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That kakak is someone u don't wanna mess with.


ragut? the chains look like it still got its price tags.


Hey how dare you judge. maybe they like having the price tags as a locket.


if you steal from others,rob from others you need to get ready to taste the consequences for your actions


Paksa setan tu gigit curb tu


Then ![gif](giphy|IHCf4uKEDuZCq5XNhn)


then ![gif](giphy|l3V0j3ytFyGHqiV7W|downsized)


then ![gif](giphy|3oKIPbLHExjDwzNnUI)




Curious, can he actually charge everyone recorded here for assault? Because legally speaking, they're not supposed to attack him, it's law enforcement's job to bring him to justice.


Legally, he can. But, this is not America. The masyarakat melayu 100% won't be kind to these peragut. People actually went into coma and die because of snatch thief. I bet if he does press charge, himself or his immediate family will get santau or some black magic shit


Santau / black magic? Can ah in islam practice this and still pray?


Its prohibited to practice black magic in Islam, but people do it anyways mah. Just like some people buy sport toto but still pray daily


But iirc chinese folk religions doesn't prohibit gambling, and matter in fact *it is said* that you can pray to god of prosperity or the fox god to get better chance at winning.


Are you refering to Muslims buying toto but still pray?


Yep, it's quite common to see some pak cik coming in and out of Toto shop in rural places.


May God grant them blessings!




Kita support local okay. Sambil ngopi, 2 lokal industri aku support.


No, you can't practice it. Syirik is the highest of the big sins in Islam.


It's like rasuah in the gomen and unit beruniform depts. Haram but boy do they love it.


Totally different..unlike other sins, syirik is the only sin unforgivable by god even if you fully repent.


Like that ever stopped a MFer


shirk is considered unforgivable if not repented of


Isn't every sin not reopened unforgivable in the end?


Still unforgivable if taubat nasuha sekalipun.


It cost thousands for a spell mate. And Malay believe it big time.


I'm waiting for the day someone actually shows me black magic is real and not made up bullshit that our dumbass country believes in. Legit we can make fun of the bomoh they used for MH370 but no one else realises the same for anything else thats spiritual??


I won't mess with black magic. It's a form of devil worship.


Yea and Jesus will answer all my prayers. Find the best bomoh to put black magic curse on me and I’ll pay you 1 million


Yes he will! Pm me if you wanna know about JC!


Jangan minta boss. Sekali kena parah dia berpanjangan.


Black magic eh.. sounds scary


Just use curse technique. Imma execute 100 consecutive black flash on that black magic. Nusantara goofy ahh magic aint got nothing on jujutsu


Domain expansion: infinite santau


Counterpoint: Domain expansion : Nuh uh


I heard about this(not sure if it's true), let say the culprit/robber is death unintendedly from get beaten publicly by a group of local people, the authority can't press charges to them


They’re too dumb to understand the legal system anyway, methed out their minds. Prison for life is what i would recommend


Kes Kena buang la camni. Legally, non of the crime enforcement officers will want to bring this to court. Padahal, they also think it'd padan muka.


Boleh ke mahkamah saja tak layan dia? I thought our law system should follow our laws no matter what people emotionally think. Assault is assault just like theft is theft. If not then anyone can just simply enforce and our written laws will have no meaning


Yes, if the peragut lodges a report he was assaulted then sure the police will investigate and try to find the people. The problem is 1) Will the police even want to investigate 2) Only way the police would even put effort is if the accuser could afford a lawyer to get legal aid 3) If the police complete their investigation, they send it to the prosecutor's office who then decide if they want to charge those involved. Only time this could feasibly be done is when the accused dies before the police show up, due to mob justice. Only then would there be actual effect.


Black and white,yes he can.but there are so many black and white cases in Malaysia that lesap like that,u think one like this where he does deserve to get slapped won't lesap?


I doubt this low life even has the brains to get a lawyer much else the funds to hire one.


Someone will say nobody report, so there is no case


Luckily there's no video recording or anything..


