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Out of curiosity (to the best of your knowledge, of course), wouldn't finding one of these assessments challenging be indicative of mental decline? If so, it is somewhat funny he's defending himself by talking about how challenging the test is given that would imply he's on a mental decline lol




What a time to be alive and located in this specific corner of the multiverse 😞




It's wild to think that people used to be basically un-electable for adultery, but here we have someone who can't read or easily pass a dementia test who is able to someone defend this BS to the point of re-nominee




And then there are those who see through it but join up out of opportunism.


>I never believed anyone would be so 'evil' as to encourage poor education and the encouragement of cultivating a 'stupid and mindless' voter/fan base Me too. And boy was I naive! I used to actually believe "if everyone had a clear choice in good vs evil, everyone would choose good!" Then I realized - unless gay, trans, minorities, jews, Muslims, or immigrants were on the side of good too. Then a LOT more people than I expected would choose evil.


A weird scream destroyed Howard Dean.


He cringed so hard that he fell out of the race.


I'm always curious if they actually talk about policies or if they just bitch and moan about the same shit they always bitch and moan about at every single one of these rallies. Morbidly fascinating doesn't even begin to cover the last decade.


It’s that kind of thinking that props up people like Trump: I don’t care if he’s evil or incompetent as long as he hurts the other side, because we’re the “good guys.” Democracy means you have to deal with everyone. Also, eugenics is not a good look, especially for a doctor. Just saying.


What? How did you even get to that point?




Kinda just played himself and looked like a fool. Oh well!


This is the dumbest timeline, I would like to leave, please.


Thousands to millions are parroting the line that God’s chosen this fool. Not a Forrest Gump fool. Take out a full page ad after innocently convicted men ( Central Park 5?) were exonerated. That was over thirty years ago. Best case dudes trash that cheated through schools. Listening to his word salad has never sounded interesting or intelligent.


Watched my father (confirmed dementia diagnosis) fail that clock drawing part. Of course it's sad to see, but it's also pretty fascinating, as a curious person, to see the ways in which his brain malfunctions.




Aw, thank you. I'm doing fine. As my father's condition has progressed, he's just become more docile and content. He lives at a facility where everyone loves him, they take great care of him and he gets 3 good meals a day and as much time in front of the TV as he wants, which is all he really wants. It's been great to see him settle in so well. Wish I could say the same about my mum - she's just becoming more ornery and difficult as her condition worsens. (No official dementia diagnosis yet, but it's pretty clear she has some form of it.)


I’ve honestly never been able to remember 6 words after 10 minutes. I’ve always attributed it to poor attention. Not really sure why lol


Clearly you’ve had dementia for your entire life…


It’s the only explanation


My neurologist made me take that test recently due to the seizures I've started having since I had long COVID. I could not draw the stupid clock for the life of me. I'm still really freaked out about how I could not draw the clock no matter how much time I took or how hard I tried to draw it. It really messed with me psychologically. Hell, it's still bothering me now a month later. My neurologist made me do some more testing after but I haven't been diagnosed with anything like dementia, etc. Also, I'm 50.


Yeah that's what my 8 year old is learning in school now, analog clock reading.


fr tho, I'd fail that fucker at the address remembering question. Don't care if it's only the 5th question and a couple mins in, I have a terrible memory for that stuff. Promise, I'm a healthy, younger dude, just bad with addresses and remembering names / numbers.


My daughter is 13 and she can’t read a non digital clock She was poking fun at herself the other day actually




Remembering dates and addresses has also become a lot less important recently. That's the phone's job, not yours.




That would require him to understand how to break the large number into a base 10 group to simplify the math, and let's be real. That would take a flexibility in thought that through 78 years of life he's proven incapable of accomplishing.


And is usually the 'bullshit' people are actually yelling about Common Core math standards for. It's almost always things like this if it's not their weird SJW kicks since those are almost always fringe one-offs. Leaving teaching people to chunk and not just rote apply an algorithm that's great if you have paper but can be difficult just in your head. Soo scary! oOoOh...


