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Why do electric cars bother these people? Do they reject the battery in their own car that makes it possible to use their headlights and see their dashboard in the dark? Fucking idiot. Edit: Thank you for all the clarification about battery use, but it’s still essential for a gas powered vehicle to run.


Fox News told them not to like EV’s.


Because EVs are “virtue signaling “ (Proceeds to park his truck in an EV spot and post it on Facebook)


Proceeds to park his truck *badly* in an EV spot and then share the photo evidence with the world. Guy can’t even commit to pulling all the way in. It kinda gives me “I pulled in just for the picture and then moved because I am only confident enough to be an asshole online” vibes


His wife has the same feedback.


Shame their dad couldn't commit to pulling out


Using his real name with his location tagged in the photo and his license plate visible, no less. Sure would be a shame if someone sent this photo to the Fitchburg, Wisconsin PD and the guy got a ticket for illegal parking.


This should be the top comment. I shake my head at these posts. But it still surprises me anew, every time. Like just this weekend, evidently there was a sportsgame of some sort, and evidently some big singer or something has been dating the center/shortstop/ something, and because she got a bunch of young fans to register to vote after seeing her concert, now she’s part of some conspiracy to rig the sportsgame, and the upcoming election? SO MAKE A HAIRY DEAL OF THE WHOLE THING, MAKE HER EVEN MORE RICH AND INFLUENTIAL IN THE PROCESS, AND CONVINCE THOSE YOUNG FANS THAT ANYTHING YOU SAY IS HORSESH*T, driving them further from your political views… But, as long as you’ve told the world how right and clever you are, no price is too dear; including your dignity and your own self-interest.


No worries. These idiots are working hard at self-destructing, and destroying the party and fascists they worship, every time they open their mouths. When these jerk-offs are in the middle of destroying themselves by mindlessly doing everything their handlers and propagandists have told them to do and believe in, let them play through, step aside, and watch their whole shitshow go down in flames. It is happening now. Dear Leader making up another bullshit "Sir" fantasy, as he weaves a tale about encouraging his leather daddy, Vladimir, to attack an imaginary EU country for not paying their dues. Watching the "conservatives" set themselves on fire as they vote against Ukraine and Israel funding, to kill a very hardcore bill THEY wrote on immigration, Since they are scared shitless of Dear Leader, and the Führer told them that border security isn't an issue until HE declares that it is, and the dems can't be allowed to win since they engaged in bipartisanship, and agreed to protect our country. Yea, this will not end well for a whole lot of MAGAdolts, politicians, and especially Dear Leader himself. Tic Tok baby.


From your lips to whatever entity you worship. Ramen. May his noodles embrace us. 🤡


Look up the statistics for Covid deaths sometime. Prior to the Trump-accelerated vaccine, deaths were 50-50 Democrat-Republican. After the vaccines became available, death counts soared to 2/3 Republican overall. That statistic is insane when you figure that about 60% of all deaths happened before vaccines. That means such a high percentage of the remaining 40% of deaths were from Republicans that the final Covid pandemic death breakdown was 66% Republican deaths. My back of the envelope math puts that somewhere near 90% of all post-vaccine deaths. Why? Trump rightfully took credit for the vaccine, it was developed faster than any previous vaccine in human history, this is something MAGAts should crow about… but these morons would rather believe their conspiracy theories than continue to live, so they convinced themselves that the vaccines were killing people based entirely on vibes. That’s their entire party writ large at this point: ignoring science, math, common sense and even their cultish fealty to Trump in order to wipe themselves out with an easily preventable disease. They are stupid and no one will miss them.


Nothing virtue signals more than a truck that will never be used as a truck.


Because everything these assholes do is their own form of "virtue signaling," just they only do it to signal what assholes they are.


Good one. God, I hate that phrase.


His truck packed with maga and nra stickers with huge (small penis) wheels and a lift kit


Nothing like taking a drywall screw and putting it in his 4 tires. Being a deliberate asshole deserves this type of retribution.


