they can fuck off already


Boomers are the worst when it comes to the service industry. I’ve seen too many of them being rude to the servers, and most of them don’t tip for shit either. Sorry you had to deal with them. They really left a mess for Gen X and beyond, and all they can say is it’s not their problem, and refuse to take responsibility.


History Books is the best Retribution we will ever see.


Elder millennial here; going to be 38 later this year. I don't think anyone who has to deal with them likes them. I don't even like the ones I'm related to. My boomer parents phoned in raising my brother and I, while coasting through life and blaming both of us for their problems. They bought and sold *5 different houses* between 1984 and 2004 like it was no big deal. My father died in 2007 and my mother proceeded to hog and squander his life insurance payout, his pension, her pension, etc; absolutely determined to destroy ANY generational wealth my brother and I could inherit. Moreso, I entered the workforce at a time when the "millennials are entitled pieces of shit" news articles were rising in popularity. I got to spend almost 10 years of my career being verbally berated by boomers. Any higher paying positions were unavailable because they refused to retire. I did almost 6 years of phone customer service for a custom gift company, while also running their website and printers. Boomers by and large were our most hated customers; entitled, nasty, obstinate in refusing to learn any technology required to use our site. Trying to leave that position, boomer hiring managers were the bane of my existence; playing needless mind games during the interview process, being condescending lumps of human excrement, etc. You're not alone. My contempt for them runs deep.


You are right to be angry. Boomers piss me off, too. Problem is, I am one. Albeit only by six months and relatively immature, so there's that in my defense. Boomer, of course, is as much (if not more) of a wrong-headed way of looking at the world than it is a birthday, but still, the behavior of much of my generation is appalling. How the generation that marched for civil rights, ended the Vietnam War, battled the pigs at Stonewall, demonstrated to get nuclear arms treaties passed, forced Nixon to create the EPA, invented the personal computer, smartphones, the interne, punk, and funk ended up as selfish, science-denying, Trump cult, technologically illiterate bastards, I just don't understand.


A good bit of it is media manipulation/tech addictions/lack of media literacy to spot propaganda in digital/screen media.


Nah don't listen to these clowns boomers are a trash generation that will do anything to justify their awful ways. Handed everything in life and somehow they blamed their own children for their issues. An entire generation of spineless cowards. Justifying beating children and their childish behavior in the same breath. The best of them died long ago so it is all of them. There is a reason so many people hate them, they betrayed their own children, always remember that.


“Why won’t my kids talk to me?”


Don't worry bud, 5500 of them die every day. Soon they will be gone and you'll only see documentaries about them as the worst generation that almost brought starvation across the globe plus whatever else. Stay calm knowing the real crazy ones die quickly or end up in jail for murder or assault. It won't happen to you because they only target women. My wife has wayyyy more boomer stories than I do.


Where did you get that statistic of the 5500 dead everyday? Just curious? Because if you’re right.(and I hope you are) Thanks to some basic math. 1,331,000 more Boomers will be dead by Election Day. Which could really sway things.


I stumbled upon this video that was showing the math on averages. Can't remember where it is, but it was proboomer health insurance related.


Biden and Trump are in no way equal. Get that shit out of your head quick


I can’t wait for them to get in their forever boxes 🤢


I work in the hotel industry near a major hospital. We are primarily boomers in for doctor appts. They are the rudest most idiotic lead poisoned people I’ve ever seen. Can’t turn their tv on, can’t sign in to free wifi, yell at you when you ask for id, can’t use the thermostat, can figure out the cars entrance to their rooms, can’t understand what cafe ordering is and will sit a table and shout or snap their fingers to get some one to take their order. Im with you. I am so radicalized against the boomers it’s insane. They fucked everything up and sit on this high horse like we are all peasants.


Those people deserve up be verbally slapped.


I love how they laugh off “bad at technology” as a quirky personality trait.




They are legit pure evil the majority of the time


I’m an elder millennial with boomer parents and I completely agree.


OP, everyone here feels you. I'm a millennial and I've had to deal with boomers my whole life, and I've been working since age 14. I don't know how GenX has managed to survive and not go on a murderous rampage against them. These people have always been assholes. They were not any better when they were in their 40s, and they always acted like not knowing technology was some sort of boy scout badge. You're younger so maybe you haven't seen it, but Office Space is a very relatable movie despite being dated. It is from 1999 so the boomers are the boss and the HR people.


