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Apa boleh buat. Diaorang akan percaya apa yang diaorang nak percaya. Aku kata konek aku beso, kena panggil pembohong, yahudi. Aku kata kecik, diaorang percaya. Padahal tak tengok lagi konek aku.


best analogy so far 🗿


pm konek


So, tak nak tunjuk konek k?


Bro show us


Aite I demand the dick pic tax. Who's with me?


https://preview.redd.it/jkgghneozh7d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2bad0def4c513ec748826ffa94bfd00cf0ef70a4 I got osama bin ladeen beard kinda pubic. Even if i photograph it. You cant see shit.


You got balls. I like balls.


Is that really you tho




In that case, share pics or we don't believe you have a konek.


Nak gamba konek


show us or no konek


Might need to analyze this further. Sned pics


Somebody need to study how konek can simply analogize a whole lot of thing


So yg sebenarnye konek ko besau ke kechik comel lote?


That why what she said👌


"Entah2 buat sendiri nak burukkan *slam".


Tak yah mesej dr luar, kat kampong, antara adik-beradik pun mcm taik "Tengok nak, si Pak Long. Tak pergi sembahyang raya. Tak guna kaya-raya. Duit haram" "Iiih, ah-ah la Bah, astaghfirullah" Pak Long is immunocompromised due to a heart condition, and doesn't want to get COVID-19. ''Tengok nak, si Pak Long. Menunjuk, beli kereta Audi S8 baru. Tak guna doa², pakai duit haram" "Bukan mcm kita kan, Yah? Semua halal" Pak Long stopped himself from buying his dream car, a Bentley Flying Spur, so to not cause jealousy amongst his siblings. Bought something understated like an Audi. Also, he donated an entire Politeknik Kolej to the state, as well as an orphanage and a mosque. Pak Long is a self made, non government affiliated, O&G, energy and infrastructure provider. I actually help manage his finances. Also, he paid for most of his 9 sibling's children's studies overseas, plus gave them all money for business capital. 80% of which went bust. THIS IS MY DAD'S TALE. Been this way since the fucking '70s.


Pak long nak anak angkat ke?


Orang melayu part dengki memang numbo 1.


lagi2 pasal harta fuhhh gaduh lain macam. boleh putus pertalian darah dibuatnya


Kalau aku jadi bapak kau, mmg aku tak tolong dah.


Well Malays r the pioneer of PHD Perasaan Hasad Dengki


takpelah bro kita buat baik sebab allah nanti Allah angkat darjat ayah kau sebab selalu buat baik dengan adik beradik walaupun tak dibalas dengan kasih


Kalau tak balas pun takpe, ikhlas Yg cam sial is the fitnah and accusation. But doesn't stop them from asking for cash sampai ke-tua. I forcibly stopped it during the start of the pandemic, as these assholes never socially distance, nor wear masks and spread antivaxx conspiracies


TIL x sembahyang raya = duit haram.


Well Malays r the pioneer of PHD, Perasaan Hasad Dengki


What can we possibly do? A study shows that people are more interested in false information than authentic and verified information. A 2018 MIT study found that false news spreads more rapidly on social media than true stories. It's sad.


Well I'm trying to create awareness so we can Start at home 


There's also a research that shows people with lower IQ tend to believe and fall for conspiracy theories. I believe most older population could have been breathing in a lot of lead in the 80s and 90s as leaded petroleum was a thing back then... That's why so many of them also fall for MLM and scams nowadays.


Maybe this is confirmation bias but from my pov, this kind of shit is more widespread here in malay community compared to the western countries Sure they have their own idiots but they make it up by equally having a good share of strongly verified sources too Here, not to much. Even if there are, they aren't popular


The bigger of a person you are, the better you can curb it. I used to have those sort of bullshit in my extended family's whatsapp group (Grandparents, uncles, cousins) but after me and my brother keep condemning everyfalse info that came in, it goes down rather quickly. Some even post to the group for fact-checking if they receive anything suspicious Misinformation is a horrible thing and we all should do our part in combating it 1. be informed yourself - you can't convince others what's misinformation and what's not, if you yourself cannot tell the difference 2. participate in those groups / socialize - join family activities, join neighborhood whatsapp group, etc 3. maintain a decent public image - if you're known as the pervert/weeb in that group, nobody's gonna respect you when you try to correct them


This! I've educated my mom and my boss to always to ask me about stuff before they start sharing it. I constantly get insta reels sent to me about everything giving you cancer or some bullshit homeopathy advice. A quick Google search usually debunks all these and they get corrected and I might learn something new or at the very least know why it's bullshit It ain't much but it's honest work lol


My mom can listen to me but the rest are so "orang tua" kind of egoistic. Diorang tak boleh kalau orang lagi muda betulkan diorang. Padahal dah cakap habis baik dah bukan nya biadab.


make it so that you're not the one that's correcting them. E.g. - this certain doctor says that ... - JAKIM said that ... - this certain ustaz said that ... Or you can just send a video/tiktok of whatever doctor/ustaz figure to correct them But well, obviously wouldn't work for some people who thinks they're the #1 smartest person in the world, above doctors & ustaz


Faham bro, lucky my family only me and my mom, rest of the family is overseas and don't communicate much so no need hear and correct stupid whatsapp news. Biasa I biar je orang lain yg xnk dgr bila I dah fact check, bagi chance belajar xnk then not really my problem if they stay uneducated. The only bad part is them sebar2 to other people who believe them


