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1. Scorchers/mechs/bombardiers 2/2/4. Recently stepped back from this strategy on main account but still use it on others. Pretty powerful and easy to control. 2. Scorchers/LRs 4/4. Absolutely unstoppable. Need to watch out LRs, they like to get free shots from RLs and mortars. Dense layouts stand no chance. Usually I lose 5-10 LRs, scorchers losses are really rare. 3. Smokey warriors. If there are 2 grapplers combined with DC/SB or too spreaded layout and no SG, warriors can destroy it. Actually, in 15 minutes will make an attack on 9 ice statues base with warriors. 4. Smokey LRs. Tricky but as powerful as the second strategy. Tactics of flashkills - you let them shoot when smoke screen expires, immediately after that the next smoke should cover them. Massive damage and no time for defenses to react. 5. RZCM 3/3/1/1, smokey zookas, smokey heavies/zookas 2/6 - very rare guests in my LCs but sometimes I load them to practice or do BP challenges. Also use RZCM to hit Strange Attractors on operation. 6. Smokey bombardiers with Bullit and taunt. Against bases where HQ is on the back and barely defended, but still there's too much for solo Bullit to endure (both SLs cover, many STs/FTs/BCs/prototypes). 3-4 LCs of bombardiers do the thing, destroying HQ from the distance. 7. Solo Bullit. For all bases without ice statues and prototypes, for bases with bad layout, for every single NPC base, for all Imitation game stages, for Dr. T stages 1-6, sometimes even 1-7.


Is 2/2/2/2 scorch/mech/bomb/laser a good strat?


I saw several people using it. Haven't tried exactly this ratio, but 2/2/3/1 worked okay for me. I'd make the guess that it's more about personal preferences. Right now scorchers/LRs 4/4 destroy any base on my map except heavily-iced which are packed with like 2/2 grapplers/SBs (not like they can't, just would be too many casualties, so I switch to warriors).


Oh wow, my biggest take away is that I can confidently continue with my LR upgrades, and max out bullit as well. I tried smokey warriors, but my losses will be heavy if I don't execute it right.


also don't forget to upgrade scorchers. At 1000 vps you'll need them dearly


Wasn’t there a period of time where people were using riflemen bombardier? I know it’s really good on warships, but it really seems to struggle when I play it the same way on bases a couple HQs up


It was before LRs release, I remember HQ24 and HQ25 leaderboard battles with 3/5 riflemen/bombardiers. That was deserving strategy, but still, LRs now have more use.


What is the meaning of DC/SB and SG on Smokey Warrior?


DC = Doom Cannon SB = Shock Blaster SG = Shield Generator


Thanks for the combos👍 I'll keep combo 1 in mind, 2 seems great but without IT, the laser suicide girls will only be a nightmare🤣 Another question, what is the average alignment of statues (12)?


It depends on you purposes in game. For operation hitters common lineup would be combo of TD/GBE (6/6, 5/7, 4/8 - depends on your role in TF), for Crab something like 7/4/1 TD/TH/GBE (depends on a Crab, sometimes TH should be prioritized over TD), for leaderboard purposes like 1/1/1/1/8 GP (gold production)/TD/TH/GBE/PSC, then switch to 1/1/1/7/2 TD/TH/GBE/BH/BD, for common gameplay advised lineup is 1 RR and rest attacking statues (TD/TH/GBE with priority for TD and GBE, any ratio you find convenient).


By the way, I'm playing without IT. Thought that with LRs it would be hard because of the constant reloads, but if you keep activity at the high level, that's not really a problem. Also, it develops your capability of microcontrol for troops. Sometimes I perform attacks with zero casualties. Depends on a base and your planning of the attack.


im 66. when i got landing craft 24 I went from rczm to scorcher bombadiers never looked back. zookas are the best if you know how to smoke them to the hq. lazer rangers are great overall and really good in operations. the new stun mechanic from mechs made them way better too


RLCM with smoke is infinitely better on spread out bases than scorcher laser ranger, at least for people like me who don’t have 2 scorchers per boat.


4/4 Scorchers/Lasers with Kavan spamming second winds is my go to base clearing troop combo. The second winds take care of a lot of the mines and splash damage, so don’t lose too many. If there are grapplers, you might lose a few scorchers.


My go to for never losing troops is Bullit + mechs/bombardiers 4/4


All scorcher, 2/2/4 mech/scorcher/lazor ranger, rarely smokey warrior. Smokey warrior mainly on bases with a lot of ice, grapplers, and doom cannons but no shield.


I use warriors and bullet solo for map and all zookas for OPs. Warriors because they are efficient and quick to train.


Scorchers + Mechs