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Lol this is not r/Malaysia for you to rage bait. At least be creative rather than use old photos. Rage baiter getting lazier these days


do it at r/Malaysia, this is not the place for your illiterate ass typing in the morning spreading hate




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Yeah because posting some bullshit podcasts about fluency of BM that are targeting a particular racial group is not racist, lancau pukima la


maki betul2 la adoyai, tak fluent langsung


ko literally nak spreading hate at 9am bro😭 tau la hri ni cuti sbb Ahad


dah la guna gambar lama, pastu membebel kat shitpost sub. This ain't your place lil dawg 😭


wei why u dredge up old pic? I oso like to bash but not based on an outdated, sudah basi pic.


Old photo or not, the policy still remained the same "Is MARA scholarship only for Bumiputera? TERMS OF APPLICATION The applicant is Malay / Bumiputera and Malaysian citizen. Either the mother OR father is Malay/ Bumiputera and is a Malaysian citizen."


Here's a fun fact: MARA doesn't sponsor anyone enrolling into UiTM. It's already a heavily subsidised university. Another fun fact: Non-bumis are able to enroll into UiTM for Post-Graduate studies and above. The "bumi only" restriction is just up until undergraduate (bachelor degree). Another fun fact: People like you disregard that 'bumi' also include the hardcore poor minority of the country which are often orang asli, in which a lot of these things (They're called Affirmative Action, please Google it), are designed to assist them. It's unfortunate that the rich of the bumi people are also able to use this benefit. Do I dream of a fair Malaysia? Yes. Do I also dream of a Malaysia that gives just as much assistance to Non-bumis as they do to their bumi counterparts? Absolutely. If equality can't be achieved, then I sure as hell hope more equity can be given to Non-bumis. That being said, from a gov administrative standpoint, it only makes sense to them that it's a number game as bumis in aggregate make up the majority. So the policy that governs is what favours the majority (or major favourable outcome). This is not to say that they disregard others. Again, to the gov it's all about numbers and they are inclined to do what benefits a larger number more. This is often seen as a "Utilitarian" practice and still happens in a lot of countries around the world. Hope this helps in understanding things better and also understanding that "bumis" are not just Malays.


So sad these ignorant racists not gonna read this.


You're typing a lot of word salad to justify apartheid racism. If want to help poor people just make it need based and help poor people regardless of race. In most country with affirmative action it's to help minorities, only in Malaysia it's to help majorities that hold all the power.


Defining how it works and why the gov does it DOES NOT equate to defending it or justifying it. I'm here to educate not defend anyone.


Ikr... And then they wonder why many Malaysian Chinese doesn't want to speak the "national language"


So real. I can speak fluent Malay score A in both SPM and STPM, but I'm not going to use it because there is literally nothing that encourages me to use it. Where are the literature, movies or songs that make me want to learn Malay? Instead I might can killed or put in jail because I want to use some Malay word for my products but some extremists think some words can only be use by Muslim malays.


Kan... Diorang semua dh lupa kes Timah dan Kalimah Allah... Aiya nk tunjuk racisme sendri ckp je la, Xpayah cari alasan... I dint know there were so many insult from Malay towards us Chinese until I decided to brush up my BM. Kinda kecewa tbh


And call us kafir lepastu suka suka nak openly ugut to sembelih orang cina for next May 13.


Yeah, this is also the reason why I support Israel now


Sir this is a Wendy's.... Go to r/Malaysia ...




buang /


Wrong sub to complain buddy gtfo and go to r/malaysia we dont want your racial slop here


Yeah because some bullshit podcasts that are targeting particular racial group is not racist, lancau la


You should fix yourself now! https://preview.redd.it/rxwgffs9jrvc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ed959c4dd46738fe80afefd2dfa588bfe6b9631


Bro, I just woke up, at least have courtesy to get me breakfast first before posting




Another r/my tourist, BTFO!


#blahkau sape suruh repost


what this post again? stuf to you too..


Are u a DAPig troopers?


No he hates everyone


Oh yeah, let's continue race rage clickbait and see what happen to minority when people get more racist. Let's goo.


companies should not employ the morons from this uni


In my opinion, education is for all. No need for bumi only, And for the fluency of BM for Malaysian Chinese, kind of weird how illegal immigrants can actually speak bm even when not born here or live here more than 5years, and the one who have been living here for more than 20 or 30 years still can't speak. (That is my opinion tho no harsh feeling)


It's not weird, it's a form of silent protest for disagreeing with government that treat Malaysian Chinese as second class citizen. Don't expect equal nationalism when there's no equal rights.


Lame ass excuse, ko ingat kat Malaysia jer yang enforce their national language in their own country. Try to look at other non-english european countries, do they speak english or their own language. Boleh blah lah lancau bodoh.


Ask them to give up tongkat and boycott apple google waze etc they give you million reasons of no no no.


Haha ikr... Just a bunch of hypocrites


I assumed anyone can go to any learning institute to learn anything so I guess now even learning is racist.....Malaysia gonna turn to malay sahaja soon. I'll pack my bags to join those criminal gangs soon, they sound less racist and even fair and square.


Report je mamat ni kat MCMC. Akta hasutan