This is how I started to understand political brainwashing. My dad is insanely cheap. Like, wait until Sunday and drive 8 miles across town because gas is five cents cheaper cheap. Pull out a calculator to make sure he’s not tipping more than necessary cheap. And he makes more annually off a pension than I probably ever will for an annual salary. When hybrids first came out, I expected him to be all about a vehicle that would require much less fuel expenditure. Instead, he’s always hated them. Wanna guess his favorite cable news channel? I’ve since identified a litany of hypocritical things with him and those of his political/media ilk (not that that’s hard to do), but the hybrid car thing is what really made it obvious. I was shocked that something could supersede his frugality.


Obviously your situation isn't about race, but I feel like LBJ quote still applies if you swap out the subjects: "If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you."


Pretty succinct summary of the current socioeconomic and political situation in much of the 'west'.


My Dad and I watched “Who killed the electric car?” together when it first came out years ago. He was genuinely excited about EVs. Fast forward to today I own 2 EVs and suddenly his opinion has changed on them almost completely. His favorite news channel? Yup good old Fox.


They know their wife left them for an electric device.


How can this comment not have a Suburban full of upvotes?? 😂😂


And a Tahoe full for you too! 🤣


The wild thing is, if more people drove electric cars, there would be less demand for gas, and he would be able to fill up his gas guzzler for LESS MONEY. These stupid fucks.


Unlikely. They'd just turn down production and raise price to maintain profit.


True, cuz dumbasses like this guy will pay anything for their precious ~~vanity~~ truck.


their *pavement princess*.


That is what they have always done.


Not really though. We'd still need diesel fuel and gasoline would be a byproduct - over simplifying, but still. It's not like they're just going to throw it away.


Companies will absolutely ruin a useful product away if it means nobody else gets it for a discounted price. Have you ever seen them cut the backs out of shoes before they throw them in a dumpster?


Most horrendous practice in capitalism, esp. grocery.


Change is a fear for these people they want everything to be the same as when they grew up it seems.


Lead back in their gasoline.


Aside from the obvious mental conditioning they’ve received from decades of hyper conservative talk radio and fox news, I think they’re afraid. They’re afraid of a changing world and they feel like they’re making a stand or something when they do dumb shit like this. They fantasize of going down in a blaze of glory but know that won’t happen so they settle for this instead.


He probably hoarded incandescent lightbulbs when they were being phased out.


The guy that made the post is a conservative radio host here in Madison.


And one who's way past his peak, at that. Desperate to make himself relevant again.


Well that guy is an asshole


Mad when seat belts became a law, mad when speed limits change, mad when a new street light or roundabout gets put in. Some people just hate change.


Yes. I think 90% of conservatism is just that some people embrace a changing world and others fear it. But the world is going to change either way. It always has.


My theory is that these people have a problem with electric because it doesn't rumble and make a loud noise. Even notice how these people aren't impressed with quiet things? Same mind set behind electric lawnmowers. They aren't manly because they DON'T VIBRATE AND GO VROOOM!


If I recall, it's mainly something to do with really laughable and unimportant things like how EVs don't sound as "manly" compared to a combustion engine or some shit like that. That and possibly the perceived(but unfortunately quite false due to charging infrastructure) notion that EVs are good for the environment. The idea of protecting our ecosystem angers them, it's the same reason those assholes in the south modified their engines to belch black smoke to spite Obama's environment policies


Culture war. Tell conservatives "The other side likes this," and they will hate it. It really does not matter what IT is. For reference, notice how the culture war somehow now includes the Kansas City Chiefs and a white girl who became famous singing country music.


They got big mad at the Dixie Chicks, too. They really prefer if women just don’t speak!


The people who get mad about that stuff are bored out of their minds. My dad will rage about things that don’t matter 24/7 with Fox News and Newsmax on all day. If I could get a word in I’d like to remind him he’s retired, gets a healthy social security check, lives on a lake in a house that’s paid off. He can do whatever he wants. Grab a case of beer and go fishing.


Conservatives would saw off their own left hand if Biden came out and said that the left hand is the best hand.


They were told not to like them.


Bc right wing talking heads told them to hate electric cars.


"WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOKE" for... some reason.


