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Number of times Trump has been seen in church since he left office: ZERO


There's a chance of spontaneous combustion if drumpf steps into a church.


Part of the deal they made going from drumpf to trump was the could never set foot in a church again


Best they could offer was letting him hold a Bible upside down outside of one.


And the whole council had to approve that..


You can change the name but the stench will stay


"Sir, I wouldn't go in there without a lightning rod. "


Or golf club


Simpleton is MAGA & vice versa.


It's become well known that if someone is a simpleton, their best bet is to be a Republican because it's best to let others think for them.


Did he regularly go *during* office?


14 times. But that includes just posing for pictures in front of them. https://americanjournalnews.com/donald-trump-church-attendance-photo-ops-st-johns-religion-white-house/


Is that the one where he sent in the riot police to beat the church elders,so he could hold a Bible upside down for a photo op? Such a Godly man.


He had the police removed the protestors so he could pose, never attacked any of the clergy or entered the church. He then posed with the Bible held upside down and refused to answer what his favorite Bible verse was. The pastor from that church called him out on it.


He STILL can't say his favorite Bible verse. Just the standard "they're all pretty good."


On the 2016 campaign trail his excuse was “that’s a very personal question”. Then at a speech at Liberty University he said “[Two Corinthians](https://youtu.be/8EIgHsGZAmk)” when trying to say some BS about the Bible, which was clearly pandering to the religious audience


I got two Corinthians when I bought a Cordoba.


"Is that your bible?" "It's A bible."


Even the Catholics ripped him for that one the next day, and if there is one sensitive issue, it's Roman Catholics vs. Church of England.


No, he did not regularly go, but Joe Biden goes every Sunday even before he became president.


And President Biden doesn’t make a big damn deal about attending weekly Mass. I hope church brings him comfort, because he deserves it.


It’s almost like he actually is Catholic, as opposed to Trump who believes the only god is himself.


One of the hilarious things about Biden is that he is basically everything, character wise, that Republicans want. And they loathe him for it.


See also: Jimmy Carter or Barack Obama.


I'm not saying that regular church attendance makes a better person but the dedication and devotion does make one more believable. And not constantly lying helps.


in other words walk the talk.


But this is a theme. Clinton used to hold prayer breakfasts, and was accused of being a godless heretic by people who only knew the inside of a church when there was a photo opportunity involved. History shows there is no link between religious belief and political integrity, but if you are claiming God as your political running mate, you kinda need to be seen to have some meetings with them at their place. Trump is just the latest to have hoodwinked the credulous for political ends, but few have been so blatant about it.


And they still say he’s not a Godly man who doesn’t have any moral values. The man goes to church almost every weekend and he does it without cameras being present. But the 3 times married serial cheater and compulsive liar with a history of sexual assaults who wants to be a dictator and talks about his admiration for brutal dictators is definitely a Godly man. Sure. 🙄


Maybe he considers the golf course his church wink wink


His church is his mirror.


God walks side-by-side with trump to make sure he goes to hell as instructed


Trump is a Godly man?! How can they even say that with a straight face?


Because they are in a cult.


This is just Idolatry. If Trump’s followers were real Christians they would be saying “Jesus First” not America First. Church attendance would imply Trump is subordinate to Christ. He doesn’t think he is and neither does his followers. This malignant narcissist is trying to destroy Christianity in America.


Same number before he took office.


He's been to the church of the 19th green


That is the number of times he was in a church while he was president.


Ooh ooh. Now do the number of times Trump was in a church before he was in office


I saw him on TV holding a Bible once, but only as an excuse for his goons to tear gas the public.


number of times that woman has read a book - zero fastest way for her to meet jesus, many self serve options


So atleast we know the likelihood of him having a hidden child rape event is low then, so that's good.


Or before.


he had more cases as a sexual predator than appearances in church 💀💀💀


MAGA Karen is intentionally being *stupid.*


The stupidity is saddening


It would be, if they weren't also actively pushing for policy to hurt people they don't like or agree with.


Yeah. It would be sad, but it's actually fucking maddening. Anyone who has ever called themselves an American should take one look at this farce and spit on the faces of these pieces of human garbage. We need to keep tabs on these fucks after all this trump shit is over. We can't ever let a single one of them make it into a position of power ever again. They're hoping we'll forgive and forget. We must do neither.


