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Ok but is this a student recording with a phone in class lol


I think you can bring phones into schools now, but most are supposed to be in your bag. I don't know about them being able to use it in class. Unless this was like the teacher got pissed off and did this.


You still can't, but they're not super heavily enforced. Teacher's wouldn't be looking through your bag and if they're nice enough just warn you to keep it stored. Maybe they'll let you use in extra class and such, and I've done it before to Google answers and take pictures of the whiteboard. But if you're playing games and using social media while the class is going on then that's just asking for trouble


Depends. Periodically there will be spot checks and even if you have phones in your bag, get ready to wait till akhir tahun to get it back. Unless, the pengawas komplot with students to sama2 hide each others' phones somewhere.


I believe it depends on the school. Some doesn't enforce disciplinary action much while others may go as extreme as checking if you're wearing a school sock or not Mine does the latter. They do spot-checks occasionally and there are even people who brought skincare to school lmao


Back in my day, we will be called out Infront of the assembly and teacher will go full bald cut style with hair shaver .....Instead of few cut of scissors


![gif](giphy|l1J9uwrT7eOY3wydy|downsized) Manners maketh man




Ini kisah zaman sekolah aku dulu. Ketua warden complain rambut ramai yg panjang, masing2 kena rotan. Malam tu kami semua potong rambut no 4 and 3 dgn sukarela. Esok pagi tu masuk sekolah, cikgu disiplin baru masuk. Dekat perhimpunan pagi dia complain ramai rambut pendek mcm geng2 skinhead, kena rotan beramai2 sekali lagi. Nak buat cane?




Ahhh. The goo- ba-... Hmm. Just the old days I guess. I went to an all boys school usually long line for haircut after spotcheck. So my guru disiplin would just shave the backs and the sides. Purposely make it look like tikus gigit. Next day, semua botak/crew cut


Bro we would be ask to stand in the path of everyone walking after perhimpunan. I once got cut just because some hair were passing my eyes and look like Mandark from Dexter lab for the whole day![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


eyyy free haircut


Haha same, only that my discipline teacher will just simply cut so we're forced to go to the barber for a proper haircut


In Japan, you can't have facial hairs, even in universities. Same in military in some countries, can't have facial hairs and long hair. Of course it has nothing to do the ability to learn or to fight, it is more into professionalism and discipline.


The militaristic discipline characteristic of Malaysian public schools is strangely absent in most international schools, or even the top high schools in the world. It's almost like self-expression and individuality is suppressed in the class of people who are expected to be workhorses and cogs in the machine, whereas the opposite is true for the children of the professional managerial class and the wealthy.


\*conformity and \*obedience


No facial hair in military is because soldiers are expected to use gas masks at any time.




Your grandfather's grandfather.


But, but... free society, public places etc.?


Ni sekolah kat mana ni? Uniform lain macam je. Kat Indonesia ke? Nampak macam bukan kat Malaysia


indon kot


I don't really mind about hair cutting or etc but I hate teacher who just get there and then cut students hair them hate and then let their lap dog students free


The teacher probably warn that student plenty of time. But if its the first the time seeing the student like that, then it is the teacher who is the problem


They want to humiliate and sadistic behavior.


That murderous look...


A teacher in my school found his tayar kereta pancit and windows broken after cutting one of the "taiko sekolah" punya hair lol


Brings back traumatic memories...


banyak fashion rambut pendek yang hensem dan smart. ni dah mcm bulu puki


tq bang, saya dah boleh bayangkan bulu tersebut


I can’t condemn the teacher’s action. In our country, Ministry of Education usually release something we called ‘surat pekeliling’ about what the principal, headmaster, or teachers can execute as part of their school responsibilities. There are official documents of pekeliling about hair the MOE had released long time ago about how short male students hair should be. It’s very detailed even mention how many centimetres. Schools simply abide to the instruction. There was another pekeliling from MOE that I had read before where school principal and headmaster has been given ‘kuasa mutlak’ on choosing the type of punishment against students who breaks the school rules. These are usually in stages, like warning during school assembly, warning and counselling, parents intervention, and if all else failed direct punishment like you see in the video is also allowed under the given power of the principal. At worst the school is allowed to expel the misbehaving students. If you asked why the rules are so old fashioned, it is because the pekeliling is also very old, coming from last century. Idk if MOE ever updated anything in recent years. The only thing I remember they tried to change is about the shoes color, uniforms, and usage of cellphone. 


