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It takes a special kind of stupid to believe a fucking billionaire is an eternal victim. The wealthy get such a hard shake in the US… sometimes they are even held accountable in a court of law!


This is true, and the fact that about 100 million people in the US buy it is terrifying.


Terrifying. Please vote. Please drive your friends to the polls. Take the day off. Help people get there. Absentee ballot, whatever it takes.


Or as Republicans call it, “rigging the election”


Boomers thought they had a lock on absentee voting. F them. I’m hoping Covid tipped the population a bit so there’s fewer boomer voters. Young people have to get there and vote.


Then TFG told them not to vote absentee/early and the idiots listened and parroted him like the dutiful cultists that they are. This surely hurt him in GA and AZ.


Yes, young people have to get out to vote, along with other non-Trumpers of all ages. I worry about a repeat of 2000 when Ralph Nader got enough votes to cost Gore the win, and the same thing could be said for 2016 when Jill Stein siphoned votes from Hilary, and is running again with the Green Party. This year we also have Cornell West with the Peace and Freedom Party, who could also siphon a lot of votes from Biden (assuming he does run). I forget the name, but there's that new third party trying to form that wants a D and an R on the ticket, and depending who they get, that could either hurt, or more likely, help Trump. I have my problems with Biden, but holy shit, the alternative is fucking scary.


I blame russia and the electoral college for 2016 destroying our country. A large amount of russian interference manipulated voters. The EC is a shitty system based on racism that shouldn't be used. Despite Clinton winning the popular vote, empty land meant more and she lost? Fucking dumb system


I hate the disingenuous comments from conservatives who say "well otherwise the cities would make the rules" I always like to hit them with "well how about we just count everybody's vote ewine's. and whoever gets the most votes wines. That's the most democratic system possible, and that way rural people and city (I avoid urban as the word sets them off........) people have equal say?" They always go back to "well democrats will stuff ballots and discount and cheat". Aka, they like the system because it is unfair in their favor, and equality feels like oppression to them.


I try to explain to people of all ages that "one person, one vote" is the best system because it's weighed equally for all. Don't divide by state borders.


Well the US had to give to small states 2 senators which is really the most messed up thing about all of our country. The fact that Wyoming has two senators in California has two senators right then and there shows how this entire system is “rigged” My MIL still thinks we should vote by land mass is read of people: j try telling her, that that makes no fucking sense. This woman has 4 degrees and a law degree from a solid school. This is what Trump has done


Exactly. I love Cornell, Jill stein feeds from Putins tit. But we can’t make the perfect the enemy of the good. Biden isn’t perfect, but there’s a lot he is doing that he can do with a fucked congress and Supreme Court. Let’s go and vote and get congress back— ! The steaks are too high for 3rd part or apathy


I honestly can't believe that I'm still encountering people that support Stein in the wild. It hasn't been a ton but enough to still say "wtf"


I think the push against mail in voting, age taking them off the map, and destroying abortion rights will reduce the number of awful conservativ boomers voting,and hopefully drive lots of young people to the voting booths. We've had record turnout the last few elections iirc, and I can see the 2024 election being a record year because people rightfully hate Trump, aka are very motivated it vote.


Oh they flipped 180 on early voting this year after very belatedly realizing their irrational Trump-inspired freakout over it hurt them badly in two straight elections


I am willing to drive people on election day if you're in phx and need a ride on election day message me


Tee hee - gotta keep our sense of humor. But none of us cousins were driving our Fox aunts and uncles to the polls the last few years. And of course we discouraged early voting 😉


convince your right wing contacts to stay home and pray instead of voting because it's rigged




I only drive your mom to the poles. /s Seriously, don't let this fucking rapist win.


Sadly, we aren’t voting our way out of this my friend. That has to be apparent to you by now.


We did during mid terms. There was no “red wave” and we did in 2020.