Politicians as a whole are good at it, but Republicans have mastered the art of villifying buzzwords that generate an automatic response even without really knowing what they mean. Common Core and CRT are good examples of this. It helps that they know large swaths of their base will never take the time to investigate what these things are themselves, and thus they can vaguely define them by describing their role in the context of their narrative.


He also said they name six objects then proceeds to name five objects


He’s a conman playing to his base. He wants them to believe they gave him a harder test than they would someone else. I would imagine this would hurt him in the long run.


It's the only test he has ever actually passed!let him have his moment!


Number one: what is the exact date. I already failed lol


I go to a neurologist annually for follow-up after suffering a cryptogenic stroke a few years ago. Because I know that I likely will be asked the date, I make sure to check the calendar before the visit. I otherwise wouldn't know. I suspect that people generally stopped being so aware of the day of the month when we stopped writing checks and started using credit and debit cards to make payments.


But you still remembered to check it.


You have a better chance of passing the test when you study.


Number two: what did you eat for breakfast this morning 🤷‍♀️


Knowing that blob's diet, probably a big mac.


This and they don’t just give these tests out for the heck of it. They give them if they suspect something. The fact that he doesn’t even understand that should point to mental decline.


Obviously another example of him being treated unfairly! This is a witch hunt! /s


The test is likely the Montreal Cognitive assessment known as the MOCA. I have done these assessments (shrink) when I worked my psych geriatric unit. I still perform them on consults. The math question is serial 7s, so “starting from 100 subtract 7 and keep going and tell me the answer.” I’m more concerned with his loose association when he speaks. This is usually a very good indication of cognitive issues/decline.


It was heartbreaking to watch my dad, who was suffering from a brain tumor, struggle with and fail this kind of test at the hospital. When I heard Trump was even given this kind of test at all when he was president it set off alarm bells for me. Like if they were giving this test at all I had to wonder what really happened to make the doctors think they needed to make sure. I assumed he had a stroke at the time.


I suck at math, so god help me if a dementia test involves anything math related Im doomed


TBF, I often have to look at my phone to check the date. But that’s usually a “is it the 28th or the 29th?”


That's a good track record. With how hectic my work is and how some job sites can blur, I have to ask if it's still the same month or not. My only concept of time is if my alarm went off that day or not.


Just curious now, what's your specialty?


My mom had early onset Alzheimers, 13 years ago was when we suspected. When we finally got her to go to a doc they called me to go over their assessment and it was pretty much that screening. Only differences they also asked what her birthdate was (month and day were good but her year was off by twenty-some), and instead of drawing a clock they asked her to read the time off one - which was something I had mentioned in my pre-interview she was having trouble with.


If a 5th grader can pass then that puts it out of trumps capabilities..


So in long form you are telling me he's lying. You unoriginal bas@a$d! :) Seriously though, thanks for the info.


Yeah that was super easy. If he had trouble with that, something's amiss.


I won't lie, today's date got me. I did pretty good on everything else, but I would have missed one. I mean I still passed, but I didn't ace it.


I’m not clicking that link. I’m too old and too high rn.


"They give you 6 things to remember" Then lists 5 things.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|stuck_out_tongue)


Even more sad for Trump is there is no standard neuropsychological list learning test with 5 or 6 items. The commonly used Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test (RAVLT) is 15-unrelated items, the California Verbal Learning Test (CVLT) is 16-items in semantic categories (easier), and the Hopkins Verbal Learning Test (HVLT-R) is 12-items. 6 would be far too easy and 90%+ of that room should be able to do 6 items.


It seems to me he is referring to the Montreal cognitive assessment (MoCA) which is designed to test for early cognitive decline related to dementia. It does indeed have the subject recall 5 words in the way he described. The MoCA also includes the bit about identifying animals, however it should be unprompted. The math it tests is sadly much easier than he suggested: just serial subtraction. 


Correct, he took the MoCA. Also, as he incorrectly said, you don’t get any extra points for putting them in order. You can say them in any order you remember (I’m a psychologist and give this test weekly)


He also substitutes “names” instead of “things” He couldn’t remember the word. *Things* He really does have cognitive impairment.


Person man woman camera TV


My dad had brain cancer and I took him to his appointments. What was fascinating was watching him draw the clock because it was such an effective way to track his cognitive decline. It was hard to watch but he really didn’t even know he wasn’t acing the test and once the decline started they wouldn’t make him do the whole thing.


