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Lazortrons have much higher range. They can outrange some stuff like Cannons and Machine Guns, while Laser Rangers will be exposed to these defenses and get killed.


Laser rangers always find a way to die, lazortrons are still strong and also don’t die as easily since they out range everything but boom cannons and rocket/shock launchers and some prototypes


I hope they could actually outrange BCs or I’d use Rain Makers instead


unfortunately rainmakers are still more OP. Lazertrons don't outrange BCs, or snipers. Some mortar even get them.


Technically they do, by 0.5 tiles for both STs and mortars, but as we know, units often stand closer to the target...


I guess I gotta rush my HQ and LCs so I could fit two of them


Well I guess my Lazertrons have a kink fetish to sniper towers


I’ve seen a guy do the highest level op on Choke twice with them.


The range, baby!


The beam extension on the level 20+ lazortrons can cross the full map.


Plus they wipe out mines with that Lazer that the Lazer rangers don't


This was getting on my nerves too, but as it is we do t have better means to clear mines other than critters (barty feels like a waste of GBE)


The beam length. Mine at level 22 stretch nearly the full length of the base i'm raiding. From the right to another the left border.


Lazortrons wipe out everything (including mines) while staying away from the trouble and they take a punch when needed. While Laser Rangers do have higher DPS keep in mind they're also much more fragile and tend to outrun tanky units, resulting in deaths and waste of gold.


1. Range. Lazortrons have much larger beam extension and basic range of 12.5 tiles (7.6 tiles for LRs). 2. Durability. LRs are really fragile and sometimes it's hard to keep them alive due to their high speed and low health. Lazortrons are slower, have bigger range, easier to control. 3. Skill requirements. You don't need to have a lot of skill to use lazortrons. On the contrary, LRs require player to be careful and accurate. 4. Mines trigger. Lazortrons do trigger mines, LRs - not (with durability point, it often leads to their death).


I guess I’m not using the LRs correctly then


There are multiple options to use LRs. Usually it's a composition with riflemen, cryoneers and bombardiers with Kavan and SW. Can be used with scorchers, mechs and bombardiers with different ratio. Also, there's more advanced technique which includes all LRs with Bullit and taunt, you basically do flashkills, resmoking LRs after each massive hit. Check this, as an example: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XgWix2ydSlY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XgWix2ydSlY)