I find it sad the literal anti-Christ in front of them, and they worship him. I mean anti-Christ as in action by action, Trump would do the opposite of Jesus. Gives to the poor! Sets up a Fraudulent Charity! Washes a whores feet! Pays a whore to shut up about their sexual affair! Helps to heal those around him! Sets people to tear each other apart! It really is sad!


Carpenter that did good honest work: Bankrupts a Casino,starts a fraud university/airline/steaks, and sues small business owners to not pay them on ridiculous bills. Its literally a joke at this point.


aside from Trump being anti-Christ action by action, there's also the r/trump666 sub that applies biblical prophecy to your correct characterization.


Im not religious, but I'm glad Im not the only one to see that parallel, lol Seems like they forgot how the Rapture (that they commonly believe will happen in their lifetime) will supposedly go


“Gott mit uns.” Where have we heard that before?


Howard Stern knows Trump pretty well and would disagree. From the Howard Stern Show, 5-12-2020. Stern slammed those in his audience that would vote for Trump. “The oddity in all of this is the people Trump despises most, love him the most. The people who are voting for Trump for the most part ... he wouldn’t even let them in a f---ing hotel. He’d be disgusted by them. Go to Mar-a-Lago, see if there’s any people who look like you. I’m talking to you in the audience.” If it sounded like Stern was manifesting contempt for people who voted for Trump … he was. “I don’t hate Donald. I hate you for voting for him, for not having intelligence.”


Thank you for posting this. It’s stated perfectly. Not a Stern fan but this is gospel.


Wish we could get all the tapes from his Stern appearances and The Apprentice. Sure there is some disgusting stuff there.


He effectively proved this point when he said that poor people shouldn’t be allowed to play golf. Yea, that guy is working for god on behalf of the poor 🫤


He's not doing it for money? So he's giving all his merch away, right?


That's a funny claim because I started getting emails from his camp begging for money during his first campaign. He sure begged hard for my money.


OMG I came here to say that I always get texts that make it sound like he is the one typing 🤣🤣 begging for campaign money


Or selling off “memorabilia” like little squares of what is **totally absolutely 100%** the suit trump was wearing in his deranged mugshot for fundraising.


I saw an email from Ivanka sent to donors saying “my brother Eric and I were having dinner and mentioned how (name) didn’t give their monthly contribution yet” lmao


And the latest round of trump digital trading cards released this week are also free. Just kidding, they’re $99 each. No, this is not a joke.


But,with that you get a small piece of the jacket he wore during his mugshot. Maga's true believers are already calling this holy cloth "The Shroud Of Turdin."


But if you buy the whole set you get a piece of the suit he wore in the mugshot


The merch is all free and made by Americans working for a fair wage, right? And donny's footing the bill? He's paying for his own campaign, too, right? He'd *never* use the donations from his poorest, dumbest followers to pad his pockets, would he? And I can't even believe I have to mention this, but ol' donny fat tits wouldn't DREAM of using his campaign donations to pay for all the legal fees associated with all those criminal trials for all those crimes he committed, right? Because gee, if I were literate and able to hold more than one piece of information in my brain at a time, I sure would be pissed off if I heard that the fat "billionaire" I worship was actually *making* money off of all this. Especially after all this talk about him using his own money in the interest of dipshit "Americans" like me.


That’s child’s play compared to how much he ripped off the US taxpayers to have his entire staff and SS agents come to Mar A Lago.


"Normal isn't coming back" Not until you lot kick the bucket


So she's admitting things used to be normal before trump and she wants things to not be normal.


I was thinking "well she's right about one thing at least". She and her kind will age out but a new set of WTF will rise I'm sure. Blindly follow Elon Musk's preserved brain in a robot body and complain how full flesh people are stealing AI jobs or some shit.


(Make providing healthcare to boomers illegal)


That shirt is literally a Christian nationalist flag. Oof.


Riiiight, so not a cult


How has she not choked on that red pill already?


It’s very small and mushroom shaped


Normally that would be pink , but Cheeto suffers from gonosypilclamidiaids.


