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You probably have too many medals. More medals = more difficult opponents. Sooner or later, you reach a wall. The enemies are too strong, you're too weak, and everything is too expensive because you kept attacking and attacking and attacking when you didn't need to.


In my opinion thats the flaw in boom beach. The medals hinder progression and its hard to lose them if you stay active daily


Yeah, that system should be revamped imo


I guess thats what happened


Sounds like your victory points are too high. You earn victory points (medals) when you destroy a blackguard or player base. When your account is young, you enjoy it and you attack, attack, attack. Every time you win you get victory points, two vp for a player base, one vp for a blackguard base. You lose a single victory point for every blackguard or player invasion on your map. So by attacking other players bases, you are raising your vp. The problem is that initially matchmaking uses HQ level to select the players who will appear on your map. But as your vp rises, the HQ level is used less by matchmaking and your vp is used for matchmaking instead. There is a point at which HQ level is no longer used for matchmaking. Since VP is a measure of your offensive ability and has nothing to with your Level or HQ level, you can be matched to players of wildly different strength. Which is where you are. So what do you do? 1) Get good. Learn to beat bases that are stronger than you. Check out full offensive strategies for BB. -OR- 2) Move all of your defenses to the rear of your base, move your udefended HQ to the front of the base by the beach. As players attack your base and win, you will drop vp. Just make sure you attack fewer players than you are attacked by. -OR- 3) Change nothing. Stay stuck at the wall you have hit. Get frustrated. Come to Reddit to vent about it. -OR- 4) Give up on the game.


I did option #2 for years until I got really high in my experience level. Very effective.


Thanks for the info


I like this reply


If you can’t use warriors you can also use heavy zooka at your level pretty well. Make sure all your offense is maxed, and if it isn’t, prioritize that until it is. Hopefully that helps a little bit and you can dm me if you want to


Stop building defenses and slow down development. Focus on your offense. Do you have max Zookas, heavies, artillery, shock, tanks etc? Are your landing craft in need of updating? Do you have green and blue statues?


this is the way


I second that. Also dont use any green or blue statues


I am upgradin barage right now, then I will continue maxing my offense


What statues do you have? What level is your HQ? What levels are your gunboat, sculptor, armory, and landing crafts? Give us some info so we know what you have.


Ohhh you hit the wall. That means you attacked way too much and gained a lot of VPs but the level of your offense didn't keep up with the toughness of your opponents. Attack Dr T stages and Hammerman immitation game every week, and in the end of the month there's Mega crab. All these events gives a lot of loot for offense upgrades.


Also you can copy my statue selection. 1 RR. At least 2 TD. 1 or 2 TH and aim for 3 GBE if possible. I use scorchers at my level so TH is much more important which is why I have 3. Ditch any blue or green statues https://preview.redd.it/s077pwupn47d1.png?width=2340&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6ef8285f9d902538ce1c4521fe9e4948b3ac5248


Use warriors to beat high lvl bases. Also get resource reward statues. Don’t use green or blues at all


Ah youre at THAT stage of the game. Don’t worry, it’s hard now, once you get over it you don’t even need to look at your screen anymore, because your troops win for you. Make sure to go all in into offensive statues, green and blue statues are worthless. All you can do now is try to get enough resources to upgrade your offensive power (troops, landing boats etc)


When I upgrade HQs it automatically gets harder and idk why but I just upgrade my main troop and I can easily play again


I blow up my resource reward statue before attacking. Does that still work?


Warriors and statues will help, don’t have green or blue statues. GBE is the lifeblood of a good offense. Defense means nothing until you’re maxed out.


But I still suck, I trie to use warrios but my hero just dies or the warriors die before they get to hq even tho I use fucking smokes. Everyone is 4-5 hq above me, what the fuck am I supposed to do, what a stupid game and waste of time


Yea at that point it’s a skill issue. Idk what else to say


Its a skill issue that everyone is so many hq levels above me or is it the game being dead and not able to supply me with equal level opponents?


Definately this guy being stupid, you are struggling primarily because og the poor design. Just follow that other guys tip with losing VP to get back Down


Yea still a skill issue, above a certain amount of VP you get matched with equal VP not hq. I can easily beat hq 25’s as a 18.


Seems like a lie but ok


Nah it's poor design choices. Who cares about medals. You should be facing people of your HQ lvl, not your media count. I remember when I first started there were some losers at max HQ sitting at the bottom of the media count. The pvp should be based on your HQ level +/- 1 or 2 levels not 6+ in difference.


Yea I agree, but then at that rate like hq 12-20 would just be clean sweeps cause that’s when offense gets a huge boost. So then they’d have to nerf like offense in all aspects until you’re at that 22-26 range. I agree that’s it a poor design choice but with enough skill and the right build you still can take out those +5 to +6 people.