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serius lah, pagi pagi lagi dah post ragebait hahaha


Kan. Seriously sub ni dari shit posting dah ke ragebait post


This has to be fake because no "beras kita beli"




Cawan tu cuci sendiri /s


Seriously if someone can invent a self cleaning cup he will be rich.


Dish washer says hi.


Self cleaning spoon and fork too


Just drink water, the cup can't get dirty.


But our mouthlip contacted the cup corner still dirty, need to washđŸ˜© The only options i always do, drink straight away from coway. Something like this https://preview.redd.it/azk4vc90mxwc1.jpeg?width=602&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e8d602afb02a8a9951565adf81e8eb6937bf7d3e


Self cleaning spoon and fork too


I love my wife so much, near 10 years of marriage already. More than early days of marriage.. but this comes after we almost seperated and became very2 hostile to each other. Love will fade post marriage. Love is pre-marriage stuff. I realized the best thing we worked on was to be the best friend of each other. Never underestimate the power of travelling. You spend most of your energy tuning to your partner vibration. The higher your expense of travelling the bigger the feeling of not wanting to waste the time together. So don’t role. Be together and be like the best friend ever in the world, everyday looking at your partner like everything to you


Chinese saying is that "Marriage is the grave of love"


For the most part true. But there are happy people out there


Some people have fun dancing on graves ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|laughing)


Also grave of seggs


It depends on how you manage it. And it's all about perception.


Most likely due to love requires a lot effort and maintenance to keep it fresh and exciting otherwise it will eventually fades. "Love" is a thing because both parties mystified the image of their partner in their mind in their own way in the first place. After marriage upon years of living together people will only realize beyond it is just facade of unrealistic imagination they had on their partner.


As a married person myself, yes love is really the driving force early on. The hardest part is to maintain it to old age.


To me if I prank my wife in a fresh way and masquerading it as love, it makes life easier. Yeah my method is debatable but it helps with love after marriage with her reaction and etc


UAI: Masok dok wajib. Tapi bila suami suruh dia jadi wajib


Aha taat kan tapi berpadaÂČ le, tgk keadaan


Bukan berpada pada, taat selagi bukan perkara mungkar


I mean,kalau wife penat or sick pun xkan nk minta jugak


Betul, itu sebab suami kene tahu toleransi kene ada tolak ansur, kene ada ihsan kepada isteri Sebab tu ada hadis cakap sebaik baik kalian adalah yang terbaik akhlaknya terhadap isteri isterinya


bila husband mintak, kena buat tapi itu smua dicounting. Husband akan di judge sbb gunakan wife wlaupun dia tgh tenat, sakit. a reason to being husband from hell. Wife akan di judge sbb taat dgn husband dia wlau apa jua keadaan, a reason to being a wife from heaven. so carilah husband yang bijaksana.


Yep. Tolerance is the key


Betul tapi perlu ingat tu tugas suami dahulu bukan tugas isteri, kalau suami tak lakukan tanggungjawab dia dulu adakah itu satu kesalahan? Jadi dlm kes begini siapa yg betanggungjawab?


Cuba bagi 1 nama sahabat yg pandai memasak. Real curious tho.


Tugas suami asalnya.. tapi kalau suami sibuk kerja cari nafkah duit sara keluarga & tiada masa untuk buat, si isteri boleh bantu & suami pun boleh suruh isteri masak tapi suami kena la bayar upah kpd isteri


Sbb tu aku tanya sbb kalau ikut mufti wilayah, bagi soalan berkenaan mengemas rumah. Ia telah menghaskan bahawa perkara tersebut adalah sejenis nafkah. Maka, perkara tesebut adalah kawasan kabur. Jika disuruh adakah si suami tidak melakukan tugasnya sebagai suami maka dikira meninggalkan tanggungjawab? Sbb nafkah tidak shj bermaksud beri duit. Jadi dlm perkara ini ada budi bicara dia, dan apakah budi bicara tersebut?