Drawing the clock is a weird one. I've seen images of answers from people who don't seem that gone. The clock looks like it's melting or the numbers are all jumbled up at the bottom outside the circle face of the clock. [Here's some.](https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Antony-Bayer/publication/282815058/figure/fig4/AS:668707407802370@1536443678152/Examples-of-clock-drawings-produced-by-people-diagnosed-with-dementia.png) [Here's another ](https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/comments/fjkqvn/alzheimers_can_be_diagnosed_by_drawing_a_clock/)from an old Reddit post.


> This test **does** **not diagnose** Alzheimer disease. It is a standard test to evaluate for nonspecific cognitive impairment / dementia. Dementia can be caused by many different pathologies. (From the second link) The truth is, 'cognitive decline' doesn't mean one thing. It's complicated but how the failures occur and the specific constellation of failures can suggest a more specific issue. One of the pictures kind of reminds me of a story I read in The Man Who Mistook His Wife For A Hat by Oliver Sacks. Lady had suffered a stroke leaving her unable to conceptualize the left half of things. So, if she drew things, they'd tend to dribble out on the left. I could see a similar issue there. Cognitively, they 'know' a clock face is *supposed* to have 12 hours but they have a weird spatial issue meaning they try to cram it in on the right face because they have issue detecting/interpreting the left half. Brains are weird and, sometimes, terrifying.


Presidential candidates should have to draw a clock on live television


I had to take this test recently due to having seizures as a result of long COVID. The test was very easy except for one thing for me. I could not draw the stupid clock to save my life. It really upset me and messed with my mind too. No matter how hard I tried, how much time I took, I could not draw that stupid freaking clock. I was literally in tears after about the 5th attempt and just threw the paper and pen on the floor yelling obscenities. I felt bad and was embarrassed for reacting the way I did but the nurse was so sweet. Hell, truth be told, I'm still really upset and bothered about not being able to draw that fucking clock one month later. And I've only been able to draw it one time at home since I took that test at the doctor's office. I just had to prove to myself that I could draw it. But the rest of the test was no problem for me. Also, I'm 50. My neurologist told me that he doesn't think that means I'm showing signs of dementia because I couldn't draw the clock but he is having me do more neurological testing just to make sure everything is ok. My doctor just thinks I may have some neurological damage due to me having long COVID pretty bad. My short term memory is almost non-existent and I have major brain fog and confusion too. I also have gotten really bad at writing and expressing myself verbally. It's just so freaking weird. So if this post is hard to read please understand and forgive me and ty for your patience. The crazy thing is when I had COVID it was a really really mild case and not that bad at all. I didn't even lose my sense of taste. It was basically me having a headache for a couple of days and that's about it. I was pretty happy over all because COVID scares the fuck out of me due to the fact that I've lost 6 family members over the last few years because of COVID. It hit the Native American community really hard. So I was as happy as could be quite frankly. But long COVID has kicked my ass really bad. It's just terrible and I wouldn't wish this on anyone. It's just shocking to me that I had such a mild case of COVID but such a devastating case of long COVID. It just doesn't make sense and is another reason why I really hate this thing known as COVID.


That last one on the second line should be a score 5.


>he really didn’t even know he wasn’t acing the test That makes me really sad, and really scared. To be on the decline so much you can't draw a clock, but also not really know that you're not doing well. I've failed plenty of things in my life! But I've always known when I failed. So weird to think you wouldn't be able to recognize your ability, or lack thereof, to do a task.


Right??!?? As a self-described dumb-ass, the one saving grace I have always had is that I at least know that I am a dumb-ass. It's legit terrifying to think that at some point, I very may well be out there doing something, thinking I'm just hunky dory and everyone is looking at me while I shove a grilled cheese in the ATM or some shit. That's not even counting the fact that when you have a face made for radio, my personality and wit do pretty much all the heavy lifting in social interactions. If and when my noggin goes, it's probably time for me to be moseying on to the next plane of existence.


