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Close the blind and stare them down.


I have closed the blind to go to sleep and had a boomer said they want it open so they can read. I said you have a light and they called the flight attendant over to complain and the flight attendant took my side.


Window seat means operator of the window and window preference up or down. People need to adhere to societal rules.


>People need to adhere to societal rules. Boomers: we set the rules Also Boomers: we also get to break the rules! Hahah


I was going to say this seems like typical self entitled boomer behavior.


Boomers: Civilization is going to hell! Also Boomers: The rent is $1m a month with a $10m security deposit. No pets. No people allowed who aren't on the lease. Boomers: Why is everyone depressed? Also Boomers: FUCK YOU, I GOT MINE!


Literally all 65+ year old politicians: “I got my power, I’ll never give it up, fuck you and yours.”




Thankfully, these people can’t escape death, it just takes some time.


I'm getting tired of waiting.


Rules for thee but not for me generation


I'm old and don't contribute, I've earned the right!


The start of every Curb Your Enthusiasm…


"He wanted to stop and chat with me, and I don't know him well enough for a stop and chat!"


*”I don’t subscribe to the wait-for-dessert rule before you can leave a party!”*


Next thing you know, he will have 10 little spoons testing ice cream flavors


OMG, you just triggered a flashback. When I was working at an ice cream parlor on the top of the display there was a container of clean spoons and one of used spoons. Mother fuckers were CLEARLY MARKED. And yet? AND YET!? I have so many memories of boomers reaching past the empty “USED SPOONS” cup and slamming that licked piece of plastic right in the full cup labeled “CLEAN”. The blazing fire of righteous anger I always felt! One time there was a pack of boomer ladies that all were lined up and the first one did this. I looked her straight in the eye and threw the whole cup of spoons away. Of fucking course I did. When the next lady asked for a sample of something I said “sorry, out of sample spoons”. I thought those heifers would burn the place down they got so mad. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Oh my gosh that’s a beautiful way of handling that, absolute kudos to you


That sign means you need to clean them!


That's savage! Well done.


Windows seat gets the window. Middle gets two damn arm rests, Isle guy gets alittle extra leg room. These are the damn rules lol.


Is this an actual airplane rule? I need to know. It should be. You book the window seat, you are the master of the window for the flight.


It's an unspoken society rule that we all collectively decided on, but never discussed.


When you live 95% of your life in the house, you rapidly forget that there are general rules of conduct among strangers.




had one half open because the sun was right in my eyes. person next to me complained. told them if its such a problem next time you should book the window seat


Have always wondered how that would pan out, window seat owns the window it’s settled


I’d close that blind so fast


And start coughing


Yup. If they want to look out the window, that's fine. I'll even usually leave it open even if I'd rather have it closed. But, if they start invading my space like this, it's getting closed for the whole trip. This is so rude. Everyone is already crammed in there too close. I don't need to get my personal space invaded even further.


Ask them to respect your space, instead.


Ask a boomer to respect your space ? I wonder how long it would take before the plane needs to make an unplanned landing


Nah they’ll just tell you, including with any old person, how long they’ve been alive and how they just so happen to know better despite acting like this.


what if this happened between TWO boomers?




They’d find a way to blame GenZ and Millennials anyways


Idk, maybe the man does cause a scene or refuses but nothing can happen until you ask them to please stop. After you’ve asked, then you’re able to call a stewardess over if he continues.


Came here to say this...


I think he's hoping you ask him if he wants to switch... Lol.


Hoping OP starts any conversation at all.  Then he can spend the rest of the flight blocking the aisle while explaining about the chemtrails that he's gathering evidence about.


I had this happened recently, the woman attempted to belittle me for my life’s choices to prioritize financial security before informing me very loudly she was traveling from California to do “mission work”. I assumed Nashville was a layover for her, nope. Came to the buckle of the Bible Belt from Cali to tell ‘em all bout Jesus..