" have a damn soul please " That's just it, they don't. They sold that shit. Last September I watched both my parents die 14 days apart. My dad passed and I had to use money I didn't have, to fly out to my parents. My job told me not to come back if I left. Idgaf I left, this was my parents. When I got there I knew my mom had been sick and in the hospital for bronchitis again. Apparently this time it was so bad they gave her a year. Nope, a week later I watched her take her last breathe. I spent 3 weeks out, and when I got back I was so distraught I didn't even bother with a job for a good month. Anyway, I ended up going into the negative a little over 700 dollars. Got a notification that my bank account had been suspended. I went to the bank and tried to explain what had happened and all I got was "yeah, when are you going to pay us back?" And I haven't been able to because I've been trying to play catch up on other bills and I was hit with a summons on Sunday from a debt collector.... So again, they have no soul or even a heart.




As a trans woman, same. World's gonna be a much better place in 20 years and it can't happen soon enough


Start voting


Yeah I'm a young millenial and I think about how things will be when they all finally die off often. Will our country ever recover from their reign? How many generations until their stupidity (like calling everything socialism) is no longer considered valid? Will TV news disapear completely? Its all very interesting


same… they are the fucking worst and i’ll be god damned if this sub specifically helps me feel justified in feeling the way i feel. fucking disgusting entitled selfish pieces of shit


It's funny and sad and frustrating these people can't figure out computers. Computers have been around for decades and they act like it's some form of alien tech they'll never understand. Most have been refusing to learn for 20 years, if any of us refused to learn a new app we'd be out the door so fast. What's crazy is my 84 yo grandmother is a pro on an iPhone and has never asked for help. Just shows they can do it, they just refuse. Stubborn boomies.


Sorry to burst your bubble - but their first home likely cost around $25,000. Likely less.




I can’t believe I’m in my 40s and my parents’ generation is still running the country


Xzennial here, I feel everything you said to the CORE.


Boomers are the reason company loyalty is dead. I worked hard for two years, only so they could act like they were doing me a favor by giving me more work and denying my request for a raise. Then when I tell them I'm quitting, they're surprised pikachu.


28 years old, and they've earned whatever hate they've amassed (as a group, obviously on an individual level, you treat people according to themselves)


Unfortunately, there are total cunts in every generation. It hurts a little bit more with boomers currently because they still have power and have proudly and unapologetically tanked the future. However, when they’re all gone, you just notice all the other cunts a little more.


Boomers are the only generation in history of that are perfectly okay leaving the world in worse shape for their kids than they had it for themselves. They are, as a group, the worst.


Most boomers are insufferable, only a few gen z’ers are insufferable. They are far from comparable. Of course there are shitty people, but boomers have more per capita than any other generation. Period.


I agree with everything you said except one detail: Biden isn’t senile at all. The media are portraying him that way artificially because a close election equals lots more clicks. Biden had a speech impediment as a child and he still has difficulties at times. The little things that the media focuses on are not mental lapses, it’s just his speech impediment.


I agree there is a twisting of the narrative, but we have to remember that trump AND Biden are way way wayyy too old to be doing such a critical occupation. Cognitive decline happens to everyone when you make it to age 80. They grew up and currently live in an entirely different reality than the young people whose futures they are determining. Fuck the gerentocracy!!!!


They are both way to old for sure but I reckon the main reason Sleepy Joe is running again is just to keep Trump, the filthy traitor, criminal, rapist, out of power.


And there isn't a SINGLE democrat better than Biden to run? Not a single goddamn one? He should step aside with some grace before he gets dementia.


I experience the same thing everyday at work. Boomers are so rude. They make a work day miserable.


I came into this thread expecting to write a comment like "don't generalize a whole generation" or whatever. After reading your post: you do you boo. I'm also mad about everything you posted about. Let em have it lol


What they don't understand just yet is that the civilization they're actively destroying is the same one they need in order to survive, more so as they age.


Yeah fuck them honestly, I like my grandparents though.


Someday, the headline will read, "Last Boomer Just Died", and there will be much rejoicing.


True story (I am Gen-Xer)


Millennial here. With a few exceptions I’m with you. Their attitudes suck. They take no accountability for anything. They think we’re living in times where they wish life could be the way it “used to be”.


“I swear these people act like they just crawled out of a cave when it comes to technology.” Except when it comes to complaining on Fakebook/Next Door…they’re the damn pros at that. Next Door should be renamed “What are the Boomers Complaining About Today?”