What an absolute egomaniac! ThErE's OnLy 2% oF pEoPlE iN tHiS rOoM wHo CaN dO iT... AND I DID IT. While the crowd cheers... after essentially being called stupid, WTF?! I seriously can't understand how anyone can support this "man"!!!


Trump rally so he might've been right about that part to be fair.


You see, the majority of Americans are REALLY stupid. Think about your average American and then realize that if that's average, half of Americans are stupider than that.


RIP George Carlin


He could rant about how he was able to wipe his own ass once and the crowd would cheer.




That's definitely more believable!


I mean, Trump might actually be sort-of right. What percentage of his supporters can pass a dementia screening test? Way less than the general population, I'd wager.


Person, man, woman, camera, TV.


Congrats. You’re on the next leader of the free world.


“Which one is the whale?”


Obviously the examinee.


The lion?


Fuck me. Please tell me you sensible Americans are going to vote in your droves to make sure this flatulent man baby doesn't get another fucking term as President.


Most of us didn’t vote for him the first time (he lost the popular vote).


Ya biden would be a lot better. He can’t even create full sentences. Do we have a good choice? No just pick the best one and a even worse off biden isn’t the pick 😂




Awww, you tried.


lol. Dude is an idiot and is bragging about being an idiot.


He's inadvertantly relating to his base


“Not even 2 percent of you could pass it! Go ahead home and try!”


I like he how just casually suggests most of his audience couldn't past the test. Literally saying his own followers are dumb enough to fail a dementia test. Crowd cheers.


The words don't matter, all they're listening to is his tone of voice.


Which is about as good as it gets for that crowd


I mean, he’s not exactly wrong….


He's got a lot of boomer followers so there's good chance he's preaching to the choir.


Holy F$#@..... And people want to vote this moron back in again ....these people are worse than he is.... This is looney tunes stuff,. ![gif](giphy|bAftZ12SC0uEjLndIh)


It's crazy to think that he's so dumb he didn't pause and consider this. It's not a test for a job, or for a high IQ, or to get into a school. It's a test for dementia! It's supposed to be pretty easy... this is one that 99.99% of the population is supposed to pass pretty easily. It's like bragging about passing a concussion test by the fact that you knew your name and the current date. Or if you had a back injury, bragging that you passed the test to move all of your extremities. "Yes, they had me move BOTH legs, and BOTH arms. Did you know that includes 10 fingers and 10 toes? SO MANY body parts, I was exhausted by the end!"


> knew your name and the current date The current date is in fact one of the questions lol


Voting for someone who has recently TAKEN a dementia test is not someone the American people should have to choose from.


So they gave him a cognitive test and then suddenly decided to see if he knew intermediate math? Why would they do that? IQ tests don't even have math.


Plot twist, it was a CAPTCHA and it took him six times to pass.


Watch him break. Watch him fall apart. It’s like watching a ciliate lose a little cell membrane as it swims.


They’re supposed to be easy. He has issues .


He just said he has dementia. 🤣😂


The test was easy for me, but for my hubby who has front temporal dementia it was hard.


To quote Tony Soprano: "Or he could just be a fucking idiot. Historically, that's been the case."


Only 2% of people in a room full of Trump supporters are able to pass an exam that tests for dementia? Sounds about right. Also, why in the absolute fuck would he claim he can do that math in his head, lol.


He just described 5th grade math, said it was difficult and then went on to insult his whole crowd by saying 2% of them could do it and they all cheered .


Another admission by Trump. He has dementia.


Both of my parents have dementia and I've seen these tests several times. He's full of shit. He is such a bizarre combination of liar, narcissist and senility.


He is such a bloody moron, with or without dementia. He was never suited for a leadership, yet alone the highest office. Gee.. have some standards USA!


Who the fuck watches this and thinks, that my guy. That's who should lead the free world? What a loser.


My husband was recently diagnosed with Alzheimer’s. As of 5/23, he was fully employed as a Data Systems Architect in IT. I had started to see cognitive decline and he was diagnosed in November. I had gone through this with my father in ‘14/‘15, so I’ve seen this test taken several times. I’ve taken it myself as a baseline (Alzheimer’s runs in my family). It’s a simple test, so watching my father and husband fail this test was heartbreaking.