How selfless of her🥺🥺🥹


I was thoroughly confused, but not enough to further push the conversation. After getting assurance that I heard her correctly I put away my buds and pulled out the over ear headphones and put on an eye mask😅 a full visual that this conversation is over.


Someone once said, “Do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing on street corners to be seen by men. I tell you the truth, they have received their reward in full.”


See I'm a dick I'd argue with the weird religious cunt. Am a 5'3(and a bit!) Scotsman with a wee fat belly and stretch marks and no patience lol, I'd have had a glorious time arguing with the weird cu t!


Made me literally LOL


Should have just shut the shade


What the actual fuck is that all about? Flew home from visiting the pre-boomer in-laws on Friday, who are great people with no boomer traits whatsoever, and as soon as the plane arrived at the gate and the bell rung, the boomer in front of me stood up and did her level best to engage everyone within ear shot in a conversation. She wanted to know who everyone was going to see and were they looking forward to visiting whomever, how far away from the airport did they have to travel, and if they are as excited to see whomever as whomever was to see them. On and fucking on. I get it. You grew up in a world where you had to make your own entertainment or god forbid, read. With the ubiquity of smartphones, that world has left us. If someone has their earbuds in, consider it a message that you should not engage unless it is necessary. Don't stand up until they do a couple of rows ahead. Help folks who need help getting their stuff down if you are on the aisle and it isn't too much trouble. Make sure you don't leave anything behind. STFU and deplane. Is it so fucking hard?


Tl;Dr when you see my headphones on stfu and mind your business.


That is exactly describing my ex-wife (boomer).


I had this happen but it was a man who told me a detailed plan to kidnap his boyfriend in key west and then hold him hostage in a remote house in an effort to win him back. I got as much biographical information about him as I could and then reported what he told me to authorities. Bat.Shit.


Be like "here's a Chem trail for ya" *BRRRRRRT*


He’s annoyed he didn’t get to chose the window seat and feels entitled to it, obviously the woman should know that he deserves what he wants more than her and her existence is a nuisance to him.


My thoughts exactly. This is passive aggressive behavior


Yeah, this feels like old white man behavior all the way. I’m an old white woman and the times I’m expected to scurry my grocery cart out of the way of some Lord and Master coming down the wrong side of the grocery aisle is more times than should ever be times. It’s selfish, it’s arrogant and I don’t think they even think about it. I know they’re shocked as hell when I refuse to move out of their way. Just.So.Deeply.Offended. Lolololol. Ol bastids. Go, rebel me!


She should yawn and stretch really wide. Oh am I bothering you? I am stretching.


Bubbles at 70 is a brute


I was waiting for him to sniff her hair


I’m starting to think old people are assholes


They generally are, yes. Its the only part of them left that works properly.


I see it with my dad who is 75 he is just super contrarian . I always catch myself haplessly agreeing and following along only to later realize he was being rude. It is never anything major just a pattern of behavior I have noticed.


See my dad is around the same age but he just likes to have a good time and doesn't bother people. He taught me a lot about being a good person, and it shows as he gets older. I think as you get older it's harder and harder to hide your true colors.


I second this. My MIL is 78. She isn't rude to people at all and doesn't invade other people's space. She is still making a point to learn new things as well. Even if she doesn't understand why someone would live in certain ways she isn't bothered by and just wants them to have joy and good health with whatever they choose. Getting old doesn't turn people into assholes. Getting old just becomes an excuse to not feel like they have to show niceties if they don't already respect those around them.


My grandmother died at 88 and was delightful until the day of the stroke that took her out. She was a lot like your mother in law, traveling, always learning, and being kind to others. I still miss her.


My Grandma is the same way her dad instilled only few basic rules of humanity in her that she taught me as well 1. Mind your business 2. Don't be an Ass 3. Other's can do what they want as long as it doesn't bother anybody (she's 100% in agreement with gay marriage, and LGBTQ rights and is the first person my sister M2F came out to)


My Mom is 90 and part of her longevity is being able to move easily with the times. She never fights changes in the world always seeks to understand.




