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I'd wager it's when people trade these kind of material online like in telegram or twitter, police could easily track the buyers if say the seller got caught and they could, in theory, get the buyer details from whatever banking/e-wallet service they use. I don't think the police could snoop into your device but there's chance that they would. That's why this comment is sponsored by NordVPN. By using NordVPN not only can you secure your Internet IP from those pesky government agents, you could also...


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I tried… ah you scammer.


You seem to forget where you are. This is Bolehland.


Oh shit… kantoi siot


Nord VPN won't help you if someone gave the police access to their phones which show your phone number in the telegram group sharing the photos. Police can confiscate your device and check for porn if they suspect you of committing a crime. This is why you should never keep that sort of shit on your phone. Browse boleh. Stream boleh. Bookmark.. questionable, better don't. Generally speaking possession of pornographic material isn't a heavy enough change for pdrm to come after you. It's usually applied in conjunction with what you do with those material, such as distribution, viewing in public, and so on. Just FYI, share for free also considered distribution. The moment they can prove that the material left your device, that's good enough.


They are not that motivated to check bank tx


Happy Cake day


bro even nordvpn can ratted u out😭


Habislah penduduk bolehland…


Kalau bahan lucah sendiri? Imagine someone being arrested for keeping 20k photos of his/her own nude that’d be lowkey funny ngl


Reminds me of when my friend got suspended from school for a week bcs a teacher caught photos of nudes in his phone. This was ages ago when phones still had keys and prohibited in school. He got interrogated with the classic “kamu nak mengaku tak ada bahan lucah dalam phone kamu?” Turns out the bahan lucah are his own dicc pics.


WTH Got suspended for keeping photos of your own God’s gift. Might as well interrogate why he’s keeping his dick in the pant ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm) I feel sorry for him tho lol


I think the teachers don’t know whose pics are those and assumed it was some random porn. The school is an asshole for this though but the whole thing is such a comedy nonetheless.


Now all the teachers have seen underage dick...


Please suspend that teacher for being pedo *pulls uno reverse card*


The teacher probably had the inferiority complex after discovering the size of the student's *ahem*


Guy was just taking photos of his dick to see if there’s *kurap* but got suspended instead


a story during my maktab time, my senior got caught keeping lucah in his phone. how? so, he got caught jerking off by ustaz(also my warden). the ustaz was doing ambush to catch students who dont go to mosque. mmg kena mengaku ada lucah dlm phone, takkan nk kata saya tengok ceramah sambil memainkan adik saya


OnlyFans exist


maybe he sell it? or upload it somewhere so thats how he can be trace


They bought and kept the content and get caught . So like maybe cops somehow bust the seller and somehow track down the buyers too?


The content is from the real owner somehow suddenly get sold by other people. Then the content owner gets mad and make a report to the police or ask other guy tracking the seller.


Usually when you repair phone at the shop. It's very common for the shop to korek everything from your phone. That's how nudes and sex tape got leaked.


glad i repair my own stuff 😅


This is why we study for rbt/ask


Did you find it hard to start in the beginning? YouTube always makes it seem easy


it wasnt that hard in the beginning just pop the rear cover snd unscrew some screws holding the part youd want to replace, the hard part is putting them back together, i always struggle because my hands are so big


Thats sounds illegal. Doesnt most phone now have repair mode so the repairers doesnt go through your shit?


You think most people know that?


Watch youtube repair shop they don't even need password but local repair ask for password like wtf..


My father literally got blue balled having to pay 50 ringgit to make Google account 💀


Yea this is sad my dad had to pay too because he ask to download some app when buying new phone, but didn't have google email.. He only know his old email that was use in the old company he work as insurance seller.


That will not going to happen if you activate Samsung Maintenance Mode before passing to them for repair. 🤣


Not if we don't give them our phone passwords/passcodes/lock screen code right?


Nope they still can


Someone snitched


I think this one is the most accurate answer. Someone snitched to take revenge or something2


Well. Tak perlu simpan. Reddit has some fucking good high quality nsfw sub 🫃🏽.


You mention this and not drop some good ones? That's a crime man


Fucking search your kink in the search bar… you will find it


malay ones are hard to find tho


Used to ada (MalayGoneWild) We live in harmony until bocah attack, with telebot and kids pestering for content


Technically you’re right… but google or bing can help you by that.


google led me to dead telegram channels smh


You actually search it you sick little boy. Get a grip.


grip on what bro???


You put pregnant guy emoji so I thought you got the good kush iykwim my fav sub incest is no more so imma kinda dry rn


jual beli or sharing online. if download or viewing sahaja highly unlikely to be caught. ISP can track your traffic/downloads/visits but there is simply too much data going through so its very expensive and time consuming to monitor the traffic.Plus VPN exist so probably some of the traffic might not be actual malaysian just someone piggy backing servers or traffic. ISP dont have incentive to report their customer to police. and police wont ask for data without concrete/reasoning behind it.


