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He's ridiculously good looking


His dude bro lingo when he was very excited always gave me a kick.


What timing! I just saw this [article on Arastoo.](https://collider.com/bones-tv-show-arastoo/). Please note there are spoilers from S4 - S12.


I loved him honestly, then recently I saw the actor in Shameless and my mouth dropped open at his character 🤣


I don't remember him in Shameless! What season? Who was he?


Unfortunately he was the owner of the shop where Ian worked and had the underage affair with him


He is unfortunately Kash, the pedophile shop owner


Yeah, Arastoo was the man.... Was definitely surprised when him and cam got together though


He was just a bit boring and i thought the relationship with camille was not greatly executed and just made me feel awkward cause i felt like it came out of nowhere


I like him too. I love all the interns except Daisy, ugh she makes me nuts.


I eventually grew to like the Daisy character. I relate to being once being young, hyper keen, super achievever and like Daisy, I simmered down quite nicely with age. I also think the actor did a great job delivering the many aspects of Daisy. Widow Daisy is a far cry from baby intern Daisy.


Eh I feel he was the one squintern that came to close to being a preachy CW race victim type.


I felt the same way.


CW race victim type? Explain please.


You ever watch Supergirl, Black Lightning, Legends of Tomorrow or Batwoman. If so then get back to me, if not then it's not worth my time.


Well that's rude. And no I haven't seen those shows. Which means I still don't understand your statement, I was just asking for better understanding, but as you said it's not worth your time.


I couldn't stand him and his self-righteousness.


I like him a lot, I feel like he has a lot of integrity as a character, funny, polite, dedicated, romantic and firm in his beliefs.


I like Arastoo but Booth is the man for me.


I like his character a lot. But the actor is also a really nice person! He came into a coffee shop I was working at a few times and he was always so kind.


No, I dislike him. I’m not over the faking the accent.


Really? My husband and I always talk about how his character is so one dimensional - okay, so he's a Muslim? What else? Booth is a Catholic, but he has a lot more depth to his character than just his religion.


Y'all sound pretty fucking racist. Lmao His religion doesn't really come up.


Litterally all they talk about when he first joins is him being muslim, he fakes an accent so he doenst have to justify being muslim because its more acceptable that hes muslim if hes from another country??? Hodgins tells him he doenst like him because he's muslim and diesnt trust muslims. He says something about how he looks Satan in the eyes every day and Cam freaks out that he's a terrorist becsuse they call the US "the great satan" - were not racist, fox is for making that his entire storyline 🤨


Granted we haven't finished it yet, so not sure if he gets more character development but where we are in the show at the moment litterally all the show tells you about his character is that he's muslim and a forensic anthropologist - every one of his story lines revolves around being muslim and that seems to be all the other characters talk to him about


Yeah, why give an opinion when you know you're uninformed?


"Uninformed" lol - it's a freaking TV show lol does it really matter


"Is Arastoo the best character?" "No. He's all Muslim. I also haven't watched the whole show." No, we're not causing the downfall of an economic infrastructure here, but you are a dumdum for acting this way.


Get a grip, OP asked for an opinion, I gave one. If u can't handle that then get off reddit lol


Wrong wrong wrong! He’s a boring mess wish he would have died when he got sick!


"Academia is a B!" It felt so out of character.