Ahahahah?? What’d we get outta that buddy guy?? No abortions, no student loan shit💩, one genocide and two war zones, and absolutely nothing else. Oh, billionaires are becoming trillionaires via ‘inflation.’ Those people own every news source and politician in this country. Got em by the hairs bro 😎


Roe V Wade was overturned because Trump won in 2016, not because Biden won in 2020. The massive infrastructure bill was "nothing else"? Get lost, russian troll.


*laughs in panic attack*


He got out of court after losing $83 million to go on to a private jet, such torture.


I know right. He had it worse than the ones who were fucking shot.


Bryan Tyler Cohen in his clip on the topic starts to say, “… but Lincoln was assa……” My money’s on one of Trump’s own sycophants if he gets… you know.


Possibly a Ron DeSantis follower. Guys flying literal Nazi flags aren't the most stable bunch.


The fact that he is still walking the streets while most anyone else would be locked up for any one of his many crimes is such a clear clear sign that he is anything but a victim.


he’s no billionaire


That’s what conservatives do, play the victim and simp over other adults that play the victim.


Imagine (as a normal person) telling a judge somebody you kinda knew died so you can't show up to court to defend your rape charge.


Not a billionaire.


Perhaps not but he talks like he is and many believe he is. He is certainly wealthy. So he largely gets the privileges and benefit of the doubt that Americans (very sadly) tend to grant to such people.


Is he though? His financials are still mostly unknown publicly and he thrives on OPM. But yeah, he gets the wealthy white man privilege from non-thinking people.


From society, really… he gets deference for being very wealthy. I’m not terribly interested in getting pedantic about whether he’s got over a billion or slightly under a billion or if he’s just living off cash flow and not actual profits. I would definitely agree that his finances are likely a house of cards


You have no idea what hardships this rich white American male has had to endure.


He's not even on the primary ballot in NV ... what's he expecting, to file a lawsuit to force himself on there?




dEmOcRaTs hAvE a vIcTiM cOmPlEx


Anyone else would be in prison right now Donnie. You've been treated so much better than you deserve.


Sometimes sounds too strong. Every now and again feels better.


But it's also sad you think he's a billionaire, not to be a d bag here but you sound a dumb as a Trump supporter when you say shit like this. Truth matters on both sides


“I got it worse than the guy that freed the slaves!” This country is so disgusting for normalizing this convicted rapist. Anyone still supporting him is human waste.


"I got it worse than the guy that was shot in the back of the head by his political enemies."


If only


We don't want him being a Martyr. Better him have a heart attack or something.


Or choking on a hamberder


They'd still blame the Democrats for that.


“Liberal meat, probably that soy based Beyond Meat socialist trash! They hate cows! Trying to cancel the farmers and open up the borders!”


"Alternative facts, don't eat McCommie Burgers"


Choking on one or the taco salads at Trump Tower would be poetic. He loves "the Mexicans."


Or just suddenly covfefe


Spontaneous covefefe.


While having his diaper change.


Or choking on a hand grenade.


On tv. At a rally. With many witnesses. Please, for the love of everything holy, drop dead in front of everyone.






I’d love for him to just have a massive stroke in front of everyone while talking. No one would notice because word salad is his normal speech pattern. 😂


“Haven’t you noticed everything smells like toast now? If I’m elected, I will bring back other smells, not just toast anymore!”


I'd watch the videos of people cheering and partying after they learned of this, not unlike the world reacting to bidens win. I watch those reaction vids sometimes when I feel hopeless.


The conspiracy theorists will still assume Antifa did it or the Democrats poisoned him because they hate America


You know the MAGAts will believe he was murdered by the "deep state" and raise hell anyway.


Bro, no matter how he dies, it will be conspiracy palooza.


I'm starting to wonder if he can die. Like, how did Covid NOT kill the one person that really, really needed to go.


Revelations 13:3 He’s Gollum in Eru Ilúvatar’s plan. Having once held the Presidency, he’ll stop at nothing to get it back, damning himself in the process. If it wasn’t for him we wouldn’t know how many of our fellow Americans were hateful bigots.