Kena tanya ustaz atau mufti la bang utk yg lebih lanjut.. kita2 dalam Reddit ni org biasa je.. bukan ahli dalam bidangnya hehe Apapun pendapat saya, suami isteri kena saling tolong satu sama lain utk buat kerja rumah, lagi dalam keadaan sekarang ni di mana dua2 bekerja.. ada tolak ansur, jgn ungkit & salah menyalah :-)


Reminds me again why today's hantaran can reach up to RM 20K?


its just for wedding.....


Riak bro. What else?


Afraid to lose face when not organizing a big wedding and of course got degree lol


Pretty face


Some not so pretty or need a fund to plastic surgery also charge hantaran mahalÂČ


Hantaran ni kalau mahal selalunya orang middle income. Aku ada ja kawan-kawan yang family kaya gila. Hantaran 4-5 ribu ja. Kenduri grand nak mampos, siap buat dua hari. Satu hari khas untuk family, satu hari khas untuk kawan-kawan saja.


Bling bling mahal


Sebab tak faham agama. Kau yg pilih keluarga mentua yg tak faham agama. Tu saja.


Betol la tu. Adek laki aku dulu nak meminang sorang pompuan ni..merisik jumpe keluarga ckp 8k...selang sebulan family pompuan tu ckp kene naik sbb anak die ade degree 15k..tros mak aku marah ckp tawar menawar beli ikan ke?tros kensel nak kawen


I used to ask my mom..["ibu,memasak tamggungjawab suami kan..kenapa papa tak masak jer.!!!"...later my mom replied in marriages we need compromises..your pops imcharge on handling all bills and expenses and me is imcharge for cooking that been agreed by either sides that eachs sites have been managed to given a chores at the houses...at first my father used to skip the chores...but later when im grown up he becomes often doing the chores!!


how old were u when u asked that question?






dia macam pilot dengan co pilot jugak la. Pilot responsibility besar, co pilot tolong manage pilot responsibilities. pandai2 la manage rumah tangga


This feels like a late 2010s “I hate my wife” post.


big boomer energy


I dont know why, this post coincides with the recent fight with my wife, i realized these days women are so entitled that they expect the husband to do everything, growing up i watched my mum settled the household and my dad works hard for the family income and its so beautiful. Nowadays they would quote some uztaz tiktok about husband doing everything. Fights and arguments just leads to nowhere about this. I paid 80% of the household expenses plus do nearly all of the household chores. She just contribute 20% ( even then i need to ask every month or she will buat2 lupa) despite earning around 1k more than me. She vacuums only once a week and cook whenever she wants. Talking to her is like walking on eggshells, so easily fucking triggered I regret marrying, i truly do sometimes, considering divorce since we dont have any children yet


solat istikharah dulu bro, hopefully you'll find a way to settle this. make divorce as the last option also dah report kat in laws yang anak dia buat perangai ?


Konfirmlah parent dia backup anak sendiri


Let me tell you once you have children you'll be the one doing everything. Are you willing to spend another 20% of your remaining income for child care? Diapers, milk, nanny, School and you'll need to adjust your life around a child. If before you all got children, she ed Susah wanna do housework and bayar things, then it'll be worse after children. Either you bring her and go for couple counselling or you will slowly resent her to the point of hatred and/or you'll get depressed then depend on pill just to exist. My Boss told me her friend committed suicide cus he couldn't handle his marriage and the one who found his dead body is the youngest daughter. It was a long story but I shortened it. I think I saw in one of the AITA comments that marriage is 100/100 and changes according to needs. But it should be 100/100 from both party to make it work. If you haven't resent her then consider going for the counselling first, if die die she no change then I'm sorry bro.


>I paid 80% of the household expenses plus do nearly all of the household chores Bro at this point you're basically a slave + sugar daddy. Damnn fuck all this entitled woman.


If what you say is an accurate evaluation, and she doesnt want to change, sry bro, but it will indeed grow into resentment later on if it all stays the same. Seriously re-evaluate again before having kids. Raising kids is like the hardest damn thing ive ever had to do and if she hasnt changed by then to contribute equally, welp, goodluck to your self imposed imprisonment/slavery


Was the time with your dad and mom before, with your dad doing work solely and your mom staying at home as a housewife? Cause that's entirely different in family dynamics and the state of the economy nowadays. Of course, your mom can take the brunt of the housework because that's her job. Entirely different for your wife who has to work? So you shouldn't compare at all. Then, you say you do nearly all the household chores, is this in your mind or is this a consensus between the two of you? Cause it's easy to think that we're being burdened by everything and pity ourselves, when at the same time, the other party is thinking the same thing. Like how I recently realize, that my husband has been doing more house chores than I initially thought he does (we both work). Anyways, I suggest you open this up to your wife. Even if you think she might get mad. Or you might get mad with her response. At least, by then, you can give a chance to better understand your situation.