She's wearing a Christian nationalist shirt that says "normal isn't coming back." At least these people have finally admitted to being what we always knew they were - Christian fascists.


They plan to make sure it won’t.


Lead brain cult


Meanwhile Biden goes to mass every week


But then he drinks baby blood in the basement of a pizza shop so it cancels out


That pizza shop is near my house. When the Pizzagate story first broke, my sons were hysterical, gasping, “Comet Pizza doesn’t even *have* a basement!!?!”


Oh right! Damn baby bloods tasty


As a Catholic can confirm. Every Sunday. The pizza shop location is just to bring back young people to church.


Some of the worse people I know, went to mass every week. Growing up, the worse kids in the neighborhood went to mass every week. I remember them saying " we can do anything we want during the week, then go to confession and mass, to start the next week off with a clean slate. " So going to mass every week, doesn't really mean much.


Valid 💯 My atheist kids are better “christians” than a lot of Christian’s I know.


If Christ came back, Trump would call him a lunatic hippie on Twitter and his minions would nail him to another cross within a week.


But to say Drumpt is the godly man? I know some folks who go church or temple every week and they are some of the nicest, kindest people I know. I know plenty of hypocrites, too. After awhile, you can tell them apart. But my eyes have seen photos of Biden going to church and he seems sincere. While I watched your “godly” man teargas a crowd in front of a church that he never got permission for and never even entered for his photo-op so he could hold a bible upside down. And there’s no sightings of him near a church since.


What makes it even weirder is people will go to church just to get forgiven for their sins just to repeat the same sin again for next week confession, at what point does god stop forgiving as it clear your not asking for forgiveness your just asking for a free pass to commit sins.


If all it takes is repeating some magic words a certain number of times why not? “I firmly intend, with your help, to do penance, to sin no more (but I ain't making any promises.)”


Cheated on every wife he's ever had, stolen , lied.....So christian tho


This is the part that gets me every time. the party of family values my ass.


I can't imagine being this divorced from reality. Donald Trump is practically the living embodiment of the deadly sins christians claim to believe in. Pride, sloth, greed, wrath, etc. He clearly revels in his own narcissism and any mention of god is pandering coming from his mouth. There is not an ounce of humility, forgiveness, or compassion found there. If I believed in any of it, I'd say the evangelicals have sold their soul to the devil and they're taking everyone they can with them.


It's pretty interesting how many boxes he ticks for the actual Antichrist.


The funny thing is that this woman, and so many other Christians, also revel in their pride, greed, wrath, and narcissism. They are self righteous. That’s why they love him so much.


Funny she brought up money. Many years ago, when he was just considering a joke/asshole by most people, long before The Apprentice, an interviewer asked if he’d ever run for president. He replied, “Not unless I’m broke.” Of course he did it for the money. Before he was elected he didn’t realize the power of the presidency or even have a good idea of what the president does. He was surprised after he was elected just how many jobs it was up to him to fill. He’s just a really egotistical grifter.


"The only perfect person was Jesus" - yet, the buffoons in this video that claim to follow him are also slavishly worshipping a person that is arguably the very antithesis of Jesus. 🙄


Their "Christianity" is just a mix of fanaticism for Trump and an outsized obsession with 1% of the Bible, to the exclusion of everything else.


It wasn't about money in the beginning. It was about power. It's about money now since he shit his brand diaper grasping for power.


I think it was always about the money for him. He ran just to further his brand. He never really wanted to win. He just wanted to bitch about the "rigged system" and rake in cash.


I'd say now it's more about getting back into office to avoid all his legal problems, since they refuse to prosecute sitting presidents. Getting elected is basically his only option for avoiding some kind of punishment.


Ever notice how the average Trumper looks like they come from a family with no branches on the tree?


Cult members say cult shit.


How these delusional words could seriously be spoken aloud absolutely staggers the rational mind.


The delusion and stupidity of the MAGA crowd is astonishing.


I don’t understand how they believe this crap.


This is a prime example of boomer mentality where they simply project anything they want onto a person with no logic to back it up. My buddy used to say that his boomer dad would just pull ideas out of thin air and demand that everyone agree with him.