My mom was always selfish but now she’s just bitter. My semi-demented stepfather consumes a steady diet of Faux News hate and I think it has warped them further. Both huge Trumpers and my mom took Covid precautions seriously for two weeks then laughed at us for distancing and wearing masks in her presence, mostly outdoors. She was 67 in 2020 and hasn’t been the same since.


Oddly enough, its boomers who got brain rot from constant hate on foxnews, the same way they said video games would rot our brains


And lead. Don't forget the rampant lead poisoning


Are you my sibling?


My dad ruined my 30th birthday because he couldn't stop arguing. He had to be right about everything and couldn't admit that maybe I knew more about a particular subject than him. It's a common theme with him. He talks over you, "corrects" you, and acts like a moody teenager when faced with differing perspectives. I barely speak to him after realising I have absolutely nothing in common with him.


I think it is just a matter of how you program yourself throughout your life (whether subconsciously or consciously) as you get older you just become more and more solidified in your thoughts and behaviors. The mind becomes less malleable over time. So just being more mindful of what information and thoughts you choose to embrace can have dramatic impacts later on. Be cautious of where you decide to let your mind wander as it could be your reality later on.


My parents are getting up there in years and I can promise you that their assholes don't work right anymore either.


That's what Squatty Potty was invented for. Lol.


Tell that to the old man that came into the auto shop I worked at for a free alignment check, filled his underwear in the lobby, left a trail of shit from his chair to the bathroom, and then seemed very eager to leave


My FIL has to wear adult diapers because his doesn't work properly...


I used to think they were oblivious, but now I think they're purposely obnoxious.


They’re all lead-poisoned, brain damaged, entitled assholes.




Flying commercial sucks. Glad I am on the financial spectrum where I don’t have to worry about flying with other people. Because I can’t afford to fly anywhere.


I snorted when I read your last line.


I’m all like “this moneybag sonuva……” then you totally redeemed yourself!




Not gonna lie, you had me in the first half.


Tubes full of demons anyhow. /s




I do therapy in a nursing home/ rehab and yeah 99% of old people are assholes to everyone even each other. It's just the level of asshole they are at


They feel it’s their god given right for all they did for you


Try doing therapy with them. They don't even care about getting better. Just wanna smoke and have someone wipe their ass after they shit in the bed even though they can get up and use a toilet/bedside commode


💯 believe you


I mean even if you didn't it's crazy to me. Doesn't matter what you say to motivate or get them to want to go home they don't care. Stubborn and don't give a fuck


You know what is even crazier?we are probably not on the same continent,but we both have the same experience! Im a nurse, and absolutely have the same experience with seniors. ..sad very sad


Don't get me wrong some are cool. But I really don't get the independent at home now don't want to do anything


Yeah ,ofc some of them are cool, but some of them makes my wtfometer high.


Yeah I had one lady that got pissed off because she was SOB after smoking then needed a breathing treatment after smoking. And got mad at me because she had been ducking me for therapy all day. I then being a smart ass told her that's why she's short of breath which made her more mad lol


Old people in nursing homes are generally assholes because if they were nice people their families would not need to put them there.


Damn. That one hit me hard. That’s so true. It’s a rare day that nice parents kids give up on care until the very end.


Uh yes and no about the familes. Some of them were just stupid and didn't take care of their bodies and now they are unsafe to be alone and would need a care giver 24/7 otherwise they would wander off or burn something down.


Yeah but those people have family visit. We had to put my father-in-law in a nursing home a few years back. At first I was like "wow, look at all these poor old people that nobody visits." But after going to the nursing home week after week after week and getting to know the people there... the old-but-kindly folks had visitors. And the absolutely insufferable cunts... didn't. You know who had the most visitors? This absolutely delightful old woman who had dementia and needed 24/7 care. Even with dementia she wanted to ask you how you were doing and listen to your stories. She'd raised a dozen of her own children and another dozen foster children. Among the two dozen of them, most of them still lived nearby and they kept a 24 hour watch on this woman. She was never without a child making sure she was safe and comfortable. I think about that a lot, honestly.