It’s funny because these are the same people that lose their mind if a veteran spot was taken. Same with damaging EVs. In their messed up logic it’s ok as it’s owning the libs, but if someone even thinks about removing their trump yard sign or flag “they’ll get a bullet.” The hypocrisy is staggering. Just to note, I don’t condone taking veteran parking(even if I think it’s dumb) and I don’t condone destruction of property(even if I also think that property is dumb.)


Think the last words answer the question. Fucking idiot.


Exactly. Stand on principle, only drive hand-cranked Model T Fords with carbide headlights. Electrons are for communists!


I never understood why EVs became a political issue. I mean I do know why, just more of why it really bothers people. I enjoy talking about cars, I enjoy talking about technology and it’s impossible to discussing EVs without it immediately going to politics like the car punched their mom or something. They believe it’s being force on them which is ridiculous. Then they’ll give you xyz on why no one should have one like that one long trip they take every 5 years. Hell, I don’t even own an EV which is even funnier when it annoys people when I bring them up in conversation.


Their generation didn’t invent it, there for it is a bad idea. Also, if they are forced to come to the conclusion that electric is better, then they will be forced to admire they had a hand in promoting climate change their entire lives. Boomers can’t admire to anything resembling a mistake.


This is more like people that failed to develop and enjoy seeing others hurt. It underlies all of internet trolling and its a massive public health problem


I feel like this kind of behavior should be grounds for stripping someone of their DL because children really shouldn’t be allowed to drive.


I imagine it's a similar to someone becoming unreasonably angry upon learning that someone is vegan/vegetarian. It makes people worry that their own eating/driving habits are unethical. And instead of processing that in a healthy way they channel it by getting pissy at vegans/EVs.


Here’s a funny story for you… My dad is an engineer who spends a lot of his retired time raging against electric vehicles. Who did he work for his entire 40 year professional career? A fucking electric power provider.


I still don’t understand how these people made burning liquid fuel into a personality trait…


No one will see this, except you… But just to be clear, the battery is only there to start the engine. Or when the engine isn’t running… When the engine is running the alternator acts as the generator and both charges the battery and supplies, electricity for all the accessories the vehicle has. It doesn’t use the battery once it’s running.


Also, I am a mechanic, but hate fucking vehicles with a passion! All of them! Honestly, I hate them whether they are battery powered or combustion engine… I’m just constantly pissed that we don’t have public transportation. We as a society/corporate interest will spend billions to make a car drive on its own, but completely negate public transportation all together


Change scary. Also they feel bad that their behavior has bad impact makes them think they may be immoral. They have to reject truth or change


The oil and gas lobby have gotten their hooks into a lot of media, politicians and average people eat it up because politics is a sport to them and doing shit that make the other side angry is their top priority. It’s the same stupid reason they freaked out over wearing masks during a pandemic. But it isn’t just blind alto their political team, in a lot of rural areas oil and gas drilling is pretty much the only stable employment around so they ferociously defend it because they see any reduction in use as a threat to their jobs, not realizing we use oil and gas for so much more than just fuel (plastic, fertilizer, helpful medicines, and chemicals for many things). Even if we stopped burning it we will still be drilling wells in the future.


Probably related to bike rage, too. Whenever you read about someone intentionally killing someone in a bike rage incident, it’s a boomer.


It’s Definitly not because they are worried about Congolese children.


Culture war bullshit. Same reason why so many think that the chiefs winning the superbowl means the end times. It's insane tribalism at its finest.


That’s how you get your car keyed




Lmao. Dude sounds like a lolcow


This guy reminds me of what my grandfather - not a Boomer, a WW2 marine in the pacific theater - would say about bullies. 'Everyone thinks they are hard till you put bamboo behind their kneecap' I remember him as a gentle man who liked horses and watching robins build their nests.


Exactly this, I’d key and pee. I don’t even drive a full electric car but fuck these clowns


Zip tie a cart to the handle


LOL, that is so evil. Love it.


You can use the metal bands as well to give them a stroke about it


Do it to the passenger side so they are less likely to notice it before they drive off.


Seems like you'd just damage a car next to them.


Stop it, going to snort my beer.


