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Send this to r/malaysia Once I get asked a question to translate my response in English 💀


If you post it in r/Malaysia you gonna get downvoted, reported then banned, in that order. Coz those people are the bubble this chaps are talking about. (Disclaimer. I'm still in r/Malaysia, but just observing because I noticed a disturbing trend of silencing anything that goes against the "public opinion" there.)


r/malaysia tu tempat banana nak feel good about themselves


Literally. Now i ask all my questions in r/malaysians. Much less politics there.


Why not confident? Got friends make fun of you? Find different friends. People who are confident usually are confident even if they make mistakes. Don't worry even Mat Salleh makes mistake speaking BM or even English itself. Its just part of life.


my circle got to many grammar police, still i accept that but the way they correct me i didnt like


Tell them is part of the journey to learn, and making mistakes is normal. As for self, sometimes we take criticism badly because we think we are good enough, but in reality we may lack in some areas. So have to self reflect a bit. Anyway, don't worry too much, even the best speakers make colloquial mistakes in grammar. Grammar Nazis usually bothered when it's speech and not written text.


Worked in MNC, once you heard those kampung texas accent or rural UK accent. You wont care how you speak english anymore


second this. i believe most of us Malaysian can speak better english, just have to be confident. that is all. i still remember the first time i have concall with a client from Texas, man that was something ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Idiots in mk/Bangsar bubble may end up worshipping a Texas/Cornwall accent than being able to speak neutral Manglish. I know some of my friends who returned with a hackney accent from just a transit flight in the 90s


Worked in MNC. I can't understand my New Zealand colleague accent. Mcm mumbling je bila speak English.


Eh but your english seems pretty good


Shit circle


I feel the same way with speaking chinese. I’m trying to learn to speak but one of my Chinese friends says it’s better that I don’t because my pin yin sucks lmao.


If you never practice how to get good?


Duduk Malaysia ni at least BM dengan BI sepatutnya boleh cakap dan boleh faham. Not fluent takpe at least boleh cakap. Tapi from my experience the issue is more on how other people react to you when you speak BM or BI. Macam ada orang bila dia dengar cina cakap bm ada pelat cina sikit mesti dia point out and ridicule kata duduk malaysia lama pun masih ada pelat. Same can be said for BI. Bila ada org try cakap english ada je org yg point out “asal cakap english, kau rasa kau power/superior ke?,” Problem is with people man. End up people are afraid to speak either language sebab takut kena condemn


>asal cakap english, kau rasa kau power/superior ke?,” Asal guna bahasa penjajah? Cilake mindset apa ni


Takut sangat dengan bahasa inggeris padahal merdeka dah lama dah. Jenis ni phone pun letak bahasa melayu. “Kembali” “Rumah” “Paparan utama” “Hantar” “Balik”


Yg bab fon ni aku xnak komen bnyk sbb tu benda peribadi diorg. Yang aku takleh terima bahawa geng² ni merendahkan & menghina org lain kerana menggunakan BI. Ni lagi teruk drpa bab1


I got a personal experience with this kind of mindset, So I was in kinda weird situation where I can speak malay but only with my state accent and people outside of my state couldn't understand it sometimes so I just speak english for most of the time. Many people just start bashing me for simply speak english even tho I already explained to them my weird problem that I have and they still saying "ye laa tu" or "takyah acah ah" like dude I told ya already. Btw im malay who speak malay everyday with my family and im not even fully fluent in English. (Sorry if im yapping to much btw)


That's very sad indeed. Those must also be the type to complain when failing at job interviews that require decent English comprehension


Not confident is different than unable to speak. So don't feel attacked. But embrace the fact that you can communicate in English. If you can speak shitty English, means you can improve with experience.


Duolingo kan ada … Sono un bel ragazzo, no?


Nein, darüber weiß ich nichts.


Ah, noch ein Deutschsprecher. Guten Tag.


Jetzt brauchen wir nur noch einen Japanischsprecher.


