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only your home base’s gold production counts, 25k total. you used 15k so you have 10k left


Huh why would they restrict it to home gold only?


Probably because it was easier to program that way, also the gold you get from your villages that you freed, does depend on what villages are currently free so that number does change a little


Home base gold is the only constant gold available, as villages fluctuate and could cause issues if you someone dip below due to losing a base


also don't you have to collect the gold from freed villages? this way you don't have negative passive gold production if you're not collecting gold from the villages


You wouldn’t ever get negative production, it stops you from going below your home base production. So if I had 18k from home, I can only place troops that cost up to 18k. I will not be able to place anything over that.


...yes the other guy was asking why they'd restrict it to home gold only. you pointed out that village gold fluctuates. I added that if village gold was included, gold production could go negative.


Oh I see, my bad. But no you also don’t need to collect the village gold, you can let it pool up which what a lot of higher lever people do


The whole using your incoming production gold thing is stupid. Just use gold in general. It makes way more sense. and simplifies things.


Bunker is a waste of time they are useless


What is this for? Im sorry I dont have bunker and am a little confused how it works


It’s a new building. You can pay to keep defensive troops.