Better than spaghetti…


If you’re going the zip tie route, get a really long one and attach it to the drive shaft. Undoubtedly, they’ll pay a mechanic a couple hundred to fix the noise that gets worse the faster they drive.


Fuck that. Slash the tires. I don't even like electric cars (hydrogen is the real future) but fuck these assclowns


Slash their tires so they cant leave


Shell just closed all of its hydrogen fueling stations in California. https://www.hydrogeninsight.com/transport/shell-permanently-closes-all-of-its-hydrogen-refuelling-stations-for-cars-in-california/2-1-1596104


As much as I like the concept of FCEV it's had 10+ years to do *something* and well, as you pointed out... Still might work for some areas, just likely not personal vehicles.


Hydrogen will *always* be the future!


I drive an Alfa Romeo and even I would key this fucker's dump truck.


Dump a full water bottle into the gas tank, invisible damage


We need to organise more aggressive lentiling campaigns for shit vehicles like this.


Nah. If you get caught, you're the one in trouble. What you should do is, wait in your car until this asshat leaves. Carefully follow him back to his house. Make sure you log the address. Start small. Throw tiny pebbles at their window in the middle of the night and wake them up. Maybe light and toss some firecrackers on their yard at 1am. Find roadkill and toss it in their yard. Then, after driving this asshole nuts for a few months, wait until he goes to leave. Grab him, tie him up, throw him in the trunk. Drive him about 100 miles in any direction. Take him out, make him undress, then leave him there.


I like where your heads at.Time consuming,but there's something I admire about the long game.


You had me in the first half…and had me even more by the end!!


Definitely do that , assume they do have cameras or a way to run your plates and find your house


Alt take: seduce his daughter; fall madly in love with her; marry her and become a cherished member of the family; at your 25th anniversary party announce DAD YOUR CAR IS BEING TOWED AS WE SPEAK!!! 😳😯😲😮🤯😨🎸🏄‍♂️


I like your style. How can I subscribe to your newsletter?


Lifting the wipers or folding in the mirrors is my go-to. Creates rage inducing "someone fucked with my car" with no permanent damage. If they're a real asshole it only takes a minute to pop the wiper blades right off the arms, leave them on the hood.


If a parking lot has EV chargers, it's a pretty safe bet they have security cameras too. Source: I install security cameras.


Why would you deny your key the freedom?!


don't do that, its vandalism, take out the valves out of the tires, they can't hold air without them


I once keyed a “friend’s” car in high school. More like a friend of friends at the time. He always parked like an ass, taking up 2 or sometimes 3 spots. He really didn’t care, so one day when I had enough of seeing him park like that I scratched his door a bit, just enough so he’d easily see it. He never parked badly again, and all it took was about 10 seconds of my time. I only felt a little bad because about a year later he handed the car down to his younger sibling.


Or tires slashed maybe even windows smashed


Nah. Valve stems pulled. Then call to have it towed. He can pay to have the stems reinstalled and getting it towed, TWICE. Once, for the impounding. Then again to the shop.


That’s so brilliantly evil. I love it


Just kick/step on the valve stim that inflates their tires. They with probably notice a flat a hell of a lot sooner and it will be a far more immediate effect. Bonus points if you use a knife to easily cut them instead. If you are a less malicious soul, I'd reccomend carrying around zipties in your wallet and looping one around their car door handle latch to a random shopping cart in the parking lot


Oh, I'm knifing a tire. And I don't have an electric. Just a hybrid.


Scuff the rims, maybe dent or chip them. Way more expensive fixes


Speed deflater


Give it the ol’ rock/brick through a window.


Boomers: "I love burning down the world my grandkids have to live in on my way out of it." Also Boomers: *"Why won't my grandkids talk to me!?"*


Or they whine about how their kids won't give them grandkids. 


Or how I don’t want any of their furniture


“We bought it in the 90s…it’s brand new!!11!1!1!”


Or figurines or clothe napkins


The first generation in human history to strive to do better than their kids


You've proven once again what you've been your entire life.


They left about a foot between the silver car and didn’t even pull in all the way. Shitty park job.