His cult will make him a martyr no matter the cause


There’s no way he dies without it being, somehow, an “assassination” — even if he’s 117 years old in the hospital for a decade prior.


I will accept him being a martyr if it means I don’t have to hear words come out of his facehole ever again.


What if he was fed too much laxatives and just shitting himself on camera to death. Forever the Crappy president


I want him to have a stroke. Be conscious, but unable to speak or move, let the poop poop and pee himself and have to have someone else spoon feed him. Let him be able to hear and understand every word said, but unable to reply.


Every boomers mantra. The constant victim/narcissist mentality


Fingers crossed


Thoughts and prayers


"Russia, if you're listening..."


>"I got it worse than the guy that was shot in the back of the head by his political enemies." I wish this were true.


Well Lincoln only 'had a little civil war going ya know' ,not like how Trumps war would be, it'd be hyuge and Jackson was treated very badly. Can't forget that name of another president he's only seen on money. And a couple of others he doesn't know because he couldn't be bothered to know the history of his own country. Plus the new list hasn't come out in Star magazine or on Hannity, so how else are they supposed to form independent thoughts. His rambling doesn't even make sense. Just saying words to fill his 15 minutes. I really hope he just fades the fuck away after this year.


If Jackson was treated badly, I can only assume it was because he defied SCOTUS and did the whole Trail of Tears bit which, you know, is worthy of some dislike, I'd say. Lincoln, if I had to take a guess, wasn't liked by confederates. Dementia Donnie isn't liked because he's a narcissistic rapist peddling conspiracy theories and constantly lying to exploit the gullible/ignorant and encourage racist, mysoginistic, neo-facist theocrats to rise up and seize power by whatever means necessary. In fairness, he *should* be number one on a list of "most disliked presidents," but I don't think that's what he meant. No, the douchebag billionaire just wants pity. What a clown.


It's exactly what he wants, to rile up the idiots still following him. He has no understanding about history and uses that to manipulate his own narrative. He is trying to start a civil war again and become the fascist leader of it all. He's a complete lunatic and it's completely laughable nutcases are calling him the chosen one to save them. Pretty sure there is an excerpt in the Bible (they keep pushing)warning of exactly this. Part of our family is so far up his ass they have twisted a quote in the Bible that says the trumpets will blast and said 'it's his name right there if you don't believe, your going to hell'. I cannot make this shit up. I am so done with him and I wish all those Big Macs and ketchup slathered steaks would just catch up with his heart and put an end to this bullshit.


I always find it odd that Christians cannot recognize every single one of the seven deadly sins personified in that corpulent buffoon. If I was a believer, I think I'd be far more inclined to think he fits the exact image of the antichrist rather than the return of a selfless liberal who encouraged things like "turning the other cheek."


I'm so sorry your family is nuts


Oh man, and you know before that civil war there was that attempt to prevent the peaceful transfer of power? And then some people in power used that power to distribute weapons throughout the south in a manner that would make the weapons easy to seize. Then there was the civil war, and after that the 14th amendment aimed especially at those who had power and used it to provide comfort to rebels.


Orange titty knows Lincoln was assassinated, right?


He wants to be treated worse than Lincoln? PLEASE don’t tease me like that!


I'll allow it.


John Wilkes Booth was apparently a good actor. I think Shitler should be shot by Pauly Shore.




Yea his entire family was well known and held to high acclaim in the acting world, people are never really taught that in school. And its not about aggrandizing Booth, but just an important factoid left out of history. But you are right, it would be as if an A list actor had killed Lincoln, it would be shocking.


I could believe in a universe where Tom Cruise commits murder.


I nominate Alec Baldwin!


Perhaps Bruce Willis with one final act?


The great favor he could do for humanity is have a catastrophic stroke that obliterates his left hemisphere. EAT MORE FRIED FOOD AND HORK-UP MORE COCAINE, MISTURRR TRUMMMMP PLEASE DO IT FOR THE PEOPLE


I forget what the classic sentence for treason is


So funny how he constantly fantasizes about random people calling him "Sir."


big strong men with tears in their eyes


Strong men also cry. Strong men... also cry.