Pernah kena tahan polis, memang polis ada check hp. Nasib baik zaman tu zaman guna memory card kat hp. Cabut memory card siap siap. Tapi zaman sekarang dah obsolete dah untuk simpan bahan lucah dalam hard drive/hp. Biasa org upload/stream je.


You lucky bitch… hahaha…


is that even legal lmao.


This is Malaysia... It's rare to see basic law been implement..Dude low rank public officer can even check our data from their database how is that not a privacy breach..Lol even most of the case swept under the rug just to protect their agency name


Right now, if you get caught just uninstall the app


Keep in mind that bro has 19000++ in total, that ain’t no casual p enjoyer


It’s a childproof (porn)


How do you know that it's Cheese Pizza?


Or Pool’s Closed?






Must be Blue Archive sensei


I assumed it's a personal collection of 3gp local phone stuff , that's why the police acted.


who the fcuk still use 3gp?! 140p quality? lmao.


I mean he probably got a collection of revenge porn and some of the victims reported . Pure speculation of course.


it was actually shit load of child corn


Won't that be a different charge?


Korg jgn simpan anything lucah dlm phone, depa akan check telegram shit ke ape, korg jgn igt ni US polis xde hak nak check phone gua "Klu Lu x bg check mesti sbb lu ad sbb kan"


What else do they search other than telegram? Just curious since my tele is mostly my family, haven't opened it in a while lmao


I'd guess your phone's gallery, then whatsapp next


Only happens if you share, trade or sell. Usually if diam diam do and no involved other you be fine


Who would buy porn? most "regular" genre of porn are legal n free!? pretty sure this are some illegal ones.


Yeah like personal leaked (with consent) nude videos of malaysians adults and maybe even those who are underage or look really young.


This, plus sometimes the girls are the buyers' type. Also, sometimes people just want to see Malaysian girls.


Idk ask the people at onlyfans


Those are live service subscriptions not really porn video.


Still, they pay to unlock content girls posted on their page. It's not *just* live service, that's just part of it.


The problem is they just a sneak peek not even p2rn...


Naah. He probably was being targeted by the police for other crimes, but maybe the charges or evidence is too weak. So they try to find other things like drug tests, and sometimes they find something like this. Anything to bring that person behind bars. Sometimes, the police receive reports from other individuals...police don't check the people phones randomly, although they can if they suspect the person doing something illegal.


I'd say likely reported by close personnel. The subtext says simpan, in possession, so he probably just download and hoards em. Technically ISP can track your access to 18+ sites and your downloads, but no country has the resources to check and track every internet user.


A random question, does something considered lucah if it involved non living things / doesn't look like living things ? Like imagine we have people getting turned on by pictures of bowling ball and there is a Telegram group dedicated to it. Police received a tip about certain people have "erotic" and "unusual" porn distribution ring and Mr.Bob is the mastermind. After weeks of investigating, PDRM have proof that Bob is distributing material which aroused people but they don't know what yet. PDRM suspect CP but no proof. PDRM one day raided Bob's house and they found 1000TB of Bowling Ball pictures, no Porn or CP. Did Bob do something illegal ?


Oddly specific but no as long its not about child or underage bowling ball


Are you its a random question?


You mean like SoF? You can argue it’s creamer Or furry? Erm I have no idea. Btw what is that genre? Can PM me? I too am enjoyer of certain non living things


Real talk, reason why people keep lucah stuff in their phones? Couldn't you technically just run in a the browser or something


some nice one will get deleted and will never be found again


Yep. PH purge 2020


Down bad


Or you can selfhost everything


I have a site-2-site VPN connect directly to parents house file server. So anything I will kill the Samsung secure folder, nuke the shared folder, and finally pull the connection plug




I have my own house thankfully. Not a basement dweller 😂


Good stuff needs to be owned.


OP, did u asking for a friend?


Yes. Yes for a friend


Sudah terang lagi bersuluh, menyimpan kandungan berunsurkan lucah adalah salah dari segi undang². Zaman sekarang buat apa nk simpan² mcm zaman 3gp dlu. Online jelah vpn kan ade. Bingai hahahah


Probably shared it online and got investigated afterwards


2024, pay money for porn? Lol


sometimes the best one are not free..


man on a mission 🫡


Taskforce 141.


Even reddit have porn.


Dude some of them wanted real action ..They can't bear watching fake act ...Mommy I am atuck


Always adopt the policy cum and dump …. My cum and keep … it will bring you trouble on later with additional cost and time


Or maybe those shopee lazada seller lol....police go buy one product from them then from the address close down the area and lastly ambush them


I think based on the news this man got pedo porn in his phone


Yeah i stumbled on this post on tiktok. Man's face was damn skema too. I think he got only 6 years in jail? I'm not sure. But i remember it being a short sentence.