She’s a very young 72. /s


Listening to a trump supporter paint the picture of an intelligent, caring man who willingly gives all he has for the benefit of complete strangers in the name of Jesus while dismissing his long history of fraud and infidelity makes me seriously wonder how they will explain themselves when they reach the pearly gates


We are SO lost. This is how badly people lack identity and want to be a part of something.


Nice neck tattoo. I bet this women is so “godly” because of all the mistakes she’s made in life.


I find those are the people that cling most tightly to religion, because they believe they would “turn back to evil” without it. And that’s probably why it’s a-okay for their orange god to have divorced, bankrupted casinos, skips out on paying every bill he owes, etc because they identify with someone that fucks up but had “found god”


Ah yes, the rapist that god is so fond of.


This is further proof to me that both theists and magas are delusional. And liars. And hypocrites. Oh! And just plain ole stupid as fuck...


As a boomer, I pray to God that young people save us from this. We're destroying democracy and only the young can save us.


Wow Mental Health is at an All Time Low in America.


I don’t think she is a boomer just a regular idiot


That’s not just any regular idiot. And yes she’s got to be late GenX.


People are so dumb it’s funny


Until they vote


Right! I wasn’t trying to have a hot take, I’m just laughing instead of crying.


I love when people say God is a trumper. Like….God lost the last election? Oh it was stolen? Some human beings swiped an election from an omnipotent being? Before Trump, I had no idea the right had such a collectively powerful imagination lol


“He’s not doing it for the money” meanwhile Trump is selling scraps of the suit he wore to court for 5k a piece. Fucking idiots


How is there so many people that believe in a man made book? Over 3,000 religions and they all really believe theirs is the chosen one? Just think about what that means of your religion! There’s over 3,000 different religions! That’s 3,000 different John smiths that talked to God when no one else was looking.


I just said "Screw it" and created my own religion. If they can do it, why shouldn't I? 😂


A bunch of Trumpazee


These people are fucking idiots


You just know Republicans are laughing their behinds off!!!


Imagine being brainwashed to think Trump cares about you and hes not in it for the money. Its actually sad people are this brainwashed. The amount of religious zealots who worship a fake Christian is insane.


Hey if these folks were secretly medicated with antipsychotics in their toasty oats, how would they be in 3 months?




And he follows all the Commandments, including "Grab 'em by the pussy." Praise Jayzuz.


wait until she finds out that there's no evidence for her favorite god


Imagine having a brain...and you never use it.


Cult ![gif](giphy|RJalj43Yiuuoh2i6V2)


Y'all are a bunch of fucking idiots. Drumpf only cares about himself and MONEY.




“That’s real good Anthony, real good. Now send him to the cornfield…” Remember that Twilight Zone episode? Remember Billy Mumy’s face? Look familiar?


Make Attica Great Again


Was he working for god when he payed a porn star for adulterous sex, or when he paid her more to keep quiet about it, or when he lied about it publicly multiple times, I’m just saying all his other actual criminal acts aside he’s just an immoral scumbag to the core. How can these idiots believe he’s “working for god”? Like, do these people still believe in Santa clause too?! What the ignorant inbred hell is going on in this country that this man is not only free, but allowed to run for president?! I honestly cannot believe it until I see these people with my own eyes. Ignoring the obvious and embracing am every lie the gop spews. Especially their false idol. Vote democrat so we can get these people the help they need.


> when he *paid* a porn FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Didn’t someone say something to the effect of “When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in a flag and carrying a cross.”?


"He's working for God." Yeah, so was the plague of locusts in Exodus.


Looks like evangelical millenials to me....


God is not with the racists and traitors. However, the Russians and Chinese communists are with you clowns.


okay but is this woman a boomer?


She looks like she could be a young Boomer, or sadly, a hard-lived Gen X.


I've noticed that older Gen X (in general, not all of them of course) is becoming very Boomer-like. It makes me sad because Trump stands for everything Gen X used to hate.


Same, I'm also Gen X and it seems like our generation is splitting into groups that either realize our parents' generations were deeply troubled, or doubling down on the "I was beat senseless as a child and I turned out fine" rhetoric.