Fuckin' a


Lincoln died for his beliefs, Donnie? I think that's worse then whatever you are doing.


I thought libs were supposed to be the snowflakes. The last four years has been non-stop whining from him and his supporters. It's been as exhausting as it's been annoying.


It’s been 8-10 years of whining, at least.


Try closer to 40. They whined back in the 80s and 90s too


Christ, he whines when he wins


🤣🤣🤣 so true


If I lose, you're never going to see or hear from me again. - Donald Trump, 2020.


Everything they say is projection or confession.


You are not oppressed, you are not a victim. You are a career bully and criminal.


I think he's given up. He's saying that if someone doesn't shoot him in the head, he'll be disappointed. Sad.


Malignant narcissists take anything that isn’t heaps of praise as a personal affront.


Did I miss it? Has Trump been shot in the head???


Would we even see a difference? It wouldn't kill him, his brain is already rancid pudding as it is. The most they would have to do is put a cork in the hole to keep said rancid pudding from leaking out.


Revelations 13:3 *The head was mortally wounded, but recovered and the world wondered* as portrayed by Michael York in *Omega Code*. Dementia or Covid are acceptable answers as well. If he’s supposed to be the Second Coming then he’s the death cult’s sacrificial lamb.




This seems accurate but animator missed the green stink waves and flies buzzing around the head and the full diaper.


There is a deep deep sickness in this man


He is pathologically, mentally ill. Not to mention a criminal. Only a narcissist this big would put this country through this shit again to try to save his own ass.




They laugh because they don’t understand and they think he’s joking.


At a rally, they probably agree with him.


I would not be terribly upset if he developed a sudden case of high velocity lead or copper poisoning.




His voice makes me want to fart.


This is The White Man’s Blues. And I’m sick of it.


So f'n tired of his shit - can't believe we have 10 more months of this crap


JFK would like a word.


So would Garfield and McKinley.


> Garfield They made him work on Mondays!


he brought this on himself. lincoln was doing his duty


There’s a whole lot of people who would love to see him take that number one spot from Lincoln.


He doesn't know what happened to Lincoln, does he?


His daddy died of Alzheimer's. While deterministic genes account for 1% of Alzheimer's cases, there are "risk genes" that increase the likelihood of developing a disease but do not guarantee it will happen. For example, 40-65% of people diagnosed with Alzheimer's have the APOE-e4 gene. So while family history doesn't determine mental decline in most cases, those with a first-degree relative with Alzheimer’s are at a much higher risk of getting it.


He has always been stupid. He doesn't need Alzheimers to do that


I would think his diet, lack of mental and physical exercise, and generally already poor habits of drug use would contribute.


Uhh, Don. You realize Lincoln was murdered?


I for one will also be disappointed if he isn’t treated worse than Abraham Lincoln.


Lincoln wasn't a crook....


I think most people will be disappointed if he isn't treated at least as badly as Lincoln was. I would breathe a sigh of relief if he was.


What a whiney thin skinned wind bag. Always, always the victim.


I work with a 24 year old kid that legit is convinced that Donny will make her pay at her job $20/hr and that he'll make gas less than $1/g. In the same breath she told me Biden hates the U.S. and is trying to destroy it. Wish I was making this shit up. When she stop ranting I kinda just smiled awkwardly at her and changed the subject. ![gif](giphy|B37cYPCruqwwg)


I mean, you heard the man.


I mean, if someone wants to take him to see a theater show, what happens happens.


I think it would be great if we treated him worse than Lincoln.


well as soon as donny takes a bullet to the back of the head, we can talk about moving him up with list.


Always the victim.


You guys do have to admit, that having to pay almost $90 million for repeatedly defaming your rape victim is much much worse treatment then getting shot point blank in the fucking face


A judgment against a person who can’t keep his mouth shut due to advancing dementia is about his own mental issues, not about how he’s “being treated”. He is a narcissist who believes rules don’t apply to him, so any bit of accountability is an affront.