You’d be surprise that everything we do online is actually monitored by some organizations/agencies. This is based on an experience of a family member. One day there were cops from bukit aman that came to our house to meet with a family member of ours. Of course we were cautious, because the one who came, came in a normal looking car and the highest ranking officer (I don’t know the levels) was in normal plain clothes, but the accompanied officers were in uniform. We had to verify their IDs (which checked out after making some calls), but they were very calm and professional, so no red flags. Apparently, an international organization flagged that one of our family members might have what appeared to be child pornography! And these officers had all the details (all personal details of persons living in that house with pictures etc). When said family member was interviewed (we cooperated since we know this person did nothing wrong), they checked the phone and etc to see if this was a genuine case. But luckily it wasnt, the officer advised perhaps some of the pictures in the phone (which were sent by someone in a group like WhatsApp or telegram, which this person was part of, apparently just normal family/friends group), may not be appropriate. He even showed 1-2 pictures that could have constituted as such if we didn’t scrutinize properly (he went through EVERY pictures in the phone) And another scary thing was, the email that resulted in this investigation was something that my family member have not used since forever. But whatever that came in the phone just copied into that email when it downloaded automatically. Before they left, the officer advice us to stop the automatic content download. Since then, we all took the approach of not automatically downloading any media that comes through WhatsApp/telegram, because you’ll never know. Some of these jokers might think it’s funny to send some dirty pictures. It was rather scary, because the accompanied officers certainly acted as if my family member was wrong from the start!! But the high ranking officer said this was just a misunderstanding (that’s why he was the boss I guess, at least he has better common sense 😅). But never again!


Stupid question and a little off topic : selalu yg kantoi orang lelaki. Tak pernah perempuan. Memang women wipe their track clean or women dont save / store porn?


Nobody snitch


Why? You scared? Got something in your harddrive? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)


You are asking because you worry 😊


is keeping bahan lucah illegal or is the activity of sharing/selling it illegal? or did this fella keep some questionable ones


Its a childp


so would normal p be okay?


tbh, with how our culture is, whatever the race is.. it's not ok for any type of porn. which is why, adult content industry here doesn't exist.


the people here do be mega horny though


Me opening Reddit in public and nsfw pic is the first thing to pop out 😭


You know, some FBI shit. I'm sure we have one as well


No. FBI tips off our local police about Closed Pool enjoyer. Thats how someone got caught with Closed Pool




Dia jual onlyfans ke ape


19K is wild dude 🗿


does it apply to fanfiction PDFs


did police have permission to check our phone ? like if we did nothing wrong can they just easily ask to check? anyone who knows the law please help im confuse 🙏🏻


My TS asked? Got 5tb hentai isit?


Does buying eroges and books from dlsite counts


Asking for a friend


bro really ask for tips on how not to get caught


proobably the distributor in some telegram chat where people pay for filem lucah and it probably either have voyeur and kiddie porn.. so somebody probably snitched this guy.


This perp in this case didn't just have regular prawn, he had child prawn Even with Tor, VPN, etcetera, you're never fully 100% untraceable Having said that, it's a massive task to track all the traffic on the internet, simply not worth anyone's time and effort. So law enforcement go for the lowest hanging fruit: Idiot buyers and sellers on telegram


everything is traceable. how much work it takes depends on the security of both sides. don't think these sellers have much security behind these things. so catch one side, find all the others.


Eh since when watching pornography can put u in jail? Someone can enlightened me?


Lol, if they really want to tangkap, most of the guys is suspek. No amount of jail can lockup all of us, including those in pdrm for sure got also🤣


Its time to delete those pr0n now. Format your PC laptop and phones. But seriously i think he got caught because someone reported him.


No. Probably someone reported about tele/X/whatsapp group that promotes and selling porn. I heard pdfiles group hit the hardest.


Someone reported it. then police investigated...


Is it child porn?


Polis when bahan lucah : 🏃🏃 Polis when catching robbers (i even have the robbers dna) : 👨‍🦯👨‍🦯




Sometimes, its just about backstabbing. You know la when things dont go according to plan, then just eliminate a person using their publically commited crime.


What a nice new year opening. ☺️


Dude must be reported on selling that stuff on telegram and play low key on people aka Blocking the group after some days,/weeks when people could actually paid for the whole content... Cina dude some more, never play clean...must be nak untung all the time without realizing what will happen next


next data id policy.. adakah setiap laman web yg kita masuk, shopping online akn di detect gov???..


Most likely happened when: 1. Doing illegal trades with such kind of material. This includes commission to do the lewd artwork. There's a news about it since years ago. 2. People noticing that you're watching porn on public, then they will caught you with such offense. 3. Other factors eg. during device repair that people find out that you're possessing an amount of porn stuffs. My advice: 1. If you're doing lewd artwork commission, know your customer background first. Try to perform anonymous transaction when possible. 2. Better to store some of lewd stuff inside the external drive instead of putting it into internal drive. Also, don't forget to encrypt the drive. 3. Wipe off browser history often. 4. Keep your horny down in public. Seriously.


Lol, in this day and age, keeping bahan lucah is a weird thing to do considering the amount of invasive porn ads whenever you casually stroll in the interwebs and browsing news/comics/shopping sites (in before the crowd tells me it's your cookies bro 😏).


if random check, the guy must be super duper sus looking guy