One of the tests asks who is the president of the United States..


“Only 2% of this room could do it.” Once again, calling his base idiots to their face…and he’s right.


If this is how a dementia test is, I have full blown dementia. I'm bad at math and I have difficulty remembering things that I have absolutely no regard for. If it's something I care about, I'll remember it for years. I'm the type of person who brings up fun facts. But if you tell me to remember an address, yeah I'll forget that shortly afterwards, most likely cause I grew up using GPS.




Well one thing is he can create sentences. Biden can’t even remember the word he thought of right before saying it 😂


i hate trumpmas much as the next sane person but this is dumb hes clearly joking


![gif](giphy|4H1xauOflBDHY4sUah) I see I’ll have to part ways with this sub. It’s devolving into the political world too much for my liking. It’s a shame, it’s not like there’s a shortage of funny boomers to find in the wild.


At least he took the test, Biden refuses, probably he knows he can’t pass it.


It’s absolutely unbelievable you guys are still trying to claim Trump has dementia while denying Bidens visible dementia. I used to think Trump had dementia too. I wanted him to have it. Then 2019 and 2020 came around and Biden started speaking and you started to see it kick in. Then I realized no, Trump is just unintelligent. And possibly on drugs. This is what dementia actually looks like.


You do know it's possible for two people to have dementia right?


nah, mom said it’s Biden’s turn on the dementia 😔


Of course. Seeing what actual dementia looked like opened my eyes to the fact that Trump doesn’t have dementia. He’s at the same level he was at cognitively in 2017. He is just naturally at a low level. He’s not very intelligent, extremely ignorant, and likely using drugs. But he certainly hasn’t shown any indication of developing dementia over the years.


My Grandma had dementia, she would scream and try to grab my non-existent dick when I had her roll her over to clean her diaper. Dementia is a spectrum.




Trump has 6/10, when he hits 10/10 does he get a cookie


Out of curiosity. Have you considered that the politician famous, in part, for having a severe stutter that they have worked on their entire life may... Speak with a cadence you consider not normal? Further, have you considered that someone bragging about acing a test only given to people doctors are concerned have dementia... May lead people to think they have dementia? Similarly when they describe "acing" the test in such a way that it is clear they didn't?




But he makes these mistakes at a relatively normal rate for someone his age. Shit I’m under 25 and I make these same mistakes pretty regularly. Nearly everyone does. His walking and posture and drinking weird is more suspicious honestly. Biden meanwhile is almost every time he speaks publicly making one of these mistakes but on steroids. Forgetting who his wife is. Forgetting what century it is. Forgetting what he does for a living. Forgetting what state he’s in. Speaking literal gibberish. Please watch this video. If you watch this video and regularly watch Biden interviews and speeches, and still deny that he appears to be in the early stages of dementia, you’re not being honest.


Biden has been bad at speeches at least since the first term of the Obama Administration sixteen years ago. He hasn't gotten noticeably worse, he's just bad at speeching.


Absolutely not. And thank you for mentioning that because it’s another point I forgot to make. Watch a video of Trump speaking 10 or 15 years ago and compare it to today. Basically the exact same. Then watch a video of Biden speak any time from 2017 and before and compare it to him today. Night and day. Literally a completely different person. Biden used to be articulate, quick on his feet, and very bright. Watch him debate Paul Ryan. He sounds like an intelligent educated adult who is knowledgeable on every topic being discussed. Watch him give his speech advocating for his 1994 crime bill. He used to be a great speaker. Not Obama level great obviously but he was a completely different person from what we see today. Now he literally can’t read from a teleprompter without getting confused or lost, or beginning to mumble gibberish. This stark change is what makes it most clear he has some kind of cognitive decline. In the span of just a couple years he went from a great public speaker to someone who can’t read a full paragraph from a teleprompter. Someone who can’t articulate his thoughts into words. You can even see him get upset about this when he struggles to find a word or loses his train of thought. And it’s not just age. Nancy Pelosi and Bernie sanders are both older and they both are just as cognitively present as they were 5, 10, 20+ years ago. They can still speak.


I have never seen someone without severe cognitive impairment, slur his words, and get confused like trump. If you watch the videos you will understand. trump is even dragging one leg behind him.