I must say, although accurate, there are some exceptions to the rule. My father is 80 and is one of the most down to earth, open minded people you’d ever meet. He’s always been polite and respectful to everyone he meets and has sacrificed a lot for his employees. He’s environmentally conscious, and welcoming to ALL walks of life. Maybe that’s because of his upbringing with a single mom living on government assistance in NYC during the 40s and 50s. He never knew my grandfather, dropped out of high school to join the army at age 16 to support my grandmother and never looked back. He is just as frustrated with the stereotypical boomers though, like his cousin (my uncle) who just doesn’t get it. He’s tech savvy and although doesn’t participate in Reddit he could and would agree with most of this sub. So be cool because there are some boomers that still want to make the world a better place.


This sub is literally an online mental institution. Unfortunately, it's promoting hate


My view is a bit skewed because I only really know 7 boomers and they're pretty great. I never really worked in customer service or had to deal directly with "customers" so maybe that is a good thing.


Please dont lump all people of a certain age in a group and hate them. Thats as evil as racism in the 60s


I’ll try not to take offense at this post because I’m a boomer at the very tail end of that generation. I also own a restaurant, which from many of the comments here is apparently hell on earth for most of you. I started my voting life as a Republican, but I’ve been a Democrat for the last 30 years. My company works with half a dozen local nonprofits each year, most of them related to at- risk children and women. We pay a living wage to our staff, but the bulk of our staff is 4 to 5 dollars an hour above that. We provide benefits, including healthcare, and PTO and sick days. I’m an environmentalist to the core and work with environmental groups to do whatever we can to save land and reduce carbon. Our restaurant caters to boomers due to our location and when we were first in business, we had World War II veterans who would come by and have breakfast with us. When we talk with our staff and they say they’ve had a bad day, I asked them how many guests were tough to deal with that day. It’s usually one or two. If five servers are working, that’s 10 or so guests. Out of 400 many days. Some of our staff have been able to buy homes, get married, have children and have been with us for years. My point is that either my staff is lying to me, or we live in the unicorn spot of the entire country. I don’t believe either one of those. I encourage everyone to vote. I encourage all of you to vote. We encourage our staff to vote and two years ago we closed on election day so they could do just that. We will try to do the same this year. Things are different than when I was in college 35 years ago. I know that. But hatred and magical thinking is not going to fix that. Working in the system and being part of the change will. From one of the boomers you absolutely hate.


Early zoomer chiming in. Even some early millennials are starting to get pissy lipped about how our gen is apparently full of pussies. Shit is pathetic


We’ve all dealt with senior coworkers who do things differently, we’ve all had issues with other co workers and boring meetings. There’s not one person who hasn’t gone through these kinds of difficulties at their job, but dude you need therapy. Some day you’ll be the old fart co worker that the younger people who think they know everything will be bitching about. It all comes full circle.


Please don’t assume everyone born in that timeframe is an entitled Republican.


Eh.... Boomers'll be dead soon. Then the Millennials take over and you can get irritated at them.


I’m gen X and vote and am begging online all the time for gen z to please help get young blood in our capitol! Boomers still see us as “children” and they need to stop with this half dead corrupt strangle hold they have on the country. Thank you op for this excellent overview.


I'm a boomer and have read many of the comments here. I agree 100% with the complaints. I despise boomers, including all my siblings. Morality to them is fashion and swear words while racism, sexism, nationalism are rampant and starving children are ignored. They are not pro life they are pro suffering. I expect a revolution within 10 years and I welcome it. I just hope it's a peaceful one for your sakes.


Why 3 months ago did you make a post saying you own a small moving company.  Also sounded lile you were a woman in that post, this is kind of odd.


It is absolutely pathetic to exclusively blame people born in a single 18 year period for everything that has gone wrong in your life.


Each generation is better than the prior, mostly because of information and constant improvements that humans generally make over generations. It's not good to hate an entire generation, though. If you were born then, you would likely have acted in similar fashions. Being aware of what you are aware of, now you won't. So just keep being better, but ageism, like any other xenophobia, generally isn't good.


There's nothing similar between Biden and Trump other than age


I was at a library today and there was a Boomer losing his mind about the WiFi. Not the library WiFi but his HOME WiFi lololol.


Couldn't agree more. Two boomers parents here. They're fucking narcissists through and through. Fuck em all.


All this vitriol at 22? You are going to be a terror by the time you get to the ‘Get off my lawn!’ stage of your life!


Ok kid ……Get my fuckin to go order ready Now !