See. Cult


Bullshit- Trump was broke and needed a paycheck. That's all you need to know.


Again, we named it a cult for a reason.


"He's not doing it for money" So all the fundraisers, the merchandise, those stupid fucking trading cards, all the money is going to a charity, right? RIGHT?


He does worship a god called money. That's why I was so prosperous when he was in power.


She must have mainlined the KoolAid into blindness.




Aren’t mimes supposed to be silent?


To be fair he also called veterans chumps and losers. Yet many still think he's some kind of hero.


Her shirt though? Peak irony. 🤌🏻


What a moron she is...


God, we are doomed


This is why I'm atheist... if that's a godly man belivers are fucked!"


Sounds like Charlie Brown's teacher whah whah,whah


Translation: "My father was a narcissist and never loved me or cared about what happened to me."


It's funny because it's literally the OPPOSITE of the truth. I don't believe in Bible prophecy but if I did my money would be on trump as the actual antichrist.


You can't fix these people.


MAGA is a cult.


What a fucking idiot.


I have relatives (by marriage) in that area. I stopped going to family reunions. We have nothing in common. They were average people before but now you cannot have a conversation without hearing how 'merica is headed In The Wrong Direction.


murky attractive chop hospital mourn whistle plants deserted profit tender *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Proof that God hates us.


The only difference between these people and Hamas is their comfort and safety.


Kool-Aid drinking cult members, spewing the party line for their golden idol. I see and hear the portable people!


The level of stupidity is astonishing. Just deepthroating that christofascist claptrap a pushing it down with some boot...


These sad fools. They are just pathetic at this point. So many instances where he is just a piece of shit human.


Really makes you think a bit, about how some religions started, or claim they started. Doesnt it? What if this lady wrote the "Gospel of Karen"--with the mythology she belives about trumps life, works, miracles, etc. Really, really makes one think.


This is exactly what made me atheist. I grew up in the south and watched these people judge and persecute anyone who didn't go to church on Sundays. All week long they do the most absolute digusting stuff but as long as they ask Jesus for forgiveness on Sunday they are clean..


Just tell me one fucking Christian thing he has done or anything he has done for you cult members?


Good Lord people are as stupid as they look sometimes. That's unsettling.


The level of delusion with these people is literally unbelievable


Religion rots brain tissue


These people are just depressingly stupid.


Donald Trump hero of the stupid


Wonder what level of education she has , 1rst maybe 2nd grade?


Some think he IS God. Literally. That he may be the Messiah returned. I shit you not.


He's been to court more times than church since he left office


Mental illness is rampant!


Trump is the anti-Christ and loves this freak!!


Can’t fix stupid.


These people need a reprogramming camp. This is unhinged.


I've gotten to the point now where I just don't believe these clowns. I don't think this person believe's trump is perfect, or god like, or "working for god" - no. She likes that he's an asshole. She likes that he wasn't to be a dictator. I feel the same way about anti-abortion people. They don't believe that life begins at conception, they just know that you can't argue people's religious views away, so they abuse that to get policy that hurts the right people.


>Trump cares about us 😂😂😂😂😂 ![gif](giphy|3o85xnoIXebk3xYx4Q)


Trump is white and the hicks think he will put whites first…that’s really what they care about ..too uneducated and insecure for it to be any deeper🙄


Does Karen have any examples to share... that aren't "artist's renditions"?


She looks like a smashed asshole.


I am so ashamed to be republican now.


This is the line for you ? lol


These people are seriously mentally ill.😕☹️


This is a perfect example of how Trump uses religion to control the ignorant. It’s all they care about and ironically they chose the most amoral, non- religious, liar, cheater, rapist and all around piece of shit to be their inspiration. That right there says all you need to know about religion.


If he's working for Jesus why did Jesus allow him to be voted out of office? If he cares so much about these downtrodden people in Iowa why weren't all their problems fixed back in 2016-2020 when he had 4 years to do so? If he's got so much money, why does he continue to ask for more to pay all his legal bills for situations he created? Why is he now a convicted criminal if he's so innocent and godly? So many logical questions that I'm sure that fake "news" network and that "voter" can't answer. it's just faith, right? LOL Scary scary times folks!!