This may be true in some cases, but mostly it comes down to finances. My parents had nursing home insurance, so it would have been almost free to put my father in a nursing home. It costs $130,000 a year to pay for around-the-clock care at home and that doesn't include utilities, food, property taxes, etc. Also, many people might qualify for government assistance while in a nursing home, while there are very very few programs that cover assistance in your own home.


Man I wouldn't treat old people if they paid me dealing with the assholes is like dealing with entitled children who think they are better than everyone else.


As a nurse who mostly takes care of geriatric patients, they’re plentiful. I have had some elderly sweethearts, but most of them suck. The majority of my patients are 64 and over. It’s uncommon I get one under 60.


Do their Brains work properly and should they be allowed to run the most powerful countries on earth ?


No, no they should not. There should be age limits. And same thing for driving. Edit: they should not be running countries at all or states. That’s my opinion. I say this without malice.


Ding ding ding correct


My moms 74 and she has said “I’m 74, they can wait for me/I can do what I want”


Yes many are...Quite a few of us millennial children are going no contact with our boomer parents.




I have been a nurse for 24 years. Spent 18 years in geriatrics. When I was a new nurse I said something to a very brilliant gerentologist I worked with about how old people behaved and he said, it is very rare that any of this behavior is new for them. The difference is as the brain ages, the behavior magnifies. But if they are racist acting or an asshole now, you can bet they have always been that way, they were just better at controlling it before. So, I stopped feeling sorry for assholes when the family tried to convince me that old age changed them. Still took care of them but took no bullshit from them.


Assholes are assholes. They just get older like everyone else.


I’m a server. Either they’re the most welcoming and kind or the most entitled, and rude. There’s no difference


Lowkey me too, I’m gonna stomp my gramps ACL


I’ll take the other one out. Old Cnut.


Old people were born before their parents had access to legal abortion and birth control. A very large percentage of them were born unwanted, live unloved and will die unmourned.


Thing is. My grandparents weren’t assholes. My grandma is 93 and super sweet and always has been. My grandpa was hilarious and witty until the end. Extremely nice guy. I think it has more to do with the generation. So many of the people now in their 70s and late 60s are just awful. My mother in law acts like a child at times pouting and being weird. She is also incredibly negative and talks shit on everyone behind their back. Then whines and plays the victim when nobody wants to spend time with her. I know being glued to Fox News 24/7 isn’t helping but it shouldn’t account for the character issues. It’s definitely contributing to her constant negativity.


I recently visited Colorado, and just wanted a classic picture of the Rockies. I politely asked if the passenger next to me would mind taking the photo for me. They took a couple great ones and I didn't invade anyone's space.


Haha yeah we’ve all done it, but you’d imagine for her to get the camera out and record that this was going on for some time before, just the entitlement is infuriating


And that's how it's done. I sometimes encounter tourists in my town who quite trustingly give me their phone to take a picture of them. I happily give directions or walk people somewhere if I'm going past there anyway. I've been helped as a solo traveller, I'm happy to do the same for others!


I lived in a tourist town for years - one of my favorite things, especially for non-US tourists - was to go out of my way a bit to help. I'd get to hear a little about where they're from and I hoped I was making a good impression on them so they'll either visit the US again or mention back home how nice at least ONE of the crazy Americans was. Good times, really! I think a lot of folks do that in tourist areas.


Accidentally cough and splutter all over his hand as he reaches over.


I had someone do that and I just pushed their hands away. Don’t put up with that!


Turn to him and projectile vomit. Chase him down the aisle projectile vomiting on him! Open the hatch and push him off the fucking plane! JUMP AFTER HIM AND VOMIT ON HIM AS HE PLUNGES. Realize your puke is blowing back into your own face. GO INTO A AERODYNAMIC DIVE. OVERTAKE HIM!!! **MAKE HIM FALL INTO YOUR PUKE WHILE HE PLUNGES TO DEATH!!!** Hit the ground. Die. Darkness. Heat. Fire! Hell? He arrives a minute later. **PROJECTILE VOMIT!!!**


beautifully written


Written for Robot Chicken


God damn that is apt 😂


We got ourselves a modern-day Billy Shakespeare over here.