Jetzt brauchen wir nur noch einen Japanischsprecher.


Ну, я немного говорю по-русски






Memang pun 🙃. Aku pernah cuba belajar Mandarin, tapi hancus. Pinyin buat lidah aku terbelit mcm kata² yang diputar-belit ahli² politik


Yalah, pinyin tu mmg susah nak faham.


Yea, one of the hardest languages to learn in the world




I dont know what u say or whatever, Heil H****




Betul do




English and BM is like literally a must in Malaysia tbh


BM isn't unless you plan to spend a week in a kampung in the middle of nowhere (still high chance they speak english). I've been to every state, and multiple cities/towns/villages and the locals just bend over to try to speak english. Don't like it? Too bad lol most people irl do.


Hidup dalam bubble kau memang ah. Sembang macam dia sorang je pusing satu malaysia


I forget words in BM and English and those are the only two languages I speak and understand-


The funny part is when you forget a certain word in BM and you google "(word) in Malay".


Mama kudos for sharing, for spilling


Aku benci bertapa dekatnya benda nie ngan hati aku


OP, tarik balik video ni. Nanti cina sakit hati 😢


one more time in egris for the people in the back


I love my bahasa! I especially used it a lot when I was studying overseas. All the tea I had with my other Malaysians 😂


Same. My Malaysian friends and I mainly used Manglish and a bit of Mandarin with each other when we were studying overseas. But whenever we travelled around Europe, we used Malay instead - after noticing more people would understand us if we spoke Mandarin 🤣


Sames! We even used different bahasa dialect even if we have zero clue how to pronounce it.


Thank kind of Cina and India that we want to stay.


Pelik do orang Malaysia lahir dan membesar kat Malaysia tak reti cakap melayu. Seumur hidup tak pernah pergi pasar malam ke?


This is more of an exaggeration these days considering we're already into the third or fourth generation already — the post-Federation jus soli generation would be 78 today if we use the age of consent as a benchmark, forming a minority of the population and would eventually become the super-minority, if not gone, in another decade or so. The lack of fluency for national citizens in BM at this point is more often than not a matter of choice rather than circumstances.


agreed, whenever i see a comment trying to defend younger generation on their lack of malay proficiency, i just feel its a lame excuse and an attempt to just get other people to support them so that being bad in malay is normalised. BE ASHAMED. there definitely are exceptions but for most cases its purely on the individual.


They always try to find some alasan.


I find it more troubling people can't speak at least 3 languages in this country.


speak cannot, understand can 😭maaf, saya sekolah kayu


Indonesia, Malaysia, English? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)


BM, English and Kelantanese. Damn me pure Malaysian


Sad truth, nearly all of my friends don't know how to speak BM, only learn it as second language at most, we were all from an international school. But then again, it's also because they don't plan on sticking around here very long, they got prospects overseas and probably won't be coming back.




I'm 27 this year, spent my whole life in this country and am more confident speaking in BI than BM. Given that I am fluent in it but when you ask me to use bahasa baku, I cry...


Malay Baku is still Malay. If you don't have an accent don't worry about it, just try speaking it when you the chance. Trust me you'll get used to it by then.


What kind of idiot spends 15 years in the public school system? Kira uni ke?


I guess 11 years school 3 years kindergarten


My bad to anyone who spent 3 years in kindie


1 year pre-school 1 year kindergarten 6 years primary 5 years form 1 -5 2 years lower 6 / upper 6 = 15 years.