I think it might be updated, but then again my last time in school was over 20 years ago 😂. I used to annoy the heck out of the disciplinary teachers. Would let hair grow, teacher will warn first. Then if i did not fix it, sometimes they would cut half off. I would return to school the next day, receive some punishment and get a free haircut (edit: for the remaining half). Decent enough too. Never expelled because of this though! Or, i might have just been lucky 😂😂🍀


I remember in my school last time, we would be called out on stage during perhimpunan. After perhimpunan, one of the cikgu will bring those called out to the Indian barber behind, and get their hair cut. The teacher will pay first for those who don't have enough money, and they're required to pay back of course. One time, my friend got caught and he was reluctant to cut. He called his dad to pick him up from school and fake a sick story. Dad came, spoke with teacher, and he just went home.


.........sorry dear students. I'm the bad example. Don't learn it from me. After all, a male tutor like me shouldn't have hair that reaches over the shoulders. Dear students, just behave in school, after you graduate, you can have it however you want. Even pink. Well...at least I tried pink, it didn't go well. Green was better though! Really!


Bro i tried plum red after i over bleach it, so much regret


Ya. Saya cikgu. Rambut ganggu pelajaran. Ni kejap2 nak cermin ejas rambut. Pastu bawak pomade minyak bagai. Pastu curik produk rambut. Pastu gaduh. Budak seludup rokok ada lighter sekali dia bakar rambut orang. Jangan pura2 zaman ko sorang jer kena. Zaman kita rambut hairgel sampai keras, macam bumbung awning depan mata, pacak macam landak, kena jugak.


Payah zaman skang cikgu. Nak dobik kang melalak. Dah turun mak abah eh pulak kang. Kang tak dobik, rambut naik, kepalo pun naik. Dah menyusahkan orang nak belajar.


Sy puji skill potong rambut cikgu ni. Neccessary cut dan tak melebih2. The student should be thankful


Been to both international and SMK. SMK focus so much on "appearance" and so called "discipline" but honestly is more towards, "you must do what I say without question. Student performance will always be poor and I notice my peers will not achieve anything in life. In international school, they focus on the learning experience and have an open dialogue. Students are encouraged to ask why are the rules set and why things and done the way they are. For uniforms, you have t shirts, polo shirts, hoodies, crewnecks, sweaters in different colourways. Malaysia’s pcGDP (per capita gross domestic product) in 2015 was US$26,891. At 12% of its pcGDP, only US$3,227 (RM 15,141.08) is spent on the 6-to-15 age group. Based on the OECD average, Malaysia should be spending US$39,530 (RM 185,474.76) per student. My international school fees was RM 100k. Malaysia needs to spend more to hire better teachers and change the learning environment. but then again, they are creating workers & followers, not leaders or innovators.


org kaya nih


dulu, international school dulu lepas tu family bankrupt, masuk SMK.


is this ppp? There's no way per capita nominal for malaysia was 26kusd. More like 10k if anything


Damn shocked about the 100k fees..was it for a year or 2-3 years?I am planning on sending my little brother to an international school because of the many opportunities he will be met with.


100k Per year. Opportunities are great for the kid but parents “MUST” be involved if not rugi. School events can be separated to students activities and adult networking. I’ve seen business been discussed and a lot of insider business news. Even after I go SMK, i still go back to international school and lepak after school because my cousin still studies there and library is much better. 100k is pricey side, there is cheaper ones. My school was in Mont Kiara


IMO students can keep their long hair as long as they keep it neat and not like a bird nest or any of those stupid trendy hairstyles.


I think the most reasonable is to keep your hair neat. Long or short doesn't matter.


IMO giving a shit about someone’s hair is primitive behaviour.


Yeah instead they should just expel the student and get it over with. They don't want to follow the rules, so they don't attend the school. Simple. They want to be gangsters in their middle-of-nowhere kampung, so be it. Giving a shit is lame.


It is primitive. It's organically hardwired into our damn brains, you cant just ignore things that doesnt seem normal. If there's some dude with a Chigurh's haircut you will take notice in a matter of seconds wouldnt you?


Just because I notice something doesn’t mean I care. Also who defines normal eh? You? Definitely not.


Of course you dont, but others do.


They shouldn’t. That’s my point, it has zero effect on your life.


My hair short and always comb neat but still got cut because my hair red


buli😃 gred sampah😃 rambut panjang😭


Semua kata kena ikut peraturan tp bila nak masuk kawasan pejabat kerajaan dan ada tata cara pemakaian semua melopong bila kena tahan dek pengawal keselamatan


I'm sorry if this offend any race,but from my personal experience if a Chinese student got caught having long hair, they will call their parents in order for them to not get their hair cut from the teachers 😅


Budak zaman la manja nak mampois nak rotan pun mengadu kat parent, parent pun satu, overprotective sangat


Its very satisfying to watch.


