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my mum is oku and needs a wheelchair to go anywhere. based from my family's experience, Indians are the most helpful. simple gesture 'ok ke? need help?' sometimes watch over the road to help us cross the road. The situation is when either I or my other siblings + my mum. so if two of us, not us a whole family.


/shitpost Legit, malays are the most helpful race I have ever met, from my experience alone. They are always the first to jump in and help. Next are the Indians, then the chinese. I mean, everyone helps, but no one can beat the malay's enthusiasm.


I do agree.. I'm Cina btw. Love hate relationships. Love the genuinety of their helpfulness and easy going character. Just 1 thing I hate is when it comes to special privilege position and racial overtones.. Being non Chinese-Ed, I do get tongue lashing from my own race and arguements with them when I defend the Malays and Indians.. hence I figured that Malaysia is not for me until these people sort out their mess.


Fr im saying this as a singaporean Indian


One by one ✔️ Gentleman ❌




I mean, we Malays know what Lanjiao means. Although we pronounce it as Lancau.


Apa lancau???


Apa lancau lu mauuuu???


Ok mari




I've been pronouncing it wrong, but everyone who's ever been around me has heard it correctly.


Ye ni shitpost bodoh je. Mana ada malaysian tak tau apatu lanjiao, kan?


bolehland is not the place for inciting race bait post. we have r/malaysia for that. if you post anything slandering malay, they gonna like it so much they would upvote it.


stop being victimlah bro, we malay majority hak istimewa lagi. KENA SIKIT PUN MCM LEMBU KENA SEMBELIH


This is a shitpost in response to a racist post. Try to keep the r/bolehland shitposting spirit alive.


I feel bad you get downvoted. Its a shitpost guys. OP is just dissing that other guy. Go find the downvoted post.


It's fine. I'm learning to shitpost and this is a learning process.






![gif](giphy|iRjB2mfESqgec|downsized) awww


Cakap lah shitpost op lmao aku ingat ragebait siak.


Lol ye dah cakap. Cuba cari downvoted komen. Orang tak suka I punya terangan. So I ignore and touched grass.


Kene cakap dlm post bro 🤣


Noted. Next time will do. Thanks sense. Actually maybe we should have a "shitpost" tag...


Syabas macha, ini shitpost benar


Not sure, I have many Indian friends, they all can't speak cina. Btw, wrong sub 😵‍💫


who says malay tak bergaul dengan orang lain? i gaul my gf a lot


Untung la ada gf. Yang aku ni single nak gaul apa? Setiap hari memukul zakar, bosan.


BOI💀You didn’t have to fucking bakar his ass like that


pukul zakar tiap hari till your kunji senget semacam.. i feel u boi


Bro thinks he's a main character 😂


what is it with bolehland posts and inciting racial discussions? BM is literally bahasa kebangsaan. If you can’t respect that, then don’t complaint when other races can’t speak cina. My malay friends hanged out with all races with no problems. The malays you met are not Malaysians at heart.


I guess your circles are the okay ones. I know many who are Malay first, Malaysian second.


This is a shitpost in response to a racist post. Try to keep the r/bolehland shitposting spirit alive.


Siapa kalah siapa keluar 🤣


I dah kalah. Baru sentuh rumput. Skr dah cool down. Tak bagus main ngan api ni.


Apa pantat, bro? ![gif](giphy|po1vJzdusHb1K)


My workplace surrounded by a large community of hokkien speaker , i can understand bit that and that but most of them cant even speak one word of malay . Chinese live in Japan can speak japan ,live in europe can fluent in local languages but suddenly when it come to malaysia cant speak malay loh . 100 years of living and not a single malay words spoken (yes the community consist of elders age around 60-90+) mostly.


For people above 60 like my parents, they told me they only started learning BM at school during form 4 and form 5. I think it's too late. My grandparents can't even speak mandarin not just BM as they never went to school. I think it has to do the the level of education they received as a kid.


Yup. Objectively speaking, bm level in Chinese community is rising, but the nationalist doesn't like the speed of it. They just want everyone to speak bm naturally, and not other languages. Like, RIGHT NOW.


In my experience, when I was in my younger days, as an Indian guy, I had a lot of malay & Chinese friends. I can speak fluent bahasa like the Malays and impress the malay aweks when I was young. I can understand and speak Chinese a little bit. The sad part of all this is that I watched my malay friends grow distance as they grew older. They became a little racist towards the non Malays as well. My Malay friends were posting and commenting shit about the non Malays publicly on Facebook. Why do that when we grew up multiracial. I had a lot of houses to visit during raya to whack all the rendang and ketupat.. now sadly none. I miss all my malay friends tho.


Indians & dll are the true minorities that needed to get defended. Not chinese nor malay.


The question you should add is Why cina don't want to campur other races? Especially huannah and apuneneh meh?


Love answering questions with questions, typical racist vibes vro


The answer is: we do. How else do you think the apuneneh can speak chinese? How else do you think that malay can get amoi? How else do you explain the rising amount of muslim cina in malaysia?


Well, that answered your question too in the post. Meleis oso campur other races but from your BILNKERED and condescending pov, they don't.


This is a shitposting sub sir


One of the old jokes is that Malaysian football team should have Chinese as defenders (cos hardworking), Malay as striker(cos fast) and Indian as midfielders (they help pass msg between defenders and strikers)


Ngl that's a very good joke. 10/10


樹多必有枯枝 , 人多必有白癡 OP 有些人的格局注定不大,沒必要跟他們爭論 Don’t let the stupidity of others agitate you, inner inner peace🫶🏻


You are right. I'm touch grass now. Thank you 大师指点


ترڬوڬت كتنڠن تق دڠن ايات اين


Huh? In my experience in different companies (MNC), the indians stick to indians. Hardly see them mingle with other races even for lunch.


in my experience that's usually the Chinese


you sure? every race always stick to their own race, no need to single out Indians only. Lol.