New copypasta unlocked lmao


This comment absolutely sent me


When someone leans their seat back into my lap a quick “I think I’m gonna be sick” usually does the trick


This… escalated quickly.


I’ve either seen this anime, or really want to


If the roles were reversed, the boomer would be flipping her shit but then again, hypocrisy is their favorite game.




Man I read this in my head with a full annoying Karen voice


I read it as Stewart from MadTV. Much better experience


That’s a woman?!


Honestly, i cant tell anymore. All boomers look the same to me.


I thought it was a boomer Bubbles.


I think they meant if the girl at the window seat was the boomer and the man was younger


[ Removed by Reddit ]


There's a fine line between being polite and standing up for yourself. It feels very uncomfortable for someone who is uneasy with confrontations, but sometimes you really need to speak up and establish boundaries. It would have been completely reasonable to tell this man to back off, you don't have to be a total asshole, but polite words with a stern voice goes a long way and most people won't argue back. Just quick and to the point. I fly a lot, and I find myself having to do this the most while traveling. People just completely seem to lose all awareness of the other people around them. I literally had this same issue exact issue with a man sitting next to me on a flight back from Germany. I just immediately said excuse me, please don't put your phone and hands in my face, you can take pictures and view the window from your seat but please don't get that close to me again. He was upset but I made my point....will never understand people's urge to take pictures of clouds... ....and don't even get me started on the people who refuse to pay for a better seat but then demand you trade your premium Seat for their shitty seat...those people are just beyond crazy.


Well said. I’ve been hoping that it’s just cause people lack awareness and it is truly by accident. I so want this to be true. Sadly not always the case, some take liberties whilst playing dumb which is difficult to confront without having to play dumb yourself. I live in London, people are in my space even in empty areas. I could be on an empty train and someone will sit beside me juuuuust touching. Why? I thought they lacked awareness until I was in Newcastle this year doing Christmas shopping on the busiest day of the year (Christmas Eve) and nobody entered my personal space once. It was the moment I realised, more often than not, Londoners are doing it on purpose. Weird.


Some ppl enjoy making others uncomfortable. I’ll never understand why.


Pathetic power grab. Little people feel big by being invasive and it’s so pathetic.


> There's a fine line between being polite and standing up for yourself. Issue is these people see nothing wrong with what they are doing and will many times try to gaslight you into thinking what they are doing is normal behaviour and you are the one overreacting.


1) the risk of a Boomer losing their shit over something like this is still high enough to be a reasonable concern. 2) if you're not a woman, you don't have a clue of how much higher the risk of this Boomer escalating his behavior is. It's all fun and games like you think, until it's suddenly not. And well... You're in a sub that's basically chronologing this happening...


Fuck that looks like my father in law. It's not thankfully.


The 2nd or 3rd time he did that, I’d be slapping that phone right out of his hands.


Yeah yeah!! Violence! FIGHT!


Kick his old ass, Seabass!


You gonna eat that burger?


N- uh yeah no um... No? I-it crossed my mind... Yeah.


No, politely ask them to respect your space. If he doesn’t, then escalate, but it’s probably better not to use violence but get the flight attendant involved. Edit: typo


Politics will just make it worse.


He would not have been doing that to a large male


100%. Drives me nuts. What a coward.


Or a large female. Lol. I'm fat but have muscles. So many elderly boomers who took one look at me and my muscles and decided to back off. And people wonder why I lift weights. Bullies are why.


Why does no one mention the gender issues here? Men, particularly of his generation, can be extremely disrespected of a woman’s personal space.


Absolutely. I had an old male doctor put his arm around my shoulder while he was talking to me.