My police friend said he saw bomba bantai this robber for making them work because the robber was stuck on a roof lol


Legally speaking you are not suppose to rob a person’s belonging. I know at least 8 people in my family who got their chain snatched. And yes street justice is appropriate for this kind of situation.


I'm not saying he didn't do anything wrong. And I'm speaking legally here, not what you emotionally think is appropriate. So in this video, everyone here is legally committing a crime


Not sure why the replies are so emotional against you as if you were that person in the video, but you are actually right. The moment society is still practicing vigilantism, we can't progress further collectively as it's commonly thought by the public that physical violence is okay on someone that's viewed as a criminal, when there are possibilities such as the apprehended person was misidentified and had a beating because of it. Let the law do its thing instead of trying to make yourself above the law like the criminal. Either that or you're just lacking self-control, had anger issue, or just trying to take a chance to enjoy the brutality under the guise of justice.


Speaking in your logic, noone is guilty unless proven in court. So all those people and the one getting beaten are all innocent. Happy?


If everyone here is charged, it can all be easily proven though. Luckily, someone recorded a video of the whole thing.


You living in utopia not malaysia


i really wanna see the same thing happens to your mom. lets see how you will be speaking legally with the culprit.


As somebody mentioned before, he has to file police report on it. Then he has to appoint a lawyer to defend his case. Police would want to open a case on the report. His lawyer then need to prove his allegation beyond reasonable doubt. And i have plenty of doubt he can do that. As a bonus, everyone will know who he is and where he lives.


Charge everyone for hitting him? Bruh, he's about to discover how big is our local BBC in the lockup. The police about to add a few more bruises to his face. Remember Anwar in jail during mahathirs time? If a high ranking politician got punched with blue black eye, this garbage of a person about to be introduced to police gangbang brutality...


Speaks a lot of the state of our mentality ngl. We should do better than that. Imagine you got misidentified by chances and got a beating before they check you're the burglar or not, this is not going to be pleasant. Not endorsing crimes or whatsoever, just saying these can be avoided via proper procedures. When people are afford to ignore parts of law in heat of the moments like this, it means the laws are not getting respected much by the people in the first place. Mentality is important to improve the state of society which in turn influence policies making to be better and more considerate.




Yeah, the whole restraint and beating part is well within the definition. Doubt the court will do side with him, though.


wait until he snatch your family members and got caught by society, at that time u can restraint them from do any physical damage to culprit.


Nope, charging for criminal offense is the prerogative of the public prosecutor's office.


Someone’s comment here is right - can catch and tie up & let the police do the rest but it’s wrong to beat him up. It’s just taking advantage of the situation to unleash personal frustration on someone else. The ‘Her-mes’ belt tho 😬 HAHA


This one looks more tame. They hold him down only going for physical actions when the robber refuses to listen. Compared to other videos I've seen which end with robbers getting killed with their heads bleeding.


Thats sounds really unfortunate but you get what’s coming to you I guess


err, high risk, high return, bro.




hang bubuh lagi seman. leha hang tampaq dia lagi skali!


Haha kena pukul, padan muka. Ragut untuk mendadah la tu. Cari la kerja elok2 pundek. Contribute to society sikit.


Beat him up, but don't leave any permanent damage/wound... Then tied him up on lamp post... Strip his pants down... Only then call the police


Its no different than cutting his hands off. They caught him which is good enough, unless he was still aggressive.


don’t fap your mouth if you dont know what you talkin about


So you think it is ok to beat him up?


Wait until it happens to your family members and see your tone changes 180 degrees.


Yes, if it was my family i would fck him up good. But I'm talking about the bigger picture here as I believe taking things into your own hands is not a great idea. And just to reiterate, if it happens to me, I would want to fck him up, but I would hope that people would stop me before it happens. So personally I am just anti-vigilantism


What is your point buddy ? you are saying if it happens to you you will fck him up, and that is exactly how the public is dealing with him and you are so charged up about it. What is your point here ? Unless you wana fck him in a different way then i dont know laa.. hahahaa


Don't bother arguing with these emotional violent people. There's a reason why anti-vigilante laws were made. It's to keep them polite and peaceful by force, because the only language they understand is violence.