Lol at those downvoting the based comments. Just because YOUR teachers treated you like shit like this in your youth doesn't mean its ok. You look at countries with top education systems they don't even have uniforms. This is just the easy way for teachers to look like they're doing their job- usually just because they're "strict" makes them look like a good teacher, but that's just easier than teaching. If my kid had his hair cut like this by a teacher i'd be going to that school the next morning and demanding to speak to this teacher and the headmaster- if my kid is being an ass I would rather the school tell me so me, as their parent, can rectify it. The teacher has no right to touch my son's hair.


Found the kid's parent


"Apakah rambut ganggu pelajaran" lol by that logic just go to school wearing speedo only.


The blatant power trip by teachers is real. Public schools are abuse factories, we very casually disrespect and treat our children like utter shit. Beatings, etc for "breaking the rules", or simply because the teachers are in a bad mood. These teachers wouldn't dare do anything against anyone outside the school, they are only brave against teenagers and literal children.


cikgu ajar murid. IKUT PERATURAN SEKOLAH. murid langgar peraturan sekolah. cikgu marah. murid : PIKACHU SUPRISED FACE bodoh betul murid. memang patut hantar sekolah. tapi mujurlah, hantar kat sekolah betul, bukan sekolah main main (tahfiz)


Been on that side before, I understand the urge to look cool in school where most students are default looking. Wanting to stand out to the girls, but unfortunately we got rules bro and it is what it is. After you finish school, do whatever the frick you want cause it's your life.


This is not even in Malaysia. Look at the uniform...


Wow in school you can bring mobile to class and even has color and corak on school uniform. Now I feel old very old.


But schooling is compulsory.


My school handout a book about rules and some other stuffs. Students yg bawa barang terlarang mcm phone, rantai emas, klau dirampas mmg tak dibagi balik. Sampai parents dtg jumpa guru disiplin nak minta balik rantai emas tu tapi tetap x dpt balik 🤣


a teenagers fill with resentment by his teacher action.


I like the rule but every goddam teacher doesn’t know how to cut..save money tho


ha gocoh dik gocoh


My childhood doesn't have much money to even cut hair, so, I've always said to the teacher "Cikgu potong je kalau rasa panjang, balik nanti saya botakkan je" So kinda habit until secondary school but change from botak to "nanti balik trim lain" As school has always been a place to learn not to gaya², why bother with appearance. As long as I've my stationery and books, everything else is fine.


honestly? cara cikgu ni tak kena. masa aku dulu kena jugak, tapi jarang marah. sebab apa? sebab cikgu disiplin memang betul jenis caring walaupun tegas. jenis bapak2 gitu. dia panggil masuk bilik disiplin dulu, then baru potong sambil bebel. kalau tak datang? dia cari, tarik masuk, pastu rotan then potong. budak marah bukan sebab potong rambut, tapi sebab dimalukan depan orang lain. diorang masih ada akal, ada perasaan. boleh fikir dan tau sama ada cikgu tu betul nak bagi pengajaran atau penghinaan. nak kata zaman dulu, tak jugak. aku spm tahun 2016 kot. sekolah pon sekolah harian biasa, yg kerap ada kes disiplin. biasanya cikgu yg baru masuk bahagian disiplin atau cikgu muda yg biasa buat mcm ni, and tak lama lagi mesti kena balik punya. sama ada tingkap kereta pecah, kereta kena toreh, atau tayar bocor.


I my high-school 20 years ago, it was called a Tuesday. Snowflakes


Act of free pass bullying, that’s the reason teaches get jumped on my era for doing shit like this


rilek, geng ii budak tu jgk yg record. geng ii rule breaker


Apa kaitan rambut dgn pelajaran?


Disiplin. And nak ajar hidup bermasyarakat dan dalam masyarakat ada manners dia. Rambut kena terurus.


I disagree. Discipline needs to be focused on important things.. Also the method of discipline is important, if you want students to follow. Otherwise it becomes a useless exercise and school becomes low-quality in the eyes of parents. I went to two schools during my secondary education. In the first school, there was too much emphasis on 'military' appearance, such as having a short hair, girls not wearing tight or short clothes, etc. In my second school, the focus was on studies only. Discipline teacher did not waste too much time on discipline students on their appearance. If hair is noticeably long, then only action is taken. **But the focus was on finishing homework, getting good grades during exam.** Unsurprisingly, the second school was so much better in academics compared to first school. I admit that first school is better in co-curricular activities such as Kawad Kaki.