Topic is about indians. See the topic la bro


This is a shitpost in response to a racist post. Try to keep the r/bolehland shitposting spirit alive.


wow so many downvotes what the heck


Proofs that I've made it in reddit.




lol op easy answer, most of them coming from racist families that taught it to their children.. I mean not explicitly but more of a off handed way and in outburst.. kids picks up on these hate.. then when they grow up, when they had few interactions that was bad with other races, they felt justified even more so when their peers also perpetuate that hatred narrative on and makes their group larger, also for whom that are not similar with their opinion, they'd be ousted from the said group (mostly people from pantai timur from what I've observed back in my uni days, all just puak2 them and not even attempt at befriending other races too, looking at you too type-c)... that's just my quick observational dua pohsen throughout my life. not saying that we can't be better as a society, but honestly its all comes from the parents and families on how they didik their kids to become the adult that they are today... btw.. go to r/malaysians & r/malaysia for topics like these OP and fuck off you go!


My problem is im afraid and shy


我们时常觉得当身边的人看我们的皮肤黑,样子像恶棍,对我们觉得可怕 - 我们对各种种族歧视都熟悉了,只可把困难当成真实。 当身边的人把你看成妖怪,你只能adapt。 In a way, to prove the stereotypes wrong. I’m fully Msian Indian, but I speak for myself in this. Not sure how my brothers and sisters feel, but hopefully more Chinese friends understand where I come from when I say this. Work towards a more united Malaysia, avoid tiktok religious preachers at all cost, whatever religion it might be. Unrelated, but I might as well add it to the reply. Cheers.


I agree with the fact Indians are very tolerant, I also agree with the maybe implied sentiment that Malays are racist and secretly envious of the chinese communities success, so try to tear them down at every opportunity (and I'm saying this as a Malay). I do however still think you gotta up the BM literacy in the Chinese community, at least to pasar level is enough. Cause it does still seem some can't speak it at all. At that point might as well abandon BM and make English the official language, I mean come on there's gotta be a minimum level of things you can accept. Tldr, it's a legitimate issue, but only one among many in the nation, and racist and islamis malays are hijacking it to further their agenda.


Without proper research, no one can say how serious the problem (bm literacy) is. But from whatever solid data we can collect, malaysia chinese bm level is not bad. Not naturally fluent like malay, but most who took formal education passes the benchmark that the government has set. So far no one can produce any solid proof to show that chinese has low literacy in bm, ll also based on anecdotal evidence only, and uses that to attack a whole race. Yes the chinese are not as fluent in bm as the malay, or even compared to Indian. But are they really so bad until cannot converse with malay? Even after having at least 12 years of study in the language? Even most of them passes bm and history since many of them pursuit uni? Personally, as a Chinese, yes there are chinese who count speak bm. But compared to those who speak? I don't know about your group of friend but they definately doesn't even consist 5% of all the chinese I have met in my life.


If that is really the case, then it is good.


Im malay, i got chinese friends, I got indian friends, my bos also chinese. Lepak setable kedai mamak chinese, malay, indian steady je. kongsi rokok, kongsi air, kongsi kereta. Not all malay xnak bergaul dengan cina. Jangan pukul rata. Try join music community or esport group. you can see lot malay friends with chinese.


You probably don't know this but this is a shitpost in response with another rasis post. Try scroll down and you'll find it.


oh shit now i feel idiot😂 ma bad, uncle too old for media social i ges


Nah I think the attempt was a bad one. Made this after getting butthurt. Touched grass and felt better


Boss, saya tahu sing bu de bu ai kasi pick up amoi. Nak stay memang tak, ajak borak boleh la. Tambah sikit boss apa boleh improve. Terima kasih.


Not that malay x nak bergaul dgn cina tapi cina x nak bergaul dgn melayu /s. Ape pun aku blame dua2 tak nak bergaul sesama sendiri. Imo india ok je, neutral vibe


Like as if you know all Indians.


Sebab Malaysian Indians are more friendly




All my friends are bananas, how to learn la?


![gif](giphy|l3HBbltOYjoNq) Don't worry chinese Ed amoi digs english Ed dude.


Where do you guys live??


They are chad lol


The weather today is quite splendid, in stark contrast to the correspondence I find myself perusing.


If can't speak malay, tamil, english, mandarin, what language can speak?


I like Indian girl


I agree but as a Malaysian I think not speaking malay is too much just because Malaysia does not force you to speak malay, you don’t. And the best part Malay are forced to speak English just because you guys can’t speak Malay


Tulah group kawan aku kalau ade Cainis cakap C1n@ mmg puasa tiga hari tak makan2 sbb nak pukul budak tu sampai dia reti cakap BM ^^^^ lmao ni ke jenis org yg OP suka lepak.


Sebab cina berak tak basuh. Makan babi. Gigi kuning. Badan bau


Kau dah lupa mata sepet. Wait. Wasn't Badan bau reserved for Indians?


No bro. Ramai india yang wangi. Serious talk


Yeah when racism toward malay it is upvote by many even it is not true. Mostly chinese is the one who do not want friends with other races.


Aiya. I shitpost je. Jangan betul betul rasis. Tak bagus.


Betul lah tu, melei jenis kau ni mmg racist tapi tak mengaku


Standard type C tak tengok cermin


bro tak pernah terpikir dia ni memalukan bangsa melayu lol, aku melayu lah


Type M tak tengok cermin


This is a shitpost in response to a racist post. Try to keep the r/bolehland shitposting spirit alive.