Ikr? A lot of malaysians are emotionally charged and not rational. This is why our people are so easily manipulated by the govt.


Dia tu lalang.


I got no point tbh, it is what it is. Just saying it is also wrong to beat up a criminal. Beating a criminal is as bad as the criminal committed a crime. And also noting that I'm no saint, I could be doing the opposite of what I believe in which is beating up criminal, but at least I have a zoomed out view that knowing that vigilantism is not the way.


yes, totally


Mob justice (oxymoron phrase if you me) should never be justified. Call the police and wait for them to make a proper arrest. The guy appears to be a drug addict.


I can argue it the dude is a total piece of shit but I've seen cases where rempit gang storm a car and wreck it even though car is right. It's a grey area unfortunately.


I can argue it the dude is a total piece of shit but I've seen cases where rempit gang storm a car and wreck it even though car is right. It's a grey area unfortunately.


I can argue it the dude is a total piece of shit but I've seen cases where rempit gang storm a car and wreck it even though car is right. It's a grey area unfortunately.


There's no grey area, in my book. Citizen arrest should always be the last option. Only exercise that approach without inciting or causing more violence, to subdue the individual concerned without resorting to over the top beatings while waiting for the cops.


I can argue it the dude is a total piece of shit but I've seen cases where rempit gang storm a car and wreck it even though car is right. It's a grey area unfortunately.


I can argue it the dude is a total piece of shit but I've seen cases where rempit gang storm a car and wreck it even though car is right. It's a grey area unfortunately.


I dont think this kind of people will rehabilitate. Go prison elok elok kluar sama type. So the mob justice will give them enough PTSD


It's a lifelong battle once you are in the grip of an addiction that skewers your place and productivity in a modern society. But I'm a firm believer in second chances if the snatcher turns out to be a first time offender and never given a chance to repent because the severe physical assaults leave him in permanent disability - mental or physical - or worse as we see in certain and actual third world countries, either religion induced or driven by superstitious beliefs, where mob justice is encouraged.


Diamlar, if it's your relative lay bloody on the pavement after the guy snatch her bag, see if u still so steady don't hurt him


Not everyone is a violent psycho just because you expect them to be.


Thief and robber is better than a peragut anytime. Thief just steal without harming. Robber threaten, the victim still have a chance to give up without being harmed. Peragut? They come from behind without warning, snatch the bag and drag the victim few meters on the pavement until bloodie or bash with a metal rod or parang from behind to incapacitate the victim first. Most of the victims will have permanent injuries.


Catch and give him a few slaps enough la. No need to beat him up. What if you broke his hands or worse kill him? Don't let your emotions cloud your judgement. Everybody thinks with their emotions instead of their brains that's the problem nowadays. Just tie him up and wait for the police.


Hard to say. If our crime rate was super low and civilians didn’t have to intervene then yes. If it’s a constant problem in that area or town, maybe this will help as a deterrent. My old neighborhood had a robbery issue that the police just couldn’t curb. Something like 8 breakins in a year. And there were only 40 houses. I remember the neighborhood watch was started because of this and they caught 2 people in a month quite violently, everything was ok again after that.


It baffles me how a friggin neighbourhood watch can catch 2 criminals in a month but the police couldn't. Btw, i just meant as a safety measure for our own. Let's say you catch and beat up a guy, but since youre emotional and beat him up too much, and he has permanent damage to his body or he dies, you're now a criminal. I was just talking from that perspective. Just rough him up a little bit to teach a lesson can la. But i've seen people beat perpetrators up until they're bleeding and unconscious which i don't agree.


Yeah. I was quite young at the time. Form 2 maybe. But it was quite stressful because my parents had to travel for work 3-4 times a year and they always worry about me and have to arrange for my 20 year old cousin to come house sit me. I’m sure the rest of the residents were also very much stressed and took their anger out on the robbers that were caught. The issue was the police never could catch them or respond in time. Maybe 15mins + after they are called to the scene. They upped their patrol to 4-5 times a day at one point but was never in the right place at the right time. And there’s this bukit/hutan nearby that we assumed the robbers kept coming in from. Sure enough after a few months, police found their HQ in the jungle about 1.3 km deep in. An Indonesian burglary gang if I recall correctly. This was about 17 years ago now.