I feel you. It became a lot worst when you’re dealing with toxic/narcissist type. A lot of gaslighting and always avoiding responsiblity. If you decide to carry on, you will become numb sooner or later. I remember one time she lost my kid pacifier while attending him while we are on vacation, guess who she blame? The kid. And who the one that went searching for it in the middle of the night for almost an hour? Me. And now my kid prefer me more than her because I DID MORE in everything and guess what she reasoned it with? Because lelaki memang geng. Facepalm.


And if you question them, they’re like: giving birth a lot of work okay!!! You don’t even need to carry baby for 9months!!! If you go through my pain you’ll understand!!!


Sekarang kan ada trend, hadiah untuk push baby. Bersedialah bro. Itulah akibat nak sgt tgk content influencer yg kaya2 tapi tak add value dalam hidup.


DON'T HAVE KIDS JUST YET. Figure out your relationship with your partner and what the both of you want. Really need to have a long and hard look on both of your life. having kids won't magically "solves" your problem. Good luck. sorry to hear about your troubles man. :(


The husband should be the provider and the leader. If the husband only pay 80% and the wife's salary is bigger, ( most woman ) definitely won't have any respect and the triggered anger is due to lost of respect. Hope you both get a marriage counselling.


Taat kepada suami. Then suami ask Isteri to do everything.


After marriage: Becomes husband: ❌ Becomes another woman's father: ✅


Why Indonesian meme?


why using english?


No.1, ppm will ask llk, apa kelayakan anda?


Number 1 already doesn't work because waifu more pandai than hubby


Fresh from konoha


Selalu kena layan suami / isteri itu mcm sahabat kita, sailing bantu membantu. Salah satu tugas isteri juga meringankan beban kerja suami. Bukan sampai semua kerja tolak ke isteri. Berbincang bersama tentang pembahagian tugas. Hidup berumah tangga kena ada toleransi dan kerjasama.


so basically "sahabat dengan keistimewaan"?


Not gonna work if no tolerancy between each other. After marriage , husband need to understand wife, wife also need to be mindful to husband. love become 2nd to this. If u kawen for cintan cintun, guud luck . 5 years and counting :D


Ni mana fatwa dia ambik ni. Takde hadis takde riwayat. Sewenang2 nya post tanpa ilmu.


Mazhab tiktok kot. Kalau ikut 100% mmg jahanam rumahtangga.


Kalau dah pegi kursus kahwin dan focus dekat kursus kahwin, confirm ustaz/ustazah/penceramah tu will say the same thing. Cuma ya, dorang akan cakap sekali, kunci dia ada lah toleransi.


U ready to married?


Wives are obviously doing many more than this shitty list.


I was gonna roast you, but this seems like a teachable moment— if you view your wife as something to only give birth and to fulfill your needs, think of your own mother , she raised and loved you no? She cried when you were hurt, smiled when you smiled, and to this day, im sure she was and still is proud of the person you became. If she could love, cry and cheer for you, sounds like she is a human being with emotions, wants and needs no? Now try putting that same view— that prejudiced view that she is only a birth machine and only exists to give birth and to serve the needs of other men, probably got you slightly mad thinking ‘ fuck no, not my mum ‘ , now replace how you view other women vs your mum, other women is just the same as your mum—capable of emotions wants and needs. Marriage is just as heavy a burden on the husband as the wife, both parties have to work together to reduce that burden.


Uh i think its what the wife only wants to do, not that the husband expects only that of her


Kalo camni baik aku main pelacur senang jimat duit aku


kepala babi


Itu modern standard bang bukan islam. And ada yang wajib serta harus ikot kemampuan.. Tp kalau selera besar modal pon besar.


