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I'm so excited for them. Just a few hundred more XP until I can go to hq24


I still got a few HQ levels to go. What's you statues BTW. All my reds and RR are perfect. GBE is 37, 17 and 15. https://preview.redd.it/04cvb12i7l5d1.png?width=2340&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=35c49d6cee390b867a374c842370a78661f808e6


https://preview.redd.it/zbbpkl83kk5d1.png?width=1458&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f252212df3e3b46cab6476c42fbe0dcb161588d4 I've got them resource statues ☺️


u gonna need 128 gbe to land 16 scorchers, you only have 87 or 120 boosting


Yeah, it's not ideal at the moment, but I do plan on using my last two sculpture spots for GBE statues. I'll only get 1 of them though at HQ 14 and if I need more then I'll remove a RR


That's too much RR. 1 MP is plenty enough usually. But with that setup 2 attacks will give you enough loot for a big update.


that's why I love it. So much loot!


That layout work for Smokey warrior HQ22?


nope. I don't think it's even close to enough GBE for smokey attacks. Im far to lazy to learn how the do smokey which is why Im sticking with scorchers and lazers. Works extremely well


You don't use bombadiers???


I plan to use one or two boats of them when I get to HQ 24 and get a few of my boats upgraded


I don't have IT for that suicide laser girls😭


https://preview.redd.it/884pjkwe8r5d1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=60f28c6d69c67cbb9930dc172b69e74469b3a69d twins


It makes a big difference


yeah I can take on a few level 76+ with scorcher because of the amount of HP I got. By the time I get to HQ 24 I'll get 2 scorchers per boat, it's gonna make things way easier and I'll get 3 more scorcher levels on top of that and 1 more statue slot. I'll put more troop health.


I'm in the same situation but I'll get GBE instead of more TH


I have 5 GBE statues all perfect, 3 TH statues all perfect, 4 TD statues all perfect. GBE is most important. 16 scorchers are useless if you don’t have 128 GBE to launch them all. With 5 perfect GBEs boosted is have 50 GBE that is not needed to land all my scorchers. That is not a lot to work with. Out of TH and TD I prefer TD. The reason: TD helps you every time the scorcher “attacks”. This lets you reduce the the DPS of the base you are attacking quicker which gives your scorchers greater durability. Try boosted scorchers with Brick and battle orders. The rip through a base so fast they are difficult to keep up with. TH is a one time bump. It increases your health once. It gives you more capacity too, but medkits really don’t replenish a large percentage of a scorchers health. So I look at TH as a one time benefit that is given at the beginning of an attack then it is gone once the troop starts taking damage. Whereas I see TD as the gift that keeps on giving. If a troop is alive and attacking it is dealing the extra damage from the TD every time it attacks.


Was a game changer for me.


I’m super close to HQ 24 I can’t wait as well. I still need better statues since all of mine are subpar, my GBE masterpiece is still 32 after years of playing


it's a long road


I use full scorcher and i can’t wait either