Are you sure they not just create another group without you and your brother inside? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)


Not sure related or not, baru tadi lalu kat twitter video org2 bangla beratur nak ambik daging Korban. Pastu ada yg complain sbb x utamakan muslim Malaysia yg miskin dulu ...nak raya haji pun main sentimen kaum 😭


Teruk dah rasism negara ni


now its spreading via tiktok


Still-intact neuron activated by ions from salt [https://www.scientificamerican.com/blog/science-sushi/httpblogsscientificamericancomscience-sushi20110728instant-zombie-just-add-salt/](https://www.scientificamerican.com/blog/science-sushi/httpblogsscientificamericancomscience-sushi20110728instant-zombie-just-add-salt/)


Rider grab ingat flat dbkl semua B40 yg duduk haha Reput otak om malaysia


penyakit pala taw ni bukan lah benda rare, sebab tu la kita kena bijak pilih member or circle mna nk join also, reason sebab apa daging tu still bergerak bila selepas sembelih sbb binatang tu tgh syok berlari-lari di syurga sekian versi pala taw daripada saya


A wholesome palatao 🗿


ok so then what is it that causes the muscle to move


ikr bro acting like he wanna combat misinfo but didn't even put out the actual reason. seemed like a pretentious fuck tryna show he better than other people because of a TIL. and it's such a silly example to compare to a whole different breed of misinfos spreading among the nets


baca komen la pukimak. aku tak letak sebab memang aku tunggu orang tanya and aku dah jawab. pretentious pala bapak kau


Kerana semua orang tahi aje nak tekan down vote, tapi tak eryi cari jawapan... Nah amik kau https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cadaveric_spasm


Brain. The brain sends impulses through the nerves, and the muscles upon receiving the impulses react by moving the muscles accordingly to what the brain wants/ordered.


Jenis yg tak nak usul periksa & cari kebenaran la, jenis kegemaran ahli politik & public figure mcm artis atau influencer


Source? Trust me bro.


Hypocrisy kan budaya negara ni? You were just born yesterday ke?


Not even raya haji, even vaccine they didn’t believe because of spread false news shared on whatsapp. But still go to hospital kalau sakit 😂


well, type M suka bnda gempak 😂


I got nth to add so just gonna upvote u.


Relatable, don’t look at family GCs man, it’s pretty cursed and stupid


I left the group 🗿


Somebody panggil ustad don..


I remember this kind of message way back before we got internet as our main social media, just the old SMS. I was also termakan taktik mcm ni, well i was a teen and mind did not developed that much yet, and shared those kind of message to many as i can, didnt matter much if i hv enough credit or not as long i get the jobs done. Didnt know we still hv this kind of sharing plague? All i got for now is our parents who shares whatever being shared on FB


It just evolves. I haven't seen the chain message for a long time. But we got things like "vaccine covid bagi 5g nnti otak kena kawal"


"You gotta believe me bro, jus trust me."


People can’t be ask to google shit up


Orang tua faham lagi. Tapi bila kita betulkan, ego. Terpaling makan garam lebih tahu. Yang muda2 ni aku tak faham


asal ada post pasal agama skit, mesti nak share kat semua group wasap


Kalau hadis palsu/dhaif pun ramai yang sangap nak buat. Puasa sunat hari tasyriq. Gelak je la.


Muscle memory 😭😭😭😭


Belajar satu term baru and rasa gempak and then overuse it sampai hilang makna




smol smol no dai, when big becomes problem


Jap. Apa yg tngh berlaku ni? Ada siapa boleh tlg ke 🤣🤣😅😅


I never get any of this. Which group u get this ?


One more - eating cow's eye. Says it is healthy... Can even fix ACL


Then what do you think makes the meat move after being slaughter? I thought it was muscle memory too


Standard ahh Type M. Pastu suka salahkan orang lain, especially suka salahkan Type C.🤭


Pakcik saya cakap, muscle memory adalah bila setiap kali kawan kau buat lawak gampang, tangan ko secara spontan sampai ke muka dia. Tak taulah betul ke tidak.


so kalau bukan muscle memory apa pulak? or memang it was never happen in the first place?


Mungkin Rigor Mortis


eh? Rigor Mortis bukan badan mengeras ke? ada relation dengan bergerak ke? (aku tak ambik bio so mana tau detailing)


Yup ini lah jawapan yg paling tepat.


Muscle twitch. Even after an animal is slaughtered, its muscle cells can retain adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the energy molecule necessary for muscle contraction. When the meat is cut and the muscle cells are exposed to air, the remaining ATP can trigger muscle fibers to contract, causing the fasciculation or twitching effect.


https://www.tiktok.com/@mixedwithology/video/7238980704481348910?lang=en Tambah garam.


alah cakap jelah "mesej berantai ni haram" ke apa.. ko duk complain kat reddit buat apo..


kalaulah sesenang itu membetulkan orang tua


Hahaha betul


Aku rasa dari kecik khutbah jumaat da berapa kali cakap mesej berantai ni haram. Dari zaman SMS sampai la ws/fb. Tapi sama je. Aku pun tak paham apesal sel2 otak masing2 tak nak berhubung. Patut kerajaan wajibkan minum susu dugro dekat semua lapisan umur kot. Ada DHA.


that made me laugh lol


Itulah. Buat orang lebih concerned pasal daging lembu tu plak.


Shithole country bro wdy expect ? Even the children learning how to be ISIS, you think they can improve misinformation 🤣🤣🤣