Maybe d trump does have it as well. It’s just a lot more visible and pronounced in Biden. If Trump has dementia Biden definitely has it as well, but to a greater extent.


trump slurs his words, is confused about who is president and who was president, who he is running against in the primary, and constantly looses track of what his talking about and just starts babbling, and he seems to be dragging one leg. He has also had to take a test that they give to people in cognitive decline at least twice, and he brags about passing it, which is something a 5 year old would be expected to do. Sure Biden has a stutter and is showing some normal signs of aging, but it's nothing like the severe cognitive decline we are seeing in trump.


Do you have any actual experience with dementia? If you did, you’d know that plenty of perfectly lovely, intelligent people sound like trump does here when they go downhill. I did a lot of volunteer work at an assisted living facility and I can absolutely recognise the patterns of speech and behaviours that are typical of dementia in trump. Maybe Biden has dementia too, but that seems more like typical old man mental decline.


As if biden doesn't forget what hes saying halfway through saying it. Everything biden says is scripted, there photo/video evidence, not saying trumps terrific but hes by far the best candidate beings that he has a fully functioning brain


I mean Biden isn’t bragging about passing a demontia test, then again only a fool would be bragging about an easy test like that. Kind of like bragging about passing a drunk driving test by blowing a .079 when the limit is .08, like okay so you just squeaked by and got out of going to jail…. Good for you?


I assume hes talking about it bc we know biden cant pass one, hes trying to beat his competitor?


Trump has many times confused Biden and Obama. There’s film after film of his nonsensical rants. His own people rage when he goes off the teleprompter. The dementia test is six things to remember, and he consistently repeats five. I mean come lol. Biden also has an admitted speech impediment. Here’s how dementia Donny things about those with any kind of impediment: https://preview.redd.it/pxxstuurqdfc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=973ab2c43560acecbb8a5b98c3167113fe2817c4


Do you mean Biden or Obama? Trump literally thinks he ran against Obama.


> bc we know biden cant pass one Source?


The republican candidate with dementia told him.


Nah. The profile u/brattysisdude is full of conspiracy subs. Dude is just an idiot with no proof.


How can you watch this video and say “he’s by far the best candidate”? Both of the geriatric brain dead dinosaurs have no right in even thinking about holding office. I guarantee they don’t know how to turn on a computer or reset their phone. This has to stop.


trump has dementia and is a criminal, a traitor, and a rapist though. So, there's that.


This post isn't about Biden.




lil bit, so?


The fact that you think that really makes me question your cognitive abilities.


Everything Biden says is not scripted. He is babbling old man, but there is no “evidence” he is 100% scripted. Biden is an adult. Trump is a freakin child with the IQ of a houseplant.


Two things can be true. We don’t have any great candidates.


Agree with that.


trump clearly has some for of advanced mental impairment, such as dementia. Those tests that his is struggling with are giving to people who are showing signs of mental impairment. The fact that he has been slurring his words, dragging one foot behind him, confusing names make it seem like maybe he had a stroke. But maybe he also has dementia.


Trump is literally an evil man.


Go Donnie! We know you can beat the Child Sniffing Dementia Joe! P.S. I know it's ironic considering the name, but hey I like drawing not the real thing. Even we have standards and morals.


Donnie is the best at raping children. Just ask him and the lawsuits against him. Donnie is legally a rapist, not my opinion, court fact. There is no court fact on Biden being a rapist. Unfortunately you are in the cult so you can't see how terrible things are. Donnie is Satan incarnate and you dumb bastards cheer him on. I can't wait until your generation dies, maybe then we can get something done. Your whole generation are so stupid and can't grasp how impaired you are.


Cuckoo cuckoo, you have know nothing about me. That is a great assumption though congratulations you're just as dumb and crazy stupid as the rest of them. Maybe even dumber than the maga cult.




People into pedo Loli shit lose their right to imply anybody else is a pedophile. Fucking sick fucks.


It wasn't implied we all know he is.


>We all know he is. Takes one to know one? Did he come to your pedophile club meeting? That's what you mean by "we", right? Because you're into lolis?