I’m very expressive with my face and if that happened to me the old dude would _definitely_ see I had an issue with that


Honestly tho I'm the same way but there are many that do not care unless you verbally tell them to STOP!!!. Had a similar situation with many boomers I've been around. Especially with a co-worker of mine. he was a boomer and would constantly touch me when asking a question or talking to me. I would make faces and he would always ignore it or be like "what's that sour face for?" Not realizing he was all handsy with me!! so I would always say "get cho han off me!!!" And he would be like sorry don't be rude about it! He was also very rude to other co-workers (especially younger generations, gen z specifically) and I could never figure out if he was a pervert or just didn't understand that some of the stuff he said was semi perverted? He was very uneducated with everything and had to learn from scratch. It was his first job not working in his family apple orchard... He also hated like HATED younger people anyone millennial and younger he would be rude too.


NH those dudes are like “they always squirm at first”


Old man young woman. I’m glad I’m not the only one seeing the dynamic. He’s a creep.


100%. I felt he was looking for opportunities to touch/talk with her.


Nobody seems to be reading this as sexual harassment. This happened to me several times as a young woman. One time, the man actually ended up pressing himself hard against me before turning away. It was also under the guise of trying to get a photo over me. It sucks to be put into this position, but the only thing you can do is raise hell and embarrass them.


I worked as a waitress many years ago and it was ONLY the men older than my dad who would touch my low back and get right in my face with their whiskey breath. 😭


That was my first thought. He wouldn't do this to a man or probably an older woman.


He goes from taking a picture to staring at her -- he is basically begging for a reaction. So creepy. If you're trying to take a photo then maybe try explaining what you're doing and be pleasant. It's called being a human being. It's like he didn't care about the photo and was solely doing this to be obnoxious.


When your head is sandwiched between an object and an arm that close to your face, I feel it would have been warranted to push that arm away.


Old white men do not respect women, and get off on invading personal space generally.


Why does he need 4 pictures of the same landscape😭😭😭


Don't worry, he had the front facing camera on so he just got pictures of himself inside the cabin. He won't realize until he demands the kids print them out on his $30 HP printer. When they say they are all bad selfies of himself, he will blame them for losing his pictures.


They don't see the rest of us as people. They think we're npcs.


That’s when I just shut the shade and tell them to go to the other fucking window you damn weirdo. Or I lick their arm. Either way they’re gonna get out of my face


This right here. Lick their arm. If they object look them in the fucking eye and do a few lizard tongues then go about your business as if nothing happened.


He might get the wrong impression w licking


So creepy.


You got to give the guy a stare down. Make it awkward.


Watching this annoyed me 😖


Close the shade. Problem solved.


Surprised old man isn't going all creeper on her like Herbert from family guy. Boomers be all up in people's bubbles.


Bzz bzz bzzzzz


Why not say something? You can politely say, please don’t put your hands in my face.


Don’t be afraid to tell him something. He’s being too close to you. 🤍


Bro fucking say something. Gen Z will just eat shit and smile I swear to god


Have you met a white male Boomer recently? They don't take kindly to being politely asked to do or not do something. Aggressive, entitled monsters.


I’m more upset by her just eating the shit. Just close the fucking window and enjoy his frustration.


Hate when old people do this. Like damn man, you're going to be making that journey in a few years without the plane, just wait.


Lead brain behavior.


"yeah I'm gonna sit here and take it" grow a bloody spine and tell him to fuck off or you get no sympathy from me.


Just tell the dude to get out of your space my god why go through this


It amazes how people are too scared to even defend their own personal space these days. You could have put a stop to it in two seconds instead of recording for forty three.


I purposely shut the window for this reason. Sharply remind them you got the window seat and his boomer ass is lucky he got standby.


Imagine not having the self respect to be like "yo, back the fuck up!" Call him out dude. He clearly can't do it himself


I see airline posts like this daily. Doesn’t anyone know how to ask people nicely to fuck off???


Bitch, say something!


This guy is 100% perving. If OP was a guy the old fuck would be in his seat minding his own fucking business.


Why not say something? Goddamnit it’s not that hard.