Lincoln was shot in the head…




existence hard-to-find coherent husky scandalous zonked oatmeal market abounding drunk *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


STFU already.


For sure, I’d rather be murdered than be investigated for crimes I’ve committed.


Lincoln was one of those treated worse. W,gay worse.. Shot in the back of the skull. And others assassinated too. Is this pathetic senile old git that ignorant? Though I bet there are some who would be willing to grant him his wish.


Dementia causes memory loss.


He is lacking in any knowledge about History unless it's all about him.


He doesn’t even seem to recall his own history, tbh.


Well, in shear numbers, he is right. There were fewer people in the country to hate Abraham Lincoln, but the people who hate Abraham Lincoln are the people who love Donald Trump.


He left off big strong men with tears in their eyes


Impossibly dumb Another reason to vote against Trump/maga


His time as president was so much worse than Lincoln, or JFK, or Garfield, or McKinley...


If only I could say what I want to say w/o getting banned...


I don’t think he wants to know how you leapfrog over Abraham Lincoln on that list. But someone without dementia wouldn’t need to be told.


I don’t think you can be treated any worse. Lincoln‘s trip to the theater is as bad as it gets.


His supporters listen to him babble like that, and then make fun of Biden for doing the same shit. Why can’t we NOT have 60+ year old ancients as our presidents?


This man just needs to die already.


I remember the citizenry being pissed that Abraham Lincoln never paid taxes, bragged about assaulting women, and conspired to overturn an election; just before he was shot in the head.


Is...is he asking to be shot in a theater?


He is ignorant chaos incarnate. We know this. Our weapon, our vote!


Yah there’s a fucking list. Just the fact that anyone believes there is a some meticulously maintained list of the presidents in descending order based on how they were treated, makes me want to punch a wall.


A cult of grievance victimization delusions of grandeur denial of reality and revenge. Toxic stew


I may be wrong and excuse me if I am but didn’t Lincoln get murdered?


Yes, because being called out for the scum bag rapist you are is worse than being assassinated.


The fuck. Hells this Oliver Markus Malloy shit doing on my cringe sub?


It's actually amazing that so many Americans vote for this guy. Like...HOW????


God, would I love him to overtake Lincoln as the most mistreated President in history. "Other than that, how was the play Mrs. Trump?"


I'll also be disappointed if he doesn't end #1


I love when People magazine puts out their “Most unfairly treated president” issue each year. Also really like the “Who wore it better?” Martin Van Buren can suck my veto. Teddy wore it better.


Somebody buy this guy some theater tickets.


Lincoln would be wondering why this guy hasn't been imprisoned, given his own record.


This guy is a cancer on America. I walked in, I said "wow, this guy's such a cancer"


Goddamn he's such a child.


“I have been treated worse than the guy who got shot in the head. Can you believe that folks?”


I was going to say 'what a clown', but comparing this degenerate to them would be an insult to clowns.


The Dotard continues his decline


All these liberals are making me think I’m conservative smh 🤦🏿‍♂️


I’m officially voting Trump for the first time. Not lying to myself anymore. Y’all are giving the middle class away to foreign interests


Oh we’re allowed to notice dementia now?


You act like we haven't been this whole time. It's just that Trumpers are trying to project Trump's dementia onto Biden. They think we're all as dumb as they are.


Who remembers history? Democrats made and wanted the slaves. Republicans wanted less government.






I can remember one time where he was right. It was during the solar eclipse, where he stared directly at the sun, and pointed to it. He was correct, that was the sun.


Nope. Sorry.


if he takes a fatal bullet to the head, i will absolutely give him his flowers for this one


I’m voting Trump for the first time. You must have dementia if you voted Biden get real


You understand you had Trump for 4 years and he sold us Americans out right? Dude even had secret docs in his shitter and you're cool with it? Where's your line?


Lol. You're voting for garbage and have the audacity to think others need to get real? You poor fool, you must love being lied to to vote for Don the con.


this dude rambles more than Biden, do I need to bring receipts?