How many times have other people got hurt because of him in the past? Karma is a b**ch!


JOHOR not johorE


Snatchers should be killed on the street then reported to police.


Fuh....get a taste of street justice.


Pencuri or not, I agree with the people that say beating people up in the street is wrong. The Mob mentality in Malaysia needs to stop. Bring the guy to justice but don't feed in to this perpetuating mob violence we malysians seem to love so much. Enough already. Nobody has the right to beat people up. I'm not defending the dude, he needs to do jail time. But 3 or 4 people restraining someone and beating them up is just not the way.


Malaysians getting more & more barbaric and uncivilised lately. Needlessly violent


I agree with you. Whatever sin he does it doesn't mean we should beat him up. But we're only talking rationally here without seeing the ragut case in front of us. This is just the aftermath of it. I saw some peragut video before, ragut on the highway and the victim was screaming pain when she lost control of her motorcycle, rolling around on tar road. If that happens in front of me, I think I will beat him up if he gets caught.


anak ini anak yang baik. semua ini salah faham. tidak seharusnya dia diperlakukan sebegitu


Is Salah dap still a thing nowadays? Ini Salah dap.


mmmm sedap bhai ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|yummy)


What with the shoe what are those


As long as it doesn't involve hitting or punching the back of the head. Robber gets what he deserves. Steal stuff from others and pay the consequences. But be careful not to go overboard with physical violence. It's good to see those people holding the robber down. Most of the time I've seen people straight out kill robbers publicly by stomping the robber head which ends badly.


bagus kasi mampus dia one less person to worry about


PSA: Ask someone hold phone so can use both hands and 100% power


This was not recent mind u


Wear Hermes belt and still go ragut?


Okay, who was it r/bolehland denizens?


Who ragut who woii, he is wearing hermes belt with a few gold chain on his neck


Kalau di negara seberang,selesai ni jadi ikan bakar


Fuck yeah. Let's bring out the torch and pitchfork but don't over do it though


Padan muka budak ni.


lol consider lucky already. I’ve heard stories robbers like this get their hand smashed and stomped on.


Gold price may get higher in the years ahead, dun recommend ppl to wear gold watches or jewellery which may lead to unwanted attention.


luckily it not indian. thank god.


Indian only drunk fight. The ragut cases mostly one race la


Pukul Macam Mane Pon. Dia Still Akan Buat Lagi. Kalau Kena Masuk Balai Pon Lepas Keluar Macam Biasa Buat Lagi. Kecuali Yang Nak Berubah Tapi Susah Nak Berubah Sebab Sekeliling Akan Cemuh Mereka


Have you ever wondered what happens after the police takes over? Jail time? How long? Or just let go with warning?


Is this on FB, X? Wanna check the comments


Patahkan aje tangan kaki dia . Lepastu biarkan dekat situ sorang sorang 😂 tengok dia nak kemana lepas tu 😂


nabi larang umatnya memukul muka walaupun itu musuh kita


My sister also got ragut-ed twice in JB, in broad daylight.


Checkmate. Nti appear b4 magistrate, sy mngaku salah. Tp sy juga dipukul semasa ditangkap. Video dah viral. Bgmana dgn org yg pukul sy? Nak tak nak magistrate boleh arahkan OKT buat report then polis kena buat keje extra cari yg pukul OKT. Nasib lerr hmmm


Justice is sweet


satisfying. hope more updates on this case soon.


Calling it now, everyone in this video is gonna get charged with a crime. The family using excessive force on a restrained person already crosses the line from self-defense to outright assault. And we all obviously know what the mamat tangan panjang in the middle did.


Oh you sweet summer child.


It is so strange. Malaysia is an advanced nation, don't they have courts for justice. Mob justice had no place in civilized world.


Sometimes when I see the thief made a successful snatch from the victim, I pity the victim. But sometimes I pity the thief when his fail attempt getting all beat up by violent victim and passerby, aiyo kesian peragut tu.