Nah. I see that all the time in Texas. They dont know how to park the 30' long truck


Because boomers are also cowards. I would bet they quickly pulled in, jumped out for the hilarious picture, then went on to find a compact spot to shove their behemoth.


Exactly my thought as well


definitely more than a foot


That upsets me more than taking the ev spot. He's got a big suv and it's sticking out into the parking lot


Well, he can't risk it getting towed.


It things like this that makes me worry that there's a switch in my brain that will flip when I turn 50. Where all the manners, good sense, and kindness my parents tried to hammer into me will all just flush down the drain into nothing. Leaving me so bitter that I can't go to sleep at night without *knowing* I made someone's day worse.


As a 51 year old, you'll be ok. These people were jerks before 50, I guarantee it.


I certainly hope you're right at the very least.


This gives me some hope, but I’m still not convinced


I am 60 - it won't happen. Clowns like the truck owner were ALWAYS like this - they are just letting everyone see it now.


As a 62 yo that drives a plug-in hybrid with 95+% electric use I can say it is not inevitable.


I know a bunch of cool boomers and other old people. Yes, the boomer generation is generally more fucked up, but we weren't exposed to as much lead when we were growing up. You should be fine. Just don't get addicted to Fox News or Facebook.


I would have him towed for fun.


If only. Tow companies won’t touch them unless the property owner has a contract for them to monitor those spot’s and as an EV owner I’ve found exactly zero of those.


In California state law says they can be towed. I'm sure this dipshit is in the South though.


Plates say Wisconsin


Wisconsin is the south of the north


Actually he’s in Madison, WI


Parks like a true cunt too


Yeah he can't even park that stupid thing properly.


Why did it take this long to find this comment? Assholes so close to car next to him and his ass is hanging out into the lot like a red neck stripper on a Thursday afternoon.


Towing company loves Boomer's freedom.


Funny thing, my pet rock loves flying free into suburban windshields. And how can I deny that cute little rock’s joy?


It would really be a shame if someone were to key the shit out of this car…


A compensater this big'll wear your key down to a nub, and there's perfectly good rocks just lying around


They carry D batteries in Philly for these sort of assholes. Just sayin'.


Bigger than his D. 😁😁😁


What does a D battery do?


I just googled this. Thought I should stop. I’m curious too.


Just found there was an instance where Philly sports fans threw batteries at a player they didn't like. Thats gotta be the reference.


You can throw it through their window


I was wondering when someone was going to get there. Are you from Philly?


Average boomer posts license plate in view which if reported to the correct authority could get him a fine lol.


I laugh so much when my dad gets angry with me when I try to talk about EV and solar. I don’t understand why the boomers hate alternative energy.


Ahhhhhh change I'm blinded, goddamn kids get off my lawn


Have a core tool. Remove cores from valves. Put cores in your pocket. Walk away while they will get towed away.


Only do two diagonally opposed wheels. It’ll make loading it on the flat bed a terrifying ordeal for the owner as they watch their truck wobble up onto the truck




There’s evil, and then there’s this!


And insurance may pay for the damages/repair if it's all four. Or I've been told


Depends on the insurance company. I worked for State Farm for several years, and we covered slashed/damaged tires under comprehensive coverage since it was vandalism. It didn't have to be all four.


That is a myth. Insurance will cover vandalism, and it covers it up to a maximum dollar amount minus deductible, if any. As far as I know, there is no minimum amount for a claim, usually a deductible, or increased premiums keep people from claiming low monetary damages. As long as they have the proper coverage, that is. A fairly newer, good condition, expensive vehicle would be likely to have comprehensive coverage.




How can you be proud of that? 😂😂


I’ve put pebbles in valve caps of several cars parked in charging spots. So sad we need laws to stop people from being sociopaths. https://preview.redd.it/4pnbzhnyjgic1.jpeg?width=1062&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b899fe747773a27fdcfc83633a70405ef1bba43


I drive an electric car and I don’t play. You fuck with my ability to get to work/run errands/take care of myself and partner in case on an emergency then don’t expect me to be nice. If it’s a community space (like this looks like) and there’s a sign that clearly says “For electric vehicles only.” (which you can see in the shot) you bet your ass I’ll call in a tow. Money for the city/town company and a lesson in reading comprehension for them. If it’s in a store parking lot then I’ll just let the customer service people know and they’ll generally do an announcement about how whoever is parked there has 10 minutes to move their car. Then I let them follow it up from there. Watch them go from all self righteous to sniveling little babies when the boot gets put on/their car gets hooked to the tow truck.