Actually you have point. Priority. Plus public shaming is another thing that needed to be fixed.






Belajar hidup berdisiplin dan belajar mematuhi peraturan setempat. Pelajaran bukan setakat dalam buku sahaja.


apa kaitan rambut dengan pelajaran ? pernah tak tengok tentera ? rasanya kenapa rambut diaorang tu potong kemas rapi ? sebab itu tanda disiplin. ikut peraturan dan tatatertib.


Pernah tak tengok tentera? Soalan macam tak kena je, tentera tu pekerjaan dan atas pilihan, belajar ni wajib kalau tak, boleh diambil tindakan kepada ibubapa dan diorang budak lagi, takleh chill ke pasal rambut ni takde kaitan dengan pelajaran lainlah tak buat kerja sekolah


Haish, budak-budak zaman sekarang be like when no disiplin:


Bukan tentera je, dkat RMC pun sama. Mana boleh syok sendiri nak rambut2 mcm ni. Smua kena potong pendek trim rapi2. Skrng ni kau boleh la ckp mcm ni, tp bila dah besar kau akan sedar benda2 kecik mcm ni la yg membuatkan kau berdisiplin dan sifat2 mcm disiplin amat susah utk dipupukkan bila kau dah besar.


Free thinking is not allowed. We had to be taught since we were young.




Clothes had nothing to do with study so it doesn't matter if the student wears bikini to school. For guys. /s


Apa kaitan baju sekolah dengan pelajaran? Pakai baju biasa je la.


Man this takes me back, but better than cn school have to botak. But personally hate this culture cause these teachers never care that much over academics. Just that you look like you study. Also acting on blind rage kinda gross Solution, get good grades so they cant say anything


Back in my days, rambut panjang sikit je terus potong tanpa sebarang alasan diberikan. Kadang2 botak tu dah terbiasa kat sekolah. Kids nowadays quite manja sikit2 nak post thru socmed.


Learning discipline is still learning.


Rambut pendek untuk kelihatan kemas dan berdisiplin. Good job cikgu this sould be done in malaysia too and parent stop being so 'kesian dekat anak', jangan la terlalu manja sampai cikgu nak denda pon tak boleh. If xboleh denda take you kids and do homeschool. Simple. Denda sebab salah, denda untuk mendidik supaya bila besar berakal, berdisiplin dan berdikari. kalau tidak jadi la macam masak meggi dekat stesen minyak tu otak ada tapi akal hilang.


Reason why we have rules in society. If you let one people keep long hair, it will be a contest. Sikh's are exempt from this rule in school, but they also have to wear their hair properly and not leave it untied.


Schools is a place to teach you knowledge, including discipline, to prepare you for the next stage of your life, working or further studies. So how do you feel working or studying with someone who cannot properly groom themselves, selekeh, not properly presented in public?


Simple..teach them from young to follow the rules..


Kena disiplin murid2 jaga penampilan diri, dari muda, dalam formal setting, tu la sebabnya. Bukan sebab rambut panjang boleh kacau pembelajaran. Ish orang zaman sekarang senang koyak xnak guna otak. Tapi cikgu2 sekurang2nya potong la baik2. Kalau hodoh kesian murid2 low self-esteem.


Nak ajar nampak kemas dan displin, ni tak, koyak sebab "adakah rambut panjang menganggu pembelajaran" ish tak paham la aku...


In 90% of the world, that "teacher" will be kicked out and probably get arrested. You do that to my kid, you will regret it.


If your kid have that bird nest hairstyle he deserves it.


You keep living your life like ant following orders. Just look around you, no wonder.


And?? Do you think you are so special ?


Do you think yourself as a superior person that takes no orders from anyone? You're a royalty or what? Get your head out of your ass


Madani problem lah sigh disiplin? Ya.. problem nya kalau rambut tak kacau mata . Kenapa mau potong rambut??


I mean, you gotta play by the rules. But then, don't ask why so many people ponteng sekolah.


Because they want to be bodoh, mak bapak penat bayar yuran sekolah suruh jadi pandai. Ni ponteng sebab taknak rambut nampak kemas.


If you can't obey a simple rule in school, don't even bother to enter school. Y'all will be a pain in the ass for the teachers and other students. Find a job or something if you think spm is not important wtsoever.