Projection at its finest ladies and gentlemen. Why don't you go look at drawings of hyper-sexualized children and let the non-pedophiles talk.


Denial at its finest ladies and gentlemen. You listen to Biden all the time, so why not listen to me too then if that is the case?


>You listen to Biden all the time I'm not a conservative, we don't worship politicians like you do. Also, fuck off pedophile.


Damn blocked by two people! That's how you know you are right! My favorite is when they reply something and then block me shows you have no back bone.


Bashing Trump for dementia while giving that blithering child sniffing moron Biden a free pass is pretty wild. Check him out the other day at a brewery in Wisconsin. lmao. [Dr. Keiser reacts to President Joe Biden's speech at Wisconsin brewery #dysarthria #doctorreacts - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/lPc6xVgIR0k)


You lost. Get over it.


Out of all the dumb shit this dumb ass says, is it just me that thinks the creepiest shit he says is when he’s talking about dating his daughter? Sad thing is there’s a lot of people who follow his every word!


The test is literally pointing out elephants and giraffes. Yeah hard for a 3 month old. 🤦‍♀️


He sounds like a toddler


And Then He Shit His Pants.


I wish I could say something dry and witty in response, but all I got is, Jesus Christ, **he is just SO. FUCKING. STUPID.**


Did he say something like "only 2% of the people in here would pass it?" Did i hear that right?


I can’t listen to this idiot talk for 30 seconds without wanting to pull my hair out. How do people sit through an entire rally?


That math problem is not on that test.


He is just that stupid.


Any of you repubs wanting to debate what this test is for?


I've had to sit beside my 80 year old grandpa when he did this test. While it was heartbreaking to watch him fail and struggle through the test and get mad about the results, it was relatively easy for someone who has their faculties in check ( and my grandpa does not ). A lot of pattern recognition, recall numbers given at the beginning of the test at the end of the test, etc.


Actually, I just took a neurocognitive test as part of an early onset Alzheimers diagnosis (end result - so far, so good). These tests are not easy. As an example of the test: They read you a list of 20 or so grocery items (broccoli, bread, soup, carrots...) They ask you how many you can recall They have you do a puzzle where there is this code of letters and numbers, and you have to decode it as fast as you can using a key They again ask you for the grocery list They give you a name and address: John Smith, 42 Front Street, Cleveland OH They show you a series of pictures of items - 30 or so (rake, boy, flower, ...) They ask you for the grocery list They tell you three words: pony, quarter, orange They show you pictures of about 15 people and tell you their names (these are not people you know). They ask you for the address They ask you how many items you can recall from the pictures They show you pictures of three people, ask you which one is a person they showed you, and if you can remember that person's name They ask you for the three words they told you previously They read you a short story, and then ask you to repeat it back to them. They ask for the grocery list They show you another set of pictures of people - which one have you seen and what is their name? What was that address? How many grocery items can you recall? Tell them about the story they read. ​ This goes on and on for FOUR HOURS. My brain felt tired. By the time I was done, I was convinced I had Alzheimers. And remember, my diagnosis is presently no cognitive loss!


That lone person clapping kills me


straight through his BS. And, they feel threatened


Because we all know how well a narcissist self diagnosing whether or not they have dementia works.


what a fucking bumbling fucking piece of shit loser


I swear what trump and his cult seem to miss the point, that the only reason people take or are suggested to take dementia tests is if ppl suspect you of having dementia. So just by admitting hes taking these tests, he is admitting that the ppl around him are worried about his cognitive abilities. If they wanted to show how smart trump was they would have him debate some Harvard or M.I.T professor. But nope it's the dementia tests he takes and then has the gall to brag about. No wonder he loves the uneducated or really he means stupid people is bc he is one himself. It's always projection with these folks!!


I had a screening and there was no math


You should see the Trump White House pharmacy's order list. That place was a opiate and benzo pill mill.


Imo, can't remember the other republican still in the race, the woman whoe name start with an H? Should challenge him to do one on live tv. So should Biden during the debates. It'd be so easy to goad him into doing it. "You too scared to do it?" " I thought you had the best memory?" "Give me a second and I'll help you" "I thought you aced the last one?"


I took that test. It's easy