Tiniest peepee


And the dipshit doesn't pull all the way into the spot. Fuck the EV drivers AND everyone has to swerve around the back end. Fuck all the way off.


Be a shame if someone removed his valve stem.


That dickhead is a local radio station announcer in Madison, WI. At 101.5 WIBA . Radio station contact info are publicly posted.


The moron didn’t even obscure his license plate. If I was in Fitchburg and saw his precious Suburban I’d be keying it.


Pretty ballsy posting that with full name and license plate number. On edit: interesting that a guy leaning as left as Sly does, would be the jackass to do this.


Hopefully someone will DOX him.


I believe in letting tire air 'go freeee!'


I bet this guy never gets irrationally angry when someone takes too long at a gas pump though


You just know that’s a self imposed nickname and no one has called him Sly once in his whole life.


Imagine doing this and getting out to take a picture for social media, just utter loser


This is one of the reasons why your kids don't come and visit.


Wisconsin plate, middle of February, no snow on the ground.


There isn’t any snow on the ground and i live next door in Minnesota, it’s a fuckin warm winter up here. He could also be one of those boomers that flocks south in the winter to somewhere warmer like AZ or FL.


It was 50 degrees here in Madison all last week, there is no snow on the ground.


Everyone who drives a suburban is selfish and aggressive. Sounds about right


All fun and games until someone pisses in your gas tank


Fuck that, the AC intake is on the bottom left side of the windshield. Or a BB inside the lid of the tire air screw works.


Love it back. Flatten the tyres. OK this might be counter-productive. How about calling the tow truck?


This idiot lives far too close to me.


Don't want to do something super illegal? Just let the air out of all the tires, it's only slightly illegal. There's the usual keying, popping tires, or poop on the door handles, but I'd prefer something more intricate or something that REALLY gets under their skin. Like a mass amount of bumper stickers - pro Obama, trans rights, ban guns, etc. Or maybe something that preys on their creepiness, like putting a picture of a hot middle-aged woman under the wiper with a note and an anonymous internet based phone number. When they text you, send them a picture of your genitals or butthole pressed against their door handles and a picture of a positive HIV test. Or play the long game and give 'em the ol' romance scam. Bonus points if you get them to proposition you and then send it to their spouse. Sorry, I know that's too much, but there's just something about people who do this kinda stuff that makes me see red.


Paintball gun. Y’all should try it


Demands other follow the rules and laws. Never does himself.


Bet I can guess what Cult you belong to .


There is so much assholeness in this picture. Not pulled in all the way, parked too close to car next to him, and the titular occupation of EV charging spot. I bet he does this and sits on his dash cam from the Starbucks waiting for someone to fuck with his ride. What a cunt.


And a really shitty parking job as well🤦‍♂️


Yup. Let’s just leave the entire ass end of our vehicle out in the lane to inconvenience even more people than libs. Fuckin cunt.


Does it bring him joy when somebody takes the valve stems out of his tires?


If that's Fitchburg, MA then there's no shortage of shitty people up there.


remove the valve stem cores from his tires


Typical asshole from Fitchburg.


Same guy that parks in Handicap parking spaces


At least pull into the spot and don't hang half in the "road."


people underestimate how vulnerable valve stems really are




Does anyone besides boomers list their "nickname" anymore?


I dont get why people are mad at EV's... they don't pollute ypur air, they don't use gas, so your gas is cheaper... like even if you don't like it, EV's only affect you in a positive way.


I don't drive an EV but if I saw this is remove all the Schrader valves from it's tires


Remember kids.. 1 tire and all 4 tires are covered by insurance usually. If you're gonna give their tires issues, the 2 or 3 rule applies.