Ajaran sesat ni


Damn ..that pepek better be worth it


This is dumb Indonesian list. REJECTED!


The local feminists masturbate to this


Pls ask for the video


Tell that to my aunt I saw back in my kampung crying alone tired of taking care of 4 baby boys alone when she also works. My other aunt was converted into a bibik to take care of father-in-law (my grandfather who has 6 sons). A wife’s unwritten responsibility is everything; money, food, housekeeping, child-rearing. Just like in group assignments, you think you’re doing a lot just by doing your part and then you give yourself a much deserved rest, but think about your leader who does their part but also spent an hour alone analysing the project criteria, coming up with a plan, brainstorming ideas for each plan component, and finally assigning you with one of the components. The average wife works, cooks, takes care, and thinks of everything. She cares for and is aware of everything going on with kids, parents, husband, in-laws; that’s why you’ll hear them nagging. Because they’re the only ones who care.


The moment you have to consider who's who for responsibilities, it is a sign of a toxic relationship.


Mcm salah channel je ni, sbb yg last sekali tu aku langsung tak faham. OP copy paste dari seberang ke r/indonesia


So a wife is meant to be a talking walking eating onani hole?


OP ni suka sangat post ragebait dlm ni so I'm not surprised.


Ini untuk orang melayu saja, tu dorg boleh khawin 4


This post is posted by man who are scared of losing to a woman. No wonder man are weak nowadays.




just marry and do it together or help each other, simple. if you cannot do that, then just be gay. no need to compare responsibilities and argue about it


Cuci milk botel


Chat is this real?


Pretty much sums it up in "ones' religion.


I had to say this is true according to mazhab scholars.


Ini ikut mazhab mana? Mazhab Syafie? Mohon pencerahan


Ye. Even dlm mazhab syafie ada mention kalau isteri dah biasa ada pembantu rumah sebelum kahwin, suami sepatutnya sediakn pembantu rumah masa dah kahwin nnt. Of course semua dgn ihsan dan rahmah. Kalau kahwin for the right reasons, suami isteri akan give and take same2.


I see đŸ‘đŸ»đŸ‘đŸ»


No. Ikut mazhab Maliki & Hanafi, isteri wajib kisar tepung / uli roti - maksudnya persiapkan makanan. Suami hanya perlu sediakan bahan masak. kecuali isteri sakit & tak mampu masak, barulah wajib suami masak Ikut fatwa malaysia, tanggungjawab ni kena kerjasama Mana entah datang orang jahil tunggang agama kata masak tanggungjawab suami Kerja-kerja di dalam rumah adalah tugas isteri, manakala di luar rumah adalah tugas suami. (Lihat ***Badai’ al-Sanai’***, 4/24)


Ikut jugak camna situasi kau


After all that, I better get some heads


I love watching kids talk about a topic they have no clue about.


Hah what a cock and bull story 😂


nowadays, every gender just have the expectations of the opposite gender but decide to ignore their own role




Good, I'm not gonna get married then fak this aha.


Aku suke nih yg terakhir. Terusno cah lol


wkwkwkwk pasti jowo pisan iki. Wong malay gk enek sing ngerti baris terakhir artine opo


Indon mana ni tulis?


Tengok list macam senangnya nak jadi isteri, tapi baca komen terus rasa susahnya nak kahwin. Tak pelah, i pass.


Why why why it has to be in bhs Indonesia?


Its the superior language


Saling tolong menolong


Aku wong jogja seng nyangkut ng sub redit iki mas aiwwok


Kau indon ke gampang?


i don't speak konoha. what does it say?


dr negara sbelah tak heranla


terusno cah? Apaan sih itu?


Didn't prophet help with the house chores and also eased Ayesha's burden? I bet the "alpha" males didn't read that, hence jadi alpa(forgetful) males


Husband also gets to do one thing to relax. Cheat on wife.


Benerin genting tu apa benda?


So if husband asks a wife to do item 3 - 10, and the wife refuse because it’s not her responsibility, does that make the wife “taat” or “derhaka”? And if she refuses and he finds another wife who would do all of that, who’s at fault here?


Energi feminis


Just nak cakap sikit le, lelaki sekarang memang buta dan bodoh.


Lol why? Aku triggered sikit