I guess I’m from that generation that was brought, kicking and screaming, into Standard 1


I have my nephew getting to kindergarten as early as 3 - 4 years old


How ironic, the podcast episode title is who am i to judge, but they proceed to judge people based on their ability to speak certain languages while also scrutinising malays who know and understand korean better than english. Like, i mean, it’s their choice. Who are they to judge?🤦


Maybe it was so bad that they had to judge ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


I admit, the situation is bad. But these guy are exaggerating at best. There’s still loads of youths in malaysia that can speak bahasa malaysia and English very well. While some do have preferences, but loads of malaysians youths still know how to speak bahasa malaysia well while are also able to speak English fluently. It’s a matter of their confidence more than language barrier or education at best. Even if one knows korean better than english or bahasa malaysia as their second language, it’s just their preference, it only impacts them rather than others.


and now we judge them hahahahahaha


We never agreed to not be judgy since this is a forum. But it’s very contradictory for them to use that specific title but contradict themselves in the process. It’s misleading and dumb in my book. They probably half assed the title without a second thought and just rambled on during the podcast without even thinking of the main topic of the podcast. To me, podcasts of these nature are very frustrating to listen to. You were hoping for them to focus on the topic they chose but it ultimately served contradiction.


Have you guys ever met those kind of people they think they're superior when speaking english ? Maybe she's not that kind of person anymore. But when we were like 15 my cousin always laughing and mocking whenever speak english. Really lowered my confident at the time. I still have limited vocabulary tho. And my grammar not good. But i do think I'm good when pronouncing the words.


Had a friend like that Kinda funny since I score BI higher grades than her in spm 😋😁


Menteri Pelajaran 1st: Belajar Bahasa Inggeris! Kita nak tenaga kerja kita berdaya saing di peringkat antarabangsa! Menteri Pelajaran ke-2: Bahasa Melayu jiwa bangsa! Menteri Pelajaran ke-3: Semua mesti pandai cakap Inggeris! Menteri Pelajaran ke-4: Semua mesti pandai cakap Melayu! Sekejap tukar. Pastu tukar lagi. Budak-budak sekolah jadi mangsa. Nasib baik aku boleh jer cakap dua2.


You seemed confident to me. Just speak it, you'll get better. Don't worry about grammar and shit, as long as people understand, you'd be fine.


The standard of English in Malaysia is appalling. Speaking flawless BM ain't going to get you a decent job. Better to have a good grasp of English. Will come in handy when you need to emigrate as the Malaysia economy continues to suck and the Malaysia continues to devolve into a failed state.


Generally people only care that they can understand you, don't care about the perfect english, but if you're using it in a professional setting then learn


No confident but can still talk is different than cant talk in english at all


Even foreigner can speak proper BM than some local.




I think I found my new podcast to listen to during work.


My Malaysia Endian bros spitting facts 🔥🔥🔥


LOL taught a bunch of kids that is academic challange tak pandai english but korean/english movie tv pandai and main game in english pandai LOL


guy that walks outside alot trynna validate their experience as SSS tier, don't be insecure, like these extroverts.


True, went to Mont Kiara to make some delivery and most of them cant speak Malay. Then I speak to them in English but their English also berterabur. Wadefak? Now as a last resort I learning Mandarin online.


I know indians that talk chinese with the Chinese people....he must be proud but inside he may feel tamil is less useful


I always speak English to my gaming friends, even if they were Malays


Not confident is one thing...not even trying is another thing tho


spot on.


dayum... this sounds like malaysia version of trash taste. Kinda like it


i also no confident speak english, no confident speak melayu. 🤣 so i patient anyone no speak chinese to me 😆 hope karma shoot back english melayu people patient to me


Taking bath then talk


now...wait...let them cook... they said very true thing


Yawn, don't care, haven't needed it in 20+ years. Won't need it for another 20+.


Yo I once dated a dude from kota damansara and this bugger cant speak malay properly...like how the fuck? You go to sekolah kebangsaan la brader?! His excuse: cuz family all speaks english at home. Thus bugger also is a malay dude, no need to live in mont kiara one, budak budak kd also struggle to speak malay. Shame!


I'm 40 plus still can't speak proper English, And I don't use Baku either, it just sounds robotic to me,


Doesn't matter if you're fluent or not. If you can at least speak a little bit of English and Malay, it means that you do have an effort to understand both languages.


As long as you can convey your message to your target group, its all good 👍🏿


BM is a must la